All Words - Mi'gmaq/Mi'kmaq Online Talking Dictionary
- guntewi'ganmit : has a stone house / has a rock house🔉
- elsegni'ganigan : stone house / rock house🔉
- piliganlsegnigana'q : new stone house🔉
- tetmns'ganmit : four-square house🔉
- piglewei : made of glass🔉
- amiuligana'q : live in a good house / live in a tolerable house🔉
- tetmns'gani'gan : four square-house🔉
- sasapegwit : seabird with wings too short to fly / penguin🔉
- jipugje's : mask🔉
- mutpun : animal bed🔉
- nipaqteget : sails at night🔉
- pepg'ja'toq : flatten / thin out🔉
- unpan : moose bed🔉
- gesigawamgwitg : fast current🔉
- egtapluit : hunts🔉
- wejguigaqawapuguet : come scolding / come reprimanding🔉
- munmgwet : bird hunts prey🔉
- jiptuege'l : from time to time🔉
- sa'se'wamugwa'sit : changes appearance / transforms🔉
- pemijuig : flowing along🔉
- weligana'q : lives in a good house🔉
- nenaq'ta'sit : thinks quickly / brain racing / anxious🔉
- pepgwet : male partridge🔉
- matamgejuig : confluence of waterways🔉
- guntewiet : turns into stone / becomes petrified🔉
- nenaqte'maqan : fast song / fast chant🔉
- pepgwijeta'q : sounds like a drum🔉
- nipisoqon : stick / rod / cane🔉
- mpisune'gati : area of medicinal plants🔉
- guntewi'gana'q : lives in a stone house / lives in a rock house🔉
- netumsgwet : hunts beaver / traps beaver🔉
- mpitnei : muff (hand warmer)🔉
- jipaqa'toq : scares it / frightens it🔉
- nnui'gan : Indigenous house🔉
- taliganig : what sort of build / how many floors🔉
- apsi'gan : small house🔉
- U'sa'gna'gi : land of the Saguenay🔉
- getuipiliganelsegni'gani'gat : wants to build a new stone house🔉
- agase'wa'latl, akase'wa'latl : hire🔉
- agase'wa'toq, akase'wa'toq : hire / to pay for the use of / lease🔉
- agase'wit, akase'wit : enlist / sign up / trade (Cape Breton) / hire (New Brunswick)🔉
- agnimatl, aknimatl : talk about / report on🔉
- agnimuet : inform against / proclaim🔉
- agnutg, aknutk : talk about / relate what happens / confess🔉
- agnutmajig : talk to each other / discuss / negotiate🔉
- agnutmaqan : story / news / report / message / discussion🔉
- agnutmuatl : tell to / report🔉
- agumegw : herring🔉
- a'gwesn, a'kwesn : hat🔉
- aij, aij : lost for right word / pausing to think🔉
- aitetapu : as it happens / just so happens / happenstance🔉
- aja'sit : move over / make room / progress🔉
- a'jela's'g : hinderance / in the way🔉
- a'jela'sit : be a hinderance / hinderance / in the way🔉
- a'jelising : lie in way🔉
- a'jelpit : sit in way🔉
- a'jelpuguig : stands in way🔉
- a'jelpuguit : stand in way / hinderance🔉
- a'jelteg : in the way / hinderance / in an odd place🔉
- ajiglu'lg, ajiklu'lk : better than🔉
- ajiglu'sit, ajiklu'sit : better than🔉
- a'jijgopilaqan, a'jijkopilaqan : bandage🔉
- a'jijgopilatl : bandage🔉
- a'jijgopilg : bandage🔉
- ajioqjemin : blackberry🔉
- ajioqjeminaqsi : blackberry bush🔉
- ajipjulatl : encourage🔉
- ajipjutoq : encourage (lifestyle) / encourage (virtue) / encourage (behaviour)🔉
- ajipugwennaji : have much more than🔉
- ajipugwenn'g : have much more than🔉
- ajipuna't : birthday🔉
- ajiwinjig : worse🔉
- ajiwinjit : worse🔉
- ajoqlue'j : perch🔉
- ala : that / there🔉
- ala'latl : go around with / go out with🔉
- ala'lugweg : float around / float about / dance about🔉
- ala'lugwet : float around / float about / dance about🔉
- alamatl : look around for🔉
- alame's, alame's : mass🔉
- alame'sguimgewei : mass book🔉
- alame'sig : mass is in process🔉
- alame'siget : say mass / celebrate mass🔉
- alame'sigewatl : say mass for ...🔉
- alamg'pit : scattered about🔉
- alamg'teg : scattered about🔉
- alamugsit : search for / look for🔉
- alamut : look for / search for🔉
- alangualatl : peddle about / sell🔉
- alanguat : shopping🔉
- alangue'get : do commerce / buy / sell🔉
- alanguetoq : peddle about / sell🔉
- alangu'sit : peddle / sell🔉
- alapa'sit : looks around / looks here and there / looks about🔉
- alapega'sit : dash all about hurriedly / dart all about hurriedly🔉
- alapegiaq : swings freely / swings easily🔉
- alapegit : crawl about / crawl around / crawl on all fours🔉
- alapiet : looks around / looks here and there / looks about🔉
- alapilaqan : knapsack / carrier🔉
- alapilawemgewei : stretcher / briefcase🔉
- alapimg : time spent looking about / time spent looking around🔉
- alapit : look about / look around🔉
- alapjit : have in hand🔉
- alapteget : look about / look around🔉
- alapt'g : look around for🔉
- ala'q : swim about🔉
- alaqami'g : snowshoe🔉
- alaqsing : fly around / flying🔉
- alaqsutoq : fly something around🔉
- alaqteg : spread out (sail)🔉
- alaqte'g : spread out (sail)🔉
- alaqteget : sail about🔉
- alaqtegewinu : mariner / sailor🔉
- alasenmat : walk around with light / use a light🔉
- ala's'g : go about / spread around (as sickness)🔉
- ala'sit : go about🔉
- alasugwet : wade about🔉
- ala'suinu : traveler🔉
- alasumteget : walk through snow / wade through snow🔉
- ala'tasij : have for self / have one's own / carry something for oneself🔉
- alateja'sit : scurry about / bustle about / walk about🔉
- ala'toq : have it with you / carry with you🔉
- ala'tuatl : have possession for / carry something on anothers behalf🔉
- alawei : pea🔉
- alawe'ji'j : pill / tablet🔉
- alawlalatl : carry on back / carry around🔉
- alawlatg : carry on back / carry around🔉
- alawlet : carry on back / carry around🔉
- ala'_tett : way over there🔉
- ale'g : hanging around / hanging out🔉
- algimsgwet : tiptoe about / walk softly / sneak about🔉
- algltaqanatl : walk about on leash / go about holding hands🔉
- algopit : sit about🔉
- algusuet : climb about / climb🔉
- algwiluatl, al'kwiluatl : looking about for🔉
- aligew, alikew : clothing / clothes / garments🔉
- aligjo'gwet : go about bent over / go about bent over with buttocks up / go about with buttocks stuck out🔉
- ali'puluet : ride horseback🔉
- alisgatg : feel around for🔉
- alisqopatl : have in mouth / chew🔉
- alisqotg : chew🔉
- alitg : flows about / flows in different directions🔉
- alja't : stagger / stumble about🔉
- alje'maqan : baseball🔉
- alje'maqanatgw : baseball bat🔉
- alje'mat : play ball🔉
- alje'muinu : baseball player🔉
- allugwet : work in different locations / work at odd jobs🔉
- Almamgug : Memramcook🔉
- alman : German🔉
- almana'giewa'j : German🔉
- alman'tiew : overseas person🔉
- alm'get'g : curse / blaspheme🔉
- almimatl : curse🔉
- almitg : curse🔉
- alm'stapueg : shriveled up🔉
- alm'stapuet : shriveled up from soaking in water🔉
- alnantunewet : feel way around (blindly)🔉
- alnatl : carry about by hand🔉
- aloqoman : grape🔉
- aloqomanaqsi : grape vine🔉
- alo'tasit : hint / insult / throw🔉
- alpatl : mouths / gums🔉
- alqatg : stay here and there🔉
- alqo'qweg : float about🔉
- alqo'qwet : float about🔉
- als'g : glide around / float about / fly about🔉
- alsing : glide about / float about / fly about🔉
- alsumatl : have control of / own🔉
- alsumgusit : be obedient / is directed about / obey🔉
- alsumugwat : flee / escape🔉
- alsusit, alsusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee🔉
- alsusuti : authority / self-determination🔉
- alsutaqan : posession / personal property / owned thing🔉
- alsutg : own🔉
- alt : some🔉
- altawet : go about to beg / go about to collect donations🔉
- alt'g : have in mouth / to eat🔉
- altugwa't : make sound of footsteps🔉
- alua'latl : find unsatisfactory🔉
- aluamatl : find unsatisfactory in appearance / find unattractive🔉
- aluapt'g : find the appearance unsatisfactory / find unattractive🔉
- aluasa'sit : shadow / fade in and out of view / appear and disappear🔉
- alua'toq : find unsatisfactory🔉
- alug : cloud🔉
- aluggwalatl : follow around / accompany🔉
- aluggwatg : follow around / accompany🔉
- alugwiaq : become cloudy / cloud up🔉
- alu'latl : row about🔉
- a'lulatl : guide (by boat)🔉
- alu'saq : lean meat / lean tissue🔉
- alu'sat : skinny / lean🔉
- aluse'wit : carpenter / carpentry🔉
- aluso'l : measles🔉
- aluso'lewit : have measles🔉
- a'lutasit : guide (by boat) / fishing guide🔉
- amalamatl : looks weak / appears inadequate🔉
- amalapt'g : looks weak / appears inadequate🔉
- amalgat : dance🔉
- amalgewaqan : dance🔉
- amalignoqji'j : small speckled tortoise / Blandings Turtle / mud turtle🔉
- amaligsatl : carve / wittle🔉
- amaligsawet : carve / whittle🔉
- amaligs'g : carve / wittle🔉
- amalisgnuet : crochet / fancy knitting🔉
- amaljugwej : raccoon🔉
- amallugwalatl : decorate🔉
- amallugwatg : decorate🔉
- amallugweg : decorate🔉
- amallugwet : decorate🔉
- amalsawet : whittle / jig sawing🔉
- amaltaqa'latl : decorate🔉
- amaltaqa'taqan : decoration / design🔉
- amaltaqa'toq : decorate🔉
- amaltaqawi'gas'g : embroidered / mixed design🔉
- amaltaqi'satl : sew a design on / embroider🔉
- amaltaqi'sewet : embroider🔉
- amaltaqi's'g : embroider🔉
- amasapit : far·sighted🔉
- amaseg : far🔉
- amase'jijg : quite far / some distance🔉
- amasgate'lmatl : feel thoughtful of / feel considerate for / worry about🔉
- amasgate'tg : feel thoughtful of / feel considerate for🔉
- amasgipnnatl : weaken / torture / deprive🔉
- amaspit : close by but out of immediate reach / not close enough / far apart🔉
- amassit : silly / foolish🔉
- amassuat : act foolish🔉
- amasteg : close by but out of immediate reach / not close enough / far apart🔉
- amatpa't : have mental deficiency / retarded🔉
- amatpesmat : act foolishly🔉
- a'megenatl : rub with rubbing compound🔉
- a'megen'g : rub with rubbing compound / massage with rubbing compound🔉
- a'megensuti : massaging oil / rubbing compound🔉
- a'megenusit : rub on self🔉
- amgisitas'g : partly built / partly complete / incomplete🔉
- amgnte'g : glean / gather (leftover grain after harvest)🔉
- amgnte'get : glean / gather (leftover grain after harvest)🔉
- amgwes : first / first time / in the past🔉
- amgwesewa'j : first one / oldest one🔉
- amgwesewa'juit : first person / first one🔉
- amgwesewei : first one / first one🔉
- amgwes_elugutimg : Monday / first work day🔉
- amiet : silly / foolish / becoming mentally ill🔉
- amiglu'lg : sort of good / somewhat good🔉
- amiglu'sit : sort of good / so·so / somewhat precious🔉
- amig'pistaqanat : slightly deaf / somewhat hard of hearing🔉
- amilugwet : work a bit / work a little🔉
- amins'tue'g : somewhat rational / partly sane🔉
- amip'sit : slightly warm / somewhat warm🔉
- amip'teg : slightly warm / somewhat warm🔉
- amipulatl : rub🔉
- amipusit : rub it on / rub against🔉
- amiputoq : rub🔉
- amisisguapua'q : slightly muddy water / somewhat muddy liquid🔉
- amitge'g : bit cold / somewhat cold🔉
- amitgig : bit cold / somewhat cold🔉
- amitgit : bit cold / somewhat cold🔉
- amjaqa'latl : smeer🔉
- amjaqa'lsit : smeer something on self🔉
- amjaqamat : spread on / smear🔉
- amjaqamuatl : spreads something for him/her / smeers something for him/her🔉
- amjaqamu'g : colors smeared together / mix of colors🔉
- amjaqamugsit : colors smeared together / mix of colors🔉
- amjaqatl : spread on / smear on🔉
- amjaqq : spread on🔉
- amjaqto'sit : dab self with perfume / sprinkle self with powder🔉
- amjepit : tipsy🔉
- amjimoqpit : stuck🔉
- amjimoqteg : stuck🔉
- amjimoqtesg : caught and stuck🔉
- amjimoqtesing : caught and stuck🔉
- amjimoqwa'latl : stuck inside of hole (pipe) / stuck and laying down🔉
- amjimoqwa'sit : stuck / unable to move🔉
- amjimoqwa'toq : cause to be stuck🔉
- amlmaw : mackerel🔉
- amnapegalatl : quarantine / put in quarantine🔉
- amnaqwa'teget : turn toes in🔉
- amnast'ga'taqan : bough/branch lining🔉
- amnast'ga'toq : line it(wigwam/dwelling) with boughs/branches🔉
- amqoqjaji'j : small toad🔉
- amqwan : spoon🔉
- amqwanji'j : spoon🔉
- amsala'latl : do something wrong to / do something incorrect to🔉
- amsalapuguet : say something wrong / say something incorrect🔉
- amsala's'g : go wrong🔉
- amsala'sit : do wrong / go wrong🔉
- amsale'g : troubled / difficult🔉
- amsalewo'gwet : say something incorrect / say something negative🔉
- amsaliaq : go wrong🔉
- amsaliet : troubled / start to go wrong🔉
- amsalimatl : insult / say something to irritate someone / mislead🔉
- amsaloqteg : unfortunately damaged by fire / sadly harmed by fire🔉
- amsalutg : speak against something🔉
- ams'tg : hear vaguely / hear portion🔉
- ams'tmat : hear about vaguely / hear about partly🔉
- ams'tuatl, ams'tuatl : only partly hear / half hear🔉
- amu, amu : bee🔉
- amuesusi, amuesusi : beehive🔉
- amuj, amuj : yes (in contradicting negative statement) / necessarily so / must be🔉
- amujpa : must / have to / necessary🔉
- anagwe'j, anakwe'j : flounder🔉
- anapig, anapik : lean toward🔉
- anapi'gan, anapi'kan : lean-to / brush camp🔉
- anapiw : by the side / beside🔉
- anapo : on one side / a side🔉
- anawtig, anawtik : cheap in price / inexpensive🔉
- anawtit, anawtit : not paid much / cheap in price / inexpensive🔉
- anesga'latl : compromise someone / make vulnerable / expose to danger / jeopardize / weaken, lessen, lower🔉
- angamatl, ankamatl : look at / view🔉
- angamsit, ankamsit : look at self / examine self🔉
- angamsutiei, ankamsutiei : mirror / looking glass🔉
- angapt'g, ankapt'k : look at / view🔉
- angita'sit : think🔉
- angita'suaqan : thought🔉
- ango'tg, anko'tk : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise🔉
- angua'latl, angua'latl : give additional amount / give extra🔉
- angua'taqan, ankua'taqan : supplement / extra / something extra / a little extra🔉
- angua'toq, ankua'toq : adds additional amount / adds extra🔉
- angu'lugwet : work extra🔉
- anguna'latl, ankuna'latl : cover / encase / enclose🔉
- anguna'toq, ankuna'toq : cover / encase / enclose🔉
- anguno'sit : cover🔉
- anguopiga'toq : add length to cord, yarn, string🔉
- anguowei, ankuowei : fur🔉
- angweiwatl, ankweiwatl : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise🔉
- angwisgaqan : joint / wrist joint🔉
- aniamugwet, aniamukwet : suffering for past wrongs / punishment for past wrongs🔉
- aniapsuinu, aniapsuinu : penitent / one who sacrifices / missionary🔉
- aniapsuinu'sgw, aniapsuinu'skw : female penitent / female who sacrifices / female saint / female missionary / nun🔉
- aniapsu'latl, aniapsu'latl : punish / make someone do penance🔉
- ansale'wit, ansale'wit : angel🔉
- an'stawe'g, an'stawe'k : delicate / fragile🔉
- an'stawite'lmatl, an'stawite'lmatl : unsure of its safety🔉
- an'stawite'tg, an'stawite'tk : unsure of it's safety🔉
- an'stawpit, an'stawpit : unsafe position🔉
- an'stawteg, an'stawtek : unsafe / unsafe position🔉
- ansue'g : unfortunate / too bad🔉
- ansuite'lmatl, ansuite'lmatl : feel sorry for / feel bad about🔉
- ansuite'tg, ansuite'tk : regret / feel bad about🔉
- ansuoqteg : unfortunately burnt🔉
- antaguej, an'takuej : black man / black person / African-Canadian person🔉
- antaguejgwej, an'takuejkwej : black woman / African-Canadian woman🔉
- antaguejue'gati, an'takuejue'kati : New Carlisle🔉
- antawe's : woodpecker / black woodpecker (Rand) / grey woodpecker (Pacifique) / Russian (red·headed)🔉
- apaja's'g, apaja's'k : come back / return🔉
- apaja'sit, apaja'sit : come back / return🔉
- apaja'toq : bring back / return to🔉
- apajiaq, apajiaq : result of / outcome / return / comeuppance / penalty / reward🔉
- apajigsua'latl, apajiksua'latl : reconcile / take back🔉
- apajigsua'toq, apajiksua'toq : take back🔉
- apajipet : resurrect🔉
- apajitqwa'majig : reunite🔉
- apajuggwalatl, apajukkwalatl : follow back🔉
- apajuggwatg, apajukkwatk : follow back🔉
- apalqaqamej, apalqaqamej : chipmunk / ground squirrel🔉
- apangimatl : pay the cost🔉
- apangitatimg, apankitatimk : pay day🔉
- apangitg, apankitk : pay for🔉
- apangituatl, apankituatl : pays🔉
- apangituowei, apankituowei : payment🔉
- a'papi, a'papi : rope / fishing line🔉
- a'papi'j, a'papi'j : thread / twine / string🔉
- apaqt, apaqt : sea / off shore🔉
- apaqtugewa'j, apaqtukewa'j : European🔉
- apaqtu'jg, apaqtu'jk : inshore / short distance offshore🔉
- apataqan : reserved portion / saved portion / put aside portion🔉
- apatgimatl, apatkimatl : send back🔉
- apatgitg, apatkitk : send back🔉
- apatl'ga't, apatl'ka't : walk back / stride back🔉
- apatoq : set aside a portion (of food)🔉
- apatpa'q, apatpa'q : returning tide🔉
- apatta'tl, apatta'tl : hit back / win back / send back🔉
- apatte'g, apatte'k : win it back🔉
- apatte'mat, apatte'mat : win back a loss🔉
- apattesg, apattesk : spring back🔉
- apattesing, apattesink : spring back🔉
- apatto'sit, apatto'sit : break even🔉
- a'petna's'g, a'petna's'k : whirlwind(-ing) / gusty🔉
- apgnualatl, apknualatl : pacify / soothe / calm🔉
- apgwa'latl, apkwa'latl : untie🔉
- apgwa's'g, apkwa's'k : become untied🔉
- apgwa'sit, apkwa'sit : become untied🔉
- apgwa'toq, apkwa'toq : untie🔉
- a'pi, a'pi : net / fishnet🔉
- a'pia'q, a'pia'q : using a net / fishing with a net🔉
- a'piet, a'piet : fish with net🔉
- apigji'j, apikji'j : mouse🔉
- apigjilu, apikjilu : skunk🔉
- apigjilu'ta'tl, apikjilu'ta'tl : skunk (in a game like cribbage)🔉
- apignajit, apiknajit : February🔉
- apigsigtuatl, apiksiktuatl : forgive / pardon / overlook offense🔉
- a'pimit, a'pimit : have net🔉
- apipunsit, apipunsit : spend winter / pass winter🔉
- apistanewj, apistanewj : marten🔉
- apitapueg, apitapuek : waterlogged🔉
- apitapuet, apitapuet : waterlogged🔉
- apita'q, apita'q : rise (as dough) / swell / bloated / proof (dough)🔉
- apita't, apita't : bloated / swell / rises (as dough)🔉
- apita'taqan, apita'taqan : baking powder / baking soda / rising agent / yeast / leavening🔉
- apja'sit, apja'sit : gone for good / unable to return🔉
- apje'jg, apje'jk : small🔉
- apje'ji'jg, apje'ji'jk : tiny / very small🔉
- apje'ji'jit, apje'ji'jit : tiny / very small🔉
- apje'jit, apje'jit : small🔉
- apjelmit, apjelmit : unable to stop laughing🔉
- apjelmultimgewei, apjelmultimkewei : grain of rice🔉
- apjigu'niet, apjiku'niet : bleed to death🔉
- apji'jgmuj, apji'jkmuj : black duck🔉
- apjimatl, apjimatl : make speechless / outtalk🔉
- apjimt'g, apjimt'k : unable to stop crying🔉
- apjitoq, apjitoq : out of breath (as a result of a tantrum) / out of breath🔉
- apjiw : always / each time / every time🔉
- apjoqji'jg, apjoqji'jk : small in girth / slender / thin🔉
- apjoqji'jit, apjoqji'jit : tiny in girth / slender / thin🔉
- apli'gmuj, apli'kmuj : hare / rabbit🔉
- aplugwet : return from work / back from work🔉
- apnmisg'g, apnmiskîk : retrieve / return from getting it🔉
- apnmisguatl, apnmiskuatl : retrieve / return from getting🔉
- apo'qatej : woodpecker🔉
- apoqonmati, apoqnmati : assistance / help🔉
- apoqonmatimg, apoqnmatimk : assistance / help / assisting time / helping time🔉
- apoqonmuatl, apoqnmuatl : help / assist🔉
- app, app : again / repeat🔉
- app_igtig, app iktik : another🔉
- apsa'latl, apsa'latl : reduce the size of / make smaller🔉
- apsalqigwa'ji'jit, apsalqikwa'ji'jit : have tiny eyes / have small eyes🔉
- apsalqigwat, apsalqikwat : have small eyes🔉
- apsalqutnat, apsalqutnat : have small mouth🔉
- apsa'toq, apsa'toq : make smaller🔉
- apsatpat, apsatpat : have small head🔉
- aps'gilg : little / small🔉
- apsgu'lapa'sit, apsku'lapa'sit : turns head around to look / turn head around🔉
- apsgwitg, apskwitk : form eddy / back water eddy🔉
- apsigjat, apsikjat : have small buttocks🔉
- apsiptnat, apsiptnat : have small hands / have small paws🔉
- apsi'satl, apsi'satl : reduce the size by sewing / alter to smaller size🔉
- apsi's'g, apsi'sîk : to make smaller by sewing / alter to smaller size by sewing🔉
- apsisgnuet, apsisknuet : small stitch knitting / fine·weave🔉
- apsisqonat, apsisqonat : have small nose / have narrow nose🔉
- apso'qonigatat, apso'qonikatat : skinny legged / slim legged / thin legged🔉
- aps'sas'g, apsîsasîk : cut into small pieces / minced🔉
- aps'satl, aps'satl : mince / cut into small pieces🔉
- aps'sg, aps'sk : mince / cut into small pieces🔉
- aps'sitat, aps'sitat : have small feet🔉
- aps'sqate'get, aps'sqate'ket : chop kindling / split to make thinner🔉
- aps'te'g, aps'te'k : chop small🔉
- aps'tgu'j : narrow stream / brook / small stream🔉
- apsute'gan, apsute'kan : doll / gift / present🔉
- ap'tapegiejit, apîtapekiejit : turkey🔉
- aptapjiet, aptapjiet : unable to release a hold🔉
- aptaqanet, aptaqanet : starve🔉
- aptaqatg, aptaqatk : stay permanently🔉
- aptegwat : freckled face🔉
- aptlama'latl, aptlama'latl : smother / block off air from🔉
- aptlama'toq, aptlama'toq : smother (fire) / block off air from🔉
- aptlamig, aptlamik : stuffy / suffocate🔉
- aptlamit, aptlamit : suffocate🔉
- aptlamsing, aptlamsink : lose breath (in gale)🔉
- aptluat, aptluat : hold breath🔉
- aptoqwet, aptoqwet : lean (by holding on to something) to walk / use for balance🔉
- apt'pugu'et, apt'puku'et : unable to move while standing from standing too long🔉
- apt'sqa'muatl, aptîsqa'muatl : lock out / lock in🔉
- apt'sqa'q, aptîsqa'q : lock up / lock in🔉
- apt'sqata'tl, aptîsqata'tl : lock up / lock in / lock out with quick motion or accidentally🔉
- apt'sqate'g, aptîsqate'k : lock up / lock in / lock out with quick motion or accidentally🔉
- apt'sqa'tl, apt'sqa'tl : lock up / lock in🔉
- apt'sqi'gn, apt'sqi'kn : key🔉
- apt'tesg, apt'tesk : stuck🔉
- apt'tesing, apt'tesink : stuck🔉
- apt'tesmatl, apt'tesmatl : cause to get stuck🔉
- apt'testoq, apt'testoq : cause to get stuck / stuck🔉
- aptu'n, aptu'n : cane / staff / walking stick🔉
- apua'latl, apua'latl : thaw / warm🔉
- apua'toq, apua'toq : thaw / warm🔉
- apugjig, apukjik : soon / after a while🔉
- apugsign : lynx🔉
- apu'jenatl, apu'jenatl : warm up by using body🔉
- apu'jeng, apu'jenk : warm up by using body🔉
- apu'satl, apu'satl : warm up by applying heat / warm up by using body heat🔉
- apu's'g, apu'sîk : warm up🔉
- aputasga'latl, aputaska'latl : turn upside down🔉
- aputasga'toq, aputaska'toq : turn upside down🔉
- aputasgiaq, aputaskiaq : flip / flip over / flip back🔉
- aputasgiet, aputaskiet : fall back / flip over🔉
- aputasgigwalatl, aputaskikwalatl : turn over (using a tool)🔉
- aputasgigwatg, aputaskikwatk : turn over (using a tool)🔉
- aputasg'tesing, aputasg'tesing : flip backwards / flip over🔉
- aq, aq : and🔉
- aqalasie'w, aqalasie'w : English person / Englishman🔉
- aqalasie'wimatl, aqalasie'wimatl : says it in English / speak English to🔉
- aqalasie'wi'sit, aqalasie'wi'sit : speak the English language🔉
- aqam : snowshoe🔉
- aqamoq : white ash tree🔉
- aqamoqwe'gati : white ash grove🔉
- aqantie'umg, aqantie'umk : Sunday🔉
- aqantie'uti : week🔉
- aqantie'wit : observe Sunday🔉
- a'qataig, a'qataik : half🔉
- a'qatapit, a'qatapit : half intoxicated / somewhat intoxicated🔉
- aqatatpa't, aqatatpa't : half·witted🔉
- aqawigalatl, aqawikalatl : hide / conceal🔉
- aqawigatg, aqawikatk : hide / conceal🔉
- aqjigateg, aqjikatek : shade🔉
- aqtamgiaq, aqtamkiaq : half·full (dry ingredient)🔉
- aqtamgiet, aqtamkiet : half·full (dry ingredient)🔉
- aqtapeg, aqtapek : half·filled (with liquid)🔉
- aqtapet, aqtapet : half·filled (with liquid)🔉
- aqtatpa'q, aqtatpa'q : midnight🔉
- aquoqomgwa's'g, aquoqomkwa's'k : make turn / veer off🔉
- aquoqomgwa'sit, aquoqomkwa'sit : make turn / veer off🔉
- aquoqomqeg, aquoqomqek : at bend / at turn🔉
- aqupit, aqupit : hidden and sitting🔉
- aquteg, aqutek : hidden / hidden area🔉
- asamaja'latl, asamaja'latl : do fancily / do elegantly🔉
- asamaja'toq : do fancily / do elegantly🔉
- asamaje'g : fancy / elegant / overly fussy🔉
- asamatteg : fancy🔉
- a'se'g : on the other side / in the next room🔉
- a'sei : other room / other side🔉
- asgaiwatl : causing hurt / aggravate🔉
- asgaja't : walk with a limp / limp🔉
- asga'sit : limp🔉
- asgate'lmatl : spare feelings / pity🔉
- asgatesing : limp🔉
- a's'gg : meet🔉
- as'gom : six / six (in counting)🔉
- as'gom_te'sisga'q : sixty / sixty (in counting)🔉
- asgo'tg : harm / bother / annoy / disturb🔉
- a's'guatl : come across / meet / encounter🔉
- asigetg : instigate / stir up trouble / goad / incite🔉
- asimatl : stir up / egg on / instigate / goad / incite🔉
- a'sisapegit : crawl over🔉
- a'sisa'sit : go over something🔉
- a'siseget : throw over🔉
- a'sisiwnaqialatl : jump over🔉
- a'sisiwnaqiatg : jump over🔉
- a'sispit : sit over / sit across🔉
- a'sisteg : over / across🔉
- asita'teget : revenge / reciprocate / pay back🔉
- asiteglulatl : reply / answer back🔉
- asitematl : reply / answer🔉
- asoqomapegit : crawl across🔉
- asoqoma'q : swim across🔉
- asoqoma's'g : cross over🔉
- asoqoma'sit : cross over🔉
- asoqomasugwet : wade across in water🔉
- asoqomigsma'latl : push across🔉
- asoqomigsma'toq : push across🔉
- asoqomi'pit : run across🔉
- asoqomm'taqan : ferry / boat🔉
- asoqomoqtesg : fall across🔉
- asoqomoqtesing : fall across🔉
- asoqomo'teget : ferry across🔉
- asoqo'mutaqan : ferry / boat🔉
- assma : right at / exactly / just right🔉
- assusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee🔉
- a's'tuo'guom : church🔉
- asua's'g : back and forth / to and fro / travel back and forth🔉
- asua'sit : back and forth / to and fro / travel back and forth🔉
- a'sugwesugwijig : meet on water(by canoe) / come together (by rowboat)🔉
- a'su'n : blanket🔉
- a'su'ngewatl : provide clothing / clothe / provide household goods🔉
- asu'set : pace back and forth🔉
- asu'tesg'g : walk back and forth / kick back and forth / go in and out🔉
- asu'tesguatl : kick back and forth / walk back and forth / repeatedly return/go to...🔉
- a'sutmaqan : prayer / religion🔉
- a'sutmat : pray🔉
- a'sutmessewatg : pray for🔉
- a'sutmessewatl : pray for🔉
- a't : that🔉
- atapaqatl : wind up / turn🔉
- atapaqq : wind up / turn🔉
- atel : just now / a while ago🔉
- atgigwa't : wrinkled (of head and neck)🔉
- atgigwati : wrinkle🔉
- atgitemit : cry / weep🔉
- atgitemu'latl : cause to cry🔉
- atgnewatl : deals to him/her / distribute (playing) cards to🔉
- atgnewet : deal🔉
- atie'wit : say goodbye🔉
- atiu : goodbye🔉
- atlai : shirt🔉
- atlaia'q : wear a shirt🔉
- atlaimit : have a shirt🔉
- atlasmit : relax / rest🔉
- atlasmu'latl : rest / allow or give rest🔉
- atlasmu'teget : take break / take rest🔉
- atla'wegn : cloth🔉
- atnamgewei : checker game🔉
- atnaqan : checker🔉
- atnaqanei : checker board🔉
- atnaqan_wi'gas'g : checkered🔉
- atnaqan_wi'gasit : checkered / checked🔉
- atnat : play checkers🔉
- atoqwa'su : trout🔉
- atoqwa'sue'get : fish for trout🔉
- atpi'sewatl : change diaper🔉
- attigna's'g : work hard / laborious / work to the limit🔉
- attigna'sit : work hard / strain / laborious / work to limit🔉
- atuasgwa'q : swim on back🔉
- atuasgweitesing : fall backwards🔉
- atuasgwesing : lie on back🔉
- a'tugwaqan : story / tale🔉
- a'tugwet : tell story🔉
- a'tugwewatl : tell story to🔉
- a'tugwewinu : storyteller🔉
- atuomg : sand / beach sand🔉
- atuomgomin : strawberry🔉
- atu'tuej : squirrel🔉
- atu'tuejui'sit : imitate the sounds of a squirrel🔉
- awana'qiet : incapable / not able to do🔉
- awane'g : awkward / inexperienced / incapable of doing / lacks ability🔉
- awaneiwatl : awkward in handling / inexperienced in handling / incompetent in operating / incompetent in handling🔉
- awane'jit : awkward one / unskilled one🔉
- awangiljet : read poorly🔉
- awaniwsget : fishes poorly / unskilled fisherman🔉
- awanlugwet : unskilled worker / works poorly🔉
- awanmila'sit : plays poorly🔉
- awano'tg : operate poorly / handle poorly / handle awkwardly🔉
- awanta'sit : forget🔉
- awanta'sualatl : forget about🔉
- awanta'suatg : forget about🔉
- awa'qi'gn : crooked knife🔉
- awialusing : encircled with halo🔉
- awije'jg : scarce / rare🔉
- awije'jit : scarce / rare🔉
- awisiw : seldom / only once in a while🔉
- awna : instead🔉
- awti : road / trail🔉
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee🔉
- awti'j : path / trail🔉
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost🔉
- e'e : yes🔉
- egel : occasionally / once in a while / now and then🔉
- egiljet : read🔉
- egimatl : count / recite / read🔉
- egitg : recite / read🔉
- egsitpu'g : morning🔉
- egsitpu'gowei : breakfast / item pertaining to morning / event pertaining to morning🔉
- egsitpugwatalg : eat breakfast🔉
- egsitpu'gwatalmgewei : item for breakfast / food for breakfast🔉
- egsitpu'gwewulgw : morning train, boat, etc. / morning vessel🔉
- egsitpugwiet : early riser🔉
- egsitpu'nug : tomorrow morning🔉
- egs'pugua'latl : lie to🔉
- egsuet : lie🔉
- egsuo'qon : lie🔉
- eguma'toq : anchor🔉
- egumig : anchored🔉
- egumit : anchored🔉
- egwija'latl : immerse / dip into the water (or liquid)🔉
- egwija'toq : immerse / dip into a liquid🔉
- egwijatpa'latl : dip the head into the water (or liquid)🔉
- egwijing : in water / in liquid🔉
- egwitamet : fish🔉
- egwitg : in water / in liquid🔉
- eig : present / be there / be there (sicknesses, days)🔉
- ejaqan'jetesgmat : wear out shoe(s) on one side🔉
- ejaqjematl : belittle / humiliate / shame🔉
- ejaqjepit : squat🔉
- ejela'latl : have no control / in no position to do otherwise / unable to help or assist🔉
- ejela'teget : can't do more (influencing or convincing) / unable to influence / unable to change🔉
- ejela'toq : in no position to change / unable to help / have no control over🔉
- ejgujg : squash / pumpkin🔉
- ejgwe'mat : sob🔉
- ejgwit : hiccup🔉
- ejigla'go'jing : head turned away🔉
- ejigla'latl : take away🔉
- ejiglamugwiet : fade away🔉
- ejiglaqsing : flying away🔉
- ejigla'sit : go away🔉
- ejiglateja'sit : scoot / go away quickly🔉
- ejigla'toq : take away🔉
- ejigleget : throw away🔉
- ejigligsma'latl : push away🔉
- ejigligsmaqalatl : shove away🔉
- ejigligsma'toq : push away🔉
- ejigliwsit : move away / change place of residence🔉
- ejiglsing : blown away🔉
- ejiglta'tl, ejikl'ta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away🔉
- ejiglte'g, ejikl'te'k : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away🔉
