Mi'gmaq/Mi'kmaq Online Talking Dictionary
Pjilasi & Welcome to Mi’gmaq-Mikmaq Online & current undertaking, the Pacifique Dictionary Manuscripts project

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The Talking Dictionary
The talking dictionary (Nnuigtug Ugsituna’tas’g Glusuaqanei) is a resource for the Mi'gmaq/Mi’kmaq language. Each headword is recorded by a minimum of three speakers. Multiple speakers allow one to hear differences and variations in how a word is pronounced. Each recorded word is used in an accompanying phrase. This permits learners the opportunity to develop the important skill of distinguishing individual words when they are spoken in a phrase.
Thus far we have posted 6884 headwords, a majority of these entries include two to three additional forms.
The project was initiated in Listuguj, therefore all entries have Listuguj speakers and Listuguj spellings. In collaboration with Unama'ki, the site now includes a number of recordings from Unama'ki speakers. More will be added as they become available. Listuguj is in the Gespe'g territory of the Mi'gmaw, located on the southwest shore of the Gaspè peninsula. Unama'ki is a Mi’gmaw territory; in English it is known as Cape Breton.
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Pacifique Dictionary Manuscripts project

The Pacifique Dictionary Manuscripts project is the current source of words for the Mi’gmaq Online Talking Dictionary (MMO).
These words from our ancestors are from a time when the language was robust and part of everyday life in all Mi’gmaw/Mi’kmaw communities.
Père Pacifique de Valigny, a parish priest in Listuguj, handwrote a Mi'gmaq - French dictionary in the first half of the 1900s.
The words, handwritten in Pacifique’s orthography with French translations, are:
- transcribed
- abbreviations are expanded (unless not legible)
- references available online are displayed in the Document References section of corresponding headwords
- transliterated to contemporary Listuguj orthography
- translated to English
- researched
- historic written materials are consulted to find related entries. These related entries are particularly useful as a context for words that have gone out of use
- the list of reference books consulted and shared are listed in the Reference Books tab
- in instances when there is no online access to a referenced work, it is cited (if legible) in the text of the Pacifique page entry
- reviewed and discussed with speakers
- all material is reviewed with local Listuguj speakers; from there a collective decision is made on whether to record the word and add it to the online talking dictionary.
- words not selected to be recorded remain accessible in the Pacifique Dictionary Manuscript pages data
Terms that have gone out of use are a rich part of the information provided by these manuscripts.
Naturally, the manuscripts also contain well known, still-used words that have not yet been added to the dictionary, as they are found, they are added.
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Ta'n te'sijig mimajuinu'g apoqonmugsieg ula ntlugowaqannen wesgo'tmeg we'gwiwela'lieg aq we'gwimi'watmuleg.
We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the support of all the people who have helped us with our work.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of:
- Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government https://www.listuguj.ca/
- Government of Canada https://www.canada.ca/
- Listuguj Education, Training & Employment (LED & LMDC) https://www.lete.listuguj.ca/
- First Nation's Educations Council (AFN, ALI) https://www.cepn-fnec.ca/en
- The Canada Council http://www.canadacouncil.ca
- Atlantic Canada's First Nation Help Desk http://firstnationhelp.com/
We gratefully acknowledge material support from:
- Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, https://www.banq.qc.ca/
- University of Prince Edward Island, Robertson Library, https://islandlives.ca/
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license
You are free to share copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format including remixing, transforming, and building upon the material, for any non-commercial purpose as long as you give appropriate credit.
- guntewi'ganmit : has a stone house / has a rock house🔉
- elsegni'ganigan : stone house / rock house🔉
- piliganelsegnigana'q : live in new stone house🔉
- tetmns'ganmit : own four-square house / have four-square house🔉
- piglewei : made of glass🔉
- amiuligana'q : live in a good house / live in a tolerable house🔉
- tetmns'gani'gan : four square-house🔉
- sasapegwit : seabird with wings too short to fly / penguin🔉
- saqapja'sit : closes hand🔉
- jipugje's : mask🔉
- mutpun : animal bed🔉
- nipaqteget : sails at night🔉
- pepg'ja'toq : flatten / thin out🔉
- unpan : moose bed🔉
- gesigawamgwitg : fast current🔉
- egtapluit : hunts🔉
- wejguigaqawapuguet : come scolding / come reprimanding🔉
- mnmgwet : bird hunts prey🔉
- jiptuege'l : from time to time🔉
- sa'se'wamugwa'sit : changes appearance / transforms🔉
- pemijuig : flowing along🔉
- weligana'q : lives in a good house🔉
- nenaq'ta'sit : thinks quickly / brain racing / anxious🔉
- pepgwet : male partridge🔉
- tmoqte’gn : cut log🔉
- matamgejuig : confluence of waterways🔉
- sepawe’nmat : lights up the morning fire🔉
- guntewiet : turns into stone / becomes petrified🔉
- mi'waltijig : thank each other 🔉
- nenaqte'maqan : fast song / fast chant🔉
- pepgwijeta'q : sounds like a drum🔉
- nipisoqon : stick / rod / cane🔉
- mpisune'gati : area of medicinal plants🔉
- guntewi'gana'q : lives in a stone house / lives in a rock house🔉
- gasgawgtig : at roadside🔉
- netumsgwet : hunts beaver / traps beaver🔉
- mpitnei : muff (hand warmer)🔉
- pejila'sit : come up🔉
- ni'pa'pit : sits at wake overnight / sits overnight at vigil🔉
- nipiagnutmat : narrates by night / tells by night / recounts by night🔉
- jipaqa'toq : scares it / frightens it🔉
- nnui'gan : Indigenous house🔉
- taliganig : what sort of build / how many floors🔉
- poqtapluit : sets out to hunt🔉
- elsegni'ganmit : has a stone house / has a brick house🔉
- saptaqt'g : wind goes through it / cold goes through it / freezes through🔉
- mpo'qonmit : has a bed🔉
- teminetesg : it cracks🔉
- nasgwa’gittaqan : saw used to cut logs lengthwise / lengthwise cutting saw🔉
- taligana'q : What sort of house does he/she occupy?🔉
- saps'g : cuts through it🔉
- ugpigaqan : a rib (of a body)🔉
- elsegnigani'gat : builds self a stone house.🔉
- saptaqsing : cold wind passing through fabric / cold wind passing through clothing🔉
- nipetesmat : cooks overnight / overnight cooking🔉
- mimgusgawi'guom : round house🔉
- nipinigatne'get : night racing / night races🔉
- masgwi'ganmit : has birch covered house. / owns birch covered house🔉
- nipigina'masit : studies at night🔉
- ge'seget : throws it in the fire🔉
- gasgipsitn : edge of channel🔉
- pugtewa’taqan : fire making tools (matches, flint and steel) / lighter🔉
- temte'get : cut by hitting / cut by hitting with knife / cut wood🔉
- ne'naqpega'toq : lightens it (ship) / reduce the load / reduce the weight🔉
- gomqwatamu : sturgeon🔉
- gastio’mio’q : molasses container / syrup container🔉
- nenatuat : feels around in the mud for eels / spears eels in the mud🔉
- nipepit : hunts at night🔉
- jipigja'toq : pierces🔉
- gunteweiei : of stone🔉
- gasgawgti : roadside🔉
- anguoweie'get : hunts for fur🔉
- giwgto’quamgwitg : flows in a circular motion / flows around something🔉
- jipulatl : startles🔉
- masgwi'gana'q : lives in a birch covered house🔉
- elmitg : flow away🔉
- sasqapa'sit : grills / cooks food on a grill over charcoals / cooks food over embers🔉
- winpegijuig : rough current / bad current / dangerous current🔉
- nipisugwit : canoes by night / paddles small boat at night🔉
- usgijega’tuaten : will be covered in death shroud🔉
- sitapa'sit : move away from a table / move away from a desk🔉
- ge’sa’toq : throws it into the fire🔉
- jipaluwejitu'et : leaving in fear🔉
- nipepestung : preach by night🔉
- pepgugsit : light sleeper / easily woken up / easy to wake up🔉
- wejgwinisaqa'sit : comes down descending ground 🔉
- apsi'guom : small house🔉
- jipsit : startled🔉
- sapte'get : pierce with a spear / pierce with punch / pierce with an awl🔉
- npisune'get : gathers medicines/remedies / provides medicines/remedies🔉
- teliganig : built in that manner🔉
- pugtewigtug : at the fire / in the fire🔉
- mimgusgawo'guomgeg : place of round houses🔉
- nipapultimg : wake of the dead / vigil for the dead/deceased🔉
- qomuti : harbour / haven🔉
- jiptugewet : doubtful🔉
- ugpitnit : has hands🔉
- tmigalaw : rib of ship🔉
- papgitg : flows downstream 🔉
- pisgwisga'sit : reaches in🔉
- nipetesg'g : journey by night to destination / travel by night to destination🔉
- jipaluejituiet : become hysterical🔉
- gasgipnaqtug : on the shore🔉
- espiganig : house is high / house is multi-storied / house is tall🔉
- pepga'q'g : thin iron / thin axe / thin knife🔉
- nenaqawlet : carries a light burden / carries a light load.🔉
- tmlet : glass tumbler🔉
- usgitug : at the top (surface) / on the surface🔉
- saqtat : strikes a flint to start a fire / light a lighter to start a fire🔉
- jipagjiewei : residue of tobacco (from bottom of pipe) 🔉
- guntewgse'gnign : stone wall🔉
- newgtiganig : one-story house🔉
- gepmimi'walatl : humbly with respect thank / humbly with respect is grateful to🔉
- netua'gwet : Hunts porcupine seal🔉
- weliguomgnmit : Has a good house.🔉
- gisnu'gwa'q : has burned / is combustible🔉
- nipisoqonta'tl : hits/strikes with a stick / hits/strikes with a cane / hits/strikes with a rod🔉
- jipigja'latl : pierces him/her🔉
- nipetesmuatl : cooks (rice, etc.) overnight for him/her/it🔉
- nipaqtegewatl : sails at night for 🔉
- tetmnsegani'gana'q : live in a square house🔉
- sisipewe'get : Hunts birds.🔉
- nenatua'teget : feels around (palpates)🔉
- usgunamu'g : color of liver (purple/brown)🔉
- nepasma'sit : goes to lay down to sleep🔉
- ge'sa'latl : throws him/her/it into the fire🔉
- ela'qate'get : forges into certain shape / hammers into certain shape🔉
- pepg'pa'q : shallow (vessel) / shallow draft (canoe, boat)🔉
- nipeloqte'gnei : tool used to set traps at night / something used to set night traps🔉
- wejgwialm'get'g : Comes swearing / Comes cussing.🔉
- espi'gan : A tall house / A high house / Multi-storied house.🔉
- wejgwimaqamigewa'sit : Coming by land. / Coming over land.🔉
- nipenat : prowl around at night / roam around at night / lurk around at night🔉
- wejgwiso'qwiet : Comes up from the shore. / Comes up the Hill. / Comes up the Mountain.🔉
- amalo'qomanaqsi : fruit tree🔉
- ginate’nmat : has a good fire / has a beautiful fire / has a bright fire🔉
- pigaqan : Rib of a canoe and ship. / Rib of a basket.🔉
- wesgite’n’g : put embers on top / put fire on top🔉
- espese'g : high cliff edge / sharp upward incline🔉
- apsi'ganmit : have small house🔉
- nipintoq : sings at night🔉
- teli'gana'q : Lives in that kind of house.🔉
- guntewgte'get : throw stones / stone someone🔉
- guntewi'gat : build self a stone house🔉
- guntewapsgitg : rocky shore🔉
- qasqamgeg : Cascumpeg, Prince Edward Island / steep sandbank🔉
- nipiapetesmat : cooks overnight for self🔉
- wejgwimusga'sit : come into sight / come into view🔉
- jiptuo'wet : is doubtful🔉
- taligano'guomga'q : What sort of house does he/she have?🔉
- welpegitg : nice current🔉
- wejitg : flows from 🔉
- pugte’nmat : has fire on the go🔉
- jipalgun : scary🔉
- guntewapsgiaq : rocky area / rocky landscape🔉
- ne'naqa'toq : make burden light / make load light🔉
- elitg : Flowing in that direction.🔉
- pesigitg : fork in a river🔉
- wantaqpegitg : Calm flowing river. / Calm flowing water.🔉
- sasoqoman : bunchberry🔉
- wenju'tesing : Dances like a French person.🔉
- jipalsuti : fear🔉
- sa'sewgpa'sit : change places (seats)🔉
- anguoweie'gaqan : fur pelt🔉
- nutugwet : digs out of its den🔉
- guntewig : area of stone/rock🔉
- epiga'latl : put on top of🔉
- sasqa'gwit : Flat bottom pot / Flat bottom cauldron🔉
- sa'se'wa'tasit : is changed🔉
- wisqome'set : pursues a moose🔉
- nenatua'latl : feels around for🔉
- wejgwisugwit : come paddling or rowing / come by water🔉
- npisune'gaqtmat : Gathers/provides remedies for him/her self🔉
- temilqunta'tl : breaks its wings 🔉
- Nisgamewi'gan : House of God🔉
- nipimatnagget : fight at night🔉
- wejgwaqo'qwet : comes adrifting (floating in water) 🔉
- usgijigwegewei : cement🔉
- weligano'guomga'q : live in a good house🔉
- teligano'guomga'q : have that kind of house🔉
- usgagelsuti : greeting🔉
- wejitu'wet : exit out of / exit from / exit through / goes outdoors from / go out because / reason he/she leaves🔉
- giwset : come upon moose in their yard / come upon caribou in their yard🔉
- mawgsaqa’toq : kindle a fire🔉
- na'ntemigjematl : check him/her/it for fleas🔉
- aweligj : hazel wood / witch hazel🔉
- qasqisipug : on the shore🔉
- qaspem : lake edge / border of a lake🔉
- piliganig : new homes built there / new houses there🔉
- nenaqewistoq : speaking rapidly🔉
- guntewe'gati : rocky land / rock quarry🔉
- mengitm'g : subtraction🔉
- elsegni'gana'q : live in a stone house / live in a brick house🔉
- petateja'sit : arrive walking with a strut🔉
- wejgwenmit : come laughing🔉
- nenaqte'g : beats a drum quickly / sings a song quickly / plays a tune quickly🔉
- qaspemg : lake edge🔉
- gegwitg : flows slowly🔉
- ugsugun : tailbone (his/hers/its)🔉
- tetmnsegani'gat : builds a four square house🔉
- nipiwisugwet : cooks at night (for others)🔉
- nenaqal'ga'sit : walk at a rapid pace🔉
- metpit : not wear outerwear🔉
- tatujitg : how fast is the current? 🔉
- mawgsaqate’g : rekindlesthe fire / stir the fire🔉
- sasqi'gan : wooden dwelling/house/cabin made of boards🔉
- nipete'get : minces/grinds/chops by night🔉
- ewle'jigana'q : live in a poor house🔉
- newgt'pilja's'g : width/breath of the hand🔉
- tema'gitteget : saw🔉
- apsi'guoma'q : live in small house🔉
- gesgusgwet : hunt bear🔉
- alipe'sgmg : shoot randomly🔉
- teliguomgnmit : have that kind of house🔉
- nipeteluatl : shot at him/her/it (beaver) at night🔉
- nipeloqte'gniget : set traps at night🔉
- epnemugwet : drink with (saucer, ladle)🔉
- jipaqatesing : startled / terrified / scared🔉
- naqasueg : fire is extinguished / fire has gone out🔉
- niplugwet : work at night / work night shift🔉
- nipuslat : hunt porcupines at night / hunt foxes at night🔉
- jipaqa'sit : get scared🔉
- nipa'sit : travel at night / take an overnight trip🔉
- piliganlsegni'ganigan : new stone house🔉
- pawitg : slow current / slow flowing river🔉
- tetmnsegano'guom : square house🔉
- qasgisipug : edge of river / edge of water🔉
- saptesguatl : push him/her go through something / help him/her go through something🔉
- pi'tawitg : water flows upstream / current flows upstream🔉
- netuagwe'set : hunts porcupine🔉
- jiptugwet : is doubtful🔉
- amalo'qomanimusi : fruit bush🔉
- sasqapsgeg : plateau / table rock🔉
- mp's : fish fin🔉
- espi'guomgeg : place of high houses / place of tall houses🔉
- etlijuig : flowing🔉
- gopitewegn : beaver pelt / beaver fur🔉
- apsi'gan : small house🔉
- unpim : drink / beverage / medical drink (cough syrup)🔉
- gasgutqo'toq : unravel it / untangle it / separate it🔉
- welo'gwet : hunt at night / hunt after dark🔉
- saptesg'g : gone through something difficult / forged a path / has gone through a difficult situation🔉
- tali'guomgnmit : what sort of house does he/she have🔉
- pepguijete'get : beat the drum / beat the instrument / beat the object or surface🔉
- nqanigan : old house🔉
- sasmuqwatign : aquatic plant / sweet flag plant🔉
- U'sa'gna'gi : land of the Saguenay🔉
- gli'gn : flagpole / large post / prop / snack / hold-over until... / temporary support🔉
- nipetluat : monitors for (beaver, moose, other animals) at night / watches for (beaver, moose, other animals) at night / scouts for (beaver, moose, other animals) at night🔉
- usgitan : envelope🔉
- nu’gwa’luejg : fireworks / cattails🔉
- pepg'ja'latl : flattens him/her/it / thins him/her/it down🔉
- getuipiliganelsegni'gani'gat : wants to build a new stone house🔉
- weliganig : well built house / good house🔉
- jipajita'sit : fearful thoughts / paranoid🔉
- pugtewgsit : it is red hot (stove) / it is over heating🔉
- nenatua'toq : feel around for it / palpate🔉
- gegiasqatug : on the edge of anything / edge of the woods🔉
- guntewgta'tl : stone him/her/it🔉
- nipigtapegiet : sing at night / night singer🔉
- nipatalg : eat at night🔉
- amalo'qoman : fruit🔉
- guntewi'gan : rock house / stone house🔉
- guntewaqamitg : rocky region / quarry / rocky land🔉
- maqi'gan : large house🔉
- wejijuig : flow from🔉
- agase'wa'latl : hire🔉
- agase'wa'toq : hire / to pay for the use of / lease🔉
- agase'wit : enlist / sign up / trade (Cape Breton) / hire (New Brunswick)🔉
- agnimatl : talk about / report on🔉
- agnimuet : inform against / proclaim🔉
- agnutg : talk about / relate what happens / confess🔉
- agnutmajig : talk to each other / discuss / negotiate🔉
- agnutmuatl : tell to / report🔉
- agumegw : herring🔉
- a'gwesn : hat🔉
- aij : lost for right word / pausing to think🔉
- aitetapu : as it happens / just so happens / happenstance🔉
- aja'sit : move over / make room / progress🔉
- a'jela's'g : hinderance / in the way🔉
- a'jela'sit : be a hinderance / hinderance / in the way🔉
- a'jelising : lie in way🔉
- a'jelpit : sit in way🔉
- a'jelpuguig : stands in way🔉
- a'jelpuguit : stand in way / hinderance🔉
- a'jelteg : in the way / hinderance / in an odd place🔉
- ajiglu'lg : better than🔉
- ajiglu'sit : better than🔉
- a'jijgopilaqan : bandage🔉
- a'jijgopilatl : bandage🔉
- a'jijgopilg : bandage🔉
- ajioqjemin : blackberry🔉
- ajioqjeminaqsi : blackberry bush🔉
- ajipjulatl : encourage🔉
- ajipjutoq : encourage (lifestyle) / encourage (virtue) / encourage (behaviour)🔉
- ajipugwennaji : have much more than🔉
- ajipugwenn'g : have much more than🔉
- ajipuna't : birthday🔉
- ajiwinjig : worse🔉
- ajiwinjit : worse🔉
- ajoqlue'j : perch🔉
- ala : that / there🔉
- ala'latl : go around with / go out with🔉
- ala'lugweg : float around / float about / dance about🔉
- ala'lugwet : float around / float about / dance about🔉
- alamatl : look around for🔉
- alame's : mass🔉
- alame'sguimgewei : mass book🔉
- alame'sig : mass is in process🔉
- alame'siget : say mass / celebrate mass🔉
- alame'sigewatl : say mass for ...🔉
- alamg'pit : scattered about🔉
- alamg'teg : scattered about🔉
- alamugsit : search for / look for🔉
- alamut : look for / search for🔉
- alangualatl : peddle about / sell🔉
- alanguat : shopping🔉
- alangue'get : do commerce / buy / sell🔉
- alanguetoq : peddle about / sell🔉
- alangu'sit : peddle / sell🔉
- alapa'sit : looks around / looks here and there / looks about🔉
- alapega'sit : dash all about hurriedly / dart all about hurriedly🔉
- alapegiaq : swings freely / swings easily🔉
- alapegit : crawl about / crawl around / crawl on all fours🔉
- alapiet : looks around / looks here and there / looks about🔉
- alapilaqan : knapsack / carrier🔉
- alapilawemgewei : stretcher / briefcase🔉
- alapimg : time spent looking about / time spent looking around🔉
- alapit : look about / look around🔉
- alapjit : have in hand🔉
- alapteget : look about / look around🔉
- alapt'g : look around for🔉
- ala'q : swim about🔉
- alaqami'g : snowshoe🔉
- alaqsutoq : fly something around🔉
- alaqteg : spread out (sail)🔉
- alaqte'g : spread out (sail)🔉
- alaqteget : sail about🔉
- alaqtegewinu : mariner / sailor🔉
- alasenmat : walk around with light / use a light🔉
- ala's'g : go about / spread around (as sickness)🔉
- ala'sit : go about🔉
- alasugwet : wade about🔉
- ala'suinu : traveler🔉
- alasumteget : walk through snow / wade through snow🔉
- ala'tasij : have for self / have one's own / carry something for oneself🔉
- alateja'sit : scurry about / bustle about / walk about🔉
- ala'toq : have it with you / carry with you🔉
- ala'tuatl : have possession for / carry something on anothers behalf🔉
- alawei : pea🔉
- alawe'ji'j : pill / tablet🔉
- alawlalatl : carry on back / carry around🔉
- alawlatg : carry on back / carry around🔉
- alawlet : carry on back / carry around🔉
- ala'_tett : way over there🔉
- ale'g : hanging around / hanging out🔉
- algimsgwet : tiptoe about / walk softly / sneak about🔉
- algltaqanatl : walk about on leash / go about holding hands🔉
- algopit : sit about🔉
- algusuet : climb about / climb🔉
- algwiluatl : looking about for🔉
- aligew : clothing / clothes / garments🔉
- aligjo'gwet : go about bent over / go about bent over with buttocks up / go about with buttocks stuck out🔉
- ali'puluet : ride horseback🔉
- alisgatg : feel around for🔉
- alisqopatl : have in mouth / chew🔉
- alisqotg : chew🔉
- alitg : flows about / flows in different directions🔉
- alja't : stagger / stumble about🔉
- alje'maqan : baseball🔉
- alje'maqanatgw : baseball bat🔉
- alje'mat : play ball🔉
- alje'muinu : baseball player🔉
- allugwet : work in different locations / work at odd jobs🔉
- Almamgug : Memramcook🔉
- alman : German🔉
- almana'giewa'j : German🔉
- alman'tiew : overseas person🔉
- alm'get'g : curse / blaspheme🔉
- almimatl : curse🔉
- almitg : curse🔉
- alm'stapueg : shriveled up🔉
- alm'stapuet : shriveled up from soaking in water🔉
- alnantunewet : feel way around (blindly)🔉
- alnatl : carry about by hand🔉
- aloqoman : grape🔉
- aloqomanaqsi : grape vine🔉
- alo'tasit : hint / insult / throw🔉
- alpatl : mouths / gums🔉
- alqatg : stay here and there🔉
- alqo'qweg : float about🔉
- alqo'qwet : float about🔉
- als'g : glide around / float about / fly about🔉
- alsing : glide about / float about / fly about🔉
- alsumatl : have control of / own🔉
- alsumgusit : be obedient / is directed about / obey🔉
- alsumugwat : flee / escape🔉
- alsusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee🔉
- alsutaqan : posession / personal property / owned thing🔉
- alsutg : own🔉
- alt : some🔉
- altawet : go about to beg / go about to collect donations🔉
- alt'g : have in mouth / to eat🔉
- altugwa't : make sound of footsteps🔉
- alua'latl : find unsatisfactory🔉
- aluamatl : find unsatisfactory in appearance / find unattractive🔉
- aluapt'g : find the appearance unsatisfactory / find unattractive🔉
- aluasa'sit : shadow / fade in and out of view / appear and disappear🔉
- alua'toq : find unsatisfactory🔉
- alug : cloud🔉
- aluggwalatl : follow around / accompany🔉
- aluggwatg : follow around / accompany🔉
- alugwiaq : become cloudy / cloud up🔉
- alu'latl : row about🔉
- a'lulatl : guide (by boat)🔉
- alu'saq : lean meat / lean tissue🔉
- alu'sat : skinny / lean🔉
- aluse'wit : carpenter / carpentry🔉
- aluso'l : measles🔉
- aluso'lewit : have measles🔉
- a'lutasit : guide (by boat) / fishing guide🔉
- amalamatl : looks weak / appears inadequate🔉
- amalapt'g : looks weak / appears inadequate🔉
- amalgat : dance🔉
- amalgewaqan : dance🔉
- amalignoqji'j : small speckled tortoise / Blandings Turtle / mud turtle🔉
- amaligsatl : carve / wittle🔉
- amaligsawet : carve / whittle🔉
- amaligs'g : carve / wittle🔉
- amalisgnuet : crochet / fancy knitting🔉
- amaljugwej : raccoon🔉
- amallugwalatl : decorate🔉
- amallugwatg : decorate🔉
- amallugweg : decorate🔉
- amallugwet : decorate🔉
- amalsawet : whittle / jig sawing🔉
- amaltaqa'latl : decorate🔉
- amaltaqa'taqan : decoration / design🔉
- amaltaqa'toq : decorate🔉
- amaltaqawi'gas'g : embroidered / mixed design🔉
- amaltaqi'satl : sew a design on / embroider🔉
- amaltaqi'sewet : embroider🔉
- amaltaqi's'g : embroider🔉
- amasapit : far·sighted🔉
- amaseg : far🔉
- amase'jijg : quite far / some distance🔉
- amasgate'lmatl : feel thoughtful of / feel considerate for / worry about🔉
- amasgate'tg : feel thoughtful of / feel considerate for🔉
- amasgipnnatl : weaken / torture / deprive🔉
- amaspit : close by but out of immediate reach / not close enough / far apart🔉
- amassit : silly / foolish🔉
- amassuat : act foolish🔉
- amasteg : close by but out of immediate reach / not close enough / far apart🔉
- amatpa't : have mental deficiency / retarded🔉
- amatpesmat : act foolishly🔉
- a'megenatl : rub with rubbing compound🔉
- a'megen'g : rub with rubbing compound / massage with rubbing compound🔉
- a'megensuti : massaging oil / rubbing compound🔉
- a'megenusit : rub on self🔉
- amgisitas'g : partly built / partly complete / incomplete🔉
- amgnte'g : glean / gather (leftover grain after harvest)🔉
- amgnte'get : glean / gather (leftover grain after harvest)🔉
- amgwes : first / first time / in the past🔉
- amgwesewa'j : first one / oldest one🔉
- amgwesewa'juit : first person / first one🔉
- amgwesewei : first one / first one🔉
- amgwes_elugutimg : Monday / first work day🔉
- amiet : silly / foolish / becoming mentally ill🔉
- amiglu'lg : sort of good / somewhat good🔉
- amiglu'sit : sort of good / so·so / somewhat precious🔉
- amig'pistaqanat : slightly deaf / somewhat hard of hearing🔉
- amilugwet : work a bit / work a little🔉
- amins'tue'g : somewhat rational / partly sane🔉
- amip'sit : slightly warm / somewhat warm🔉
- amip'teg : slightly warm / somewhat warm🔉
- amipulatl : rub🔉
- amipusit : rub it on / rub against🔉
- amiputoq : rub🔉
- amisisguapua'q : slightly muddy water / somewhat muddy liquid🔉
- amitge'g : bit cold / somewhat cold🔉
- amitgig : bit cold / somewhat cold🔉
- amitgit : bit cold / somewhat cold🔉
- amjaqa'latl : smeer🔉
- amjaqa'lsit : smeer something on self🔉
- amjaqamat : spread on / smear🔉
- amjaqamuatl : spreads something for him/her / smeers something for him/her🔉
- amjaqamu'g : colors smeared together / mix of colors🔉
- amjaqamugsit : colors smeared together / mix of colors🔉
- amjaqatl : spread on / smear on🔉
- amjaqq : spread on🔉
- amjaqto'sit : dab self with perfume / sprinkle self with powder🔉
- amjepit : tipsy🔉
- amjimoqpit : stuck🔉
- amjimoqteg : stuck🔉
- amjimoqtesg : caught and stuck🔉
- amjimoqtesing : caught and stuck🔉
- amjimoqwa'sit : stuck / unable to move🔉
- amjimoqwa'toq : cause to be stuck🔉
- amlmaw : mackerel🔉
- amnapegalatl : quarantine / put in quarantine🔉
- amnaqwa'teget : turn toes in🔉
- amnast'ga'taqan : bough/branch lining🔉
- amnast'ga'toq : line it(wigwam/dwelling) with boughs/branches🔉
- amqoqjaji'j : small toad🔉
- amqwan : spoon🔉
- amqwanji'j : spoon🔉
- amsala'latl : do something wrong to / do something incorrect to🔉
- amsalapuguet : say something wrong / say something incorrect🔉
- amsala's'g : go wrong🔉
- amsala'sit : do wrong / go wrong🔉
- amsale'g : troubled / difficult🔉
- amsalewo'gwet : say something incorrect / say something negative🔉
- amsaliaq : go wrong🔉
- amsaliet : troubled / start to go wrong🔉
- amsalimatl : insult / say something to irritate someone / mislead🔉
- amsaloqteg : unfortunately damaged by fire / sadly harmed by fire🔉
- amsalutg : speak against something🔉
- ams'tg : hear vaguely / hear portion🔉
- ams'tmat : hear about vaguely / hear about partly🔉
- ams'tuatl : only partly hear / half hear🔉
- amu : bee🔉
- amuesusi : beehive🔉
- amuj : yes (in contradicting negative statement) / necessarily so / must be🔉
- amujpa : must / have to / necessary🔉
- anagwe'j : flounder🔉
- anapig : lean toward🔉
- anapi'gan : lean-to / brush camp🔉
- anapiw : by the side / beside🔉
- anapo : on one side / a side🔉
- anawtig : cheap in price / inexpensive🔉
- anawtit : not paid much / cheap in price / inexpensive🔉
- anesga'latl : compromise someone / make vulnerable / expose to danger / jeopardize / weaken, lessen, lower🔉
- angamatl : look at / view🔉
- angamsit : look at self / examine self🔉
- angamsutiei : mirror / looking glass🔉
- angapt'g : look at / view🔉
- angita'sit : think🔉
- angita'suaqan : thought🔉
- ango'tg : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise🔉
- angua'latl : give additional amount / give extra🔉
- angua'taqan : supplement / extra / something extra / a little extra🔉
- angua'toq : adds additional amount / adds extra🔉
- angu'lugwet : work extra🔉
- anguna'latl : cover / encase / enclose🔉
- anguna'toq : cover / encase / enclose🔉
- anguno'sit : cover🔉
- anguopiga'toq : add length to cord, yarn, string🔉
- anguowei : fur🔉
- angweiwatl : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise🔉
- angwisgaqan : joint / wrist joint🔉
- aniamugwet : suffering for past wrongs / punishment for past wrongs🔉
- aniapsuinu : penitent / one who sacrifices / missionary🔉
- aniapsuinu'sgw : female penitent / female who sacrifices / female saint / female missionary / nun🔉
- aniapsu'latl : punish / make someone do penance🔉
- ansale'wit : angel🔉
- an'stawe'g : delicate / fragile🔉
- an'stawite'lmatl : unsure of its safety🔉
- an'stawite'tg : unsure of it's safety🔉
- an'stawpit : unsafe position🔉
- an'stawteg : unsafe / unsafe position🔉
- ansue'g : unfortunate / too bad🔉
- ansuite'lmatl : feel sorry for / feel bad about🔉
- ansuite'tg : regret / feel bad about🔉
- ansuoqteg : unfortunately burnt🔉
- antaguej : black man / black person / African-Canadian person🔉
- antaguejgwej : black woman / African-Canadian woman🔉
- antaguejue'gati : New Carlisle🔉
- antawe's : woodpecker / black woodpecker (Rand) / grey woodpecker (Pacifique) / Russian (red·headed)🔉
- apaja's'g : come back / return🔉
- apaja'sit : come back / return🔉
- apaja'toq : bring back / return to🔉
- apajiaq : result of / outcome / return / comeuppance / penalty / reward🔉
- apajigsua'latl : reconcile / take back🔉
- apajigsua'toq : take back🔉
- apajipet : resurrect🔉
- apajitqwa'majig : reunite🔉
- apajuggwalatl : follow back🔉
- apajuggwatg : follow back🔉
- apalqaqamej : chipmunk / ground squirrel🔉
- apangimatl : pay the cost🔉
- apangitatimg : pay day🔉
- apangitg : pay for🔉
- apangituatl : pays🔉
- apangituowei : payment🔉
- a'papi : rope / fishing line🔉
- a'papi'j : thread / twine / string🔉
- apaqt : sea / off shore🔉
- apaqtugewa'j : European🔉
- apaqtu'jg : inshore / short distance offshore🔉
- apataqan : reserved portion / saved portion / put aside portion🔉
- apatgimatl : send back🔉
- apatgitg : send back🔉
- apatl'ga't : walk back / stride back🔉
- apatoq : set aside a portion (of food)🔉
- apatpa'q : returning tide🔉
- apatta'tl : hit back / win back / send back🔉
- apatte'g : win it back🔉
- apatte'mat : win back a loss🔉
- apattesg : spring back🔉
- apattesing : spring back🔉
- apatto'sit : break even🔉
- a'petna's'g : whirlwind(-ing) / gusty🔉
- apgnualatl : pacify / soothe / calm🔉
- apgwa'latl : untie🔉
- apgwa's'g : become untied🔉
- apgwa'sit : become untied🔉
- apgwa'toq : untie🔉
- a'pi : net / fishnet🔉
- a'pia'q : using a net / fishing with a net🔉
- a'piet : fish with net🔉
- apigji'j : mouse🔉
- apigjilu : skunk🔉
- apigjilu'ta'tl : skunk (in a game like cribbage)🔉
- apignajit : February🔉
- apigsigtuatl : forgive / pardon / overlook offense🔉
- a'pimit : have net🔉
- apipunsit : spend winter / pass winter🔉
- apistanewj : marten🔉
- apitapueg : waterlogged🔉
- apitapuet : waterlogged🔉
- apita'q : rise (as dough) / swell / bloated / proof (dough)🔉
- apita't : bloated / swell / rises (as dough)🔉
- apita'taqan : baking powder / baking soda / rising agent / yeast / leavening🔉
- apja'sit : gone for good / unable to return🔉
- apje'jg : small🔉
- apje'ji'jg : tiny / very small🔉
- apje'ji'jit : tiny / very small🔉
- apje'jit : small🔉
- apjelmit : unable to stop laughing🔉
- apjelmultimgewei : grain of rice🔉
- apjigu'niet : bleed to death🔉
- apji'jgmuj : black duck🔉
- apjimatl : make speechless / outtalk🔉
- apjitoq : out of breath (as a result of a tantrum) / out of breath🔉
- apjiw : always / each time / every time🔉
- apjoqji'jg : small in girth / slender / thin🔉
- apjoqji'jit : tiny in girth / slender / thin🔉
- apli'gmuj : hare / rabbit🔉
- aplugwet : return from work / back from work🔉
- apnmisg'g : retrieve / return from getting it🔉
- apnmisguatl : retrieve / return from getting🔉
- apo'qatej : woodpecker🔉
- apoqonmati : assistance / help🔉
- apoqonmatimg : assistance / help / assisting time / helping time🔉
- apoqonmuatl : help / assist🔉
- app : again / repeat🔉
- app_igtig : another🔉
- apsa'latl : reduce the size of / make smaller🔉
- apsalqigwa'ji'jit : have tiny eyes / have small eyes🔉
- apsalqigwat : have small eyes🔉
- apsalqutnat : have small mouth🔉
- apsa'toq : make smaller🔉
- apsatpat : have small head🔉
- aps'gilg : little / small🔉
- apsgu'lapa'sit : turns head around to look / turn head around🔉
- apsgwitg : form eddy / back water eddy🔉
- apsigjat : have small buttocks🔉
- apsiptnat : have small hands / have small paws🔉
- apsi'satl : reduce the size by sewing / alter to smaller size🔉
- apsi's'g : to make smaller by sewing / alter to smaller size by sewing🔉
- apsisgnuet : small stitch knitting / fine·weave🔉
- apsisqonat : have small nose / have narrow nose🔉
- apso'qonigatat : skinny legged / slim legged / thin legged🔉
- aps'sas'g : cut into small pieces / minced🔉
- aps'satl : mince / cut into small pieces🔉
- aps'sg : mince / cut into small pieces🔉
- aps'sitat : have small feet🔉
- aps'sqate'get : chop kindling / split to make thinner🔉
- aps'te'g : chop small🔉
- aps'tgu'j : narrow stream / brook / small stream🔉
- apsute'gan : doll / gift / present🔉
- ap'tapegiejit : turkey🔉
- aptapjiet : unable to release a hold🔉
- aptaqanet : starve🔉
- aptaqatg : stay permanently🔉
- aptegwat : freckled face🔉
- aptlama'latl : smother / block off air from🔉
- aptlama'toq : smother (fire) / block off air from🔉
- aptlamig : stuffy / suffocate🔉
- aptlamit : suffocate🔉
- aptlamsing : lose breath (in gale)🔉
- aptluat : hold breath🔉
- aptoqwet : lean (by holding on to something) to walk / use for balance🔉
- apt'pugu'et : unable to move while standing from standing too long🔉
- apt'sqa'muatl : lock out / lock in🔉
- apt'sqa'q : lock up / lock in🔉
- apt'sqata'tl : lock up / lock in / lock out with quick motion or accidentally🔉
- apt'sqate'g : lock up / lock in / lock out with quick motion or accidentally🔉
- apt'sqa'tl : lock up / lock in🔉
- apt'sqi'gn : key🔉
- apt'tesg : stuck🔉
- apt'tesing : stuck🔉
- apt'tesmatl : cause to get stuck🔉
- apt'testoq : cause to get stuck / stuck🔉
- aptu'n : cane / staff / walking stick🔉
- apua'latl : thaw / warm🔉
- apua'toq : thaw / warm🔉
