newtisga'q jel si'st , thirteen
tapuisga'q jel si'st , twenty three
nesisga'q , thirty
si'stewa'j , third animate
si'stewei , third inanimate
ne'sisijig , three animates
ne'sisgl , three inanimates
nesa'igl , three dollars
nesipuna't , three years old
nesipunqeg , three years
nesuguna'q , three days
nesitpa'q , three nights
nesugunit , the third (date) for a month
nesunemigsijig , three kinds of animates
nesunemi'gl , three kinds of inanimates
nesunamugsijig , three colors of animates
nesunamu'gl , three colors of inanimates
nesigatat , three footed
nesigata't , walking three footed
nesanqasijig , three animate sheet-like
nesanqegl , three inanimate sheet-like
nesapsg'sijig , three animate globe-like
nesapsgegl , three inanimate globe-like
nesoqsijig , three animate cylinder-like
nesa'ql , three inanimate cylinder-like
nes'tqasijig , three animate sting-like
nes'tqegl , three inanimate string-like