- ejiglu'jing : bent (at waist) away🔉
- ejinpit : low🔉
- ejinteg : low🔉
- ejipewe'g : easterly breeze🔉
- e'jnt : indian agent🔉
- ejoqjematl : interrupt (in conversation)🔉
- ela'gipulatl : to cut with a saw🔉
- ela'gittoq : cut with a saw🔉
- ela'gwi'teget : steer toward🔉
- ela'gwi't'g : steer it toward🔉
- ela'gwi'tmuatl : steer toward🔉
- ela'latl : take or bring toward / take to / bring to🔉
- elalqeg : tunnel / long hole🔉
- elamgo'lajig : pile / play solitaire🔉
- elamgo'toql : piles things / stacks things🔉
- ela'muet : ladle out / dish out the food🔉
- elangu'sit : go somewhere to peddle / go somewhere to sell🔉
- elanqaiejit : stomach wall of a cow / tripe🔉
- elanqate'g : beat (ash) into strips🔉
- elapalatl : splash with holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless🔉
- elapaqta'tl : splash / squirts🔉
- elapaqte'g : splash water on / spray on / squirt on🔉
- elapaqtesmatl : casts a line (as in fishing) / mark (with a chalk line) / throw a line / splash someone🔉
- elapaqtesteget : cast (fishing line) / mark (with a chalk line)🔉
- elapaqto'sit : splash oneself / spray oneself🔉
- elapa'sit : look in a direction / look toward🔉
- elapatoq : bless using holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless🔉
- elapetesing : glance at🔉
- elapit : looking towards / looking at🔉
- elapte'g : walk toward with a cane / walk toward with a crutch🔉
- elaptoq : make tracks toward / leave footprints to🔉
- elapuguet : vote for🔉
- elaq : resemble🔉
- ela'q : swim toward🔉
- elaqalatl : hurl / throw toward (ball) / let's go of🔉
- elaqalsewatl : play a gambling game for / play for (in cards and board games)🔉
- elaqpilatl : hang a cloth to cover / shield or conceal (with drape)🔉
- elaqpilg : shield or conceal (with drape)🔉
- elaqpit : spread out (bed sheet)🔉
- elaqpo'latl : bind / lace🔉
- elaqpo'teget : bind / lace🔉
- elaqpo'toq : bind / lace🔉
- elaqs'g : fly toward🔉
- elaqsing : fly toward / flying to🔉
- elaqteg : spread out (blanket)🔉
- elaqteget : sail to... / sail in a direction (north)🔉
- elaqtoq : fling / throw toward🔉
- elasga'latl : point it towards / passes it towards / offers it to🔉
- elasga'toq : point towards / pass towards🔉
- elasgnatl : hand over (bottle) / holds in the direction of🔉
- elasgng : hand over / hold in the direction of🔉
- elasugwet : wade in water towards🔉
- elasumteget : wade through the snow towards...🔉
- elateja'sit : scoot over / go over quickly / walk over quickly / rush toward🔉
- elatejimatl : drag toward / pull toward🔉
- elatejitoq : drag over / drag toward / pull to🔉
- elatijig : resemble one another🔉
- ela'toq : take toward / bring toward🔉
- elatpo'jing : lean head toward🔉
- elawigatas'g : porcupine quillwork / decorated with porcupine quills🔉
- elawigateget : does quillwork / works with porcupine quills🔉
- elawlet : lug or carry toward (on back)🔉
- elega'latl : spread out🔉
- elegepilawet : to drape🔉
- eleget : throw / release / play (a game) / run (for office)🔉
- elegetas'g : item to be raffled off / prize in game of chance🔉
- elegetoq : raffle (off)🔉
- elege'wi'sgw : queen / queen in deck of cards🔉
- elege'wi'sgwe'j : princess🔉
- elege'wit : king / king in deck of-cards🔉
- elege'witji'j : prince🔉
- elego'latl : lay out (rug) / spread out🔉
- elego'toq : lay out / spread out🔉
- elenqwe'set : rush over / scoot over / go toward on foot🔉
- eletqo'toq : coil🔉
- elg : too / also🔉
- elgesawet : plow up🔉
- elgesg : till / plow up(ground)🔉
- elgete'get : hoe / loosen soil with hoe🔉
- elg'g : cause soreness from sitting too long / cause body part to be sore (from being on it) / temporarily misshapen by pressing against🔉
- elgimatl : send someone / send over / send there🔉
- elgimsgwet, el'kimskwet : tiptoe over / sneak toward🔉
- elgitg : send forth / send over / send there🔉
- elgo'jing : face toward🔉
- elgomigtuatl : call out (for assistance)🔉
- elgusuet : to climb🔉
- elguta'latl, el'kuta'latl : pour on / pour into / pour toward🔉
- elguta'tat, el'kuta'tat : pour a drink for self🔉
- elguta'toq, el'kuta'toq : pour on / pour into / pour toward🔉
- eliaq : goes🔉
- eliatl : make / build🔉
- eliet : goes🔉
- eligjepilawet : make bottom part (of basket)🔉
- eligjipilg : weave bottom (of basket)🔉
- eligjo'gmuatl : bent over towards / turn buttocks toward🔉
- eligpete'get : make basket splints / pound ash🔉
- eligp'ta'q : smoke / smoke drifts toward🔉
- eligua'laq : liquid dripping down from an opening / leaks🔉
- eligua'lat : dripping down from / leaks🔉
- eligua'q : have grain (as of wood)🔉
- eliguet : have grain / lean toward🔉
- eligwalatl : scoop it towards / push towards🔉
- eligwatg : push it toward / pry toward🔉
- eli'pit : rush toward🔉
- elipqama'toq : roll toward / slide toward🔉
- elipqamu'latl : slide toward / roll toward🔉
- elipqamu'toq : slide toward / roll toward🔉
- eli'pugwet : stagger toward🔉
- eliputoq : rub toward / push toward / brush toward🔉
- eli'satl : sew🔉
- eli'sewatl : sew for🔉
- eli'sewet : sew🔉
- eli's'g : sew🔉
- elisgnualatl : braid / knit (sweater)🔉
- elisgnuaqan : knitting🔉
- elisgnuatg : braid / knit🔉
- elisgnuet : knit / weave / braid🔉
- elisqanapega'toq : cast on in knitting / cast off in knitting / weave base of basket🔉
- elist'g : disobey🔉
- elistuatl : disobey🔉
- elisugwit : paddle toward🔉
- elita'sit : depend on / count on🔉
- elita'sualatl : depend on / count on / trust🔉
- elita'suatg : depend on / count on / trust🔉
- eli'tuat : have a beard / have a mustache🔉
- eljaqatl : spread🔉
- eljaqq : spread / smear🔉
- ellutas'g : fenced🔉
- elmalqei : hole🔉
- elmalqe'ji'j : small hole🔉
- elm'joqteg : spread of food / setout (as table)🔉
- elmu'jing : bent towards something but away from speaker / bent away from / turned away from🔉
- eln'galatl : carry or pack on shoulder toward🔉
- eln'gatg : carry or pack on shoulder toward🔉
- eln'get : carry to on shoulder🔉
- elo'lajig : take in groups / move🔉
- eloqomgiatg : fit handle on🔉
- eloqomgwalatl : trim to fit🔉
- eloqomgwatoq : trim to fit🔉
- eloqosg : laid out (pipe)🔉
- eloqosing : lying stretched out / lie prone🔉
- eloqsatl : carve🔉
- eloqs'g : carve🔉
- eloqta's'g : shelf / trim🔉
- eloqtesmatl : fell (tree) toward / push down toward🔉
- eloqtestoq : fell (pipe) towards / push down towards🔉
- eloqtnema't : have bad breath🔉
- eloqwa'latl : lay down🔉
- eloqwa'toq : lay down🔉
- elpanigs'g, el'paniksîk : drifted up against / drifts (usually snow)🔉
- elpilatl : to send by rope or cable🔉
- elpilg : send toward by rope or cable or cord🔉
- elpiso'tulatl : bundle up (with scarf) / wrap🔉
- elpualatl, el'pualatl : want there🔉
- elpuatg, el'puatk : want there🔉
- elqamgwejat : brace to keep balance / brace to slow down🔉
- elqane'j : ground fish / any bottom feeder🔉
- elqawet : hang clothing🔉
- elqwanig : direction / heading / bearing🔉
- elqwanit : direction / heading / bearing🔉
- elsaqas'g : wall🔉
- elsaqas'gigtug : at the wall / on the wall🔉
- elsaqteg : layered / divided🔉
- elsegni'gan : brick house🔉
- Elsipugtug : Big Cove🔉
- elsita'sit : sole / instep / paw pad🔉
- elsma'latl : lay down🔉
- elsma'sit : lie down🔉
- elsumugwat : flee toward🔉
- eltaqaiaq : something long lying along a path / wind toward / string to / extend to🔉
- eltaqaiet : something long lying along a path / wind toward / string to / extend to🔉
- eltaqa'latl : laying something long along a path / wind toward / string to / extend to / drag toward / chase toward🔉
- eltaqanewet : spin (yarn)🔉
- eltaqa'q : spray / shoot toward🔉
- eltaqa'toq : string toward / drag toward / wind toward🔉
- eltaqsewet : cut strips(for basket making) / cut strips🔉
- eltaqte'get : weave / wire a message to / call by phone🔉
- elteg : leads to🔉
- elteja'latl, el'teja'latl : take by vehicle toward🔉
- elteja'toq, el'teja'toq : take by vehicle toward🔉
- eltesguatl : chase toward / kick toward🔉
- eltoq, el'toq : make / build / earn🔉
- el'tqeg : coiled🔉
- el'tqet : coiled🔉
- el'tqo'latl : coil (rope)🔉
- eltugwi'g, el'tukwi'k : run toward🔉
- eluatl : resemble🔉
- elue'wa'latl : fool / trick🔉
- elue'wiaq : crazy🔉
- elue'wiet : crazy🔉
- elue'wipnnatl : incites to wickedness / causes to be wicked🔉
- elue'wit : quick·tempered🔉
- eluggwalatl : follow to / follow toward🔉
- eluggwatg : follow to / follow toward🔉
- elugowatl : work for🔉
- elugtoq : carry toward on back / carry toward on shoulder🔉
- elugtulatl : carry on back / carry on shoulder(s) toward🔉
- elugwalatl : repair / prepare / fix🔉
- elu'gwalatl : point at🔉
- elugwatg : repair / fix🔉
- elu'gwatg : point at🔉
- elugwa'tl : work / make work🔉
- elugweg : operating / work🔉
- elu'gweg : point toward / leaning toward🔉
- elugwet : operates / work🔉
- elu'gwet : point toward🔉
- elugwetoq : use it to work🔉
- elu'gwit : something gets stuck in throat / choke (food)🔉
- elui'tmasit : take oath / swear / make pledge🔉
- elui'tmasuti : oath / pledge🔉
- elu'jing : bent(at waist) gaping toward / lean toward / crane toward🔉
- elulatl : give a task / ask to do something🔉
- elusgnawet : knead dough🔉
- elusgwatamit : spit🔉
- elutuatl : impersonate / imitate🔉
- emego'teget : treat badly / abuse🔉
- emego'tg : treat badly / abuse🔉
- emegwaltugwepit : messy hair / awful looking hairdo / bad hair day🔉
- emegwamugsit : look filthy / dirty appearance🔉
- emegwatalg : eat disgusting food / eat in a disgusting manner / messy eater🔉
- emegwe'g : act improperly / act disgustingly🔉
- emegweiwatl : treat badly / abuse🔉
- emisqapit : topless / naked on upper body🔉
- emisqa'sit : strip self nude🔉
- emisqatesing : strip dance / stripped quickly🔉
- emisqe'g : naked / bare🔉
- emisqo'tlatl : undress / strip naked🔉
- emittugwalatl : keep company / visit🔉
- emittugwatg : visits it🔉
- emittugwet : visit🔉
- emlsigtmat : hear a ghost / see a ghost / apparition of a spirit / spooked🔉
- emqatu'atl : give a loan / lend🔉
- emqatui'getoq : loan🔉
- emqatui'getoqol : use to lend out / lend him/her/it out🔉
- emqatuwi'get : gives loan or credit🔉
- emtesgatalg : fussy eater / eat fussily / finicky eater🔉
- emtesgit : conceited / arrogant / vain / snobbish🔉
- emtesgite'lmatl : think superior over / being arrogant toward / place oneself above🔉
- emtoqwalatl : worship🔉
- emtoqwatg : worship🔉
- enaqet : spread spruce boughs🔉
- enaqsit : laying on...🔉
- e'natl : lose🔉
- e'n'g : lose🔉
- engalatl : measure / weigh🔉
- engaqan : measurement🔉
- engatg : scale / measure / weigh🔉
- engejit : caterpillar🔉
- engemgewei : measuring instrument🔉
- enget : scale / measure (pertaining to wood)🔉
- engewatl : to scale(pertaining to pulpwood or logs) / to survey land🔉
- enma'latl : take home / take onward🔉
- enmapejit : carrot🔉
- enmateja'latl : convey onward / drive home (in vehicle)🔉
- enmateja'sit : hurry onward / hurry home🔉
- enmateja'toq : driving onward / convey home (in vehicle)🔉
- enma'toq : take onward / take home🔉
- enmawlalatl : carry home / carry onward🔉
- enmawlatg : carry home on back or shoulder(s) / carry onward on back or shoulder(s)🔉
- enmejepit : sit facing the other direction / sit with back turned🔉
- enmejepuguit : stand with back toward viewer / stand with back facing viewer🔉
- enmejeteg : set facing the other direction🔉
- enm'gate'pit : trot onward or home / scoot onward or home / beat it home🔉
- enmiaq : goes home / goes onward / when (it comes to pass)🔉
- enmiet : goes home / goes onward🔉
- enmigiaq : falling of the tide / receding (tide)🔉
- enmigimatl : send home🔉
- enmigitg : send home🔉
- enmigjepit : sits backwards / reversed🔉
- enmigjesing : lie facing away / lie facing the other direction🔉
- enmigjeteg : it sits backwards / reversed🔉
- enmigjo'gwet : stooped over facing away / bent over with buttocks up🔉
- Enmigtaqamu'g : Nova Scotian mainland🔉
- enmilugweg : works until...🔉
- enmilugwet : work until...(midnight)🔉
- enmipgowe'g : along edge of cliff🔉
- enmipisgwa't : in process of entering / entering towards🔉
- enmisa'tgwatp'tesing : run with hair bobbing up and down🔉
- enmitg : flow away🔉
- enmlamit : gasp🔉
- enml'ga't : walk onward / walk home🔉
- enmnqwe'set : go home quickly / go on the way quickly🔉
- enmoqowet : carry (pertaining to voice)🔉
- enmoqtesing : stagger onward / stagger home🔉
- enm'tesguatl : chase onward / chase home🔉
- enmuggwalatl : follow onward / follow home🔉
- enmuggwatg : follow onward / follow home🔉
- ennma'latl : stick (needle) into / pierce / embed into🔉
- ennma's'g : stick into / pierce / embed into🔉
- ennma'sit : stick into / pierce🔉
- ennma'toq : stick it into / pierces it into / embed in🔉
- ennmig : penetrate into / pierces into / embedded in🔉
- ennmit : stick into / pierces into / embedded in🔉
- ennmta'tl : hammer in / drive in / embed in🔉
- ennmte'g : drive in / hammer in / embed in🔉
- ennmtesg : sticks into (unassisted) / sticks into (when going along) / penetrates by falling / pierces / embeds itself🔉
- ennmtesing : stick into (unassisted) / sticks into (when going along) / penetrates by falling / pierces / embeds itself🔉
- ennmtesmatl : throw to penetrate into / stick (knife) into by force🔉
- ennmtestoq : drive it into something by force / throw to penetrate into / stick into by force🔉
- ennmtestuatl : stick it into someone by force / drive it into someone by force🔉
- enqa'latl : halt / stop🔉
- enqanapit : beneath surface🔉
- enqanateg : beneath surface🔉
- enqapit : standstill / stopped🔉
- enqa's'g : stop🔉
- enqa'sit : come to a stop🔉
- enqateg : at a standstill / stopped🔉
- enqa'toq : brings it to a stop🔉
- entoq : lose🔉
- epa'latl : seat🔉
- epa'sit : sit down🔉
- epa'sualatl : sit on... / sit next to...🔉
- epa'suatg : sit on🔉
- epatgupuguig : standing in contact with / standing leaning against something🔉
- epatgupuguit : standing in contact with / standing leaning against something🔉
- epatgwa'latl : place against🔉
- epatgwa'toq : place it against... / push it against... / lean it against...🔉
- epatgwepit : leaning against / leaning up against🔉
- epatgweteg : leaning against / leaning up against🔉
- epatgwigsma'latl : push him/her against something🔉
- epatgwigsma'toq : push it(sofa) against something🔉
- epatuepit : set against something🔉
- epatueteg : set against something🔉
- Epegwitg : Prince Edward Island / calm water🔉
- epetoqsit : groan / make moans🔉
- epgenatl : fertilize🔉
- epgeng : fertilize🔉
- epgenign : manure / fertilizer🔉
- epipnatg : make bread / bake bread🔉
- epipnet : bake bread🔉
- epistamit : using a piece of food dipped in
milk, syrup, or broth and eating it / sop up (with bread)🔉
- epit : sitting / seated / placed / located🔉
- e'pit : woman🔉
- e'pite'ji'j : young girl🔉
- e'pite's : young woman / unmarried woman🔉
- e'pite'su'et : becomes a young woman / menarche / enter womanhood🔉
- e'pite'su'qamigsit : act like young (unmarried) woman🔉
- e'pitewe'get : go to seek a woman🔉
- e'pitewe'sm : womanizer / woman-chaser🔉
- e'pitewit : is a woman🔉
- epitg : brood / sit on / hatch🔉
- epoqeg : slightly warm🔉
- eppa'q : warm liquid🔉
- eppaqsijig : warm (as in milk) / luke warm🔉
- eppaqsit : warm liquid🔉
- eppeteg : lukewarm liquid / lukewarm water🔉
- epqwalatl : shelter🔉
- epqwa's'g : temporary shelter🔉
- epqwas'gewei : roof🔉
- epqwatg : shelter🔉
- epsaqtejg : stove🔉
- epsatl : heat / warm up🔉
- epseweg : radiates heat / give heat🔉
- epsewet : radiate heat / give heat🔉
- eps'g : heat / warm up🔉
- epsguninet : have dry tuberculosis🔉
- epsimgewei : fever🔉
- epsimgeweia'sit : becomes feverish🔉
- epsit : feeling of hot body temperature / hot🔉
- epsmat : keep own space hot / maintain dwelling at a high temperature / have own place at high temperature🔉
- epsmusi : Mountain ash🔉
- eptaqan : dish / plate🔉
- eptaqano'guom : china cabinet / cupboard🔉
- epteg : hot / hot temperature🔉
- eptegwat : have freckles / freckled🔉
- eptegwati : freckle🔉
- eptoqalatl : leave in care of somebody / leave for safekeeping / temporarily custody🔉
- eptoqatg : leave in care of somebody / leave for safekeeping🔉
- epugtaqanat : have heartburn🔉
- epune'g : below / downstairs🔉
- e's : clam🔉
- esamqwat : drink🔉
- esamqwatg : drink it / drinks of it🔉
- esamuqo'tlatl : give a drink to🔉
- esa'tl : send away / dismiss / banish / fire🔉
- ese'g : send away / refuse / banish / turn down🔉
- e'se'get : dig for clams🔉
- esetegja'latl : move backward🔉
- esetegjapegit : crawl backwards🔉
- esetegja's'g : moves backwards🔉
- esetegja'sit : move backwards🔉
- esetegja'toq : move it backwards🔉
- esetegjipija'sit : enter backwards🔉
- esetigsma'toq : push to the side🔉
- esge'g : raw / uncooked🔉
- esgig : green / not dryed(firewood) / uncured🔉
- Esgigewa'gi : Third Mi'gmaq district🔉
- esgipa'tl : wait / expect🔉
- esgipetoq : wait / expect🔉
- esgit : green(of foliage) / uncured🔉
- esgmalatl : wait for🔉
- esgmat : await / wait🔉
- esgmatg : wait for🔉
- esgmoqon : slime🔉
- esgmoqonig : slimy🔉
- esgmoqonit : slimy🔉
- esgoqsit : undercooked / left untouched by fire🔉
- esgoqteg : undercooked / left untouched by fire🔉
- esg'patl : eat raw🔉
- Esg'soqonig : Eskasoni🔉
- esg'tamit : eat raw food🔉
- esg'tg : eat raw🔉
- esg'tmm'gewei : cucumber / something to be eaten raw🔉
- esgutesmatl : he/she broke all but one / keep one unbroken🔉
- esgwiaq : leftover / remainder🔉
- esgwiet : leftover / remainder🔉
- esiamgeg : Campbellton, New Brunswick🔉
- esintesg'g : pack down / stamp down🔉
- esintesguaji : pack down / stamp down🔉
- esipulatl : sharpen / file / grind🔉
- esiputoq : sharpen / file / grind🔉
- esma'teg : neat and tidy🔉
- esmatl : feed🔉
- esnaqamigeg : solid ground / firm ground🔉
- espeg : leak🔉
- espe'g : important / high in rank / important / high in rank🔉
- espet : leak🔉
- espi'sit : use high·sounding language🔉
- esp'pit : sit (or set) up high / high on drugs (slang)🔉
- esp'puguig : stand tall / stand on higher plane🔉
- esp'puguit : stand on higher plane / stand up high / hold high rank🔉
- esp'teg : sit (or set) high up🔉
- espulqeg : deep hole🔉
- essatl : dye🔉
- essawiaqan : dye🔉
- ess'g : dye🔉
- essit : ripe🔉
- essu'tmuatl : blame🔉
- eta : so / thus / therefore / it is (thus) / indeed / truly / this way (affirmation) / like this (affirmation) / like that (affirmation) / like so (affirmation)🔉
- etamatl : ask for something of him/her / ask / request🔉
- etawaqtmat : beg / ask for favor🔉
- etawaqtmuatl : ask for a favor / beg for🔉
- etawet : beg favor / request🔉
- eteg : be at / situated / placed / located🔉
- etegjigsma'latl : push backwards🔉
- etegjigsma'toq : push backwards🔉
- etepna'tl : catch up with🔉
- etepne'g : catch up with🔉
- etlanqatesg : shimmer (heat) / flap in breeze🔉
- etlapenatl : massaging his/her body / feeling his/her body🔉
- etlapensit : feeling one's body / massage one's self🔉
- etlapu'teg : brew🔉
- etlaqqisewet : hollering🔉
- etlatalg : eat🔉
- etlenmit : laugh🔉
- etlewistoq : talk🔉
- etliatl : making🔉
- etligmiet : boiling🔉
- etligp'ta'q : smoke / steam🔉
- etligp'ta't : smoking / steaming🔉
- etligtugunit : spend the night / pass the night🔉
- etligu'niet : bleed profusely / bleed heavily🔉
- etlinisigu'niet : bleed down🔉
- etlintoq : sing🔉
- etlintuatg : singing it🔉
- etlipiasatl : dry / cure (plank)🔉
- etlipiasg : dry / cure (wood)🔉
- etlipiasit : dry🔉
- etlipiateg : drying up / cure (of green wood)🔉
- etlipulatl : rub / stroke / pet🔉
- etliputoq : rub / stroke / pet🔉
- etlite'lmatl : expect / suspect🔉
- etlite'tg : expect / suspect / think🔉
- etlitoq : create / make🔉
- etllugweg : work🔉
- etllugwet : working / work there / place of work🔉
- etloqsatl : cook🔉
- etloqs'g : cook / bake🔉
- etloqsit : cooking / sun-bathing🔉
- etloqteg : cooking🔉
- etlsegnatl, etl'seknatl : construct or build with brick or cement blocks🔉
- etlsegng : construct or build with brick or cement blocks🔉
- etlta'tl, etl'ta'tl : beat / strike / hit🔉
- etlte'g, etl'te'k : beat on / strum / play(musical instrument) / hit / knock🔉
- etltemit, etl'temit : cry🔉
- etltesg, etl'tesk : beat or move rythmically / shake🔉
- etltesing, etl'tesink : where one got struck / where one got injured / beat or move rythmically / dance / shake🔉
- etltoqsit : make loud sound🔉
- e'tmapit : sit (set) forefront / be at forefront / located at forefront🔉
- e'tmapuguit : stand at the forefront🔉
- e'tmateg : is (set) at forefront / in front🔉
- etmgwiet : recovering from illness🔉
- etna : well! / well then! / okay then!🔉
- etnana : that's the one! / that's it!🔉
- etnesing : brood (of bird) / nest (as bird)🔉
- etoq : build nest🔉
- etoqatesing : cornered and can't move / hit the wall🔉
- etoqtalatl : roast / bake / cook🔉
- etoqtasit : roast🔉
- etoqtatg : roast / bake / cook🔉
- etoqtet : roast / bake🔉
- etteg : ripe🔉
- etug : perhaps / should?🔉
- etugjel : maybe / perhaps🔉
- etu'gutewei : scapular🔉
- etu'gwesmit : rest head on🔉
- etuiw : on both sides🔉
- etulgomit : hold or carry something under arm🔉
- e'watl : use / make use🔉
- ewe'ga'latl : loosen🔉
- ewega'tl : make use / needs🔉
- ewe'ga'toq : loosen🔉
- ewe'ge'g : roomy / uncrowded🔉
- ewegetoq : make use / need🔉
- ewe'gisga'latl : exercise / break in🔉
- ewe'gisga'lsit : stretch / loosen up bones and muscles🔉
- ewe'gisga'toq : loosens / break in🔉
- ewe'g'pit : loose🔉
- ewe'g'teg : loose🔉
- e'w'g : use / make use🔉
- ewi'gat : build house / make camp or dwelling🔉
- ewi'g'g : write / mark down🔉
- ewi'gigeg : write🔉
- ewi'gigemgewei : notepad / pen / pencil / object used for writing🔉
- ewi'giget : write🔉
- ewi'gmuatl : write a letter to / write to🔉
- ewi'tatl : mention / name🔉
- ewi't'g : mention / name🔉
- ewjo'lajig : transport🔉
- ewjo'toqol : transport🔉
- ewlamgwiet : become peaked / become sickly in appearance / become run down🔉
- ewlamsn : tornado / gale / hurricane🔉
- ewlamugsit : be peaked / sickly in appearance / run down in appearance🔉
- ewlapewit : have a sad expression / look sad / look wan / look sickly🔉
- ewle'jg : poor / poor condition🔉
- ewle'jit : unfortunate / needy / poor / poor condition🔉
- ewle'juaqan : poverty / hard times🔉
- ewle'juinu : poor person / forlorn person🔉
- ewllugwet : poor quality work / badly done work🔉
- ewlmaje'g : suffer🔉
- ewnasa'sit, ewnasa'sit : misconduct / misbehave / act foolish🔉
- ewnasgwa'latl : make dizzy🔉
- ewnasgwatpa'latl : confuse / drive crazy / make dizzy🔉
- ewnasgwatpetesing : dazed from a fall / confused from a head injury🔉
- ewnasgwetesing : dizzy caused by a blow or fall / dazed caused by a blow or fall / confused caused by a blow or fall / dizzy caused by a lot of head movement🔉
- ewnasgwiet : dizzy🔉
- ewnasiaq : gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy / confused🔉
- ewnasiet : confused / gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy🔉
- ewnasimgnajig : pick up in a disorganized way / pick in a muddled manner / choose in a jumbled way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewnasimgnasit : gather or pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Bear River)🔉
- ewnasimgngl : pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewnasising : lie awkwardly / lie in uncomfortable looking manner🔉
- ewne'g : blue / foggy (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewniaq : turn blue / get foggy (Nova Scotia)🔉
- ewsa'latl : threaten / shake / rough up🔉
- ewsa'toq : pretend to hit / threaten to hit🔉
- ewsa'tuatl : make threatening motion / feign threatening motion / lift hand in a threatening motion / raise fist in a threatening motion🔉
- ewsgwapeg : twitch🔉
- ewsgwapet : twitch🔉
- ewsgwit : sneeze🔉
- ewsimatl : joke / bluff / kid🔉
- ewsinpat : feign sleep / pretend to sleep🔉
- ewsitutg : show off🔉
- ewt'pasg'g : sit on🔉
- ewt'pasguatl : sit on🔉
- ewt'pa'sitl : sits on / sit down atop🔉
- ewt'pa'sualatl : sit on top of / sit atop🔉
- ewt'pa'suatg : sit on top of / sit atop🔉
- ewupniaq : calming storm🔉
- Gaggnawa'gi : Caughnawaga🔉
- gajjamu'g : of mixed colors / unpleasant (ugly) color🔉
- gajjamugsit : (ugly) unpleasant color🔉
- gajuewj : cat🔉
- gajuewji'j : kitten🔉
- ga'l : one quarter (of time, etc.)🔉
- gale'mewit : observe lent🔉
- gale'mewumg : Lent🔉
- galgunawei : hard cookie / hardtack / biscuit🔉
- galiset : flannelette / flannel🔉
- galiulg : sleigh🔉
- Galla'ing : New Carlisle, QC🔉
- galqign : earwax🔉
- galqwasiet : sunset🔉
- gamlamit : breathe🔉
- gamso'q : Canso, NS🔉
- Ganata : Canada🔉
- ganaties : Canadian🔉
- ganatie'si's : young Canadian male🔉
- ganatiesui'sgw : Canadian woman🔉
- ganatiesui'sgwe'j : young Canadian female🔉
- ganie'wit : profit / gain / win / earn / gain weight🔉
- gapiten : captain🔉
- gapjagwej : robin🔉
- gapji'j : cup🔉
- gapsgu'j : little waterfall🔉
- gapsguji'j : tiny waterfall🔉
- gapsgw : waterfall🔉
- gapsgwamgitg : rapid water / rapid water preceeding a waterfall🔉
- gaqalamiet : out of breath🔉
- gaqalamit : stop breathing🔉
- gaqa'latl : complete / finish / terminate / end🔉
- gaqaliteg : snow all melted🔉
- gaqalugweg : finished working / stop working🔉
- gaqalugwet : finished working🔉
- gaqama's'g : stand up / become erect🔉
- gaqama'sit : stand up🔉
- gaqama'sualatl : witness (at wedding, in court) / maid of honour (at wedding) / best man (at wedding)🔉
- gaqamgleg : finished burning🔉
- gaqamglet : finished burning🔉
- gaqamig : stand🔉
- gaqamit : stand🔉
- gaqamu'tm'gewei : patience🔉
- gaqamutoq : challenge / stand against / put up with🔉
- gaqamutuatl : challenge someone / stand up to / put up with🔉
- ga'qan : door🔉
- ga'qanei : entranceway / door🔉
- gaqanu'gwa'teget : finish burning🔉
- gaqanu'gwa'toq : finish burning up🔉
- gaqapiasit : dried up / finished drying up / finished drying out / thoroughly dry🔉
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry🔉
- gaqapija'latl : hang up🔉
- gaqapija'toq : hang up🔉
- gaqapijing : hung up🔉
- gaqapitg : it hangs🔉
- ga'qaquj : crow🔉
- ga'qasia't : lips are numb from eating too many rubarb🔉
- gaqa'teget : finished doing something / finish a task🔉
- gaqa'toq : complete / finish / finish a task / terminate / end🔉
- gaqawa's'g : go by quickly🔉
- gaqawa'sit : go by quickly🔉
- gaqe'g : rough texture / not slick / non-slippery🔉
- gaqg'g : wear out (clothing article)🔉
- gaqgmat : wear out clothes🔉
- gaqguatl : wear out (clothing article)🔉
- gaqiaq : comes to an end / finished / ended🔉
- gaqiet : exhausted / come to an end / finished / ended🔉
- gaqiga'lsit : maximum effort / puts all of himself/herself in🔉
- gaqigjijiatl : know all about🔉
- gaqigji'toq : know all about🔉
- gaqi'gwesmat : finished bearing or producing children🔉
- gaqi'sg : often / frequently / many times🔉
- gaqi'sisgegipuna'q : so many years old🔉
- gaqi'sisgegipuna't : so many years old🔉
- gaqjeg : brittle🔉
- gaqjet : brittle🔉
- gaqoqsit : burned through / finished cooking🔉
- gaqoqteg : burned through🔉
- gaqo'tg : exhaust supply / use up🔉
- gaqpesaw : smelt🔉
- gaqsatl : burn🔉
- gaqs'g : burn🔉
- gaqsit : burn🔉
- gaqsusit : unintentionally burns oneself / accidentally burns oneself🔉
- gaqtaqaiaq : end of trail / end of something linear🔉
- gaqtaqaiet : the end of (a rope or string) / end of something linear🔉
- gaqta'tl : finish striking or beating🔉
- gaqteg : burn🔉
- gaqtesgmat : wear out footwear🔉
- gaqtugwaw : thunder🔉
- gaqtugwawig : thunder🔉
- gaqtugwewe'sm : Thunderer (mythical spirit)🔉
- ga's : train🔉
- gasa'latl : wipe off / erase🔉
- gasapueg : wash away / wash off🔉
- gasapuet : wash away / wash off🔉
- gasa'taqanei : cleaning cloth / dish cloth🔉
- ga'satl : wipe🔉
- gasa'toq : wipe off / erase🔉
- ga's'g : wipe🔉
- gasg'ptnnaqan : one hundred / hundred (in counting)🔉
- gasg'ptnnaqanipuna't : one hundred years old🔉
- ga'sign : kitchen towel / dish towel🔉
- gasigo's'ti : towel / bath towel / hand towel🔉
- gasigo's'ti'j : face cloth / small towel🔉
- gasiptna'sit : wash hands🔉
- gasplutuatl : repeats after him/her / imitates him/her / mimicks him/her🔉
- gastio'mi : molasses / syrup🔉
- gast'pl : police officer🔉
- gastug : Canada yew / Ground hemlock🔉
- ga't : eel🔉
- ga'tewe'get : hunt eels / catch eels🔉
- ga'tomi : eelskin🔉
- gatu : but / however / for instance / what about? / what if? / in spite of🔉
- gawaqtejg : gooseberry🔉
- gawaqtejgumusi : gooseberry bush🔉
- gawasga'latl : turn to opposite direction / turn around🔉
- gawasga's'g : turns around🔉
- gawasga'sit : turns around🔉
- gawasga'toq : turn it around🔉
- gawasgega'latl : turn over🔉
- gawasgega'toq : turn it over🔉
- gawasgeget : flip / turn it over quickly🔉
- gawasgisma'sit : turn self over while in lying down / turn over in bed🔉
- gawasg'pa'q : reversing tide / reverses🔉
- gawasg'pa'sit : turn around while seated🔉
- gawasg'smtesing : turn over quickly while prone / turn over quickly in bed🔉
- gawasg'tniaq : change direction, of wind🔉
- gawasgui't'g : say in reverse / say backwards🔉
- gawatgw : spruce tree🔉
- gawi : porcupine quill🔉
- gawiei : quill work / made of quills🔉
- gawigsaw : thorn / thistle🔉
- gawigso'musi : thorn wood genus🔉
- gawioqolaqan : quill box🔉
- gegapniet : rises before dawn🔉
- geget : soon / almost🔉
- geggunas'g : held for safekeeping / kept for safekeeping🔉
- geggunasit : kept (for safekeeping) / held (for safekeeping)🔉
- geggunatl : have / possess🔉
- geggunawet : godparent🔉
- geggung : have / possess🔉
- gegina'masit : study / learn🔉
- gegina'matimgewei : lesson / teaching material / book🔉
- gegina'muatl : teach🔉
- gegina'muet : teach🔉
- gegna'latl : decorate / trim (Christmas tree)🔉
- gegna'sit : dress up🔉
- gegna'toq : decorate🔉
- gegnesit : dressed up🔉
- gegno'tlatl : dress / cloth🔉