- apugjig : soon / after a while🔉
- apugsign : lynx🔉
- apu'jenatl : warm up by using body🔉
- apu'jeng : warm up by using body🔉
- apu's'g : warm up🔉
- aputasga'latl : turn upside down🔉
- aputasga'toq : turn upside down🔉
- aputasgiaq : flip / flip over / flip back🔉
- aputasgiet : fall back / flip over🔉
- aputasgigwalatl : turn over (using a tool)🔉
- aputasgigwatg : turn over (using a tool)🔉
- aputasg'tesing : flip backwards / flip over🔉
- aq : and🔉
- aqalasie'w : English person / Englishman🔉
- aqalasie'wimatl : says it in English / speak English to🔉
- aqalasie'wi'sit : speak the English language🔉
- aqam : snowshoe🔉
- aqamoq : white ash tree🔉
- aqamoqwe'gati : white ash grove🔉
- aqantie'umg : Sunday🔉
- aqantie'uti : week🔉
- aqantie'wit : observe Sunday🔉
- a'qataig : half🔉
- a'qatapit : half intoxicated / somewhat intoxicated🔉
- aqatatpa't : half·witted🔉
- aqawigalatl : hide / conceal🔉
- aqawigatg : hide / conceal🔉
- aqjigateg : shade🔉
- aqtamgiaq : half·full (dry ingredient)🔉
- aqtamgiet : half·full (dry ingredient)🔉
- aqtapeg : half·filled (with liquid)🔉
- aqtapet : half·filled (with liquid)🔉
- aqtatpa'q : midnight🔉
- aquoqomgwa's'g : make turn / veer off🔉
- aquoqomgwa'sit : make turn / veer off🔉
- aquoqomqeg : at bend / at turn🔉
- aqupit : hidden and sitting🔉
- aquteg : hidden / hidden area🔉
- asamaja'latl : do fancily / do elegantly🔉
- asamaja'toq : do fancily / do elegantly🔉
- asamaje'g : fancy / elegant / overly fussy🔉
- asamatteg : fancy🔉
- a'se'g : on the other side / in the next room🔉
- a'sei : other room / other side🔉
- asgaiwatl : causing hurt / aggravate🔉
- asgaja't : walk with a limp / limp🔉
- asga'sit : limp🔉
- asgate'lmatl : spare feelings / pity🔉
- asgatesing : limp🔉
- a's'gg : meet🔉
- as'gom : six / six (in counting)🔉
- as'gom_te'sisga'q : sixty / sixty (in counting)🔉
- asgo'tg : harm / bother / annoy / disturb🔉
- a's'guatl : come across / meet / encounter🔉
- asigetg : instigate / stir up trouble / goad / incite🔉
- asimatl : stir up / egg on / instigate / goad / incite🔉
- a'sisapegit : crawl over🔉
- a'sisa'sit : go over something🔉
- a'siseget : throw over🔉
- a'sisiwnaqialatl : jump over🔉
- a'sisiwnaqiatg : jump over🔉
- a'sispit : sit over / sit across🔉
- a'sisteg : over / across🔉
- asita'teget : revenge / reciprocate / pay back🔉
- asiteglulatl : reply / answer back🔉
- asitematl : reply / answer🔉
- asoqomapegit : crawl across🔉
- asoqoma'q : swim across🔉
- asoqoma's'g : cross over🔉
- asoqoma'sit : cross over🔉
- asoqomasugwet : wade across in water🔉
- asoqomigsma'latl : push across🔉
- asoqomigsma'toq : push across🔉
- asoqomi'pit : run across🔉
- asoqomm'taqan : ferry / boat🔉
- asoqomoqtesg : fall across🔉
- asoqomoqtesing : fall across🔉
- asoqomo'teget : ferry across🔉
- asoqo'mutaqan : ferry / boat🔉
- assma : right at / exactly / just right🔉
- assusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee🔉
- a's'tuo'guom : church🔉
- asua's'g : back and forth / to and fro / travel back and forth🔉
- asua'sit : back and forth / to and fro / travel back and forth🔉
- a'sugwesugwijig : meet on water(by canoe) / come together (by rowboat)🔉
- a'su'n : blanket🔉
- a'su'ngewatl : provide clothing / clothe / provide household goods🔉
- asu'set : pace back and forth🔉
- asu'tesg'g : walk back and forth / kick back and forth / go in and out🔉
- asu'tesguatl : kick back and forth / walk back and forth / repeatedly return/go to...🔉
- a'sutmaqan : prayer / religion🔉
- a'sutmat : pray🔉
- a'sutmessewatg : pray for🔉
- a'sutmessewatl : pray for🔉
- a't : that🔉
- atapaqatl : wind up / turn🔉
- atapaqq : wind up / turn🔉
- atel : just now / a while ago🔉
- atgigwa't : wrinkled (of head and neck)🔉
- atgigwati : wrinkle🔉
- atgitemit : cry / weep🔉
- atgitemu'latl : cause to cry🔉
- atgnewet : deal🔉
- atie'wit : say goodbye🔉
- atiu : goodbye🔉
- atlai : shirt🔉
- atlaia'q : wear a shirt🔉
- atlaimit : have a shirt🔉
- atlasmit : relax / rest🔉
- atlasmu'latl : rest / allow or give rest🔉
- atlasmu'teget : take break / take rest🔉
- atla'wegn : cloth🔉
- atnamgewei : checker game🔉
- atnaqan : checker🔉
- atnaqanei : checker board🔉
- atnaqan_wi'gas'g : checkered🔉
- atnaqan_wi'gasit : checkered / checked🔉
- atnat : play checkers🔉
- atoqwa'su : trout🔉
- atoqwa'sue'get : fish for trout🔉
- atpi'sewatl : change diaper🔉
- attigna's'g : work hard / laborious / work to the limit🔉
- attigna'sit : work hard / strain / laborious / work to limit🔉
- atuasgwa'q : swim on back🔉
- atuasgweitesing : fall backwards🔉
- atuasgwesing : lie on back🔉
- a'tugwaqan : story / tale🔉
- a'tugwet : tell story🔉
- a'tugwewatl : tell story to🔉
- a'tugwewinu : storyteller🔉
- atuomg : sand / beach sand🔉
- atuomgomin : strawberry🔉
- atu'tuej : squirrel🔉
- atu'tuejui'sit : imitate the sounds of a squirrel🔉
- awana'qiet : incapable / not able to do🔉
- awane'g : awkward / inexperienced / incapable of doing / lacks ability🔉
- awane'jit : awkward one / unskilled one🔉
- awangiljet : read poorly🔉
- awaniwsget : fishes poorly / unskilled fisherman🔉
- awanlugwet : unskilled worker / works poorly🔉
- awanmila'sit : plays poorly🔉
- awano'tg : operate poorly / handle poorly / handle awkwardly🔉
- awanta'sit : forget🔉
- awanta'sualatl : forget about🔉
- awanta'suatg : forget about🔉
- awa'qi'gn : crooked knife🔉
- awialusing : encircled with halo🔉
- awije'jg : scarce / rare🔉
- awije'jit : scarce / rare🔉
- awisiw : seldom / only once in a while🔉
- awna : instead🔉
- awti : road / trail🔉
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee🔉
- awti'j : path / trail🔉
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost🔉
- e'e : yes🔉
- egel : occasionally / once in a while / now and then🔉
- egiljet : read🔉
- egimatl : count / recite / read🔉
- egitg : recite / read🔉
- egsitpu'g : morning🔉
- egsitpu'gowei : breakfast / item pertaining to morning / event pertaining to morning🔉
- egsitpugwatalg : eat breakfast🔉
- egsitpu'gwatalmgewei : item for breakfast / food for breakfast🔉
- egsitpu'gwewulgw : morning train, boat, etc. / morning vessel🔉
- egsitpugwiet : early riser🔉
- egsitpu'nug : tomorrow morning🔉
- egs'pugua'latl : lie to🔉
- egsuet : lie🔉
- egsuo'qon : lie🔉
- eguma'toq : anchor🔉
- egumig : anchored🔉
- egumit : anchored🔉
- egwija'latl : immerse / dip into the water (or liquid)🔉
- egwija'toq : immerse / dip into a liquid🔉
- egwijatpa'latl : dip the head into the water (or liquid)🔉
- egwijing : in water / in liquid🔉
- egwitamet : fish🔉
- egwitg : in water / in liquid🔉
- eig : present / be there / be there (sicknesses, days)🔉
- ejaqan'jetesgmat : wear out shoe(s) on one side🔉
- ejaqjematl : belittle / humiliate / shame🔉
- ejaqjepit : squat🔉
- ejela'latl : have no control / in no position to do otherwise / unable to help or assist🔉
- ejela'teget : can't do more (influencing or convincing) / unable to influence / unable to change🔉
- ejela'toq : in no position to change / unable to help / have no control over🔉
- ejgujg : squash / pumpkin🔉
- ejgwe'mat : sob🔉
- ejgwit : hiccup🔉
- ejigla'go'jing : head turned away🔉
- ejigla'latl : take away🔉
- ejiglamugwiet : fade away🔉
- ejigla'sit : go away🔉
- ejiglateja'sit : scoot / go away quickly🔉
- ejigla'toq : take away🔉
- ejigleget : throw away🔉
- ejigligsma'latl : push away🔉
- ejigligsmaqalatl : shove away🔉
- ejigligsma'toq : push away🔉
- ejigliwsit : move away / change place of residence🔉
- ejiglsing : blown away🔉
- ejiglta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away🔉
- ejiglte'g : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away🔉
- ejiglu'jing : bent (at waist) away🔉
- ejinpit : low🔉
- ejinteg : low🔉
- ejipewe'g : easterly breeze🔉
- e'jnt : indian agent🔉
- ejoqjematl : interrupt (in conversation)🔉
- ela'gipulatl : to cut with a saw🔉
- ela'gittoq : cut with a saw🔉
- ela'gwi'teget : steer toward🔉
- ela'gwi't'g : steer it toward🔉
- ela'gwi'tmuatl : steer toward🔉
- ela'latl : take or bring toward / take to / bring to🔉
- elalqeg : tunnel / long hole🔉
- elamgo'lajig : pile / play solitaire🔉
- elamgo'toql : piles things / stacks things🔉
- ela'muet : ladle out / dish out the food🔉
- elangu'sit : go somewhere to peddle / go somewhere to sell🔉
- elanqaiejit : stomach wall of a cow / tripe🔉
- elanqate'g : beat (ash) into strips🔉
- elapalatl : splash with holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless🔉
- elapaqta'tl : splash / squirts🔉
- elapaqte'g : splash water on / spray on / squirt on🔉
- elapaqtesmatl : casts a line (as in fishing) / mark (with a chalk line) / throw a line / splash someone🔉
- elapaqtesteget : cast (fishing line) / mark (with a chalk line)🔉
- elapaqto'sit : splash oneself / spray oneself🔉
- elapa'sit : look in a direction / look toward🔉
- elapatoq : bless using holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless🔉
- elapetesing : glance at🔉
- elapit : looking towards / looking at🔉
- elapte'g : walk toward with a cane / walk toward with a crutch🔉
- elaptoq : make tracks toward / leave footprints to🔉
- elapuguet : vote for🔉
- ela'q : swim toward🔉
- elaqalatl : hurl / throw toward (ball) / let's go of🔉
- elaqalsewatl : play a gambling game for / play for (in cards and board games)🔉
- elaqpilatl : hang a cloth to cover / shield or conceal (with drape)🔉
- elaqpilg : shield or conceal (with drape)🔉
- elaqpit : spread out (bed sheet)🔉
- elaqpo'latl : bind / lace🔉
- elaqpo'teget : bind / lace🔉
- elaqpo'toq : bind / lace🔉
- elaqs'g : fly toward🔉
- elaqteg : spread out (blanket)🔉
- elaqteget : sail to... / sail in a direction (north)🔉
- elaqtoq : fling / throw toward🔉
- elasga'latl : point it towards / passes it towards / offers it to🔉
- elasga'toq : point towards / pass towards🔉
- elasgnatl : hand over (bottle) / holds in the direction of🔉
- elasgng : hand over / hold in the direction of🔉
- elasugwet : wade in water towards🔉
- elasumteget : wade through the snow towards...🔉
- elateja'sit : scoot over / go over quickly / walk over quickly / rush toward🔉
- elatejimatl : drag toward / pull toward🔉
- elatejitoq : drag over / drag toward / pull to🔉
- elatijig : resemble one another🔉
- ela'toq : take toward / bring toward🔉
- elatpo'jing : lean head toward🔉
- elawigatas'g : porcupine quillwork / decorated with porcupine quills🔉
- elawigateget : does quillwork / works with porcupine quills🔉
- elawlet : lug or carry toward (on back)🔉
- elega'latl : spread out🔉
- elegepilawet : to drape🔉
- eleget : throw / release / play (a game) / run (for office)🔉
- elegetas'g : item to be raffled off / prize in game of chance🔉
- elegetoq : raffle (off)🔉
- elege'wi'sgw : queen / queen in deck of cards🔉
- elege'wi'sgwe'j : princess🔉
- elege'wit : king / king in deck of-cards🔉
- elege'witji'j : prince🔉
- elego'latl : lay out (rug) / spread out🔉
- elego'toq : lay out / spread out🔉
- elenqwe'set : rush over / scoot over / go toward on foot🔉
- eletqo'toq : coil🔉
- elg : too / also🔉
- elgesawet : plow up🔉
- elgesg : till / plow up(ground)🔉
- elgete'get : hoe / loosen soil with hoe🔉
- elg'g : cause soreness from sitting too long / cause body part to be sore (from being on it) / temporarily misshapen by pressing against🔉
- elgimatl : send someone / send over / send there🔉
- elgimsgwet : tiptoe over / sneak toward🔉
- elgitg : send forth / send over / send there🔉
- elgo'jing : face toward🔉
- elgomigtuatl : call out (for assistance)🔉
- elgusuet : to climb🔉
- elguta'latl : pour on / pour into / pour toward🔉
- elguta'tat : pour a drink for self🔉
- elguta'toq : pour on / pour into / pour toward🔉
- eliaq : goes🔉
- eliatl : make / build🔉
- eliet : goes🔉
- eligjepilawet : make bottom part (of basket)🔉
- eligjipilg : weave bottom (of basket)🔉
- eligjo'gmuatl : bent over towards / turn buttocks toward🔉
- eligpete'get : make basket splints / pound ash🔉
- eligp'ta'q : smoke / smoke drifts toward🔉
- eligua'laq : liquid dripping down from an opening / leaks🔉
- eligua'lat : dripping down from / leaks🔉
- eligua'q : have grain (as of wood)🔉
- eliguet : have grain / lean toward🔉
- eligwalatl : scoop it towards / push towards🔉
- eligwatg : push it toward / pry toward🔉
- eli'pit : rush toward🔉
- eli'pugwet : stagger toward🔉
- eliputoq : rub toward / push toward / brush toward🔉
- eli'satl : sew🔉
- eli'sewatl : sew for🔉
- eli'sewet : sew🔉
- eli's'g : sew🔉
- elisgnualatl : braid / knit (sweater)🔉
- elisgnuaqan : knitting🔉
- elisgnuatg : braid / knit🔉
- elisgnuet : knit / weave / braid🔉
- elisqanapega'toq : cast on in knitting / cast off in knitting / weave base of basket🔉
- elist'g : disobey🔉
- elistuatl : disobey🔉
- elisugwit : paddle toward🔉
- elita'sit : depend on / count on🔉
- elita'sualatl : depend on / count on / trust🔉
- elita'suatg : depend on / count on / trust🔉
- eli'tuat : have a beard / have a mustache🔉
- eljaqatl : spread🔉
- eljaqq : spread / smear🔉
- ellutas'g : fenced🔉
- elmalqei : hole🔉
- elmalqe'ji'j : small hole🔉
- elm'joqteg : spread of food / setout (as table)🔉
- elmu'jing : bent towards something but away from speaker / bent away from / turned away from🔉
- eln'galatl : carry or pack on shoulder toward🔉
- eln'gatg : carry or pack on shoulder toward🔉
- eln'get : carry to on shoulder🔉
- elo'lajig : take in groups / move🔉
- eloqomgiatg : fit handle on🔉
- eloqomgwalatl : trim to fit🔉
- eloqomgwatoq : trim to fit🔉
- eloqosg : laid out (pipe)🔉
- eloqsatl : carve🔉
- eloqs'g : carve🔉
- eloqta's'g : shelf / trim🔉
- eloqtesmatl : fell (tree) toward / push down toward🔉
- eloqtestoq : fell (pipe) towards / push down towards🔉
- eloqtnema't : have bad breath🔉
- eloqwa'latl : lay down🔉
- eloqwa'toq : lay down🔉
- elpanigs'g : drifted up against / drifts (usually snow)🔉
- elpilatl : to send by rope or cable🔉
- elpilg : send toward by rope or cable or cord🔉
- elpiso'tulatl : bundle up (with scarf) / wrap🔉
- elpualatl : want there🔉
- elpuatg : want there🔉
- elqamgwejat : brace to keep balance / brace to slow down🔉
- elqane'j : ground fish / any bottom feeder🔉
- elqawet : hang clothing🔉
- elqwanig : direction / heading / bearing🔉
- elqwanit : direction / heading / bearing🔉
- elsaqas'g : wall🔉
- elsaqas'gigtug : at the wall / on the wall🔉
- elsaqteg : layered / divided🔉
- elsegni'gan : brick house🔉
- Elsipugtug : Big Cove🔉
- elsita'sit : sole / instep / paw pad🔉
- elsma'latl : lay down🔉
- elsma'sit : lie down🔉
- elsumugwat : flee toward🔉
- eltaqanewet : spin (yarn)🔉
- eltaqa'q : spray / shoot toward🔉
- eltaqa'toq : string toward / drag toward / wind toward🔉
- eltaqsewet : cut strips(for basket making) / cut strips🔉
- elteg : leads to🔉
- elteja'latl : take by vehicle toward🔉
- elteja'toq : take by vehicle toward🔉
- eltesguatl : chase toward / kick toward🔉
- eltoq : make / build / earn🔉
- el'tqeg : coiled🔉
- el'tqet : coiled🔉
- el'tqo'latl : coil (rope)🔉
- eltugwi'g : run toward🔉
- eluatl : resemble / bear family resemblance🔉
- elue'wa'latl : fool / trick🔉
- elue'wiaq : crazy🔉
- elue'wiet : crazy🔉
- elue'wipnnatl : incites to wickedness / causes to be wicked🔉
- elue'wit : quick·tempered🔉
- eluggwalatl : follow to / follow toward🔉
- eluggwatg : follow to / follow toward🔉
- elugowatl : work for🔉
- elugtoq : carry toward on back / carry toward on shoulder🔉
- elugtulatl : carry on back / carry on shoulder(s) toward🔉
- elugwalatl : repair / prepare / fix🔉
- elu'gwalatl : point at🔉
- elugwatg : repair / fix🔉
- elu'gwatg : point at🔉
- elugwa'tl : work / make work🔉
- elu'gweg : point toward / leaning toward🔉
- elugwet : operates / work🔉
- elu'gwet : point toward🔉
- elugwetoq : use it to work🔉
- elu'gwit : something gets stuck in throat / choke (food)🔉
- elui'tmasit : take oath / swear / make pledge🔉
- elui'tmasuti : oath / pledge🔉
- elu'jing : bent(at waist) gaping toward / lean toward / crane toward🔉
- elulatl : give a task / ask to do something🔉
- elusgnawet : knead dough🔉
- elusgwatamit : spit🔉
- elutuatl : impersonate / imitate🔉
- emego'teget : treat badly / abuse🔉
- emego'tg : treat badly / abuse🔉
- emegwaltugwepit : messy hair / awful looking hairdo / bad hair day🔉
- emegwamugsit : look filthy / dirty appearance🔉
- emegwatalg : eat disgusting food / eat in a disgusting manner / messy eater🔉
- emegwe'g : act improperly / act disgustingly🔉
- emegweiwatl : treat badly / abuse🔉
- emisqapit : topless / naked on upper body🔉
- emisqa'sit : strip self nude🔉
- emisqatesing : strip dance / stripped quickly🔉
- emisqo'tlatl : undress / strip naked🔉
- emittugwalatl : keep company / visit🔉
- emittugwatg : visits it🔉
- emittugwet : visit🔉
- emlsigtmat : hear a ghost / see a ghost / apparition of a spirit / spooked🔉
- emqatu'atl : give a loan / lend🔉
- emqatui'getoq : loan🔉
- emqatui'getoqol : use to lend out / lend him/her/it out🔉
- emqatuwi'get : gives loan or credit🔉
- emtesgatalg : fussy eater / eat fussily / finicky eater🔉
- emtesgit : conceited / arrogant / vain / snobbish🔉
- emtesgite'lmatl : think superior over / being arrogant toward / place oneself above🔉
- emtoqwalatl : worship🔉
- emtoqwatg : worship🔉
- enaqet : spread spruce boughs🔉
- e'natl : lose🔉
- e'n'g : lose🔉
- engalatl : measure / weigh🔉
- engaqan : measurement🔉
- engatg : scale / measure / weigh🔉
- engejit : caterpillar🔉
- engemgewei : measuring instrument🔉
- enget : scale / measure (pertaining to wood)🔉
- engewatl : to scale(pertaining to pulpwood or logs) / to survey land🔉
- enma'latl : take home / take onward🔉
- enmapejit : carrot🔉
- enmateja'latl : convey onward / drive home (in vehicle)🔉
- enmateja'sit : hurry onward / hurry home🔉
- enmateja'toq : driving onward / convey home (in vehicle)🔉
- enma'toq : take onward / take home🔉
- enmawlalatl : carry home / carry onward🔉
- enmawlatg : carry home on back or shoulder(s) / carry onward on back or shoulder(s)🔉
- enmejepit : sit facing the other direction / sit with back turned🔉
- enmejepuguit : stand with back toward viewer / stand with back facing viewer🔉
- enmejeteg : set facing the other direction🔉
- enm'gate'pit : trot onward or home / scoot onward or home / beat it home🔉
- enmiaq : goes home / goes onward / when (it comes to pass)🔉
- enmiet : goes home / goes onward🔉
- enmigiaq : falling of the tide / receding (tide)🔉
- enmigimatl : send home🔉
- enmigitg : send home🔉
- enmigjepit : sits backwards / reversed🔉
- enmigjesing : lie facing away / lie facing the other direction🔉
- enmigjeteg : it sits backwards / reversed🔉
- enmigjo'gwet : stooped over facing away / bent over with buttocks up🔉
- Enmigtaqamu'g : Nova Scotian mainland🔉
- enmilugweg : works until...🔉
- enmilugwet : work until...(midnight)🔉
- enmipgowe'g : along edge of cliff🔉
- enmipisgwa't : in process of entering / entering towards🔉
- enmisa'tgwatp'tesing : run with hair bobbing up and down🔉
- enmitg : flow away🔉
- enmlamit : gasp🔉
- enml'ga't : walk onward / walk home🔉
- enmnqwe'set : go home quickly / go on the way quickly🔉
- enmoqowet : carry (pertaining to voice)🔉
- enmoqtesing : stagger onward / stagger home🔉
- enm'tesguatl : chase onward / chase home🔉
- enmuggwalatl : follow onward / follow home🔉
- enmuggwatg : follow onward / follow home🔉
- ennma'sit : stick into / pierce🔉
- ennmtesmatl : throw to penetrate into / stick (knife) into by force🔉
- ennmtestoq : drive it into something by force / throw to penetrate into / stick into by force🔉
- ennmtestuatl : stick it into someone by force / drive it into someone by force🔉
- enqa'latl : halt / stop🔉
- enqanapit : beneath surface🔉
- enqanateg : beneath surface🔉
- enqapit : standstill / stopped🔉
- enqa's'g : stop🔉
- enqa'sit : come to a stop🔉
- enqateg : at a standstill / stopped🔉
- enqa'toq : brings it to a stop🔉
- entoq : lose🔉
- epa'latl : seat🔉
- epa'sit : sit down🔉
- epa'sualatl : sit on... / sit next to...🔉
- epa'suatg : sit on🔉
- epatgupuguig : standing in contact with / standing leaning against something🔉
- epatgupuguit : standing in contact with / standing leaning against something🔉
- epatgwa'latl : place against🔉
- epatgwa'toq : place it against... / push it against... / lean it against...🔉
- epatgwepit : leaning against / leaning up against🔉
- epatgweteg : leaning against / leaning up against🔉
- epatgwigsma'latl : push him/her against something🔉
- epatgwigsma'toq : push it(sofa) against something🔉
- epatuepit : set against something🔉
- epatueteg : set against something🔉
- Epegwitg : Prince Edward Island / calm water🔉
- epetoqsit : groan / make moans🔉
- epgenatl : fertilize🔉
- epgeng : fertilize🔉
- epgenign : manure / fertilizer🔉
- epipnatg : make bread / bake bread🔉
- epipnet : bake bread🔉
- epistamit : using a piece of food dipped in milk, syrup, or broth and eating it / sop up (with bread)🔉
- epit : sitting / seated / placed / located🔉
- e'pit : woman🔉
- e'pite'ji'j : young girl🔉
- e'pite's : young woman / unmarried woman🔉
- e'pite'su'et : becomes a young woman / menarche / enter womanhood🔉
- e'pite'su'qamigsit : act like young (unmarried) woman🔉
- e'pitewe'get : go to seek a woman🔉
- e'pitewe'sm : womanizer / woman-chaser🔉
- e'pitewit : is a woman🔉
- epitg : brood / sit on / hatch🔉
- epoqeg : slightly warm🔉
- eppa'q : warm liquid🔉
- eppaqsijig : warm (as in milk) / luke warm🔉
- eppaqsit : warm liquid🔉
- eppeteg : lukewarm liquid / lukewarm water🔉
- epqwalatl : shelter🔉
- epqwa's'g : temporary shelter🔉
- epqwas'gewei : roof🔉
- epqwatg : shelter🔉
- epsaqtejg : stove🔉
- epsatl : heat / warm up🔉
- epseweg : radiates heat / give heat🔉
- epsewet : radiate heat / give heat🔉
- eps'g : heat / warm up🔉
- epsguninet : have dry tuberculosis🔉
- epsimgewei : fever🔉
- epsimgeweia'sit : becomes feverish🔉
- epsit : feeling of hot body temperature / hot🔉
- epsmat : keep own space hot / maintain dwelling at a high temperature / have own place at high temperature🔉
- epsmusi : Mountain ash🔉
- eptaqan : dish / plate🔉
- eptaqano'guom : china cabinet / cupboard🔉
- epteg : hot / hot temperature🔉
- eptegwat : have freckles / freckled🔉
- eptegwati : freckle🔉
- eptoqalatl : leave in care of somebody / leave for safekeeping / temporarily custody🔉
- eptoqatg : leave in care of somebody / leave for safekeeping🔉
- epugtaqanat : have heartburn🔉
- epune'g : below / downstairs🔉
- e's : clam🔉
- esamqwat : drink🔉
- esamqwatg : drink it / drinks of it🔉
- esamuqo'tlatl : give a drink to🔉
- esa'tl : send away / dismiss / banish / fire🔉
- ese'g : send away / refuse / banish / turn down🔉
- e'se'get : dig for clams🔉
- esetegja'latl : move backward🔉
- esetegjapegit : crawl backwards🔉
- esetegja's'g : moves backwards🔉
- esetegja'sit : move backwards🔉
- esetegja'toq : move it backwards🔉
- esetegjipija'sit : enter backwards🔉
- esetigsma'toq : push to the side🔉
- esge'g : raw / uncooked🔉
- esgig : green / not dryed(firewood) / uncured🔉
- Esgigewa'gi : Third Mi'gmaq district🔉
- esgipa'tl : wait / expect🔉
- esgipetoq : wait / expect🔉
- esgit : green(of foliage) / uncured🔉
- esgmalatl : wait for🔉
- esgmat : await / wait🔉
- esgmatg : wait for🔉
- esgmoqon : slime🔉
- esgmoqonig : slimy🔉
- esgmoqonit : slimy🔉
- esgoqsit : undercooked / left untouched by fire🔉
- esgoqteg : undercooked / left untouched by fire🔉
- esg'patl : eat raw🔉
- Esg'soqonig : Eskasoni🔉
- esg'tamit : eat raw food🔉
- esg'tg : eat raw🔉
- esg'tmm'gewei : cucumber / something to be eaten raw🔉
- esgutesmatl : he/she broke all but one / keep one unbroken🔉
- esgwiaq : leftover / remainder🔉
- esgwiet : leftover / remainder🔉
- esiamgeg : Campbellton, New Brunswick🔉
- esintesg'g : pack down / stamp down🔉
- esintesguaji : pack down / stamp down🔉
- esipulatl : sharpen / file / grind🔉
- esiputoq : sharpen / file / grind🔉
- esma'teg : neat and tidy🔉
- esmatl : feed🔉
- esmatmugsit : attractive / pretty / lovely / nice🔉
- esnaqamigeg : solid ground / firm ground🔉
- esnpitgmatg : pack down while loading🔉
- espaqeg : steep slope / high hill🔉
- espaqsing : fly high🔉
- espa'toq : lift up high / raise up high🔉
- espeg : leak🔉
- espe'g : important / high in rank / important / high in rank🔉
- esp'saqteg : high / high (sharp) angle🔉
- espet : leak🔉
- espi'sit : use high·sounding language🔉
- esp'pit : sit (or set) up high / high on drugs (slang)🔉
- esp'puguig : stand tall / stand on higher plane🔉
- esp'puguit : stand on higher plane / stand up high / hold high rank🔉
- esp'teg : sit (or set) high up🔉
- espulqeg : deep hole🔉
- essatl : dye🔉
- essawiaqan : dye🔉
- ess'g : dye🔉
- essit : ripe🔉
- essu'tmuatl : blame🔉
- eta : so / thus / therefore / it is (thus) / indeed / truly / this way (affirmation) / like this (affirmation) / like that (affirmation) / like so (affirmation)🔉
- etamatl : ask for something of him/her / ask / request🔉
- etawaqtmat : beg / ask for favor🔉
- etawaqtmuatl : ask for a favor / beg for🔉
- etawet : beg favor / request🔉
- eteg : be at / situated / placed / located🔉
- etegjigsma'latl : push backwards🔉
- etegjigsma'toq : push backwards🔉
- etepna'tl : catch up with🔉
- etepne'g : catch up with🔉
- etlanqatesg : shimmer (heat) / flap in breeze🔉
- etlapenatl : massaging his/her body / feeling his/her body🔉
- etlapensit : feeling one's body / massage one's self🔉
- etlapu'teg : brew🔉
- etlaqqisewet : hollering🔉
- etlatalg : eat🔉
- etlenmit : laugh🔉
- etlewistoq : talk🔉
- etliatl : making🔉
- etligmiet : boiling🔉
- etligp'ta'q : smoke / steam🔉
- etligp'ta't : smoking / steaming🔉
- etligtugunit : spend the night / pass the night🔉
- etligu'niet : bleed profusely / bleed heavily🔉
- etlinisigu'niet : bleed down🔉
- etlintoq : sing🔉
- etlintuatg : singing it🔉
- etlipiasatl : dry / cure (plank)🔉
- etlipiasg : dry / cure (wood)🔉
- etlipiasit : dry🔉
- etlipulatl : rub / stroke / pet🔉
- etliputoq : rub / stroke / pet🔉
- etlite'lmatl : expect / suspect🔉
- etlite'tg : expect / suspect / think🔉
- etlitoq : create / make🔉
- etllugweg : work🔉
- etllugwet : working / work there / place of work🔉
- etloqsatl : cook🔉
- etloqs'g : cook / bake🔉
- etloqsit : cooking / sun-bathing🔉
- etloqteg : cooking🔉
- etlsegnatl : construct or build with brick or cement blocks🔉
- etlsegng : construct or build with brick or cement blocks🔉
- etlta'tl : beat / strike / hit🔉
- etlte'g : beat on / strum / play(musical instrument) / hit / knock🔉
- etltemit : cry🔉
- etltesg : beat or move rythmically / shake🔉
- etltesing : where one got struck / where one got injured / beat or move rythmically / dance / shake🔉
- etltoqsit : make loud sound🔉
- e'tmapit : sit (set) forefront / be at forefront / located at forefront🔉
- e'tmapuguit : stand at the forefront🔉
- e'tmateg : is (set) at forefront / in front🔉
- etmgwiet : recovering from illness🔉
- etna : well! / well then! / okay then!🔉
- etnana : that's the one! / that's it!🔉
- etnesing : brood (of bird) / nest (as bird)🔉
- etoq : build nest🔉
- etoqatesing : cornered and can't move / hit the wall🔉
- etoqtalatl : roast / bake / cook🔉
- etoqtasit : roast🔉
- etoqtatg : roast / bake / cook🔉
- etoqtet : roast / bake🔉
- etteg : ripe🔉
- etug : perhaps / should?🔉
- etugjel : maybe / perhaps🔉
- etu'gutewei : scapular🔉
- etu'gwesmit : rest head on🔉
- etuiw : on both sides🔉
- etulgomit : hold or carry something under arm🔉
- e'watl : use / make use🔉
- ewe'ga'latl : loosen🔉
- ewega'tl : make use / needs🔉
- ewe'ga'toq : loosen🔉
- ewe'ge'g : roomy / uncrowded🔉
- ewegetoq : make use / need🔉
- ewe'gisga'latl : exercise / break in🔉
- ewe'gisga'lsit : stretch / loosen up bones and muscles🔉
- ewe'gisga'toq : loosens / break in🔉
- ewe'g'pit : loose🔉
- ewe'g'teg : loose🔉
- e'w'g : use / make use🔉
- ewi'gat : build house / make camp or dwelling🔉
- ewi'g'g : write / mark down🔉
- ewi'gigeg : write🔉
- ewi'gigemgewei : notepad / pen / pencil / object used for writing🔉
- ewi'giget : write🔉
- ewi'gmuatl : write a letter to / write to🔉
- ewi'tatl : mention / name🔉
- ewi't'g : mention / name🔉
- ewjo'lajig : transport🔉
- ewjo'toqol : transport🔉
- ewlamgwiet : become peaked / become sickly in appearance / become run down🔉
- ewlamsn : tornado / gale / hurricane🔉
- ewlamugsit : be peaked / sickly in appearance / run down in appearance🔉
- ewlapewit : have a sad expression / look sad / look wan / look sickly🔉
- ewle'jg : poor / poor condition🔉
- ewle'jit : unfortunate / needy / poor / poor condition🔉
- ewle'juaqan : poverty / hard times🔉
- ewle'juinu : poor person / forlorn person🔉
- ewllugwet : poor quality work / badly done work🔉
- ewlmaje'g : suffer🔉
- ewnasa'sit : misconduct / misbehave / act foolish🔉
- ewnasgwa'latl : make dizzy🔉
- ewnasgwatpa'latl : confuse / drive crazy / make dizzy🔉
- ewnasgwatpetesing : dazed from a fall / confused from a head injury🔉
- ewnasgwetesing : dizzy caused by a blow or fall / dazed caused by a blow or fall / confused caused by a blow or fall / dizzy caused by a lot of head movement🔉
- ewnasgwiet : dizzy🔉
- ewnasiaq : gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy / confused🔉
- ewnasiet : confused / gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy🔉
- ewnasimgnajig : pick up in a disorganized way / pick in a muddled manner / choose in a jumbled way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewnasimgnasit : gather or pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Bear River)🔉
- ewnasimgngl : pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewnasising : lie awkwardly / lie in uncomfortable looking manner🔉
- ewne'g : blue / foggy (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewniaq : turn blue / get foggy (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewsa'latl : threaten / shake / rough up🔉
- ewsa'toq : pretend to hit / threaten to hit🔉
- ewsa'tuatl : make threatening motion / feign threatening motion / lift hand in a threatening motion / raise fist in a threatening motion🔉
- ewsgwapeg : twitch🔉
- ewsgwapet : twitch🔉
- ewsgwit : sneeze🔉
- ewsimatl : joke / bluff / kid🔉
- ewsinpat : feign sleep / pretend to sleep🔉
- ewsitutg : show off🔉
- ewt'pasg'g : sit on🔉
- ewt'pasguatl : sit on🔉
- ewt'pa'sitl : sits on / sit down atop🔉
- ewt'pa'sualatl : sit on top of / sit atop🔉
- ewt'pa'suatg : sit on top of / sit atop🔉
- ewupniaq : calming storm🔉
- Gaggnawa'gi : Caughnawaga🔉
- gajjamu'g : of mixed colors / unpleasant (ugly) color🔉
- gajjamugsit : (ugly) unpleasant color🔉
- gajuewj : cat🔉
- gajuewji'j : kitten🔉
- ga'l : one quarter (of time, etc.)🔉
- gale'mewit : observe lent🔉
- gale'mewumg : Lent🔉
- galiset : flannelette / flannel🔉
- galiulg : sleigh🔉
- Galla'ing : New Carlisle, QC🔉
- galqign : earwax🔉
- galqwasiet : sunset🔉
- gamlamit : breathe🔉
- gamso'q : Canso, NS🔉
- Ganata : Canada🔉
- ganaties : Canadian🔉
- ganatie'si's : young Canadian male🔉
- ganatiesui'sgw : Canadian woman🔉
- ganatiesui'sgwe'j : young Canadian female🔉
- ganie'wit : profit / gain / win / earn / gain weight🔉
- gapiten : captain🔉
- gapjagwej : robin🔉
- gapji'j : cup🔉
- gapsgu'j : little waterfall🔉
- gapsguji'j : tiny waterfall🔉
- gapsgw : waterfall🔉
- gapsgwamgitg : rapid water / rapid water preceeding a waterfall🔉
- gaqalamiet : out of breath🔉
- gaqalamit : stop breathing🔉
- gaqa'latl : complete / finish / terminate / end🔉
- gaqaliteg : snow all melted🔉
- gaqalugweg : finished working / stop working🔉
- gaqalugwet : finished working🔉
- gaqama's'g : stand up / become erect🔉
- gaqama'sit : stand up🔉
- gaqama'sualatl : witness (at wedding, in court) / maid of honour (at wedding) / best man (at wedding)🔉
- gaqamgleg : finished burning🔉
- gaqamglet : finished burning🔉
- gaqamig : stand🔉
- gaqamit : stand🔉
- gaqamu'tm'gewei : patience🔉
- gaqamutoq : challenge / stand against / put up with🔉
- gaqamutuatl : challenge someone / stand up to / put up with🔉
- ga'qan : door🔉
- ga'qanei : entranceway / door🔉
- gaqanu'gwa'teget : finish burning🔉
- gaqanu'gwa'toq : finish burning up🔉
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry🔉
- gaqapija'latl : hang up🔉
- gaqapija'toq : hang up🔉
- gaqapijing : hung up🔉
- gaqapitg : it hangs🔉
- ga'qaquj : crow🔉
- gaqa'teget : finished doing something / finish a task🔉
- gaqa'toq : complete / finish / finish a task / terminate / end🔉
- gaqawa's'g : go by quickly🔉
- gaqawa'sit : go by quickly🔉
- gaqe'g : rough texture / not slick / non-slippery🔉
- gaqg'g : wear out (clothing article)🔉
- gaqgmat : wear out clothes🔉
- gaqguatl : wear out (clothing article)🔉
- gaqiaq : comes to an end / finished / ended🔉
- gaqiet : exhausted / come to an end / finished / ended🔉
- gaqiga'lsit : maximum effort / puts all of himself/herself in🔉
- gaqigjijiatl : know all about🔉
- gaqigji'toq : know all about🔉
- gaqi'gwesmat : finished bearing or producing children🔉
- gaqi'sg : often / frequently / many times🔉
- gaqi'sisgegipuna'q : so many years old🔉
- gaqi'sisgegipuna't : so many years old🔉
- gaqjeg : brittle🔉
- gaqjet : brittle🔉
- gaqoqsit : burned through / finished cooking🔉
- gaqoqteg : burned through🔉
- gaqo'tg : exhaust supply / use up🔉
- gaqpesaw : smelt🔉
- gaqsatl : burn🔉
- gaqs'g : burn🔉
- gaqsit : burn🔉
- gaqsusit : unintentionally burns oneself / accidentally burns oneself🔉
- gaqtaqaiaq : end of trail / end of something linear🔉
- gaqtaqaiet : the end of (a rope or string) / end of something linear🔉
- gaqta'tl : finish striking or beating🔉
- gaqteg : burn🔉
- gaqtesgmat : wear out footwear🔉
- gaqtugwaw : thunder🔉
- gaqtugwawig : thunder🔉
- gaqtugwewe'sm : Thunderer (mythical spirit)🔉
- ga's : train🔉
- gasa'latl : wipe off / erase🔉
- gasapueg : wash away / wash off🔉
- gasapuet : wash away / wash off🔉
- gasa'taqanei : cleaning cloth / dish cloth🔉
- ga'satl : wipe🔉
- gasa'toq : wipe off / erase🔉
- ga's'g : wipe🔉
- gasg'ptnnaqan : one hundred / hundred (in counting)🔉
- gasg'ptnnaqanipuna't : one hundred years old🔉
- ga'sign : kitchen towel / dish towel🔉
- gasigo's'ti : towel / bath towel / hand towel🔉
- gasigo's'ti'j : face cloth / small towel🔉
- gasiptna'sit : wash hands🔉
- gasplutuatl : repeats after him/her / imitates him/her / mimicks him/her🔉
- gastio'mi : molasses / syrup🔉
- gast'pl : police officer🔉
- gastug : Canada yew / Ground hemlock🔉
- ga't : eel🔉
- ga'tewe'get : hunt eels / catch eels🔉
- ga'tomi : eelskin🔉
- gatu : but / however / for instance / what about? / what if? / in spite of🔉
- gawaqtejg : gooseberry🔉
