Entries for category laugh
- apjelmit : unable to stop laughing🔉
- etlenmit : laugh🔉
- gimelmit : laugh to oneself / laugh secretly🔉
- gimelmugtasit : laugh at oneself in a secret manner🔉
- paqsipgelmit : burst out laughing / laugh hard🔉
- pemelmit : pass by laughing🔉
- poqjiws'ggewe'g : start to laugh🔉
- punelmit : stop laughing🔉
- pusgelmit : laugh a lot / laugh repeatedly / laughs often🔉
- pusgenmit : laugh a lot / laugh repeatedly / laughs often🔉
- wejgwenmit : come laughing🔉
- wesgewe'g : laugh🔉
- wesgewigwetutg : grin🔉
- wesgowigwa'sit : smile🔉
- wi'guamatl : find amusing / laugh at🔉
- wi'guapt'g : find amusing / lauqh at🔉