- gegnua'latl : do correctly or properly🔉
- gegnua'teget : inform / do what is proper or correct🔉
- gegnua'toq : do correctly or properly🔉
- gegnua'tuatl : inform / notify🔉
- gegnue'g : respectful / live according to proper upbringing / certain time / special / certain thing🔉
- gegnu'giljet : read correctly / read properly🔉
- gegnugwalatl : mark / number / alphabetize🔉
- gegnugwatg : mark / number / alphabetize🔉
- gegnugwatiget : mark made to indicate a place / blaze🔉
- gegnuimatl : advise / instruct / speak truthfully / speak frankly🔉
- gegnu'lugwet : work properly🔉
- gegnu'qamigsit : act accordingly / behave appropriately / behave🔉
- gegnu'telg : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately🔉
- gegnu'teluatl : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately / shoot accurately / shoot in the right place🔉
- gegnu'tmasit : learns🔉
- gegnu'tmuatl : teach / demonstrate🔉
- ge'goqpit : lie on top and across🔉
- ge'goqteg : lie atop / lie on top🔉
- gegpewisg : dew / morning dew🔉
- ge'gulusgwa'latl : put arms around shoulder / hug🔉
- ge'gupa'latl : put on top / place atop🔉
- ge'gupa'sit : get on top of🔉
- ge'gupit : sit on top🔉
- ge'gupn : hilltop🔉
- ge'gupuguit : stand on the top🔉
- ge'guteg : on the top🔉
- ge'gutesg : land on top of / fall on top of🔉
- ge'gutesing : land on top / jump on top🔉
- ge'gwa'latl : place on the top🔉
- Ge'gwapsgug : at the top of the falls / Pabineau🔉
- gegwa's'g : move slowly🔉
- ge'gwa's'g : moves onto the top🔉
- gegwa'sit : move slowly🔉
- ge'gwa'toq : place on the top🔉
- ge'gwatpan : top of the head🔉
- gegwe'g : is a slowpoke / slow-moving / is a slowpoke / slow-moving🔉
- ge'gwei : up above / upstairs🔉
- gegwi'pit : run slowly / goes slowly🔉
- ge'gwi'pit : run onto the top🔉
- ge'gwising : lie on the top🔉
- ge'gwisma'latl : lay on the top / lay on top of🔉
- ge'gwisma'toq : lay on the top / lay on top of🔉
- geitapaqte'g : drive in (as nail)🔉
- geiteget : intelligent / knowledgeable🔉
- geitmg : it is known / known🔉
- geitoq : know about / know / have knowledge of / aware of🔉
- gejgapa'latl : leave a scratch mark / scratches🔉
- gejgapa'toq : leave a scratch mark / scratches🔉
- gejgapeta'tl : scratches quickly🔉
- gejiatl : aware / know about / have knowledge of🔉
- geji'gas'g : corner closet / enclosed space in corner of room / corner🔉
- gejigiaq : corner🔉
- gejigow : recently / short while ago🔉
- gejimoqpit : sits obstructing the way🔉
- gejimoqteg : is obstructing the way🔉
- gelapaqatl : screw / fasten🔉
- gelapaqq : screw / fasten🔉
- gelapaqta'tl : tack something on / attach with nails / tack on with nails / stitch on or together temporarily🔉
- gelapaqte'g : tack something on / attach with nails / tack on with nails / stitch on or together temporarily🔉
- geleiwatl : protect / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping🔉
- gelg'g : hold down with body weight / hold closed with body weight🔉
- gelguatl : hold down with body weight🔉
- gelgwisge'g : sprained / fractured🔉
- gelgwisgetesg : sprained (due fall or strain) / fractured🔉
- gelgwisgetestoq : fracture / sprain🔉
- geliget : protect / guard / watch over🔉
- gelisga'latl : take by the hand while walking / take hold arm in arm🔉
- geljit : frozen / freeze🔉
- gelo'tg : guard / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping🔉
- gelpilatl : tie up🔉
- gelpilg : tie up🔉
- geltaqanatl : hold by a leash / restrain (by leash or rope)🔉
- geltaqpilatl : tie with a rope🔉
- geltaqpilg : tie it up with a rope🔉
- gelta'tl : put claim / put deposit on / retainer / down payment on / give temporary relief to / prop up suddenly, quickly, temporarily / catch or hold in place temporarily🔉
- gelte'g : put claim / deposit / retainer / down payment on🔉
- gelt'g : frozen🔉
- gelulatl : speak to🔉
- gelu'lg : good / nice🔉
- geluluet : request permission from parents to marry their child🔉
- gelu'si'ji'jit : very small and somewhat good🔉
- gelusit : speak / talk🔉
- gelu'sit : good / nice🔉
- gelutg : request / ask for🔉
- gemutmatl : steal from🔉
- gemutnalatl : kidnap / steal🔉
- gemutnatg : steal🔉
- gemutneg : steal / cheat🔉
- gemutnet : steal / cheat🔉
- gennatl : hold / put aside🔉
- genn'g : hold🔉
- gepaqs'te'g : guess it correctly🔉
- gepa'tat : have hoarse voice🔉
- Gepeg : Quebec🔉
- gepe'g : blocked / plugged (of ear or nose)🔉
- gepiet : become hoarse🔉
- gepijoqwa'latl : put the lid on / close / block / plug🔉
- gepijoqwa'toq : put the lid on / close / block / plug🔉
- gepi'sit : speak huskily / speak hoarsely🔉
- gepistaqanat : deaf🔉
- gepitnetoqsit : sounds nasal / sounds hoarse🔉
- gepjoqiget : lock up🔉
- gepjoqign : bottle cover / lid / plug / cork🔉
- gepjoqi'satl : sew up / sew shut / sew closed🔉
- gepjoqi's'g : sew up / seam / sew shut / sew closed🔉
- gepjoqpit : plugged / it is closed / blocked / shut🔉
- gepjoqta'tl : plug up by pounding / shut by hammering / lock someone in / nail shut / close quickly / shut quickly / shut by pounding🔉
- gepjoqteg : plugged / blocked / closed🔉
- gepjoqte'g : plug up by pounding / pound shut / nail shut🔉
- gepmite'lmatl : honor / pay homage / respect🔉
- gepmite'tg : honor / pay homage / respect🔉
- gepsaqa'latl : close / shut🔉
- gepsaqa'toq : shut / close🔉
- gepsga'latl : put to sleep🔉
- gepsgiet : drift off to sleep🔉
- gepsoqatl : lock up🔉
- gepsoqpit : closed / shut🔉
- gepsoqq : lock in / lock🔉
- gepsoqteg : closed / shut🔉
- gepta'latl : take down / unload / remove from / let off🔉
- geptaqalatl : throw off🔉
- geptaqtoq : throw off from the top🔉
- gepta's'g : get off atop / get out of🔉
- gepta'sit : get off of / get out of🔉
- gepta'toq : take down from the top / unload / remove from the top or inside🔉
- geptegetl : throws off🔉
- gep't'g : frozen over (water)🔉
- gept'gewigu's : November🔉
- gept'jiegetl : throws off🔉
- ge's : while / during🔉
- gesalatl : like / love🔉
- gesa'latl : hurt🔉
- gesaltimgewei : act of love🔉
- gesaluejijit : burdock bur / burdock🔉
- gesaluet : love🔉
- gesaqeg : steep🔉
- gesaqet : steep🔉
- gesaqtiat : diarrhea🔉
- gesaseg : shine / shines bright / bright🔉
- gesaset : shine / shines bright / bright🔉
- gesasit : shining bright🔉
- gesateg : bright🔉
- gesatg : like / enjoys / love🔉
- ge's'g : just a minute! / hold on!🔉
- gesga'latl : make disappear🔉
- gesgamu'g : blurred / looks wide / appears wide🔉
- gesgamugsit : blurred / looks wide🔉
- gesgamugwa'latl : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve🔉
- gesgamugwa's'g : dissolving / disappearing / vanishing🔉
- gesgamugwa'sit : disappearing / dissolving / vanishing🔉
- gesgamugwa'toq : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve🔉
- gesgamugwiaq : fade away / fade out of sight🔉
- gesgamugwiet : fade away / fade out of sight🔉
- Gesgapegiaq : Gesgapegiaq, Quebec / Where the river widens🔉
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider🔉
- gesga't : lost🔉
- gesgatesg : disappear in flash / vanish🔉
- gesgatesing : disappear in flash / vanish🔉
- gesga'toq : make disappear / make wider🔉
- gesge'g : wide / wide🔉
- gesgelmatl : hold dearly / reluctant to part with🔉
- gesgelt'g : hold dearly / reluctant to part with🔉
- gesgiaqasit : has a broad back🔉
- gesgija'latl : place over / put over🔉
- gesgijaqsing : fly over🔉
- gesgija'sit : go over / climb over / pass over🔉
- gesgija'toq : place over / put over🔉
- gesgiss'g : pass over in the air🔉
- gesgissing : pass over in the air / fly over🔉
- gesgitlmaqanat : have broad shoulders🔉
- gesgitlmaqasit : broad shouldered / broad·beamed🔉
- gesgma'latl : take by shortcut / bring by shortest route🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa'latl : make someone see things that are not there / perform magic🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa't : see things that are not there / see a mirage / see an optical illusion🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa'teget : do magic tricks / produces illusions🔉
- gesgmaplgigwa'toq : make someone see things that are not there / do magic🔉
- gesgma'qa'latl : causes shivers🔉
- gesgma'qiet : shivers up spine / shudder🔉
- gesgma'sit : take shortcut🔉
- gesgma'toq : take or bring by shortest route / take it on a shortcut🔉
- gesgmnaq : before🔉
- gesgmteg : shortcut🔉
- gesgoqomaqasit : broad beamed🔉
- gesgugg : heavy🔉
- gesgulg : heavy🔉
- gesgulqeg : wide and deep (canoe, chair)🔉
- gesgunasit : carry(by hand) heavy load🔉
- gesgust'g : overhear🔉
- gesgustuatl : overhear🔉
- gesguta'tl : catch red-handed / catch by surprise🔉
- gesgute'g : catch on time / get in time🔉
- gesgutesg'g : just in time / get there on time before it departs / get there on time just before it starts🔉
- gesgutesgmat : on time (for) / just in time🔉
- gesgutesguatl : caught in the act / catch by surprise / catch on time🔉
- gesiangamatl : stare🔉
- gesiangapt'g : stare🔉
- gesig : winter🔉
- gesigaq : slides fast🔉
- gesigat : slides fast🔉
- gesigawa's'g : goes at high speed / move fast🔉
- gesigawa'sit : goes at high speed / move fast🔉
- gesigawatpi'pit : run fast with head bobbing🔉
- gesigawewo'gwet : speak loudly / speak quickly / speak loudly and quickly🔉
- gesigawi'pit : moving fast / scooting along quickly🔉
- gesigawitg : flow swiftly / swift current🔉
- gesigawitnet : snort / snore loudly🔉
- gesigawlamit : breathe hard and fast🔉
- gesigawlugweg : works quickly🔉
- gesigawlugwet : works fast / works non-stop / works quickly🔉
- gesigawta'q : make loud noise / make loud sound🔉
- gesigawtewesigeg : make loud report (as cannon or gun)
- gesigawtewesiget : make loud report (as cannon or gun)🔉
- gesigawtoqsit : make loud sound with voice🔉
- gesigawweg : loud🔉
- gesigawwet : talk loud / makes a loud noise with voice / shouts🔉
- gesigewei : associated with winter / winter one / associated with winter / winter one🔉
- gesigewigu's : December / winter moon🔉
- gesigsnugwat : very sick🔉
- gesima'q : have strong odor / have strong scent🔉
- gesimaqapsgeg : very large and round🔉
- gesimaqapsg'sit : very large and round🔉
- gesima't : have strong odor🔉
- gesimlgignat : very strong🔉
- gesimt'g : cry hard / wail🔉
- gesipa'latl : relieve an itch by scratching / scratch🔉
- gesipatl : painful bite / hurt by biting / hurt by biting hard🔉
- gesipa'toq : scratch / relives an itch by scratching🔉
- gesipa'tuaj : scratches it🔉
- gesipa'tuatl : scratches it🔉
- gesipgueg : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)🔉
- gesipguet : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)🔉
- gesipiaq : itchy🔉
- gesipiemgewei : eczema / itchiness🔉
- gesipiet : itchy🔉
- gesipta'tl : scratch with an object / scratch🔉
- gesipte'g : quick scratch / a distracted scratch / scratch with an object🔉
- gesipto'sit : scratch self (like an animal)🔉
- gesipualatl : want very much / covet🔉
- gesipuatg : wants very much / covet🔉
- gesisewigna't : very weak(from being ill)🔉
- gesispa'latl : wash🔉
- gesispa'lsit : wash self / take bath🔉
- gesispapalatl : sponge bath / hose down🔉
- gesispapalsit : wash slightly and hastily / take sponge bath / cursory bath🔉
- gesispapatoq : wash slightly and hastily🔉
- gesispa'tegemgewei : object pertaining to washing🔉
- gesispa'teget : wash (floors)🔉
- gesispa'toq : wash🔉
- gesistaqnewet : wash clothes / do laundry🔉
- gesita'tl : hit hard / beat-up badly🔉
- gesite'lmatl : think highly of / especially fond of / extremely fond of / proud🔉
- gesitesing : get hurt badly (from a fall or an accident)🔉
- gesite'tg : think highly of / really, especially, or extremely fond of / proud / value🔉
- gesite'wet : very attractive🔉
- gesitewipnet : groan🔉
- gesitowaqji'jit : very short🔉
- gesleg : stink🔉
- geslet : stink / smell🔉
- gesma'latl : push🔉
- gesmapewit : strange looking / weird looking / unusual looking🔉
- gesmaqalatl : shove🔉
- gesmaqtoq : shove🔉
- gesma'toq : push🔉
- gesmeget : shove🔉
- gesmigit : shapely / well·built / well·proportioned🔉
- gesmi'sit : speak in odd or unusual way / speak with a heavy accent🔉
- gesmjiegetl : shoves🔉
- gesmoqja'latl : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)🔉
- gesmoqja'toq : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)🔉
- gesmoqjeget : give a quick push / give a quick shove🔉
- gesm'pisit : strangely dressed / well dressed / fancily dressed🔉
- gesmtesg'g : move by bumping / shove🔉
- gesmtesguatl : move by bumping🔉
- gesnoqowite'tg : not take seriously / not think highly of / disrespect / disregard🔉
- gesnuguig : hurt / uncomfortably sore / ache🔉
- gesnuguit : ache / hurt / sore🔉
- gesnugwaj : ache / hurt / sore / uncomfortably sore🔉
- gesnugwapewit : looks sick🔉
- gesnugwat : sick🔉
- gesnugwe'galsit : pretend to be ill / pretend to be sick / feign illness🔉
- gesnugwetoqsit : sound sickly🔉
- gesnugwiangamgusit : appear sickly🔉
- gesoqet : has a strong odor🔉
- gesoqsit : feel the burn badly / get a bad burn / get a painful burn🔉
- gespaqami'g : end of the world🔉
- Gespe'g : Seventh Mi'gmaq district / Gaspe🔉
- Gespe'gewa'j : resident of Gaspe / resident of the seventh district / Gaspesian / a person from Gaspe🔉
- gesp'g : dull / blunt / not sharp🔉
- gespiaqantie'uti : weekend🔉
- gesplatl : make dull / make blunt🔉
- Gespogwitg : First Mi'gmaq district / present day southern western Nova Scotia🔉
- gesp'teg : Saturday🔉
- gesp'toq : make dull / make it blunt🔉
- gespugua'latl : lie🔉
- Gespugwitg : Annapolis Valley🔉
- gespugwitnewa'j : (Annapolis) valley person🔉
- gespu'tuatl : defeat (in game) / beat (in game)🔉
- gespu'tuet : wins / win by overcoming🔉
- gestunepilaqan : gallows🔉
- ge's_mu : before🔉
- getalqa'latl : take out of🔉
- getalqa'toq : take out of🔉
- getalqigwalatl : take out by scraping / digging out🔉
- getalqigwatg : dig out🔉
- geta'muatl : agree with🔉
- getanatl : hunt / track / chase / seek / spiteful🔉
- getanqigalatl : stalk🔉
- getanteget : hunter / gatherer / spiteful person🔉
- getantoq : hunt / strive to obtain / gather / work to earn🔉
- getanuet : spiteful🔉
- getapa'q : sink into water / sink into liquid🔉
- getapa'sit : go underwater / submerge🔉
- getapa't : sink🔉
- getapegiet : sing🔉
- getapet : dive / go under water🔉
- getapetesing : dive / duck underwater🔉
- getapja'latl : take with bare hands🔉
- getapja'sit : take with bare hands🔉
- getapja'toq : take with bare hands🔉
- getapsgnatl : hold with bare hands🔉
- getapsgng : take hold with bare hands🔉
- getemetesultijig : all killed🔉
- getgaqamigsit : ill·mannered🔉
- getgatalg : eat ill·manneredly / eat disgusting food🔉
- getge'g : act indecent🔉
- getgiet : drunk🔉
- getgugjetesg : falls prone face down🔉
- getgugjiaq : turns prone face down🔉
- getgujeitesing : fall face first🔉
- getgunit : spend the night / sleep over🔉
- getgwi'g : run🔉
- ge'tiap : full grown bull moose🔉
- ge'tipnet : harvest crops (of roots, tubers, potatoes, carrots, turnips)🔉
- ge'tipnewinu : harvester🔉
- getlamite'lmatl : believes in / trusts in🔉
- getlams'tg : believe / obey / follow, as in beliving in something🔉
- getlams'tuatl : believe someone / listen to🔉
- getletug : certainly / without doubt / absolutely🔉
- getlewei : truly🔉
- getloqo : that is right / for certain🔉
- getma'tl : finish food / clean out of food / not leave any food🔉
- getmenejig : extinct / totally wiped-out through death🔉
- getmenet : all dead / extinct / deceased🔉
- getmeta'tl : wipe out / finish off🔉
- getmete'gl : win all / break all / destroy all🔉
- getmete'mat : finished off / wiped out🔉
- getmoqsijig : all burned🔉
- getmoqtegl : all burned🔉
- getuapematl : need for assistance / long for support / desire his/her help🔉
- getuapetg : seek help from / seek solace from / want for satisfaction / desires🔉
- getuapsit : fend for oneself / help oneself🔉
- getu'g : to crow / holler / sing🔉
- getugsiet : drowsy🔉
- getugsit : sleepy🔉
- getugtnumqwanet : want an alcoholic drink🔉
- getu'muatl : make music for / entertain🔉
- getu'muet : make music / play musical instrument🔉
- getu'nmiet : want to go home / intend to go home🔉
- getupatl : want to eat / want to taste🔉
- getu'pgising : expected to arrive🔉
- getutg : want to eat / want to taste🔉
- getu'_unjanit, ketu'_un'janit : pregnant / expect baby🔉
- gewaqs'g : fell by the wind / blown down by the wind🔉
- gewaqsing : blown down by the wind / fell by the wind🔉
- gewg'g : force it (that is upright) down with one's weight🔉
- gewguatl : force ...(that is upright) down with one's weight🔉
- gewiaq : fall down from upright position / fall over from standing position / topple from standing position🔉
- gewiet : falls over from upright position / topple from standing position🔉
- gewising : hungry🔉
- gewjatpewjit : head is cold🔉
- gewjia'qiet : feel chilly / have chills🔉
- gewjipnewjit : feel hands cold🔉
- gewjit : feel cold🔉
- gewsatl : topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)🔉
- gews'g : toppled by the wind / blown over by the wind / blown down / topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)🔉
- gewtaqsigit : feel cold feet🔉
- gewta'tl : knock down🔉
- gewte'g : knock down🔉
- giasgilugwet : work with precision / work properly🔉
- giasgiw : correct / proper / exactly🔉
- giasgiwewei : correct one / proper one / right one🔉
- giaspiaq : result / end / last🔉
- giaspiet : make habit of🔉
- giaspigisg'g : last day🔉
- giaspilugwet : last time worked🔉
- giaspiw : since🔉
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home🔉
- gi'gaj : still / in spite of / yet🔉
- gi'gaja'latl : force / rape🔉
- gi'gaja'sit : argue🔉
- gi'gajeiwatl : aggravate / tease / do for spite🔉
- gi'gajie'watl : use in spite of / use in spite of condition / use forcefully🔉
- gi'gajilugwet : work in spite of...🔉
- gi'gajimatl : goad / dare / urge on / taunt / reply sarcastically or meanly / answer back🔉
- gi'gajinmigimatl : send home against their will / send home forcefully🔉
- gi'gajo'tg : use in spite of condition / force self / aggravate🔉
- gi'gamgo'n : pole (for poling boat)🔉
- gi'gassit : tease🔉
- gi'gassmatl : forcefeed / forcefully give food🔉
- gi'gassuinu : teaser / jokester🔉
- gi'gataganutg : exaggerate🔉
- gi'gatagnimatl : exaggerate about / render worst than is / render better than is🔉
- gi'gatagnutmuatl : exaggerate something to🔉
- gigjagumatl : closely related to🔉
- gigjapit : near·sighted🔉
- gigjiw : near / close by🔉
- gigj'pa'sualatl : sit close to🔉
- gi'gligjenatl : tickle🔉
- gi'gligsig : ticklish🔉
- gi'gligsit : ticklish🔉
- gigpesa'ji'jg : shower / rain slightly🔉
- gigpesan : rain🔉
- gigpesanamu'g : misty / looks like rain / looks like it's going to rain🔉
- gigpesanamugwiaq : rain clouds approaching🔉
- gigpesaq : rain🔉
- gigto'qopugua'sit : turn around while standing / turn about while in standing position🔉
- gi'gwaju : badger🔉
- gi'gwesu : muskrat🔉
- gi'gwesuasgw : muskrat root (cold remedy, mix with liquid or chewed) / cold remedy🔉
- gijga'jijg : little bit🔉
- gijga'tata'n : right on! (interjection)🔉
- gijitpa'qtug : in total darkness / in the dark🔉
- giju' : mother / mom🔉
- gi'l : you (singular)🔉
- gilew : you (plural) / you (dual)🔉
- gi'lewei : your(singular) / yours(singular) / your(singular) / yours(singular)🔉
- gilewewei : your(plural) / yours(plural) / your(plural) / yours(plural)🔉
- gimamatl : peek at / spy on / look at surreptitiously🔉
- gimapit : peek / look on secretly🔉
- gimapt'g : peek at / spy on / look at secretly🔉
- gime'g : secretive🔉
- gimelmit : laugh to oneself / laugh secretly🔉
- gimelmugtasit : laugh at oneself in a secret manner🔉
- gimewistoq : whisper🔉
- gimewo'gwet : talk in a low voice / speak or talk in a whisper🔉
- gimiet : sneak around🔉
- gimilugwet : work in secret / work secretly🔉
- gimsgwet : walk quietly / tiptoe🔉
- gimteluatl : shoot by ambush / ambush🔉
- gimtemit : cry secretly / cry silently🔉
- gimtesg'g : sneak up on🔉
- gimtesguatl : sneak up on🔉
- gimu'tug : somewhat / a bit / sort of / stealthfully🔉
- gina'masuti : education / lesson / knowledge / learning🔉
- gina'matimg : time of acquiring learning🔉
- gina'muo'guom : school🔉
- gina'sit : put a lot of effort / try hard🔉
- ginateja'sit : strut on / proudly going🔉
- ginigwejij : thistle prickle / thistle🔉
- ginisgwe'g : pointed / have sharp point / pointed / have sharp point🔉
- ginisgwig : pointed shape🔉
- gintewoqsit : snore loudly🔉
- ginu : we / us(inclusive)🔉
- ginualatl : brag about🔉
- ginuatg : brag about🔉
- ginuet : brag🔉
- ginuewei : ours (inclusive) / ours (inclusive)🔉
- gi'nujing : proud / prideful / look proud🔉
- gipoqamatl : glance at / catch a glimpse🔉
- gipoqapt'g : glance at / catch a glimpse🔉
- gipoqtelg : graze (by shooting)🔉
- gipoqteluatl : graze (by shooting)🔉
- gi's : completed action / already happened🔉
- gisa'latl : prompted / compel to do / motivate / cause🔉
- gisanatl : killed him/her/it / destroyed him/her/it🔉
- gisapsgnatl : able to reach / get a hold of🔉
- gisapsgng : catch reach / get a hold of🔉
- gisa'tas'g : fixed / prepared🔉
- gisa'tasit : fixed / repaired / prepared🔉
- gi'satl : finished cooking🔉
- gisa'toq : fix / repair / able to / can / capable of🔉
- gise'g : have good time / have fun / fun to be with / enjoyable🔉
- gi's'g : finished cooking🔉
- gisgaja'latl : get ready / prepare🔉
- gisgaja'tas'g : prepared🔉
- gisgaja'toq : get it ready / prepare🔉
- gisgaje'g : prepared / ready🔉
- gisgajiet : have patience / measure up to / able🔉
- gisgajoqosg : lies ready🔉
- gisgatpit : sits ready / prepared🔉
- gisgat'puguit : stand ready🔉
- gisgatta'tl : prepare / fix up🔉
- gisgatteg : ready / prepared🔉
- gisgug : today🔉
- gisiatl : creates / made🔉
- gisigu : old man / elderly man🔉
- gisigu'aq : get old🔉
- gisigu'et : become old / he/she is aging🔉
- gisigui'sgw : old woman / elderly woman🔉
- gisigu'lega't : walk like an old person🔉
- gisigu'lgw : old canoe or boat🔉
- gisiguo'p : old man🔉
- gisigu'qamigsit : act like an old person🔉
- gisigu'sgw : old female animal🔉
- gisigu'sgwe'j : spinster🔉
- gisigu'sm : old animal🔉
- gisigweg : full grown / mature🔉
- gisigwegewigu's : August🔉
- gisigwenatl : grow / raise / adopt / rear🔉
- gisigweng : full-grown / raise / rear🔉
- gisigwenign : adopted child🔉
- gisigwet : full grown / mature / becomes an adult🔉
- gisilugwet : able to work🔉
- gisintoq : sang🔉
- gisipiasit : finished drying🔉
- gisipiateg : finished drying🔉
- gisi'satl : sew🔉
- gisi's'g : sew🔉
- gi'sit : cooked🔉
- gisite'lmatl : invent🔉
- gisite'tg : invent🔉
- gisitoq : finish making🔉
- gislassit : turn ripe🔉
- gislasteg : turn ripe🔉
- gisna : or / or else🔉
- gisoqeg : hill top / atop hill🔉
- giso'qon : fun time / lots of fun! (interjection)🔉
- gisoqsit : ready cooked / cooked🔉
- gisoqteg : ready cooked / cooked🔉
- gispasas'g : cured / dried out(wood)🔉
- gispasasit : cured / dried out🔉
- gispasatl : dry🔉
- gispasawemgewei : dryer🔉
- gispasg : dry🔉
- gispasit : dry🔉
- gispateg : dry🔉
- gispisun : belt🔉
- gispisuna'q : wear belt🔉
- gispnapewit : have a tired look🔉
- gispneg : tired🔉
- gispnet : tired🔉
- gispnetoqsit : tired sounding voice🔉
- gispniet : become tired🔉
- gispnulatl : make tired🔉
- gista'tl : beat-up / finish beating🔉
- giste'g : finish playing(instrument) / able to play instrument / finish beating / finish hitting🔉
- gisteju : slave🔉
- gisteluatl : impregnate (slang expression)🔉
- gisue'g : keeps one warm / warm (clothing)🔉
- gisu'g'g : warmly dressed🔉
- Gisu'lgw : Creator🔉
- gisupa'q : lukewarm (of liquid)🔉
- gisu'paqsijig : lukewarm (of liquid)🔉
- gisu'pisit : dress warmly / dress for the cold🔉
- gisu'piso'tlatl : dress up warmly🔉
- gi's_sa'q : long ago / once upon a time🔉
- gi'taqan : grindstone🔉
- gi'taqanmusi : Staghorn sumac / sumac🔉
- gitaqasit : muscle ache / sore muscles / sore (of person)🔉
- gitaqeg : muscle ache / sore (of body part)🔉
- gitaqet : sore (of body part) / sore muscle🔉
- gi'teg : cooked🔉
- gitg : both🔉
- gitmaqan : count stick (in waltes game)🔉
- gitnmat : have difficulty / have hard time🔉
- gitnmeiwatl : give a hard time to🔉
- gitnmo'tg : give a hard time🔉
- gitpu : eagle🔉
- giwaje'g : listless / dull🔉
- giwajeiwatl : long for / yearn for🔉
- gi'wajiaq : honest / fact / true / so🔉
- giwajo'tg : long for / yearn for🔉
- giwasg : heat lightning🔉
- giwattesguatl : sadden by his/her departure🔉
- giwgw : earthquake🔉
- giwnig : otter🔉
- giwto'qa'latl : circling with / spin around🔉
- giwto'qa's'g : circle around / goes around🔉
- giwto'qasga'latl : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around🔉
- giwto'qasga'toq : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around🔉
- giwto'qa'sit : circle / turn around / go around🔉
- giwto'qatesgatultijig : chase around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qa'toq : circling with / wave around / spin around🔉
- giwto'qiaq : spin / turns by itself🔉
- giwto'qiet : spin / turns / get dizzy🔉
- giwto'qigsma'latl : push around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qigsma'toq : push around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qopega'latl : swing around🔉
- giwto'qopega'toq : swing around🔉
- giwto'qopia'tijig : sit in a circle🔉
- giwto'qopilatl : wrap around🔉
- giwto'qopilg : wrap around / hang around perimiter🔉
- giwto'qopultijig : sit around in a circle🔉
- giwto'qoto'sit : spins self / skip rope (Nova Scotia)🔉
- giwto'qugwaltultijig : follow one another in a circle🔉
- giwto'qwa'sit : circle / goes around / turns / spin🔉
- gjiansale'wit : archangel🔉
- gjiaplue'w : rascal🔉
- gjigan : city🔉
- gjiganji'j : village / town🔉
- gjigapa'n : tide🔉
- gjiga'qaquj : raven🔉
- gjinisgam : Great Spirit🔉
- gjipa'tlia's : bishop🔉
- gjipulgowei : epilepsy🔉
- gjisape'wit : patron saint🔉
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually🔉
- glaman : so / therefore / thus🔉
- glamuejmnaqsi : serviceberry bush / billberry / shadbush (juneberry)🔉
- glap : club (in cards)🔉
- glapaqign : screw🔉
- glapaqignei : screw driver🔉
- glapis : finally / eventually🔉
- glaptan : blacksmith🔉
- glatpetaw : freshwater catfish / horned pout (kind of fish)🔉
- glitam : birthmark🔉
- glitaw : strawberry / red raspberry (Nova Scotia and parts of New Brunswick) / berry🔉
- glmuej : mosquito / boil / carbuncle🔉
- glmuejuapsgw : piece of coal / coal🔉
- gloqiej : swamp robin🔉
- gloqontiej, kloqon'tiej : gull / seagull🔉
- gloqowej : star / dormer🔉
- glpisun, kl'pisun : anchor🔉
- glu : condor / eagle (Listuguj)🔉
- glumg : wheat grain🔉
- glumgul : wheat plant🔉
- Glusgap : Glooscap (culture hero)🔉
- glusgapewit : fib / tell lies / tell tall tales🔉
- glusuaqan : word / news🔉
- gmenie'wit : receive holy communion🔉
- gmetug : beside / aside / on the side of🔉
- gmnie'wit : take holy communion🔉
- gm'tginu : our territory / our country🔉
- gmtn, km'tn : mountain🔉
- gmu'j : stick / wood / piece of lumber / pile of lumber🔉
- gmu'je'gaqan : lumbering / forestry🔉
- gmu'je'get : get wood / cut lumber🔉
- gmu'ji'gan : wooden house / wooden building🔉
- gmu'ji'j : small stick🔉
- gmu'jmin : raspberry🔉
- gmutnes : thief🔉
- gmutta'tl : beat with a stick🔉
- gmutte'g : beat with a stick🔉
- gna'ji'j : nit / parasitic insect egg / young parasitic insect🔉
- gna'taqan : decoration🔉
- gneg : far🔉
- gne'g : soon / shortly in time / later🔉
- gneg_wetagutijig : distant relatives or relations🔉
- gnisgwastu : evergreen needle🔉
- gnugwaqan : marker / blaze (on tree)🔉
- gnugwatign, knukwatikn : letter (alphabet) / symbol / mark🔉
- go'gomin : thornberry / hawthorn berry🔉
- go'gominaqsi : hawthornberry bush / thorn apple bush🔉
- go'gwejij : spider / cancer🔉
- go'gwejijua'pi : spider web🔉
- go'lail : kerosene / coal oil🔉
- gomgwej, komkwej : sucker (fish)🔉
- gomgwejui'gaqan : glyphics (Nnu/Mi'gmaw) / hieroglyphics (Nnu/Mi'gmaw) / character used to write Micmac🔉
- gomgwejui'gas'g : written in Mi'gmaw glyph writing / written in Mi'gmaw hieroglyphics / Mi'gmaw glyph writing / Mi'gmaw hieroglyphics🔉
- gomgwejui'gasit : hieroglyphic writing / sucker fish (gomgwej) writing / Nnu glyph writing / written in sucker fish (gomgwej) writing / written in Nnu glyph writing🔉
- gomgwejui'giget : writes using Mi'gmaq hieroglyphics / writes using old Mi'gmaq hieroglyphics🔉
- gopgej : sawwhet🔉
- go'pign : dip net (for fish)🔉
- gopit, kopit : beaver🔉
- gopitewe'get, kopitewe'ket : trap beaver🔉
- go'qoli'gwej, ko'qoli'kwej : chicken / hen🔉
- go'qoli'gwe'ji'j : baby chickens / chick🔉
- goqqaja'teget : do the right thing / do correctly🔉
- goqqwa'latl : grab🔉
- goqqwa'toq : grab🔉
- goqwei : what🔉
- goqwei_net : what is this? / what is that?🔉
- goqwei_ta : what about it? / what for?🔉
- goqwei_ugjit : what for? / why?🔉
- g'pnno'l : government🔉
- g'pnno'lewa'j : member of government / government employee🔉
- g'p'tai, kîpîtay : ceiling / top🔉
- g'p'ta'q : up / above / overhead🔉
- gp'te'sn : south🔉
- gs'geltaqan : valued and protected / precious / someone held dear / something animate held dear / something held dear🔉
- gsigawa'suinu : fast runner🔉
- gsin : past winter🔉
- gsinug : next winter / forthcoming winter🔉
- gsipo'qiwan : scratching place🔉
- gsispa'taqan : soap / detergent / hand soap🔉
- gsite'taqan : someone cherished or valued / someone precious / something cherished or valued / something precious🔉
- gsnqo'qon : foolishness / silly / pointless🔉
- gsnqo'weiei : foolish thing / useless object / worthless object🔉
- gsnugo'guom : hospital🔉
- gsnugowaqan : sickness / illness / virus🔉
- gsnugowinu : sick person🔉
- g's'talg : finished eating🔉
- gsu'sgw : hemlock🔉
- gsusgwate'gn : tent flap🔉
- gta'n : ocean🔉