- gawaqtejgumusi : gooseberry bush🔉
- gawasga'latl : turn to opposite direction / turn around🔉
- gawasga's'g : turns around🔉
- gawasga'sit : turns around🔉
- gawasga'toq : turn it around🔉
- gawasgega'latl : turn over🔉
- gawasgega'toq : turn it over🔉
- gawasgeget : flip / turn it over quickly🔉
- gawasg'pa'q : reversing tide / reverses🔉
- gawasg'pa'sit : turn around while seated🔉
- gawasg'smtesing : turn over quickly while prone / turn over quickly in bed🔉
- gawasg'tniaq : change direction, of wind🔉
- gawasgui't'g : say in reverse / say backwards🔉
- gawatgw : spruce tree🔉
- gawi : porcupine quill🔉
- gawiei : quill work / made of quills🔉
- gawigsaw : thorn / thistle🔉
- gawigso'musi : thorn wood genus🔉
- gawioqolaqan : quill box🔉
- gegapniet : rises before dawn🔉
- geget : soon / almost🔉
- geggunas'g : held for safekeeping / kept for safekeeping🔉
- geggunasit : kept (for safekeeping) / held (for safekeeping)🔉
- geggunatl : have / possess🔉
- geggunawet : godparent🔉
- geggung : have / possess🔉
- gegina'masit : study / learn🔉
- gegina'matimgewei : lesson / teaching material / book🔉
- gegina'muatl : teach🔉
- gegina'muet : teach🔉
- gegna'latl : decorate / trim (Christmas tree)🔉
- gegna'sit : dress up🔉
- gegna'toq : decorate🔉
- gegnesit : dressed up🔉
- gegno'tlatl : dress / cloth🔉
- gegnua'latl : do correctly or properly🔉
- gegnua'teget : inform / do what is proper or correct🔉
- gegnua'toq : do correctly or properly🔉
- gegnua'tuatl : inform / notify🔉
- gegnue'g : respectful / live according to proper upbringing / certain time / special / certain thing🔉
- gegnu'giljet : read correctly / read properly🔉
- gegnugwalatl : mark / number / alphabetize🔉
- gegnugwatg : mark / number / alphabetize🔉
- gegnugwatiget : mark made to indicate a place / blaze🔉
- gegnuimatl : advise / instruct / speak truthfully / speak frankly🔉
- gegnu'lugwet : work properly🔉
- gegnu'qamigsit : act accordingly / behave appropriately / behave🔉
- gegnu'telg : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately🔉
- gegnu'teluatl : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately / shoot accurately / shoot in the right place🔉
- gegnu'tmasit : learns🔉
- gegnu'tmuatl : teach / demonstrate🔉
- ge'goqpit : lie on top and across🔉
- ge'goqteg : lie atop / lie on top🔉
- gegpewisg : dew / morning dew🔉
- ge'gulusgwa'latl : put arms around shoulder / hug🔉
- ge'gupa'latl : put on top / place atop🔉
- ge'gupa'sit : get on top of🔉
- ge'gupit : sit on top🔉
- ge'gupn : hilltop🔉
- ge'gupuguit : stand on the top🔉
- ge'guteg : on the top🔉
- ge'gutesg : land on top of / fall on top of🔉
- ge'gutesing : land on top / jump on top🔉
- ge'gwa'latl : place on the top🔉
- Ge'gwapsgug : at the top of the falls / Pabineau🔉
- gegwa's'g : move slowly🔉
- ge'gwa's'g : moves onto the top🔉
- gegwa'sit : move slowly🔉
- ge'gwa'toq : place on the top🔉
- ge'gwatpan : top of the head🔉
- gegwe'g : is a slowpoke / slow-moving / is a slowpoke / slow-moving🔉
- ge'gwei : up above / upstairs🔉
- gegwi'pit : run slowly / goes slowly🔉
- ge'gwi'pit : run onto the top🔉
- ge'gwising : lie on the top🔉
- ge'gwisma'latl : lay on the top / lay on top of🔉
- ge'gwisma'toq : lay on the top / lay on top of🔉
- geitapaqte'g : drive in (as nail)🔉
- geiteget : intelligent / knowledgeable🔉
- geitmg : it is known / known🔉
- geitoq : know about / know / have knowledge of / aware of🔉
- gejgapa'latl : leave a scratch mark / scratches🔉
- gejgapa'toq : leave a scratch mark / scratches🔉
- gejgapeta'tl : scratches quickly🔉
- gejiatl : aware / know about / have knowledge of🔉
- geji'gas'g : corner closet / enclosed space in corner of room / corner🔉
- gejigiaq : corner🔉
- gejigow : recently / short while ago🔉
- gejimoqpit : sits obstructing the way🔉
- gejimoqteg : is obstructing the way🔉
- gelapaqatl : screw / fasten🔉
- gelapaqq : screw / fasten🔉
- gelapaqta'tl : tack something on / attach with nails / tack on with nails / stitch on or together temporarily🔉
- gelapaqte'g : tack something on / attach with nails / tack on with nails / stitch on or together temporarily🔉
- geleiwatl : protect / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping🔉
- gelg'g : hold down with body weight / hold closed with body weight🔉
- gelguatl : hold down with body weight🔉
- gelgwisge'g : sprained / fractured🔉
- gelgwisgetesg : sprained (due fall or strain) / fractured🔉
- gelgwisgetestoq : fracture / sprain🔉
- geliget : protect / guard / watch over🔉
- gelisga'latl : take by the hand while walking / take hold arm in arm🔉
- geljit : frozen / freeze🔉
- gelo'tg : guard / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping🔉
- gelpilatl : tie up🔉
- gelpilg : tie up🔉
- geltaqanatl : hold by a leash / restrain (by leash or rope)🔉
- geltaqpilatl : tie with a rope🔉
- geltaqpilg : tie it up with a rope🔉
- gelta'tl : put claim / put deposit on / retainer / down payment on / give temporary relief to / prop up suddenly, quickly, temporarily / catch or hold in place temporarily🔉
- gelte'g : put claim / deposit / retainer / down payment on🔉
- gelt'g : frozen🔉
- gelulatl : speak to🔉
- gelu'lg : good / nice🔉
- gelu'si'ji'jit : very small and somewhat good🔉
- gelusit : speak / talk🔉
- gelu'sit : good / nice🔉
- gelutg : request / ask for🔉
- gemutmatl : steal from🔉
- gemutnalatl : kidnap / steal🔉
- gemutnatg : steal🔉
- gemutneg : steal / cheat🔉
- gemutnet : steal / cheat🔉
- gennatl : hold / put aside🔉
- genn'g : hold🔉
- gepaqs'te'g : guess it correctly🔉
- gepa'tat : have hoarse voice🔉
- Gepeg : Quebec🔉
- gepe'g : blocked / plugged (of ear or nose)🔉
- gepiet : become hoarse🔉
- gepijoqwa'latl : put the lid on / close / block / plug🔉
- gepijoqwa'toq : put the lid on / close / block / plug🔉
- gepi'sit : speak huskily / speak hoarsely🔉
- gepistaqanat : deaf🔉
- gepitnetoqsit : sounds nasal / sounds hoarse🔉
- gepjoqiget : lock up🔉
- gepjoqign : bottle cover / lid / plug / cork🔉
- gepjoqi'satl : sew up / sew shut / sew closed🔉
- gepjoqi's'g : sew up / seam / sew shut / sew closed🔉
- gepjoqpit : plugged / it is closed / blocked / shut🔉
- gepjoqta'tl : plug up by pounding / shut by hammering / lock someone in / nail shut / close quickly / shut quickly / shut by pounding🔉
- gepjoqteg : plugged / blocked / closed🔉
- gepjoqte'g : plug up by pounding / pound shut / nail shut🔉
- gepmite'lmatl : honor / pay homage / respect🔉
- gepmite'tg : honor / pay homage / respect🔉
- gepsaqa'latl : close / shut🔉
- gepsaqa'toq : shut / close🔉
- gepsga'latl : put to sleep🔉
- gepsgiet : drift off to sleep🔉
- gepsoqatl : lock up🔉
- gepsoqpit : closed / shut🔉
- gepsoqq : lock in / lock🔉
- gepsoqteg : closed / shut🔉
- gepta'latl : take down / unload / remove from / let off🔉
- geptaqalatl : throw off🔉
- geptaqtoq : throw off from the top🔉
- gepta's'g : get off atop / get out of🔉
- gepta'sit : get off of / get out of🔉
- gepta'toq : take down from the top / unload / remove from the top or inside🔉
- geptegetl : throws off🔉
- gep't'g : frozen over (water)🔉
- gept'gewigu's : November🔉
- gept'jiegetl : throws off🔉
- ge's : while / during🔉
- gesalatl : like / love🔉
- gesa'latl : hurt🔉
- gesaltimgewei : act of love🔉
- gesaluejijit : burdock bur / burdock🔉
- gesaluet : love🔉
- gesaqeg : steep🔉
- gesaqet : steep🔉
- gesaqtiat : diarrhea🔉
- gesaseg : shine / shines bright / bright🔉
- gesaset : shine / shines bright / bright🔉
- gesasit : shining bright🔉
- gesateg : bright🔉
- gesatg : like / enjoys / love🔉
- ge's'g : just a minute! / hold on!🔉
- gesga'latl : make disappear🔉
- gesgamugwa'latl : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve🔉
- gesgamugwa's'g : dissolving / disappearing / vanishing🔉
- gesgamugwa'sit : disappearing / dissolving / vanishing🔉
- gesgamugwa'toq : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve🔉
- gesgamugwiaq : fade away / fade out of sight🔉
- gesgamugwiet : fade away / fade out of sight🔉
- Gesgapegiaq : Gesgapegiaq, Quebec / Where the river widens🔉
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider🔉
- gesga't : lost🔉
- gesgatesg : disappear in flash / vanish🔉
- gesgatesing : disappear in flash / vanish🔉
- gesga'toq : make disappear / make wider🔉
- gesge'g : wide / wide🔉
- gesgelmatl : hold dearly / reluctant to part with🔉
- gesgelt'g : hold dearly / reluctant to part with🔉
- gesgiaqasit : has a broad back🔉
- gesgija'latl : place over / put over🔉
- gesgijaqsing : fly over🔉
- gesgija'sit : go over / climb over / pass over🔉
- gesgija'toq : place over / put over🔉
- gesgiss'g : pass over in the air🔉
- gesgissing : pass over in the air / fly over🔉
- gesgitlmaqanat : have broad shoulders🔉
- gesgitlmaqasit : broad shouldered / broad·beamed🔉
- gesgma'latl : take by shortcut / bring by shortest route🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa'latl : make someone see things that are not there / perform magic🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa't : see things that are not there / see a mirage / see an optical illusion🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa'teget : do magic tricks / produces illusions🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa'toq : make someone see things that are not there / do magic🔉
- gesgma'qa'latl : causes shivers🔉
- gesgma'qiet : shivers up spine / shudder🔉
- gesgma'sit : take shortcut🔉
- gesgma'toq : take or bring by shortest route / take it on a shortcut🔉
- gesgmnaq : before🔉
- gesgmteg : shortcut🔉
- gesgoqomaqasit : broad beamed🔉
- gesgugg : heavy🔉
- gesgulg : heavy🔉
- gesgulqeg : wide and deep (canoe, chair)🔉
- gesgunasit : carry(by hand) heavy load🔉
- gesgust'g : overhear🔉
- gesgustuatl : overhear🔉
- gesguta'tl : catch red-handed / catch by surprise🔉
- gesgute'g : catch on time / get in time🔉
- gesgutesg'g : just in time / get there on time before it departs / get there on time just before it starts🔉
- gesgutesgmat : on time (for) / just in time🔉
- gesgutesguatl : caught in the act / catch by surprise / catch on time🔉
- gesiangamatl : stare🔉
- gesiangapt'g : stare🔉
- gesig : winter🔉
- gesigawa's'g : goes at high speed / move fast🔉
- gesigawa'sit : goes at high speed / move fast🔉
- gesigawatpi'pit : run fast with head bobbing🔉
- gesigawewo'gwet : speak loudly / speak quickly / speak loudly and quickly🔉
- gesigawi'pit : moving fast / scooting along quickly🔉
- gesigawitg : flow swiftly / swift current🔉
- gesigawitnet : snort / snore loudly🔉
- gesigawlamit : breathe hard and fast🔉
- gesigawlugweg : works quickly🔉
- gesigawlugwet : works fast / works non-stop / works quickly🔉
- gesigawta'q : make loud noise / make loud sound🔉
- gesigawtewesigeg : make loud report (as cannon or gun)
- gesigawtewesiget : make loud report (as cannon or gun)🔉
- gesigawtoqsit : make loud sound with voice🔉
- gesigawweg : loud🔉
- gesigawwet : talk loud / makes a loud noise with voice / shouts🔉
- gesigewei : associated with winter / winter one / associated with winter / winter one🔉
- gesigewigu's : December / winter moon🔉
- gesigsnugwat : very sick🔉
- gesima'q : have strong odor / have strong scent🔉
- gesimaqapsgeg : very large and round🔉
- gesimaqapsg'sit : very large and round🔉
- gesima't : have strong odor🔉
- gesimlgignat : very strong🔉
- gesimt'g : cry hard / wail🔉
- gesipa'latl : relieve an itch by scratching / scratch🔉
- gesipatl : painful bite / hurt by biting / hurt by biting hard🔉
- gesipa'toq : scratch / relives an itch by scratching🔉
- gesipa'tuaj : scratches it🔉
- gesipa'tuatl : scratches it🔉
- gesipgueg : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)🔉
- gesipguet : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)🔉
- gesipiaq : itchy🔉
- gesipiemgewei : eczema / itchiness🔉
- gesipiet : itchy🔉
- gesipta'tl : scratch with an object / scratch🔉
- gesipte'g : quick scratch / a distracted scratch / scratch with an object🔉
- gesipto'sit : scratch self (like an animal)🔉
- gesipualatl : want very much / covet🔉
- gesipuatg : wants very much / covet🔉
- gesisewigna't : very weak(from being ill)🔉
- gesispa'latl : wash🔉
- gesispa'lsit : wash self / take bath🔉
- gesispapalatl : sponge bath / hose down🔉
- gesispapalsit : wash slightly and hastily / take sponge bath / cursory bath🔉
- gesispapatoq : wash slightly and hastily🔉
- gesispa'tegemgewei : object pertaining to washing🔉
- gesispa'teget : wash (floors)🔉
- gesispa'toq : wash🔉
- gesistaqnewet : wash clothes / do laundry🔉
- gesita'tl : hit hard / beat-up badly🔉
- gesite'lmatl : think highly of / especially fond of / extremely fond of / proud🔉
- gesitesing : get hurt badly (from a fall or an accident)🔉
- gesite'tg : think highly of / really, especially, or extremely fond of / proud / value🔉
- gesite'wet : very attractive🔉
- gesitewipnet : groan🔉
- gesitowaqji'jit : very short🔉
- gesleg : stink🔉
- geslet : stink / smell🔉
- gesma'latl : push🔉
- gesmapewit : strange looking / weird looking / unusual looking🔉
- gesmaqalatl : shove🔉
- gesmaqtoq : shove🔉
- gesma'toq : push🔉
- gesmeget : shove🔉
- gesmigit : shapely / well·built / well·proportioned🔉
- gesmi'sit : speak in odd or unusual way / speak with a heavy accent🔉
- gesmjiegetl : shoves🔉
- gesmoqja'latl : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)🔉
- gesmoqja'toq : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)🔉
- gesmoqjeget : give a quick push / give a quick shove🔉
- gesm'pisit : strangely dressed / well dressed / fancily dressed🔉
- gesmtesg'g : move by bumping / shove🔉
- gesmtesguatl : move by bumping🔉
- gesnoqowite'tg : not take seriously / not think highly of / disrespect / disregard🔉
- gesnuguig : hurt / uncomfortably sore / ache🔉
- gesnuguit : ache / hurt / sore🔉
- gesnugwaj : ache / hurt / sore / uncomfortably sore🔉
- gesnugwapewit : looks sick🔉
- gesnugwat : sick🔉
- gesnugwe'galsit : pretend to be ill / pretend to be sick / feign illness🔉
- gesnugwetoqsit : sound sickly🔉
- gesnugwiangamgusit : appear sickly🔉
- gesoqet : has a strong odor🔉
- gesoqsit : feel the burn badly / get a bad burn / get a painful burn🔉
- gespaqami'g : end of the world🔉
- Gespe'g : Seventh Mi'gmaq district / Gaspe🔉
- Gespe'gewa'j : resident of Gaspe / resident of the seventh district / Gaspesian / a person from Gaspe🔉
- gesp'g : dull / blunt / not sharp🔉
- gespiaqantie'uti : weekend🔉
- gesplatl : make dull / make blunt🔉
- Gespogwitg : First Mi'gmaq district / present day southern western Nova Scotia🔉
- gesp'teg : Saturday🔉
- gesp'toq : make dull / make it blunt🔉
- gespugua'latl : lie🔉
- Gespugwitg : Annapolis Valley🔉
- gespugwitnewa'j : (Annapolis) valley person🔉
- gespu'tuatl : defeat (in game) / beat (in game)🔉
- gespu'tuet : wins / win by overcoming🔉
- gestunepilaqan : gallows🔉
- ge's_mu : before🔉
- getalqa'latl : take out of🔉
- getalqa'toq : take out of🔉
- getalqigwalatl : take out by scraping / digging out🔉
- getalqigwatg : dig out🔉
- geta'muatl : agree with🔉
- getanatl : hunt / track / chase / seek / spiteful🔉
- getanqigalatl : stalk🔉
- getanteget : hunter / gatherer / spiteful person🔉
- getantoq : hunt / strive to obtain / gather / work to earn🔉
- getanuet : spiteful🔉
- getapa'q : sink into water / sink into liquid🔉
- getapa'sit : go underwater / submerge🔉
- getapa't : sink🔉
- getapegiet : sing🔉
- getapet : dive / go under water🔉
- getapetesing : dive / duck underwater🔉
- getemetesultijig : all killed🔉
- getgaqamigsit : ill·mannered🔉
- getgatalg : eat ill·manneredly / eat disgusting food🔉
- getge'g : act indecent🔉
- getgiet : drunk🔉
- getgugjetesg : falls prone face down🔉
- getgugjiaq : turns prone face down🔉
- getgujeitesing : fall face first🔉
- getgunit : spend the night / sleep over🔉
- getgwi'g : run🔉
- ge'tiap : full grown bull moose🔉
- ge'tipnet : harvest crops (of roots, tubers, potatoes, carrots, turnips)🔉
- ge'tipnewinu : harvester🔉
- getlamite'lmatl : believes in / trusts in🔉
- getlams'tg : believe / obey / follow, as in beliving in something🔉
- getlams'tuatl : believe someone / listen to🔉
- getletug : certainly / without doubt / absolutely🔉
- getlewei : truly🔉
- getloqo : that is right / for certain🔉
- getma'tl : finish food / clean out of food / not leave any food🔉
- getmenejig : extinct / totally wiped-out through death🔉
- getmenet : all dead / extinct / deceased🔉
- getmete'gl : win all / break all / destroy all🔉
- getmete'mat : finished off / wiped out🔉
- getmoqsijig : all burned🔉
- getmoqtegl : all burned🔉
- getuapematl : need for assistance / long for support / desire his/her help🔉
- getuapetg : seek help from / seek solace from / want for satisfaction / desires🔉
- getuapsit : fend for oneself / help oneself🔉
- getu'g : to crow / holler / sing🔉
- getugsiet : drowsy🔉
- getugsit : sleepy🔉
- getugtnumqwanet : want an alcoholic drink🔉
- getu'muatl : make music for / entertain🔉
- getu'muet : make music / play musical instrument🔉
- getu'nmiet : want to go home / intend to go home🔉
- getupatl : want to eat / want to taste🔉
- getu'pgising : expected to arrive🔉
- getutg : want to eat / want to taste🔉
- getu'_unjanit : pregnant / expect baby🔉
- gewaqs'g : fell by the wind / blown down by the wind🔉
- gewaqsing : blown down by the wind / fell by the wind🔉
- gewg'g : force it (that is upright) down with one's weight🔉
- gewguatl : force ...(that is upright) down with one's weight🔉
- gewiaq : fall down from upright position / fall over from standing position / topple from standing position🔉
- gewiet : falls over from upright position / topple from standing position🔉
- gewising : hungry🔉
- gewjatpewjit : head is cold🔉
- gewjia'qiet : feel chilly / have chills🔉
- gewjipnewjit : feel hands cold🔉
- gewjit : feel cold🔉
- gewsatl : topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)🔉
- gews'g : toppled by the wind / blown over by the wind / blown down / topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)🔉
- gewtaqsigit : feel cold feet🔉
- gewta'tl : knock down🔉
- gewte'g : knock down🔉
- giasgilugwet : work with precision / work properly🔉
- giasgiw : correct / proper / exactly🔉
- giasgiwewei : correct one / proper one / right one🔉
- giaspiaq : result / end / last🔉
- giaspiet : make habit of🔉
- giaspigisg'g : last day🔉
- giaspilugwet : last time worked🔉
- giaspiw : since🔉
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home🔉
- gi'gaj : still / in spite of / yet🔉
- gi'gaja'latl : force / rape🔉
- gi'gaja'sit : argue🔉
- gi'gajeiwatl : aggravate / tease / do for spite🔉
- gi'gajie'watl : use in spite of / use in spite of condition / use forcefully🔉
- gi'gajilugwet : work in spite of...🔉
- gi'gajimatl : goad / dare / urge on / taunt / reply sarcastically or meanly / answer back🔉
- gi'gajinmigimatl : send home against their will / send home forcefully🔉
- gi'gajo'tg : use in spite of condition / force self / aggravate🔉
- gi'gamgo'n : pole (for poling boat)🔉
- gi'gassit : tease🔉
- gi'gassmatl : forcefeed / forcefully give food🔉
- gi'gataganutg : exaggerate🔉
- gi'gatagnimatl : exaggerate about / render worst than is / render better than is🔉
- gi'gatagnutmuatl : exaggerate something to🔉
- gigjapit : near·sighted🔉
- gigjiw : near / close by🔉
- gigj'pa'sualatl : sit close to🔉
- gi'gligjenatl : tickle🔉
- gi'gligsig : ticklish🔉
- gi'gligsit : ticklish🔉
- gigpesa'ji'jg : shower / rain slightly🔉
- gigpesan : rain🔉
- gigpesanamu'g : misty / looks like rain / looks like it's going to rain🔉
- gigpesanamugwiaq : rain clouds approaching🔉
- gigpesaq : rain🔉
- gigto'qopugua'sit : turn around while standing / turn about while in standing position🔉
- gi'gwaju : badger🔉
- gi'gwesu : muskrat🔉
- gi'gwesuasgw : muskrat root (cold remedy, mix with liquid or chewed) / cold remedy🔉
- gijga'jijg : little bit🔉
- gijga'tata'n : right on! (interjection)🔉
- gijitpa'qtug : in total darkness / in the dark🔉
- giju' : mother / mom🔉
- gi'l : you (singular)🔉
- gilew : you (plural) / you (dual)🔉
- gi'lewei : your(singular) / yours(singular) / your(singular) / yours(singular)🔉
- gilewewei : your(plural) / yours(plural) / your(plural) / yours(plural)🔉
- gimamatl : peek at / spy on / look at surreptitiously🔉
- gimapit : peek / look on secretly🔉
- gimapt'g : peek at / spy on / look at secretly🔉
- gime'g : secretive🔉
- gimelmit : laugh to oneself / laugh secretly🔉
- gimelmugtasit : laugh at oneself in a secret manner🔉
- gimewistoq : whisper🔉
- gimewo'gwet : talk in a low voice / speak or talk in a whisper🔉
- gimiet : sneak around🔉
- gimilugwet : work in secret / work secretly🔉
- gimsgwet : walk quietly / tiptoe🔉
- gimteluatl : shoot by ambush / ambush🔉
- gimtemit : cry secretly / cry silently🔉
- gimtesg'g : sneak up on🔉
- gimtesguatl : sneak up on🔉
- gimu'tug : somewhat / a bit / sort of / stealthfully🔉
- gina'masuti : education / lesson / knowledge / learning🔉
- gina'matimg : time of acquiring learning🔉
- gina'muo'guom : school🔉
- gina'sit : put a lot of effort / try hard🔉
- ginateja'sit : strut on / proudly going🔉
- ginigwejij : thistle prickle / thistle🔉
- ginisgwe'g : pointed / have sharp point / pointed / have sharp point🔉
- ginisgwig : pointed shape🔉
- gintewoqsit : snore loudly🔉
- ginu : we / us(inclusive)🔉
- ginualatl : brag about🔉
- ginuatg : brag about🔉
- ginuet : brag🔉
- ginuewei : ours (inclusive) / ours (inclusive)🔉
- gi'nujing : proud / prideful / look proud🔉
- gipoqamatl : glance at / catch a glimpse🔉
- gipoqapt'g : glance at / catch a glimpse🔉
- gipoqtelg : graze (by shooting)🔉
- gipoqteluatl : graze (by shooting)🔉
- gi's : completed action / already happened🔉
- gisa'latl : prompted / compel to do / motivate / cause🔉
- gisanatl : killed him/her/it / destroyed him/her/it🔉
- gisapsgnatl : able to reach / get a hold of🔉
- gisapsgng : catch reach / get a hold of🔉
- gisa'tas'g : fixed / prepared🔉
- gisa'tasit : fixed / repaired / prepared🔉
- gi'satl : finished cooking🔉
- gisa'toq : fix / repair / able to / can / capable of🔉
- gise'g : have good time / have fun / fun to be with / enjoyable🔉
- gi's'g : finished cooking🔉
- gisgaja'latl : get ready / prepare🔉
- gisgaja'tas'g : prepared🔉
- gisgaja'toq : get it ready / prepare🔉
- gisgaje'g : prepared / ready🔉
- gisgajiet : have patience / measure up to / able🔉
- gisgajoqosg : lies ready🔉
- gisgatpit : sits ready / prepared🔉
- gisgat'puguit : stand ready🔉
- gisgatta'tl : prepare / fix up🔉
- gisgatteg : ready / prepared🔉
- gisgug : today🔉
- gisiatl : creates / made🔉
- gisigu : old man / elderly man🔉
- gisigu'aq : get old🔉
- gisigu'et : become old / he/she is aging🔉
- gisigui'sgw : old woman / elderly woman🔉
- gisigu'lega't : walk like an old person🔉
- gisigu'lgw : old canoe or boat🔉
- gisiguo'p : old man🔉
- gisigu'qamigsit : act like an old person🔉
- gisigu'sgw : old female animal🔉
- gisigu'sgwe'j : spinster🔉
- gisigu'sm : old animal🔉
- gisigweg : full grown / mature🔉
- gisigwegewigu's : August🔉
- gisigwenatl : grow / raise / adopt / rear🔉
- gisigweng : full-grown / raise / rear🔉
- gisigwenign : adopted child🔉
- gisigwet : full grown / mature / becomes an adult🔉
- gisilugwet : able to work🔉
- gisintoq : sang🔉
- gisi'satl : sew🔉
- gisi's'g : sew🔉
- gi'sit : cooked🔉
- gisite'lmatl : invent🔉
- gisite'tg : invent🔉
- gisitoq : finish making🔉
- gislassit : turn ripe🔉
- gislasteg : turn ripe🔉
- gisna : or / or else🔉
- gisoqeg : hill top / atop hill🔉
- giso'qon : fun time / lots of fun! (interjection)🔉
- gisoqsit : ready cooked / cooked🔉
- gisoqteg : ready cooked / cooked🔉
- gispasas'g : cured / dried out(wood)🔉
- gispasasit : cured / dried out🔉
- gispasatl : dry🔉
- gispasawemgewei : dryer🔉
- gispasg : dry🔉
- gispasit : dry🔉
- gispateg : dry🔉
- gispisun : belt🔉
- gispisuna'q : wear belt🔉
- gispnapewit : have a tired look🔉
- gispneg : tired🔉
- gispnet : tired🔉
- gispnetoqsit : tired sounding voice🔉
- gispniet : become tired🔉
- gispnulatl : make tired🔉
- gista'tl : beat-up / finish beating🔉
- gisteju : slave🔉
- gisteluatl : impregnate (slang expression)🔉
- gisue'g : keeps one warm / warm (clothing)🔉
- gisu'g'g : warmly dressed🔉
- Gisu'lgw : Creator🔉
- gisupa'q : lukewarm (of liquid)🔉
- gisu'paqsijig : lukewarm (of liquid)🔉
- gisu'pisit : dress warmly / dress for the cold🔉
- gisu'piso'tlatl : dress up warmly🔉
- gi's_sa'q : long ago / once upon a time🔉
- gi'taqan : grindstone🔉
- gi'taqanmusi : Staghorn sumac / sumac🔉
- gitaqasit : muscle ache / sore muscles / sore (of person)🔉
- gitaqeg : muscle ache / sore (of body part)🔉
- gitaqet : sore (of body part) / sore muscle🔉
- gi'teg : cooked🔉
- gitg : both🔉
- gitmaqan : count stick (in waltes game)🔉
- gitnmat : have difficulty / have hard time🔉
- gitnmeiwatl : give a hard time to🔉
- gitnmo'tg : give a hard time🔉
- gitpu : eagle🔉
- giwaje'g : listless / dull🔉
- giwajeiwatl : long for / yearn for🔉
- gi'wajiaq : honest / fact / true / so🔉
- giwajo'tg : long for / yearn for🔉
- giwasg : heat lightning🔉
- giwattesguatl : sadden by his/her departure🔉
- giwgw : earthquake🔉
- giwnig : otter🔉
- giwto'qa'latl : circling with / spin around🔉
- giwto'qa's'g : circle around / goes around🔉
- giwto'qasga'latl : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around🔉
- giwto'qasga'toq : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around🔉
- giwto'qa'sit : circle / turn around / go around🔉
- giwto'qatesgatultijig : chase around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qa'toq : circling with / wave around / spin around🔉
- giwto'qiaq : spin / turns by itself🔉
- giwto'qiet : spin / turns / get dizzy🔉
- giwto'qigsma'latl : push around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qigsma'toq : push around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qopega'latl : swing around🔉
- giwto'qopega'toq : swing around🔉
- giwto'qopia'tijig : sit in a circle🔉
- giwto'qopilatl : wrap around🔉
- giwto'qopilg : wrap around / hang around perimiter🔉
- giwto'qopultijig : sit around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qoto'sit : spins self / skip rope (Nova Scotia)🔉
- giwto'qugwaltultijig : follow one another in a circle🔉
- giwto'qwa'sit : circle / goes around / turns / spin🔉
- gjiansale'wit : archangel🔉
- gjiaplue'w : rascal🔉
- gjigan : city🔉
- gjiganji'j : village / town🔉
- gjigapa'n : tide🔉
- gjiga'qaquj : raven🔉
- gjinisgam : Great Spirit🔉
- gjipa'tlia's : bishop🔉
- gjipulgowei : epilepsy🔉
- gjisape'wit : patron saint🔉
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually🔉
- glaman : so / therefore / thus🔉
- glamuejmnaqsi : serviceberry bush / billberry / shadbush (juneberry)🔉
- glap : club (in cards)🔉
- glapaqign : screw🔉
- glapaqignei : screw driver🔉
- glapis : finally / eventually🔉
- glaptan : blacksmith🔉
- glatpetaw : freshwater catfish / horned pout (kind of fish)🔉
- glitam : birthmark🔉
- glitaw : strawberry / red raspberry (Nova Scotia and parts of New Brunswick) / berry🔉
- glmuej : mosquito / boil / carbuncle🔉
- glmuejuapsgw : piece of coal / coal🔉
- gloqiej : swamp robin🔉
- gloqontiej : gull / seagull🔉
- gloqowej : star / dormer🔉
- glpisun : anchor🔉
- glu : condor / eagle (Listuguj)🔉
- glumg : wheat grain🔉
- glumgul : wheat plant🔉
- Glusgap : Glooscap (culture hero)🔉
- glusgapewit : fib / tell lies / tell tall tales🔉
- glusuaqan : word / news🔉
- gmenie'wit : receive holy communion🔉
- gmetug : beside / aside / on the side of🔉
- gmnie'wit : take holy communion🔉
- gm'tginu : our territory / our country🔉
- gmtn : mountain🔉
- gmu'j : stick / wood / piece of lumber / pile of lumber🔉
- gmu'je'gaqan : lumbering / forestry🔉
- gmu'je'get : get wood / cut lumber🔉
- gmu'ji'gan : wooden house / wooden building🔉
- gmu'ji'j : small stick🔉
- gmu'jmin : raspberry🔉
- gmutnes : thief🔉
- gmutta'tl : beat with a stick🔉
- gmutte'g : beat with a stick🔉
- gna'ji'j : nit / parasitic insect egg / young parasitic insect🔉
- gna'taqan : decoration🔉
- gneg : far🔉
- gne'g : soon / shortly in time / later🔉
- gneg_wetagutijig : distant relatives or relations🔉
- gnisgwastu : evergreen needle🔉
- gnugwaqan : marker / blaze (on tree)🔉
- gnugwatign : letter (alphabet) / symbol / mark🔉
- go'gomin : thornberry / hawthorn berry🔉
- go'gominaqsi : hawthornberry bush / thorn apple bush🔉
- go'gwejij : spider / cancer🔉
- go'gwejijua'pi : spider web🔉
- go'lail : kerosene / coal oil🔉
- gomgwej : sucker (fish)🔉
- gomgwejui'gaqan : glyphics (Nnu/Mi'gmaw) / hieroglyphics (Nnu/Mi'gmaw) / character used to write Micmac🔉
- gomgwejui'gas'g : written in Mi'gmaw glyph writing / written in Mi'gmaw hieroglyphics / Mi'gmaw glyph writing / Mi'gmaw hieroglyphics🔉
- gomgwejui'gasit : hieroglyphic writing / sucker fish (gomgwej) writing / Nnu glyph writing / written in sucker fish (gomgwej) writing / written in Nnu glyph writing🔉
- gomgwejui'giget : writes using Mi'gmaq hieroglyphics / writes using old Mi'gmaq hieroglyphics🔉
- gopgej : sawwhet🔉
- go'pign : dip net (for fish)🔉
- gopit : beaver🔉
- gopitewe'get : trap beaver🔉
- go'qoli'gwej : chicken / hen🔉
- go'qoli'gwe'ji'j : baby chickens / chick🔉
- goqqaja'teget : do the right thing / do correctly🔉
- goqqwa'latl : grab🔉
- goqqwa'toq : grab🔉
- goqwei : what🔉
- goqwei_net : what is this? / what is that?🔉
- goqwei_ta : what about it? / what for?🔉
- goqwei_ugjit : what for? / why?🔉
- g'pnno'l : government🔉
- g'pnno'lewa'j : member of government / government employee🔉
- g'p'tai : ceiling / top🔉
- g'p'ta'q : up / above / overhead🔉
- gp'te'sn : south🔉
- gs'geltaqan : valued and protected / precious / someone held dear / something animate held dear / something held dear🔉
- gsigawa'suinu : fast runner🔉
- gsin : past winter🔉
- gsinug : next winter / forthcoming winter🔉
- gsipo'qiwan : scratching place🔉
- gsispa'taqan : soap / detergent / hand soap🔉
- gsite'taqan : someone cherished or valued / someone precious / something cherished or valued / something precious🔉
- gsnqo'qon : foolishness / silly / pointless🔉
- gsnqo'weiei : foolish thing / useless object / worthless object🔉
- gsnugo'guom : hospital🔉
- gsnugowaqan : sickness / illness / virus🔉
- gsnugowinu : sick person🔉
- g's'talg : finished eating🔉
- gsu'sgw : hemlock🔉
- gsusgwate'gn : tent flap🔉
- gta'n : ocean🔉
- gtantaqan : plot against / hatred / scheme against / connivery🔉
- gtantegewinu : hunter🔉
- gtapegiaqan : song🔉
- gtigiewinuj : drunkard🔉
- gtigiewuti : drunkenness🔉
- gtiginipn : summer before last🔉
- gtigipug : last winter🔉
- gtigipun : last year🔉
- gtigisapo'nug : day after tomorrow🔉
- gtigiwela'gwe'g : night before last / other night🔉
- gtigulagu : day before yesterday / other day🔉
- gtuguno'guom : bedroom / dormatory / hotel, motel room🔉
- gu'gu'gwes : owl / screech owl (Nova Scotia)🔉
- guign : marrow bone🔉
- gujm : outside / outdoors🔉
- gulgwi'ji'j : piglet / young pig🔉
- gulgwi's : pig / hog / swine🔉
- gulgwi'suei : pork🔉
- gulgwi'su'mi : lard / pork fat🔉
- Guljewto't_Na'gweg : Good Friday🔉
- guljie'wei : cross🔉
- guljiewta'sit : crucifix / crucified🔉
- guljiewto'sit : cross oneself🔉
- gulpatgij : maggot🔉
- gulumatl : request / ask for🔉
- gunte'j : pebble / small stone / small rock🔉
- guntew : stone / rock🔉
- guntewapsgeg : rocky / rocky texture🔉
- guow : pine🔉
- gups'ji'j : cup (little, small)🔉
- guta'latl : pour🔉
- gutan : town / village🔉
- gutana'sit : go to town / go to east end (of Listuguj) / go up mission (Listuguj)🔉
- gutang : town / east end (of Listuguj) / down the mission (Listuguj)🔉
- gutapigwalatl : desalinate / desalt (by soaking in several changes of water)🔉
- gutapigwatg : desalinate / desalt by soaking in several changes of water🔉
- guta'tat : pour for self🔉
- gutatesmatl : spill🔉
- gutatestoq : spill🔉
- guta'toq : pour🔉
- guteget : spill / spill intentionally🔉
- gwatej : Iroquois / Mohawk🔉
- gwe'gwiamgeg : Port Hood, N.S. / water embankment🔉
- gweltanat : feast🔉
- gweso'tg : conserve / preserve🔉
- gwilg : search🔉
- gwiluasit : search🔉
- gwiluatl : looks for / search for🔉
- gwimu : loon🔉
- gwi's : son / boy / little brother🔉
- gwi'sit : jump (reference to fish)🔉
- gwitji'j : son / sonny🔉
- gwitn : canoe🔉
- gwitna'q : go by canoe🔉
- iap : bull moose, caribou, etc.🔉
- iapjiw : forever🔉
- iapjiwowei : pertains to forever🔉
- igalatl : protect / defend / fight for / take side of / favor🔉
- iga'latl : release / let go / place / put🔉
- iga'q : arrive🔉
- iga't : arrive🔉
- iga'taqalatl : plant / sow🔉
- iga'taqan : cultivated field / cultivated land / garden / yard🔉
- iga'taqatg : plant / sow🔉
- iga'taqewatl : sow for / plant for🔉
- iga'taqug : plant / put in garden / sow🔉
- igatg : protect / defend / fight for / take side of / favor🔉
- igatne'suinu : racer🔉
- igatne'we'sm : racer (animal) / race horse🔉
- igatne'wet : race / win a race🔉
- iga'toq : place / put🔉
- igeggwet : fall sick / in heat (said of dog) / lose mind suddenly🔉
- ignmuatl : give to / allow / permit🔉
- ignmuetoq : give away🔉
- igtig : other / another / other thing🔉
- igto'sit : yawn🔉
- ijipanji'j : kitten beaver / kitten beaver of youngest litter🔉
- ilaji'gewatl : prepare for🔉
- ilaji'gewsit : prepare / get ready🔉
- ilajit : get ready / prepare / pack🔉
- ilajugt'g : prepare for / get ready for🔉
- ilajugtuatl : prepare for / get ready for🔉
- ilaju'latl : pack for / prepare for / get ready for🔉
- ila'latl : adjust / reset🔉
- ilamatl : sight / look over / examine🔉
- ilamgo'tasit : piles objects in organized fashion / piles wood🔉
- ilanqa'latl : fold🔉
- ilanqa'toq : fold🔉
- ilanqo'tasit : folding / folding bedding / folding clothing🔉
- ilapewnusit : groom / put on make up🔉
- ilapsg'smu'gwet : curl up and go to sleep / reposition during sleep / lie down for a nap / lie down for a rest🔉
- ilapt'g : look over / examine🔉
- ila'sit : get well / recover🔉
- ila'toq : adjust / reset🔉
- ilgopa'sit : change position while sitting🔉
- ilgwenatl : steer (by head) / direct (by head)🔉
- ilgweng : steer / directs🔉
- ilgwi't'g : steer🔉
- ilisqa'latl : make limber / massage / put back in place (as joint)🔉
- ilisqa'toq : put back in place (as joint) / limber / massage🔉
- iljo'qonatl : balance🔉
- iljo'qong : balance🔉
- iljoqte'g : revamp its (shape) / refurbish🔉
- iljo'qwa'latl : put right side up / place in order / set straight / settle🔉
- iljo'qwa'toq : put right side up / place in order / set straight / settle🔉
- iloqomoqwa'latl : wrap (as gift)🔉