- gtantaqan : plot against / hatred / scheme against / connivery🔉
- gtantegewinu : hunter🔉
- gtapegiaqan : song🔉
- gtigiewinuj : drunkard🔉
- gtigiewuti : drunkenness🔉
- gtiginipn : summer before last🔉
- gtigipug : last winter🔉
- gtigipun : last year🔉
- gtigisapo'nug : day after tomorrow🔉
- gtigiwela'gwe'g : night before last / other night🔉
- gtigulagu : day before yesterday / other day🔉
- gtuguno'guom : bedroom / dormatory / hotel, motel room🔉
- gu'gu'gwes : owl / screech owl (Nova Scotia)🔉
- guign : marrow bone🔉
- gujm : outside / outdoors🔉
- gulgwi'ji'j : piglet / young pig🔉
- gulgwi's : pig / hog / swine🔉
- gulgwi'suei : pork🔉
- gulgwi'su'mi : lard / pork fat🔉
- Guljewto't_Na'gweg : Good Friday🔉
- guljie'wei : cross🔉
- guljiewta'sit : crucifix / crucified🔉
- guljiewto'sit : cross oneself🔉
- gulpatgij, kul'patkij : maggot🔉
- gulumatl : request / ask for🔉
- gunte'j, kun'te'j : pebble / small stone / small rock🔉
- guntew, kun'tew : stone / rock🔉
- guntewapsgeg, kun'tewapskek : rocky / rocky texture🔉
- guow : pine🔉
- gups'ji'j : cup (little, small)🔉
- guta'latl : pour🔉
- gutan : town / village🔉
- gutana'sit : go to town / go to east end (of Listuguj) / go up mission (Listuguj)🔉
- gutang : town / east end (of Listuguj) / down the mission (Listuguj)🔉
- gutapigwalatl : desalinate / desalt (by soaking in several changes of water)🔉
- gutapigwatg : desalinate / desalt by soaking in several changes of water🔉
- guta'tat : pour for self🔉
- gutatesmatl : spill🔉
- gutatestoq : spill🔉
- guta'toq : pour🔉
- guteget : spill / spill intentionally🔉
- gwatej : Iroquois / Mohawk🔉
- gwe'gwiamgeg : Port Hood, N.S. / water embankment🔉
- gweltanat : feast🔉
- gweso'tg : conserve / preserve🔉
- gwilg : search🔉
- gwiluasit : search🔉
- gwiluatl : looks for / search for🔉
- gwimu : loon🔉
- gwi's : son / boy / little brother🔉
- gwi'sit : jump (reference to fish)🔉
- gwitji'j : son / sonny🔉
- gwitn : canoe🔉
- gwitna'q : go by canoe🔉
- iap : bull moose, caribou, etc.🔉
- iapjiw : forever🔉
- iapjiwowei : pertains to forever🔉
- igalatl : protect / defend / fight for / take side of / favor🔉
- iga'latl : release / let go / place / put🔉
- iga'q : arrive🔉
- iga't : arrive🔉
- iga'taqalatl : plant / sow🔉
- iga'taqan : cultivated field / cultivated land / garden / yard🔉
- iga'taqatg : plant / sow🔉
- iga'taqewatl : sow for / plant for🔉
- iga'taqug : plant / put in garden / sow🔉
- igatg : protect / defend / fight for / take side of / favor🔉
- igatne'suinu : racer🔉
- igatne'we'sm : racer (animal) / race horse🔉
- igatne'wet : race / win a race🔉
- iga'toq : place / put🔉
- igeggwet : fall sick / in heat (said of dog) / lose mind suddenly🔉
- ignmuatl : give to / allow / permit🔉
- ignmuetoq : give away🔉
- igtig : other / another / other thing🔉
- igto'sit : yawn🔉
- ijipanji'j : kitten beaver / kitten beaver of youngest litter🔉
- ilaji'gewatl : prepare for🔉
- ilaji'gewsit : prepare / get ready🔉
- ilajit : get ready / prepare / pack🔉
- ilajugt'g : prepare for / get ready for🔉
- ilajugtuatl : prepare for / get ready for🔉
- ilaju'latl : pack for / prepare for / get ready for🔉
- ila'latl : adjust / reset🔉
- ilamatl : sight / look over / examine🔉
- ilamgo'tasit : piles objects in organized fashion / piles wood🔉
- ilanqa'latl : fold🔉
- ilanqa'toq : fold🔉
- ilanqo'tasit : folding / folding bedding / folding clothing🔉
- ilapewnusit : groom / put on make up🔉
- ilapsg'smu'gwet : curl up and go to sleep / reposition during sleep / lie down for a nap / lie down for a rest🔉
- ilapt'g : look over / examine🔉
- ila'sgugutimg : card playing time / card playing place🔉
- ila'sgw : playing card🔉
- ila'sit : get well / recover🔉
- ila'toq : adjust / reset🔉
- ilgopa'sit, il'kopa'sit : change position while sitting🔉
- ilgwenatl : steer (by head) / direct (by head)🔉
- ilgweng : steer / directs🔉
- ilgwi't'g : steer🔉
- ilisma'sit : change position (while lying)🔉
- ilisqa'latl : make limber / massage / put back in place (as joint)🔉
- ilisqa'toq : put back in place (as joint) / limber / massage🔉
- iljo'qonatl : balance🔉
- iljo'qong : balance🔉
- iljoqte'g : revamp its (shape) / refurbish🔉
- iljo'qwa'latl, il'jo'qwa'latl : put right side up / place in order / set straight / settle🔉
- iljo'qwa'toq, il'jo'qwa'toq : put right side up / place in order / set straight / settle🔉
- iloqomoqwa'latl : wrap (as gift)🔉
- iloqomoqwa'taqan : wrapping paper🔉
- iloqomoqwa'toq : wrap (as gift)🔉
- iloqwa'latl : reposition lengthwise / place or put in proper position lengthwise / straighten out lengthwise🔉
- iloqwa'toq : reposition lengthwise / place or put in proper position lengthwise / straighten out lenghtwise🔉
- ilpilatl : provide clothing for / dress up / get ready for shipping🔉
- ilpilg : tie / retie properly🔉
- ilpilsit : get properly dressed / redresses🔉
- ilpugua'sit, il'pukua'sit : stand into position / change position while standing🔉
- ilsaqa'toq : cock (gun) / set (trap)🔉
- ilsumatl : sentence (legal) / make a decision about / place a judgment🔉
- ilsutaqan : trial / decision making🔉
- ilsuteget : give orders / make decision / plan🔉
- ilsutg : judge / make a decision🔉
- ilta'latl : shut / close🔉
- iltaqalatl : hitch up (horse)🔉
- iltaqanatl : guide or direct (horse) by reins🔉
- iltaqane'walatl : prepare / organize / get ready (hunting or fishing) / set up🔉
- iltaqane'watg : prepare / organize / set up🔉
- ilta'toq : shut / close🔉
- ilteget : shut quickly🔉
- iltijieget : slam shut🔉
- inaqan : right side🔉
- inaqanmit : right·handed🔉
- i'nes : it seems / probably / it could be🔉
- istua'latl : set crooked / treat differently🔉
- istua'toq : do or make crooked🔉
- istue'g : different / not normal / strange / different / strange🔉
- istuig : crooked / uneven / asymmetical🔉
- istuigata't : have clubfoot / clubfooted🔉
- istuigit : crooked / uneven / different / dishonest🔉
- istu'napui'gatl : take crooked picture🔉
- istu'napui'g'g : take crooked picture🔉
- istu'pit : sit crooked🔉
- istu'satl : cut crookedly / cut unevenly🔉
- istu's'g : cut crookedly / cut unevenly🔉
- istu'teg : set crooked🔉
- jagej : lobster🔉
- jagejue'get : trap lobsters🔉
- jageju'patl : clean out (by eating) / mooch excessively (expression)🔉
- jagweg : sound loud🔉
- jagwet : sound loud / talk loudly🔉
- jajigamugsit : look healthy🔉
- jajiga'q : swim along the shore / creep along in the water like a lobster🔉
- jajiga'sit : going along/beside the shore / going along/beside edge🔉
- jajige'g : healthy🔉
- jajigoqpit : sit alongside🔉
- jajigteg : alongside🔉
- jajigtug : along the edge / at the edge🔉
- jampo'qiet, jam'po'qiet : somersault🔉
- japigwet : wink / face covered in a substance🔉
- japigwetuatl : wink🔉
- japigwetuet : winks🔉
- jaqala'latl : rush / cause to do fast🔉
- jaqala'sit : rush / go fast / move fast🔉
- jaqala'toq : do fast🔉
- jaqale'g : quick / fast / fast / quick🔉
- jaqalilugwet : work quickly🔉
- jaqalipiasatl : dry quickly (sweater)🔉
- jaqalipiasg : dry quickly (clothing)🔉
- jaqalipnet : illness progresses quickly🔉
- jaqali'sit : fast-speaker🔉
- jaqallugweg : works quickly🔉
- jaqalta'tl : finish off fast (in boxing, game or cards)🔉
- jaqalte'g : earn quickly / gather quickly / chop quickly🔉
- ja'wa'lie'j : grasshopper (Listuguj)🔉
- jawa'tat : chew tobacco / use snuff🔉
- ja'wei : chewing tobacco / snuff🔉
- je'g : jack (in cards) / Jack (name)🔉
- jel : also / and🔉
- jenpit : sit quietly / sit calmly🔉
- jensi : suddenly / before you know it / all of a sudden🔉
- jenteg : quiet🔉
- jenu : giant🔉
- je_mu : not even / not quite🔉
- je_tlia' : even so! / even just / even if🔉
- j'gi'ges : chickadee🔉
- jgi'n : Well! / Indeed!🔉
- jiagewj : mink🔉
- jigajiet : irritable / uncomfortable🔉
- jigalugg : paddle alone or singlehandedly / pole alone or singlehandedly🔉
- jigapito'jing : tooth bared smile / forced smile / exaggerated smile🔉
- ji'gata'tl : hew / dress / trim🔉
- ji'gataw : dressed wood🔉
- ji'gate'g : blaze / hew / dress / trim🔉
- ji'gate'get : blaze / hew / dress / trim (wood)🔉
- jigaw : bass🔉
- jigawepit : inactive / dull / quite🔉
- jigaweteg : inactive / dull / boring / quiet🔉
- jigg'putaqan : rake🔉
- jigg'puteget : rake🔉
- jigistaqanat : listen attentively / eavesdrop🔉
- ji'gitlo'q : kettle / teakettle🔉
- jigmit : growl🔉
- jigmugt'g : growl at🔉
- jigmugtuatl : growl at🔉
- jigni'get : root (as pig)🔉
- jigpatl : eat all / consume all🔉
- jigpusit : spend until broke🔉
- jigs'tg : listen🔉
- jigs'tuatl : listen to🔉
- jigtaqawet : smooth sheens (for basketry)🔉
- jigt'g : eat all of / finish consuming🔉
- ji'guteget : daydream🔉
- jigwapa'n : tide (Bear River)🔉
- jijgluewj : sheep🔉
- jijgluewji'j : lamb🔉
- jijgluewjuapi : wool / yarn🔉
- jijgluewjuapiei : woolen material / woolen material (as in socks)🔉
- jijigulqeg : narrow and shallow (of canoe)🔉
- jijigwatej : sand piper🔉
- jijigwe'jg : narrow🔉
- jijigwe'jit : narrow🔉
- jijiwa'qiaq : rusty🔉
- jijiwa'qiet : rusty🔉
- jijjawignej : raisin🔉
- jijjema'q : smell bad / stink🔉
- jijjema't : smell bad / stink🔉
- jijuaqa : sometimes🔉
- jijuejg : bell🔉
- jijuejg'ji'j : small bell / sleigh bell🔉
- jijuejgwatp : steeple🔉
- jila'gipulatl : mark (with a saw)🔉
- jila'gittoq : mark with a saw🔉
- jilapa'latl : make scratch marks / scratches🔉
- jilapaqta'tl : make a mark / scratches🔉
- jilapaqte'g : make a mark on / scratches🔉
- jilapa'tegeg : makes scratch marks / scratches🔉
- jilapa'teget : make scratch marks / scratches🔉
- jilapa'toq : makes scratch marks🔉
- jilaptoq : make footprints🔉
- jilaqami'g : make snowshoe tracks🔉
- jile'g : injured / hurt🔉
- jiloqsa'tl : blaze (with knife) / blaze by cutting🔉
- jiloqs'g : blaze (with knife) / blaze by cutting🔉
- jiloqta'tl : blaze (with axe) / blaze by hitting🔉
- jiloqte'g : blaze (with axe) / blaze by hitting🔉
- jilpit : leave an impression / leave a mark🔉
- jilsatl : nick with a knife🔉
- jilsawet : mark with a knife / score with a knife🔉
- jils'g : nick (with knife) / nick by cutting🔉
- jilta's'g : marked (from a strike)🔉
- jilta'sit : marked (from a strike)🔉
- jilta'tl : make a mark(by striking)🔉
- jilteg : leaves an impression / leave a mark🔉
- jilte'g : mark or scar on it (by beating or hitting)🔉
- ji'matg : paddle / row🔉
- Ji'me'j : James / Jim / Jimmy🔉
- ji'met : row / paddle🔉
- jimpegenatl : wring out / milk (cow)🔉
- jimpegnewet : milk (cow) / wring out🔉
- jimpegng : wring out🔉
- jing'ja'latl : pinch / squeeze🔉
- jing'ja'toq : pinch / squeeze🔉
- jiniw : suddenly🔉
- ji'nm : man🔉
- ji'nmji'j : young man / unmarried man🔉
- ji'nmji'ju'et : become a young man / enter manhood (post puberty)🔉
- ji'nmue'sm : man chaser / likes the company of men (usually refers to a woman)🔉
- ji'nmuit : is a man🔉
- ji'nmu'qamigsit : act like a man🔉
- jinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander🔉
- jinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)🔉
- jipalatl : fear / afraid of🔉
- jipaluejit : phobic / fearful person🔉
- jipaluet : fearful🔉
- jipaqa'latl : frighten🔉
- jipasit : afraid / scared🔉
- jipatg : fear / afraid of🔉
- jipguatl : make uneasy / make tense🔉
- jipijga'm : horned serpent🔉
- jipji'j : bird🔉
- jipji'ju'gisutnat : have voice like bird🔉
- jiptug : perhaps / maybe / unless / hopefully🔉
- Jipugtug : Halifax, NS🔉
- jipugtugwewa'j : Haligonian🔉
- Jipugtu'jg : Bouctouche, New Brunswick🔉
- jipu'ji'j : brook🔉
- jitlo'mugwaqan : rocking chair / cradle🔉
- jitnaqe'gnei : clothing iron / iron🔉
- joqjimusi : white maple tree🔉
- jujij : insect / crawling creature / bug🔉
- juji'ji'j : small insect / bug🔉
- lagga'p : cellar / basement / underground food storage🔉
- laggol : cord of wood🔉
- la'gittaqan : file / filing tool🔉
- lagla'ns : barn🔉
- laglem : cream🔉
- laglemamu'g : cream colored🔉
- laglemamugsit : cream colored🔉
- la'jijjaqan : glove🔉
- la'maqan : dipper / ladle🔉
- lame'g : underneath / under / inside🔉
- lame'gewei : slip🔉
- lame'geweia'q : wear slip🔉
- lamipgigwan : eyeball🔉
- lamiptn : palm (of hand)🔉
- lampo'q : bottom of lake / bottom of river🔉
- lamqamu'g : underground🔉
- lamqwan : undershirt🔉
- lamqwana'q : wear undershirt🔉
- lamuaw : yolk / egg yolk🔉
- lamuguom : interior of the house🔉
- lapai : tub🔉
- lapaltnewei : holy water🔉
- lapatign : holy water sprinkler🔉
- lapawji'jitewei : tin🔉
- lape'lis : yard (of measurement)🔉
- lape'w : rooster🔉
- lapigot : smallpox / smallpox mark🔉
- lapigotewit : have smallpox🔉
- lapilas : flax seed🔉
- lapli'sign : satin / silk🔉
- lapli'signei : satin or silk material / satin or silk fabric🔉
- laplusan : prison / jail🔉
- lapol : bowl🔉
- lapue'l : frying pan🔉
- la'pugtaqan : snare🔉
- la'pugtaqanigalatl : set snare🔉
- la'pugtaqaniget : set snares🔉
- lapugwan : three masted sailing ship🔉
- laputi : spy glass / telescope🔉
- laputi'l : binoculars🔉
- la'qan : wound / gash / cut🔉
- laqpa'taqan : shoelace🔉
- laqpilaqan : drape / wooden hoop support around inside of wigwam🔉
- laqpisuti : apron🔉
- laqsun : sheet🔉
- lasguaw : snowshoe🔉
- lasgugutimg : card playing time / card playing place🔉
- lasgugwaqan : card game🔉
- lasgugwet : plays a card game🔉
- la'sgw : playing card🔉
- lasiet : plate🔉
- lasqo'plaw : board / plank🔉
- lasup : soup🔉
- lasupe'ji'j : savory / summer savory🔉
- la'taqsun : bucket / pail / chamber pot🔉
- la'taqsuna'laq : equivalent to pail / pail full🔉
- latto'law : bull🔉
- legepilaqan : window shade / blind / curtain🔉
- lentug : deer🔉
- leppie : foot (in measurement) / feet (in measurement) / twelve inches🔉
- lesqe'gn : clothes trunk / coffin / casket🔉
- Lesui'p : Jew🔉
- lge'gn, l'ke'kn : hoe🔉
- lgeso'qon, l'keso'qon : plow🔉
- lgetu, l'ketu : mushroom🔉
- lgetue'get, l'ketue'ket : gather mushrooms🔉
- lgowaqan, l'kowaqan : job / work / task🔉
- lgowaqana'latl, l'kowaqana'latl : bother / trouble🔉
- lgowaqana'toq, l'kowaqana'toq : bother / trouble🔉
- lgusuaqan, l'kusuaqan : steps / ladder / stairs🔉
- lgwetug : female animal / female mammal🔉
- ligpenign : basket🔉
- ligpete'gnapi : ash strip (for weaving baskets) / splint (for basket making)🔉
- lipsoqomgwewj : grasshopper🔉
- lisgnuaqan : weaving / knitting🔉
- Listuguj : Listuguj🔉
- listugujewa'tuet : imitate Listuguj dialect / speak Listuguj dialect🔉
- Listuguji'j : Miramichi River🔉
- lluigneg : seven / seven (in counting)🔉
- lluigneg_te'sisga'q : seventy🔉
- llutaqan, l'lutaqan : fence🔉
- llutaqanatgw, l'lutaqanatkw : fence post🔉
- lmu'j : dog🔉
- lmu'ji'j : puppy / pup / young dog🔉
- lmu'ji'jmit : have pups🔉
- lmu'ju'pa'q : neap tide / dog tide🔉
- lnaqanatgw : wooden handle / axe handle🔉
- lne's : it seems / probably / it could be🔉
- lnim : besides / too / very / even🔉
- lnoqom : green wood🔉
- lnu : Mi'kmaw person / indigenous person / native person / aboriginal person / first nations person🔉
- lnue'gati : aboriginal community / native village (reserve)🔉
- lnueiei : pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / of aboriginal-origin / pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / of aboriginal🔉
- lnuipi : native paddle🔉
- lnui'sit : speak native language / speak aboriginal language / speak first nations language🔉
- lnuoqta'w : statue🔉
- lnu'sgw : native woman / aboriginal woman / first nations woman🔉
- lnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style🔉
- lnu'wi't'g : refer to something by its aboriginal name / refer to something in first nations language / say in native language🔉
- lnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass🔉
- lnu_saqama'sgw : female native chief / female aboriginal chief / female first nations chief🔉
- lnu_saqamaw : native chief / aboriginal chief / first nations chief🔉
- logowit : fortunate / lucky🔉
- lo'gs : log🔉
- lo'gsi'gan : log house / log cabin🔉
- loqomoqwa'taqan : wrapper / cigarette paper🔉
- loqte'gn : trap🔉
- loqte'gnigalatl : to trap / set trap for🔉
- loqte'gniget : trap / set traps🔉
- loqtnema't : have bad breath🔉
- loqwistaqan : (basket) hoop🔉
- lpa, l'pa : really! (emphatic particle) / completely! / totally!🔉
- lpa'tuj, l'pa'tuj : boy🔉
- lpa'tu'ji'j, l'pa'tu'ji'j : small boy / young boy🔉
- lpa'tujuit, l'pa'tujuit : be a boy🔉
- lpa'tu's, l'pa'tu's : young man / unmarried man🔉
- lpa_jigaw, l'pa_jikaw : all gone!🔉
- lpa_mu, l'pa_mu : not even (takes negative verb form)🔉
- lpa_wijei_aq : same as🔉
- l'sg'j : map / directory marked out🔉
- Ls'tgug : Bear River🔉
- lugowaqan : task / work / job / jobs🔉
- lugowaqana'teget : bothersome / nuisance🔉
- lugowaqane'gmuti : tool kit / tool bag / tool box🔉
- lugowaqanit : bothersome / troublesome🔉
- lugowinu : worker / laborer🔉
- lugowinu'sgw : worker (female) / laborer (female)🔉
- lugs'ji'j : youngster / young boy / kid🔉
- lu'gwejg : compass / pointer🔉
- lugwetug : female mammal🔉
- lu'segn : fire poker / furnace poker🔉
- lusgnign : bannock / dough / biscuit🔉
- lusgwatign : spit / saliva🔉
- lu'suesgwewa'sit : perform duties of prospective daughter·in·law / become a prospective daughter·in·law / become a daughter·in·law🔉
- lu'sue'sgwewit : is a daughter·in·law🔉
- lu'sugwewa'sit : becomes a son·in·law🔉
- lutmaqan : gossip / rumor / hear-say🔉
- lutmaqaniget : spread rumors / spread gossip / spread hear-say🔉
- magasan : store🔉
- magasana'sit : go to a store🔉
- magasano'guom : store / store house🔉
- ma'gn : moccasin🔉
- ma'gna'q : wear moccasins🔉
- magot : dress🔉
- magota'q : wear a dress🔉
- magu'n : iceberg / big block of ice🔉
- maja'sit : leave / move / go🔉
- majiaqa'latl : scold🔉
- majjoqtelign : arrow🔉
- majo'qiaq : wobble🔉
- majo'qiet : wobble🔉
- majuggwalatl : keep in time with / follow🔉
- majuggwatg : keep in time with / follow🔉
- mala : at home / where I'm from🔉
- malapit : see poorly / bad eyesight / failing vision🔉
- mala'sit : not doing well (health) / progressing slowly🔉
- malatalg : eat little / eat poorly / eat inadequately🔉
- male'g : lazy🔉
- Ma'li : Virgin Mary🔉
- maliapt'g : bother / handle / mess around with🔉
- malie'wit : marry🔉
- malie'wuti : marriage🔉
- maligatat : weak legs or feet / fragile-legged / feeble-legged / frail-legged🔉
- maligeiwatl : play with / amuse🔉
- malige'w : keg / barrel🔉
- malige'wa't : equal or equivalent to barrel🔉
- maligmatl : mock / tease🔉
- maligo'tg : play with / amuse🔉
- maligweg : grow at a slow pace / weak growth / feeble growth🔉
- maligwet : grow at a slow pace / stunted growth / undersized growth / feeble growth🔉
- malipqwanj : hazelnut🔉
- malipqwanjmusi : hazelnut bush / hazelnut tree🔉
- mali'sit : speak poorly / speak weakly🔉
- malja't : stagger slowly🔉
- maljewe'j : youngster / young person🔉
- maljewe'juit : young🔉
- mallugweg : work poorly🔉
- mallugwet : works poorly / works lazily🔉
- malo'pj : lazy person🔉
- malpale'wi'sgw, mal'pale'wi'skw : woman doctor / female doctor🔉
- malpale'wit, mal'pale'wit : doctor🔉
- malqomatl : eat🔉
- malqutg : eat🔉
- mals : flint🔉
- malsnawei : soft maple / mountain maple / red maple🔉
- maltejjuei : hammer🔉
- maltejjueiatgw : hammer handle🔉
- maltew, mal'tew : blood🔉
- maltewa'latl, mal'tewa'latl : get blood on🔉
- maltewa'toq, mal'tewa'toq : get blood on🔉
- maltewiaq, mal'tewiaq : bleed🔉
- maltewiet, mal'tewiet : bleed🔉
- maltewig, mal'tewik : bloody🔉
- maltewit, mal'tewit : bloody🔉
- maltewsatl, mal'tewsatl : cause to bleed by cutting🔉
- maltews'g, mal'tews'k : cause to bleed by cutting🔉
- maltewte'g, mal'tewte'k : cause to bleed by striking🔉
- maltewtesg, mal'tewtesk : bleed as a result of a fall🔉
- maltewtesing, mal'tewtesing : bleed as a result of a fall🔉
- maltewtesmatl, mal'tewtesmatl : cause to bleed by a fall🔉
- maltewtestoq, mal'tewtestoq : causes to bleed by a fall🔉
- malugunat : have weak back🔉
- ma'munigsalatl : love very much / like very much🔉
- ma'munipsaq : snow heavily🔉
- ma'muniw : much / very🔉
- ma'munlaq : rain heavily🔉
- mapos : pocket🔉
- maqa'latl : enlarge🔉
- maqalqasit : have large hole / have large opening🔉
- maqalqigwat : have large eyes🔉
- maqamigew : land / ground🔉
- maqamigewa'sit : go by land🔉
- maqana'latl : outwit / embarrass🔉
- maqanat : outwitted / baffled by situation🔉
- maqanimatl : verbally outwit / verbally embrass / verballly baffle🔉
- maqapsgeg : large and globular / large and round / plump / bulbous / rotund🔉
- maqapsg'sit : large and round / plump / bulbous / corpulent / rotund🔉
- maqapsg'tiat : have a big and round belly / plump / corpulent / rotund🔉
- maqapsgusuat : have large testicles🔉
- maqa'q : big and round (cylindrical) / big (in girth)🔉
- maqatewei : temporary replacement / temporary replacement🔉
- maqatgwig : big waves / heavy seas🔉
- maqa'toq : enlarge🔉
- maqatpat : big headed🔉
- maqatu'atl : loan / lend / let somebody borrow🔉
- maqigjat : have big buttocks🔉
- maqigtulit : have a big boat🔉
- maqijjigwat : have big bowel movement🔉
- maqiptnat : have big hands🔉
- maqisge'g : wide / broad / expansive / wide / broad / expansive🔉
- maqisqonat : have a big nose🔉
- maqistaqanat : have big ears / eavesdrop (slang)🔉
- maqitnat : have big nostrils🔉
- maqo'iptnat : have big arms (in girth) / have thick arms🔉
- maqo'qonigata't : have big legs (in girth) / have thick legs🔉
- maqoqsit : big (in girth) / big and round (cylindrical)🔉
- maqsitat : have big feet🔉
- maqtawamu'g : blackish / darkish🔉
- maqtawamugsit : blackish / darkish🔉
- maqtawe'g : black / black🔉
- maqtawigjat : black·bottomed🔉
- maqtawignegsit : dark complexioned / dark tanned🔉
- maqtawi'tuat : have a black beard🔉
- maqtawoqsit : darkened from fire / dark tanned / charred🔉
- maqtawoqteg : dark tanned / darkened by fire / charred🔉
- maqtunat : have big mouth🔉
- masgelget : estrange / separated (in marriage)🔉
- masgelmatl : hate / loath / detest🔉
- masgelt'g : hate / loath / detest🔉
- masgwe's : young birch tree🔉
- masgwe'siman : pin cherry🔉
- masgwe'simanaqse'gati : pin cherry tree grove🔉
- masgwe'simanaqsi : pin cherry tree / cherry tree🔉
- masgwe'simusi : birch genus🔉
- masgwi : white birch tree / white birch bark🔉
- masqo'laji : store(pl) / put away(pl)🔉
- masqo'tasit : put things away / store / save up / accumulate🔉
- masqo'toql : store (plural) / put away (in bulk) / put away (plural)🔉
- masquta'tl : quickly hide🔉
- masqute'g : quickly hide / temporarily hide / put away quickly or temporarily / save temporarily (slang)🔉
- masqwa'latl : put away / store / save🔉
- masqwa'tasit : jailed / put away (in mental institution) / put away / store🔉
- masqwa'toq : put away / store / save🔉
- massaqa'sit : takes advantage of the situation🔉
- massaqiet : sexually aroused or stimulated🔉
- massaqte'get : instigate / make/cause disruption🔉
- ma'susi : fern / fiddlehead🔉
- matama'sit : walk towards the road / heading towards the road🔉
- matamasumteget : wades through snow towards the road🔉
- Matawe'g : Matapedia, QC / confluence of rivers🔉
- matgwa'sit : bow down / bow🔉
- matgwetoq : bow to / nod to🔉
- matgwetuatl : bow to / nod to🔉
- matlot : sailor🔉
- matnagget : fight / struggle🔉
- matnaggewaqan : fight / struggle / battle🔉
- matnaggewinu : fighter / warrior🔉
- matnatl : fight or struggle against🔉
- matng : fight or struggle against🔉
- matntijig, matn'tijik : fight🔉
- matntimg, matn'timk : war / battle🔉
- matnugtesgewei : head cheese🔉
- mato'qiaq : sway🔉
- mato'qiet : sway🔉
- mattaqa'toq : pull on to make sound (as bell)🔉
- mattaqta'tl : pluck (as string) / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)🔉
- mattaqte'g : pluck / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)🔉
- matta'tl : spank / beat🔉
- matte'g : beat / spank / thrash🔉
- mattejjuei : hammer🔉
- mattelg : shooting at🔉
- matteluatl : shoot at🔉
- mattesg : shake🔉
- mattesing : shaking🔉
- matuapetesing : glance🔉
- matua'sit : wander about (without purpose)🔉
- matuatalg : eat a little / snack / eat marginally🔉
- matue'g : lives simply / unsophisticated / make do / live marginally🔉
- matues : porcupine / furry brown caterpillar (Listuguj)🔉
- matuesuei : porcupine meat🔉
- matu'lugwet : do odd or simple jobs / handyperson🔉
- matu'mimajit : lives simply / lives marginally🔉
- matu'nmat : frugal / manages with minimum resources🔉
- matu'patl : eat scraps / eat a bit of🔉
- matu'te'muatl : trim hair🔉
- matu't'g : eat a bit of / eat leftovers of🔉
- mawagnutmajig : talk together🔉
- mawamg'pijig : piled together🔉
- mawamg'tegl : piled together🔉
- mawa'tajig : share expense / chip in🔉
- mawe'gig : live together / hang out together / gathered together🔉
- mawgamig : corpulent / fattest🔉
- mawgamit : corpulent / fattest🔉
- mawgiljet : calculate / figure / add (in mathematics)🔉
- mawgimatl : include in the count🔉
- mawgitg : include in the count / add (in mathematics)🔉
- mawia'tijig : gather / swarm (as bees)🔉
- mawiejig : gather together / congregate🔉
- mawiglulg : very good🔉
- mawiglu'sit : very good🔉
- mawio'mi : formal gathering / formal meeting🔉
- mawisetesg : contract / cringe / crumple together🔉
- mawisetesg'g : crumple with feet / kicks it together🔉
- mawisetesguatl : crumple / crumple with feet / kicks it together🔉
- mawisetesing : contract / cringe / fall in heap / crumple from a fall / shrink from🔉
- mawita'jig : gather together / hold meeting🔉
- mawiulta'sit, mawiul'ta'sit : become ecstatic / very happy or pleased🔉
- mawiulta'suaqan, mawi·ul'ta'suaqan : joyful time / joyful occasion🔉
- mawlugwalatl : include in the repairs / include in the work🔉
- mawlugwatg : include in the repairs / include in the work🔉
- mawo'laji : gather up🔉
- mawo'tasit : gather / collect🔉
- mawo'toqol : gather up / collect🔉
- mawpisit : bundled🔉
- mawpit : bunched together / included🔉
- mawpiteg : bundled up / tied together🔉
- mawpultijig : sit together🔉
- mawsa'latl : build a fire in the stove or furnace🔉
- mawsa'tat : make fire inside / start and maintain a fire in a stove / heat source🔉
- mawsa'teget : make a fire (in stove or furnace) / build a fire (in stove or furnace)🔉
- mawsa'toq : put in fire to burn / put in stove to burn🔉
- mawteg : included / bunched together🔉
- mawte'g : collect / save / gather together🔉
- maw_pilei : very new / very new🔉
- maw_pisit : packaged with / inside with / included🔉
- maw_piteg : included in / included🔉
- maw_winjig : very bad🔉
- maw_winjit : very bad / worse🔉
- me' : still / yet / more / anyway🔉
- me'ga's'g : overactive🔉
- me'ga'sit : overact / make a big fuss / over react🔉
- mega'sualatl : make a big fuss over🔉
- me'ga'teget : overdo / do more than expected / show off🔉
- me'ge'g : snobbish / stuck up / haughty / inconsiderate🔉
- megeng : have many / have much🔉
- megepaji : eat plenty of / eat in abundance🔉
- megeta'ji : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty🔉
- megete'g : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty🔉
- megete'gl : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty🔉
- megetg : eat plenty of / eat in abundance🔉
- megetgl : eat plenty of / eat in abundance🔉
- megite'lmatl : think highly of / overly fond of🔉
- megitelsit : conceited / have high opinion of self🔉
- megite'tas'g : highly praised / honored / highly regarded / prized🔉
- megite'tasit : highly praised / honored / highly regarded / prized🔉
- megite'tg : think highly of / very fond of🔉
- megnaji : gather / pick up🔉
- megnatl : pick up / gather / choose / select🔉
- megng : pick up / choose🔉
- megngl : gather / pick up🔉
- me'go'pj : snob / snobbish person / vain person / stuck up person🔉
- me'goqomgwejg : dogwood / Red osier dogwood🔉
- mego'tig : expensive🔉
- mego'tit : expensive🔉
- megt'g : doubt / disbelieve🔉
- megtuatl : doubt / disbelieve🔉
- me'gusit : overcharges for labour / overcharges for service / charge a high price for labour🔉
- megwaig : middle🔉
- megwa'latl : make red🔉
- megwaltugwat : red haired / red head🔉
- megwamu'g : reddish🔉
- megwamugsit : reddish🔉
- megwapsgeg : red and round🔉
- megwapsg'sit : red and round🔉
- megwasa'latl : attach / stick on / glue on🔉
- megwasa'toq : attach / stick on / glue on🔉
- megwaspit : attached🔉
- megwasteg : attached🔉
- megwa'taqan : rouge / blushing powder🔉
- megwa'tat : put on a rouge🔉
- megwatetesg : flash red🔉
- megwatetesing : flash red🔉
- megwa'toq : make red🔉
- megwe'g : red / red🔉
- megwe'g_snawei : red maple / swamp maple / soft maple🔉
- megwe'jit : beet🔉
- megwe'saqa'sit : turn red / blush🔉
- megwe'saqsit : ruddy complexion / red faced / red cheeked🔉
- mejgiet : undergo rigor mortis / get stiff🔉
- mejigamugsit : have dirty appearance / look dirty🔉
- mejigapewit : have dirty face🔉
- mejige'g : dirty / dirty🔉
- mejiggumet : wear dirty clothes🔉
- mejit_newt : one more time🔉
- mejjigwat : defecate / have bowel movement🔉
- mejjilsit : defecate on oneself🔉
- melga'latl : harden🔉
- melgapegisg : tough and stringy🔉
- melgapjit : have strong grip🔉
- melgaqanatpat : bald (headed)🔉
- melga's'g : harden / solidify🔉
- melga'sit : harden / solidify🔉
- melga'toq : harden / stiffen / strenghten / build or make strong🔉
- melge'g : hard / hard🔉
- melgiaqasit : muscular / tough🔉
- melgigit : solidly built🔉
- melgignaq : strong🔉
- melgignat : strong🔉
- melgiji'nm : strong man / solid man / giant (from Pacifique's Grammer glossery)🔉
- melgilugwet : works hard🔉
- melgi'taqanat : have strong neck🔉
- melgita't : courageous / brave🔉
- melg'jat : constipated / have hard stool🔉
- melg'pugua'sit : stands hard or strong / take a stand / unrelenting / insist🔉
- melg'tqasit : strong rope / strong string🔉
- melgwisgat : nightmare / frightened (from nightmare)🔉
- meluijoqo : seriously! / honestly!🔉
- memge'g : uncultivated field / cleared fiekl🔉
- memgoqte'g : make a clearing / deforest / clear cut🔉
- memgoqte'get : make a clearing / deforest / clear cutting🔉
- mena'gigwet : pull out weeds / pull up vegetables🔉
- menagwisg : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy🔉
- menagwising : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy🔉
- menaje'jg : fragile / delicate🔉
- menaje'jit : frail / fragile / delicate🔉
- mena'latl : remove / take off🔉
- menapaqatl : unscrew🔉
- menapaqq : unscrew🔉
- mena'piet : remove fish from a net🔉
- mena'piget : remove a net from the water🔉
- menapsg'te'g : chip off the protuberance🔉
- menaqa : properly🔉
- menaqajewa'latl : do carefully and correctly🔉
- menaqajewa'toq : do carefully and correctly🔉
- menaqajewei : rightfully / by rights! (exclamation) / right or correct one / right or correct one🔉
- menaqanaq : weak🔉
- menaqanat : weak🔉
- mena'qigwalatl : pry off / scrape off🔉
- mena'qigwatg : pry off / scrape off🔉
- mena'taqug : harvest (garden)🔉
- menata't : cowardly / weak / weak willed🔉
- mena'toq : remove / take off / pluck🔉
- menawjit : sensitive to cold / cold-blooded🔉
- mengitg : subtract🔉
- menigu : island🔉
- menigwalatl : scrape off / pry off (with hands or tool) / rub off🔉
- menigwatg : scrape off / pry off (with hands or tool)🔉
- menigwet : grow off🔉
- meni'gwet : strip off bark (birch)🔉
- menina'latl : rip off / tear off (or out)🔉
- menina'toq : rip off / rip out / tear off / tear out🔉
- menipga'latl : pull off / peel off / pry off🔉
- menipga'toq : pull off / peel off / pry off🔉
- menipqwa'latl : remove tree bark / take off tree bark🔉
- menipqwa'toq : take off or remove tree bark🔉
- menipqwa'wet : remove bark (from tree)🔉
- menjapsgeg : door knob🔉
- menjapsg'sit : dome shaped / half round🔉
- menja'sit : get up from lying position / rise from lying position🔉
- menjinoqamatl : look at up and down or from head to toe🔉
- menjipuguejg : post / fence post🔉
- menj'puguit : now standing from a lying position🔉
- menpatl : bite off🔉
- menqawet : bring in the wash (laundry)🔉
- mensatl : cut off🔉
- mens'g : cut off🔉
- menta'tl : beat or strike out(in a game) / knock off / remove by striking🔉
- mente'g : knock off / remove by striking🔉
- ment'g : bite off🔉
- menuega'tl : need / need the services🔉
- menueget : need / has use for / could use / require🔉
- menuegetoq : need / has use for / could use / require🔉
- mesa'latl : swallow🔉
- me'sapjeta'tl : fumble / unable to catch🔉
- me'sapje'te'g : fumble / unable to catch🔉
- mesaqaneita'tl : knock down / collaspes as a result of a punch🔉
- mesa'tamit : swallow🔉
- mesatgwa'latl : place against🔉
- mesatgwa'toq : place against🔉
- mesatgwepit : placed against / leaning against / placed up against🔉
- mesatgweteg : placed against / leaning against / placed up against🔉
- mesatgwigsma'latl : push up against🔉
- mesatgwisma'toq : lay up against🔉
- mesa'toq : swallow / swallow slowly🔉
- mese'g : whole / entire / whole / entire🔉
- meseget : swallow quickly🔉
- mesegit : cook / camp cook🔉
- mesge'g : sorry / regret an act🔉
- mesg'g : in prime🔉
- mesgi'g : big🔉
- mesgigji'jit : somewhat big🔉
- mesgilg : big🔉
- mesiapo'qatl : stir🔉
- mesiapo'q'g : stir🔉
- mesiapoqta'tl : stir fast with an instrument🔉
- mesiapoqte'g : stir (with an instrument)🔉
- mesiatl : infect / influence / affect🔉
- mesie'waq : drizzle🔉
- mesimatl : report on / tell on🔉
- me'sipmiet : incapable of walking🔉
- mesna'latl : mend / repair🔉
- mesnatl : catch / receive / get possession🔉
- mesna'toq : mend / patch / repair🔉
- mesn'g : receive / get / catch🔉
- mesni'sas'g : patched / mended / sewn🔉
- mesni'sasit : patched / mended / sewn🔉
- mesni'satl : patch / mend / sew🔉
- mesni's'g : patch / mend / sew🔉
- mespatl : tasted / tasted by eating / savored🔉
- mespo'qeg : flooded🔉
- mespo'qet : flooded🔉
- mesqana'latl : lay down / put down🔉
- mesqana'sit : go down to the ground or floor🔉
- mesqana'toq : lay down / put down🔉
- mesqaneiteluatl : take down by a shot🔉
- mesqanepit : crouching position / flat on the ground🔉
- mesqaniet : collapse🔉
- mesqolit : pierced (by nail or sliver)🔉
- messa'latl : miss making a connection with / miss appointment / miss rendez·vous🔉
- messa'toq : miss making a connection with / miss appointment / miss rendez·vous🔉
- mes'tesg'g : miss / miss a connection / arrive too late for🔉
- mes'tesgmat : miss a connection / miss / arrive too late for🔉
- mes'tesguatl : arrive late and miss someone entirely / miss meeting someone because of timing🔉
- mest'g : taste / get a taste of🔉
- me's'tugwi'g : incapable of running🔉
- mesugtaqanat : crave🔉
- me'su'tug : in full view / in full view🔉
- metaqapit : underdressed for weather (torso area) / bare chested🔉
- metaqapja'latl : take in bare hands🔉
- metaqapja'sit : take in bare hands🔉
- metaqapja'toq : take in bare hands🔉
- metaqapjeta'tl : grab in bare hands🔉
- metaqapjit : holds in bare hands🔉
- metaqasing : lay on bare surface🔉
- metaqateg : on bare surface🔉
- me'ta'tl : successfully hit / successfully strike🔉
- me'te'g : successfully hits🔉
- me'telg : successfully hits with a shot / successfully shoots it🔉
- me'teluatl : succeed at shooting🔉
- Metepna'qiaq : Red Bank🔉
- metesegiet : treeless mountain top🔉
- metete'get : knocking / pounding🔉
- metetoqsit : make repeated sounds (like groaning, chirping or cawing) / cawing, quacking (Nova Scotia)🔉
- metewaqs'g : make a fluttering sound / make a flapping sound🔉
- metewaqsing : makes a fluttering sound / makes a flapping sound🔉
- metewa'sit : makes a sound from moving about🔉
- metewatalg : makes a sound when eating🔉
- metewa'toq : makes a sound in handling it🔉
- metewe'g : makes a sound by stirring or bustling about🔉
- meteweng : heard talking🔉
- metewenmit : heard laughing🔉
- metewilua't : heard sounding off in anger / heard bellowing (as moose)🔉
- metewintoq : heard singing🔉
- metewjigmit : heard growling (as dog)🔉
- metewo'gwet : heard talking🔉
- metewoqsing : heard snoring🔉
- metewtemit : heard crying🔉
- metgatat : barefooted🔉
- metgwasteg : dry or crusty (bread)🔉
- metgwat : hatless / bareheaded🔉
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff🔉
- metla'saigl : ten dollars🔉
- metla'sipuna't : ten years old🔉
- metla'sipunqeg : ten years🔉
- metla'sisga'q : ten times🔉
- metoqiaq : go down to / come down to / descend in elevation🔉
- metoqiet : descend in elevation / go down to / come down to🔉
- metoqwa'latl : bring down to / take to lower land / take to lower elevation🔉
- metoqwa'toq : bring down to / take to lower elevation / take to lower land🔉
- metoqwiwsit : move to lower land / move down to🔉
- metuamu'g : looks bad🔉
- metuamugsit : looks bad / looks terrible / looks awful🔉
- metuatqeg : hard going (through thicket)🔉
- metue'g : difficult / hard to do🔉
- metuguna'q : stormy🔉
- metuigisg'g : bad weather🔉
- metuima'q : taste bad / bad odor🔉
- metuima't : taste bad / bad odor🔉
- metuite'tg : apprehensive / dread / anxious about🔉
- metu'qamigsit : hard to get along with / have bad disposition🔉
- mewisit : pick berries🔉
- mewlia'gowei : dinner (noon meal) / lunch time meal / noon meal🔉
- mewlia'gweg : noon / midday🔉
- me'_ap : more again / still again / some again🔉
- me'_goqwei : anything else? / still what🔉
- me'_ijga : a little more / a bit more / some more!🔉
- me'_pa : anyhow / anyway🔉
- me'_tale'g : How is he/she?🔉
- me'_talo'teget : How is he/she feeling?🔉
- me'_wen : anyone else🔉
- mgatawti : footpath🔉
- m'gegn : hide / leather / skin🔉
- mgign : hook / fish hook🔉
- mg'sn : shoe🔉
- mg'snapi : shoelace / shoestring🔉
- mg'sna'q : wear shoes🔉
- mgumi : ice / icecube🔉
- mgumie'j : horseshoe🔉
- mgumie'ja'q : wear horseshoes🔉
- mgumie'jg : horseshoe game🔉
- mgumie'jo'tlatl : shoe (horse) / fit with horseshoes🔉
- mgumi'gn : icicle🔉
- mgumi'gnig : icy (in patches)🔉
- mgumi'gnit : icy (in patches)🔉
- miamuj : certainly / for sure! / affirmative / yes🔉
- miawe'g : in middle / between🔉
- miawitpa'q : middle of night🔉
- miawna'gweg : midday / noon / middle of day🔉
- migjigj : turtle / tortoise🔉
- Mi'gma'gi : territory of the Mi'gmaq nation🔉
- Mi'gmaw : Micmac🔉
- Mi'gmewa'j : Micmac person🔉
- Mi'gmewei : pertaining to Mi'gmaq / belongs to Mi'gmaq / of Mi'gmaq / pertaining to Mi'gmaq / belongs to Mi'gmaq / of Mi'gmaq🔉
- Mi'gmewi'sit : speak Micmac🔉
- mi'gmuessu : trickster spirit / person with supernatural powers🔉
- mi'gmuessue'get : possessed by mi'gmuessu🔉
- migua'latl : satisfied with🔉
- migua'toq : satisfied with🔉
- migultiat, mikul'tiat : experience (by male) pregnancy symptoms of partner / become irritated (as first child) when mother carries her second child / sympathy pains (by male)🔉
- migust'g : overhear🔉
- migustuatl : overhear🔉
- miguteget : plane (as in carpentry)🔉
- migutesg'g : bump into / run into🔉
- migutesguatl : bump into / run into / run over🔉
- migwije'maqan : table fork🔉
- migwite'lmatl : remember / call to mind🔉
- migwite'tg : remember / call to mind🔉
- mi'jan : excrement / feces🔉
- mi'jano'guom : bathroom / outhouse / washroom🔉
- mija'qaj : vein🔉
- mijipjewei : food🔉
- mijjit : eat🔉
- mijjuaqan : meal🔉
- mijua'ji'j : baby / child🔉
- milamu'g : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many kinds of things / many sorts of things🔉
- milamugsit : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many different kinds / many different sorts🔉
- milaplgigwa'teget : illusionist🔉
- mila'sit : play🔉
- mila'sualatl : plays with / toy with🔉
- mila'suaqan : toy🔉
- mila'suatg : plays with / toy with🔉
- mila'teget : mischievous / practical joker🔉
- milesit : rich🔉
- milgusit : have all kinds of dreams🔉
- milgwija'sit : mixed emotions / apprehensive about the future / imagine many possibilities🔉
- miligjetesg : wiggle / shakes🔉
- miligjetesing : wiggle about / dance wildly🔉
- miligsnqwat : hard to please / fussy🔉
- milipusit : squirm🔉
- milita'j : hummingbird🔉
- milita'sit : imagine many things / think about various things🔉
- milita'w : hummingbird🔉
- millugwet : do different kinds of work🔉
- miloqsatl : cook in different ways🔉
- miloqsawet : bake variety of pastry / make desserts / make sweets🔉
- miloqs'g : cook in different ways🔉
- milpegitg : flow in many directions🔉
- milqamigeg : uneven / hilly (of ground or floor)🔉
- milsatl : carve different ways / whittle / cut in many ways or directions🔉
- mils'g : whittle it / carve in different ways / cut in different ways🔉
- milsuteget : gives multipital instructions / undecided🔉
- miltoqsit : makes different sounds with voice🔉
- miluisig : have different names🔉
- miluisit : have different names🔉
- milui'tatl : name-calling / call by many names / have many names🔉
- milui't'g : call by different names / have different names🔉
- mima'gwa'taqan : used for greasing / greaser (for pan)🔉
- mimajig : alive🔉
- mimajit : alive🔉
- mimajuaqan : life / living🔉
- mimajuinu : human being / person🔉
- mima'latl : grease / anoint🔉
- mima'toq : grease / anoint🔉
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy🔉
- mimei : oil / grease🔉
- mimgwaqan : perfume / hair·oil / acorn🔉
- mimgwaqanimusi : oak tree🔉
- mimgwat : wear perfume, lotion or oil🔉
- mimiges : butterfly🔉
- mimsit : covered with grease and oil (as mechanic)🔉
- mimugwalatl : hide / conceal🔉
- mimugwasit : hide🔉
- mimugwatoq : hide / conceal🔉
- minig : bear fruit🔉
- minijg : berry / fruit / nut🔉
- minit : bears fruit🔉
- minua'latl : revive🔉
- minua'toq : duplicate / redo🔉
- minuoqsatl : recook🔉
- minuoqs'g : recook🔉
- minu'p'satl : reheat🔉
- minu'p'sg : reheat🔉
- minu'wi't'g : repeat (what is said) / mention again🔉
- misegnuj : rag🔉
- misegnu'j : small rag🔉
- misissiaq : get raggedy🔉
- misissiet : dressed raggedly / get raggedy🔉
- mi'soqo : up to / as for as / until🔉
- mistug : oakum🔉
- mistun : ace of spades🔉
- misues : ringworm🔉
- miti : aspen / poplar🔉
- miti'ji'j : sapling / small tree🔉
- miti's : tree🔉
- mi'walatl : thankful for / grateful / appreciate🔉
- mi'watg : thankful for / grateful / appreciate🔉
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water🔉
- mjigei : dirt / garbage🔉
- mjijaqamij : spirit / soul / shadow🔉
- mlagejg : milk🔉
- mlagejua'tat : add milk (to tea, coffee or drink)🔉
- mlageju'mi : butter🔉
- mlagejuo'q : milk container / milk bottle / milk pitcher🔉
- mlgignewinu, ml'kiknewinu : strong person🔉
- mllawa'latl, ml'awa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore🔉
- mnaq : not yet (takes negative verb)🔉
- mnnawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore🔉
- mnnoqon : yellow birch🔉
- mntawa'latl, mn'tawa'latl : twist🔉
- mntawaqalatl : twist quickly🔉
- mntawaqtoq : twist quickly🔉
- mntawa'toq : twist🔉
- mntmu : oyster🔉
- mntn, mn'tn : mountain🔉
- mntoqopsga'latl : pinch and twist🔉
- mntoqopsga'toq : pinch and twist🔉
- mntu : devil🔉
- mntua'gi : hell🔉
- mntuit : devilish🔉
- moqopa'q : wine🔉
- moqpeg : bloated / swollen🔉
- moqpet : bloated / swollen🔉
- moqwa' : no🔉
- moqwa'_goqwei : nothing / not anything / none🔉
- moqwa'_wen : nobody / no one🔉
- mpo'qon : bed🔉
- mqatawapu : cormorant🔉
- msamu : shad🔉
- msaqa'gw : crust of bread / bark🔉
- msaqtaqt : floor🔉
- msigu : hay / grass🔉
- msigue'gati : hay field🔉
- msigue'get : make hay / collect sweet grass🔉
- msi'gw : hailstone / sleet🔉
- ms't : all / every🔉
- ms't_goqwei : everything🔉
- ms't_tami : everywhere🔉
- ms't_wen : everybody🔉
- mtasoq : ledge / cliff / slate🔉
- mtawegn : flag🔉
- mtesan : youngest child born in a family / youngest born / last born child🔉
- mtesgm : snake🔉
- mtijin : inch / thumb🔉
- mtlu'tew : smoke🔉
- mtugunoqt : storm🔉
- mtugunoqtnugwet : behave a certain way when a storm is approaching🔉
- mtuigan : rafter / gable🔉
- mui'n : bear🔉
- mui'ne'j : bear cub🔉
- mui'newqamigsit : temperament of a bear🔉
- mui'no'mi : bear grease / bear oil🔉
- mujgajewei : the best!🔉
- mujpej : mink🔉
- Mulian : Montreal🔉
- mulin : mill / machine🔉
- mulinji'j : sewing machine🔉
- mulqalatl : dig out🔉
- mulqatg : dig out / shovel something🔉
- mulqet : dig / shovel🔉
- mulumgwej : groundhog / woodchuck🔉
- Munig : Monique / Mona🔉
- munsaiwatl : persuade / persistent persuasion / coax🔉
- munsapit : look persistently🔉
- munsa't : persistent🔉
- munsigsma'latl : pushes persistently🔉
- munsigsma'toq : pushes persistently🔉
- munsigsmeget : persistent in shoving / persistent in pushing🔉
- munsisapa'latl : persevere to pull through / persevere to save🔉
- munsisapa'toq : persevere to save / persevere to pull through🔉
- munso'tg : persistent in doing🔉
- munte'j, mun'te'j : little sack / small bag🔉
- munti, mun'ti : bag / sack🔉
- musgasg'pit : protrude / stick out🔉
- musgasg'teg : protrude / stick out🔉
- musga'toq : show something🔉
- musgi'pit : run out to an open area🔉
- musguaje'g : frustrated / upset🔉
- musgumatl : lick🔉
- musgun : atmosphere / sky🔉
- musgwatamit : lick🔉
- musgwatg : lick🔉
- musiga'latl : strip / clean out / undress / remove🔉
- musigapsg'g : smooth and round / bare and round🔉
- musigapsg'sit : smooth and round🔉
- musiga'sit : undress / remove clothing🔉
- musiga'toq : clear / strip🔉
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear🔉
- musigisg : sky🔉
- musigo'latl : strip🔉
- musigo'tlatl : undress / untrim🔉
- musigo'toq : strip / remove from🔉
- musigta's'g : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off🔉
- musigta'sit : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off🔉
- musigte'get : cutting underbrush / clear brush or thicket by cutting🔉
- musigungete'get : weed / cultivate🔉
- musoq : horse fly🔉
- musqunamu'g : dark bluish🔉
- musqunamugsit : dark bluish🔉
- musse'j : small piece / a bit🔉
- mussew : piece🔉
- musuei : handkerchief / kerchief🔉
- musuet : miss / lonesome🔉
- muta : because🔉
- mutputi : chair🔉
- mutt : do not / don't🔉
- mu_nnim : not too much / not very good / not impressive🔉
- na : that / so there / there / it is thus🔉
- na'goqom : ice skate🔉
- na'gu'set : sun🔉
- na'gu'setewei : clock / watch🔉
- na'gu'setewig : sunny🔉
- na'gweg : day / daylight / day🔉
- na'gwegewa'q : paid daily🔉
- na'jigat : strong desire / yearn for🔉
- najiga'te'get : go hunting for eels🔉
- najigluluet : ask permission to marry daughter🔉
- najigtanteget : goes to hunt🔉
- najiilajit : go to get ready / start to pack / go get prepared / go to get dressed🔉
- na'jijjaqan : glove🔉
- najijjigwat : go to defecate🔉
- najilugwet : go to work🔉
- najine'iamatl : go to look in on / go to take a brief look / go to glimpse at🔉
- najinpat : go get some sleep🔉
- najintugsigtmat : set out to hunt provisions / set out to hunt for food🔉
- na'jipugtaq'nej : bat / nocturnal flying mammal🔉
- najisgit : goes to urinate🔉
- najitgo'tg : to attend service / to attend church🔉
- najitia'mue'get : go moose hunting🔉
- najiwsget : go fishing🔉
- najsigwet : check traps or nets🔉
- nalagit : energetic / swift / eager🔉
- na'n : five (in counting)🔉
- nanama'latl : rock (baby) / swing🔉
- nanama'toq : rock / swing🔉
- nanamiaqawei : rocking chair / swing🔉
- nanamiet : rock / swing🔉
- nanamo'qiaq : sway / rock from side to side🔉
- nanamo'qiet : sway / rock from side to side🔉
- nana'n : food (baby talk)🔉
- na'naq : fives (in cards) / fives (in sizes) / fives (in pairs or more)🔉
- na'newa'j : fifth / fifth person / five·card🔉
- na'newei : fifth one / fifth one🔉
- nangl : five inanimate objects / five things🔉
- nangmiw : immediately / right away🔉
- nango'n : fine·tooth comb🔉
- nango'sit : comb hair with fine·tooth comb🔉
- nangwe'get : card (moose hair or wool) / pick through hair to remove (burdocks)🔉
- nangweng : comb out lice or other foreign matter / delouse🔉
- na'nijig : five (animate)🔉
- nanipunqeg : five years🔉
- nanisga'q : fifty / fifty (in counting)🔉
- nanisga'qal : fifty objects🔉
- nanisgegsijig : fifty (animate)🔉
- nanoqosgl : five cylindrical inanimate objects lying flat / five long objects lying side by side🔉
- nanoqosmia'tijig : five animates lying🔉
- nanoqsijig : five cylindrical animate objects🔉
- nantuat, nan'tuat : hunt eels in mud🔉
- nantunatl, nan'tunatl : feel about blindly or in the dark / feel around for blindly or in the dark🔉
- nantunewet : feel around blindly or in the dark / feel about blindly or in the dark🔉
- nantung, nan'tunk : feel around for blindly or in the dark🔉
- nanuguna'q : five days🔉
- nanupe'j : quintuplet🔉
- napemegw : male fish🔉
- nape'w : rooster / male bird🔉
- napgwetoq : copy🔉
- napioq : male porcupine🔉
- na'ploqqatijig : go single file / follow one another in straight line🔉
- napto'sit : break even (gambling)🔉
- napui'gatl : take photograph / draw / trace🔉
- napui'g'g : take photograph / draw / trace🔉
- napui'gigemgewei : camera / tracing paper🔉
- napui'giget : take photographs / trace, draw or copy a picture🔉
- napui'gign : photograph / picture🔉
- naqajit : doesn't feel like doing something / delaying🔉
- naqalatl : abandon / leave behind🔉
- naqa'latl : stop / bring to halt🔉
- naqamasa'latl : place where it can easily be found / find easy to handle🔉
- naqamasa'toq : place or put where easily found / put in accessible place / easy to do / have facility with / find easy to handle / easily found🔉
- naqamase'g : manageable / easy (to do) / at hand, handy🔉
- naqamaspit : easily accessible / at hand / handy🔉
- naqamasteg : easily accessible / at hand / handy🔉
- naqana'mat : drink alcoholic beverage🔉
- naqana'pet : draw water from (well or river)🔉
- naqana'q : dip out / ladle out🔉
- naqanatl : delay / hold back / restrain🔉
- naqang : hold back / restrain / delay🔉
- naqani'get : bail / scoop out🔉
- naqanu'set : take care of baby🔉
- naqa'sit : stop / halt🔉
- naqasua'latl : turn off / butt out / extinguish / put out🔉
- naqasua'q : extinguish with water / douse fire with water / put out (fire) with water🔉
- naqasua'toq : extinguish / put out / turn off🔉
- naqasueta'tl : beat out fire🔉
- naqasuete'g : beat out (extinguish) fire🔉
- naqasuetesg'g : stamp out fire🔉
- naqasuetesguatl : stamp out fire🔉
- naqasuiputualatl : blow out fire / extinguish by air🔉
- naqasuiputuatg : blow out the fire / extinguish by air🔉
- naqatgelsit : self-conscious / shy🔉
- naqa'toq : stop / bring to halt🔉
- naqsilugweg : works quickly🔉
- naqsilugwet : work quickly🔉
- naqsinijgig : heal quickly🔉
- naqsinijgit : heal quickly🔉
- naqsinpat : sleep easily / sleep without trouble / go to sleep early / falls asleep quickly🔉
- naqsio'pla'latl : quickly do wrong🔉
- naqsio'pla'toq : quickly do wrong🔉
- naqsipgising : arrive early / arrive ahead of time🔉
- naqsitetapua'latl : quickly do right / satisfy quickly / quickly treat correctly or appropriately🔉
- naqsitetapua'toq : quickly do right / quickly do correctly🔉
- naqs'tesg'g : makes the distance in a short time / travels quickly🔉
- naqsun : bedsheet🔉
- naqta'tl : stop abruptly / bring to halt / interrupt🔉
- naqte'g : stop abruptly / bring to a halt / interrupt🔉
- naqt'g : abandon / leave behind🔉
- nasa'latl : put on / don🔉
- nasapaqq : screw on / attach by screwing on🔉
- nasapaqtesg : entangle / get caught on🔉
- nasapaqtesing : entangle / get caught on🔉
- nasaqomgigwat : fit handle in or on (axe or hammer)🔉
- nasaqomgigwatg : fit handle in or on (axe or hammer)🔉
- nasa'toq : put on / don🔉
- naseget : quickly put on / quickly fasten🔉
- nasg'g : wear🔉
- nasgoqsatl : slice in half / cut in half🔉
- nasgoqta'tl : split lengthwise (with heavy blow)🔉
- nasgoqte'g : split lengthwise (by striking) / split in half (by striking)🔉
- nasgoqte'get : splitting wood / splitting (by striking with a tool)🔉
- nasgoqwa'latl : split (by hand)🔉
- nasgoqwa'toq : split (by hand) / divide (by hand)🔉
- nasguatl : wear🔉
- nasgwa'latl : divide in half / halve🔉
- nasgwa'tatijig : share evenly🔉
- nasgwa'toq : halve / divide in half🔉
- nasgwina'latl : tear in half🔉
- nasgwina'toq : tear in half🔉
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half🔉
- nasgwoqs'g : slice in half🔉
- nasoqwa'taqan : ring🔉
- naspit : attached / be a member🔉
- nasplutuatl : repeat after / copy🔉
- nasqo'plaw : board / plank🔉
- nassaputaqan : earring🔉
- nastaqo'tlatl : hitch up (horse)🔉
- nasteg : attached / enmeshed🔉
- nastesmatl : hook / jig🔉
- nastestoq : hook / jig / catch by hook🔉
- nasuoqg'g : straddle🔉
- nasuoqguatl : straddle🔉
- nasuoqpa'sit : sit astraddle / get astride🔉
- nasuoqpit : sit or set astride🔉
- nasuoqpugua'sit : stand astraddle / stand astride🔉
- nasuoqteg : set astride / sit astride🔉
- nata'ilsuteget : have good judgement / good advisor🔉
- na'tala'latl : does something to🔉
- na'tala'toq : do something to🔉
- nata'lugwet : know how to work / good worker🔉
- nata'matnagget : know how to fight / good fighter🔉
- na'tami : somewhere / someplace🔉
- natanguat : go shopping🔉
- natangu'sit : go peddling / go selling🔉
- nata'nmat : good at whatever they do / capable person / handy / handyman / jack of all trades🔉
- na'taqama'latl : bring ashore🔉
- na'taqama'sit : go ashore🔉
- na'taqama'toq : bring ashore🔉
- na'taqamtug : at the shore / at the riverbank🔉
- nata'tawet : know how to beg🔉
- nata'toqtet : know how to bake / good or excellent baker🔉
- natawa'q : know how to swim🔉
- natawa'qa'latl : skillful in handling / competent in doing🔉
- natawa'qa'toq : skillful in handling / competent in doing🔉
- natawatuet : know how to give a speech🔉
- natawe'g : self sufficient / know how to get by / know one's way around / worldly wise / clever🔉
- natawia'tugwet : know how to tell stories🔉
- natawinsgu'mat : know how to answer back🔉
- natawintoq : know how to sing / good singer🔉
- nata'wisugwateget : good cook / excellent cook / know how to cook🔉
- natawitpluteget : good law maker / good decision maker / good promiser🔉
- natawoqsawet : know how to cook / good or excellent cook🔉
- na'te'l : over there / there🔉
- natgimatl : send for / place an order🔉
- natgiteget : place an order / send for🔉
- natgitg : send for / place an order🔉
- natqa'latl : remove from water🔉
- natqa'piet : remove net from water🔉
- natqapilatl : rope in from water / reel or rope to shore / reel in from water🔉
- natqapilawet : pull out of water by rope or fish line / remove from water🔉
- natqapilg : rope in from water / reel in from water / remove from water by rope🔉
- natqa'sit : get out of water🔉
- natqa'toq : remove from water🔉
- nattelg : go to purchase / go to buy🔉
- natteluatl : go to buy / go to purchase🔉
- nattesg'g : go after / chase / try to catch🔉
- nattesguatl : go after / chase🔉
- Natuaqaneg : Eel Ground🔉
- na'tuen : someone🔉
- natuptoq : go lug🔉
- natuptulatl : go lug🔉
- nat_goqwei : something🔉
- nawnatl : fail to reach / missed him/her/it🔉
- nawn'g : fail to reach🔉
- nawnsewatl : carry for🔉
- na_ms't : that's all / the end🔉
- na_tmg : first / first of all / the beginning🔉
- na_to'q : it shall be so / it is said (that) / all right / O.K.🔉
- na_tujiw : at that time / then🔉
- negapigwa'latl : make blind (with light)🔉
- ne'gasgi'gn : log (before being cut into specified lengths)🔉
- ne'gaw : all the time / always / all along🔉
- neget : those🔉
- ne'gigsma'latl : push all along the way🔉
- ne'gigsma'toq : push all along the way🔉
- negla : those / that🔉
- negm : he / she / him / her🔉
- negmewei : his / hers / its / his / hers / its🔉
- negmow : they / them🔉
- negmowowei : theirs / theirs🔉
- neia'latl : shows it / bring into view🔉
- neiamatl : look in on briefly / check on briefly / call upon (for visit)🔉
- neiamgleg : appear as or in blaze / fire becomes apparent🔉
- neiamglet : appears in ablaze / appears burning🔉
- neiamugwa'latl : cause to appear / make to appear🔉
- neiamugwa'toq : make to appear / cause to appear🔉
- neiapt'g : look at briefly / check on briefly🔉
- neiapugua'sit : step into view / step out from behind somewhere in full view🔉
- neiaseniget : appear shining (as sun) / shining through (the clouds) / come into view with a light source🔉
- neia's'g : appear / show up🔉
- neia'sit : appear / show up🔉
- neia'tuatl : shows...🔉
- nemgwet : drink (of alcoholic beverage)🔉
- nemiatl : see🔉
- nemijgami' : grampa / grandfather (term of respect for old man)🔉
- nemisg'g : get / fetch🔉
- nemisguatl : get / fetch🔉
- nemiteget : see / have eyesight🔉
- nemitoq : see🔉
- nenaqa'sit : hurry🔉
- nenaqe'g : in a hurry / in a rush🔉
- nenaqite'tg : anxious for / eager for / in a hurry for🔉
- ne'naqji'jg : light (in weight)🔉
- ne'naqji'jit : light (in weight)🔉
- nenestawe'g : timid / delicate / sickly🔉
- neng : know of / recognize🔉
- neng'tesg : tremble / shake / shiver / quake🔉
- neng'tesing : tremble / quiver / shake / shiver🔉
- nenmue'g : damp / damp🔉
- nenuatl : know / recognize🔉
- nenuite'lmatl : respect🔉
- nenuite'tg : respect🔉
- nepa'ji'jit : take nap🔉
- nepa'latl : put to sleep🔉
- nepapigwa't : blind🔉
- nepaqt'g : stingy🔉
- nepat : sleep / asleep🔉
- ne'patat : slaughter own livestock / slaughterer / butcher🔉
- ne'pateget : murder🔉
- ne'pa'tl : kill🔉
- ne'patoq : earn / kill something🔉
- nepe'g : sensitive / temperamental / touchy / easily offended / easily agitated🔉
- nepg : dead🔉
- nepilatl : cure / heal🔉
- Nepisigwitg : Nepiseqwit river🔉
- nepisit : heals one self / medicates self🔉
- nepiteget : healer / curer🔉
- nepitg : cure / heal🔉
- neps'tgwa'latl : raise (child) / rear / bring up (child)🔉
- neps'tgwa'toq : raise / lift up🔉
- nepuitewei_alame's : funeral mass🔉
- nesasit : fearful / unnerved / frightened / phobia of ghosts and supernatural phenomena🔉
- nesawet : timid / easily frightened🔉
- nesgawet : console / offer condolences / join in bereavement🔉
- nesguatl : console🔉
- nesigatesgmuatl : trip🔉
- nesisga'q : thirty (in counting)🔉
- nespatalg : eat while otherwise occupied🔉
- nespatejimatl : drag along while occupied with something else🔉
- nespatejitoq : drag along while occupied with something else🔉
- nespilugweg : work while also... / work at same time as...🔉
- nespilugwet : work while also... / work at same time as...🔉
- nespit : baby·sit / house·sit🔉
- nespiw : also / while / at the same time / including🔉
- nespnatl : bring along / take along🔉
- nespng : bring along / take along🔉
- nessapoqwat : lap (up)🔉
- nessutmalsewet : interprete / translate🔉
- nessutmasewatl : interpret / translate for🔉
- nest'g : understand🔉
- nestuapuguet : speak truthfully / speak wisely / speak intelligently🔉
- nestue'g : wise / sensible / of sound mind🔉
- nestu'et : become wiser / become knowledgeable [right and wrong] / mature / grow into maturity / regain consciousness🔉
- nestuita'sit : recollect / recall / remember / become aware🔉
- nestu'tesing : come back to one's senses🔉
- nesupe'j : triplet🔉
- nesutmalsewu'ti : interpretation / translation🔉
- netaga'latl : embarrass🔉
- netaga'sit : get embarrassed / ashamed / acting shy🔉
- netage'g : bashful / shy🔉
- netago'qona'latl : shame🔉
- ne'talqigwat : excellent eyesight / capable of seeing unnoticable or unobvious things🔉
- ne'tapit : critical / faultfinding / nosey🔉
- ne'tata'sit : wise / quick thinker🔉
- ne'tata'suaqan : wisdom🔉
- netawet : able to talk🔉
- netawia'tugwet : know how to tell stories🔉
- netawitoqtet : know how to cook🔉
- ne'tistaqanat : extrememly good hearing🔉
- ne'tma'sit : make center of attention🔉
- netugulimg : provisioning (time)🔉
- netugulit : get provisions / provide🔉
- netuisgalatl : sell for money🔉
- netuisget : sells / salesperson🔉
- netuisgetoq : sell🔉
- netuisgewatl : sell for🔉
- netutmat : ask for money owed🔉
- ne'w : four (in counting)🔉
- newapalatl : cool off with water🔉
- newapatoq : cool off with water🔉
- neweg : breezy / cool breeze🔉