- iloqomoqwa'taqan : wrapping paper🔉
- iloqomoqwa'toq : wrap (as gift)🔉
- iloqwa'latl : reposition lengthwise / place or put in proper position lengthwise / straighten out lengthwise🔉
- iloqwa'toq : reposition lengthwise / place or put in proper position lengthwise / straighten out lenghtwise🔉
- ilpilatl : provide clothing for / dress up / get ready for shipping🔉
- ilpilg : tie / retie properly🔉
- ilpilsit : get properly dressed / redresses🔉
- ilpugua'sit : stand into position / change position while standing🔉
- ilsaqa'toq : cock (gun) / set (trap)🔉
- ilsumatl : sentence (legal) / make a decision about / place a judgment🔉
- ilsutaqan : trial / decision making🔉
- ilsuteget : give orders / make decision / plan🔉
- ilsutg : judge / make a decision🔉
- ilta'latl : shut / close🔉
- iltaqalatl : hitch up (horse)🔉
- iltaqanatl : guide or direct (horse) by reins🔉
- iltaqane'walatl : prepare / organize / get ready (hunting or fishing) / set up🔉
- iltaqane'watg : prepare / organize / set up🔉
- ilta'toq : shut / close🔉
- ilteget : shut quickly🔉
- iltijieget : slam shut🔉
- inaqan : right side🔉
- inaqanmit : right·handed🔉
- i'nes : it seems / probably / it could be🔉
- istua'latl : set crooked / treat differently🔉
- istua'toq : do or make crooked🔉
- istue'g : different / not normal / strange / different / strange🔉
- istuig : crooked / uneven / asymmetical🔉
- istuigata't : have clubfoot / clubfooted🔉
- istuigit : crooked / uneven / different / dishonest🔉
- istu'napui'gatl : take crooked picture🔉
- istu'napui'g'g : take crooked picture🔉
- istu'pit : sit crooked🔉
- istu'satl : cut crookedly / cut unevenly🔉
- istu's'g : cut crookedly / cut unevenly🔉
- istu'teg : set crooked🔉
- jagej : lobster🔉
- jagejue'get : trap lobsters🔉
- jageju'patl : clean out (by eating) / mooch excessively (expression)🔉
- jagweg : sound loud🔉
- jagwet : sound loud / talk loudly🔉
- jajigamugsit : look healthy🔉
- jajiga'q : swim along the shore / creep along in the water like a lobster🔉
- jajiga'sit : going along/beside the shore / going along/beside edge🔉
- jajige'g : healthy🔉
- jajigoqpit : sit alongside🔉
- jajigteg : alongside🔉
- jajigtug : along the edge / at the edge🔉
- jampo'qiet : somersault🔉
- japigwet : wink / face covered in a substance🔉
- japigwetuatl : wink🔉
- japigwetuet : winks🔉
- jaqala'latl : rush / cause to do fast🔉
- jaqala'sit : rush / go fast / move fast🔉
- jaqala'toq : do fast🔉
- jaqale'g : quick / fast / fast / quick🔉
- jaqalilugwet : work quickly🔉
- jaqalipiasatl : dry quickly (sweater)🔉
- jaqalipiasg : dry quickly (clothing)🔉
- jaqalipnet : illness progresses quickly🔉
- jaqali'sit : fast-speaker🔉
- jaqallugweg : works quickly🔉
- jaqalta'tl : finish off fast (in boxing, game or cards)🔉
- jaqalte'g : earn quickly / gather quickly / chop quickly🔉
- ja'wa'lie'j : grasshopper (Listuguj)🔉
- jawa'tat : chew tobacco / use snuff🔉
- ja'wei : chewing tobacco / snuff🔉
- je'g : jack (in cards) / Jack (name)🔉
- jel : also / and🔉
- jenpit : sit quietly / sit calmly🔉
- jensi : suddenly / before you know it / all of a sudden🔉
- jenteg : quiet🔉
- jenu : giant🔉
- je_mu : not even / not quite🔉
- je_tlia' : even so! / even just / even if🔉
- j'gi'ges : chickadee🔉
- jgi'n : Well! / Indeed!🔉
- jiagewj : mink🔉
- jigajiet : irritable / uncomfortable🔉
- jigalugg : paddle alone or singlehandedly / pole alone or singlehandedly🔉
- ji'gata'tl : hew / dress / trim🔉
- ji'gataw : dressed wood🔉
- ji'gate'g : blaze / hew / dress / trim🔉
- ji'gate'get : blaze / hew / dress / trim (wood)🔉
- jigaw : bass🔉
- jigawepit : inactive / dull / quite🔉
- jigaweteg : inactive / dull / boring / quiet🔉
- jigg'putaqan : rake🔉
- jigg'puteget : rake🔉
- jigistaqanat : listen attentively / eavesdrop🔉
- ji'gitlo'q : kettle / teakettle🔉
- jigmit : growl🔉
- jigmugt'g : growl at🔉
- jigmugtuatl : growl at🔉
- jigni'get : root (as pig)🔉
- jigpatl : eat all / consume all🔉
- jigpusit : spend until broke🔉
- jigs'tg : listen🔉
- jigs'tuatl : listen to🔉
- jigtaqawet : smooth sheens (for basketry)🔉
- jigt'g : eat all of / finish consuming🔉
- ji'guteget : daydream🔉
- jigwapa'n : tide (Bear River)🔉
- jijgluewj : sheep🔉
- jijgluewji'j : lamb🔉
- jijgluewjuapi : wool / yarn🔉
- jijgluewjuapiei : woolen material / woolen material (as in socks)🔉
- jijigulqeg : narrow and shallow (of canoe)🔉
- jijigwatej : sand piper🔉
- jijigwe'jg : narrow🔉
- jijigwe'jit : narrow🔉
- jijiwa'qiaq : rusty🔉
- jijiwa'qiet : rusty🔉
- jijjawignej : raisin🔉
- jijjema'q : smell bad / stink🔉
- jijjema't : smell bad / stink🔉
- jijuaqa : sometimes🔉
- jijuejg : bell🔉
- jijuejg'ji'j : small bell / sleigh bell🔉
- jijuejgwatp : steeple🔉
- jila'gipulatl : mark (with a saw)🔉
- jila'gittoq : mark with a saw🔉
- jilapa'latl : make scratch marks / scratches🔉
- jilapaqta'tl : make a mark / scratches🔉
- jilapaqte'g : make a mark on / scratches🔉
- jilapa'tegeg : makes scratch marks / scratches🔉
- jilapa'teget : make scratch marks / scratches🔉
- jilapa'toq : makes scratch marks🔉
- jilaptoq : make footprints🔉
- jilaqami'g : make snowshoe tracks🔉
- jile'g : injured / hurt🔉
- jiloqsa'tl : blaze (with knife) / blaze by cutting🔉
- jiloqs'g : blaze (with knife) / blaze by cutting🔉
- jiloqta'tl : blaze (with axe) / blaze by hitting🔉
- jiloqte'g : blaze (with axe) / blaze by hitting🔉
- jilpit : leave an impression / leave a mark🔉
- jilsatl : nick with a knife🔉
- jilsawet : mark with a knife / score with a knife🔉
- jils'g : nick (with knife) / nick by cutting🔉
- jilta's'g : marked (from a strike)🔉
- jilta'sit : marked (from a strike)🔉
- jilta'tl : make a mark(by striking)🔉
- jilteg : leaves an impression / leave a mark🔉
- jilte'g : mark or scar on it (by beating or hitting)🔉
- ji'matg : paddle / row🔉
- Ji'me'j : James / Jim / Jimmy🔉
- ji'met : row / paddle🔉
- jimpegenatl : wring out / milk (cow)🔉
- jimpegnewet : milk (cow) / wring out🔉
- jimpegng : wring out🔉
- jing'ja'latl : pinch / squeeze🔉
- jing'ja'toq : pinch / squeeze🔉
- jiniw : suddenly🔉
- ji'nm : man🔉
- ji'nmji'j : young man / unmarried man🔉
- ji'nmji'ju'et : become a young man / enter manhood (post puberty)🔉
- ji'nmue'sm : man chaser / likes the company of men (usually refers to a woman)🔉
- ji'nmuit : is a man🔉
- ji'nmu'qamigsit : act like a man🔉
- jinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander🔉
- jinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)🔉
- jipalatl : fear / afraid of🔉
- jipaluejit : phobic / fearful person🔉
- jipaluet : fearful🔉
- jipaqa'latl : frighten🔉
- jipasit : afraid / scared🔉
- jipatg : fear / afraid of🔉
- jipguatl : make uneasy / make tense🔉
- jipijga'm : horned serpent🔉
- jipji'j : bird🔉
- jipji'ju'gisutnat : have voice like bird🔉
- jiptug : perhaps / maybe / unless / hopefully🔉
- Jipugtug : Halifax, NS🔉
- jipugtugwewa'j : Haligonian🔉
- Jipugtu'jg : Bouctouche, New Brunswick🔉
- jipu'ji'j : brook🔉
- jitlo'mugwaqan : rocking chair / cradle🔉
- jitnaqe'gnei : clothing iron / iron🔉
- joqjimusi : white maple tree🔉
- jujij : insect / crawling creature / bug🔉
- juji'ji'j : small insect / bug🔉
- lagga'p : cellar / basement / underground food storage🔉
- laggol : cord of wood🔉
- la'gittaqan : file / filing tool🔉
- laglem : cream🔉
- laglemamu'g : cream colored🔉
- laglemamugsit : cream colored🔉
- la'jijjaqan : glove🔉
- la'maqan : dipper / ladle🔉
- lame'g : underneath / under / inside🔉
- lame'gewei : slip🔉
- lame'geweia'q : wear slip🔉
- lamipgigwan : eyeball🔉
- lamiptn : palm (of hand)🔉
- lampo'q : bottom of lake / bottom of river🔉
- lamqamu'g : underground🔉
- lamqwan : undershirt🔉
- lamqwana'q : wear undershirt🔉
- lamuaw : yolk / egg yolk🔉
- lamuguom : interior of the house🔉
- lapai : tub🔉
- lapaltnewei : holy water🔉
- lapatign : holy water sprinkler🔉
- lapawji'jitewei : tin🔉
- lape'lis : yard (of measurement)🔉
- lape'w : rooster🔉
- lapigot : smallpox / smallpox mark🔉
- lapigotewit : have smallpox🔉
- lapilas : flax seed🔉
- lapli'sign : satin / silk🔉
- lapli'signei : satin or silk material / satin or silk fabric🔉
- laplusan : prison / jail🔉
- lapol : bowl🔉
- la'pugtaqan : snare🔉
- la'pugtaqanigalatl : set snare🔉
- la'pugtaqaniget : set snares🔉
- lapugwan : three masted sailing ship🔉
- laputi : spy glass / telescope🔉
- laputi'l : binoculars🔉
- la'qan : wound / gash / cut🔉
- laqpa'taqan : shoelace🔉
- laqpilaqan : drape / wooden hoop support around inside of wigwam🔉
- laqpisuti : apron🔉
- laqsun : sheet🔉
- lasguaw : snowshoe🔉
- lasgugwaqan : card game🔉
- lasgugwet : plays a card game🔉
- lasiet : plate🔉
- lasqo'plaw : board / plank🔉
- lasup : soup🔉
- lasupe'ji'j : savory / summer savory🔉
- la'taqsun : bucket / pail / chamber pot🔉
- la'taqsuna'laq : equivalent to pail / pail full🔉
- latto'law : bull🔉
- legepilaqan : window shade / blind / curtain🔉
- lentug : deer🔉
- leppie : foot (in measurement) / feet (in measurement) / twelve inches🔉
- lesqe'gn : clothes trunk / coffin / casket🔉
- Lesui'p : Jew🔉
- lge'gn : hoe🔉
- lgeso'qon : plow🔉
- lgetu : mushroom🔉
- lgetue'get : gather mushrooms🔉
- lgowaqan : job / work / task🔉
- lgowaqana'latl : bother / trouble🔉
- lgowaqana'toq : bother / trouble🔉
- lgusuaqan : steps / ladder / stairs🔉
- lgwetug : female animal / female mammal🔉
- ligpenign : basket🔉
- ligpete'gnapi : ash strip (for weaving baskets) / splint (for basket making)🔉
- lipsoqomgwewj : grasshopper🔉
- lisgnuaqan : weaving / knitting🔉
- Listuguj : Listuguj🔉
- listugujewa'tuet : imitate Listuguj dialect / speak Listuguj dialect🔉
- Listuguji'j : Miramichi River🔉
- lluigneg : seven / seven (in counting)🔉
- lluigneg_te'sisga'q : seventy🔉
- llutaqan : fence🔉
- llutaqanatgw : fence post🔉
- lmu'j : dog🔉
- lmu'ji'j : puppy / pup / young dog🔉
- lmu'ji'jmit : have pups🔉
- lmu'ju'pa'q : neap tide / dog tide🔉
- lnaqanatgw : wooden handle / axe handle🔉
- lne's : it seems / probably / it could be🔉
- lnim : besides / too / very / even🔉
- lnoqom : green wood🔉
- lnu : Mi'kmaw person / indigenous person / native person / aboriginal person / first nations person🔉
- lnue'gati : aboriginal community / native village (reserve)🔉
- lnueiei : pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / of aboriginal-origin / pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / of aboriginal🔉
- lnuipi : native paddle🔉
- lnui'sit : speak native language / speak aboriginal language / speak first nations language🔉
- lnuoqta'w : statue🔉
- lnu'sgw : native woman / aboriginal woman / first nations woman🔉
- lnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style🔉
- lnu'wi't'g : refer to something by its aboriginal name / refer to something in first nations language / say in native language🔉
- lnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass🔉
- lnu_saqama'sgw : female native chief / female aboriginal chief / female first nations chief🔉
- lnu_saqamaw : native chief / aboriginal chief / first nations chief🔉
- logowit : fortunate / lucky🔉
- lo'gs : log🔉
- lo'gsi'gan : log house / log cabin🔉
- loqomoqwa'taqan : wrapper / cigarette paper🔉
- loqte'gn : trap🔉
- loqte'gnigalatl : to trap / set trap for🔉
- loqte'gniget : trap / set traps🔉
- loqtnema't : have bad breath🔉
- loqwistaqan : (basket) hoop🔉
- lpa : really! (emphatic particle) / completely! / totally!🔉
- lpa'tuj : boy🔉
- lpa'tu'ji'j : small boy / young boy🔉
- lpa'tujuit : be a boy🔉
- lpa'tu's : young man / unmarried man🔉
- lpa_jigaw : all gone!🔉
- lpa_mu : not even (takes negative verb form)🔉
- lpa_wijei_aq : same as🔉
- l'sg'j : map / directory marked out🔉
- Ls'tgug : Bear River🔉
- lugowaqan : task / work / job / jobs🔉
- lugowaqana'teget : bothersome / nuisance🔉
- lugowaqane'gmuti : tool kit / tool bag / tool box🔉
- lugowaqanit : bothersome / troublesome🔉
- lugowinu : worker / laborer🔉
- lugowinu'sgw : worker (female) / laborer (female)🔉
- lugs'ji'j : youngster / young boy / kid🔉
- lu'gwejg : compass / pointer🔉
- lugwetug : female mammal🔉
- lu'segn : fire poker / furnace poker🔉
- lusgnign : bannock / dough / biscuit🔉
- lusgwatign : spit / saliva🔉
- lu'suesgwewa'sit : perform duties of prospective daughter·in·law / become a prospective daughter·in·law / become a daughter·in·law🔉
- lu'sue'sgwewit : is a daughter·in·law🔉
- lu'sugwewa'sit : becomes a son·in·law🔉
- lutmaqan : gossip / rumor / hear-say🔉
- lutmaqaniget : spread rumors / spread gossip / spread hear-say🔉
- magasan : store🔉
- magasana'sit : go to a store🔉
- magasano'guom : store / store house🔉
- ma'gn : moccasin🔉
- ma'gna'q : wear moccasins🔉
- magot : dress🔉
- magota'q : wear a dress🔉
- magu'n : iceberg / big block of ice🔉
- maja'sit : leave / move / go🔉
- majiaqa'latl : scold🔉
- majjoqtelign : arrow🔉
- majo'qiaq : wobble🔉
- majo'qiet : wobble🔉
- majuggwalatl : keep in time with / follow🔉
- majuggwatg : keep in time with / follow🔉
- mala : at home / where I'm from🔉
- malapit : see poorly / bad eyesight / failing vision🔉
- mala'sit : not doing well (health) / progressing slowly🔉
- malatalg : eat little / eat poorly / eat inadequately🔉
- male'g : lazy🔉
- Ma'li : Virgin Mary🔉
- maliapt'g : bother / handle / mess around with🔉
- malie'wit : marry🔉
- malie'wuti : marriage🔉
- maligatat : weak legs or feet / fragile-legged / feeble-legged / frail-legged🔉
- maligeiwatl : play with / amuse🔉
- maligmatl : mock / tease🔉
- maligo'tg : play with / amuse🔉
- maligweg : grow at a slow pace / weak growth / feeble growth🔉
- maligwet : grow at a slow pace / stunted growth / undersized growth / feeble growth🔉
- malipqwanj : hazelnut🔉
- malipqwanjmusi : hazelnut bush / hazelnut tree🔉
- mali'sit : speak poorly / speak weakly🔉
- malja't : stagger slowly🔉
- maljewe'j : youngster / young person🔉
- maljewe'juit : young🔉
- mallugweg : work poorly🔉
- mallugwet : works poorly / works lazily🔉
- malo'pj : lazy person🔉
- malpale'wi'sgw : woman doctor / female doctor🔉
- malpale'wit : doctor🔉
- malqomatl : eat🔉
- malqutg : eat🔉
- mals : flint🔉
- malsnawei : soft maple / mountain maple / red maple🔉
- maltejjuei : hammer🔉
- maltejjueiatgw : hammer handle🔉
- maltew : blood🔉
- maltewa'latl : get blood on🔉
- maltewa'toq : get blood on🔉
- maltewiaq : bleed🔉
- maltewiet : bleed🔉
- maltewig : bloody🔉
- maltewit : bloody🔉
- maltewsatl : cause to bleed by cutting🔉
- maltews'g : cause to bleed by cutting🔉
- maltewte'g : cause to bleed by striking🔉
- maltewtesg : bleed as a result of a fall🔉
- maltewtesing : bleed as a result of a fall🔉
- maltewtesmatl : cause to bleed by a fall🔉
- maltewtestoq : causes to bleed by a fall🔉
- malugunat : have weak back🔉
- ma'munigsalatl : love very much / like very much🔉
- ma'munipsaq : snow heavily🔉
- ma'muniw : much / very🔉
- ma'munlaq : rain heavily🔉
- mapos : pocket🔉
- maqa'latl : enlarge🔉
- maqalqasit : have large hole / have large opening🔉
- maqalqigwat : have large eyes🔉
- maqamigew : land / ground🔉
- maqamigewa'sit : go by land🔉
- maqanat : outwitted / baffled by situation🔉
- maqanimatl : verbally outwit / verbally embrass / verballly baffle🔉
- maqapsgeg : large and globular / large and round / plump / bulbous / rotund🔉
- maqapsg'sit : large and round / plump / bulbous / corpulent / rotund🔉
- maqapsg'tiat : have a big and round belly / plump / corpulent / rotund🔉
- maqapsgusuat : have large testicles🔉
- maqa'q : big and round (cylindrical) / big (in girth)🔉
- maqatewei : temporary replacement / temporary replacement🔉
- maqatgwig : big waves / heavy seas🔉
- maqa'toq : enlarge🔉
- maqatpat : big headed🔉
- maqatu'atl : loan / lend / let somebody borrow🔉
- maqigjat : have big buttocks🔉
- maqigtulit : have a big boat🔉
- maqijjigwat : have big bowel movement🔉
- maqiptnat : have big hands🔉
- maqisge'g : wide / broad / expansive / wide / broad / expansive🔉
- maqisqonat : have a big nose🔉
- maqistaqanat : have big ears / eavesdrop (slang)🔉
- maqitnat : have big nostrils🔉
- maqo'iptnat : have big arms (in girth) / have thick arms🔉
- maqo'qonigata't : have big legs (in girth) / have thick legs🔉
- maqoqsit : big (in girth) / big and round (cylindrical)🔉
- maqsitat : have big feet🔉
- maqtawamu'g : blackish / darkish🔉
- maqtawamugsit : blackish / darkish🔉
- maqtawe'g : black / black🔉
- maqtawigjat : black·bottomed🔉
- maqtawignegsit : dark complexioned / dark tanned🔉
- maqtawi'tuat : have a black beard🔉
- maqtawoqsit : darkened from fire / dark tanned / charred🔉
- maqtawoqteg : dark tanned / darkened by fire / charred🔉
- maqtunat : have big mouth🔉
- masgelget : estrange / separated (in marriage)🔉
- masgelmatl : hate / loath / detest🔉
- masgelt'g : hate / loath / detest🔉
- masgwe's : young birch tree🔉
- masgwe'siman : pin cherry🔉
- masgwe'simanaqse'gati : pin cherry tree grove🔉
- masgwe'simanaqsi : pin cherry tree / cherry tree🔉
- masgwe'simusi : birch genus🔉
- masqo'laji : store(pl) / put away(pl)🔉
- masqo'tasit : put things away / store / save up / accumulate🔉
- masqo'toql : store (plural) / put away (in bulk) / put away (plural)🔉
- masquta'tl : quickly hide🔉
- masqute'g : quickly hide / temporarily hide / put away quickly or temporarily / save temporarily (slang)🔉
- masqwa'latl : put away / store / save🔉
- masqwa'tasit : jailed / put away (in mental institution) / put away / store🔉
- masqwa'toq : put away / store / save🔉
- massaqa'sit : takes advantage of the situation🔉
- massaqiet : sexually aroused or stimulated🔉
- massaqte'get : instigate / make/cause disruption🔉
- ma'susi : fern / fiddlehead🔉
- matama'sit : walk towards the road / heading towards the road🔉
- matamasumteget : wades through snow towards the road🔉
- Matawe'g : Matapedia, QC / confluence of rivers🔉
- matgwa'sit : bow down / bow🔉
- matgwetoq : bow to / nod to🔉
- matgwetuatl : bow to / nod to🔉
- matlot : sailor🔉
- matnagget : fight / struggle🔉
- matnaggewaqan : fight / struggle / battle🔉
- matnaggewinu : fighter / warrior🔉
- matnatl : fight or struggle against🔉
- matng : fight or struggle against🔉
- matntijig : fight🔉
- matntimg : war / battle🔉
- matnugtesgewei : head cheese🔉
- mato'qiaq : sway🔉
- mato'qiet : sway🔉
- mattaqa'toq : pull on to make sound (as bell)🔉
- mattaqta'tl : pluck (as string) / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)🔉
- mattaqte'g : pluck / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)🔉
- matta'tl : spank / beat🔉
- matte'g : beat / spank / thrash🔉
- mattejjuei : hammer🔉
- mattelg : shooting at🔉
- matteluatl : shoot at🔉
- mattesg : shake🔉
- mattesing : shaking🔉
- matuapetesing : glance🔉
- matua'sit : wander about (without purpose)🔉
- matuatalg : eat a little / snack / eat marginally🔉
- matue'g : lives simply / unsophisticated / make do / live marginally🔉
- matues : porcupine / furry brown caterpillar (Listuguj)🔉
- matuesuei : porcupine meat🔉
- matu'lugwet : do odd or simple jobs / handyperson🔉
- matu'mimajit : lives simply / lives marginally🔉
- matu'nmat : frugal / manages with minimum resources🔉
- matu'patl : eat scraps / eat a bit of🔉
- matu'te'muatl : trim hair🔉
- matu't'g : eat a bit of / eat leftovers of🔉
- mawagnutmajig : talk together🔉
- mawamgo'toqol : pile or stack together🔉
- mawamg'pijig : piled together🔉
- mawamg'tegl : piled together🔉
- mawa'tajig : share expense / chip in🔉
- mawa'tmg : gathered🔉
- mawe'gig : live together / hang out together / gathered together🔉
- mawgamig : corpulent / fattest🔉
- mawgamit : corpulent / fattest🔉
- mawgiljet : calculate / figure / add (in mathematics)🔉
- mawgimatl : include in the count🔉
- mawgitg : include in the count / add (in mathematics)🔉
- mawgma'toq : set up together (sheaves of wheat)🔉
- mawgopilgl : tie together / attach together🔉
- mawia'tijig : gather / swarm (as bees)🔉
- mawiejig : gather together / congregate🔉
- mawiglulg : very good🔉
- mawiglu'sit : very good🔉
- mawimasqo'toql : store together / put away together🔉
- mawio'mi : formal gathering / formal meeting🔉
- mawisetesg : contract / cringe / crumple together🔉
- mawisetesg'g : crumple with feet / kicks it together🔉
- mawisetesguatl : crumple / crumple with feet / kicks it together🔉
- mawisetesing : contract / cringe / fall in heap / crumple from a fall / shrink from🔉
- mawita'jig : gather together / hold meeting🔉
- mawita'mg : gathering🔉
- mawiulta'sit : become ecstatic / very happy or pleased🔉
- mawiulta'suaqan : joyful time / joyful occasion🔉
- mawlugwalatl : include in the repairs / include in the work🔉
- mawlugwatg : include in the repairs / include in the work🔉
- mawo'laji : gather up🔉
- mawo'tasit : gather / collect🔉
- mawo'toqol : gather up / collect🔉
- mawpisit : bundled🔉
- mawpit : bunched together / included🔉
- mawpiteg : bundled up / tied together🔉
- mawpultijig : sit together🔉
- mawsa'latl : build a fire in the stove or furnace🔉
- mawsa'tat : make fire inside / start and maintain a fire in a stove / heat source🔉
- mawsa'teget : make a fire (in stove or furnace) / build a fire (in stove or furnace)🔉
- mawsa'toq : put in fire to burn / put in stove to burn🔉
- mawteg : included / bunched together🔉
- mawte'g : collect / save / gather together🔉
- maw_pilei : very new / very new🔉
- maw_pisit : packaged with / inside with / included🔉
- maw_piteg : included in / included🔉
- maw_winjig : very bad🔉
- maw_winjit : very bad / worse🔉
- me' : still / yet / more / anyway🔉
- me'ga's'g : overactive🔉
- me'ga'sit : overact / make a big fuss / over react🔉
- mega'sualatl : make a big fuss over🔉
- me'ga'teget : overdo / do more than expected / show off🔉
- me'ge'g : snobbish / stuck up / haughty / inconsiderate🔉
- megeng : have many / have much🔉
- megepaji : eat plenty of / eat in abundance🔉
- megeta'ji : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty🔉
- megete'g : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty🔉
- megete'gl : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty🔉
- megetg : eat plenty of / eat in abundance🔉
- megetgl : eat plenty of / eat in abundance🔉
- megite'lmatl : think highly of / overly fond of🔉
- megitelsit : conceited / have high opinion of self🔉
- megite'tas'g : highly praised / honored / highly regarded / prized🔉
- megite'tasit : highly praised / honored / highly regarded / prized🔉
- megite'tg : think highly of / very fond of🔉
- megnaji : gather / pick up🔉
- megnatl : pick up / gather / choose / select🔉
- megng : pick up / choose🔉
- megngl : gather / pick up🔉
- me'go'pj : snob / snobbish person / vain person / stuck up person🔉
- me'goqomgwejg : dogwood / Red osier dogwood🔉
- mego'tig : expensive🔉
- mego'tit : expensive🔉
- megt'g : doubt / disbelieve🔉
- megtuatl : doubt / disbelieve🔉
- me'gusit : overcharges for labour / overcharges for service / charge a high price for labour🔉
- megwaig : middle🔉
- megwa'latl : make red🔉
- megwaltugwat : red haired / red head🔉
- megwamu'g : reddish🔉
- megwamugsit : reddish🔉
- megwapsgeg : red and round🔉
- megwapsg'sit : red and round🔉
- megwasa'latl : attach / stick on / glue on🔉
- megwasa'toq : attach / stick on / glue on🔉
- megwaspit : attached🔉
- megwasteg : attached🔉
- megwa'taqan : rouge / blushing powder🔉
- megwa'tat : put on a rouge🔉
- megwatetesg : flash red🔉
- megwatetesing : flash red🔉
- megwa'toq : make red🔉
- megwe'g : red / red🔉
- megwe'g_snawei : red maple / swamp maple / soft maple🔉
- megwe'jit : beet🔉
- megwe'saqa'sit : turn red / blush🔉
- megwe'saqsit : ruddy complexion / red faced / red cheeked🔉
- mejgiet : undergo rigor mortis / get stiff🔉
- mejigamugsit : have dirty appearance / look dirty🔉
- mejigapewit : have dirty face🔉
- mejige'g : dirty / dirty🔉
- mejiggumet : wear dirty clothes🔉
- mejit_newt : one more time🔉
- mejjigwat : defecate / have bowel movement🔉
- mejjilsit : defecate on oneself🔉
- melga'latl : harden🔉
- melgapegisg : tough and stringy🔉
- melgapjit : have strong grip🔉
- melgaqanatpat : bald (headed)🔉
- melga's'g : harden / solidify🔉
- melga'sit : harden / solidify🔉
- melga'toq : harden / stiffen / strenghten / build or make strong🔉
- melge'g : hard / hard🔉
- melgiaqasit : muscular / tough🔉
- melgigit : solidly built🔉
- melgignaq : strong🔉
- melgignat : strong🔉
- melgiji'nm : strong man / solid man / giant (from Pacifique's Grammer glossery)🔉
- melgilugwet : works hard🔉
- melgi'taqanat : have strong neck🔉
- melgita't : courageous / brave🔉
- melg'jat : constipated / have hard stool🔉
- melg'pugua'sit : stands hard or strong / take a stand / unrelenting / insist🔉
- melg'tqasit : strong rope / strong string🔉
- melgwisgat : nightmare / frightened (from nightmare)🔉
- meluijoqo : seriously! / honestly!🔉
- memge'g : uncultivated field / cleared fiekl🔉
- memgoqte'g : make a clearing / deforest / clear cut🔉
- memgoqte'get : make a clearing / deforest / clear cutting🔉
- mena'gigwet : pull out weeds / pull up vegetables🔉
- menagwisg : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy🔉
- menagwising : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy🔉
- menaje'jg : fragile / delicate🔉
- menaje'jit : frail / fragile / delicate🔉
- mena'latl : remove / take off🔉
- menapaqatl : unscrew🔉
- menapaqq : unscrew🔉
- mena'piet : remove fish from a net🔉
- mena'piget : remove a net from the water🔉
- menapsg'te'g : chip off the protuberance🔉
- menaqa : properly🔉
- menaqajewa'latl : do carefully and correctly🔉
- menaqajewa'toq : do carefully and correctly🔉
- menaqajewei : rightfully / by rights! (exclamation) / right or correct one / right or correct one🔉
- menaqanaq : weak🔉
- menaqanat : weak🔉
- mena'qigwalatl : pry off / scrape off🔉
- mena'qigwatg : pry off / scrape off🔉
- mena'taqug : harvest (garden)🔉
- menata't : cowardly / weak / weak willed🔉
- mena'toq : remove / take off / pluck🔉
- menawjit : sensitive to cold / cold-blooded🔉
- mengitg : subtract🔉
- menigu : island🔉
- menigwalatl : scrape off / pry off (with hands or tool) / rub off🔉
- menigwatg : scrape off / pry off (with hands or tool)🔉
- menigwet : grow off🔉
- menina'latl : rip off / tear off (or out)🔉
- menina'toq : rip off / rip out / tear off / tear out🔉
- menipga'latl : pull off / peel off / pry off🔉
- menipga'toq : pull off / peel off / pry off🔉
- menjapsgeg : door knob🔉
- menjapsg'sit : dome shaped / half round🔉
- menjinoqamatl : look at up and down or from head to toe🔉
- menjipuguejg : post / fence post🔉
- menpatl : bite off🔉
- menqawet : bring in the wash (laundry)🔉
- mensatl : cut off🔉
- mens'g : cut off🔉
- menta'tl : beat or strike out(in a game) / knock off / remove by striking🔉
- mente'g : knock off / remove by striking🔉
- ment'g : bite off🔉
- mesa'latl : swallow🔉
- me'sapjeta'tl : fumble / unable to catch🔉
- me'sapje'te'g : fumble / unable to catch🔉
- mesaqaneita'tl : knock down / collaspes as a result of a punch🔉
- mesa'tamit : swallow🔉
- mesatgwa'latl : place against🔉
- mesatgwa'toq : place against🔉
- mesatgwepit : placed against / leaning against / placed up against🔉
- mesatgweteg : placed against / leaning against / placed up against🔉
- mesatgwigsma'latl : push up against🔉
- mesatgwisma'toq : lay up against🔉
- mesa'toq : swallow / swallow slowly🔉
- mese'g : whole / entire / whole / entire🔉
- meseget : swallow quickly🔉
- mesegit : cook / camp cook🔉
- mesge'g : sorry / regret an act🔉
- mesg'g : in prime🔉
- mesgi'g : big🔉
- mesgigji'jit : somewhat big🔉
- mesgilg : big🔉
- mesiapo'qatl : stir🔉
- mesiapo'q'g : stir🔉
- mesiapoqta'tl : stir fast with an instrument🔉
- mesiapoqte'g : stir (with an instrument)🔉
- mesiatl : infect / influence / affect🔉
- mesie'waq : drizzle🔉
- mesimatl : report on / tell on🔉
- me'sipmiet : incapable of walking🔉
- mesna'latl : mend / repair🔉
- mesnatl : catch / receive / get possession🔉
- mesna'toq : mend / patch / repair🔉
- mesn'g : receive / get / catch🔉
- mesni'sas'g : patched / mended / sewn🔉
- mesni'sasit : patched / mended / sewn🔉
- mesni'satl : patch / mend / sew🔉
- mesni's'g : patch / mend / sew🔉
- mespatl : tasted / tasted by eating / savored🔉
- mespo'qeg : flooded🔉
- mespo'qet : flooded🔉
- mesqana'latl : lay down / put down🔉
- mesqana'sit : go down to the ground or floor🔉
- mesqana'toq : lay down / put down🔉
- mesqaneiteluatl : take down by a shot🔉
- mesqanepit : crouching position / flat on the ground🔉
- mesqaniet : collapse🔉
- mesqolit : pierced (by nail or sliver)🔉
- messa'latl : miss making a connection with / miss appointment / miss rendez·vous🔉
- messa'toq : miss making a connection with / miss appointment / miss rendez·vous🔉
- mes'tesg'g : miss / miss a connection / arrive too late for🔉
- mes'tesgmat : miss a connection / miss / arrive too late for🔉
- mes'tesguatl : arrive late and miss someone entirely / miss meeting someone because of timing🔉
- mest'g : taste / get a taste of🔉
- me's'tugwi'g : incapable of running🔉
- mesugtaqanat : crave🔉
- me'su'tug : in full view / in full view🔉
- me'ta'tl : successfully hit / successfully strike🔉
- me'te'g : successfully hits🔉
- me'telg : successfully hits with a shot / successfully shoots it🔉
- me'teluatl : succeed at shooting🔉
- Metepna'qiaq : Red Bank🔉
- metesegiet : treeless mountain top🔉
- metete'get : knocking / pounding🔉
- metetoqsit : make repeated sounds (like groaning, chirping or cawing) / cawing, quacking (Nova Scotia)🔉
- metewaqs'g : make a fluttering sound / make a flapping sound🔉
- metewaqsing : makes a fluttering sound / makes a flapping sound🔉
- metewa'sit : makes a sound from moving about🔉
- metewatalg : makes a sound when eating🔉
- metewa'toq : makes a sound in handling it🔉
- metewe'g : makes a sound by stirring or bustling about🔉
- meteweng : heard talking🔉
- metewenmit : heard laughing🔉
- metewilua't : heard sounding off in anger / heard bellowing (as moose)🔉
- metewintoq : heard singing🔉
- metewjigmit : heard growling (as dog)🔉
- metewo'gwet : heard talking🔉
- metewoqsing : heard snoring🔉
- metgwasteg : dry or crusty (bread)🔉
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff🔉
- metla'saigl : ten dollars🔉
- metla'sipuna't : ten years old🔉
- metla'sipunqeg : ten years🔉
- metla'sisga'q : ten times🔉
- metoqiaq : go down to / come down to / descend in elevation🔉
- metoqiet : descend in elevation / go down to / come down to🔉
- metoqwa'latl : bring down to / take to lower land / take to lower elevation🔉
- metoqwa'toq : bring down to / take to lower elevation / take to lower land🔉
- metoqwiwsit : move to lower land / move down to🔉
- metuamu'g : looks bad🔉
- metuamugsit : looks bad / looks terrible / looks awful🔉
- metuatqeg : hard going (through thicket)🔉
- metue'g : difficult / hard to do🔉
- metuguna'q : stormy🔉
- metuigisg'g : bad weather🔉
- metuima'q : taste bad / bad odor🔉
- metuima't : taste bad / bad odor🔉
- metuite'tg : apprehensive / dread / anxious about🔉
- metu'qamigsit : hard to get along with / have bad disposition🔉
- mewisit : pick berries🔉
- mewlia'gowei : dinner (noon meal) / lunch time meal / noon meal🔉
- mewlia'gweg : noon / midday🔉
- me'_ap : more again / still again / some again🔉
- me'_goqwei : anything else? / still what🔉
- me'_ijga : a little more / a bit more / some more!🔉
- me'_pa : anyhow / anyway🔉
- me'_tale'g : How is he/she?🔉
- me'_talo'teget : How is he/she feeling?🔉
- me'_wen : anyone else🔉
- mgatawti : footpath🔉
- m'gegn : hide / leather / skin🔉
- mgign : hook / fish hook🔉
- mg'sn : shoe🔉
- mg'snapi : shoelace / shoestring🔉
- mg'sna'q : wear shoes🔉
- mgumi : ice / icecube🔉
- mgumie'j : horseshoe🔉
- mgumie'ja'q : wear horseshoes🔉
- mgumie'jg : horseshoe game🔉
- mgumie'jo'tlatl : shoe (horse) / fit with horseshoes🔉
- mgumi'gn : icicle🔉
- mgumi'gnig : icy (in patches)🔉
- mgumi'gnit : icy (in patches)🔉
- miamuj : certainly / for sure! / affirmative / yes🔉
- miawe'g : in middle / between🔉
- miawitpa'q : middle of night🔉
- miawna'gweg : midday / noon / middle of day🔉
- migjigj : turtle / tortoise🔉
- Mi'gma'gi : territory of the Mi'gmaq nation🔉
- Mi'gmaw : Micmac🔉
- Mi'gmewa'j : Micmac person🔉
- Mi'gmewei : pertaining to Mi'gmaq / belongs to Mi'gmaq / of Mi'gmaq / pertaining to Mi'gmaq / belongs to Mi'gmaq / of Mi'gmaq🔉
- Mi'gmewi'sit : speak Micmac🔉
- mi'gmuessu : trickster spirit / person with supernatural powers🔉
- mi'gmuessue'get : possessed by mi'gmuessu🔉
- migua'latl : satisfied with🔉
- migua'toq : satisfied with🔉
- migultiat : experience (by male) pregnancy symptoms of partner / become irritated (as first child) when mother carries her second child / sympathy pains (by male)🔉
- migust'g : overhear🔉
- migustuatl : overhear🔉
- miguteget : plane (as in carpentry)🔉
- migutesg'g : bump into / run into🔉
- migutesguatl : bump into / run into / run over🔉
- migwije'maqan : table fork🔉
- migwite'lmatl : remember / call to mind🔉
- migwite'tg : remember / call to mind🔉
- mi'jan : excrement / feces🔉
- mi'jano'guom : bathroom / outhouse / washroom🔉
- mija'qaj : vein🔉
- mijipjewei : food🔉
- mijjit : eat🔉
- mijjuaqan : meal🔉
- mijua'ji'j : baby / child🔉
- milamu'g : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many kinds of things / many sorts of things🔉
- milamugsit : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many different kinds / many different sorts🔉
- milaplgigwa'teget : illusionist🔉
- mila'sit : play🔉
- mila'sualatl : plays with / toy with🔉
- mila'suaqan : toy🔉
- mila'suatg : plays with / toy with🔉
- mila'teget : mischievous / practical joker🔉
- milesit : rich🔉
- milgusit : have all kinds of dreams🔉
- milgwija'sit : mixed emotions / apprehensive about the future / imagine many possibilities🔉
- miligjetesg : wiggle / shakes🔉
- miligjetesing : wiggle about / dance wildly🔉
- miligsnqwat : hard to please / fussy🔉
- milipusit : squirm🔉
- milita'j : hummingbird🔉
- milita'sit : imagine many things / think about various things🔉
- milita'w : hummingbird🔉
- millugwet : do different kinds of work🔉
- miloqsatl : cook in different ways🔉
- miloqsawet : bake variety of pastry / make desserts / make sweets🔉
- miloqs'g : cook in different ways🔉
- milpegitg : flow in many directions🔉
- milqamigeg : uneven / hilly (of ground or floor)🔉
- milsatl : carve different ways / whittle / cut in many ways or directions🔉
- mils'g : whittle it / carve in different ways / cut in different ways🔉
- milsuteget : gives multipital instructions / undecided🔉
- miltoqsit : makes different sounds with voice🔉
- miluisig : have different names🔉