- newisga'q : forty / forty (in counting)🔉
- newisgegipunqeg : forty years🔉
- newjoqaluesmatl : air out in the cool wind🔉
- newjoqaluestoq : air out in the cool wind🔉
- newjoqwa'latl : air out / cool off🔉
- newjoqwa'toq : air out🔉
- ne'wowei : Thursday / fourth one🔉
- news'g : draughty / breezy🔉
- newt : one / one (in counting) / once / once / in the past🔉
- newtaig : one dollar / dollar bill / dollar coin🔉
- newtalqigwat : one·eyed / have one eye🔉
- newtamu'g : one color / flush (in poker)🔉
- newte' : one / still / yet / continues🔉
- newte'jg : alone / one🔉
- newte'jit : one🔉
- newtigata'lugwet : stand or slide on one leg🔉
- newtigatat : have one leg or foot🔉
- newtigisg'g : all day long / all day🔉
- newtinqana'mat : drink alone (usually alcoholic beverage)🔉
- newtiptnat : one handed🔉
- newtipug : all winter / one winter🔉
- newtipunqeg : one year / year🔉
- newtisga'q : ten / ten (in counting)🔉
- newtisga'qewa'j : tenth one / ten·card🔉
- newtitpa'q : all-night / all-night long🔉
- newtlugwet : work alone🔉
- newtnemi'g : one kind🔉
- newtugo'pj : loner🔉
- newtugwa'lugwet : alone🔉
- newtui'gas'g : have single mark🔉
- newtui'gasit : have single mark / ace card🔉
- newtumqwanet : drink beverage / drink alcoholic beverage🔉
- newtunatl : have one🔉
- newugulasing : moist underneath🔉
- ngaqan : ruler / measure🔉
- ngatign, n'katikn : pound (of weight)🔉
- ngutei : same as / too / also / just like🔉
- ngutilj : bachelor / bachelorette / spinster🔉
- nguto'pj : loner / solitary one🔉
- nigana'sit : goes ahead🔉
- niganawtiget : trail blazer / head swamper / head swamper / blaze trail🔉
- niganigsma'latl : push someone ahead🔉
- niganigsma'toq : push ahead🔉
- niganite'tg : plan ahead / predict🔉
- niganpit : sit ahead🔉
- niganpuguit, nikan'pukuit : leader / stand at the front / stand ahead / leader🔉
- niganteg : located at the front🔉
- nigan'tqa'sit : run up ahead🔉
- nigantug : in front🔉
- niganus : leader🔉
- niganu'sgw : female leader🔉
- nige' : now🔉
- nigoq : fishing spear🔉
- nigoqji'j : small two·pronged spear🔉
- nigoqji'juigatat : bow-legged🔉
- nigoqol : eel spear🔉
- nigtua'latl : separate from🔉
- nigtua's'g : branch off / form crotch / divide🔉
- nigtua'sit : branch off / form crotch / divide🔉
- nigtua'tijig : separate / go separate ways🔉
- nigtua'toq : separate🔉
- nigtuigg : crotched / split🔉
- nigtuigit : split shaped / forked shape🔉
- nigweg : grow🔉
- nigwenatl : grow / raise🔉
- nigweng : grow / raise🔉
- nigwet : grow🔉
- nijgig : heal🔉
- nijgit : heal🔉
- nijinj : roe / seed🔉
- nijipjulatl : encourage🔉
- ni'laje'g : friendly / outgoing🔉
- nimji'muatl : encourage / support / agree with🔉
- ni'n : me🔉
- ninasu'nm'gewei : election🔉
- ninen : we / he/she and I / us (exclusive)🔉
- ninenewei : ours (exclusive) / ours (exclusive)🔉
- ni'newei : mine / mine🔉
- nipg : summer🔉
- nipi : leaf (of tree) / leaf (of paper) / vegetable leaf🔉
- nipia'sutmamg : midnight mass / Christmas🔉
- nipi'l : cabbage🔉
- nipispaqan : twig / switch / small branch🔉
- nipispaqanta'tl : beat with switch / beat with twigs🔉
- nipispaqante'g : beat with switch🔉
- nipman : high bush cranberry / bush cranberry🔉
- nipn : last summer🔉
- nipnigu's : June🔉
- nipnug : next summer🔉
- nipugt : forest / woods🔉
- nisa'latl : take down / bring down🔉
- nisapega'toq : throw it downward / throw it down🔉
- nisapegit : crawl downward / crawl down / crawl on all fours🔉
- nisaqalatl : throw down🔉
- nisaqan : weir🔉
- nisaqtoq : throw down🔉
- nisa'sit : goes down / descend🔉
- nisa'toq : take down / bring down🔉
- nisega'latl : pull down🔉
- nisega'toq : pull down / extend down🔉
- niseget : drop🔉
- nisegetl : drop🔉
- Nisgam : God🔉
- nisgusuet : climb down / descend🔉
- nisiaq : fall down🔉
- nisiet : fall down🔉
- nisigsma'latl : push down🔉
- nisigsma'toq : push down🔉
- nisnatl : holds downward🔉
- nisn'g : restrain / holds downward🔉
- nisnusit : lower oneself / hold oneself lower🔉
- niso'piet : swing down🔉
- nisoqpit : pointed down (something of length) / slanted down (something of length)🔉
- nisoqteg : point down (something of length)🔉
- nispilatl : lower (by rope)🔉
- nispilg : lower (by rope)🔉
- nisqanane'g : bruise / bruise🔉
- niss'g : drifting down / falling in air / blown down🔉
- nissing : falling (from a higher place) / drifting down / descend🔉
- nistelg : shoot down🔉
- nisteluatl : shoot down🔉
- ni'taqa't : recuperate🔉
- niwa'latl : dry out / empty all liquid out🔉
- niwa's'g : become dry / get dry / all liquid empties out / evaporate🔉
- niwa'sit : become dry / get dry / all liquid empties out / evaporate🔉
- niwa'toq : dry out / empties/removes all liquid out🔉
- niwe'g : dry / empty (of liquid) / dry / empty (of liquid)🔉
- niweteg : low tide🔉
- niwiga'satl : wipe dry🔉
- niwiga's'g : wipe dry🔉
- niwipsguna't : thirsty🔉
- niwoqsit : dried out (from heat)🔉
- niwoqteg : dried out (from heat)🔉
- nme'j : fish🔉
- nme'j'gowinu : fisher🔉
- nme'ji'j : any small fish / herring🔉
- nme'juaqan : fishery / fishing industry🔉
- nme'juo'q : fish bowl / fish tank🔉
- nmi' : grandmother / granny / term of affection for grandmother🔉
- nmu'j : dog🔉
- nmu'ji'j : pup / puppy / young dog🔉
- nmu'ji'jmnaqsi : willow / pussy willow🔉
- nnigmu'j : hardwood🔉
- nnu : Mi'gmaw person / indigenous person / native person / aboriginal person / first nations person🔉
- nnue'gati : aboriginal community / native village (reserve) / indigenous community🔉
- nnueiei : of aborigianl origin / pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / pertaining to natives / belongs to first nations / of aboriginal🔉
- Nnuei_Mnigu : Indian Island🔉
- nnui'sit : speak indigenous language / speak Mi'gmaw🔉
- nnu'sgw : native woman / aboriginal woman / first nations woman🔉
- nnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style🔉
- nnu'wi't'g : refer to something by its aboriginal name / refer to something in first nations language / say in native language🔉
- nnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass🔉
- nnu_saqama'sgw : female native chief / female aboriginal chief / female first nations chief🔉
- nnu_saqamaw : native chief / aboriginal chief / first nations chief🔉
- no'q'g : cough🔉
- noqt'g : choke / gag (on food)🔉
- npisun : medicine🔉
- npo'qon : bed🔉
- npuaqan : death🔉
- npuinu : dead person / corpse🔉
- npuinu'ulgw : hearse / vehicle (boat) used to transport the deceased🔉
- nqana'paqsun : well bucket🔉
- nqani'gn : dip net / scoop🔉
- nqani'guom : manger / shelter / stable / well house🔉
- nqano'pati : well (of water)🔉
- nsanoqon : danger🔉
- nsanoqonig : dangerous🔉
- nsanoqonit : dangerous🔉
- ns'tnaqan : orphan🔉
- nsugwi' : aunty!🔉
- ntaqo'qon : shame / disgrace🔉
- ntugsuinu : hunter / provider🔉
- Nuel : Christmas (name) / Christmas🔉
- Nuelewumg : Christmas Day / Christmas time🔉
- nugjaqa'latl : squash / crush it🔉
- nugjaqa'toq : squash / crush it🔉
- nugjaqsatl : mince / cut to tiny bits🔉
- nugjaqta'tl : smash to bits / mash🔉
- nugjaqtesg'g : crush by stomping / stomp🔉
- nugjaqtesguatl : stomp to bits / crush by stomping🔉
- nugsaqatew : ember / charcoal🔉
- nugsatl : cut to pieces / mince🔉
- nugs'g : mince / shred / cut into pieces🔉
- nugta'tl : soften by pounding / soften by hitting / tenderise🔉
- nugte'g : tenderise / soften by pounding / soften by hitting🔉
- nugtesg'g : crush (with feet) / soften (with feet)🔉
- nugtesguatl : crush (with feet) / soften (with feet)🔉
- nugtoqtejgwej : house keeper / maid / servant🔉
- nugu' : so now / then / any more (no longer) / all ready / come on now!🔉
- nugumi : granny! / grammie!🔉
- nugwa'gipulatl : grind🔉
- nugwa'gittoq : grind🔉
- nugwa'latl : soften🔉
- nu'gwa'latl : set on fire / burn🔉
- nugwaltugo'n : comb🔉
- nugwaltugo'sit : comb hair🔉
- nu'gwa'luejgewei : cattail🔉
- nu'gwa'q : burn / on fire / ablaze🔉
- nu'gwa't : burn / ablaze / dwelling on fire / belongings on fire🔉
- nugwa'toq : soften🔉
- nu'gwa'toq : set ablaze / burn🔉
- nugwe'g : soft / soft🔉
- nuja'gitteget : sawyer🔉
- nujagnutmewinu : lawyer / reporter🔉
- nuja'q : swimmer🔉
- nujatejo'tasit : twitcher (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / twitch (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods)🔉
- nujatejo'teget : twitch logs (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / hauls logs🔉
- nujatejo'toqol : haul / twitch (in logging)🔉
- nujeiwatl : in charge of / responsible for / handle🔉
- nujgma'q : melt / thaw🔉
- nujgma't : melt / thaw🔉
- nujgmoqsatl : soften by using heat / melt by using heat🔉
- nujgmoqs'g : melt by using heat🔉
- nujgmoqsit : melt (through heating)🔉
- nujgmoqteg : melt (through heating)🔉
- nujiajig : make (professionally)🔉
- nujialapit : watchman / watchman🔉
- nujiamalgat : dancer / dancer🔉
- nujiasigetg : teamster🔉
- nujielutuet : imitator / impersonator🔉
- nujiewjo'lajig : hauler / transporter🔉
- nujiewjo'tasit : hauler🔉
- nujiewjo'teget : delivery person / hauler / deliver / transport / haul🔉
- nujiewjo'toq : haul🔉
- nujigeluet : matchmaker🔉
- nujigina'muet : educator / teacher / teacher / educator🔉
- nujigina'muo'guom : school🔉
- nujigoqwa'luet : wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia) / wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia)🔉
- nujigsmoqja'teget : foreman / pusher / foreman / pusher🔉
- nujigtu'muet : musicial entertainer / entertainer (with musical instrument)🔉
- nujiilsuteget : judge🔉
- nujimila'teget : prankster / joker / jester / joker / prankster / jester🔉
- nujimuet : counsellor / advisor / counsel / advise🔉
- nujinapui'giget : photographer / take photograph🔉
- nujine'pateget : executioner / serial killer / murderer🔉
- nujinget : scaler (in lumbering) / one who does the measuring / scale (in lumbering)🔉
- nujinpiteget : healer🔉
- nujinqasui'get : firefighter🔉
- nujins'pit : baby sitter / house sitter🔉
- nujintoq : singer / singer🔉
- nujintuisget : salesperson / peddler / vendor🔉
- nujintus : barren / sterile🔉
- nujinutmaqaniget : storyteller / tattletale / gossiper🔉
- nujipestung : preacher / preacher🔉
- nujipetqa'muet : referee / mediator / umpire🔉
- nujipgwateliget : buyer / purchaser / buyer / purchaser🔉
- nujipipnet : baker🔉
- nujipipugwet : musician / whistler / horn blower / musician / whistler / horn blower🔉
- nuji'pit : runner (professional) / errand runner / runner (professional) / errand runner🔉
- nujipi't'pet : bartender / bootlegger🔉
- nujiputaqiget : butcher / butcher🔉
- nujisa'se'wamugwa'teget : magician / one who changes things🔉
- nujitmasaqte'muet : barber🔉
- nujitoq : make professionally🔉
- nujitoqtet : baker (professional)🔉
- nujiwi'giget : write🔉
- nujiwsiget : fortuneteller / fortuneteller🔉
- nujo'teget : witness / serve at mass / sheperd (in the song Nujo'taqatioq) / witness (as in a wedding) / server at mass🔉
- nujo'tg : in charge of / responsible for / handle🔉
- nujumu : with gastric tuberculosis🔉
- nujumuit : have gastric tuberculosis🔉
- nunat : suck🔉
- nunatg : suck🔉
- nunmaqeg : slope / slight incline🔉
- nunmaqet : slope / slight incline🔉
- nunmintoq : hum🔉
- nunmip'sit : moderately warm🔉
- nunmip'teg : moderately warm🔉
- nusalatl : suckle (infant) / breastfeed🔉
- nu'sesgw : female bear🔉
- nuse'sgwet : nurse / breastfeed / breastfeeder / nurser / wet nurse🔉
- nuset : breast-feed🔉
- nussaqiget : clerk / clerk🔉
- nutagnat : infirmed / feeble in body or health / ailing🔉
- nutagnutg : report on / talk about🔉
- nutagnutmewinu : lawyer / reporter🔉
- nutanguet : responsible for provisioning / responsible for buying🔉
- nutanteget : hunter / killer / hunter / killer🔉
- nutapit : scout (around) / scout🔉
- nutapsgo'teget : scribe / write🔉
- nutapteget : coroner🔉
- nuta'q : missing / not there / absent / needs, requires🔉
- nuta't : missing / not there / absent / needs, requires🔉
- nutateji'pulatl : deliver🔉
- nutateji'putasit : passenger / person who takes a cab / passenger🔉
- nutateji'puteget : delivery person🔉
- nutateji'putoq : deliver🔉
- nutawtigmuatl : guide / make trail🔉
- nutawtigmuet : make trail / guide🔉
- nu'te'nmaqan : campfire / outdoor kitchen🔉
- nutg : hear🔉
- nutg'g : no longer fits / something has become too large or too small to fit anymore🔉
- nutgulpapatiget, nutkul'papatiket : scrub on hands and knees🔉
- nutgulpa'sit, nutkul'pa'sit : kneel🔉
- nutgulpit, nutkul'pit : kneeling🔉
- nutgulpugua'sit, nutkul'pukua'sit : genuflect🔉
- nutmat : hear about / hear tell of🔉
- nutnewet : assist at mass / serve mass / altar boy/girl / acolyte🔉
- nutoqto'guom : kitchen🔉
- nutpet : bartender🔉
- nutpipnet : bread-baker🔉
- nutqalugwet : poor quality work🔉
- nutqwa'latl : give insufficient amount / put insufficient amount🔉
- nutqwa'toq : put insufficient amount / add insufficient amount🔉
- nutqwe'g : immature / undeveloped / minor🔉
- nutqwelg : inadequate / insufficient / inadequate / insufficient🔉
- nutqwijijigwe'jg : insufficiently narrow🔉
- nutqwijijigwe'jit : insufficiently narrow🔉
- nutsegnewet : bricklayer / mason🔉
- nutuatl : hear🔉
- o'plagnutmajig : have disagreement / have misunderstanding🔉
- o'pla'latl : do wrong / do something wrong to🔉
- o'plapuguet : say the wrong thing / say something inappropriate🔉
- opla's'g : go wrong🔉
- opla'sit : go wrong🔉
- o'platalg : eat improperly🔉
- o'pla'teget : do wrong / do incorrectly🔉
- o'pla'toq : do wrong / do incorrectly🔉
- o'plisqatesg : sprain🔉
- o'plisqatesing : sprain🔉
- o'plisqatesmatl : sprain🔉
- o'plisqatestoq : sprain🔉
- o'pliwenaqto'sit : mistakenly raise the pot (poker) / skip wrong (Shubenacadie)🔉
- o'pl'ta'tl : hit wrongly / strike wrongly🔉
- o'pl'te'g : strike wrongly / hit wrongly🔉
- o'plwi'tatl : name or call wrongly / call by wrong name🔉
- o'plwi't'g : call by wrong name / say incorrectly🔉
- oqo : because / thus / so🔉
- oqolema'sit : puts in mouth🔉
- oqolumgwa'sit : bow head🔉
- oqonaliaq : covered with snow, soil, etc. / process of being covered with snow, soil, etc.🔉
- oqonaliet : covered with snow, etc. / process of being covered with snow, etc.🔉
- oqonisgwa'latl : cover🔉
- oqonisgwa'toq : cover🔉
- oqonisqopilatl : wrap / cover / cover with a wrap🔉
- oqonisqopilg : wrap / cover / cover by wrapping🔉
- oqonitpa'q : dark (night)🔉
- oqonitpaqaiet : faint🔉
- oqonitpaqamugwiaq : getting dark🔉
- oqonoqopisaqan : wrap / receiving blanket / bundle (for infant) / privacy curtain🔉
- oqonoqopiso'tlatl : place hood on🔉
- oqopisit : wrapped up / bundled (as infant) / swadded (as infant)🔉
- oqoqiaq : mold / fungal growth on damp or decaying matter🔉
- oqosgijigueg : sticky🔉
- oqosgijiguet : sticky🔉
- oqote'tut : friends!🔉
- oqoti : dear / friend / affection term between spouses🔉
- oqotqomatl : tease (about member of opposite sex) / tease about a potential romantic partner🔉
- oqtatqa'toq : put into drydock🔉
- oqwa'q : arrive / land / dock🔉
- oqwasa'toq : beach (canoe) / pull up on the shore🔉
- oqwa't : arrive / land / dock🔉
- oqwatg : wind blows from the north🔉
- oqwatn : north🔉
- oqwatqigan : lean·to🔉
- pa'ge'g : sober🔉
- Pa'gewumg : Easter🔉
- pagwe'jg : shallow water🔉
- pa'itepega'sit : overflow🔉
- pa'it'pega's'g : overflow🔉
- pajijiglulg : extremely good or nice / best🔉
- pajijiglu'sit : extremely good or nice / the best🔉
- pajijigsma'latl : push too far / push too hard🔉
- pajijigsma'toq : pushes it too far / push too hard🔉
- pajijipilei : newest / newer than new / newest one / newer than new🔉
- pajijiwinjig : extremely bad / worst🔉
- pajijiwinjit : extremely bad / worst🔉
- pajjaqamat : spread-on thickly / exaggerate (slang) / overdo🔉
- pa'le'we'l : barley🔉
- paltaqan : gunwale (of boat) / trim (door, window, baseboard, crown molding)🔉
- pa'migli : black poplar (Balm of Gilead) / kind of tree (related to poplar grows near water)🔉
- pana : it is so / just so🔉
- pana'latl : open🔉
- pana's'g : open🔉
- pana'sit : open🔉
- pana'toq : open🔉
- panawijqanawet : thoroughly search🔉
- paneta'q : sun beginning to shine through clouds / open or clear up (of sky)🔉
- pangeji'j : pung / horse drawn winter sleigh on runners / sleigh🔉
- pangwenatl : delouse / groom🔉
- pangwenewet : delouse🔉
- panianug : next spring🔉
- paniaq : end of the snow period🔉
- panigisgiaq : clear up (of clouds or fog)🔉
- panjasgiet : legs outspread while in lying position🔉
- pansaqatl : unlock🔉
- pansaqq : unlock🔉
- pansatl : cut open / operate on🔉
- pans'g : cut open / operate on🔉
- panta'latl : open up🔉
- panta'toq : open🔉
- pantepit : open🔉
- panteteg : open🔉
- pan'tqa'sit : come running out of the woods / comes running out into the open🔉
- pantuna'sit : open mouth🔉
- pantunepit : agape / open (container)🔉
- pantuno'jing : have mouth open🔉
- panuijgatg : examine / study🔉
- panuijgo'latl : examine in an inquisitive manner / invasive, prying investigation / study / dig through🔉
- panuijgo'tasit : examine in an inquisitive manner / invasive, prying investigation / dig through🔉
- papawei : horse bean / broad bean / fava bean🔉
- papga'latl : take down the coast🔉
- papga'lugwet : drift down the coast / drift down river🔉
- papga'sit : goes down the coast / goes down river🔉
- papga'toq : take down the coast / take down river🔉
- papge'g : down the coast / down river🔉
- papge'gewa'j : person from down the coast / person from down river🔉
- papge'gewi'sgw : female from down the coast / female from down river🔉
- papit : amuse self🔉
- papitaqan : toy / item made for enjoyment🔉
- pa'pnji'j, pa'pn'ji'j : spool / bobbin🔉
- papqwa'toq : strip off birchbark🔉
- papuaqan : amusement / fun time / celebration🔉
- paqaiatgweitesing : falls flat on a surface / slam into the ground or other surface🔉
- paqaiatgweitesmatl : slam down / body slam🔉
- paqaiatgweitestoq : slam down🔉
- pa'qalaig : surprised / amazed🔉
- pa'qalaiwaqan : surprising news or event / amazing news or event / astonishing news or event / surprise🔉
- paqa'latl : bite🔉
- paqa'luet : bites🔉
- pa'qamajeiwatl : snooping / meddlesome to him/her / examine / inspect / investigate / study🔉
- pa'qamajo'tg : snooping / meddlesome to it / examine / inspect / investigate / study🔉
- pa'qapugua'latl : hear confession🔉
- pa'qapuguatg : confess🔉
- pa'qapuguet : confess🔉
- pa'qapuguo'ti : confession🔉
- paqasa'latl : place in the water (river)🔉
- paqasaqalatl : throw in water / launch🔉
- paqasaqtoq : throw in the water / launch🔉
- paqasa'sit : goes in the water🔉
- paqasa'toq : put in the water (river) / launch into water🔉
- paqasiet : fall into the water🔉
- paqaste'g : launch / cause to fall into water, river or lake / knock into water / hit into water🔉
- pa'qastmat : easily pick up news and gossip🔉
- paqa'toq : bite🔉
- pa'qe'g : downhill🔉
- paqo'si : seaweed🔉
- paqsipgeitelua'tl : shoot and kill instantly (with gun or bow and arrow)🔉
- paqsipgelmit : burst out laughing / laugh hard🔉
- paqsipgetemit : burst out crying / crying hard🔉
- paqtaqamigt : wilderness / deserted area🔉
- paqtaqamigtug : wilderness / deserted area🔉
- paqtaqawa'q : echoey🔉
- paqtasit : shining bright🔉
- paqtateg : shining bright🔉
- paqtesm : wolf🔉
- paqtlusg'teg : extremely low tide🔉
- Paqtngeg : Afton🔉
- paqt'sm : wolf🔉
- paqtuneitesing : fall flat on the face🔉
- pasaliteg : deep snow🔉
- pasaltugwat : thick hair🔉
- pasatpat : thick·headed🔉
- pase'g : thick / thick🔉
- pas'g : only / just🔉
- pasge'g : crushed or shattered / busted / crushed or shattered / busted🔉
- pasgesetmat : light up / smoke🔉
- pasg'g : sit or lie on🔉
- pasgija'latl : flatten / squeeze / run over🔉
- pasgija'toq : squeeze / flatten / run over🔉
- pasgina'latl : tear or rip🔉
- pasgina'toq : tear or rip🔉
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn🔉
- pasginoqjing : tear or split (from freezing)🔉
- pasginoqsit : cracked (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasginoqteg : cracked (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasgipiasit : split or cracked (from dryness)🔉
- pasgipiateg : split or cracked (from dryness)🔉
- pasgoqjing : cracked or split (from excessive cold)🔉
- pasgoqsign : jam🔉
- pasgoqsit : shattered (from excessive heat) / pierced (from heat) / burst (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasgoqteg : burst (from excessive heat) / shatter (from excessive heat)🔉
- pasgoqt'g : crack or split (from excessive cold)🔉
- pasg'sa'latl : light up / set on fire🔉
- pasg'sa'toq : set on fire / light up🔉
- pasg'sematl : light up (tobacco pipe) / light up a cigarette🔉
- pasg'setmat : light up (to smoke)🔉
- pasg'setmuatl : light up (cigarette or pipe) for🔉
- pasg'teg : pop (as log on fire or as corn)🔉
- pa'sg'teg : explode (moisture in log on fire)🔉
- pasguatl : have one's weight on🔉
- pasi'tuat : thick bearded🔉
- paspit : thick / dense / piled deep🔉
- passoqsatl : thicken by boiling / thicken by cooking🔉
- pasteg : thick / dense🔉
- pastesg : burst🔉
- pastesing : burst🔉
- pastung : United States🔉
- pastungewa'gi : American territory / United States of America🔉
- pastungewa'j : American male / American🔉
- pastungewi'sgw : American woman / American female🔉
- patalapit : cross·eyed (strabismus)🔉
- patanapjit : hold with left hand🔉
- patang : left·handed🔉
- patanjuei : left hand / item used for or by left hand🔉
- patanmit : left·handed🔉
- pata'taqan : sin🔉
- pata'teget : sin🔉
- pata'tegewinu : sinner🔉
- patatuj : left-side🔉
- patatujg : on the left side🔉
- patatujge'g : leftward / towards the left🔉
- patatujge'l : leftward / towards the left🔉
- pata'wti : table🔉
- patawtiewegn : tablecloth🔉
- patgulme'sigaqan : altar🔉
- pa'tlia's : priest / clergy🔉
- pa'tlia'si'sgw : nun🔉
- pa'tliatji'j : brother (religious)🔉
- Pa'tligs'te'wumg : Saint Patrick's Day🔉
- pawa'sit : move slowly🔉
- pawnigwet : dress hides / tan hides🔉
- pe' : hold on! (interjection)🔉
- pegaja'latl : do neatly / keep tidy / does properly / clean🔉
- pegaja'toq : do neatly / keep tidy / does properly / clean🔉
- pegaje'g : tidy / neat / clean🔉
- pegajeiwatl : keep in good shape or condition🔉
- pegajilugwet : work neatly / work cleanly🔉
- pegajo'tg : keep in good shape or condition🔉
- pega'q : straight🔉
- pegaqamgiet : grimy / filthy🔉
- pegatnmat : neat / clean and tidy🔉
- pegatteg : neat / clean and tidy🔉
- pegeja'teget : neaten / clean🔉
- pegije'g : long time🔉
- pegijiesgmalatl : wait long time for🔉
- pegijiesgmatg : wait long time for🔉
- pegijipnet : suffers from long term illness🔉
- pegising : arrive / get there🔉
- pegisitoq : bring or arrive with🔉
- pegisulatl : bring or arrive with🔉
- pegitapegsig : long lasting / take a long time to unfold🔉
- pegitapematl : useful for a long time🔉
- pegitapetg : useful for long time🔉
- pegitapit : stay up late🔉
- pegitawsit : live long life🔉
- pegitewo'gwet : talk long time🔉
- pe'gitnet : have nose bleed / bleed from nostril🔉
- pegitqatg : stay long time🔉
- pegittemit : cry long while🔉
- pegittoq : is taking a long time to return / is taking a long time🔉
- pegn'g : dark (without light)🔉
- pegoqsit : straight🔉
- peguig : sticky / gummy🔉
- peguit : gummy / sticky🔉
- pegwaja'latl : clean dress or gut (as fish, chicken)🔉
- pe'gwamatl : pleased to see again after a long time🔉
- pe'gwamu'g : it is nice to see again after a long time🔉
- pe'gwamugsit : it is nice to see again after a long time🔉
- pegwang : able to lift the weight of / able to move it🔉
- pe'gwapt'g : is pleased to see again after long time🔉
- pegwatelg : buy / purchase🔉
- pegwateliget : purchase / buy🔉
- pegwateluatl : buy / purchase🔉
- pegwatoq : at fault / cause🔉
- pegwigwalatl : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pegwigwatg : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pegwi'satl : patch🔉
- pegwi's'g : patch🔉
- peigwapit : see all around🔉
- peigwaqatg : stay here and there / live all over🔉
- pejigisgiaq : ceiling🔉
- pejigluluet : comes to ask permission from parents to marry their daughter🔉
- pejigu'ta'tl : knock down unintentionally🔉
- pejigu'te'g : knock it down unintentionally🔉
- pejijing'ja'latl : squeeze unintentionally / squeeze accidently / pinch unintentionally / pinch accidently🔉
- pejila'sit : arrive unannounced or unexpectedly or by surprise🔉
- pejilugwet : came here to work / arrive here to work🔉
- peji'pit : arrive hurriedly / drop by / hurry over🔉
- pejipug : winter arrives🔉
- pejipunmit : come to experience winter🔉
- pejipunsit : comes to spend winter / settle in for winter🔉
- peji'taqamat : trip (over)🔉
- peji'taqane'ita'tl : slap on neck🔉
- pejitmsatl : cut accidentally🔉
- pejitms'g : cuts accidentally🔉
- pejiwsit : move here to settle down🔉
- pejo'laji : bring them / haul or deliver them🔉
- pejoqsatl : burns accidently / burns unintentionlly🔉
- pejoqs'g : cook unintentionally / burn unintentionally / burns accidently🔉
- pejo'toql : brings them / haul or deliver in bulk🔉
- peju : codfish🔉
- pejue'get : fish for cod🔉
- pejuei : codfish meat🔉
- pe'l : for now / for the time being / while🔉
- pelagwet : parrot🔉
- pela'latl : excluded / omitted / miss connecting with🔉
- pela'toq : omit / miss connecting with🔉
- pelgoqa'latl : peel by hand🔉
- pelgoqa'toq : peel by hand🔉
- pelgo'qiget : debark🔉
- pelgoqsatl : peel with knife🔉
- pelgoqsewet : peel🔉
- pelgoqs'g : peel with knife🔉
- pelgoqta'tl : strip off with sharp tool🔉
- pelgoqte'g : strip off with sharp tool🔉
- pelqa'latl : peel / husk🔉
- pelqa'toq : peel / husk🔉
- pelsit : thick🔉
- pelteg : thick (of liquid, porridge) / pour thickly🔉
- pe'l_ap_ta'n_tujiw : wait until some other time / wait until the next time / until some other time🔉
- pe'l_tmg : first of all🔉
- pema'gwi'teget : steering🔉
- pema'latl : carry / bringing someone along (wheelchair)🔉
- pemamgwe'get : pole along🔉
- pemanatl : process of doing away with / process of destroying / process of killing🔉
- pemang : process of doing away with / process of destroying / process of killing🔉
- pemanguat : peddle🔉
- pemapaqtesg : streak🔉
- pemapaqtesing : streak🔉
- pemapaqto'sit : splash self (as going along)🔉
- pemapegit : crawl along🔉
- pemapilatl : carry along in hand (by of rope, handle, etc.)🔉
- pemapilawet : carry by rope or handle / carry by scruff of neck (as cat)🔉
- pemapilg : carry along in hand (by rope, handle, etc.)🔉
- pema'q : swim along🔉
- pemaqs'g : fly by🔉
- pemaqteget : sail along🔉
- pematalg : eat on the go🔉
- pema'teget : pallbearer🔉
- pematejimatl : drag along🔉
- pematejitoq : drag along / pull (sled)🔉
- pema'toq : carry🔉
- pematpe'pit : run along with head abobbing🔉
- pematqaiet : go through thicket🔉
- pemawlalatl : carry along on back🔉
- pemawlatg : carry along on back🔉
- pemeiwatl : operating🔉
- pemelmit : pass by laughing🔉
- pemg'g : go past / pass / go past in authority / promote over🔉
- pemguatl : go past / pass / go past in authority / promote over🔉
- pemgwi't'g : steer along🔉
- pemiaq : move along / going by🔉
- pemiet : go by / move along🔉
- pemigegwi'pit : run along slowly🔉
- pemigp'ta'q : puff along / smoke along🔉
- pemigp'ta't : smoke along / puff along🔉
- pemijajiga'sit : move along the shore / walk along shore🔉
- pemijajigisugwit : paddle along the shore🔉
- pemiji'met : paddle along / row along🔉
- pemimqapsgeg : become large and round🔉
- pemimqapsg'sit : become large and round🔉
- pemintoq : go along singing🔉
- pemi'pit : run along🔉
- pemipqamig : slide / skate along / coast along🔉
- pemipqamit : slide / coast along / skate along🔉
- pemi'pugwet : stagger along🔉
- pemi'puluet : ride along on (horse)back🔉
- pemiqama'sit : standing up🔉
- pemisiawaqteget : sail along by🔉
- pemisiawa'sit : pass by🔉
- pemisiawtemit : pass by and crying🔉
- pemisqoqitugwi'g : run up the hill🔉
- pemisugwit : paddle along🔉
- pemitg : flow along🔉
- pemitge'g : get cold (of weather)🔉
- pemitgiaq : get chilly🔉
- pemitgiet : getting cold🔉
- pemitma's'g : start to break (ice)🔉
- pemitma'sit : start to break🔉
- pemitqoju'tugwi'g : run upstairs🔉
- pemiwigwa'smugwet : whistle along🔉
- pemja't : leap along / hop along🔉
- pemji'malatl, pem'ji'malatl : paddle along / row along🔉
- pemji'matg, pem'ji'matk : paddle along / row along🔉
- pemji'met, pem'ji'met : paddle along / row along🔉
- peml'ga't : walk along🔉
- pemlugweg : go along working🔉
- pemlugwet : go along working🔉
- pemn'galatl : carry on shoulder🔉
- pemn'gatg : carry on shoulder🔉
- pemn'get : wear shoulder pack🔉
- pemo'tg : operate🔉
- pempa'q : rise (of tide)🔉
- pempa'sit : start to sit down🔉
- pempega's'g : start to rise (of tide)🔉
- pempegitg : flow along🔉
- pempilg : tow along🔉
- pempisgiaq, pem'piskiaq : become twilight🔉
- pempugua'sit, pem'pukua'sit : start to get on feet / start to recover from bad times🔉
- pemqo'gwet : float along / drift along🔉
- pemqo'qweg : float along / drift along🔉
- pemsaqas'g : wall / partition🔉
- pems'g : pass by (in air)🔉
- pemsiawqo'qweg, pem'siawqo'qwek : float by🔉
- pemsiawqo'qwet, pem'siawqo'qwet : float by🔉
- pemsing : hurry by / pass by (in the air)🔉
- pemsulatl : hurrying by with🔉
- pemsutoq : hurrying by with🔉
- pemta'q : go by making noise🔉
- pemtaqaiet : slither along🔉
- pemtemit : going by and crying🔉
- pemtesg'g : kick along / pass by / chase after🔉
- pemtesguatl : kick along / pass by / chase after🔉
- pemto'gwet : drift off (to sleep) / pass out (from drinking) / drift along (on the water)🔉
- pemtoqsit : prattle along / yelling by / gab by🔉
- pemtugwi'g, pem'tukwi'k : run along🔉
- pemtulgomit, pem'tulkomit : going with something tucked under the arm🔉
- penatg : lay (eggs)🔉
- penatmuigu's : April🔉
- pene'sugwa't : drool🔉
- pene'sugwati : saliva / drool🔉
- penetgwit : calve🔉
- penoqwite'lmatl : look down on / snub / discriminate against🔉
- pepga'gipulatl : grind down / file down / saw thin🔉
- pepga'gittoq : make thin by grinding down / file thin / saw thin🔉
- pepga'latl : thin out (liquid) / thin down (board)🔉
- pepga'toq : thin out / thin down🔉
- pepgaltugwat : have thin hair / have fine hair🔉
- pepge'jg : thin🔉
- pepge'jit : thin🔉
- pepgijatpat : flat·headed🔉
- pepg'te'muatl : thin out (head hair) by cutting🔉
- pepsitelget : disrespectful / rude🔉
- pepsite'lmatl : disrespect / rude / discourteous🔉
- pept'sgna'sit : put on shoes and socks🔉
- pepueget : shake🔉
- pepuegetl : shake🔉
- pepuetesg : shake / tremble🔉
- pepuetesing : shake / tremble🔉
- peqanqasita'teget : get flat feet / get flatfooted🔉
- pesa'ji'jg : lightly snowing🔉
- pesa'latl : skin fish🔉
- pesanagig : snow mist / snow flurries🔉
- pesaq : snowing🔉
- pesa'tl : smell🔉
- pesetoq : smell🔉
- pesga'latl : lead off the trail or road / take off trail or road🔉
- pesga'qiputeg : chafed🔉
- pesga'sit : go off the trail or road / leave off the trail or road🔉
- pesga'toq : lead off the trail or road / take off trail or road🔉
- pe'sgewei : gun / rifle / shotgun🔉
- pe'sg'g : shoot at🔉
- pesgiaq : get dark / night-falls🔉
- pe'sgigeg : shoot🔉
- pe'sgiget : fire / shoot🔉
- pesg'teg : lead off to (path)🔉
- pe'sg'teg : fired (as gun)🔉
- pe'sguatl : shoot at🔉
- pesgunateg : nine / nine (in counting)🔉
- pesgunateg_te'sinsga'q : ninety / ninety (in counting)🔉
- pesgunateg_te'sisga'q : ninety / ninety (in counting)🔉
- pesgutua'tl : shave🔉
- pesgutue'g : shave🔉
- pesgutuo'sit : shave oneself🔉
- pesgwatalg : graze (as cow or horse)🔉
- pesgwete'gemgewei : sickle🔉
- pesgwiet : moult / shed🔉
- pesigte'get : split wood🔉
- pesi'gugwet : river drive🔉
- pesigweita'tl : slap face🔉
- pesipga'latl : sever, cut, split, or break off (thread, rope) with force / sever, cut, split, or break off (thread, rope) with tool🔉
- pesipga'toq : breaks wire / breaks leather thong🔉
- pesipgeget : break (rope, string or chain) in two🔉
- pesipgegetl : breaks rope or cable / breaks line🔉
- pe'sit : have something in eye🔉
- pesoqopsga'sit : fumble and drop / let slip from hand🔉
- pesoqopsg'ta'tl : miss (in swinging, or striking) / fumble🔉
- pesoqopsg'te'g : fumble / partially block / miss (in swinging, or striking)🔉
- pesoqta'tl : miss aimed at / fail to hit (aimed)🔉
- pesoqte'g : miss / fail to hit (something aimed)🔉
- pesoqtelg : fail to shoot something aimed at / miss (in shooting)🔉
- pesoqteluatl : fail to hit someone aimed at / miss (in shooting)🔉
- pesoqtesg'g : miss / fail to meet it / fail to come into contact with it🔉
- pesoqtesgmat : trip / miss step / stumble🔉
- pesoqtesgmuatl : trips him/her🔉
- pesoqtesguatl : miss / fail to meet / fail to come into contact with it(ball)🔉
- pesqa'gipusit : chafed🔉
- pesqaiaq : peel🔉
- pesqaiet : skin peels (as from sunburn)🔉
- pesqa'latl : skin animal🔉
- pesqata'tl : scrape (with instrument)🔉
- pesqate'g : scrape (with instrument)🔉
- pesqatesmatl : scrape🔉
- pesqatestoq : scrape🔉
- pesqojigueg : sticky🔉
- pesqojiguet : sticky🔉
- pesqo'latl : pluck (as chicken)🔉
- pessatl : cut accidentally🔉
- pess'g : cut accidentally🔉
- pessmgewei : holy picture or medal or crucifix🔉
- pestaqa'latl : strain🔉
- pestaqalsit : strains self🔉
- pestaqa'toq : strain🔉
- pe's'teg : burst into flame🔉
- pestie'wumg : feast day🔉
- pestmat : starve🔉
- pestmo'qon : starvation🔉
- pestung : preach / make speech🔉
- pe'talatl : catch fish🔉
- petaptu'sit : comes with the aid of a cane🔉
- petaqan : pie🔉
- petaqanji'j : tart / small pie🔉
- petasenmat : come walking with light or torch🔉
- petasit : blinded (by glare of light or sun)🔉
- petatejitoq : comes dragging it🔉
- petawlalatl : comes carrying on back / comes lugging on back🔉
- petawlatg : comes lugging on back / comes carrying on back🔉
- petawlet : lug here (on back)🔉
- petgitg : mail here / send here / dispatch here🔉
- petgnejig : arrive at destination🔉
- petgutatestoq : spill unintentionally🔉
- petguta'tl : knock out🔉
- petguteget : spill unintentionally🔉
- petna's'g : gust of cool wind🔉
- petqa'matimg : mediation🔉
- petqwasit : deny🔉
- petta'tl : strike unintentionally / hit unintentionally🔉
- pette'g : stikes unintentionally / hit unintentionally🔉
- pettemit : gets here crying / arrives crying🔉
- petteppit : arrive as a passenger🔉
- pettesguatl : accidentally bump into / chases here🔉
- petu'niaq : get foggy🔉
- petuptoq : lug here (on shoulder)🔉
- pewalatl : want🔉
- pewa'q : sweep🔉
- pewaqs'te'get : thrash (of wheat, grain etc.)🔉
- pewaqs'te'gnei : thrasher (used in farming)🔉
- pewaqtesmatl : shake out / shake off🔉
- pewaqtestoq : shake off / shake out🔉
- pewat : dream🔉
- pewatg : want / desire🔉
- pewiatl : dream about🔉
- pewi'get : sweep🔉
- pewitaqan : dream🔉
- pewiteget : dream🔉
- pewitoq : dream about🔉
- pewoqiajgewei : nasturtium🔉
- pga'w : clay🔉
- pgegn : hide (of skin)🔉
- pgenign : fertilizer / manure🔉
- pgesign : piece of cloth🔉
- pgesign'ji'j : small piece of cloth🔉
- pgijoqign : bottle cap / bottle cover / lid / cork / plug🔉
- pgu : gum / pitch / fudge🔉
- pguman : blueberry🔉
- pgumanapu : blueberry juice🔉
- pgumanaqsi : blueberry bush / blueberry branch🔉
- pgumane'get : go to get(pick) blueberries🔉
- pgwejijg : cinnamon🔉
- piamglu'lg : better🔉
- piamglu'sit, piam'klu'sit : better🔉
- piamiaq : leftover🔉
- piamiet : something leftover🔉
- piamigsalatl : prefer / likes better🔉
- piamigsatg : likes better / prefer🔉
- piamite'lmatl : think more of🔉
- piamite'tg : think more of🔉
- piamiw : more than / over🔉
- piesgmin : corn🔉
- pi'g : spade (in cards)🔉
- piggw : flea🔉
- piggwit : flea infested🔉
- piglewji'j : lamp globe / oil lamp chimney🔉
- pigsa'q : cloudy from smoke / cloudy from dust🔉
- pigsa't : cloud of smoke or dust or steam from...🔉
- pigtit : fart🔉
- pi'gun : feather🔉
- pi'gw : night hawk🔉
- pi'gwatign : shed hair🔉
- pi'gwatignmit : shed hair🔉
- pija'latl : put in🔉
- pija'lut : jailed / put inside🔉
- pijapegit : crawl into / crawl underneath🔉
- pija'sit : go into / go underneath🔉
- pija'toq : put in🔉
- pijatpo'jing : head inside something🔉
- pijeget : throw in / throw under🔉
- pijiaq : fall in / drop in🔉
- pijiet : fall in / drop in / go into debt🔉
- pijigatat : long·legged🔉
- pijigiaq : curve inward🔉
- pijigiet : curve in🔉
- pijigsma'latl : push into🔉
- pijigsma'toq : push in🔉
- pijigwalatl : press into(container) / squeeze into(container)🔉
- pijigweg : grow inward / ingrown🔉
- pijigwet : grows inward / ingrown🔉
- pijimaqan : funnel🔉
- pijipgwiaq : cave in / falls in in small pieces🔉
- pijipgwiet : cave in / falls in in small pieces🔉
- pijiptnat : have long reach / have long arms🔉
- pijisqonat : have a long nose🔉
- pijistaqanat : have long ears🔉
- pijiwnaqaiet : jump into / jump inside🔉
- pijjaqan : mitten🔉
- pijjaqana'q : wear mittens🔉
- pilegn : new cloth🔉
- pilei : new / new🔉
- pile'sm : novice / rookie🔉
- piligan : new house / new camp🔉
- piligana'gamigt : new campsite or development🔉
- pilijilta's'g : newly blazed thing / newly marked thing🔉
- piliman : new potato🔉
- pilse'g : numb / unsalted / under-salted / unsalted / under-salted🔉
- pilsimatl : speak falsely of🔉
- piltuamatl : see something strange about / look strange / look different🔉
- piltuapt'g : see something strange in / look different to / look strange / look at differently🔉
- piltua's'g : turn out differently / turn out unexpectedly🔉
- piltua'sit : turn out differently / turn out unexpectedly🔉
- piltu'lugweg : work differently🔉
- piltu'lugwet : do different work / do something else🔉
- piltu'wi'tatl : call by different name🔉
- piltu'wi't'g : call by different name🔉
- piluamugwiaq : become dusk / change color🔉
- piluamugwiet : change color🔉
- pilu'assit : foolish / silly🔉
- piluowei : bullet / projectile🔉
- pi'mat : hunt waterfowl🔉
- pipanigesit : ask / enquire🔉
- pipanimatl : ask🔉
- pi'pi : peavey hook🔉
- pipnaqan : bread🔉
- pipnaqane'ji'j : caraway seed🔉
- pipnaqsign : piece of bread / slice of bread🔉
- pipnaqsignji'j : small piece of bread🔉
- pipqoqsitat : has a bunion🔉
- piptoqopsgeg : round (globular)🔉
- piptoqopsg'sit : round (globular)🔉
- piptoqwa'q : cylindrical thing / tubular thing🔉
- piptugwagig : round (circular)🔉
- piptugwagit : round (circular)🔉
- pipua'smugwet : blow a horn / whistle🔉
- pipugwaqan : wind instrument / whistle / horn / musical instrument🔉
- pipugwaqane'j : bugler🔉
- pipugwaqan'ji'j : small whistle / whistle🔉
- pipugwes : hawk🔉
- pipugwe'si's : sparrow hawk🔉
- pipugwet : make music on horn or wind instrument / singing🔉
- pis : flea🔉
- pi'sano'tlatl : put diaper on... / to diaper🔉
- pisaqqan : bubble🔉
- pisew : foam / suds🔉
- pisewiaq : foamy / in lather🔉
- pisewiet : foamy / in lather🔉
- pisewtuna't : foam at mouth🔉
- pisga'taqanapi : chain🔉
- pisga'taqanapi'ji'j : small chain🔉
- pisgiaq : get dark / night-falls🔉
- pisguije'watl : accompany inside🔉
- pisgulaq : rain into🔉
- pisgulgwalatl : follow inside🔉
- pisgulgwatg : follow inside🔉
- pisgupanigs'g : drift inside (snow)🔉
- pisgwa'latl : bring inside / take inside / let in🔉
- pisgwapit : look in (from outside)🔉
- pisgwa'q : enters🔉
- pisgwa't : enters🔉
- pisgwa'toq : bring inside / take inside / bring in from outside / put in (Cape Breton)🔉
- pisgwetesg'g : track inside (mud, snow, water)🔉
- pisgwetesguatl : chase inside / kick into🔉
- pisgweto't : elected / hit into (net, goal or hole)🔉
- pisgwigiaq : curve inward🔉
- pisgwigiet : curve inward🔉
- pisgwi'putoq : hurries inside with it / runs inside with it🔉
- pisgwiwsit : move in🔉
- pisit : inside / inside container / incarcerated🔉
- pismuti : mattress🔉
- pi'snalatl : pack (pipe) with tobacco🔉
- pi'snsit : pack pipe🔉
- pisoqos'ti : button🔉
- pisoqotalg : eat much / eat alot / has good appetite🔉
- pisoqqoweiegsit : greedy🔉
- pissaqutnat : has numb mouth🔉
- pisse'g : numb🔉
- pissiet : become numb🔉
- pistamit : sop up (e.g., gravy, molasses) with bread🔉
- pistamun : dip / bread spread or sop (fat, molasses, etc.)🔉
- pisuilsu'tmaqan : false accusation🔉
- pisuilsu'tmuatl : accuse falsely🔉
- pisuimatl : slander🔉
- pisuiw : vainly, in vain / for no reason / for free / for nothing🔉
- pitalqeg : deep hole🔉
- pitamgletesg : flare up (toward inside)🔉
- pitamgletesing : flares inward / flare up (toward inside)🔉
- pita'q : long / tall🔉
- pitaqan : quiver / arrow pouch🔉
- pita'qaweia'q : wear pants🔉
- pita'qawe'l : trousers / pants🔉
- pitaqsa't : long skirt / long dress / long garment🔉
- pitasg'pit : stick in / penetrate🔉
- pitasg'teg : stick in / penetrate🔉
- pi'taw : up river / up stream🔉
- pi'tawa'latl : take up river / take up stream🔉
- pi'tawa's'g : goes up river / goes up the coast🔉
- pi'tawa'sit : going up river / goes up the coast🔉
- pi'tawa'toq : take it up river / take up the coast🔉
- pi'tawe'g : he/she is up river / at up the coast🔉
- pi'tawgowa'j : person from up river / person from up the coast🔉
- pi'tawgowi'sgw : female from up river / female from up the coast🔉
- piteg : inside of it🔉
- pitgimatl : send in🔉
- pitgmalatl : fill up / stuff / load🔉
- pitgmatg : fill up / stuff / load🔉
- pitgmewatl : load for / fill for / pack for🔉
- pitiasit : lit up / bright🔉
- pitiateg : all lit up / bright / all the lights are on🔉
- pi'tisignta'tl : caulk🔉
- pi'tisignte'g : caulk🔉
- pitlanji'j : string bean🔉
- pito'qiptnat : long·armed🔉
- pitoqoluat : long neck🔉
- pitoqpit : sit or set underneath🔉
- pitoqsit : tall🔉
- pitoqteg : burn underneath / set underneath / penetrate beneath🔉
- pi't'pet : pour in / tend bar (Nova Scotia)🔉
- pitqasawet : load (gun) with gunpowder and ramrod / arm gun🔉
- pitqonat : wear high heel shoes / high heel shoe🔉
- pittalu : cougar / mountain lion / lion🔉
- pittaq : long🔉
- pittaqapegisg : long enclosed structure (arena) / long open structure (wharf, air strip) / long strip of material (fabric)🔉
- pittaqpisit : tethered (by long rope, string, chain, twine) / hitched by long rope🔉
- pittaqsit : long🔉
- pitto'tultimg, pitto'tul'timk : auction forty·five (card game)🔉
- pituega'latl : line a garment(as coat)🔉
- pituega'taqan : lining🔉
- pituega'toq : line (a garment)🔉
- pitu'gun : hooded cape / cape (garment)🔉
- pituiptnnaqan : thousand / one thousand🔉
- pitui'w : in between🔉
- pitu'nmijgamij : great·grandfather🔉
- pitu'nugumij : great·grandmother🔉
- pitu'nuji'j : great·grandchild🔉
- piwgsmig : bushy / fluffy·haired🔉
- piwgsmit : bushy·haired / fluffy·haired🔉
- piwiaq : left over / remainder🔉
- piwiges : scale (fish)🔉
- piwsign : scrap of cloth / scrap of paper🔉
- piwtign : peeling (of fruit or vegetable)🔉
- pjila'si : welcome / come in and sit down🔉
- pjili'w : especially / partiularly / mostly / first and foremost🔉
- plamu : salmon🔉
- plamugwet : fish for salmon🔉
- plamuj : tommy cod / frost fish🔉
- Plasua : Frank / Francis🔉
- plawej : partridge🔉
- plawe'si's : young partridge🔉
- plegu : nail🔉
- plegu'j : tack🔉
- plegu'ji'j : small nail🔉
- ples : pigeon🔉
- plgoq, pl'koq : sweetheart (male or female) / lover (male or female)🔉
- plos : brush🔉
- plu'jaqamat : look in mirror (at self)🔉
- plu'jaqamati : mirror🔉
- pmetug : beside / aside / on the side of🔉
- pnamujuigu's : January🔉
- pnasu'lgw : ship / vessel🔉
- pne'sugwati : saliva / drool🔉
- poggwitewei : buckwheat pancakes🔉
- po'gwin : lagoon🔉
- poj : purse / pouch / wallet🔉
- ponjn : oversized (molasses) barrel🔉
- po'qatl : drill / bore🔉
- po'q'g : drill / bore🔉
- po'qiget : drill / bore🔉
- po'qign : auger / drill bit🔉
- poqjiatgitemit : begin to cry🔉
- poqjigtapegiet : begin to sing🔉
- poqjigwitmet : start off to fish🔉
- poqjigwitna'q : start off by canoe / goes by canoe🔉
- poqjilugweg : start to work🔉
- poqjilugwet : begin to work🔉
- poqjineweg : start to get cool / start of cool draft or breeze🔉
- poqjin'timg : beginning of war🔉
- poqjintoq : begin to sing🔉
- poqjiwsget : begin to fish🔉
- poqjiws'ggewe'g : start to laugh🔉
- poqjiwsit : move or vacate a residence🔉
- poqomaqn'sgw : cattail🔉
- poqonaqalusgw : wigwam pole🔉
- poqtamga'latl : carry away or take along🔉
- poqtamga'sit : set off on journey🔉
- poqtamga'toq : carry away or take along🔉
- poqtamgiet : begin to pile up / begin to fill up🔉
- poqtamgwe'get : start off poling (in boat)🔉
- poqtapa'teget : start to scratch🔉
- poqtatejimatl : drag away🔉
- poqtatpematl : begin to nag / begin to scold🔉
- poqtawlalatl : lug away / carry away🔉
- poqtawlatg : lug away / carry away🔉
- poqtawlet : start to lug / start to carry🔉
- poqtewo'gwet : begin to speak🔉
- poqtigimatl : send off🔉
- poqtisugwit : start off by boat / begin or start paddling🔉
- poqt'tesg'g : chase / start after🔉
- poqt'tesguatl : chase / start after🔉
- poqtuggwalatl : begin to follow🔉
- poqtuggwatg : begin to follow🔉
- poqwajite'tg : mistrust🔉
- poqwa'lamgewei : choke cherry🔉
- poqwa'lat : dry throat🔉
- poqwas'tiei : thimble🔉
- poqwatign : umbrella🔉
- Potloteg : Chapel Island, Nova Scotia / Potloteg First Nation🔉
- pqalmawj : black salmon🔉
- pqa'lu'sgw : clay🔉
- pqwa'w : tree bark (Nova Scotia)🔉
- psa'mun : brisket🔉
- psan : snowfall / snow🔉
- psanji'j : light snowfall / little snow🔉
- psaqa'gw : bark (of tree) / crust🔉
- psesgw : mint🔉
- pse's's : onion🔉
- psetgun : branch (of tree) / knot (of tree)🔉
- psetgunatgw : dead (dried out) tree branch🔉
- psew : gun powder🔉
- psg'san : foreshoulder (of animal)🔉
- ps'guigu's : July🔉
- psgweso'qon : scythe🔉
- psi'gwaqan : river drive🔉
- psigweta'w : spleen / organ taken from pig to predict weather🔉
- psitn : river channel🔉
- psitnu'j : small river channel🔉
- p'tew : broth🔉
- p'tewei : tea🔉
- p'teweie'mat : have tea break / take tea🔉
- p'teweio'q : teapot🔉
- puesu : bushel🔉
- puggwana'latl : smoke (fish, etc.)🔉
- puggwana'taqan : smoker / place, apparatus or utensil for smoking meat, etc...🔉
- puggwana'tasit_nme'j : smoked fish🔉
- puggwana'teget : smoke (food)🔉
- puggwana'toq : smoke (fish, etc.)🔉
- puggwanaw : smoked food (e.g. fish or meat)🔉
- puglie'wei : pimple / boil🔉
- pu'gowij : balsam sap🔉
- pugsaqatew : ember of firewood or coal🔉
- pugsaqte'gn : cedar shingle / wooden shingle🔉
- pugsetew : soot🔉
- pugsetewig : sooty🔉
- pugsetewit : sooty🔉
- pugsigna'qewit : hairy (of animal) / hirsute🔉
- pugsug : firewood🔉
- pugsugwei_epsaqtejg : wood stove🔉
- pugtew : fire🔉
- pugteweie'j : cricket / black cricket🔉
- pugtewijg : liquor / whiskey🔉
- pugtewit : comet / meteor / shooting star🔉
- pugtewu'lgw : steamboat / steamship🔉
- pugto'guom : chimney🔉
- pugto'guome'j : cricket🔉
- pugulatmu'j : dwarf / elf / fairy🔉
- puguluan : kidney🔉
- pugumaqan : weapon🔉
- puguna'w : fluffy or hairy animal🔉
- pugunesit : hairy (of animal) / bushy🔉
- pugu'sgw : dead and dry yellow birch🔉
- pugwaja'latl : dress (animal) / prepare for use🔉
- pugwales : swallow🔉
- pugwatqasig : bushy🔉
- pugwatqasit : bushy🔉
- pugwatqeg : thicket🔉
- pugwei : piece of / portion of🔉
- pugwelg : lots / several / many / much / lots / several / many / much🔉
- pugweliaq : plentiful / in good supply🔉
- pugweliet : many / plentiful / in good supply🔉
- pugweliganig : have many buildings or houses🔉
- pugweliget : live together in group🔉
- pugweligu'niet : bleed profusely / bleed a lot🔉
- pugwelijuig : flow excessively🔉
- pugwelijuit : flow extensively🔉
- pugwellugwet : do a lot of work🔉
- pugweng : have plenty of🔉
- pugwennatl : have plenty of🔉
- pugwistina'gewit : hairy (of body)🔉
- pui'gn : broom🔉
- pui'gnji'j : whisk broom / little broom🔉
- pujite'lmatl : trust🔉
- pujite'tg : trust🔉
- puljain : train🔉
- puljainawti : railroad track🔉
- punajeiwatl : stop doing / let someone be🔉
- punajimatl : stop lecturing or berating🔉
- punajo'tg : stop doing / leave alone🔉
- puna'latl : leave or separate / desert / abandon🔉
- punaltijig : leave each other / separate / divorce🔉
- punatalg : stop eating🔉
- puna'toq : quit / leave / desert / abandon🔉
- punelmit : stop laughing🔉
- puneweng : stop talking🔉
- punewistoq : stop lecturing or preaching / stops talking🔉
- punewo'gwet : stops talking🔉
- punlugowatl : stop working for🔉
- punlugweg : stop working🔉
- punlugwet : stop work🔉
- punqatg : cease living there🔉
- puntalatl : cast spell on / bewitch / hex🔉
- puntat : cast spell / bewitch / hex🔉
- puntatg : cast spell on / bewitch / hex🔉
- puntemit : stop crying🔉
- puowin : shaman / sorcerer or sorceress🔉
- pusgelmit : laugh a lot / laugh repeatedly / laughs often🔉
- pusgenmit : laugh a lot / laugh repeatedly / laughs often🔉
- pusgialagnutg : go around spreading rumors usually / gossips usually🔉
- pusgialigs'ta'gwet : frequently visits at meal-time for free meals🔉
- pusgigjipulgwet : frequent epileptic seizures🔉
- pusgigsatg'p : used to like🔉
- pusgilugwet : usually works🔉
- pusgimt'g : cry repeatedly / cry all the time🔉
- pusgiullugweg : usually works well / generally works well🔉
- pusgiullugwet : usually works well / habitually works well🔉
- pusgiweniet : forgetful / absent·minded🔉
- pusig : depart (vessal) / embark🔉
- pusit : depart / embark🔉
- pustemit : cry repeatedly / cry often🔉
- pusu'l : Greetings! / Hello!🔉
- pusu'lewugtuatl : shake hands with / greet🔉
- Pusu'l_Puna'ne : Happy New Year!🔉
- Pusu'_Puna'ne : Happy New Year!🔉
- pu'tai : bottle / jar🔉
- pu'talqanatl : feel inside (with hand)🔉
- pu'talqang : feel inside (with hand)🔉
- pu'tapa'sit : peep through🔉
- putaqatl : butcher🔉
- putaqiget : butcher🔉
- putewisgwa's'g : blister🔉
- putewisgwa'sit : blister🔉
- pu'tlaqan : wood shaving🔉
- putmat : come out empty·handed / miss / lose out on🔉
- put'p : whale🔉
- put'pegiaq : swell up / bloat🔉
- put'pegiet : swell up / bloat🔉
- put'pe'j : whale calf / young whale / small whale🔉
- putualatl : blow on🔉
- putuatamit : blow🔉
- putuatg : blow on🔉
- putugtesing : dance fast / shake violently🔉
- putuisgwa's'g : blister🔉
- qalipit : shovel🔉
- qalipitg : shovel🔉
- qalipu : caribou🔉
- qalipu'sitat : jealous / bitter jealousy🔉
- qaliputi : shovel🔉
- qalqwasiet : sun sets🔉
- qame'g : other side of river / other side / other side of valley or plain / Campbellton (in Listuguj) / New Richmond (in Gesgapegiag)🔉
- qasawo'q : iron🔉
- qasawo'qapi : wire🔉
- qasawo'qei : iron item (pot) / iron item (spade)🔉
- qasawo'qu'j : knitting needle🔉
- qasgo'tg : take or withdraw in small amounts🔉
- qasgusi : cedar / cedar tree🔉
- qasgusia'qamigt : cedar grove / Tide Head, New Brunswick🔉
- qasgwatalg : eat a little at a time / snack🔉
- qasgweiwatl : take in small amounts / withdraw in small amounts🔉
- qa'sgwit : gallop🔉
- qataig : half way / midway🔉
- qopisun : infant🔉
- qospem : lake🔉
- qoti : pole for hanging dried meat inside wigwam / beam/crossbar🔉
- qwa'niej : phoney person🔉
- qwa'niejuei : imitation item / fake item🔉
- sa'l : shawl🔉
- salawapu : salty water / salt water / salted water🔉
- salawa'tat : add salt🔉
- salawa'toq : put/sprinkle salt on🔉
- salawe'g : salty / salty🔉
- salawei : salt🔉
- salitewa'teget : give charity🔉
- salite'wit : collecting for charity🔉
- salpo'l, sal'po'l : sailboat / ship🔉
- salpolgu'j, sal'polku'j : small sailboat🔉
- sama'latl : touch🔉
- samamatl : get a glimpse of🔉
- samapt'g : get a glimpse of🔉
- sama'toq : touch🔉
- samqwan : water🔉
- samqwanapua'q : watery / diluted with water🔉
- samqwani'j : toad🔉
- samqwano'q : water pitcher / water container🔉
- samta'tl : tap / touch slightly🔉
- samte'g : tap / touch slightly🔉
- samtesg'g : graze / brush against🔉
- samtesguatl : graze / brush against🔉
- samuqwaniaq : becomes watery🔉
- samuqwaniet : becomes watery🔉
- sangew : slowly / calmly / carefully / gently🔉
- sangewa'latl : go slowly with / do gently🔉
- sangewa's'g : go slow / cruise along / saunter along🔉
- sangewa'sit : go slow / cruise along / saunter along🔉
- sangewa'toq : go slow with / do gently🔉
- sangewi'sit : talk slowly🔉
- sangewite'lmatl : trust🔉
- sangewite'tg : trust🔉
- sangewi_angita'sit : think slowly🔉
- sangewlugweg : work slowly🔉
- sangewlugwet : work slowly / work calmly🔉
- sangewowo'gwet : talk softly / talk slowly🔉
- sangewsawet : trim slowly / plow slowly🔉
- sapa'latl : save (from mishap) / get through🔉
- sapalqata'tl : stab / pierce🔉
- sapalqate'g : pierce or pierce through / stab or stab through / jab or jab through🔉
- sapan : paste / mush / batter🔉
- sapa'qe'g : a hole through (as tunnel) / pass through (as tunnel)🔉
- sapaqqata'tl : stab🔉
- Sapatis : Jean·Baptiste🔉
- sapa'toq : save (from mishap) / get through🔉
- sapawsit : survive🔉
- sape'wig : holy / blessed🔉
- Sape'wig_Gesp'teg : Holy Saturday🔉
- Sape'wig_Ne'wowei : Holy Thursday🔉
- sape'winu : saint🔉
- sape'wit : saintly / holy / blessed🔉
- sa'p'g : pierce🔉
- sa'pign : awl🔉
- sapo'nug : tomorrow🔉
- saptaqjing : chill through🔉
- sapta'tl : sting, pierce🔉
- sapte'g : sting / pierce🔉
- sapun : contrary person(slang) / hair🔉
- saputalqatg : dig through🔉
- saputaqatg : last or stay through / endure🔉
- saputa's'g : pass through / go through🔉
- saputasgiaq : penetrate through / poke out of🔉
- saputasgiet : penetrate through / poke out of🔉
- saputa'sit : pass through / go through🔉
- saputawsit : recover (from illness or an injury) / live through (survive)🔉
- saputeta'tl : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through🔉
- saputete'g : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through🔉
- saputetelg : penetrate or pierce through (with bullet or arrow or compressed air/water)🔉
- saputeteluatl : penetrate or pierce through (with bullet or arrow or compressed
air water)🔉
- saputetesg'g : kick through / run through🔉
- saputetesguatl : kick through / run through🔉
- sa'q : long ago🔉
- saqaliaq : sprout🔉
- saqaliet : sprout🔉
- saqalo'pi : hair ribbon / ribbon🔉
- saqama'j : young gentleman🔉
- saqama'sgw : lady / female chief / gentlewoman / woman of high rank🔉
- saqamaw : gentleman / chief / man of high rank / big shot🔉
- saqamawit : boss / chief / supervisor🔉
- saqamu'guet : chew (gum)🔉
- saqaniaq : falling level of the snow due to melting/thaw / falling level🔉
- saqanqapit : lie on the floor or ground / sit on the floor or ground🔉
- saqanqateg : lie on the floor or ground / sit on the floor or ground🔉
- sa'qati : needle / knitting needle🔉
- sa'qati'ju'aq : sensation of pins and needles / having lost the feeling of / numb / sleeping (of limb)🔉
- saqatuetesing : slip and fall🔉
- sa'qawei : old / old🔉
- sa'qawejjuei : old or worn out🔉
- saqawi'gan : old house / old camp🔉
- saqpe'g : wet / wet🔉
- saqpejaq : damp / boggy🔉
- saqpejaqamig : swamp / damp ground / wet lands🔉
- saqpiaq : get wet / get damp🔉
- saqpiet : get moist🔉
- saqpigjat : have a wet bottom🔉
- saqpigu'n : tear·drop🔉
- saqpigu'niet : shed tears / forms tears / become tearful🔉
- saqpipsaq : wet snow🔉
- saqsigwemgewei : torchlight🔉
- saqsigwet : hunt with light (at night) / hunt with torchlight (at night) / fish with light or torchlight (at night)🔉
- saqte'g : flat / flat🔉
- sasap : jellyfish🔉
- sa'se'wa'latl : exchange🔉
- sa'se'wamugwa'latl : change color🔉
- sa'se'wamugwa'toq : change color🔉
- sa'se'wa's'g : change🔉
- sa'se'wa'sit : change🔉
- sa'se'wa'toq : exchange🔉
- sa'sewgna'sit : changing clothes🔉
- sa'se'wi'gatl : changes the writing🔉
- sa'se'wi'g'g : changes the writing🔉
- sa'se'wi'sit : change language / switch language🔉
- sa'se'wit : exchange / swap / trade / barter🔉
- sa'se'wi'tatl : change the name of🔉
- sa'se'wi't'g : change name of🔉
- sasgatu : flying squirrel🔉
- sa'slji'j : saucer🔉
- sasqa'gwiji'jit : small pot (for cooking)🔉
- sasqa'gwit : pot (for cooking)🔉
- sasqaiejit : crab louse🔉
- sasqale's : scallop🔉
- sasqapit : flat🔉
- sasqasitat : flat-footed🔉
- sasqateg : flat🔉
- sasqatesing : fall flat on belly / belly flop🔉
- sasqatu : flying squirrel🔉
- sasqe'g : flat / flat🔉
- sasqigatat : flat-footed🔉
- sasqitnat : pug-nosed🔉
- sa'ugwat : long·haired (of man)🔉
- sawepit : slouched over / hunched over / hung or drooped over🔉
- sa'wes : rain hat🔉
- saweteg : slouched over / hunched over / hung or drooped over / slack / sag / limp🔉
- sawiptn : deformed or crippled hand or arm🔉
- sawiptnat : have deformed or crippled hand or arm🔉
- se'g : elsewhere🔉
- segewa't : rise (sun or moon)🔉
- segewe'get : have illegitimate child or children / beget illegitimate child or children🔉
- segewei : illegitimate child / bastard🔉
- segg'pilatl : tie tightly🔉
- segg'pilg : tie tightly🔉
- seggw : sweet / sweet🔉
- seggwewei : sweetener🔉
- segi'gn : sail🔉
- segit : urinate🔉
- seiegn : dry goods / clothing material / cloth fabric🔉
- seiegnji'j : piece of material / piece of fabric🔉
- seioqiaq : cave in / collapse🔉
- seioqiet : falls apart / cave in / collapse🔉
- seitun : blabbermouth🔉
- sepapjit : hold in concealment in the hand🔉
- sepei : this morning🔉
- sepigwa'sit : close eyes🔉
- sepigwet : have eyes closed🔉
- sepitja'latl : grasp / grip🔉
- sepitja'toq : grip / grasp🔉
- sepp'saqa'latl : stick into / penetrate into / pierce into🔉
- sepp'saqapit : penetrated into / pierce / stick into🔉
- sepp'saqa's'g : penetrates / pierce🔉
- sepp'saqa'sit : penetrate / pierce🔉
- sepp'saqateg : penetrate into / pierce🔉
- sepuijjenatl : hide or conceal in hand🔉
- sepuijjeng : hide or conceal in hand🔉
- sepulgomit : hold under arm / clutch under arm🔉
- sepusa'latl : bring to point / seal🔉
- sepusa'toq : bring to point / seal🔉
- sepusepilatl : close by tying with rope or string🔉
- sepusepilg : close by tying with rope or string🔉
- sepusepit : closed up / tied shut🔉
- sepuseteg : closed up / tied shut🔉
- sepusi'satl : sew closed gap of pointed(animate) article / seam / darn🔉
- sepusi's'g : sew closed gap of pointed article (as sock or mitt) / seam / darn🔉
- sesagi'g : barefooted🔉
- se'sa'latl : spread out🔉
- se'saltugwepit : have messy hair🔉
- se'sa's'g : spread🔉
- se'sa'sit : wander🔉
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread🔉
- sesgwalatl : holler / scream at🔉
- sesgwe'g : lively / smart / active / hard worker / ambitious🔉
- se'sgwet : holler / scream / shout🔉
- se'siaqawei : birdshot / birdshot shell🔉
- se'sigwalatl : spread around by hand / spread around with tool(rake)🔉
- se'sigwatg : spread around by hand / spread around with tool(rake)🔉
- sespa'sit : restless / fidgety / squirm🔉
- sespe'g : noisy / noisy🔉
- sespeiatijig : involved in relationship / having an affair / fooling around with each other🔉
- sespeiwatl : molest / bother with hands🔉
- sespematl : continuously bother or disturb by talking / nag🔉
- sespena'q : noisy🔉
- sespenoqsit : noisy / snore loudly🔉
- sespeta'q : continuous noise🔉
- sespete'lmatl : worry about🔉
- sespete'tg : worry about / preoccupied with / on one's mind🔉
- sespetoqsit : talk noisily / babble on / loud sound(s) made with the voice🔉
- sespewo'gwet : blab on / chatter on🔉
- sespilugweg : work noisily🔉
- sespilugwet : work noisily🔉
- sespo'teget : molest / unfaithful in marriage / unfaithful with a married person / cheat (in love) / act the playboy/girl / cheater(in love) / playboy/girl🔉
- sespo'tg : bother it / tampering with / meddle in🔉
- sespumatl : often mentions someone who is away / often mentions someone who is absent🔉
- sesputg : mention often / talk about alot / talk about frequently🔉
- Se'suguli : Jesus Christ🔉
- sesupa'lugwet : slide / slip🔉
- sesupe'g : slippery / slippery (due to weather)🔉
- Se'sus : Jesus🔉
- seta'latl : put aside / set aside🔉
- setamg : in rear or stern (of boat)🔉
- Se'ta'n : Saint·Anne🔉
- Se'tane'umg : Saint·Anne's Day🔉
- Se'ta'nji'j : Little Saint Anne / Fredericton🔉