- miluisit : have different names🔉
- milui'tatl : name-calling / call by many names / have many names🔉
- milui't'g : call by different names / have different names🔉
- mima'gwa'taqan : used for greasing / greaser (for pan)🔉
- mimajig : alive🔉
- mimajit : alive🔉
- mimajuaqan : life / living🔉
- mimajuinu : human being / person🔉
- mima'latl : grease / anoint🔉
- mima'toq : grease / anoint🔉
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy🔉
- mimei : oil / grease🔉
- mimgwaqan : perfume / hair·oil / acorn🔉
- mimgwaqanimusi : oak tree🔉
- mimgwat : wear perfume, lotion or oil🔉
- mimiges : butterfly🔉
- mimsit : covered with grease and oil (as mechanic)🔉
- mimugwalatl : hide / conceal🔉
- mimugwasit : hide🔉
- mimugwatoq : hide / conceal🔉
- minig : bear fruit🔉
- minijg : berry / fruit / nut🔉
- minit : bears fruit🔉
- minua'latl : revive🔉
- minua'toq : duplicate / redo🔉
- minuoqsatl : recook🔉
- minuoqs'g : recook🔉
- minu'p'satl : reheat🔉
- minu'p'sg : reheat🔉
- minu'wi't'g : repeat (what is said) / mention again🔉
- misegnuj : rag🔉
- misegnu'j : small rag🔉
- misissiaq : get raggedy🔉
- misissiet : dressed raggedly / get raggedy🔉
- mi'soqo : up to / as for as / until🔉
- mistug : oakum🔉
- mistun : ace of spades🔉
- misues : ringworm🔉
- miti : aspen / poplar🔉
- miti'ji'j : sapling / small tree🔉
- miti's : tree🔉
- mi'walatl : thankful for / grateful / appreciate🔉
- mi'watg : thankful for / grateful / appreciate🔉
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water🔉
- mjigei : dirt / garbage🔉
- mjijaqamij : spirit / soul / shadow🔉
- mlagejg : milk🔉
- mlagejua'tat : add milk (to tea, coffee or drink)🔉
- mlageju'mi : butter🔉
- mlagejuo'q : milk container / milk bottle / milk pitcher🔉
- mlgignewinu : strong person🔉
- mllawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore🔉
- mnaq : not yet (takes negative verb)🔉
- mnnawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore🔉
- mnnoqon : yellow birch🔉
- mntawa'latl : twist🔉
- mntawaqalatl : twist quickly🔉
- mntawaqtoq : twist quickly🔉
- mntawa'toq : twist🔉
- mntmu : oyster🔉
- mntn : mountain🔉
- mntoqopsga'latl : pinch and twist🔉
- mntoqopsga'toq : pinch and twist🔉
- mntu : devil🔉
- mntua'gi : hell🔉
- mntuit : devilish🔉
- moqopa'q : wine🔉
- moqpeg : bloated / swollen🔉
- moqpet : bloated / swollen🔉
- moqwa' : no🔉
- moqwa'_goqwei : nothing / not anything / none🔉
- moqwa'_wen : nobody / no one🔉
- mpo'qon : bed🔉
- mqatawapu : cormorant🔉
- msamu : shad🔉
- msaqtaqt : floor🔉
- msigu : hay / grass🔉
- msigue'gati : hay field🔉
- msigue'get : make hay / collect sweet grass🔉
- msi'gw : hailstone / sleet🔉
- ms't : all / every🔉
- ms't_goqwei : everything🔉
- ms't_tami : everywhere🔉
- ms't_wen : everybody🔉
- mtasoq : ledge / cliff / slate🔉
- mtawegn : flag🔉
- mtesan : youngest child born in a family / youngest born / last born child🔉
- mtesgm : snake🔉
- mtijin : inch / thumb🔉
- mtlu'tew : smoke🔉
- mtugunoqt : storm🔉
- mtugunoqtnugwet : behave a certain way when a storm is approaching🔉
- mtuigan : rafter / gable🔉
- mui'n : bear🔉
- mui'ne'j : bear cub🔉
- mui'newqamigsit : temperament of a bear🔉
- mui'no'mi : bear grease / bear oil🔉
- mujgajewei : the best!🔉
- mujpej : mink🔉
- Mulian : Montreal🔉
- mulin : mill / machine🔉
- mulinji'j : sewing machine🔉
- mulqalatl : dig out🔉
- mulqatg : dig out / shovel something🔉
- mulqet : dig / shovel🔉
- mulumgwej : groundhog / woodchuck🔉
- Munig : Monique / Mona🔉
- munsaiwatl : persuade / persistent persuasion / coax🔉
- munsapit : look persistently🔉
- munsa't : persistent🔉
- munsigsma'latl : pushes persistently🔉
- munsigsma'toq : pushes persistently🔉
- munsigsmeget : persistent in shoving / persistent in pushing🔉
- munsisapa'latl : persevere to pull through / persevere to save🔉
- munsisapa'toq : persevere to save / persevere to pull through🔉
- munso'tg : persistent in doing🔉
- munte'j : little sack / small bag🔉
- munti : bag / sack🔉
- musgasg'pit : protrude / stick out🔉
- musgasg'teg : protrude / stick out🔉
- musga'toq : show something🔉
- musgi'pit : run out to an open area🔉
- musguaje'g : frustrated / upset🔉
- musgumatl : lick🔉
- musgun : atmosphere / sky🔉
- musgwatamit : lick🔉
- musgwatg : lick🔉
- musgwiaq : sky clearing🔉
- musiga'latl : strip / clean out / undress / remove🔉
- musigapsg'sit : smooth and round🔉
- musiga'sit : undress / remove clothing🔉
- musiga'toq : clear / strip🔉
- musigisg : sky🔉
- musigo'latl : strip🔉
- musigo'tlatl : undress / untrim🔉
- musigo'toq : strip / remove from🔉
- musigta's'g : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off🔉
- musigta'sit : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off🔉
- musigte'get : cutting underbrush / clear brush or thicket by cutting🔉
- musigungete'get : weed / cultivate🔉
- musoq : horse fly🔉
- musqunamu'g : dark bluish🔉
- musqunamugsit : dark bluish🔉
- musse'j : small piece / a bit🔉
- mussew : piece🔉
- musuei : handkerchief / kerchief🔉
- musuet : miss / lonesome🔉
- muta : because🔉
- mutputi : chair🔉
- mutt : do not / don't🔉
- mu_nnim : not too much / not very good / not impressive🔉
- na : that / so there / there / it is thus🔉
- na'goqom : ice skate🔉
- na'gu'set : sun🔉
- na'gu'setewei : clock / watch🔉
- na'gu'setewig : sunny🔉
- na'gweg : day / daylight / day🔉
- na'gwegewa'q : paid daily🔉
- naji'gat : going to build own house at (location) / going to build own camp at (location)🔉
- na'jigat : strong desire / yearn for🔉
- najiga'te'get : go hunting for eels🔉
- najigsispa'lsit : going to go bathe🔉
- najigtanteget : goes to hunt🔉
- najiilajit : go to get ready / start to pack / go get prepared / go to get dressed🔉
- na'jijjaqan : glove🔉
- najijjigwat : go to defecate🔉
- najilugwet : go to work🔉
- najimittugwet : going to visit🔉
- najine'iamatl : go to look in on / go to take a brief look / go to glimpse at🔉
- najine'pateget : going (to location) to kill / going (to location) to hunt / going (to location) to murder🔉
- najinpat : go get some sleep🔉
- najintugsigtmat : set out to hunt provisions / set out to hunt for food🔉
- najipi'mat : set out to hunt waterfowl🔉
- najipqasa'piet : go fishing with a net🔉
- najisgit : goes to urinate🔉
- najitgo'tg : to attend service / to attend church🔉
- najitia'mue'get : go moose hunting🔉
- najitugwa'latl : going to wake up someone🔉
- najiwsget : go fishing🔉
- najsigwet : check traps or nets🔉
- nalagit : energetic / swift / eager🔉
- na'n : five (in counting)🔉
- nanama'latl : rock (baby) / swing🔉
- nanama'toq : rock / swing🔉
- nanamiaqawei : rocking chair / swing🔉
- nanamiet : rock / swing🔉
- nanamo'qiaq : sway / rock from side to side🔉
- nanamo'qiet : sway / rock from side to side🔉
- nana'n : food (baby talk)🔉
- na'naq : fives (in cards) / fives (in sizes) / fives (in pairs or more)🔉
- na'newa'j : fifth / fifth person / five·card🔉
- na'newei : fifth one / fifth one🔉
- nangl : five inanimate objects / five things🔉
- nangmiw : immediately / right away🔉
- nango'n : fine·tooth comb🔉
- nango'sit : comb hair with fine·tooth comb🔉
- nangwe'get : card (moose hair or wool) / pick through hair to remove (burdocks)🔉
- nangweng : comb out lice or other foreign matter / delouse🔉
- na'nijig : five (animate)🔉
- nanipunqeg : five years🔉
- nanisga'q : fifty / fifty (in counting)🔉
- nanisga'qal : fifty objects🔉
- nanisgegsijig : fifty (animate)🔉
- nanoqsijig : five cylindrical animate objects🔉
- nantuat : hunt eels in mud🔉
- nantunatl : feel about blindly or in the dark / feel around for blindly or in the dark🔉
- nantunewet : feel around blindly or in the dark / feel about blindly or in the dark🔉
- nantung : feel around for blindly or in the dark🔉
- nanuguna'q : five days🔉
- nanupe'j : quintuplet🔉
- napemegw : male fish🔉
- nape'w : rooster / male bird🔉
- napgwetoq : copy🔉
- napioq : male porcupine🔉
- na'ploqqatijig : go single file / follow one another in straight line🔉
- napto'sit : break even (gambling)🔉
- napui'gatl : take photograph / draw / trace🔉
- napui'g'g : take photograph / draw / trace🔉
- napui'gigemgewei : camera / tracing paper🔉
- napui'giget : take photographs / trace, draw or copy a picture🔉
- napui'gign : photograph / picture🔉
- naqalatl : abandon / leave behind🔉
- naqa'latl : stop / bring to halt🔉
- naqamasa'latl : place where it can easily be found / find easy to handle🔉
- naqamasa'toq : place or put where easily found / put in accessible place / easy to do / have facility with / find easy to handle / easily found🔉
- naqamase'g : manageable / easy (to do) / at hand, handy🔉
- naqamaspit : easily accessible / at hand / handy🔉
- naqamasteg : easily accessible / at hand / handy🔉
- naqana'mat : drink alcoholic beverage🔉
- naqana'pet : draw water from (well or river)🔉
- naqana'q : dip out / ladle out🔉
- naqanatl : delay / hold back / restrain🔉
- naqang : hold back / restrain / delay🔉
- naqani'get : bail / scoop out🔉
- naqanu'set : take care of baby🔉
- naqa'sit : stop / halt🔉
- naqasua'latl : turn off / butt out / extinguish / put out🔉
- naqasua'q : extinguish with water / douse fire with water / put out (fire) with water🔉
- naqasua'toq : extinguish / put out / turn off🔉
- naqasueta'tl : beat out fire🔉
- naqasuete'g : beat out (extinguish) fire🔉
- naqasuetesg'g : stamp out fire🔉
- naqasuetesguatl : stamp out fire🔉
- naqasuiputualatl : blow out fire / extinguish by air🔉
- naqasuiputuatg : blow out the fire / extinguish by air🔉
- naqatgelsit : self-conscious / shy🔉
- naqa'toq : stop / bring to halt🔉
- naqsilugweg : works quickly🔉
- naqsilugwet : work quickly🔉
- naqsinijgig : heal quickly🔉
- naqsinijgit : heal quickly🔉
- naqsinpat : sleep easily / sleep without trouble / go to sleep early / falls asleep quickly🔉
- naqsio'pla'latl : quickly do wrong🔉
- naqsio'pla'toq : quickly do wrong🔉
- naqsipgising : arrive early / arrive ahead of time🔉
- naqsitetapua'latl : quickly do right / satisfy quickly / quickly treat correctly or appropriately🔉
- naqsitetapua'toq : quickly do right / quickly do correctly🔉
- naqs'tesg'g : makes the distance in a short time / travels quickly🔉
- naqsun : bedsheet🔉
- naqta'tl : stop abruptly / bring to halt / interrupt🔉
- naqte'g : stop abruptly / bring to a halt / interrupt🔉
- naqt'g : abandon / leave behind🔉
- nasa'latl : put on / don🔉
- nasapaqq : screw on / attach by screwing on🔉
- nasapaqtesg : entangle / get caught on🔉
- nasapaqtesing : entangle / get caught on🔉
- nasaqomgigwat : fit handle in or on (axe or hammer)🔉
- nasaqomgigwatg : fit handle in or on (axe or hammer)🔉
- nasa'toq : put on / don🔉
- naseget : quickly put on / quickly fasten🔉
- nasg'g : wear🔉
- nasgoqsatl : slice in half / cut in half🔉
- nasgoqta'tl : split lengthwise (with heavy blow)🔉
- nasgoqte'g : split lengthwise (by striking) / split in half (by striking)🔉
- nasgoqte'get : splitting wood / splitting (by striking with a tool)🔉
- nasgoqwa'latl : split (by hand)🔉
- nasgoqwa'toq : split (by hand) / divide (by hand)🔉
- nasguatl : wear🔉
- nasgwa'latl : divide in half / halve🔉
- nasgwa'tatijig : share evenly🔉
- nasgwa'toq : halve / divide in half🔉
- nasgwina'latl : tear in half🔉
- nasgwina'toq : tear in half🔉
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half🔉
- nasgwoqs'g : slice in half🔉
- nasoqwa'taqan : ring🔉
- naspit : attached / be a member🔉
- nasplutuatl : repeat after / copy🔉
- nasqo'plaw : board / plank🔉
- nassaputaqan : earring🔉
- nastaqo'tlatl : hitch up (horse)🔉
- nasteg : attached / enmeshed🔉
- nastesmatl : hook / jig🔉
- nastestoq : hook / jig / catch by hook🔉
- nasuoqg'g : straddle🔉
- nasuoqguatl : straddle🔉
- nasuoqpa'sit : sit astraddle / get astride🔉
- nasuoqpit : sit or set astride🔉
- nasuoqpugua'sit : stand astraddle / stand astride🔉
- nasuoqteg : set astride / sit astride🔉
- natagnutmuatl : go to tell / go to speak to🔉
- nata'ilsuteget : have good judgement / good advisor🔉
- na'tala'latl : does something to🔉
- na'tala'toq : do something to🔉
- nata'lugwet : know how to work / good worker🔉
- nata'matnagget : know how to fight / good fighter🔉
- na'tami : somewhere / someplace🔉
- natanguat : go shopping🔉
- natangu'sit : go peddling / go selling🔉
- nata'nmat : good at whatever they do / capable person / handy / handyman / jack of all trades🔉
- na'taqama'latl : bring ashore🔉
- na'taqama'sit : go ashore🔉
- na'taqama'toq : bring ashore🔉
- na'taqamtug : at the shore / at the riverbank🔉
- nata'tawet : know how to beg🔉
- nata'toqtet : know how to bake / good or excellent baker🔉
- natawa'q : know how to swim🔉
- natawa'qa'latl : skillful in handling / competent in doing🔉
- natawa'qa'toq : skillful in handling / competent in doing🔉
- natawatuet : know how to give a speech🔉
- natawe'g : self sufficient / know how to get by / know one's way around / worldly wise / clever🔉
- natawia'tugwet : know how to tell stories🔉
- natawinsgu'mat : know how to answer back🔉
- natawintoq : know how to sing / good singer🔉
- nata'wisugwateget : good cook / excellent cook / know how to cook🔉
- natawitpluteget : good law maker / good decision maker / good promiser🔉
- natawoqsawet : know how to cook / good or excellent cook🔉
- na'te'l : over there / there🔉
- natgimatl : send for / place an order🔉
- natgiteget : place an order / send for🔉
- natgitg : send for / place an order🔉
- natlutmu'tijig : ducks lured ashore by duck calls🔉
- natqa'latl : remove from water🔉
- natqa'piet : remove net from water🔉
- natqapilatl : rope in from water / reel or rope to shore / reel in from water🔉
- natqapilawet : pull out of water by rope or fish line / remove from water🔉
- natqapilg : rope in from water / reel in from water / remove from water by rope🔉
- natqa'sit : get out of water🔉
- natqa'toq : remove from water🔉
- nattelg : go to purchase / go to buy🔉
- natteluatl : go to buy / go to purchase🔉
- nattesg'g : go after / chase / try to catch🔉
- nattesguatl : go after / chase🔉
- Natuaqaneg : Eel Ground🔉
- na'tuen : someone🔉
- natuptoq : go lug🔉
- natuptulatl : go lug🔉
- nat_goqwei : something🔉
- nawnatl : fail to reach / missed him/her/it🔉
- nawn'g : fail to reach🔉
- nawnsewatl : carry for🔉
- na_ms't : that's all / the end🔉
- na_tmg : first / first of all / the beginning🔉
- na_to'q : it shall be so / it is said (that) / all right / O.K.🔉
- na_tujiw : at that time / then🔉
- negapigwa'latl : make blind (with light)🔉
- ne'gasgi'gn : log (before being cut into specified lengths)🔉
- ne'gaw : all the time / always / all along🔉
- neget : those🔉
- ne'gigsma'latl : push all along the way🔉
- ne'gigsma'toq : push all along the way🔉
- negla : those / that🔉
- negm : he / she / him / her🔉
- negmewei : his / hers / its / his / hers / its🔉
- negmow : they / them🔉
- negmowowei : theirs / theirs🔉
- neia'latl : shows it / bring into view🔉
- neiamatl : look in on briefly / check on briefly / call upon (for visit)🔉
- neiamgleg : appear as or in blaze / fire becomes apparent🔉
- neiamglet : appears in ablaze / appears burning🔉
- neiamugwa'latl : cause to appear / make to appear🔉
- neiamugwa'toq : make to appear / cause to appear🔉
- neiapt'g : look at briefly / check on briefly🔉
- neiapugua'sit : step into view / step out from behind somewhere in full view🔉
- neiaseniget : appear shining (as sun) / shining through (the clouds) / come into view with a light source🔉
- neia's'g : appear / show up🔉
- neia'sit : appear / show up🔉
- neia'tuatl : shows...🔉
- nemgwet : drink (of alcoholic beverage)🔉
- nemiatl : see🔉
- nemijgami' : grampa / grandfather (term of respect for old man)🔉
- nemisg'g : get / fetch🔉
- nemisguatl : get / fetch🔉
- nemiteget : see / have eyesight🔉
- nemitoq : see🔉
- nenaqa'sit : hurry🔉
- nenaqe'g : in a hurry / in a rush🔉
- nenaqite'tg : anxious for / eager for / in a hurry for🔉
- ne'naqji'jg : light (in weight)🔉
- ne'naqji'jit : light (in weight)🔉
- nenestawe'g : timid / delicate / sickly🔉
- neng : know of / recognize🔉
- neng'tesg : tremble / shake / shiver / quake🔉
- neng'tesing : tremble / quiver / shake / shiver🔉
- nenmue'g : damp / damp🔉
- nenuatl : know / recognize🔉
- nenuite'lmatl : respect🔉
- nenuite'tg : respect🔉
- nepa'ji'jit : take nap🔉
- nepa'latl : put to sleep🔉
- nepapigwa't : blind🔉
- nepaqt'g : stingy🔉
- nepat : sleep / asleep🔉
- ne'patat : slaughter own livestock / slaughterer / butcher🔉
- ne'pateget : murder🔉
- ne'pa'tl : kill🔉
- ne'patoq : earn / kill something🔉
- nepe'g : sensitive / temperamental / touchy / easily offended / easily agitated🔉
- nepg : dead🔉
- nepilatl : cure / heal🔉
- Nepisigwitg : Nepiseqwit river🔉
- nepisit : heals one self / medicates self🔉
- nepiteget : healer / curer🔉
- nepitg : cure / heal🔉
- neps'tgwa'latl : raise (child) / rear / bring up (child)🔉
- neps'tgwa'toq : raise / lift up🔉
- nepuitewei_alame's : funeral mass🔉
- nesasit : fearful / unnerved / frightened / phobia of ghosts and supernatural phenomena🔉
- nesawet : timid / easily frightened🔉
- nesgawet : console / offer condolences / join in bereavement🔉
- nesguatl : console🔉
- nesigatesgmuatl : trip🔉
- nesisga'q : thirty (in counting)🔉
- nespatalg : eat while otherwise occupied🔉
- nespatejimatl : drag along while occupied with something else🔉
- nespatejitoq : drag along while occupied with something else🔉
- nespilugweg : work while also... / work at same time as...🔉
- nespilugwet : work while also... / work at same time as...🔉
- nespit : baby·sit / house·sit🔉
- nespiw : also / while / at the same time / including🔉
- nespnatl : bring along / take along🔉
- nespng : bring along / take along🔉
- nessapoqwat : lap (up)🔉
- nessutmalsewet : interprete / translate🔉
- nessutmasewatl : interpret / translate for🔉
- nest'g : understand🔉
- nestuapuguet : speak truthfully / speak wisely / speak intelligently🔉
- nestue'g : wise / sensible / of sound mind🔉
- nestu'et : become wiser / become knowledgeable [right and wrong] / mature / grow into maturity / regain consciousness🔉
- nestuita'sit : recollect / recall / remember / become aware🔉
- nestu'tesing : come back to one's senses🔉
- nesupe'j : triplet🔉
- nesutmalsewu'ti : interpretation / translation🔉
- netage'g : bashful / shy🔉
- netago'qona'latl : shame🔉
- ne'talqigwat : excellent eyesight / capable of seeing unnoticable or unobvious things🔉
- ne'tapit : critical / faultfinding / nosey🔉
- ne'tata'sit : wise / quick thinker🔉
- ne'tata'suaqan : wisdom🔉
- netawet : able to talk🔉
- netawia'tugwet : know how to tell stories🔉
- netawitoqtet : know how to cook🔉
- ne'tistaqanat : extrememly good hearing🔉
- ne'tma'sit : make center of attention🔉
- netugulimg : provisioning (time)🔉
- netugulit : get provisions / provide🔉
- netuisgalatl : sell for money🔉
- netuisget : sells / salesperson🔉
- netuisgetoq : sell🔉
- netuisgewatl : sell for🔉
- netutmat : ask for money owed🔉
- ne'w : four (in counting)🔉
- newapalatl : cool off with water🔉
- newapatoq : cool off with water🔉
- neweg : breezy / cool breeze🔉
- newisga'q : forty / forty (in counting)🔉
- newisgegipunqeg : forty years🔉
- newjoqaluesmatl : air out in the cool wind🔉
- newjoqaluestoq : air out in the cool wind🔉
- newjoqwa'latl : air out / cool off🔉
- newjoqwa'toq : air out🔉
- ne'wowei : Thursday / fourth one🔉
- news'g : draughty / breezy🔉
- newt : one / one (in counting) / once / once / in the past🔉
- newtaig : one dollar / dollar bill / dollar coin🔉
- newtalqigwat : one·eyed / have one eye🔉
- newtamu'g : one color / flush (in poker)🔉
- newte' : one / still / yet / continues🔉
- newte'jg : alone / one🔉
- newte'jit : one🔉
- newtigatat : have one leg or foot🔉
- newtigisg'g : all day long / all day🔉
- newtinqana'mat : drink alone (usually alcoholic beverage)🔉
- newtiptnat : one handed🔉
- newtipug : all winter / one winter🔉
- newtipunqeg : one year / year🔉
- newtisga'q : ten / ten (in counting)🔉
- newtisga'qewa'j : tenth one / ten·card🔉
- newtitpa'q : all-night / all-night long🔉
- newtlugwet : work alone🔉
- newtnemi'g : one kind🔉
- newtugo'pj : loner🔉
- newtugwa'lugwet : alone🔉
- newtui'gas'g : have single mark🔉
- newtui'gasit : have single mark / ace card🔉
- newtumqwanet : drink beverage / drink alcoholic beverage🔉
- newtunatl : have one🔉
- newugulasing : moist underneath🔉
- ngaqan : ruler / measure🔉
- ngatign : pound (of weight)🔉
- ngutei : same as / too / also / just like🔉
- ngutilj : bachelor / bachelorette / spinster🔉
- nguto'pj : loner / solitary one🔉
- nigana'sit : goes ahead🔉
- niganawtiget : trail blazer / head swamper / head swamper / blaze trail🔉
- niganigsma'latl : push someone ahead🔉
- niganigsma'toq : push ahead🔉
- niganite'tg : plan ahead / predict🔉
- niganpit : sit ahead🔉
- niganpuguit : leader / stand at the front / stand ahead / leader🔉
- niganteg : located at the front🔉
- nigan'tqa'sit : run up ahead🔉
- nigantug : in front🔉
- niganus : leader🔉
- niganu'sgw : female leader🔉
- nige' : now🔉
- nigoq : fishing spear🔉
- nigoqji'j : small two·pronged spear🔉
- nigoqji'juigatat : bow-legged🔉
- nigoqol : eel spear🔉
- nigtua'latl : separate from🔉
- nigtua's'g : branch off / form crotch / divide🔉
- nigtua'sit : branch off / form crotch / divide🔉
- nigtua'tijig : separate / go separate ways🔉
- nigtua'toq : separate🔉
- nigtuigg : crotched / split🔉
- nigtuigit : split shaped / forked shape🔉
- nigweg : grow🔉
- nigwenatl : grow / raise🔉
- nigweng : grow / raise🔉
- nigwet : grow🔉
- nijgig : heal🔉
- nijgit : heal🔉
- nijinj : roe / seed🔉
- nijipjulatl : encourage🔉
- ni'laje'g : friendly / outgoing🔉
- nimji'muatl : encourage / support / agree with🔉
- ni'n : me🔉
- ninasu'nm'gewei : election🔉
- ninen : we / he/she and I / us (exclusive)🔉
- ninenewei : ours (exclusive) / ours (exclusive)🔉
- ni'newei : mine / mine🔉
- nipg : summer🔉
- nipi : leaf (of tree) / leaf (of paper) / vegetable leaf🔉
- nipia'sutmamg : midnight mass / Christmas🔉
- nipi'l : cabbage🔉
- nipispaqan : twig / switch / small branch🔉
- nipispaqanta'tl : beat with switch / beat with twigs🔉
- nipispaqante'g : beat with switch🔉
- nipman : high bush cranberry / bush cranberry🔉
- nipn : last summer🔉
- nipnigu's : June🔉
- nipnug : next summer🔉
- nipugt : forest / woods🔉
- nisa'latl : take down / bring down🔉
- nisapega'toq : throw it downward / throw it down🔉
- nisapegit : crawl downward / crawl down / crawl on all fours🔉
- nisaqalatl : throw down🔉
- nisaqan : weir🔉
- nisaqtoq : throw down🔉
- nisa'sit : goes down / descend🔉
- nisa'toq : take down / bring down🔉
- nisega'latl : pull down🔉
- nisega'toq : pull down / extend down🔉
- niseget : drop🔉
- nisegetl : drop🔉
- Nisgam : God🔉
- nisgusuet : climb down / descend🔉
- nisiaq : fall down🔉
- nisiet : fall down🔉
- nisigsma'latl : push down🔉
- nisigsma'toq : push down🔉
- nisnatl : holds downward🔉
- nisn'g : restrain / holds downward🔉
- nisnusit : lower oneself / hold oneself lower🔉
- niso'piet : swing down🔉
- nisoqpit : pointed down (something of length) / slanted down (something of length)🔉
- nisoqteg : point down (something of length)🔉
- nispilatl : lower (by rope)🔉
- nispilg : lower (by rope)🔉
- nisqanane'g : bruise / bruise🔉
- niss'g : drifting down / falling in air / blown down🔉
- nissing : falling (from a higher place) / drifting down / descend🔉
- nistelg : shoot down🔉
- nisteluatl : shoot down🔉
- ni'taqa't : recuperate🔉
- niwa'latl : dry out / empty all liquid out🔉
- niwa's'g : become dry / get dry / all liquid empties out / evaporate🔉
- niwa'sit : become dry / get dry / all liquid empties out / evaporate🔉
- niwa'toq : dry out / empties/removes all liquid out🔉
- niwe'g : dry / empty (of liquid) / dry / empty (of liquid)🔉
- niweteg : low tide🔉
- niwiga'satl : wipe dry🔉
- niwiga's'g : wipe dry🔉
- niwipsguna't : thirsty🔉
- niwoqsit : dried out (from heat)🔉
- niwoqteg : dried out (from heat)🔉
- nme'j : fish🔉
- nme'j'gowinu : fisher🔉
- nme'ji'j : any small fish / herring🔉
- nme'juaqan : fishery / fishing industry🔉
- nme'juo'q : fish bowl / fish tank🔉
- nmi' : grandmother / granny / term of affection for grandmother🔉
- nmu'j : dog🔉
- nmu'ji'j : pup / puppy / young dog🔉
- nmu'ji'jmnaqsi : willow / pussy willow🔉
- nnigmu'j : hardwood🔉
- nnu : Mi'gmaw person / indigenous person / native person / aboriginal person / first nations person🔉
- nnue'gati : aboriginal community / native village (reserve) / indigenous community🔉
- nnueiei : of aborigianl origin / pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / of aboriginal🔉
- Nnuei_Mnigu : Indian Island🔉
- nnui'sit : speak indigenous language / speak Mi'gmaw🔉
- nnu'sgw : native woman / aboriginal woman / first nations woman🔉
- nnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style🔉
- nnu'wi't'g : refer to something by its aboriginal name / refer to something in first nations language / say in native language🔉
- nnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass🔉
- nnu_saqama'sgw : female native chief / female aboriginal chief / female first nations chief🔉
- nnu_saqamaw : native chief / aboriginal chief / first nations chief🔉
- no'q'g : cough🔉
- noqt'g : choke / gag (on food)🔉
- npisun : medicine🔉
- npo'qon : bed🔉
- npuaqan : death🔉
- npuinu : dead person / corpse🔉
- npuinu'ulgw : hearse / vehicle (boat) used to transport the deceased🔉
- nqana'paqsun : well bucket🔉
- nqani'gn : dip net / scoop🔉
- nqani'guom : manger / shelter / stable / well house🔉
- nqano'pati : well (of water)🔉
- nsanoqon : danger🔉
- nsanoqonig : dangerous🔉
- nsanoqonit : dangerous🔉
- ns'tnaqan : orphan🔉
- nsugwi' : aunty!🔉
- ntaqo'qon : shame / disgrace🔉
- ntugsuinu : hunter / provider🔉
- Nuel : Christmas (name) / Christmas🔉
- Nuelewumg : Christmas Day / Christmas time🔉
- nugjaqa'latl : squash / crush it🔉
- nugjaqa'toq : squash / crush it🔉
- nugjaqsatl : mince / cut to tiny bits🔉
- nugjaqta'tl : smash to bits / mash🔉
- nugjaqtesg'g : crush by stomping / stomp🔉
- nugjaqtesguatl : stomp to bits / crush by stomping🔉
- nugsaqatew : ember / charcoal🔉
- nugsatl : cut to pieces / mince🔉
- nugs'g : mince / shred / cut into pieces🔉
- nugta'tl : soften by pounding / soften by hitting / tenderise🔉
- nugte'g : tenderise / soften by pounding / soften by hitting🔉
- nugtesg'g : crush (with feet) / soften (with feet)🔉
- nugtesguatl : crush (with feet) / soften (with feet)🔉
- nugtoqtejgwej : house keeper / maid / servant🔉
- nugu' : so now / then / any more (no longer) / all ready / come on now!🔉
- nugumi : granny! / grammie!🔉
- nugwa'gipulatl : grind🔉
- nugwa'gittoq : grind🔉
- nugwa'latl : soften🔉
- nu'gwa'latl : set on fire / burn🔉
- nugwaltugo'n : comb🔉
- nugwaltugo'sit : comb hair🔉
- nu'gwa'luejgewei : cattail🔉
- nu'gwa'q : burn / on fire / ablaze🔉
- nu'gwa't : burn / ablaze / dwelling on fire / belongings on fire🔉
- nugwa'toq : soften🔉
- nu'gwa'toq : set ablaze / burn🔉
- nugwe'g : soft / soft🔉
- nuja'gitteget : sawyer🔉
- nujagnutmewinu : lawyer / reporter🔉
- nuja'q : swimmer🔉
- nujatejo'tasit : twitcher (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / twitch (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods)🔉
- nujatejo'teget : twitch logs (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / hauls logs🔉
- nujatejo'toqol : haul / twitch (in logging)🔉
- nujeiwatl : in charge of / responsible for / handle🔉
- nujgma'q : melt / thaw🔉
- nujgma't : melt / thaw🔉
- nujgmoqsatl : soften by using heat / melt by using heat🔉
- nujgmoqs'g : melt by using heat🔉
- nujgmoqsit : melt (through heating)🔉
- nujgmoqteg : melt (through heating)🔉
- nujiajig : make (professionally)🔉
- nujialapit : watchman / watchman🔉
- nujiamalgat : dancer / dancer🔉
- nujiasigetg : teamster🔉
- nujielutuet : imitator / impersonator🔉
- nujiewjo'lajig : hauler / transporter🔉
- nujiewjo'tasit : hauler🔉
- nujiewjo'teget : delivery person / hauler / deliver / transport / haul🔉
- nujiewjo'toq : haul🔉
- nujigeluet : matchmaker🔉
- nujigina'muet : educator / teacher / teacher / educator🔉
- nujigina'muo'guom : school🔉
- nujigoqwa'luet : wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia) / wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia)🔉
- nujigsmoqja'teget : foreman / pusher / foreman / pusher🔉
- nujigtu'muet : musicial entertainer / entertainer (with musical instrument)🔉
- nujiilsuteget : judge🔉
- nujimila'teget : prankster / joker / jester / joker / prankster / jester🔉
- nujimuet : counsellor / advisor / counsel / advise🔉
- nujinapui'giget : photographer / take photograph🔉
- nujine'pateget : executioner / serial killer / murderer🔉
- nujinget : scaler (in lumbering) / one who does the measuring / scale (in lumbering)🔉
- nujinpiteget : healer🔉
- nujinqasui'get : firefighter🔉
- nujins'pit : baby sitter / house sitter🔉
- nujintoq : singer / singer🔉
- nujintuisget : salesperson / peddler / vendor🔉
- nujinutmaqaniget : storyteller / tattletale / gossiper🔉
- nujipestung : preacher / preacher🔉
- nujipetqa'muet : referee / mediator / umpire🔉
- nujipgwateliget : buyer / purchaser / buyer / purchaser🔉
- nujipipnet : baker🔉
- nujipipugwet : musician / whistler / horn blower / musician / whistler / horn blower🔉
- nuji'pit : runner (professional) / errand runner / runner (professional) / errand runner🔉
- nujiputaqiget : butcher / butcher🔉
- nujisa'se'wamugwa'teget : magician / one who changes things🔉
- nujitoq : make professionally🔉
- nujitoqtet : baker (professional)🔉
- nujiwi'giget : writer🔉
- nujiwsiget : fortuneteller / fortuneteller🔉
- nujo'teget : witness / serve at mass / sheperd (in the song Nujo'taqatioq) / witness (as in a wedding) / server at mass🔉
- nujo'tg : in charge of / responsible for / handle🔉
- nujumu : with gastric tuberculosis🔉
- nujumuit : have gastric tuberculosis🔉
- nunat : suck🔉
- nunatg : suck🔉
- nunmaqeg : slope / slight incline🔉
- nunmaqet : slope / slight incline🔉
- nunmintoq : hum🔉
- nunmip'sit : moderately warm🔉
- nunmip'teg : moderately warm🔉
- nusalatl : suckle (infant) / breastfeed🔉
- nu'sesgw : female bear🔉
- nuse'sgwet : nurse / breastfeed / breastfeeder / nurser / wet nurse🔉
- nuset : breast-feed🔉
- nussaqiget : clerk / clerk🔉
- nutagnat : infirmed / feeble in body or health / ailing🔉
- nutagnutg : report on / talk about🔉
- nutagnutmewinu : lawyer / reporter🔉
- nutaiw : interruption (before completion)🔉
- nuta'mat : need something / require something / missing something🔉
- nutanteget : hunter / killer / hunter / killer🔉
- nutapit : scout (around) / scout🔉
- nutapsgo'teget : scribe / writer🔉
- nutapteget : coroner🔉
- nutapuguet : does not give enough information / does not say much🔉
- nuta'q : missing / not there / absent / needs, requires🔉
- nuta't : missing / not there / absent / needs, requires🔉
- nutateji'pulatl : deliver🔉
- nutateji'putasit : passenger / person who takes a cab / passenger🔉
- nutateji'puteget : delivery person🔉
- nutateji'putoq : deliver🔉
- nutatesg'g : have not reached destination🔉
- nutawlet : carrier / porter🔉
- nutawtigmuatl : guide / make trail🔉
- nutawtigmuet : make trail / guide🔉
- nutawtugwet : short of (money)🔉
- nu'te'nmaqan : campfire / outdoor kitchen🔉
- nutg : hear🔉
- nutg'g : no longer fits / something has become too large or too small to fit anymore🔉
- nutgulpapatiget : scrub on hands and knees🔉
- nutgulpa'sit : kneel🔉
- nutgulpit : kneeling🔉
- nutgulpugua'sit : genuflect🔉
- nutmat : hear about / hear tell of🔉
- nutnewet : assist at mass / serve mass / altar boy/girl / acolyte🔉
- nutoqto'guom : kitchen🔉
- nutpipnet : bread-baker🔉
- nutqalugwet : poor quality work🔉
- nutqwa'latl : give insufficient amount / put insufficient amount🔉
- nutqwa'toq : put insufficient amount / add insufficient amount🔉
- nutqwe'g : immature / undeveloped / minor🔉
- nutqwelg : inadequate / insufficient / inadequate / insufficient🔉
- nutqwijijigwe'jg : insufficiently narrow🔉
- nutqwijijigwe'jit : insufficiently narrow🔉
- nutsegnewet : bricklayer / mason🔉
- nutuatl : hear🔉
- o'plagnutmajig : have disagreement / have misunderstanding🔉
- o'pla'latl : do wrong / do something wrong to🔉
- o'plapuguet : say the wrong thing / say something inappropriate🔉
- opla's'g : go wrong🔉
- opla'sit : go wrong🔉
- o'platalg : eat improperly🔉
- o'pla'teget : do wrong / do incorrectly🔉
- o'pla'toq : do wrong / do incorrectly🔉
- o'plisqatesg : sprain🔉
- o'plisqatesing : sprain🔉
- o'plisqatesmatl : sprain🔉
- o'plisqatestoq : sprain🔉
- o'pliwenaqto'sit : mistakenly raise the pot (poker) / skip wrong (Shubenacadie)🔉
- o'pl'ta'tl : hit wrongly / strike wrongly🔉
- o'pl'te'g : strike wrongly / hit wrongly🔉
- o'plwi'tatl : name or call wrongly / call by wrong name🔉
- o'plwi't'g : call by wrong name / say incorrectly🔉
- oqo : because / thus / so🔉
- oqolema'sit : puts in mouth🔉
- oqolumgwa'sit : bow head🔉
- oqonaliaq : covered with snow, soil, etc. / process of being covered with snow, soil, etc.🔉
- oqonaliet : covered with snow, etc. / process of being covered with snow, etc.🔉
- oqonisgwa'latl : cover🔉
- oqonisgwa'toq : cover🔉
- oqonisqopilatl : wrap / cover / cover with a wrap🔉
- oqonisqopilg : wrap / cover / cover by wrapping🔉
- oqonitpa'q : dark (night)🔉
- oqonitpaqaiet : faint🔉
- oqonitpaqamugwiaq : getting dark🔉
- oqonoqopisaqan : wrap / receiving blanket / bundle (for infant) / privacy curtain🔉
- oqonoqopiso'tlatl : place hood on🔉
- oqopisit : wrapped up / bundled (as infant) / swadded (as infant)🔉
- oqosgijigueg : sticky🔉
- oqosgijiguet : sticky🔉
- oqote'tut : friends!🔉
- oqoti : dear / friend / affection term between spouses🔉
- oqotqomatl : tease (about member of opposite sex) / tease about a potential romantic partner🔉
- oqtatqa'toq : put into drydock🔉
- oqwa'q : arrive / land / dock🔉
- oqwasa'toq : beach (canoe) / pull up on the shore🔉
- oqwa't : arrive / land / dock🔉
- oqwatg : wind blows from the north🔉
- oqwatn : north🔉
- oqwatqigan : lean·to🔉
- pa'ge'g : sober🔉
- Pa'gewumg : Easter🔉
- pagwe'jg : shallow water🔉
- pa'itepega'sit : overflow🔉
- pa'it'pega's'g : overflow🔉
- pajijiglulg : extremely good or nice / best🔉
- pajijiglu'sit : extremely good or nice / the best🔉
- pajijigsma'latl : push too far / push too hard🔉
- pajijigsma'toq : pushes it too far / push too hard🔉
- pajijipilei : newest / newer than new / newest one / newer than new🔉
- pajijiwinjig : extremely bad / worst🔉
- pajijiwinjit : extremely bad / worst🔉
- pajjaqamat : spread-on thickly / exaggerate (slang) / overdo🔉
- paltaqan : gunwale (of boat) / trim (door, window, baseboard, crown molding)🔉
- pana : it is so / just so🔉
- pana'latl : open🔉
- pana's'g : open🔉
- pana'sit : open🔉
- pana'toq : open🔉
- panawijqanawet : thoroughly search🔉
- paneta'q : sun beginning to shine through clouds / open or clear up (of sky)🔉
- pangeji'j : pung / horse drawn winter sleigh on runners / sleigh🔉
- pangwenatl : delouse / groom🔉
- pangwenewet : delouse🔉
- panianug : next spring🔉
- paniaq : end of the snow period🔉
- panigisgiaq : clear up (of clouds or fog)🔉
- pansaqatl : unlock🔉
- pansaqq : unlock🔉
- pansatl : cut open / operate on🔉
- pans'g : cut open / operate on🔉
- panta'latl : open up🔉
- panta'toq : open🔉
- pantepit : open🔉
- panteteg : open🔉
- pan'tqa'sit : come running out of the woods / comes running out into the open🔉
- pantuna'sit : open mouth🔉
- pantunepit : agape / open (container)🔉
- pantuno'jing : have mouth open🔉
- panuijgatg : examine / study🔉
- papawei : horse bean / broad bean / fava bean🔉
- papga'latl : take down the coast🔉
- papga'lugwet : drift down the coast / drift down river🔉
- papga'sit : goes down the coast / goes down river🔉
- papga'toq : take down the coast / take down river🔉
- papge'g : down the coast / down river🔉
- papge'gewa'j : person from down the coast / person from down river🔉
- papge'gewi'sgw : female from down the coast / female from down river🔉
- papit : amuse self🔉
- papitaqan : toy / item made for enjoyment🔉
- pa'pnji'j : spool / bobbin🔉
- papuaqan : amusement / fun time / celebration🔉
- paqaiatgweitesing : falls flat on a surface / slam into the ground or other surface🔉
- paqaiatgweitesmatl : slam down / body slam🔉
- paqaiatgweitestoq : slam down🔉
- pa'qalaig : surprised / amazed🔉
- pa'qalaiwaqan : surprising news or event / amazing news or event / astonishing news or event / surprise🔉
- paqa'latl : bite🔉
- paqa'luet : bites🔉
- pa'qamajeiwatl : snooping / meddlesome to him/her / examine / inspect / investigate / study🔉
- pa'qamajo'tg : snooping / meddlesome to it / examine / inspect / investigate / study🔉
- pa'qapugua'latl : hear confession🔉
- pa'qapuguatg : confess🔉
- pa'qapuguet : confess🔉
- pa'qapuguo'ti : confession🔉
- paqasa'latl : place in the water (river)🔉
- paqasaqalatl : throw in water / launch🔉
- paqasaqtoq : throw in the water / launch🔉
- paqasa'sit : goes in the water🔉
- paqasa'toq : put in the water (river) / launch into water🔉
- paqasiet : fall into the water🔉
- paqaste'g : launch / cause to fall into water, river or lake / knock into water / hit into water🔉
- pa'qastmat : easily pick up news and gossip🔉
- paqa'toq : bite🔉
- pa'qe'g : downhill🔉
- paqo'si : seaweed🔉
- paqsipgeitelua'tl : shoot and kill instantly (with gun or bow and arrow)🔉
- paqsipgelmit : burst out laughing / laugh hard🔉
- paqtaqamigt : wilderness / deserted area🔉
- paqtaqamigtug : wilderness / deserted area🔉
- paqtaqawa'q : echoey🔉
- paqtasit : shining bright🔉
- paqtateg : shining bright🔉
- paqtesm : wolf🔉
- paqtlusg'teg : extremely low tide🔉
- Paqtngeg : Afton🔉
- paqt'sm : wolf🔉
- paqtuneitesing : fall flat on the face🔉
- pasaliteg : deep snow🔉
- pasaltugwat : thick hair🔉
- pasatpat : thick·headed🔉
- pase'g : thick / thick🔉
- pas'g : only / just🔉
- pasge'g : crushed or shattered / busted / crushed or shattered / busted🔉
- pasgesetmat : light up / smoke🔉
- pasg'g : sit or lie on🔉
- pasgija'latl : flatten / squeeze / run over🔉
- pasgija'toq : squeeze / flatten / run over🔉
- pasgina'latl : tear or rip🔉
- pasgina'toq : tear or rip🔉
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn🔉
- pasginoqjing : tear or split (from freezing)🔉
- pasginoqsit : cracked (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasginoqteg : cracked (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasgipiasit : split or cracked (from dryness)🔉
- pasgipiateg : split or cracked (from dryness)🔉
- pasgoqjing : cracked or split (from excessive cold)🔉
- pasgoqsign : jam🔉
- pasgoqsit : shattered (from excessive heat) / pierced (from heat) / burst (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasgoqteg : burst (from excessive heat) / shatter (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasgoqt'g : crack or split (from excessive cold)🔉
- pasg'sa'latl : light up / set on fire🔉
- pasg'sa'toq : set on fire / light up🔉
- pasg'sematl : light up (tobacco pipe) / light up a cigarette🔉
- pasg'setmat : light up (to smoke)🔉
- pasg'setmuatl : light up (cigarette or pipe) for🔉
- pasg'teg : pop (as log on fire or as corn)🔉
- pa'sg'teg : explode (moisture in log on fire)🔉
- pasguatl : have one's weight on🔉
- pasi'tuat : thick bearded🔉
- paspit : thick / dense / piled deep🔉
- passoqsatl : thicken by boiling / thicken by cooking🔉
- pasteg : thick / dense🔉
- pastesg : burst🔉
- pastesing : burst🔉
- pastung : United States🔉
- pastungewa'gi : American territory / United States of America🔉
- pastungewa'j : American male / American🔉
- pastungewi'sgw : American woman / American female🔉
- patalapit : cross·eyed (strabismus)🔉
- patanapjit : hold with left hand🔉
- patang : left·handed🔉
- patanjuei : left hand / item used for or by left hand🔉
- patanmit : left·handed🔉
- pata'taqan : sin🔉
- pata'teget : sin🔉
- pata'tegewinu : sinner🔉
- patatuj : left-side🔉
- patatujg : on the left side🔉
- patatujge'g : leftward / towards the left🔉
- patatujge'l : leftward / towards the left🔉
- pata'wti : table🔉
- patawtiewegn : tablecloth🔉
- patgulme'sigaqan : altar🔉
- pa'tlia's : priest / clergy🔉
- pa'tlia'si'sgw : nun🔉
- pa'tliatji'j : brother (religious)🔉
- Pa'tligs'te'wumg : Saint Patrick's Day🔉
- pawa'sit : move slowly🔉
- pawnigwet : dress hides / tan hides🔉
- pe' : hold on! (interjection)🔉
- pegaja'latl : do neatly / keep tidy / does properly / clean🔉
- pegaja'toq : do neatly / keep tidy / does properly / clean🔉
- pegaje'g : tidy / neat / clean🔉
- pegajeiwatl : keep in good shape or condition🔉
- pegajilugwet : work neatly / work cleanly🔉
- pegajo'tg : keep in good shape or condition🔉
- pega'q : straight🔉
- pegaqamgiet : grimy / filthy🔉
- pegatnmat : neat / clean and tidy🔉
- pegatteg : neat / clean and tidy🔉
- pegeja'teget : neaten / clean🔉
- pegije'g : long time🔉
- pegijiesgmalatl : wait long time for🔉
- pegijiesgmatg : wait long time for🔉
- pegijipnet : suffers from long term illness🔉
- pegising : arrive / get there🔉
- pegisitoq : bring or arrive with🔉
- pegisulatl : bring or arrive with🔉
- pegitapegsig : long lasting / take a long time to unfold🔉
- pegitapematl : useful for a long time🔉
- pegitapetg : useful for long time🔉
- pegitapit : stay up late🔉
- pegitawsit : live long life🔉
- pegitewo'gwet : talk long time🔉
- pe'gitnet : have nose bleed / bleed from nostril🔉
- pegitqatg : stay long time🔉
- pegittemit : cry long while🔉
- pegittoq : is taking a long time to return / is taking a long time🔉
- pegn'g : dark (without light)🔉
- pegoqsit : straight🔉
- peguig : sticky / gummy🔉
- peguit : gummy / sticky🔉
- pegwaja'latl : clean dress or gut (as fish, chicken)🔉
- pe'gwamatl : pleased to see again after a long time🔉
- pe'gwamu'g : it is nice to see again after a long time🔉
- pe'gwamugsit : it is nice to see again after a long time🔉
- pegwang : able to lift the weight of / able to move it🔉
- pe'gwapt'g : is pleased to see again after long time🔉
- pegwatelg : buy / purchase🔉
- pegwateliget : purchase / buy🔉
- pegwateluatl : buy / purchase🔉
- pegwatoq : at fault / cause🔉
- pegwigwalatl : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pegwigwatg : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pegwi'satl : patch🔉
- pegwi's'g : patch🔉
- peigwapit : see all around🔉
- peigwaqatg : stay here and there / live all over🔉
- pejigisgiaq : ceiling🔉
- pejigu'ta'tl : knock down unintentionally🔉
- pejigu'te'g : knock it down unintentionally🔉
- pejijing'ja'latl : squeeze unintentionally / squeeze accidently / pinch unintentionally / pinch accidently🔉
- pejila'sit : arrive unannounced or unexpectedly or by surprise🔉
- pejilugwet : came here to work / arrive here to work🔉
- peji'pit : arrive hurriedly / drop by / hurry over🔉
- pejipug : winter arrives🔉
- pejipunmit : come to experience winter🔉
- pejipunsit : comes to spend winter / settle in for winter🔉
- peji'taqamat : trip (over)🔉
- peji'taqane'ita'tl : slap on neck🔉
- pejitmsatl : cut accidentally🔉
- pejitms'g : cuts accidentally🔉
- pejiwsit : move here to settle down🔉
- pejo'laji : bring them / haul or deliver them🔉
- pejoqsatl : burns accidently / burns unintentionlly🔉
- pejoqs'g : cook unintentionally / burn unintentionally / burns accidently🔉
- pejo'toql : brings them / haul or deliver in bulk🔉
- peju : codfish🔉
- pejue'get : fish for cod🔉
- pejuei : codfish meat🔉
- pe'l : for now / for the time being / while🔉
- pelagwet : parrot🔉
- pela'latl : excluded / omitted / miss connecting with🔉
- pela'toq : omit / miss connecting with🔉
- pelgoqa'latl : peel by hand🔉
- pelgoqa'toq : peel by hand🔉
- pelgoqsatl : peel with knife🔉
- pelgoqsewet : peel🔉
- pelgoqs'g : peel with knife🔉
- pelgoqta'tl : strip off with sharp tool🔉
- pelgoqte'g : strip off with sharp tool🔉
- pelqa'latl : peel / husk🔉
- pelqa'toq : peel / husk🔉
- pelsit : thick🔉
- pelteg : thick (of liquid, porridge) / pour thickly🔉
- pe'l_ap_ta'n_tujiw : wait until some other time / wait until the next time / until some other time🔉
- pe'l_tmg : first of all🔉
- pema'gwi'teget : steering🔉
- pema'latl : carry / bringing someone along (wheelchair)🔉
- pemamgwe'get : pole along🔉
- pemanguat : peddle🔉
- pemapaqtesg : streak🔉
- pemapaqtesing : streak🔉
- pemapaqto'sit : splash self (as going along)🔉
- pemapegit : crawl along🔉
- pemapilatl : carry along in hand (by of rope, handle, etc.)🔉
- pemapilawet : carry by rope or handle / carry by scruff of neck (as cat)🔉
- pemapilg : carry along in hand (by rope, handle, etc.)🔉
- pema'q : swim along🔉
- pemaqs'g : fly by🔉
- pemaqteget : sail along🔉
- pematalg : eat on the go🔉
- pema'teget : pallbearer🔉
- pematejimatl : drag along🔉
- pematejitoq : drag along / pull (sled)🔉
- pema'toq : carry🔉
- pematpe'pit : run along with head abobbing🔉
- pematqaiet : go through thicket🔉
- pemawlalatl : carry along on back🔉
- pemawlatg : carry along on back🔉
- pemelmit : pass by laughing🔉
- pemgwi't'g : steer along🔉
- pemiaq : move along / going by🔉
- pemiet : go by / move along🔉
- pemigegwi'pit : run along slowly🔉
- pemigp'ta'q : puff along / smoke along🔉
- pemigp'ta't : smoke along / puff along🔉
- pemijajiga'sit : move along the shore / walk along shore🔉
- pemijajigisugwit : paddle along the shore🔉
- pemiji'met : paddle along / row along🔉
- pemimqapsgeg : become large and round🔉
- pemimqapsg'sit : become large and round🔉
- pemintoq : go along singing🔉
- pemi'pit : run along🔉
- pemi'pugwet : stagger along🔉
- pemi'puluet : ride along on (horse)back🔉
- pemiqama'sit : standing up🔉
- pemisiawaqteget : sail along by🔉
- pemisiawa'sit : pass by🔉
- pemisqoqitugwi'g : run up the hill🔉
- pemisugwit : paddle along🔉
- pemitg : flow along🔉
- pemitge'g : get cold (of weather)🔉
- pemitgiaq : get chilly🔉
- pemitgiet : getting cold🔉
- pemitma's'g : start to break (ice)🔉
- pemitma'sit : start to break🔉
- pemitqoju'tugwi'g : run upstairs🔉
- pemiwigwa'smugwet : whistle along🔉
- pemja't : leap along / hop along🔉
- pemji'malatl : paddle along / row along🔉
- pemji'matg : paddle along / row along🔉
- pemji'met : paddle along / row along🔉
- peml'ga't : walk along🔉
- pemlugweg : go along working🔉
- pemlugwet : go along working🔉
- pemn'galatl : carry on shoulder🔉
- pemn'gatg : carry on shoulder🔉
- pemn'get : wear shoulder pack🔉
- pemo'tg : operate🔉
- pempa'q : rise (of tide)🔉
- pempa'sit : start to sit down🔉
- pempega's'g : start to rise (of tide)🔉
- pempegitg : flow along🔉
- pempilg : tow along🔉
- pempisgiaq : become twilight🔉
- pempugua'sit : start to get on feet / start to recover from bad times🔉
- pemqo'gwet : float along / drift along🔉
- pemqo'qweg : float along / drift along🔉
- pemsaqas'g : wall / partition🔉
- pems'g : pass by (in air)🔉
- pemsiawqo'qweg : float by🔉
- pemsiawqo'qwet : float by🔉
- pemsing : hurry by / pass by (in the air)🔉
- pemta'q : go by making noise🔉
- pemtaqaiet : slither along🔉
- pemtesg'g : kick along / pass by / chase after🔉
- pemtesguatl : kick along / pass by / chase after🔉
- pemto'gwet : drift off (to sleep) / pass out (from drinking) / drift along (on the water)🔉
- pemtoqsit : prattle along / yelling by / gab by🔉
- pemtugwi'g : run along🔉
- pemtulgomit : going with something tucked under the arm🔉
- penatg : lay (eggs)🔉
- penatmuigu's : April🔉
- pene'sugwa't : drool🔉
- pene'sugwati : saliva / drool🔉
- penetgwit : calve🔉
- penoqwite'lmatl : look down on / snub / discriminate against🔉
- pepga'gipulatl : grind down / file down / saw thin🔉
- pepga'gittoq : thin by grinding down / thin by filing down / thin by sawing down🔉
- pepga'latl : thin out (liquid) / thin down (board)🔉
- pepga'toq : thin out / thin down🔉
- pepgaltugwat : have thin hair / have fine hair🔉
- pepge'jg : thin🔉
- pepge'jit : thin🔉
- pepgijatpat : flat·headed🔉
- pepg'te'muatl : thin out (head hair) by cutting🔉
- pepsitelget : disrespectful / rude🔉
- pepsite'lmatl : disrespect / rude / discourteous🔉
- pept'sgna'sit : put on shoes and socks🔉
- pepueget : shake🔉
- pepuegetl : shake🔉
- pepuetesg : shake / tremble🔉
- pepuetesing : shake / tremble🔉
- peqanqasita'teget : get flat feet / get flatfooted🔉
- pesa'ji'jg : lightly snowing🔉
- pesa'latl : skin fish🔉
- pesanagig : snow mist / snow flurries🔉
- pesaq : snowing🔉
- pesa'tl : smell🔉
- pesetoq : smell🔉
- pesga'latl : lead off the trail or road / take off trail or road🔉
- pesga'qiputeg : chafed🔉
- pesga'sit : go off the trail or road / leave off the trail or road🔉
- pesga'toq : lead off the trail or road / take off trail or road🔉
- pe'sgewei : gun / rifle / shotgun🔉
- pe'sg'g : shoot at🔉
- pesgiaq : get dark / night falls🔉
- pe'sgigeg : shoot🔉
- pe'sgiget : fire / shoot🔉
- pesg'teg : lead off to (path)🔉
- pe'sg'teg : fired (as gun)🔉
- pe'sguatl : shoot at🔉
- pesgunateg : nine / nine (in counting)🔉
- pesgunateg_te'sinsga'q : ninety / ninety (in counting)🔉
- pesgunateg_te'sisga'q : ninety / ninety (in counting)🔉
- pesgutua'tl : shave🔉
- pesgutue'g : shave🔉
- pesgutuo'sit : shave oneself🔉
- pesgwatalg : graze (as cow or horse)🔉
- pesgwete'gemgewei : sickle🔉
- pesgwiet : moult / shed🔉
- pesigte'get : split wood🔉
- pesi'gugwet : river drive🔉
- pesigweita'tl : slap face🔉
- pesipga'latl : sever, cut, split, or break off (thread, rope) with force / sever, cut, split, or break off (thread, rope) with tool🔉
- pesipga'toq : breaks wire / breaks leather thong🔉
- pesipgeget : break (rope, string or chain) in two🔉
- pesipgegetl : breaks rope or cable / breaks line🔉
- pe'sit : have something in eye🔉
- pesoqopsga'sit : fumble and drop / let slip from hand🔉
- pesoqopsg'ta'tl : miss (in swinging, or striking) / fumble🔉
- pesoqopsg'te'g : fumble / partially block / miss (in swinging, or striking)🔉
- pesoqta'tl : miss aimed at / fail to hit (aimed)🔉
- pesoqte'g : miss / fail to hit (something aimed)🔉
- pesoqtelg : fail to shoot something aimed at / miss (in shooting)🔉
- pesoqteluatl : fail to hit someone aimed at / miss (in shooting)🔉
- pesoqtesg'g : miss / fail to meet it / fail to come into contact with it🔉
- pesoqtesgmat : trip / miss step / stumble🔉
- pesoqtesgmuatl : trip🔉
- pesoqtesguatl : miss / fail to meet / fail to come into contact with it(ball)🔉
- pesqa'gipusit : chafed🔉
- pesqaiaq : peel🔉
- pesqaiet : skin peels (as from sunburn)🔉
- pesqa'latl : skin animal🔉
- pesqata'tl : scrape (with instrument)🔉
- pesqate'g : scrape (with instrument)🔉
- pesqatesmatl : scrape🔉
- pesqatestoq : scrape🔉
- pesqojigueg : sticky🔉
- pesqojiguet : sticky🔉
- pesqo'latl : pluck (as chicken)🔉
- pessatl : cut accidentally🔉
- pess'g : cut accidentally🔉
- pessmgewei : holy picture or medal or crucifix🔉
- pestaqa'latl : strain🔉
- pestaqalsit : strains self🔉
- pestaqa'toq : strain🔉
- pe's'teg : burst into flame🔉
- pestie'wumg : feast day🔉
- pestmat : starve🔉
- pestmo'qon : starvation🔉
- pestung : preach / make speech🔉
- pe'talatl : catch fish🔉
- petaptu'sit : comes with the aid of a cane🔉
- petaqan : pie🔉
- petaqanji'j : tart / small pie🔉
- petasenmat : come walking with light or torch🔉
- petasit : blinded (by glare of light or sun)🔉
- petatejitoq : comes dragging it🔉
- petawlet : lug here (on back)🔉
- petgitg : mail here / send here / dispatch here🔉
- petgnejig : arrive at destination🔉
- petgutatestoq : spill unintentionally🔉
- petguta'tl : knock out🔉
- petguteget : spill unintentionally🔉
- petna's'g : gust of cool wind🔉
- petqa'matimg : mediation🔉
- petqwasit : deny🔉
- petta'tl : strike unintentionally / hit unintentionally🔉
- pette'g : stikes unintentionally / hit unintentionally🔉
- petteppit : arrive as a passenger🔉
- pettesguatl : accidentally bump into / chases here🔉
- petu'niaq : get foggy🔉
- petuptoq : lug here (on shoulder)🔉
- pewalatl : want🔉
- pewa'q : sweep🔉
- pewaqs'te'get : thrash (of wheat, grain etc.)🔉
- pewaqs'te'gnei : thrasher (used in farming)🔉
- pewaqtesmatl : shake out / shake off🔉
- pewaqtestoq : shake off / shake out🔉
- pewat : dream🔉
- pewatg : want / desire🔉
- pewiatl : dream about🔉
- pewi'get : sweep🔉
- pewitaqan : dream🔉
- pewiteget : dream🔉
- pewitoq : dream about🔉
- pewoqiajgewei : nasturtium🔉
- pga'w : clay🔉
- pgegn : hide (of skin)🔉
- pgenign : fertilizer / manure🔉
- pgesign : piece of cloth🔉
- pgesign'ji'j : small piece of cloth🔉
- pgijoqign : bottle cap / bottle cover / lid / cork / plug🔉
- pgu : gum / pitch / fudge🔉
- pguman : blueberry🔉
- pgumanapu : blueberry juice🔉
- pgumanaqsi : blueberry bush / blueberry branch🔉
- pgumane'get : go to get(pick) blueberries🔉
- pgwejijg : cinnamon🔉
- piamglu'lg : better🔉
- piamglu'sit : better🔉
- piamiaq : leftover🔉
- piamiet : something leftover🔉
- piamigsalatl : prefer / likes better🔉
- piamigsatg : likes better / prefer🔉
- piamite'lmatl : think more of🔉
- piamite'tg : think more of🔉
- piamiw : more than / over🔉
- piesgmin : corn🔉
- pi'g : spade (in cards)🔉
- piggw : flea🔉
- piggwit : flea infested🔉
- piglewji'j : lamp globe / oil lamp chimney🔉
- pigsa'q : cloudy from smoke / cloudy from dust🔉
- pigsa't : cloud of smoke or dust or steam from...🔉
- pigtit : fart🔉
- pi'gun : feather🔉
- pi'gw : night hawk🔉
- pi'gwatign : shed hair🔉
- pi'gwatignmit : shed hair🔉
- pija'latl : put in🔉
- pija'lut : jailed / put inside🔉
- pijapegit : crawl into / crawl underneath🔉
- pija'sit : go into / go underneath🔉
- pija'toq : put in🔉
- pijatpo'jing : head inside something🔉
- pijeget : throw in / throw under🔉
- pijiaq : fall in / drop in🔉
- pijiet : fall in / drop in / go into debt🔉
- pijigatat : long·legged🔉
- pijigiaq : curve inward🔉
- pijigiet : curve in🔉
- pijigsma'latl : push into🔉
- pijigsma'toq : push in🔉
- pijigwalatl : press into(container) / squeeze into(container)🔉
- pijigweg : grow inward / ingrown🔉
- pijigwet : grows inward / ingrown🔉
- pijimaqan : funnel🔉
- pijipgwiaq : cave in / falls in in small pieces🔉
- pijipgwiet : cave in / falls in in small pieces🔉
- pijiptnat : have long reach / have long arms🔉
- pijisqonat : have a long nose🔉
- pijistaqanat : have long ears🔉
- pijiwnaqaiet : jump into / jump inside🔉
- pijjaqan : mitten🔉
- pijjaqana'q : wear mittens🔉
- pilegn : new cloth🔉
- pilei : new / new🔉
- pile'sm : novice / rookie🔉
- piligan : new house / new camp🔉
- piligana'gamigt : new campsite or development🔉
- pilijilta's'g : newly blazed thing / newly marked thing🔉
- piliman : new potato🔉
- pilse'g : numb / unsalted / under-salted / unsalted / under-salted🔉
- pilsimatl : speak falsely of🔉
- piltuamatl : see something strange about / look strange / look different🔉
- piltuapt'g : see something strange in / look different to / look strange / look at differently🔉
- piltua's'g : turn out differently / turn out unexpectedly🔉
- piltua'sit : turn out differently / turn out unexpectedly🔉
- piltu'lugweg : work differently🔉
- piltu'lugwet : do different work / do something else🔉
- piltu'wi'tatl : call by different name🔉
- piltu'wi't'g : call by different name🔉
- piluamugwiaq : become dusk / change color🔉
- piluamugwiet : change color🔉
- pilu'assit : foolish / silly🔉
- piluowei : bullet / projectile🔉
- pi'mat : hunt waterfowl🔉
- pipanigesit : ask / enquire🔉
- pipanimatl : ask🔉
- pi'pi : peavey hook🔉
- pipnaqan : bread🔉
- pipnaqane'ji'j : caraway seed🔉
- pipnaqsign : piece of bread / slice of bread🔉
- pipnaqsignji'j : small piece of bread🔉
- pipqoqsitat : has a bunion🔉
- piptoqopsgeg : round (globular)🔉
- piptoqopsg'sit : round (globular)🔉
- piptoqwa'q : cylindrical thing / tubular thing🔉
- piptugwagig : round (circular)🔉
- piptugwagit : round (circular)🔉
- pipua'smugwet : blow a horn / whistle🔉
- pipugwaqan : wind instrument / whistle / horn / musical instrument🔉
- pipugwaqane'j : bugler🔉
- pipugwaqan'ji'j : small whistle / whistle🔉
- pipugwes : hawk🔉
- pipugwe'si's : sparrow hawk🔉
- pipugwet : make music on horn or wind instrument / singing🔉
- pis : flea🔉
- pi'sano'tlatl : put diaper on... / to diaper🔉
- pisaqqan : bubble🔉
- pisew : foam / suds🔉
- pisewiaq : foamy / in lather🔉
- pisewiet : foamy / in lather🔉
- pisewtuna't : foam at mouth🔉
- pisga'taqanapi : chain🔉
- pisga'taqanapi'ji'j : small chain🔉
- pisgiaq : get dark / night falls🔉
- pisguije'watl : accompany inside🔉
- pisgulaq : rain into🔉
- pisgulgwalatl : follow inside🔉
- pisgulgwatg : follow inside🔉
- pisgupanigs'g : drift inside (snow)🔉
- pisgwa'latl : bring inside / take inside / let in🔉
- pisgwapit : look in (from outside)🔉
- pisgwa'q : enters🔉
- pisgwa't : enters🔉
- pisgwa'toq : bring inside / take inside / bring in from outside / put in (Cape Breton)🔉
- pisgwetesg'g : track inside (mud, snow, water)🔉
- pisgwetesguatl : chase inside / kick into🔉
- pisgweto't : elected / hit into (net, goal or hole)🔉
- pisgwigiaq : curve inward🔉
- pisgwigiet : curve inward🔉
- pisgwi'putoq : hurries inside with it / runs inside with it🔉
- pisgwiwsit : move in🔉
- pisit : inside / inside container / incarcerated🔉
- pismuti : mattress🔉
- pi'snalatl : pack (pipe) with tobacco🔉
- pi'snsit : pack pipe🔉
- pisoqotalg : eat much / eat alot / has good appetite🔉
- pisoqqoweiegsit : greedy🔉
- pissaqutnat : has numb mouth🔉
- pisse'g : numb🔉
- pissiet : become numb🔉
- pistamit : sop up (e.g., gravy, molasses) with bread🔉
- pistamun : dip / bread spread or sop (fat, molasses, etc.)🔉
- pisuilsu'tmaqan : false accusation🔉
- pisuilsu'tmuatl : accuse falsely🔉
- pisuimatl : slander🔉
- pisuiw : vainly, in vain / for no reason / for free / for nothing🔉
- pitalqeg : deep hole🔉
- pitamgletesg : flare up (toward inside)🔉
- pitamgletesing : flares inward / flare up (toward inside)🔉
- pita'q : long / tall🔉
- pitaqan : quiver / arrow pouch🔉
- pita'qaweia'q : wear pants🔉
- pita'qawe'l : trousers / pants🔉
- pitaqsa't : long skirt / long dress / long garment🔉
- pitasg'pit : stick in / penetrate🔉
- pitasg'teg : stick in / penetrate🔉
- pi'taw : up river / up stream🔉
- pi'tawa'latl : take up river / take up stream🔉
- pi'tawa's'g : goes up river / goes up the coast🔉
- pi'tawa'sit : going up river / goes up the coast🔉
- pi'tawa'toq : take it up river / take up the coast🔉
- pi'tawe'g : he/she is up river / at up the coast🔉
- pi'tawgowa'j : person from up river / person from up the coast🔉
- pi'tawgowi'sgw : female from up river / female from up the coast🔉
- piteg : inside of it🔉
- pitgimatl : send in🔉
- pitgmalatl : fill up / stuff / load🔉
- pitgmatg : fill up / stuff / load🔉
- pitgmewatl : load for / fill for / pack for🔉
- pitiasit : lit up / bright🔉
- pitiateg : all lit up / bright / all the lights are on🔉
- pi'tisignta'tl : caulk🔉
- pi'tisignte'g : caulk🔉
- pitlanji'j : string bean🔉
- pito'qiptnat : long·armed🔉
- pitoqoluat : long neck🔉
- pitoqpit : sit or set underneath🔉
- pitoqsit : tall🔉
- pitoqteg : burn underneath / set underneath / penetrate beneath🔉
- pitqasawet : load (gun) with gunpowder and ramrod / arm gun🔉
- pitqonat : wear high heel shoes / high heel shoe🔉
- pittalu : cougar / mountain lion / lion🔉
- pittaq : long🔉
- pittaqapegisg : long enclosed structure (arena) / long open structure (wharf, air strip) / long strip of material (fabric)🔉
- pittaqpisit : tethered (by long rope, string, chain, twine) / hitched by long rope🔉
- pittaqsit : long🔉
- pitto'tultimg : auction forty·five (card game)🔉
- pituega'latl : line a garment(as coat)🔉
- pituega'taqan : lining🔉
- pituega'toq : line (a garment)🔉
- pitu'gun : hooded cape / cape (garment)🔉
- pituiptnnaqan : thousand / one thousand🔉
- pitui'w : in between🔉
- pitu'nmijgamij : great·grandfather🔉
- pitu'nugumij : great·grandmother🔉
- pitu'nuji'j : great·grandchild🔉
- piwgsmig : bushy / fluffy·haired🔉
- piwgsmit : bushy·haired / fluffy·haired🔉
- piwiaq : left over / remainder🔉
- piwiges : scale (fish)🔉
- piwsign : scrap of cloth / scrap of paper🔉
- piwtign : peeling (of fruit or vegetable)🔉
- pjila'si : welcome / come in and sit down🔉
- pjili'w : especially / partiularly / mostly / first and foremost🔉
- plamu : salmon🔉
- plamugwet : fish for salmon🔉
- plamuj : tommy cod / frost fish🔉
- Plasua : Frank / Francis🔉
- plawej : partridge🔉
- plawe'si's : young partridge🔉
- plegu : nail🔉
- plegu'j : tack🔉
- plegu'ji'j : small nail🔉
- ples : pigeon🔉
- plgoq : sweetheart (male or female) / lover (male or female)🔉
- plos : brush🔉
- plu'jaqamat : look in mirror (at self)🔉
- plu'jaqamati : mirror🔉
- pmetug : beside / aside / on the side of🔉
- pnamujuigu's : January🔉
- pnasu'lgw : ship / vessel🔉
- pne'sugwati : saliva / drool🔉
- poggwitewei : buckwheat pancakes🔉
- po'gwin : lagoon🔉
- poj : purse / pouch / wallet🔉
- po'qatl : drill / bore🔉
- po'q'g : drill / bore🔉
- po'qiget : drill / bore🔉
- po'qign : auger / drill bit🔉
- poqjiatgitemit : begin to cry🔉
- poqjigtapegiet : begin to sing🔉
- poqjigwitmet : start off to fish🔉
- poqjigwitna'q : start off by canoe / goes by canoe🔉
- poqjilugweg : start to work🔉
- poqjilugwet : begin to work🔉
- poqjineweg : start to get cool / start of cool draft or breeze🔉
- poqjin'timg : beginning of war🔉
- poqjintoq : begin to sing🔉
- poqjiwsget : begin to fish🔉
- poqjiws'ggewe'g : start to laugh🔉
- poqjiwsit : move or vacate a residence🔉
- poqomaqn'sgw : cattail🔉
- poqonaqalusgw : wigwam pole🔉
- poqtamga'latl : carry away or take along🔉
- poqtamga'sit : set off on journey🔉
- poqtamga'toq : carry away or take along🔉
- poqtamgiet : begin to pile up / begin to fill up🔉
- poqtamgwe'get : start off poling (in boat)🔉
- poqtapa'teget : start to scratch🔉
- poqtatejimatl : drag away🔉
- poqtatpematl : begin to nag / begin to scold🔉
- poqtawlalatl : lug away / carry away🔉
- poqtawlatg : lug away / carry away🔉
- poqtawlet : start to lug / start to carry🔉
- poqtewo'gwet : begin to speak🔉
- poqtigimatl : send off🔉
- poqtisugwit : start off by boat / begin or start paddling🔉
- poqt'tesg'g : chase / start after🔉
- poqt'tesguatl : chase / start after🔉
- poqtuggwalatl : begin to follow🔉
- poqtuggwatg : begin to follow🔉
- poqwajite'tg : mistrust🔉
- poqwa'lamgewei : choke cherry🔉
- poqwa'lat : dry throat🔉
- poqwas'tiei : thimble🔉
- poqwatign : umbrella🔉
- Potloteg : Chapel Island, Nova Scotia / Potloteg First Nation🔉
- pqalmawj : black salmon🔉
- pqa'lu'sgw : clay🔉
- psa'mun : brisket🔉
- psan : snowfall / snow🔉
- psanji'j : light snowfall / little snow🔉
- psesgw : mint🔉
- pse's's : onion🔉
- psetgun : branch (of tree) / knot (of tree)🔉
- psetgunatgw : dead (dried out) tree branch🔉
- psew : gun powder🔉
- psg'san : foreshoulder (of animal)🔉
- ps'guigu's : July🔉
- psgweso'qon : scythe🔉
- psi'gwaqan : river drive🔉
- psigweta'w : spleen / organ taken from pig to predict weather🔉
- psitn : river channel🔉
- psitnu'j : small river channel🔉
- p'tew : broth🔉
- p'tewei : tea🔉
- p'teweie'mat : have tea break / take tea🔉
- p'teweio'q : teapot🔉
- puesu : bushel🔉
- puggwana'latl : smoke (fish, etc.)🔉
- puggwana'taqan : smoker / place, apparatus or utensil for smoking meat, etc...🔉
- puggwana'tasit_nme'j : smoked fish🔉
- puggwana'teget : smoke (food)🔉
- puggwana'toq : smoke (fish, etc.)🔉
- puggwanaw : smoked food (e.g. fish or meat)🔉
- puglie'wei : pimple / boil🔉
- pu'gowij : balsam sap🔉
- pugsaqatew : ember of firewood or coal🔉
- pugsaqte'gn : cedar shingle / wooden shingle🔉
- pugsetew : soot🔉
- pugsetewig : sooty🔉
- pugsetewit : sooty🔉
- pugsigna'qewit : hairy (of animal) / hirsute🔉
- pugsug : firewood🔉
- pugsugwei_epsaqtejg : wood stove🔉
- pugtew : fire🔉
- pugteweie'j : cricket / black cricket🔉
- pugtewijg : liquor / whiskey🔉
- pugtewit : comet / meteor / shooting star🔉
- pugtewu'lgw : steamboat / steamship🔉
- pugto'guom : chimney🔉
- pugto'guome'j : cricket🔉
- pugulatmu'j : dwarf / elf / fairy🔉
- puguluan : kidney🔉
- pugumaqan : weapon🔉
- puguna'w : fluffy or hairy animal🔉
- pugunesit : hairy (of animal) / bushy🔉
- pugu'sgw : dead and dry yellow birch🔉
- pugwaja'latl : dress (animal) / prepare for use🔉
- pugwales : swallow🔉
- pugwatqasig : bushy🔉
- pugwatqasit : bushy🔉
- pugwatqeg : thicket🔉
- pugwei : piece of / portion of🔉
- pugwelg : lots / several / many / much / lots / several / many / much🔉
- pugweliaq : plentiful / in good supply🔉
- pugweliet : many / plentiful / in good supply🔉
- pugweliganig : have many buildings or houses🔉
- pugweliget : live together in group🔉
- pugweligu'niet : bleed profusely / bleed a lot🔉
- pugwelijuig : flow excessively🔉
- pugwelijuit : flow extensively🔉
- pugwellugwet : do a lot of work🔉
- pugweng : have plenty of🔉
- pugwennatl : have plenty of🔉
- pugwistina'gewit : hairy (of body)🔉
- pui'gn : broom🔉
- pui'gnji'j : whisk broom / little broom🔉
- pujite'lmatl : trust🔉
- pujite'tg : trust🔉
- puljain : train🔉
- puljainawti : railroad track🔉
- punajeiwatl : stop doing / let someone be🔉
- punajo'tg : stop doing / leave alone🔉
- puna'latl : leave or separate / desert / abandon🔉
- punaltijig : leave each other / separate / divorce🔉
- punatalg : stop eating🔉
- puna'toq : quit / leave / desert / abandon🔉
- punelmit : stop laughing🔉
- puneweng : stop talking🔉
- punewistoq : stop lecturing or preaching / stops talking🔉
- punewo'gwet : stops talking🔉
- punlugowatl : stop working for🔉
- punlugweg : stop working🔉
- punlugwet : stop work🔉
- punqatg : cease living there🔉
- puntalatl : cast spell on / bewitch / hex🔉
- puntat : cast spell / bewitch / hex🔉
- puntatg : cast spell on / bewitch / hex🔉
- puowin : shaman / sorcerer or sorceress🔉
- pusgelmit : laugh a lot / laugh repeatedly / laughs often🔉
- pusgenmit : laugh a lot / laugh repeatedly / laughs often🔉
- pusgialagnutg : go around spreading rumors usually / gossips usually🔉
- pusgialigs'ta'gwet : frequently visits at meal-time for free meals🔉
- pusgigjipulgwet : frequent epileptic seizures🔉
- pusgigsatg'p : used to like🔉
- pusgilugwet : usually works🔉
- pusgimt'g : cry repeatedly / cry all the time🔉
- pusgiullugweg : usually work well / generally work well🔉
- pusgiullugwet : usually work well / habitually work well🔉
- pusgiweniet : forgetful / absent·minded🔉
- pustemit : cry repeatedly / cry often🔉
- pusu'l : Greetings! / Hello!🔉
- pusu'lewugtuatl : shake hands with / greet🔉
- Pusu'l_Puna'ne : Happy New Year!🔉
- Pusu'_Puna'ne : Happy New Year!🔉
- pu'tai : bottle / jar🔉
- pu'talqanatl : feel inside (with hand)🔉
- pu'talqang : feel inside (with hand)🔉
- pu'tapa'sit : peep through🔉
- putaqatl : butcher🔉
- putaqiget : butcher🔉
- putewisgwa's'g : blister🔉
- putewisgwa'sit : blister🔉
- pu'tlaqan : wood shaving🔉
- putmat : come out empty·handed / miss / lose out on🔉
- put'p : whale🔉
- put'pegiaq : swell up / bloat🔉
- put'pegiet : swell up / bloat🔉
- put'pe'j : whale calf / young whale / small whale🔉
- putualatl : blow on🔉
- putuatamit : blow🔉
- putuatg : blow on🔉
- putugtesing : dance fast / shake violently🔉
- putuisgwa's'g : blister🔉
- qalipit : shovel🔉
- qalipitg : shovel🔉
- qalipu : caribou🔉
- qalipu'sitat : jealous / bitter jealousy🔉
- qaliputi : shovel🔉
- qalqwasiet : sun sets🔉
- qame'g : other side of river / other side / other side of valley or plain / Campbellton (in Listuguj) / New Richmond (in Gesgapegiag)🔉
- qasawo'q : iron🔉
- qasawo'qapi : wire🔉
- qasawo'qei : iron item (pot) / iron item (spade)🔉
- qasawo'qu'j : knitting needle🔉
- qasgo'tg : take or withdraw in small amounts🔉
- qasgusi : cedar / cedar tree🔉
- qasgusia'qamigt : cedar grove / Tide Head, New Brunswick🔉
- qasgwatalg : eat a little at a time / snack🔉
- qasgweiwatl : take in small amounts / withdraw in small amounts🔉
- qa'sgwit : gallop🔉
- qataig : half way / midway🔉
- qopisun : infant🔉
- qospem : lake🔉
- qwa'niej : phoney person🔉
- qwa'niejuei : imitation item / fake item🔉
- sa'l : shawl🔉
- salawapu : salty water / salt water / salted water🔉
- salawa'tat : add salt🔉
- salawa'toq : put/sprinkle salt on🔉
- salawe'g : salty / salty🔉
- salawei : salt🔉
- salitewa'teget : give charity🔉
- salite'wit : collecting for charity🔉
- salpo'l : sailboat / ship🔉
- salpolgu'j : small sailboat🔉
- sama'latl : touch🔉
- samamatl : get a glimpse of🔉
- samapt'g : get a glimpse of🔉
- sama'toq : touch🔉
- samqwan : water🔉
- samqwanapua'q : watery / diluted with water🔉
- samqwani'j : toad🔉
- samqwano'q : water pitcher / water container🔉
- samta'tl : tap / touch slightly🔉
- samte'g : tap / touch slightly🔉
- samtesg'g : graze / brush against🔉
- samtesguatl : graze / brush against🔉
- samuqwaniaq : becomes watery🔉
- samuqwaniet : becomes watery🔉
- sangew : slowly / calmly / carefully / gently🔉
- sangewa'latl : go slowly with / do gently🔉
- sangewa's'g : go slow / cruise along / saunter along🔉
- sangewa'sit : go slow / cruise along / saunter along🔉
- sangewa'toq : go slow with / do gently🔉
- sangewi'sit : talk slowly🔉
- sangewite'lmatl : trust🔉
- sangewite'tg : trust🔉
- sangewi_angita'sit : think slowly🔉
- sangewlugweg : work slowly🔉
- sangewlugwet : work slowly / work calmly🔉
- sangewowo'gwet : talk softly / talk slowly🔉
- sangewsawet : trim slowly / plow slowly🔉
- sapa'latl : save (from mishap) / get through🔉
- sapalqata'tl : stab / pierce🔉
- sapalqate'g : pierce or pierce through / stab or stab through / jab or jab through🔉
- sapan : paste / mush / batter🔉
- sapa'qe'g : a hole through (as tunnel) / pass through (as tunnel)🔉
- sapaqqata'tl : stab🔉
- Sapatis : Jean·Baptiste🔉
- sapa'toq : save (from mishap) / get through🔉
- sapawsit : survive🔉
- sape'wig : holy / blessed🔉
- Sape'wig_Gesp'teg : Holy Saturday🔉
- Sape'wig_Ne'wowei : Holy Thursday🔉
- sape'winu : saint🔉
- sape'wit : saintly / holy / blessed🔉
- sa'p'g : pierce🔉
- sa'pign : awl🔉
- sapo'nug : tomorrow🔉
- saptaqjing : chill through🔉
- sapta'tl : sting / pierce🔉
- sapte'g : sting / pierce🔉
- sapun : contrary person(slang) / hair🔉
- saputalqatg : dig through🔉
- saputaqatg : last or stay through / endure🔉
- saputa's'g : pass through / go through🔉
- saputasgiaq : penetrate through / poke out of🔉
- saputasgiet : penetrate through / poke out of🔉
- saputa'sit : pass through / go through🔉
- saputawsit : recover (from illness or an injury) / live through (survive)🔉
- saputeta'tl : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through🔉
- saputete'g : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through🔉
- saputetelg : penetrate or pierce through (with bullet or arrow or compressed air/water)🔉
- saputeteluatl : penetrate or pierce through (with bullet or arrow or compressed air water)🔉
- saputetesg'g : kick through / run through🔉
- saputetesguatl : kick through / run through🔉
- sa'q : long ago🔉
- saqaliaq : sprout🔉
- saqaliet : sprout🔉
- saqalo'pi : hair ribbon / ribbon🔉
- saqama'j : young gentleman🔉
- saqama'sgw : lady / female chief / gentlewoman / woman of high rank🔉
- saqamaw : gentleman / chief / man of high rank / big shot🔉
- saqamawit : boss / chief / supervisor🔉
- saqamu'guet : chew (gum)🔉
- saqaniaq : falling level of the snow due to melting/thaw / falling level🔉
- saqanqapit : lie on the floor or ground / sit on the floor or ground🔉
- saqanqateg : lie on the floor or ground / sit on the floor or ground🔉
- sa'qati : needle / knitting needle🔉
- sa'qati'ju'aq : sensation of pins and needles / having lost the feeling of / numb / sleeping (of limb)🔉
- saqatuetesing : slip and fall🔉
- sa'qawei : old / old🔉
- sa'qawejjuei : old or worn out🔉
- saqawi'gan : old house / old camp🔉
- saqpe'g : wet / wet🔉
- saqpejaq : damp / boggy🔉
- saqpejaqamig : swamp / damp ground / wet lands🔉
- saqpiaq : get wet / get damp🔉
- saqpiet : get moist🔉
- saqpigjat : have a wet bottom🔉
- saqpigu'n : tear·drop🔉
- saqpigu'niet : shed tears / forms tears / become tearful🔉
- saqpipsaq : wet snow🔉
- saqsigwemgewei : torchlight🔉
- saqsigwet : hunt with light (at night) / hunt with torchlight (at night) / fish with light or torchlight (at night)🔉
- saqte'g : flat / flat🔉
- sasap : jellyfish🔉
- sa'se'wa'latl : exchange🔉
- sa'se'wamugwa'latl : change color🔉
- sa'se'wamugwa'toq : change color🔉
- sa'se'wa's'g : change🔉
- sa'se'wa'sit : change🔉
- sa'se'wa'toq : exchange🔉
- sa'sewgna'sit : changing clothes🔉
- sa'se'wi'gatl : changes the writing🔉
- sa'se'wi'g'g : changes the writing🔉
- sa'se'wi'sit : change language / switch language🔉
- sa'se'wi'tatl : change the name of🔉
- sa'se'wi't'g : change name of🔉
- sa'slji'j : saucer🔉
- sasqa'gwiji'jit : small pot (for cooking)🔉
- sasqa'gwit : pot (for cooking)🔉
- sasqaiejit : crab louse🔉
- sasqale's : scallop🔉
- sasqapit : flat🔉
- sasqasitat : flat-footed🔉
- sasqateg : flat🔉
- sasqatesing : fall flat on belly / belly flop🔉
- sasqe'g : flat / flat🔉
- sasqigatat : flat-footed🔉
- sasqitnat : pug-nosed🔉
- sa'ugwat : long·haired (of man)🔉
- sawepit : slouched over / hunched over / hung or drooped over🔉
- sa'wes : rain hat🔉
- saweteg : slouched over / hunched over / hung or drooped over / slack / sag / limp🔉
- sawiptn : deformed or crippled hand or arm🔉
- sawiptnat : have deformed or crippled hand or arm🔉
- se'g : elsewhere🔉
- segewa't : rise (sun or moon)🔉
- segewe'get : have illegitimate child or children / beget illegitimate child or children🔉
- segewei : illegitimate child / bastard🔉
- segg'pilatl : tie tightly🔉
- segg'pilg : tie tightly🔉
- seggw : sweet / sweet🔉
- seggwewei : sweetener🔉
- segi'gn : sail🔉
- segit : urinate🔉
- seiegn : dry goods / clothing material / cloth fabric🔉
- seiegnji'j : piece of material / piece of fabric🔉
- seioqiaq : cave in / collapse🔉
- seioqiet : falls apart / cave in / collapse🔉
- seitun : blabbermouth🔉
- sepapjit : hold in concealment in the hand🔉
- sepei : this morning🔉
- sepigwa'sit : close eyes🔉
- sepigwet : have eyes closed🔉
- sepitja'latl : grasp / grip🔉
- sepitja'toq : grip / grasp🔉
- sepp'saqa'latl : stick into / penetrate into / pierce into🔉
- sepp'saqapit : penetrated into / pierce / stick into🔉
- sepp'saqa's'g : penetrates / pierce🔉
- sepp'saqa'sit : penetrate / pierce🔉
- sepp'saqateg : penetrate into / pierce🔉
- sepuijjenatl : hide or conceal in hand🔉
- sepuijjeng : hide or conceal in hand🔉
- sepulgomit : hold under arm / clutch under arm🔉
- sepusa'latl : bring to point / seal🔉
- sepusa'toq : bring to point / seal🔉
- sepusepit : closed up / tied shut🔉
- sepuseteg : closed up / tied shut🔉
- sepusi'satl : sew closed gap of pointed(animate) article / seam / darn🔉
- sepusi's'g : sew closed gap of pointed article (as sock or mitt) / seam / darn🔉
- se'sa'latl : spread out🔉
- se'saltugwepit : have messy hair🔉
- se'sa's'g : spread🔉
- se'sa'sit : wander🔉
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread🔉
- sesgwalatl : holler / scream at🔉
- sesgwe'g : lively / smart / active / hard worker / ambitious🔉
- se'sgwet : holler / scream / shout🔉
- se'siaqawei : birdshot / birdshot shell🔉
- se'sigwalatl : spread around by hand / spread around with tool(rake)🔉
- se'sigwatg : spread around by hand / spread around with tool(rake)🔉
- sespa'sit : restless / fidgety / squirm🔉
- sespe'g : noisy / noisy🔉
- sespeiatijig : involved in relationship / having an affair / fooling around with each other🔉
- sespeiwatl : molest / bother with hands🔉
- sespematl : continuously bother or disturb by talking / nag🔉
- sespena'q : noisy🔉
- sespenoqsit : noisy / snore loudly🔉
- sespeta'q : continuous noise🔉
- sespete'lmatl : worry about🔉
- sespete'tg : worry about / preoccupied with / on one's mind🔉
- sespetoqsit : talk noisily / babble on / loud sound(s) made with the voice🔉
- sespewo'gwet : blab on / chatter on🔉
- sespilugweg : work noisily🔉
- sespilugwet : work noisily🔉
- sespo'teget : molest / unfaithful in marriage / unfaithful with a married person / cheat (in love) / act the playboy/girl / cheater(in love) / playboy/girl🔉
- sespo'tg : bother it / tampering with / meddle in🔉
- sespumatl : often mentions someone who is away / often mentions someone who is absent🔉
- sesputg : mention often / talk about alot / talk about frequently🔉
- Se'suguli : Jesus Christ🔉
- sesupe'g : slippery / slippery (due to weather)🔉
- Se'sus : Jesus🔉
- seta'latl : put aside / set aside🔉
- setamg : in rear or stern (of boat)🔉
- Se'ta'n : Saint·Anne🔉
- Se'tane'umg : Saint·Anne's Day🔉
- Se'ta'nji'j : Little Saint Anne / Fredericton🔉
- seta's'g : moves aside🔉
- seta'sit : moves aside🔉
- seta'su : squid🔉
- seta'toq : put aside🔉
- sewa'tat : sweeten his/her food / sweeten his/her drink🔉
- sewigna't : ill / weak (from illness) / listless / feverish🔉
- sewisga'latl : break / break in (horse)🔉
- sewisga'toq : break🔉
- sewisgiaq : shred / come apart / break up🔉
- sewisgiet : come apart / break up / shred🔉
- sewisgina'latl : rip or tear apart🔉
- sewisgina'toq : rip or tear apart🔉
- sewisgoqsit : break up (in fire) / come apart (in fire)🔉
- sewisgoqteg : break up (in fire)🔉
- sewistamit : destroy by gnawing / break up by gnawing🔉
- sewista'tl : pound or hack to bits🔉
- sewiste'g : pound or hack to bits🔉
- sewistestoq : smash🔉
- sewisto'gweg : break up (through action of water)🔉
- sewisto'gwet : break up (through action of water)🔉
- sewl'g : sour / sour🔉
- sewtaqa'latl : tow🔉
- sewtaqa'toq : tow🔉
- sewtia't : have stomachache🔉
- s'gepn : wild potato / ground nut / Indian potato🔉
- S'gepne'gati : Second Mi'gmaq district / Shubenacadie🔉
- sgilmin : seed🔉
- sginaqanmusi : wild raisin bush🔉
- sgmugualaw : spruce gum🔉
- Sgno'p'tij : Burnt Church / a lookout (Rand)🔉
- sg'te'gmuj : ghost🔉
- sgu'l : school🔉
- sgu'taqa'm : educated athlete / amateur🔉
- sguti : urine🔉
- sgweioq : female mammal🔉
- sgwemegw : female fish🔉
- sgwesmuj : female dog / bitch🔉
- sgwe'w : female fowl🔉
- siawa'latl : keeps on going with / continue with🔉
- siawa's'g : keep on going / continuing🔉
- siawa'sit : keep on going / continue🔉
- siawa'toq : keep on going / continue with🔉
- siawlugweg : continue work🔉
- siawlugwet : continue work🔉
- siga'lat : spawn / to produce or deposit (eggs) as fishes or frogs do🔉
- siga'law : spawn / (eggs) deposited from fishes or frogs🔉
- si'gewigu's : March🔉
- siggw : spring / springtime🔉
- siggwe'l : about or toward spring🔉
- siglati : shark🔉
- sign : stocking / sock🔉
- signa'q : wear socks🔉
- Signigtewa'gi : Sixth Mi'gmaq district / southern New Brunswick🔉
- signt'g : baptize / use first time🔉
- signtuatl : baptize / use first time🔉
- si'gowigu's : March🔉
- sigsuti : ankle length sock🔉
- sigta'tl : strike dead🔉
- sigteluatl : shoot dead🔉
- sigtesing : killed (in accident) / killed by falling🔉
- sigtewa'latl : tired of hearing him/her / tired of hearing repetition🔉
- sigto'gwet : killed (by accident) / killed by getting hit with something / killed by something falling / died / killed🔉
- Sig'tonqeg : river basin at Dalhousie, New Brunswick🔉
- sigua'latl : empty out🔉
- siguap : widower🔉
- siguapatign : rinse (water)🔉
- siguapji'j : young widower🔉
- siguaqs'te'gn : straw🔉
- siguaqs'te'gnei : made of straw🔉
- si'guatl : make uncomfortable / irritate / bother / uneasy🔉
- sigua'toq : empty out🔉
- sigue'g : empty / empty🔉
- si'guig : irritate / irritates my skin / feels irritating🔉
- sigun : last spring🔉
- sigune'ji'j : spring·born animal🔉
- siguniej : orphaned animal🔉
- sigunug : next spring🔉
- sigupaqte'gn : buttermilk🔉
- sigu'sgw : widow🔉
- sigu'sgwe'j : young widow🔉
- sina'latl : pack down (to make more room) / compact it🔉
- sina'toq : pack down (make more room) / compact it🔉
- sineget : gulps down the remaining beverage🔉
- si'n'g : bail water (from boat)🔉
- si'niget : bails water (from boat)🔉
- sinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander🔉
- sinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)🔉
- sintestoq : drinks it in one gulp / pack down or compact something inside a container🔉
- sinu'et : back to senses (after drinking)🔉
- sipawas'g : cleared area in the woods🔉
- sipelega'latl : spread out🔉
- sipelega'toq : spread out🔉
- sipeliw : seldom / rarely / often (Listuguj)🔉
- sipga'latl : do it slowly🔉
- sipga'toq : do it slowly🔉
- sipge'g : slow-moving / slowpoke🔉
- sipgilugweg : work slowly🔉
- sipgilugwet : work slowly🔉
- sipgi'sit : speaks slowly🔉
- sipigi'taqan : whetstone🔉
- sipigpa'q : supple / flexible🔉
- sipigpa't : supple / flexible🔉
- sipistaqano'suti : safety pin🔉
- sipit : stretch / stretch and yawn🔉
- sipitaqan : hide·stretcher🔉
- sipita'sit : has a good memory / remembers far back🔉
- sipnma'latl : make point (in knitting)🔉
- sipnma'toq : make point (in knitting)🔉
- sipnmi'get : join together (make point)🔉
- siptaqa'latl : stretch🔉
- siptaqanatl : stretch / holding a steady tension🔉
- siptaqan'g : stretching / holding a steady tension🔉
- siptaqa's'g : stretches🔉
- siptaqa'sit : stretches🔉
- siptaqa'toq : stretch🔉
- siptaqo'latl : stretch out🔉
- sipu : river🔉
- sipuasaptas'g : transparent as clear water🔉
- sipu'ji'j : brook🔉
- sisgu : mud🔉
- sisguapu : muddy water🔉
- sisguig : muddy🔉
- si'sign : awl🔉
- sisip : bird / waterfowl🔉
- sisla'gwa'latl : fry🔉
- sisla'gwa'taqan : fry bread / pancake (fried cake)🔉
- sisla'gwa'toq : fry🔉
- sismo'qon : sugar / maple sugar🔉
- sismo'qonapu : maple sap / sugar water (for babies) / maple syrup🔉
- sismo'qone'j : sugar ant / honey ant🔉
- sismo'qoniet : diabetic / diabetes🔉
- sismo'qonima'q : tastes sweet / tastes like sugar / smells like sugar / sweet (Bear River)🔉
- sismo'qono'q : sugar bowl🔉
- sisqalpo'qiaq : slimy🔉
- sisqalpo'qiet : slimy🔉
- si'st : three (in counting)🔉
- si'staq : pair or more of treys (in cards)🔉
- sisteg : pull back foreskin🔉
- si'stewa'j : third one / trey (in cards)🔉
- sistewa'juit : third one🔉
- si'stewei : Wednesday / third one🔉
- sisuaqata'q : chime🔉
- sisua'qate'gn : bell clapper🔉
- sisua'qi'gn : chime / bell🔉
- sisuei : blaze (of fire) / firey blaze🔉
- sitm : shore / beach🔉
- sitnigwit : blow nose🔉
- siwa'latl : tiresome / frustrate / tired of🔉
- siwa'teget : tiresome / boring / pest🔉
- siwe'g : lonesome🔉
- siwiesgmat : tired of waiting🔉
- siwiet : become impatient / frustrated / bored / fed up🔉
- siwlugwet : tired of working🔉
- siwnoqigwatg : straighten it out by hand / straighten it out by hand with a tool / straighten out by combing🔉
- siwogt'g : lonesome for🔉
- siwogtuatl : lonesome for🔉
- siwpmiet : tired of walking🔉
- siws'tuatl : tired of listening to someone / tired of listening to repetition / tired of hearing someone🔉
- slapn : low·bottomed wagon🔉
- slaps : slab (of wood)🔉
- sma'gnis : soldier🔉
- sma'gnisuit : is a soldier🔉
- sma'tewit : smart / alert🔉
- smtug : right away / immediately🔉
- snawei : maple tree / hard rock maple / sugar maple🔉
- sngatigna'taqan : raft (of logs)🔉
- sngatigna'teget : work on boom / boom🔉
- sngatigna'tegewinu : rafter / one who gathers logs into booms destined for mill🔉
- sno'pi : stern paddle / steering paddle / sculling oar🔉
- so'gwistaqan : yeast🔉
- so'qiaq : go to higher ground or level / go up (in altitude) / go up to the woods (Listuguj)🔉
- so'qiet : go to higher ground or level / go up (in altitude) / go up to the woods (Listuguj)🔉
- soqomgwewj : grasshopper / job hopper🔉
- so'qomu'j : minnow / gudgeon / sardine🔉
- so'qotemit : vomit🔉
- so'qotemun : vomit🔉
- soqpatl : chew🔉
- soqpit : close by / sit close to🔉
- soqqwat : eclipse🔉
- soqtamit : chew🔉
- soqteg : close by / close to🔉
- soqte'get : chew (as cud) / masticate🔉
- soqt'g : chew🔉
- so'qwa'latl : take to higher ground or level / take him/her/it up to the woods (Listuguj) / take up (in altitude)🔉
- so'qwa'toq : take to higher ground or level / taking it up to the woods (Listuguj) / take up (in altitude)🔉
- sqana'gw : steel🔉
- sqapantiej : beginner / rookie / amateur🔉
- sqolj : frog🔉
- sqoljui'gan : toadstool / mushroom🔉
- sqoljuigu's : May🔉
- sqolu'sguji'j : small lead pellet / beebee🔉
- sqolusgw : lead, gunshot / lead, wheel balancers / sinkers🔉
- squ : leach🔉
- s'tapugua'latl : stand aside🔉
- s'tapugua'toq : stands it aside🔉
- st'ge : just like🔉
- stoqon : fir tree / balsam tree / palm frond (used on Palm Sunday)🔉
- stoqonamu'g : fir color / dark green🔉
- stoqonamugsit : fir·color / dark green🔉
- stoqonaqsi : fir tree / balsam tree🔉
- stoqone'get : search for fir trees🔉
- suel : almost🔉
- sugulegaq : rotten🔉
- sugulegat : rotten🔉
- sugul'gma'q : taste or smell rotten / taste or smell sour🔉
- sugul'gma't : taste or smell rotten / taste or smell sour🔉
- suitis : candy🔉
- suliewei : money / silver🔉
- sulieweie'galatl : exploit for money / over charge someone🔉
- sulieweie'gatg : exploit for money / over charge / milk the job🔉
- sulieweie'j : daddy longlegs (spider)🔉
- sulming : rosary🔉
- sulnalji'j : bulletin / newspaper / periodical / journal🔉
- sulumgw : goose / wild goose🔉
- sumalgi : copper / penny🔉
- su'n : cranberry🔉
- sune'wimg : fasting / time of fasting / fast day🔉
- sune'wit : fast🔉
- sunming : rosary🔉
- suoman : beech nut🔉
- suomusi : beech tree🔉
- suppin : pint dipper / cup🔉
- suspanign : detergent / hand soap🔉
- tagala'latl : anger / irritate / annoy🔉
- tagaliet : feel anger🔉
- tagali'j : domestic goose🔉
- tagali'ji'j : domestic gosling / young domestic goose🔉
- tajiga'q : swim along the shore / creep along in the water like a lobster🔉
- tajiga'sit : going along/beside the shore / going along/beside edge🔉
- tajige'g : healthy🔉
- talamu'g : what color? / what kind?🔉
- talawtig : what is the cost?🔉
- talawtit : what is the cost?🔉
- tale'g : at what time? / what is wrong with...? / how is he/she?🔉
- tallugweg : how does it work?🔉
- tallugwet : what is he/she doing? / what type of work does he/she do? / what does he/she do?🔉
- talma' : of course! / absolutely!🔉
- taluegeg : what is it used for? / what is its purpose?🔉
- talueget : what is it used for? / what is its purpose?🔉
- tal_gis : how come? / why?🔉
- tami : where?🔉
- ta'n : when / where🔉
- tansiewe'l : tansy / daisy🔉
- ta'nug : when (in the future)🔉
- ta'n_goqwei : something / what it is / that which / whatever🔉
- ta'n_pa_tegen : any one / either one🔉
- ta'n_telinqase'g : as soon as🔉
- ta'n_te's : every time / each time🔉
- ta'n_tlipgije'g : as long as🔉
- ta'n_tujiw : when / whenever / at that time🔉
- ta'n_wen : whomever / somebody🔉
- tapi : bow🔉
- tapia'ji'jg : fiddle / violin🔉
- tapia'ji'jgapi : fiddle string / violin string🔉
- tapia'ji'jge'j : fiddler / violinist🔉
- tapia'ji'jte'get : fiddle / play the fiddle🔉
- tap'tan : potato🔉
- tap'tane'j : potato bug🔉
- ta'pu : two / two (in counting)🔉
- tapuaigewei : two·dollar bill / toonie🔉
- tapuaigl : two dollars🔉
- tapuapjimgewei : tool or object requiring use of both hands🔉
- tapuapsgegl : two (of something globular)🔉
- tapuapsg'sijig : two (of something globular)🔉
- ta'puaq : deuces🔉
- tapua'ql : two cylinders / two sticks(wood)🔉
- tapu'gl : two of them / two things🔉
- tapuguna'q : two days🔉
- tapuipuna't : two years old🔉
- tapuipunqeg : two years🔉
- tapuisga'q : twenty (in counting)🔉
- tapuisga'qal : twenty things / twenty (inanimates)🔉
- tapuisga'qewa'j : twentieth one🔉
- tapuisgegsijig : twenty persons / twenty (animates)🔉
- tapuitpa'q : two nights🔉
- tapunemi'g : two different kinds / two types / two pair (of kind)🔉
- tapungl : have two of🔉
- tapunnajig : have two / hold two🔉
- tapuoqsijig : two of something (cylindrical in shape)🔉
- ta'puowei : Tuesday / second one🔉
- tapusijig : two of them🔉
- taqale'g : grouchy🔉
- taqamatl : hit / jab / punch🔉
- taqamoqigsma'latl : push across🔉
- taqamoqigsma'toq : push across🔉
- taqamoqisma'sit : lie down crossways or across🔉
- taqamoqpit : positioned crosswise or athwart🔉
- taqamoqsitat : pigeon-toed / intoeing🔉
- taqamoqteg : lie crosswise or athwart🔉
- taqate'l : currant🔉
- taqatu : anyway / even so🔉
- taqawaja'latl : sadden🔉
- taqawaje'g : sad / feel depressed🔉
- taqawan : grilse / young salmon / young salmon after its first return from the sea🔉
- taqawanapi : grilse net / trout net🔉
- taqawanji'j : grilse🔉
- taqtaloq : salamander🔉
- taqt'g : hit / strike / jab / punch🔉
- ta's'g : how much? / some🔉
- ta'sipuna't : how old?🔉
- ta'sit : how much? / how many?🔉
- ta'sitpa'q : how many nights?🔉
- ta's'ji'jg : little portion / little bit🔉
- ta's'ji'jit : little portion / little bit🔉
- ta'sugunit : on what date / what is the date?🔉
- ta'sunatl : has how much (many) of? / has what quantity?🔉
- ta's_ajiet : what time is it?🔉
- ta'ta : daddy! (baby talk)🔉
- tata't : father! / dad🔉
- tatuje'g : how old?🔉
- tega'latl : cool off🔉
- tega'toq : cool off🔉
- tege'g : cold (of weather)🔉
- tegele'jg : small amount or number / not very much🔉
- tegele'jit : small amount or number🔉
- tegen : which?🔉
- tegig : cold🔉
- tegigata't : have cold feet🔉
- tegigisg'g : chilly day🔉
- tegiptnat : have cold hands🔉
- tegismit : swim🔉
- tegistoq : cool🔉
- tegit : cold🔉
- teglo'qiaq : chilly evening🔉
- tegniaq : sweat🔉
- tegniet : sweat🔉
- tego'tg : attends mass / aware of / in close touch with / pays attention to🔉
- tegpa'q : cold (of liquid)🔉
- tegs'g : westwind🔉
- tegtesgewet : kick / complain / object🔉
- tegtesg'g : kick🔉
- tegtesguatl : kick🔉
- tela'gipulatl : saw🔉
- tela'gittoq : saw in a certain manner🔉
- tela'latl : do in such a way / he/she does it (something) to him/her🔉
- tela'lsit : at fault (to self) / cause own misfortune🔉
- telaplgigwa'sit : see mirage / see imaginary thing🔉
- telapsgeg : big and round or oval shaped🔉
- telapsg'sit : so big and round or oval shaped🔉
- tela'q : have such circumference🔉
- telasg'teg : pointed in such a way🔉
- tela'sit : behave or act in such manner🔉
- tela'toq : do in such a way🔉
- telatuemgewei : sentence (grammar)🔉
- telawtig : worth so much / cost🔉
- telawtit : worth so much / cost🔉
- tele'g : be in such a way / be that way / pregnant🔉
- teleiaq : seems as such🔉
- teleiwatl : treat so / treat as such🔉
- telgisutnat : sound (voice) in such manner🔉
- teliaq : true / happens🔉
- teliatl : make as such / make so / make that way🔉
- teligg : shaped like / dressed as such🔉
- teligit : shaped like / dressed as such🔉
- teligsugg : weigh such an amount / so heavy🔉
- teligsugulg : weigh such amount🔉
- telima'q : have such smell / tastes as such🔉
- telima't : have such smell / tastes as such🔉
- telimatl : tell / he/she tells him/her🔉
- telipgitqatg : stay such length of time🔉
- telisqatuatl : obey🔉
- telistaqanewa'sit : hears things that are not there / thinks one hears something🔉
- telitoq : make as such / make in such a way🔉
- tellugweg : works in such a way🔉
- tellugwet : do such work / works in such a way🔉
- telmnaqanaq : so weak🔉
- telmnaqanat : so weak🔉
- teloqsas'g : cooked in such a way / cooked thus🔉
- teloqsasit : cooked in such a way / cooked thus🔉
- teloqsatl : cook in such a way / cook thus🔉
- teloqs'g : cook in such a way / cook thus🔉
- teloqsit : have such circumference / size of circumference🔉
- telo'tg : treat so / treat as such / perceive that / seems that / find that🔉
- telpatl : eat or gnaw on in such a way🔉
- telpita'q : is such length🔉
- telpitoqsit : is such height / is such length🔉
- telqamigsit : act thus / act in such manner🔉
- telsatl : cut / cut in such a way🔉
- tels'g : cut in such a way / cut this way🔉
- tels'tg : hear thus / hear something like / hear sound that sounds like🔉
- tels'tmat : hear tell / hear-say / hear news of something🔉
- tels'tuatl : thinks hears someone / thinks hears someone say / hear sound like (him/her/it)🔉
- telta'q : sound like / sound so🔉
- telta'sit : think so🔉
- telta'tl : hit in such a way / cut or chop🔉
- telte'g : cut or chop / hits🔉
- telte'lmatl : think about as such🔉
- telte'tg : think about as such🔉
- telt'g : eat in such a way / gnaw on🔉
- teltoqsit : sound like / sound so🔉
- teltunget : pattern of speech / speech habits / habitual manner of speaking🔉
- teluegeg : for specific use / use as / use for🔉
- telueget : for specific use / used for🔉
- teluet : says🔉
- teluisig : named🔉
- teluisit : named🔉
- telui'tatl : call by such name🔉
- telui't'g : call by such name🔉
- tema'gipulatl : saw down / cut by sawing🔉
- tema'gittoq : saw down / cut by sawing🔉
- tema'latl : break in two🔉
- temalua'latl : break off at tail or rear end🔉
- temalua'toq : shorten / break off at tail or rear end / dock🔉
- temalueget : snap off at tail🔉
- temalueitesmatl : break off at tail end (by slamming)🔉
- temapsg'satl : cut into segments or chunks🔉
- temapsg'sg : cut into segments or chunks🔉
- temaqjo'toq : tuck in flaps (in basket making)🔉
- tema'sit : breaks off🔉
- tema'toq : break slowly in two by hand / break off a piece / break in two🔉
- temawigna't : hunchback🔉
- temeget : snap in two / snap off🔉
- temgwa'latl : break off the head slowly by hand / break off the top🔉
- temgwe'g : headless / headless🔉
- temgwepatl : bite head off / bite top off🔉
- temgwesatl : cut the head off / cut the top off🔉
- temgwesg : cut the head off / cut the top off🔉
- temgweta'tl : chop off the head / chop off the top🔉
- temgwete'g : chop off the head / chop off the top🔉
- temig : deep🔉
- temigale'm : mid·lent🔉
- temigatat : have foot or leg cut off🔉
- temina'latl : tear or rip🔉
- temina'toq : tear or rip🔉
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped🔉
- temipia'st : fifty cents / half a dollar🔉
- temiptnat : have hand or arm cut off🔉
- temisgipeget : snap off at neck🔉
- temisqona'latl : break off nose / break off at nose end🔉
- temisqona'toq : break off at nose end🔉
- tempatl : bite off🔉
- temsaqas'g : partition / wall / partitioned🔉
- temsatl : cut / slice / sever (by knife)🔉
- tems'g : cut / slice / sever (by knife)🔉
- temta'tl : chop in two / chop off / cut off🔉
- temte'g : chop in two / chop off🔉
- temtesg : breaks in two🔉
- temtesg'g : break by kicking or stomping🔉
- temtesguatl : break by kicking or stomping🔉
- temtesing : breaks in two🔉
- temtesmatl : break in two / fracture🔉
- temtestoq : break in two / fracture🔉
- temt'g : bite off / bite off a piece🔉
- tepa'latl : put on board / put on top🔉
- tepaqan : vehicle / sleigh / toboggan / sled🔉
- tepaqapit : good fit / right size🔉
- tepaqateg : fit / right size🔉
- tepa'sit : get on / get aboard🔉
- tepa'toq : put aboard / put it on something🔉
- tepaw : near / handy🔉
- tepawtig : worth price🔉
- tepawtit : worth price🔉
- tepgig : night🔉
- tepgisa'latl : separate from / set aside🔉
- tepgise'g : loner / loner🔉
- tepgisitoq : make separately / build individually🔉
- tepgispit : sits apart (from others)🔉
- tepgisteg : set apart (from others) / seperate🔉
- tepgunset : moon / month🔉
- tepgunsetewei : calendar🔉
- tepiaq : enough / sufficient / adequate🔉
- tepiet : enough / sufficient / adequate🔉
- tepi'getoq : distribute🔉
- tepignaq : strong enough🔉
- tepignat : strong enough🔉
- tepilugwet : work enough to... / work enough for...🔉
- tepimlge'g : hard enough / hard enough🔉
- te'pineglewei : vinegar🔉
- tepine's : bedbug🔉
- tepipuna't : old enough to...🔉
- te'pisewa'tat : add pepper to one's food🔉
- te'pisewei : pepper🔉
- tepi'timg : time of distribution / time of sharing / welfare time (slang)🔉
- te'plj : goat🔉
- te'plji'j : young goat / kid🔉
- te'plma'sewei : cheese🔉
- teplumatl : promise🔉
- tepnatl : reach / able to reach🔉
- tepne'g : catch up with / catch up to🔉
- tepn'g : reach / able to reach🔉
- tepo'tas'g : loaded up / placed on top / put in🔉
- tepo'tasit : load up / pile on / put in🔉
- teppilatl : hoist aboard / haul or rope on board🔉
- teppilg : hoist aboard / haul or rope aboard🔉
- teppit : aboard / on or in vehicle🔉
- tepqatg : married🔉
- tepteg : aboard / on or in vehicle / on something (table)🔉
- te'pulj : goat🔉
- te's : every time / every🔉
- te's'g : so much / so many🔉
- te'sigisg'g : every day / daily🔉
- te'sipow : horse🔉
- te'sipowa'q : go by a horse / travel by horse🔉
- te'sipowgumaqan : horse whip🔉
- te'sipowji'j : young horse / foal / portable work bench (in carpentry) / sawhorse🔉
- te'sipowmann : oats🔉
- te'sipug : every winter🔉
- te'sipuna't : so many years old🔉
- te'sipunqeg : annually / so many years🔉
- te'sit : so many / so much🔉
- te'sitpa'q : every night🔉
- te'sitqwa'q : every fall / every autumn🔉
- Te'sn'geg : Heron island🔉
- te'sunatl : have so many or so much🔉
- te'sunemi'g : so many kinds🔉
- te'sunemigsit : so many kinds🔉
- te'sung : have so much or so many🔉
- tet : here🔉
- tetapu : so happens🔉
- tetapua'latl : treat correctly or appropriately / treat right / do right by / satisfy🔉
- tetapua'teget : do what is right / do right way🔉
- tetapua'toq : do right way / do correctly🔉
- tetapuigsua'toq : take right or proper way🔉
- tetapui'satl : sew right way or correctly🔉
- tetapui's'g : sew the right way or correctly🔉
- tetapu'qamigsit : act accordingly / behave properly🔉
- tetapu'satl : slice or cut right way or correctly🔉
- tetapu's'g : slice or cut right way or correctly🔉
- tetapu'teg : correct / proper🔉
- tetaqa'sit : rush / hurry🔉
- tetaqe'g : hurry / rush🔉
- tetaqite'lmatl : anxious for / eager for🔉
- tetaqite'tg : anxious for / eager for / in a hurry for🔉
- tetaqulguni : kingbird🔉
- tetgueg : be a hinderance / in way🔉
- tetguet : be a hinderance / in way🔉
- te'tipja'latl : roll / roll over🔉
- te'tipja'toq : roll / roll over🔉
- te'tipjiet : roll / tumble🔉
- te'tipoqja'latl : put arm around waist of🔉
- tetpaqapugua'latl : stands straight🔉
- tetpaqapuguig : stands straight🔉
- tetpaqapuguit : stands straight🔉
- tetpaqatl : weigh🔉
- tetpaqig : straight in shape / straight🔉
- tetpaqigit : straight in shape / straight🔉
- tetpaqign : scale🔉
- tetpaqpit : set straight🔉
- tetpaqq : weigh🔉
- tetpaqqama'latl : stand straight🔉
- tetpaqqama'toq : stand straight🔉
- tetpaqqamig : stand straight up🔉
- tetpaqqamit : stand straight up🔉
- tetpaqqopit : sit straight🔉
- tetpaqsatl : cut straight🔉
- tetpaqs'g : cut straight / slice straight🔉
- tetpaqteg : straight🔉
- tettuatl : owe🔉
- tettuet : owe / in debt🔉
- tetuipsguna't : rumble (inside stomach)🔉
- tetuje'g : so many years old / have such age🔉
- tetujintage'g : so bashful / so shy🔉
- tetutgi'g : same size as / as big as this/that / approximate size🔉
- tetutgilg : same size as / as big as him/her/it / approximate size🔉
- tewa'gweitesguatl : kick out🔉
- tewajjieget : throw out🔉
- tewa'latl : take outside or let out🔉
- tewalqa'latl : take out in the open / remove from🔉
- tewalqatesg : dislocated / popped out / fall out🔉
- tewalqatesing : dislocated / popped out / fall out🔉
- tewalqatesmatl : shake out / dislocate🔉
- tewalqatestoq : shake out / dislocate🔉
- tewalqa'toq : take out of / remove from🔉
- tewalqe'g : dislocated🔉
- tewalqiaq : bulge out / spill out, stick out, or protrude🔉
- tewalqiet : bulge out / spill out, stick out, or protrude🔉
- tewa'lsit : urinate🔉
- tewa'lutewei : dandelion🔉
- tewapit : look out (from inside)🔉
- tewatalg : eat out / eat in restaurant🔉
- tewatejimatl : drag out🔉
- tewatejitoq : drag out🔉
- tewa'toq : take or put out🔉
- tewattesguatl : chase out🔉
- teweget : throw out / toss away / throw outside🔉
- tewegetl : throw out / toss away / throw outside🔉
- tewiet : go outside / exit🔉
- tewigiaq : curve outward🔉
- tewigiet : curve outward🔉
- tewigsma'latl : push out🔉
- tewigsma'toq : push out🔉
- tewigt'tesguatl : kick out🔉
- tewipuna't : becomes of age to be independent / age out of system🔉
- tewitpaqatg : married out (off the community)🔉
- tewiwsit : move out / vacate🔉
- tewje'g : have hole / have hole🔉
- tewlugwet : work away from home / work outside the community🔉
- tewmalie'wit : marry out / marry someone from outside of the community🔉
- tewoqpit : stick out🔉
- tewoqteg : stick out🔉
- tewpugua'sit : step out or outside / step outside for fresh air🔉
- tewpuguit : stand outside door / step outside for fresh air🔉
- tewuggwalatl : follow out or outside🔉
- tewuggwatg : follow out or outside🔉
- tewulamit : exhale🔉
- tgeia'tat : have cold🔉
- tgniewuti : sweat🔉
- tgnu : sweat🔉
- tg'poq : spring water / a spring of water🔉
- tg'sn : west🔉
- tg'snugowa'j : male westerner🔉
- tg'snugowi'sgw : female westerner🔉
- tgu : wave🔉
- tguig : wavy (of sea)🔉
- tgupoq : bubbling spring🔉
- tia'm : moose🔉
- tia'muapi : moose thong / moose leather strap / moose leather lash🔉
- tia'muegn : moosehide🔉
- tia'muei : moose meat🔉
- tia'mugwet : hunt moose🔉
- tia'mui'sit : moose·call🔉
- tia'mui'suti : moose caller🔉
- tia'mu'j : calf moose🔉
- tia'mu'mi : moose fat or tallow🔉
- ti'g'tlo'q : teakettle🔉
- ti'ls : plank / long square timber / beam🔉
- ti'lsi'gan : house of beams / house of square timbers🔉
- tities : bluejay🔉
- ti'tigli : great horned owl🔉
- tlansu : twenty·five cents / quarter🔉
- tla'sij : let him/her/it be!🔉
- tlawo'q : butcher knife / bread knife / hunting knife🔉
- tlawo'qsatl : cut with knife🔉
- tlawo'qta'tl : strikes with knife🔉
- tlawo'qte'g : strike with knife🔉
- tleiawig : originate from / belongs there / from there🔉
- tleiawit : originate from / belongs there / from there🔉
- tlia' : even if🔉
- tli'suti : language🔉
- tma'gittaqan : saw🔉
- tmaqan : pipe (for smoking)🔉
- tmaqani : shell bird🔉
- tmaqanigju'aq : loaded to brim / overloaded🔉
- tmaqanigju'et : loaded to brim / overloaded🔉
- tmato's : tomato🔉
- tmawei : tobacco🔉
- tmawignessu : hunchback🔉
- tmg : first / before🔉
- tmgwatignej : heron / crane🔉
- tmi'gn : axe🔉
- tmi'gnatgw : axe handle🔉
- tmi'gnta'tl : strike with axe🔉
- tmi'gnte'g : strike with axe🔉
- tmletji'j : glass tumbler🔉
- tmoqta'w : log / beam / large post🔉
- tmoqta'we'get : cut logs / cut beams🔉
- tmtmu : oyster🔉
- tm'tqe'gnn : scissors / pair of scissors🔉
- tnuanapi : tendon / sinew🔉
- to'q : expression in disbelief / it is said🔉
- toqanqaja't : paired up (in stud poker)🔉
- toqjuapegit : crawl up🔉
- toqjua'q : go up (stairs) / mount (stairs)🔉
- toqjua't : go up (stairs) / mount (stairs) / swim up stream🔉
- toqju'gimatl : send up🔉
- toqju'gitg : send up🔉
- toqju'pilatl : hoist🔉
- toqju'pilaweg : hoist🔉
- toqju'pilawet : hoist🔉
- toqju'pilg : hoist🔉
- toqju'tesguatl : chase up / chase upstairs🔉
- toqju'tugwi'g : run up / run upstairs🔉
- toqmimajijig : co·habit / live together🔉
- toqo : so🔉
- toqojiw : and then🔉
- toqolugwegl : two work together / two work in tandem🔉
- toqolugwejig : work together / work in tandem / work in pairs🔉
- toqonasit : live common·law🔉
- toqopaqji'jg : short and string shaped / short (in length)🔉
- toqopaqji'jit : short and string shaped / short (in length)🔉
- toqopsgeg : short and round (globular)🔉
- toqopsgigatat : short·legged🔉
- toqopsg'ji'jit : short and round🔉
- toqopsg'sit : short and round (globular)🔉
- toqosingig : sleep together / lay together🔉
- toqosi'p : and then / then🔉
- toqo_na : is that so? / in fact🔉
- toqqatua : in spite of🔉
- toqtesingig : dance together / involved in same accident/mishap🔉
- toqwa'majig : stay or live together🔉
- toqwanqapit : folded in two / bent over double🔉
- toqwanqisgat : double·jointed🔉
- toqwa'q : fall / autumn🔉
- toqwaqji'jg : short🔉
- toqwaqji'jit : short / short of something🔉
- toqwaqsa't : short skirt / short dress / short garment🔉
- toqwe'gig : together / stay together🔉
- t'pgwan : gravel / soil / ashes from cremation🔉
- t'pgwano'q : ash bin🔉
- T'pgwantimg : Ash Wednesday🔉
- tpi'tnewaqan : goods for sharing / goods for distribution / goods for relief / relief / welfare🔉
- tpi'tnewei : distribution / welfare🔉
- tplutaqan : law🔉
- tp'te'sn : south🔉
- tp'te'snugowa'j : southerner / male southerner🔉
- tp'te'snugowi'sgw : female southerner🔉
- tqa'la'j : wick🔉
- tqonasu : person who lives common·law🔉
- tqo'nug : next fall🔉
- tqope'j : twin🔉
- tqoq : last fall🔉
- tqoqwej : wild cat / bobcat🔉
- tqoqwe'j : wild feral cat / overly large domestic cat🔉
- t'ssawiaqan : dye🔉
- tu'aqan : ball🔉
- tu'aqanatgw : baseball bat🔉
- tu'at : play baseball / play ball🔉
- tugtesguatl : awaken abruptly / wake suddenly (by sudden movement) / wake suddenly (by making loud noise)🔉
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed🔉
- tugwa'latl : wake up🔉
- tugweiwatl : causes disturbed sleep / awaken repeatedly so can't sleep well / wake up gently🔉
- tu'gwesmun : pillow / cushion🔉
- tugwiet : wake up / awaken🔉
- tugwipnnatl : wake up by repetative action🔉
- Tui'gn : Canso Strait, Nova Scotia / passage🔉
- tuitn : narrows🔉
- tujiw : at that time🔉
- tulgowei : cannon🔉
- tuli'jeweie'l : rice🔉
- Tune'l : legendary strong man with supernatural powers🔉
- tuop'ti : window🔉
- tupig : frosted (as tree branch)🔉
- tupsi : alder🔉
- tupsia'qami : alder grove🔉
- tu's : daughter! girl! (term of affection)🔉
- tu'sati : house extension / porch / shed🔉
- tutji'j : little daughter! (term of affection for child)🔉
- uggamlamun : heart / heart (in cards)🔉
- uggamlamuti : breath🔉
- uggata'lal : calf of leg🔉
- uggeggusgl : godparent🔉
- uggnnignn : godchild🔉
- uggwajign : lower part of leg🔉
- uggwat : foot🔉
- uggwata'q : go by foot / travel by walking / walk🔉
- uggwatawti : footpath🔉
- uggwe'ji'jl : younger sister🔉
- uggwijewigtug : maternal side🔉
- uggwisit : have son🔉
- uggwisl : son🔉
- uggwitl : mother🔉
- ugjigi : scab🔉
- ugji'g'j : stump / tree stump🔉
- ugjignaml : younger brother🔉
- ugjigsu'g : family🔉
- ugjigunn : knee🔉
- ugjijaqamijl : spirit / soul / shadow🔉
- ugjijaqamiju'et : have shadow🔉
- ugjiljl : father-in-law🔉
- ugji'nmuml : husband🔉
- ugjipen : east🔉
- ugjipenugowa'j : easterner🔉
- ugjip'sg : root🔉
- ugjipulgewinu : epileptic🔉
- ugjit : for / because🔉
- ugji'taqann : neck🔉
- ugjoqolqote'gnm : palate🔉
- ugjugwi'jijl : mother-in-law🔉
- ugju'sn : wind / air🔉
- ugju'snei : fan / propeller🔉
- uglusgnignml : elbow🔉
- ugmlagejml : mammary / breast🔉
- ugpaqam : back🔉
- ugpaqama'latl : give support to / backup🔉
- ugpaqamg : behind / in rear of🔉
- ugpitn : hand🔉
- ugpitni'sewet : sew (by hand)🔉
- ugpitnoqom : arm🔉
- ugplaqan : lap🔉
- ugplgoqoml : sweetheart / lover🔉
- ugpnn : lung🔉
- ugp'ssan : sleeve🔉
- ugpugugw : eye🔉
- ugpugugwa'latl : eye / watch closely🔉
- ugpugugwa'toq : eye / watch closely🔉
- ugpugugwe'l : eyeglasses / glasses🔉
- ugpusgun : breast / chest🔉
- ugpusgunei : bra / breast protector / chest protector (baseball)🔉
- ugqonn : heel🔉
- ugqosi'l : fingernail / toenail / hoof / claw🔉
- ugqotaqanigjipilaqan : scarf / necktie / neck wrapper🔉
- ugqotaqann : throat🔉
- ugsi : lip🔉
- ugsisgw : face🔉
- ugsisl : older brother🔉
- ugsisqon : nose🔉
- ugsitnei : stove pipe🔉
- ugsitun : voice / voice box (larynx) / language🔉
- ugsitunapi'l : vocal cords🔉
- ugsml : niece🔉
- ugsmuit : have horns🔉
- ugsmu'l : antler / horn🔉
- ugs'tqamu : earth / world🔉
- ugs'tqamua'latl : give birth / bear (child) / bring into the world🔉
- ugs'tqamuit : born / come into world🔉
- ugs'tuaqan : ear🔉
- ugsuateja'taqan : drawer🔉
- ugsuguni : tail🔉
- ugsugwisl : aunt🔉
- ugtapiml : bow🔉
- ugta'piml : net🔉
- ugtapsunig : useful🔉
- ugtapsunit : useful🔉
- ugtaptu'n : cane / crutch / walking stick🔉
- Ugtaqamgug : Newfoundland🔉
- ugtatqa'lam : artery🔉
- ugtejg : in back / behind / at the back / last🔉
- ugtejgewei : last one / last one🔉
- ugte'piteml : wife🔉
- ugtiit : have dog🔉
- ugtijin : thumb🔉
- ugti'l : dog🔉
- ugtinin : body🔉
- ugtinneg : body / self / person🔉
- ugtlal : shoulder blade🔉
- ugtlaminu : stomach🔉
- ugtlamugsisl : uncle🔉
- ugtlmaqan : shoulder🔉
- ugtluign : finger🔉
- ugtlu'sue'sgwul : daughter-in-law🔉
- ugtlu'sugul : son-in-law🔉
- ugto'jm : toe🔉
- ugtoqon : her dress🔉
- ugt'pl : brain🔉
- ugt'pun : seat / place🔉
- ugtue'ml : domesticated animal / livestock / pet🔉
- ugtugwape'gn : jaw🔉
- ugtugwejan : forehead🔉
- ugtul : boat / vehicle / car🔉
- ugtulit : has a vehicle / has a boat🔉
- ugtun : mouth🔉
- ugtunapi : rein🔉
- ugtuneil : bridles and bits🔉
- ugtuoml : pot (cooking vessel) / pan🔉
- ugtusl : daughter🔉
- ugtutem : clan / totem🔉
- ugtuttemit : have totem or benefactor🔉
- ugumejepit : tipped / crooked🔉
- ugumejeteg : tipped / crooked🔉
- ugumejig : lopsided / crooked🔉
- ugumejigit : lopsided / crooked🔉
- ugumijl : grandmother🔉
- ugumuljin : eight / eight (in counting)🔉
- ugumuljin_te'sisga'q : eighty / eighty (in counting)🔉
- u'j : fly🔉
- uja'law : mucus / snot / phlegm🔉
- uji'jl : grandchild🔉
- ujjewigtug : on his/her father's side / from his/her father's side / on paternal side🔉
- ujjewit : father🔉
- ujjit : have father🔉
- ujjl : father🔉
- ula : this / here🔉
- ulagu : yesterday🔉
- ulapatmuaqan : blessing / favor obtained (religious)🔉
- ulaqan : antler / antler rack / antler plate🔉
- ulaqane's : pan bullmoose🔉
- ulaqanml : plate / pan / dish🔉
- ula_tett : right here / this here🔉
- uligsi : intestine🔉
- ulisqi'l : wing🔉
- ulmaita'suaqan : sorrowful thought / sadness / sorrow🔉
- Ulnuelewi : Merry Christmas!🔉
- ulo'nug : this evening / tonight🔉
- ulta'suaqan : happiness / gladness / pleasure🔉
- ulta'suti : gladness🔉
- ulugsl : nephew🔉
- ulugul : gland🔉
- ulugun : thigh🔉
- ulugwe'get : have mumps / have swollen gland or tonsil🔉
- ulugwi : armpit / underarm🔉
- ulugwiet : have tonsillitis🔉
- umaltem : blood🔉
- umaqjigeweim : big toe🔉
- umaqtaml : brother in law (for male speaker) / sister in law (for female speaker)🔉
- umiggn : fishing gear / fishing rod🔉
- umijgamijl : grandfather🔉
- umisit : have older sister🔉
- umisl : older sister🔉
- umsigwang : eyelashes🔉
- umtesann : last born🔉
- um'tgi : territory / land / homeland🔉
- umugsnn : shoe🔉
- umusti : belly🔉
- u'n : fog🔉
- unaqapeml : disciple / follower / councillor / friend🔉
- ungi'gug : parents🔉
- ungi'gul : parent / ancestor🔉
- u'niaq : get foggy🔉
- u'nig : foggy🔉
- unjann : child🔉
- unjaqajewa'teget : take it easy🔉
- unji : head🔉
- Unma'gi : Fourth Mi'gmaq district / Cape Breton Island🔉
- un'sqe'l : wing🔉
- upmejisma'sit : lie down on side🔉
- upmepigaj : hip or side of body🔉
- usapun : hair of head / hair🔉
- usapunit : have hair (of head)🔉
- usaqan : shoulder blade🔉
- usgaqan : fishery / fishing industry🔉
- usgewinu : fisher🔉
- usgijipnew : host (communion)🔉
- usgitqamug : surface (of the earth) / above ground🔉
- usgun : liver🔉
- usgus : weasel🔉
- u't : this🔉
- utan : town / village🔉
- utapsun : clothing / essentials / belongings🔉
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar🔉
- utepaqan : toboggan / car / wagon / sled🔉
- utmaqann : pipe🔉
- utmi'gn : axe🔉
- utqotalatl : bury🔉
- utqotamg : burial / funeral🔉
- utqotaqan : grave🔉
- utqotaqane'gati : graveyard🔉
- utqotatg : bury🔉
- wa'gw : louse🔉
- waio'psgw : bead🔉
- wajua'latl : fill up (with non·liquid)🔉
- waju'aq : full (with non·liquid)🔉
- wajua'toq : fill up (with non·liquid)🔉
- wajuegnepit : full / fully stocked / full to capacity🔉
- waju'et : full🔉
- wajuigneteg : full / fully stocked / full to capacity🔉
- waju'pa'q : high tide🔉
- waju'pega'latl : fill up (with liquid) / soak🔉
- waju'pega'toq : fill up (with liquid) / soak🔉
- walgwe'g : low place / hollow place / dip in earth / hollow🔉
- walgwi'taqanat : nape (of neck)🔉
- wali'g : snowbank / snowdrift🔉
- wali'j : snowball🔉
- waljigta'tl : hollow out (by striking with axe) / gouge🔉
- waljigte'g : hollow out (by striking with axe) / gouge🔉
- walnoqsitat : have instep or arch🔉
- walqwan : rainbow🔉
- walqwiet : cave in🔉
- waltes : waltes game / wooden plate used in dice game / Mi'gmaw game of chance🔉
- waltestaqan : waltes dice / round bones or dice used in dice game🔉
- waltestat : play waltes dice🔉
- wanna'sit : go up mission🔉
- wanne'g : up mission / cove end in Listuguj / cove🔉
- wannoqs'g : carve concave / curved inward🔉
- wannoqsit : curved inward / concave🔉
- wantaqe'g : calm disposition / quiet🔉
- wantaqilugwet : work calmly / work quietly🔉
- wantaqo'ti : peace🔉
- wantaqpa'q : calm water🔉
- wantaqpegitg : flows calmly / still flowing water🔉
- wantaqpit : sits quietly / sit calmly🔉
- wantaqteg : quiet🔉
- wapaltugwat : white haired🔉
- wapamu'g : whitish🔉
- wapamugsit : whitish🔉
- wapa's'g : turn white🔉
- wapa'sit : open eyes / turn white🔉
- wape'g : white / white🔉
- wape'jg : flour🔉
- wape'jgo'q : flour container / flour cannister🔉
- wape'ji'jg : white small inanimate🔉
- wape'ji'jit : tiny white animate🔉
- wape'jit : whitish one🔉
- wapg : dawn / daylight🔉
- wapgwan : grey or white hair🔉
- wapgwat : have white hair🔉
- wapigat : white foot / white paw🔉
- wapigle'wj : male salmon🔉
- wapignegsit : light-complexioned🔉
- wapinpat : sleep with eyes open🔉
- wapit : awake / have eyes open🔉
- wapn : first light / daylight🔉
- wapnamugwiaq : dawning / daybreak🔉
- wapnapit : stay up all night / see break of dawn🔉
- wapngusit : sleep until dawn🔉
- wapnintoq : sing until dawn🔉
- wapntesing : dance until dawn🔉
- wapoq : striped maple / moosewood🔉
- wapoqsit : sun bleached / bleached / is whitened (from sun)🔉
- wapoqteg : whitened (from sun) / bleached / sun bleached🔉
- wapsgw : coal🔉
- wap'staqapewit : look pale🔉
- wap'staqe'g : pale🔉
- wap'stoqonamu'g : pale green🔉
- wap'stoqonamugsit : pale green🔉
- wapus : hare / rabbit🔉
- wapusuegn : rabbit skin🔉
- wapusuei : rabbit meat🔉
- waqaiew : pus🔉
- waqaiewiaq : filled with pus🔉
- waqaje'g : physically weak / not strong🔉
- waqalusan : fort🔉
- waqama'latl : clean🔉
- waqamalqutnat : clean mouth🔉
- waqamaluat : clean tail🔉
- waqamapitat : clean teeth🔉
- waqamapsg'tiat : clean belly🔉
- waqamapsqonat : clean heels🔉
- waqama'taqan : cleanser / washing liquid🔉
- waqama'toq : clean🔉
- waqame'g : clean / clean🔉
- waqameimgewei : cleanliness (literally and figuratively)🔉
- waqamigan : clean house🔉
- waqamiganig : clean house / clean dwelling / clean building🔉
- waqamigsiat : clean nails🔉
- waqamilnuat : clean tongue🔉
- waqamimlagejmit : clean breasts / clean mammaries🔉
- waqamipsgunat : clean chest / clean breast🔉
- waqamiptnat : clean hand(s)🔉
- waqamisqonat : clean nose🔉
- waqamistaqanat : clean ears🔉
- waqamite'tg : consider clean🔉
- waqamitg : clean flowing water🔉
- waqamitnat : clean nostrils🔉
- waqamnmat : keeps a clean place / neat / tidy🔉
- Waqam'tgug : Bonaventure, Quebec / Waqamîtkuk, Nova Scotia🔉
- waqamugtugwejanit : clean forehead🔉
- wa'qan : knife / blade🔉
- wa'qanji'j : jacknife🔉
- wa'qansatl : knife / cut with knife🔉
- wa'qans'g : cut with knife / knife🔉
- waqantew : bone🔉
- waqantewatpat : head of bone🔉
- waqasit : wild / hyperactive / untamed🔉
- waqatasg : northern lights / aurora borealis🔉
- waqatign : bait🔉
- waqgaji'sit : weak speaker🔉
- wa'qi : flesh / skin / body🔉
- waqjuig : crooked / bent🔉
- waqjuiga'latl : bend / make crooked🔉
- waqjuiga's'g : become crooked / droop🔉
- waqjuiga'sit : bend / droop🔉
- waqjuiga'toq : bend / make crooked🔉
- waqjuigit : crooked / bent🔉
- waqju'pit : sit crooked🔉
- waqju'teg : crooked / set crooked🔉
- waqtian : fish entrails / small fish entrails🔉
- wasapa'q : crystal·clear water🔉
- wasapeglaw : spruce gum🔉
- wasateg : bright / illuminated🔉
- waseta's'g : (sky) clearing up / getting brighter (clouds moving out)🔉
- wa'so'q : heaven / the heavens🔉
- wasoqeg : illuminated / bright (of hue)🔉
- wasoqon : light🔉
- wasoqonatl : illuminate / keep light on🔉
- wasoqonaweg : give off light / radiate🔉
- wasoqonawet : give off light / radiate🔉
- wasoqong : illuminate / keeps lit🔉
- wasoqonmaqan : candle / lamp / lantern🔉
- wasoqota'tl : polish / shine🔉
- wasoqote'g : polish / shine🔉
- wasoqotesg : lightning / sparkle🔉
- wasoqotesing : sparkle / flashing🔉
- wasoqowi'j : firefly🔉
- wasoqwa'latl : light up🔉
- wasoqwa'taqan : ring🔉
- wasoqwa'toq : light up🔉
- wasoqweg : lit / bright / shiny🔉
- waspu : seal🔉
- wastew : snow / fallen snow🔉
- wastewt'g : frosty / frost🔉
- wasueg : flower / blossom / blossom / bloom / flower🔉
- wasuega'tat : menstruate🔉
- wasuego'q : flower pot / vase🔉
- wasuet : blossom🔉
- watapteg : yellow / greyish / slate colored🔉
- wata's'g : become cataract (of eye)🔉
- wate'g : cataract (of eye)🔉
- wa'tugwaw : blood clot🔉
- wa'tugwawa's'g : clot🔉
- wa'w : egg🔉
- wa'we'j : egg person (deliverer)🔉
- wegaia'latl : anger someone🔉
- wegaig : angry🔉
- wegaiugt'g : angry with / mad at🔉
- wegaiugtuatl : angry with / mad at🔉
- weget : these🔉
- wegla : these🔉
- weglams'g : gusty (of wind)🔉
- We'gopegitg : Truro, Nova Scotia🔉
- We'goqoma'q : Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia.🔉
- we'gow : until / all along / during🔉
- we'gwamatl : watch until out of sight / follow (with eyes) until out of sight🔉
- we'gwamgug : where waterway ends at falls🔉
- we'gwamgwe'get : pole (boat) to a certain spot🔉
- we'gwa'muatl : defeat in debate / best in argument or duel of words🔉
- we'gwanqe'get : sleep-walk / talk while asleep🔉
- we'gwapsgw : falls end🔉
- we'gwapt'g : watch until out of sight / follow (with eyes) until out of sight🔉
- we'gwa's'g : go as far as / reach destination🔉
- we'gwa'sit : reach destination / go as far as🔉
- we'gwata'latl : frighten / scare🔉
- we'gwata'sit : frightened / scared🔉
- we'gwiji'met : paddle or row until...🔉
- We'gwistoqonig : Eskasoni🔉
- weita'q : shrink🔉
- weita't : shrink🔉
- weiteja'latl : drive from / test·drive🔉
- weiteja'toq : drive from / test·drive🔉
- weja'latl : get or bring from🔉
- wejamoqsualatl : embrace / hug and squeeze🔉
- wejanguat : purchase from there🔉
- wejaqama'latl : boil🔉
- wejaqama'toq : boil🔉
- wejaqamiaq : boil🔉
- wejaqamiet : boil🔉
- weja'tegemg : from there on / from now on🔉
- weja'tegemgeg : from that time on🔉
- weja'teget : get spouse from there🔉
- weja'toq : obtain from / get or bring from / buys it🔉
- wejeiatijig : they are testing each other / they are challenging each other🔉
- wejgiemgewei : chicken pox / scabbiness🔉
- wejgiet : scabby🔉
- wejgu'aq : approach / come🔉
- wejgu'aqamit : due / have right to / owed / qualify for compensation🔉
- wejgu'et : approach / come🔉
- wejgu'jing : bend and face toward🔉
- wejgupuguit : stand facing toward🔉
- wejgutugwi'g : come running🔉
- wejgwajepit : sit or set facing toward here🔉
- wejgwajeteg : sit or set facing toward here🔉
- wejgwa'latl : bring or come with🔉
- wejgwapaneta'q : clear up (of sky)🔉
- wejgwapa'q : incoming or rising tide🔉
- wejgwapesit : something that one has a right to🔉
- wejgwapit : sit facing🔉
- wejgwapniaq : daybreak🔉
- wejgwaqteget : come sailing toward🔉
- wejgwa'tegemg : in the past🔉
- wejgwa'tegemgeg : in the past until now🔉
- wejgwateja's'g : come in this direction / hurry this way🔉
- wejgwateja'sit : hurry this way / come in this direction🔉
- wejgwatejimgwet : come riding on or in🔉
- wejgwa'toq : bring or come with🔉
- wejgwatpo'jing : bent toward here (from head)🔉
- wejgwigwitna'q : come by canoe🔉
- wejgwina'taqamisugwit : paddle to shore🔉
- wejgwi'puluet : come on horseback🔉
- wejgwiqolomgopit : sit facing towards with head hanging down🔉
- wejgwisugwit : come rowing or paddling toward🔉
- wejgwitpa'q : approach or come nightfall🔉
- wejgwitu'gwe'pit : come scuttling with pounding feet🔉
- wejiaq : come from there🔉
- wejiatl : make from / make out of🔉
- we'jiatl : find / come upon🔉
- wejiet : come from there / return from🔉
- wejigji'toq : come to know / know from🔉
- wejignematl : challenge🔉
- wejigoqwa'latl : attempt to grab / grab from🔉
- wejigs'gutesg'g : try to catch on time🔉
- wejigsitesing : get injured from🔉
- wejigsugutesguatl : try to catch on time🔉
- wejigtalqa'latl : take out from / remove from underneath🔉
- wejigtalqa'toq : take out from / remove from underneath🔉
- wejilugweg : works from... / works because... / reason it works🔉
- wejilugwet : work because / reason for work / work from (location)🔉
- wejimsnatl : try to grasp / try to catch🔉
- wejimsng : try to grasp🔉
- wejinisa'latl : bring down from🔉
- wejinisiaq : fall from🔉
- wejinisiet : fall from🔉
- wejinmiatl : try to see🔉
- wejinmitoq : try to see🔉
- wejintijig : fight over (something inanimate) / fight over (something or someone animate)🔉
- wejipeg : east wind🔉
- wejipsematl : sniff🔉
- wejipsetamit : sniff🔉
- wejipsetg : sniff🔉
- wejipulgwa's'g : have cramp🔉
- wejipulgwet : have an epileptic fit🔉
- wejiqolomgwipmiet : return moving along with drooping head / return walking along with drooping head / come from somewhere with a drooped head / move along with drooping head because... / walking along with drooping head because...🔉
- we'jitaqan : foundling🔉
- wejitepnatl : try to reach (with hand)🔉
- wejitepng : try to reach (with hand)🔉
- wejitoq : make from / make out of🔉
- we'jitoq : find / come upon🔉
- we'ji'wet : give birth / bear child (said of woman when she bears child)🔉
- wejjelamit : sigh🔉
- wejo'tasit : trade or do business there🔉
- wejo'tg : attempt / try out / try / test🔉
- wejuaqatesg'g : approach🔉
- wejuaqatesguatl : approach🔉
- wejue'g : have close call🔉
- wejuow : close by🔉
- wejuowita'sit : absent·minded🔉
- weju's'g : windy🔉
- wela'gowei : supper🔉
- wela'gw : evening / dusk / night🔉
- wela'gwe'g : last night🔉
- wela'gwe'l : toward evening🔉
- wela'latl : to please / do well by🔉
- wela'lin : thank you / I do well by you🔉
- wela'luet : charitable / pleases🔉
- welamatl : attracted to appearance / like looks of🔉
- welapematl : benefit / is useful / obtain favor or something good from🔉
- welapetg : benefit / is useful to / obtain favor or something good from🔉
- welapetmuet : obtain (religious) favor🔉
- welapt'g : attracted to / like the appearance🔉
- wela'q : right size in girth🔉
- welaqapit : slightly intoxicated / feel good (from drinking)🔉
- welaseg : shine / brightness🔉
- welaset : shine / brightness🔉
- wela's'g : turn out well🔉
- wela'sit : relieved / feeling good (from being ill) / turn out well🔉
- welat : burp / belch🔉
- wela'toq : do properly🔉
- welawtig : good or reasonable price🔉
- welawtit : make good wages / good or reasonable price🔉
- wele'g : living well / fine / alive / healthy🔉
- welegisg : nice breeze🔉
- weleiwatl : take good care of🔉
- welg'g : good fit🔉
- welgiljet : read properly or well🔉
- welgina'muatl : teach well / teach what is proper🔉
- welgna'q : nicely dressed🔉
- welgnesit : well·dressed🔉
- welg'snet : well·shoed🔉
- welguatl : fit well / good fit🔉
- welgutat : well·dressed🔉
- welgwija'latl : uplift spirit / put in good·humor / make more confident🔉
- welgwijimatl : put in good humor / encouraging🔉
- welgwijing : in good·humor / good·spirits🔉
- weliaq : useful / good🔉
- welia'su'na'q : well·dressed🔉
- weliegsitpu'g : nice morning🔉
- weligg : have nice shape🔉
- weligisg'g : nice weather day🔉
- weligit : have nice shape🔉
- weligpa'q : split well / strip off well🔉
- weligpa't : strip or split well🔉
- weligsua'toq : take well / accept🔉
- weligweg : grow well🔉
- weligwet : grow well🔉
- weligwetutg : pleasant expression / wear smile🔉
- welima'q : smell good🔉
- welimasit : have a nice odor / smell good🔉
- welima't : smell good🔉
- welimateg : have a nice odor / smell good🔉
- welimatl : give good talking to / give good advice to / good rejoiner (come-back)🔉
- welinqana'mat : has a good time drinking🔉
- welipiasit : thoroughly dried / kiln·dried🔉
- welipiateg : thoroughly dry / kiln-dried🔉
- welipot : rowboat🔉
- weliptesgna'q : have nice shoes on / have nice boots on🔉
- welipug : nice winter🔉
- welipunsit : have nice winter🔉
- welisapaptas'g : very transparent / easy to see through🔉
- welitpa'q : nice evening or night🔉
- welitpa's'g : happen unexpectedly / happen pleasantly / fortunate happenstance🔉
- welitpa'sit : happen pleasantly / happen unexpectedly / fortunate happenstance🔉
- welitpima'q : have certain nice smell🔉
- welitpima't : have certain nice smell🔉
- weljaqajewa'teget : take it easy🔉
- weljaqatl : spread nicely or smoothly🔉
- weljaqq : spread nicely or smoothly🔉
- weljemajgewe'l : sweetgrass / lilacs🔉
- weljema'q : smell good🔉
- weljema't : smell good🔉
- weljepit : tipsy / feel good (from drinking)🔉
- weljesing : happy🔉
- weljijigwe'jg : narrow enough🔉
- weljijigwe'jit : narrow enough🔉
- wellu'alatl : praise🔉
- wellu'atg : praise🔉
- wellugweg : work well🔉
- wellugwet : do good work / work well / do well (in general) / succeed (in general)🔉
- welmaita'sit : sad / suffer (in thinking)🔉
- welmaje'g : suffer🔉
- welm'toq : kind·hearted🔉
- welnat : have good hand (in a card game)🔉
- welneweg : breezy / nice and cool (of air)🔉
- welnugsig : soft and smooth🔉
- welnugsit : soft and smooth🔉
- welo'gt'g : positive premonition / premonition🔉
- weloqotalg : eat supper / have supper🔉
- weloqsit : appropriate size in girth🔉
- welo'teget : feel well / doing well / treat others well / kind to others🔉
- welo'tg : take good care of🔉
- welpasteg : nice and thick🔉
- welpesug : good distance / far🔉
- welpisit : well·dressed🔉
- welpistamit : have good lunch (on bread dipped with molasses, syrup, broth, milk etc.)🔉
- welpit : well·placed / nice🔉
- welpmiaq : operates well / go or move well🔉
- welpmiet : go or move about well / operates well🔉
- welp'satl : warms up🔉
- welp'sg : warm up🔉
- welp'sit : nice and warm🔉
- welp'smat : have well·heated house🔉
- welp'teg : nice and warm🔉
- welqamigsit : good·natured / have good disposition or character🔉
- welqwanet : wear proper clothes (for season)🔉
- wels'tg : like sound of🔉
- wels'tuatl : like sound of singing / like sound of speaking🔉
- weltamit : eat well / good·eating🔉
- weltamultimg : Friday🔉
- welta'q : have good sound (music)🔉
- weltaqsit : good length (e.g. of rope)🔉
- welta'sit : happy / glad🔉
- welta'sualatl : happy for someone🔉
- welta'suatg : happy for🔉
- welta'tl : hit well / meet up with / catch🔉
- welteg : nice / well done / well·placed🔉
- welte'g : hit well / strike well / play well / earn well / make good money🔉
- welte'lmatl : approve of / thinks well of🔉
- weltesg : fits well🔉
- weltesg'g : meet up with (on foot) / meet or arrive on time🔉
- weltesguatl : meet / meet up with (on foot)🔉
- weltesing : good fit🔉
- welte'teget : joyful🔉
- welte'tg : approve of🔉
- welto'gsit : cut well / felled well🔉
- weltoqsit : have good sound (music)🔉
- wen : who🔉
- wenagiet : accend🔉
- wenaqa'latl : pick up / lift up🔉
- wenaqa'sit : rise🔉
- wenaqa'toq : pick up / lift up🔉
- wenaqeget : throw up in air / flip🔉
- wenaqialatl : jump at🔉
- wenaqiaq : jump🔉
- wenaqiatg : jumps at🔉
- wenaqiatuatl : jumps at🔉
- wenaqiet : jump🔉
- wenaqja't : hop / skip🔉
- wenaqje'wj : grasshopper (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wenaqpilatl : hoist (by rope or cable)🔉
- wenaqpilg : hoist (by rope or cable)🔉
- wenaqpmaqan : lacrosse stick🔉
- wenaqtesgasit : spring up🔉
- wenaqtesguatl : flush out... / flush bird out of field / kick upward🔉
- wenaqto'sit : move up (in world) / help oneself up (in the world)🔉
- weniet : forgetful🔉
- wenji'guom : house🔉
- wenjitia'm : cow🔉
- wenjitia'mu'j : calf / young cow🔉
- wenjua'p'tew : pea soup🔉
- wenjui'sit : speak French language🔉
- wenjujgwej : French woman / Queen of Spades in deck of cards🔉
- wenju's'gapun : turnip🔉
- wenju'su'n : apple🔉
- wenju'su'napu : apple juice / apple cider🔉
- wenju'su'naqsi : apple tree🔉
- wenmaje'g : suffer🔉
- wenuj : Frenchman / French person🔉
- wen_net : who's that? / who's this?🔉
- wen_tana : who is that? / who's this? / who is he/she?🔉
- wesama'muatl : overcharge🔉
- wesamatalg : overeat🔉
- wesamelg : too much / too much🔉
- wesamgamit : too fat / obese🔉
- wesamgi'g : too big🔉
- wesamgilg : too big🔉
- wesamglu'lg : too good🔉
- wesamgusit : oversleep🔉
- wesamiapje'jg : too small🔉
- wesamijijigwe'jg : too narrow🔉
- wesamisge'g : too wide🔉
- wesamitqwaqji'jit : too short🔉
- wesamla'muatl : overload (someone's) plate🔉
- wesammaqoqsit : too big (in girth) / too big and round (cylindrical)🔉
- wesamoqsatl : overcook🔉
- wesamoqs'g : overcook🔉
- wesamoqsit : overcooked🔉
- wesamoqteg : overcooked🔉
- wesawa'latl : put on to boil / put on to cook🔉
- wesawa'q : hang over or on edge🔉
- wesawa't : hang over or on edge🔉
- wesawa'toq : put on to boil / put on to cook🔉
- wesawei : point / projection🔉
- wesget : fish🔉
- wesgewe'g : laugh🔉
- wesgewigwetutg : grin🔉
- wesgewina'q : happy, joyful or pleasureable place🔉
- wesgewinoqsit : joyful / jolly🔉
- wesg'g : goes via that path, road / travel along designated path🔉
- wesgija's'g : goes on top of🔉
- wesgija'sit : goes on top of🔉
- wesgijiama'latl : spread over / top coat / paint over🔉
- wesgijiama'toq : spread over / top coat / paint over🔉
- wesgijinuit : bring to life / born🔉
- wesgit : vest🔉
- wesgita'q : wear vest🔉
- wesgitpega's'g : flow over🔉
- wesgitpega'sit : flow over🔉
- wesgitpegiaq : flows over🔉
- wesgitpegiet : flows on top / coating🔉
- wesgitpit : be on top / sit or set on top🔉
- wesgitqo'qweg : float🔉
- wesgitqo'qwet : float🔉
- wesgitteg : sit or set on top🔉
- wesgo'tas'g : worked on🔉
- wesgo'tg : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia) / process of doing🔉
- wesgowa's'g : taking place / place of activity🔉
- wesgowa'sit : occupied / dwell there / occupy / stay, live or situated at🔉
- wesgowigwa'sit : smile🔉
- wesgumatl : refer / talk about🔉
- wesgu'muet : talks back disrespectfully🔉
- wesgu'tg : talk about / talk business with (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wesgweiwatl : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wesigalatl : tell fortune of🔉
- wesiget : foretell / tell fortunes🔉
- wesmi'pulatl : flee with / run off with / kidnap🔉
- wesmi'putoq : run off with🔉
- wesmoqsuwalatl : embrace / hug / smooch🔉
- wesmugwat : runs away / flees / escape from there🔉
- wesmuit : have horns🔉
- weso'tg : conserves / preserve🔉
- wespaiwatl : disturb while asleep🔉
- wessmugt'g : run away from / escape from🔉
- wessmugtuatl : run away from / escape from🔉
- westawiatl : save / redeem🔉
- westawitoq : save / redeem🔉
- westawlet : gifted🔉
- westawu'lgw : Savior🔉
- wesua'latl : take hold of🔉
- wesua'q : sink in🔉
- wesuasgiaq : sink in🔉
- wesuasgiet : sink in / drawn into (pit or quicksand)🔉
- wesua't : sink in🔉
- wesua'teget : haul in pot (in poker game)🔉
- wesuatejimatl : pull and drag🔉
- wesuatejitoq : pull and drag🔉
- wesua'toq : take (hold of)🔉
- wesueget : pulls suddenly / jerk / grab🔉
- wesuejo'qwa'latl : undertake / tackle / take on🔉
- wesuejo'qwa'toq : undertake / tackle / take on🔉
- wesuelamit : inhale🔉
- wesuepilatl : pull in (by rope)🔉
- wesuepilg : pull in (by rope)🔉
- wesuisepilas'g : gathered and tied🔉
- wesuisepilasit : gathered and tied🔉
- wesuw'tqa'latl : pull / pull on something lineair(rope)🔉
- wesuw'tqanatl : pulling on🔉
- wesuw'tqang : pulling on🔉
- wesuw'tqa'toq : pull / stretch out / unwind🔉
- wetajigwet : frown / scowl🔉
- wetapaqamit : orginate from / spring from🔉
- wetapegsit : descend from🔉
- wetapsunig : useful🔉
- wetapsunit : useful🔉
- wetapulatl : scold / punish🔉
- wetaqama'sit : eat (archaic) / snack🔉
- weti : worm🔉
- wetlamit : breathe from🔉
- wetmamgewei : material for smoking / pipe / tobacco🔉
- wetmat : smoke🔉
- wetme'g : busy🔉
- wetmeiwatl : keep busy / use occasionally as needed / disturb🔉
- wetmguet : in the way🔉
- wetmite'lmatl : have need for / have use for🔉
- wetmite'tg : have need for / have use for / care for🔉
- wetmo'taqan : useful object or tool🔉
- wetmo'teget : bothersome / prankster / busybody / prankster / botherer🔉
- wetmo'tg : disturb / use occasionally as needed🔉
- wetmuatl : give smoke (cigarette) to🔉
- wetnasa'latl : try on🔉
- wetnasa'toq : try on🔉
- wetnasteg : hooked or attached from🔉
- wetnatl : pull / haul🔉
- wetnng : pull / haul🔉
- wetpatl : taste🔉
- wetqane'g : mild (of weather)🔉
- wetqanigisg'g : mild day🔉
- wetqapalatl : soak / immerse in water🔉
- wetqapalsit : soak / immerse in water / bathe🔉
- wetqapatoq : soak / immerse in water🔉
- wetqolatl : forbid🔉
- wetqolsit : abstain🔉
- wets'g : airborne from... / thrown from...🔉
- wettaqia'tijig : share common descent🔉
- wettelg : buy or purchase from there🔉
- wetteliget : purchase from🔉
- wetteluatl : buy or purchase from there🔉
- wettemit : cry (Shubenacadie) / bleat (Shubenacadie)🔉
- wettemitl : cry about / cry over🔉
- wetteniaq : wind blowing from such direction🔉
- wettepna'tl : try to catch up with🔉
- wettepne'g : try to catch up with🔉
- wett'g : wind blowing from such direction / taste🔉
- we'tunatl : feel by hand / feel by touch / feel the weight🔉
- we'tung : feel weight of🔉
- wiaqiaqal : mixed🔉
- wiaqqiejig : mixed🔉
- wi'g : house / dwelling / home🔉
- wigamig : lean (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wigamit : lean (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wigapu'g : taste good🔉
- wigapugsit : taste good🔉
- wi'gatign : paper / book / letter / newspaper (etc.)🔉
- wi'gatignipgw : lettuce🔉
- wi'gatigno'guom : library🔉
- wigew : fat (animal) / lardon🔉
- wigewigu's : October🔉
- wigewit : fat🔉
- wi'gign : pen / pencil🔉
- wigit : reside or dwell there🔉
- wigji'jaqan : toy🔉
- wiglatmu'j : dwarf (Nova Scotia) / elf (Nova Scotia) / fairy (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wigmaq : family / relative🔉
- wigpatl : like taste of🔉
- wigpet : like to drink (alcoholic beverages)🔉
- wigpe'tlaqan : strip for making basket🔉
- wigpi : elm tree🔉
- wigplasit : smoked (as a salmon) / smoke residue (coated)🔉
- wigplateg : smoke residue (coated) / smoked🔉
- wigplatewma'q : smell smoky / smell of smoke🔉
- wigplatewma't : smell smokey / smell of smoke🔉
- wigt'g : like taste of🔉
- wi'guamatl : find amusing / laugh at🔉
- wi'guapt'g : find amusing / lauqh at🔉
- wiguaq : home🔉
- wi'gue'g : strange / weird / unkind / mean🔉
- wi'gu'lugweg : work strangely / work weirdly🔉
- wigumat : heavy smoker🔉
- wigumatl : call for / invite / send for🔉
- wigumgewigu's : September🔉
- wigumgusimgewei : invitation🔉
- wigun : bean🔉
- wigwasamu'g : look pretty / look attractive🔉
- wigwasamugsit : look cute / look attractive / look pretty🔉
- wigwasapewit : attractive / good·looking / handsome / beautiful / pretty🔉
- wigwa'smugwet : whistle🔉
- wigweliej : whip-poor-will🔉
- wigwiet : collapse from exhaustion / faint🔉
- wigwom : wigwam / dwelling / camp🔉
- wijei : same / same🔉
- wije's : fly (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wije'watl : accompany / go with🔉
- wije'wet : tag along / accompany🔉
- wije'w'g : go with / accompany🔉
- wijgwe'j : blister🔉
- wijgwe'jua's'g : blister🔉
- wijgwe'jua'sit : blister🔉
- wijigumatl : sibling to / have sibling, brother or sister🔉
- wijinuan : cheek🔉
- wijitgo'tg : stay with / join in🔉
- wijitgweiwatl : keep company / join🔉
- wiliapi : umbilical cord🔉
- wilogamatl : catch full view🔉
- wilogapt'g : catch full view🔉
- wilu : food / provisions🔉
- wi'n : marrow🔉
- winangiaq : wrinkled🔉
- winangiet : wrinkled🔉
- winapewit : unattractive / ugly🔉
- winapit : see poorly🔉
- wi'nei_waqantew : marrow bone🔉
- wingutat : poorly shoed / badly clothed🔉
- winigg : ugly (in appearance, shape or dress)🔉
- winigisg'g : bad weather day / day of bad weather🔉
- winigit : ugly (in appearance, shape or dress)🔉
- winigwa'sit : scowl / make funny face / put on face🔉
- winigwetuatl : make a face at / sticks tongue out at / scowl at / squint at🔉
- winigwetutg : mean facial expression / frown / unplesant facial expression🔉
- wininuit : have mean disposition / grouchy🔉
- winisqi : tripe🔉
- winjig : bad condition / spoiled🔉
- winjit : bad condition / unclean🔉
- winnmat : keeps a dirty place / unkempt / messy / sloppy🔉
- winnu : tongue🔉
- winpasit : hustle / try hard🔉
- Winpegijuig : Bathurst, New Brunswick🔉
- winpnet : have venereal disease🔉
- winqamigsit : have bad character🔉
- winsit : act bad or improperly🔉
- wipit : tooth🔉
- wipitmit : have teeth🔉
- wipitoqom : gums🔉
- wipsgunatl : have one of🔉
- wipsgung : have only one🔉
- wisawaltugwat : blonde haired / blonde headed🔉
- wisawe'g : ochre brown / brownish yellow / brownish orange🔉
- wisawgwesgl : golden thread🔉
- wisawimgwe'g : orange (color)🔉
- wisawinpisit : take a laxative, purgative, or aperient🔉
- wisawow : yellow jaundice🔉
- wisawsuliewei : gold🔉
- wise'g : scarred / scarred🔉
- wi'segesit : burn sensation / feel as if on fire🔉
- wi'segeteg : burn sensation / feel as if on fire🔉
- wisgaqan : gristle🔉
- wisgaqanig : cartilage / gristle🔉
- wisgipg : stove ashes / fire ash🔉
- wisgipgo'q : ash bin / ash container from woodstove🔉
- wisguet : jealous / envious🔉
- wisgu'patl : cook for🔉
- wisgwia'teget : play bagpipes / bagpiper🔉
- wisigat : scar-faced / scarred🔉
- wisigwat : scar-faced / scarred🔉
- wi'sis : animal / beast / mammal🔉
- wi'sisji'j : little animal🔉
- wisnuti : moose trail / deer trail🔉
- wisqaplgigwa't : snow blinded🔉
- wisqasaw : pine cone🔉
- wisqatesguatl : drops in on someone suddenly and unexpectedly / take by surprise🔉
- wisqeg : bitter🔉
- wisqeget : throw quickly🔉
- wisqijiglsing : quickly flies away🔉
- wisqilue'wit : quick·tempered🔉
- wisqipgising : arrive suddenly🔉
- wisqi'pit : go full speed / dash off / sprint🔉
- wisqoq : black ash / ash tree / brown ash / basket ash🔉
- wissei : nest🔉
- wisse'j : animal nest🔉
- wissugwalatl : cooks him/her/it🔉
- wissugwat : cook (for oneself)🔉
- wissugwatg : cooks it🔉
- wissugwatiget : cook🔉
- wissuignematl : overpower / overcome / conquer🔉
- wissuignetg : overpower / overcome / conquer🔉
- wisun : name🔉
- wisungalatl : give a name / christen🔉
- wisungatg : call / give a name / christen🔉
- witapal : friend / buddy / male friend🔉
- witape'sgwal : female friend🔉
- witapji'jl : little friend🔉
- witn : nostril🔉
- witu : whisker🔉
- witua'tijig : partners in boat (used in guiding)🔉
- wituit : whiskered🔉
- wiu'ji'j : small piece of meat🔉
- wius : meat🔉
- wiuse'j : butcher / meat handler (cutter)🔉
- wo'gumal : cousin / relative🔉
- wo'gwin : backbone🔉
- wow : pot (cooking vessel) / sauce pan🔉
- wowgwis : fox🔉
- wowj : quicksand pit / pit🔉