- seta's'g : moves aside🔉
- seta'sit : moves aside🔉
- seta'su : squid🔉
- seta'toq : put aside🔉
- sewa'tat : sweeten his/her food / sweeten his/her drink🔉
- sewigna't : ill / weak (from illness) / listless / feverish🔉
- sewisga'latl : break / break in (horse)🔉
- sewisga'toq : break🔉
- sewisgiaq : shred / come apart / break up🔉
- sewisgiet : come apart / break up / shred🔉
- sewisgina'latl : rip or tear apart🔉
- sewisgina'toq : rip or tear apart🔉
- sewisgoqsit : break up (in fire) / come apart (in fire)🔉
- sewisgoqteg : break up (in fire)🔉
- sewistamit : destroy by gnawing / break up by gnawing🔉
- sewista'tl : pound or hack to bits🔉
- sewiste'g : pound or hack to bits🔉
- sewistestoq : smash🔉
- sewisto'gweg : break up (through action of water)🔉
- sewisto'gwet : break up (through action of water)🔉
- sewl'g : sour / sour🔉
- sewlugowei : rhubarb🔉
- sewtaqa'latl : tow🔉
- sewtaqa'taqan : barge / raft / trailer🔉
- sewtaqa'toq : tow🔉
- sewtia't : have stomachache🔉
- s'gepn : wild potato / ground nut / Indian potato🔉
- S'gepne'gati : Second Mi'gmaq district / Shubenacadie🔉
- sgilmin : seed🔉
- sginaqanmusi : wild raisin bush🔉
- sgmugualaw : spruce gum🔉
- Sgno'p'tij : Burnt Church / a lookout (Rand)🔉
- sg'te'gmuj : ghost🔉
- sgu'l : school🔉
- sgu'taqa'm : educated athlete / amateur🔉
- sguti : urine🔉
- sgweioq : female mammal🔉
- sgwemegw : female fish🔉
- sgwesmuj : female dog / bitch🔉
- sgwe'w : female fowl🔉
- siawa'latl : keeps on going with / continue with🔉
- siawa's'g : keep on going / continuing🔉
- siawa'sit : keep on going / continue🔉
- siawa'toq : keep on going / continue with🔉
- siawlugweg : continue work🔉
- siawlugwet : continue work🔉
- siga'lat : spawn / to produce or deposit (eggs) as fishes or frogs do🔉
- siga'law : spawn / (eggs) deposited from fishes or frogs🔉
- si'gewigu's : March🔉
- siggw : spring / springtime🔉
- siggwe'l : about or toward spring🔉
- siglati : shark🔉
- sign : stocking / sock🔉
- signa'q : wear socks🔉
- Signigtewa'gi : Sixth Mi'gmaq district / southern New Brunswick🔉
- signt'g, sikn'tîk : baptize / use first time🔉
- signtuatl, sikn'tuatl : baptize / use first time🔉
- si'gowigu's : March🔉
- sigsuti : ankle length sock🔉
- sigta'tl : strike dead🔉
- sigteluatl : shoot dead🔉
- sigtesing : killed (in accident) / killed by falling🔉
- sigtewa'latl : tired of hearing him/her / tired of hearing repetition🔉
- sigto'gwet : killed (by accident) / killed by getting hit with something / killed by something falling / died / killed🔉
- Sig'tonqeg : river basin at Dalhousie, New Brunswick🔉
- sigua'latl : empty out🔉
- siguap : widower🔉
- siguapatign : rinse (water)🔉
- siguapji'j : young widower🔉
- siguaqs'te'gn : straw🔉
- siguaqs'te'gnei : made of straw🔉
- si'guatl : make uncomfortable / irritate / bother / uneasy🔉
- sigua'toq : empty out🔉
- sigue'g : empty / empty🔉
- si'guig : irritate / irritates my skin / feels irritating🔉
- sigun : last spring🔉
- sigune'ji'j : spring·born animal🔉
- siguniej : orphaned animal🔉
- sigunug : next spring🔉
- sigupaqte'gn : buttermilk🔉
- sigu'sgw : widow🔉
- sigu'sgwe'j : young widow🔉
- sina'latl : pack down (to make more room) / compact it🔉
- sina'toq : pack down (make more room) / compact it🔉
- sineget : gulps down the remaining beverage🔉
- si'n'g : bail water (from boat)🔉
- si'niget : bails water (from boat)🔉
- sinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander🔉
- sinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)🔉
- sintesmatl : empty a glass or bottle by drinking the remaining beverage / packs down or compacts something inside a container
(barrel/basket) by pounding or dropping🔉
- sintestoq : drinks it in one gulp / pack down or compact something inside a container🔉
- sinu'et : back to senses (after drinking)🔉
- sipelega'latl : spread out🔉
- sipelega'toq : spread out🔉
- sipeliw : seldom / rarely / often (Listuguj)🔉
- sipga'latl : do it slowly🔉
- sipga'toq : do it slowly🔉
- sipge'g : slow-moving / slowpoke🔉
- sipgilugweg : work slowly🔉
- sipgilugwet : work slowly🔉
- sipgi'sit : speaks slowly🔉
- sipigi'taqan : whetstone🔉
- sipigpa'q : supple / flexible🔉
- sipigpa't : supple / flexible🔉
- sipistaqano'suti : safety pin🔉
- sipit : stretch / stretch and yawn🔉
- sipitaqan : hide·stretcher🔉
- sipita'sit : has a good memory / remembers far back🔉
- sipnma'latl, sipn'ma'latl : make point (in knitting)🔉
- sipnma'toq, sipn'ma'toq : make point (in knitting)🔉
- sipnmi'get, sipn'mi'ket : join together (make point)🔉
- siptaqa'latl : stretch🔉
- siptaqanatl : stretch / holding a steady tension🔉
- siptaqan'g : stretching / holding a steady tension🔉
- siptaqa's'g : stretches🔉
- siptaqa'sit : stretches🔉
- siptaqa'toq : stretch🔉
- siptaqising : lying stretched out🔉
- siptaqo'latl : stretch out🔉
- sipu : river🔉
- sipuasaptas'g : transparent as clear water🔉
- sipu'ji'j : brook🔉
- siputaqan : metal file / sharpener🔉
- sisgu : mud🔉
- sisguapu : muddy water🔉
- sisguig : muddy🔉
- si'sign : awl🔉
- sisip : bird / waterfowl🔉
- sisla'gwa'latl : fry🔉
- sisla'gwa'taqan : fry bread / pancake (fried cake)🔉
- sisla'gwa'tegemgewei : frying pan🔉
- sisla'gwa'toq : fry🔉
- sismo'qon : sugar / maple sugar🔉
- sismo'qonapu : maple sap / sugar water (for babies) / maple syrup🔉
- sismo'qone'j : sugar ant / honey ant🔉
- sismo'qoniet : diabetic / diabetes🔉
- sismo'qonima'q : tastes sweet / tastes like sugar / smells like sugar / sweet (Bear River)🔉
- sismo'qono'q : sugar bowl🔉
- sisqalpo'qiaq : slimy🔉
- sisqalpo'qiet : slimy🔉
- si'st : three (in counting)🔉
- si'staq : pair or more of treys (in cards)🔉
- sisteg : pull back foreskin🔉
- si'stewa'j : third one / trey (in cards)🔉
- sistewa'juit : third one🔉
- si'stewei : Wednesday / third one🔉
- sisuaqata'q : chime🔉
- sisua'qate'gn : bell clapper🔉
- sisua'qi'gn : chime / bell🔉
- sisuei : blaze (of fire) / firey blaze🔉
- sitm : shore / beach🔉
- sitnigwit : blow nose🔉
- siwa'latl : tiresome / frustrate / tired of🔉
- siwa'teget : tiresome / boring / pest🔉
- siwe'g : lonesome🔉
- siwiesgmat : tired of waiting🔉
- siwiet : become impatient / frustrated / bored / fed up🔉
- siwlugwet : tired of working🔉
- siwnoqigwatg : straighten it out by hand / straighten it out by hand with a tool / straighten out by combing🔉
- siwogt'g : lonesome for🔉
- siwogtuatl : lonesome for🔉
- siwpmiet : tired of walking🔉
- siws'tuatl : tired of listening to someone / tired of listening to repetition / tired of hearing someone🔉
- slapn : low·bottomed wagon🔉
- slaps : slab (of wood)🔉
- sma'gnis : soldier🔉
- sma'gnisuit : is a soldier🔉
- sma'tewit : smart / alert🔉
- smtug : right away / immediately🔉
- snawei : maple tree / hard rock maple / sugar maple🔉
- sngatigna'taqan, sn'katikna'taqan : raft (of logs)🔉
- sngatigna'teget, sn'katikna'teket : work on boom / boom🔉
- sngatigna'tegewinu, sn'katikna'tekewinu : rafter / one who gathers logs into booms destined for mill🔉
- sno'pi : stern paddle / steering paddle / sculling oar🔉
- so'gwistaqan : yeast🔉
- so'qiaq : go to higher ground or level / go up (in altitude) / go up to the woods (Listuguj)🔉
- so'qiet : go to higher ground or level / go up (in altitude) / go up to the woods (Listuguj)🔉
- soqomgwewj : grasshopper / job hopper🔉
- so'qomu'j : minnow / gudgeon / sardine🔉
- so'qotemit : vomit🔉
- so'qotemun : vomit🔉
- soqpatl : chew🔉
- soqpit : close by / sit close to🔉
- soqqwat : eclipse🔉
- soqtamit : chew🔉
- soqteg : close by / close to🔉
- soqte'get : chew (as cud) / masticate🔉
- soqt'g : chew🔉
- so'qwa'latl : take to higher ground or level / take him/her/it up to the woods (Listuguj) / take up (in altitude)🔉
- so'qwa'toq : take to higher ground or level / taking it up to the woods (Listuguj) / take up (in altitude)🔉
- sqana'gw : steel🔉
- sqapantiej : beginner / rookie / amateur🔉
- sqolj : frog🔉
- sqoljui'gan : toadstool / mushroom🔉
- sqoljuigu's : May🔉
- sqolu'sguji'j : small lead pellet / beebee🔉
- sqolusgw : lead, gunshot / lead, wheel balancers / sinkers🔉
- squ : leach🔉
- s'tapugua'latl : stand aside🔉
- s'tapugua'toq : stands it aside🔉
- st'ge : just like🔉
- stoqon : fir tree / balsam tree / palm frond (used on Palm Sunday)🔉
- stoqonamu'g : fir color / dark green🔉
- stoqonamugsit : fir·color / dark green🔉
- stoqonaqsi : fir tree / balsam tree🔉
- stoqone'get : search for fir trees🔉
- suel : almost🔉
- sugulegaq : rotten🔉
- sugulegat : rotten🔉
- sugul'gma'q : taste or smell rotten / taste or smell sour🔉
- sugul'gma't : taste or smell rotten / taste or smell sour🔉
- suitis : candy🔉
- suliewei : money / silver🔉
- sulieweie'galatl : exploit for money / over charge someone🔉
- sulieweie'gatg : exploit for money / over charge / milk the job🔉
- sulieweie'j : daddy longlegs (spider)🔉
- sulming : rosary🔉
- sulnalji'j : bulletin / newspaper / periodical / journal🔉
- sulumgw : goose / wild goose🔉
- sumalgi : copper / penny🔉
- su'n : cranberry🔉
- sune'wimg : fasting / time of fasting / fast day🔉
- sune'wit : fast🔉
- sunming : rosary🔉
- suoman : beech nut🔉
- suomusi : beech tree🔉
- suppin : pint dipper / cup🔉
- suspanign : detergent / hand soap🔉
- tagala'latl : anger / irritate / annoy🔉
- tagaliet : feel anger🔉
- tagali'j : domestic goose🔉
- tagali'ji'j : domestic gosling / young domestic goose🔉
- tajiga'q : swim along the shore / creep along in the water like a lobster🔉
- tajiga'sit : going along/beside the shore / going along/beside edge🔉
- tajige'g : healthy🔉
- talamu'g : what color? / what kind?🔉
- talawtig : what is the cost?🔉
- talawtit : what is the cost?🔉
- tale'g : at what time? / what is wrong with...? / how is he/she?🔉
- tallugweg : how does it work?🔉
- tallugwet : what is he/she doing? / what type of work does he/she do? / what does he/she do?🔉
- talma' : of course! / absolutely!🔉
- taluegeg : what is it used for? / what is its purpose?🔉
- talueget : what is it used for? / what is its purpose?🔉
- tal_gis : how come? / why?🔉
- tami : where?🔉
- ta'n : when / where🔉
- tansiewe'l : tansy / daisy🔉
- ta'nug : when (in the future)🔉
- ta'n_goqwei : something / what it is / that which / whatever🔉
- ta'n_pa_tegen : any one / either one🔉
- ta'n_telinqase'g : as soon as🔉
- ta'n_te's : every time / each time🔉
- ta'n_tlipgije'g : as long as🔉
- ta'n_tujiw : when / whenever / at that time🔉
- ta'n_wen : whomever / somebody🔉
- tapi : bow🔉
- tapia'ji'jg : fiddle / violin🔉
- tapia'ji'jgapi : fiddle string / violin string🔉
- tapia'ji'jge'j : fiddler / violinist🔉
- tapia'ji'jte'get : fiddle / play the fiddle🔉
- tap'tan : potato🔉
- tap'tane'j : potato bug🔉
- ta'pu : two / two (in counting)🔉
- tapuaigewei : two·dollar bill / toonie🔉
- tapuaigl : two dollars🔉
- tapuapjimgewei : tool or object requiring use of both hands🔉
- tapuapsgegl : two (of something globular)🔉
- tapuapsg'sijig : two (of something globular)🔉
- ta'puaq : deuces🔉
- tapua'ql : two cylinders / two sticks(wood)🔉
- tapu'gl : two of them / two things🔉
- tapuguna'q : two days🔉
- tapuipuna't : two years old🔉
- tapuipunqeg : two years🔉
- tapuisga'q : twenty (in counting)🔉
- tapuisga'qal : twenty things / twenty (inanimates)🔉
- tapuisga'qewa'j : twentieth one🔉
- tapuisgegsijig : twenty persons / twenty (animates)🔉
- tapuitpa'q : two nights🔉
- tapunemi'g : two different kinds / two types / two pair (of kind)🔉
- tapungl : have two of🔉
- tapunnajig : have two / hold two🔉
- tapuoqsijig : two of something (cylindrical in shape)🔉
- ta'puowa'j : second one / deuce(playing cards)🔉
- ta'puowei : Tuesday / second one🔉
- tapusijig : two of them🔉
- taqale'g : grouchy🔉
- taqamatl : hit / jab / punch🔉
- taqamoqigsma'latl : push across🔉
- taqamoqigsma'toq : push across🔉
- taqamoqisma'sit : lie down crossways or across🔉
- taqamoqpit : positioned crosswise or athwart🔉
- taqamoqsitat : pigeon-toed / intoeing🔉
- taqamoqteg : lie crosswise or athwart🔉
- taqate'l : currant🔉
- taqatu : anyway / even so🔉
- taqawaja'latl : sadden🔉
- taqawaje'g : sad / feel depressed🔉
- taqawan : grilse / young salmon / young salmon after its first return from the sea🔉
- taqawanapi : grilse net / trout net🔉
- taqawanji'j : grilse🔉
- taqtaloq : salamander🔉
- taqt'g : hit / strike / jab / punch🔉
- ta's'g : how much? / some🔉
- ta'sipuna't : how old?🔉
- ta'sit : how much? / how many?🔉
- ta'sitpa'q : how many nights?🔉
- ta's'ji'jg : little portion / little bit🔉
- ta's'ji'jit : little portion / little bit🔉
- ta'sugunit : on what date / what is the date?🔉
- ta'sunatl : has how much (many) of? / has what quantity?🔉
- ta's_ajiet : what time is it?🔉
- ta'ta : daddy! (baby talk)🔉
- tata't : father! / dad🔉
- tatuje'g : how old?🔉
- tega'latl : cool off🔉
- tega'toq : cool off🔉
- tege'g : cold (of weather)🔉
- tegele'jg : small amount or number / not very much🔉
- tegele'jit : small amount or number🔉
- tegen : which?🔉
- tegig : cold🔉
- tegigata't : have cold feet🔉
- tegigisg'g : chilly day🔉
- tegiptnat : have cold hands🔉
- tegismit : swim🔉
- tegistoq : cool🔉
- tegit : cold🔉
- teglo'qiaq : chilly evening🔉
- tegniaq : sweat🔉
- tegniet : sweat🔉
- tego'tg : attends mass / aware of / in close touch with / pays attention to🔉
- tegpa'q : cold (of liquid)🔉
- tegs'g : westwind🔉
- tegtesgewet : kick / complain / object🔉
- tegtesg'g : kick🔉
- tegtesguatl : kick🔉
- tela'gipulatl : saw🔉
- tela'gittoq : saw in a certain manner🔉
- telagumatl : related to someone as such / thus related to someone / related to someone in this way🔉
- telagutijig : related as such to each other / thus related to each other / related to each other in this way🔉
- tela'latl : do in such a way / he/she does it (something) to him/her🔉
- tela'lsit : at fault (to self) / cause own misfortune🔉
- telaplgigwa'sit : see mirage / see imaginary thing🔉
- telapsgeg : big and round or oval shaped🔉
- telapsg'sit : so big and round or oval shaped🔉
- tela'q : have such circumference🔉
- telasg'teg : pointed in such a way🔉
- tela'sit : behave or act in such manner🔉
- tela'toq : do in such a way🔉
- telatuemgewei : sentence (grammar)🔉
- telawtig : worth so much / cost🔉
- telawtit : worth so much / cost🔉
- tele'g : be in such a way / be that way / pregnant🔉
- teleiaq : seems as such🔉
- teleiwatl : treat so / treat as such🔉
- telgisutnat, tel'kisutnat : sound (voice) in such manner🔉
- teliaq : true / happens🔉
- teliatl : make as such / make so / make that way🔉
- teligg : shaped like / dressed as such🔉
- teligit : shaped like / dressed as such🔉
- teligsugg : weigh such an amount / so heavy🔉
- teligsugulg : weigh such amount🔉
- telima'q : have such smell / tastes as such🔉
- telima't : have such smell / tastes as such🔉
- telimatl : tell / he/she tells him/her🔉
- telipgitqatg : stay such length of time🔉
- telisqatuatl : obey🔉
- telistaqanewa'sit : hears things that are not there / thinks one hears something🔉
- telitoq : make as such / make in such a way🔉
- tellugweg, tel'lukwek : works in such a way🔉
- tellugwet, tel'lukwet : do such work / works in such a way🔉
- telmnaqanaq : so weak🔉
- telmnaqanat : so weak🔉
- teloqsas'g : cooked in such a way / cooked thus🔉
- teloqsasit : cooked in such a way / cooked thus🔉
- teloqsatl : cook in such a way / cook thus🔉
- teloqs'g : cook in such a way / cook thus🔉
- teloqsit : have such circumference / size of circumference🔉
- telo'tg : treat so / treat as such / perceive that / seems that / find that🔉
- telpatl : eat or gnaw on in such a way🔉
- telpita'q, tel'pita'q : is such length🔉
- telpitoqsit, tel'pitoqsit : is such height / is such length🔉
- telqamigsit : act thus / act in such manner🔉
- telsatl : cut / cut in such a way🔉
- tels'g : cut in such a way / cut this way🔉
- tels'tg : hear thus / hear something like / hear sound that sounds like🔉
- tels'tmat : hear tell / hear-say / hear news of something🔉
- tels'tuatl : thinks hears someone / thinks hears someone say / hear sound like (him/her/it)🔉
- telta'q : sound like / sound so🔉
- telta'sit, tel'ta'sit : think so🔉
- telta'tl : hit in such a way / cut or chop🔉
- telte'g : cut or chop / hits🔉
- telte'lmatl, tel'te'lmatl : think about as such🔉
- telte'tg, tel'te'tg : think about as such🔉
- telt'g : eat in such a way / gnaw on🔉
- teltoqsit : sound like / sound so🔉
- teltunget : pattern of speech / speech habits / habitual manner of speaking🔉
- teluegeg : for specific use / use as / use for🔉
- telueget : for specific use / used for🔉
- teluet : says🔉
- teluisig : named🔉
- teluisit : named🔉
- telui'tatl : call by such name🔉
- telui't'g : call by such name🔉
- tema'gipulatl : saw down / cut by sawing🔉
- tema'gittoq : saw down / cut by sawing🔉
- tema'latl : break in two🔉
- temalua'latl : break off at tail or rear end🔉
- temalua'toq : break off at tail or rear end🔉
- temalueget : snap off at tail🔉
- temalueitesmatl : break off at tail end (by slamming)🔉
- temapsg'satl : cut into segments or chunks🔉
- temapsg'sg : cut into segments or chunks🔉
- temaqjo'toq : tuck in flaps (in basket making)🔉
- tema'sit : breaks off🔉
- temastaqte'muet : cut hair / barber / hairdresser / barber / hairdresser🔉
- tema'toq : break slowly in two by hand / break off a piece / break in two🔉
- temawigna't : hunchback🔉
- temeget : snap in two / snap off🔉
- temgwa'latl : break off the head slowly by hand / break off the top🔉
- temgwe'g : headless / headless🔉
- temgwepatl : bite head off / bite top off🔉
- temgwesatl : cut the head off / cut the top off🔉
- temgwesg : cut the head off / cut the top off🔉
- temgweta'tl : chop off the head / chop off the top🔉
- temgwete'g : chop off the head / chop off the top🔉
- temig : deep🔉
- temigale'm : mid·lent🔉
- temigatat : have foot or leg cut off🔉
- temina'latl : tear or rip🔉
- temina'toq : tear or rip🔉
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped🔉
- temipia'st : fifty cents / half a dollar🔉
- temiptnat : have hand or arm cut off🔉
- temisgipeget : snap off at neck🔉
- temisqona'latl : break off nose / break off at nose end🔉
- temisqona'toq : break off at nose end🔉
- tempatl : bite off🔉
- temsaqas'g : partition / wall / partitioned🔉
- temsatl : cut / slice / sever (by knife)🔉
- tems'g : cut / slice / sever (by knife)🔉
- temta'tl : chop in two / chop off / cut off🔉
- temte'g : chop in two / chop off🔉
- temtesg : breaks in two🔉
- temtesg'g : break by kicking or stomping🔉
- temtesguatl : break by kicking or stomping🔉
- temtesing : breaks in two🔉
- temtesmatl : break in two / fracture🔉
- temtestoq : break in two / fracture🔉
- temt'g : bite off / bite off a piece🔉
- tepa'latl : put on board / put on top🔉
- tepaqan : vehicle / sleigh / toboggan / sled🔉
- tepaqapit : good fit / right size🔉
- tepaqateg : fit / right size🔉
- tepa'sit : get on / get aboard🔉
- tepa'toq : put aboard / put it on something🔉
- tepaw : near / handy🔉
- tepawtig : worth price🔉
- tepawtit : worth price🔉
- tepgig : night🔉
- tepgisa'latl : separate from / set aside🔉
- tepgise'g : loner / loner🔉
- tepgisitoq : make separately / build individually🔉
- tepgispit : sits apart (from others)🔉
- tepgisteg : set apart (from others) / seperate🔉
- tepgunset : moon / month🔉
- tepgunsetewei : calendar🔉
- tepiaq : enough / sufficient / adequate🔉
- tepiet : enough / sufficient / adequate🔉
- tepi'getoq : distribute🔉
- tepignaq : strong enough🔉
- tepignat : strong enough🔉
- tepilugwet : work enough to... / work enough for...🔉
- tepimlge'g : hard enough / hard enough🔉
- te'pineglewei : vinegar🔉
- tepine's : bedbug🔉
- tepipuna't : old enough to...🔉
- te'pisewa'tat : add pepper to one's food🔉
- te'pisewei : pepper🔉
- tepi'timg : time of distribution / time of sharing / welfare time (slang)🔉
- te'plj : goat🔉
- te'plji'j : young goat / kid🔉
- te'plma'sewei : cheese🔉
- teplumatl : promise🔉
- tepnatl : reach / able to reach🔉
- tepne'g : catch up with / catch up to🔉
- tepn'g : reach / able to reach🔉
- tepo'tas'g : loaded up / placed on top / put in🔉
- tepo'tasit : load up / pile on / put in🔉
- teppilatl : hoist aboard / haul or rope on board🔉
- teppilg : hoist aboard / haul or rope aboard🔉
- teppit : aboard / on or in vehicle🔉
- tepqatg : married🔉
- tepteg : aboard / on or in vehicle / on something (table)🔉
- te'pulj : goat🔉
- te's : every time / every🔉
- te's'g : so much / so many🔉
- te'sigisg'g : every day / daily🔉
- te'sipow : horse🔉
- te'sipowa'q : go by a horse / travel by horse🔉
- te'sipowgumaqan : horse whip🔉
- te'sipowji'j : young horse / foal / portable work bench (in carpentry) / sawhorse🔉
- te'sipowmann : oats🔉
- te'sipug : every winter🔉
- te'sipuna't : so many years old🔉
- te'sipunqeg : annually / so many years🔉
- te'sit : so many / so much🔉
- te'sitpa'q : every night🔉
- te'sitqwa'q : every fall / every autumn🔉
- Te'sn'geg : Heron island🔉
- te'sunatl : have so many or so much🔉
- te'sunemi'g : so many kinds🔉
- te'sunemigsit : so many kinds🔉
- te'sung : have so much or so many🔉
- tet : here🔉
- tetapu : so happens🔉
- tetapua'latl : treat correctly or appropriately / treat right / do right by / satisfy🔉
- tetapua'teget : do what is right / do right way🔉
- tetapua'toq : do right way / do correctly🔉
- tetapuigsua'toq : take right or proper way🔉
- tetapui'satl : sew right way or correctly🔉
- tetapui's'g : sew the right way or correctly🔉
- tetapu'qamigsit : act accordingly / behave properly🔉
- tetapu'satl : slice or cut right way or correctly🔉
- tetapu's'g : slice or cut right way or correctly🔉
- tetapu'teg : correct / proper🔉
- tetaqa'sit : rush / hurry🔉
- tetaqe'g : hurry / rush🔉
- tetaqite'lmatl : anxious for / eager for🔉
- tetaqite'tg : anxious for / eager for / in a hurry for🔉
- tetaqulguni : kingbird🔉
- tetgueg : be a hinderance / in way🔉
- tetguet : be a hinderance / in way🔉
- te'tipja'latl : roll / roll over🔉
- te'tipja'toq : roll / roll over🔉
- te'tipjiet : roll / tumble🔉
- te'tipoqja'latl : put arm around waist of🔉
- tetpaqapugua'latl : stands straight🔉
- tetpaqapuguig : stands straight🔉
- tetpaqapuguit : stands straight🔉
- tetpaqatl : weigh🔉
- tetpaqig : straight in shape / straight🔉
- tetpaqigit : straight in shape / straight🔉
- tetpaqign : scale🔉
- tetpaqpit : set straight🔉
- tetpaqq : weigh🔉
- tetpaqqama'latl : stand straight🔉
- tetpaqqama'toq : stand straight🔉
- tetpaqqamig : stand straight up🔉
- tetpaqqamit : stand straight up🔉
- tetpaqqopit : sit straight🔉
- tetpaqsatl : cut straight🔉
- tetpaqs'g : cut straight / slice straight🔉
- tetpaqteg : straight🔉
- tettuatl : owe🔉
- tettuet : owe / in debt🔉
- tetuipsguna't : rumble (inside stomach)🔉
- tetuje'g : so many years old / have such age🔉
- tetujintage'g : so bashful / so shy🔉
- tetutgi'g : same size as / as big as this/that / approximate size🔉
- tetutgilg : same size as / as big as him/her/it / approximate size🔉
- tewa'gweitesguatl : kick out🔉
- tewajjieget : throw out🔉
- tewa'latl : take outside or let out🔉
- tewalqa'latl : take out in the open / remove from🔉
- tewalqatesg : dislocated / popped out / fall out🔉
- tewalqatesing : dislocated / popped out / fall out🔉
- tewalqatesmatl : shake out / dislocate🔉
- tewalqatestoq : shake out / dislocate🔉
- tewalqa'toq : take out of / remove from🔉
- tewalqe'g : dislocated🔉
- tewalqiaq : bulge out / spill out, stick out, or protrude🔉
- tewalqiet : bulge out / spill out, stick out, or protrude🔉
- tewa'lsit : urinate🔉
- tewa'lutewei : dandelion🔉
- tewapit : look out (from inside)🔉
- tewatalg : eat out / eat in restaurant🔉
- tewatejimatl : drag out🔉
- tewatejitoq : drag out🔉
- tewa'toq : take or put out🔉
- tewattesguatl : chase out🔉
- teweget : throw out / toss away / throw outside🔉
- tewegetl : throw out / toss away / throw outside🔉
- tewiet : go outside / exit🔉
- tewigiaq : curve outward🔉
- tewigiet : curve outward🔉
- tewigsma'latl : push out🔉
- tewigsma'toq : push out🔉
- tewigt'tesguatl : kick out🔉
- tewipuna't : becomes of age to be independent / age out of system🔉
- tewitpaqatg : married out (off the community)🔉
- tewiwsit : move out / vacate🔉
- tewje'g : have hole / have hole🔉
- tewlugwet : work away from home / work outside the community🔉
- tewmalie'wit, tew'malie'wit : marry out / marry someone from outside of the community🔉
- tewoqpit : stick out🔉
- tewoqteg : stick out🔉
- tewpugua'sit, tew'pukua'sit : step out or outside / step outside for fresh air🔉
- tewpuguit, tew'pukuit : stand outside door / step outside for fresh air🔉
- tewuggwalatl : follow out or outside🔉
- tewuggwatg : follow out or outside🔉
- tewulamit : exhale🔉
- tgeia'tat : have cold🔉
- tgniewuti : sweat🔉
- tgnu : sweat🔉
- tg'poq : spring water / a spring of water🔉
- tg'sn : west🔉
- tg'snugowa'j : male westerner🔉
- tg'snugowi'sgw : female westerner🔉
- tgu : wave🔉
- tguig : wavy (of sea)🔉
- tgupoq : bubbling spring🔉
- tia'm : moose🔉
- tia'muapi : moose thong / moose leather strap / moose leather lash🔉
- tia'muegn : moosehide🔉
- tia'muei : moose meat🔉
- tia'mugwet : hunt moose🔉
- tia'mui'sit : moose·call🔉
- tia'mui'suti : moose caller🔉
- tia'mu'j : calf moose🔉
- tia'mu'mi : moose fat or tallow🔉
- ti'g'tlo'q : teakettle🔉
- ti'ls : plank / long square timber / beam🔉
- ti'lsi'gan : house of beams / house of square timbers🔉
- tities : bluejay🔉
- ti'tigli : great horned owl🔉
- tlansu : twenty·five cents / quarter🔉
- tla'sij : let him/her/it be!🔉
- tlawo'q : butcher knife / bread knife / hunting knife🔉
- tlawo'qsatl : cut with knife🔉
- tlawo'qta'tl : strikes with knife🔉
- tlawo'qte'g : strike with knife🔉
- tleiawig : originate from / belongs there / from there🔉
- tleiawit : originate from / belongs there / from there🔉
- tlia' : even if🔉
- tli'suti : language🔉
- tma'gittaqan : saw🔉
- tmaqan : pipe (for smoking)🔉
- tmaqani : shell bird🔉
- tmaqanigju'aq : loaded to brim / overloaded🔉
- tmaqanigju'et : loaded to brim / overloaded🔉
- tmato's : tomato🔉
- tmawei : tobacco🔉
- tmawignessu : hunchback🔉
- tmg : first / before🔉
- tmgwatignej, tm'kwatiknej : heron / crane🔉
- tmi'gn : axe🔉
- tmi'gnatgw : axe handle🔉
- tmi'gnta'tl, tmi'kn'ta'tl : strike with axe🔉
- tmi'gnte'g, tmi'kn'te'k : strike with axe🔉
- tmletji'j : glass tumbler🔉
- tmoqta'w : log / beam🔉
- tmoqta'we'get : cut logs / cut beams🔉
- tmtmu, tm'tmu : oyster🔉
- tm'tqe'gnn : scissors / pair of scissors🔉
- tnuanapi : tendon / sinew🔉
- to'q : expression in disbelief / it is said🔉
- toqanqaja't : paired up (in stud poker)🔉
- toqjuapegit : crawl up🔉
- toqjua'q : go up (stairs) / mount (stairs)🔉
- toqjua't : go up (stairs) / mount (stairs) / swim up stream🔉
- toqju'gimatl : send up🔉
- toqju'gitg : send up🔉
- toqju'pilatl : hoist🔉
- toqju'pilaweg : hoist🔉
- toqju'pilawet : hoist🔉
- toqju'pilg : hoist🔉
- toqju'tesguatl : chase up / chase upstairs🔉
- toqju'tugwi'g : run up / run upstairs🔉
- toqmimajijig : co·habit / live together🔉
- toqo : so🔉
- toqojiw : and then🔉
- toqolugwegl : two work together / two work in tandem🔉
- toqolugwejig : work together / work in tandem / work in pairs🔉
- toqonasit : live common·law🔉
- toqopaqji'jg : short and string shaped / short (in length)🔉
- toqopaqji'jit : short and string shaped / short (in length)🔉
- toqopsgeg : short and round (globular)🔉
- toqopsgigatat : short·legged🔉
- toqopsg'ji'jit : short and round🔉
- toqopsg'sit : short and round (globular)🔉
- toqosingig : sleep together / lay together🔉
- toqosi'p : and then / then🔉
- toqo_na : is that so? / in fact🔉
- toqqatua : in spite of🔉
- toqtesingig : dance together / involved in same accident/mishap🔉
- toqwa'majig : stay or live together🔉
- toqwanqapit : folded in two / bent over double🔉
- toqwanqisgat : double·jointed🔉
- toqwa'q : fall / autumn🔉
- toqwaqji'jg : short🔉
- toqwaqji'jit : short / short of something🔉
- toqwaqsa't : short skirt / short dress / short garment🔉
- toqwe'gig : together / stay together🔉
- t'pgwan : gravel / soil / ashes from cremation🔉
- t'pgwano'q : ash bin🔉
- T'pgwantimg : Ash Wednesday🔉
- tpi'tnewaqan : goods for sharing / goods for distribution / goods for relief / relief / welfare🔉
- tpi'tnewei : distribution / welfare🔉
- tplutaqan : law🔉
- tp'te'sn : south🔉
- tp'te'snugowa'j : southerner / male southerner🔉
- tp'te'snugowi'sgw : female southerner🔉
- tqa'la'j : wick🔉
- tqonasu : person who lives common·law🔉
- tqo'nug : next fall🔉
- tqope'j : twin🔉
- tqoq : last fall🔉
- tqoqwej : wild cat / bobcat🔉
- tqoqwe'j : wild feral cat / overly large domestic cat🔉
- t'ssawiaqan : dye🔉
- tu'aqan : ball🔉
- tu'aqanatgw : baseball bat🔉
- tu'at : play baseball / play ball🔉
- tugtesguatl : awaken abruptly / wake suddenly (by sudden movement) / wake suddenly (by making loud noise)🔉
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed🔉
- tugwa'latl : wake up🔉
- tugweiwatl : causes disturbed sleep / awaken repeatedly so can't sleep well / wake up gently🔉
- tu'gwesmun : pillow / cushion🔉
- tugwiet : wake up / awaken🔉
- tugwipnnatl : wake up by repetative action🔉
- Tui'gn : Canso Strait, Nova Scotia / passage🔉
- tuitn : narrows🔉
- tujiw : at that time🔉
- tulgowei : cannon🔉
- tuli'jeweie'l : rice🔉
- Tune'l : legendary strong man with supernatural powers🔉
- tuop'ti : window🔉
- tupig : frosted (as tree branch)🔉
- tupsi : alder🔉
- tupsia'qami : alder grove🔉
- tu's : daughter! girl! (term of affection)🔉
- tu'sati : house extension / porch / shed🔉
- tutji'j : little daughter! (term of affection for child)🔉
- uggamlamun : heart / heart (in cards)🔉
- uggamlamuti : breath🔉
- uggata'lal : calf of leg🔉
- uggeggusgl : godparent🔉
- uggnnignn : godchild🔉
- uggwajign : lower part of leg🔉
- uggwat : foot🔉
- uggwata'q : go by foot / travel by walking / walk🔉
- uggwatawti : footpath🔉
- uggwe'ji'jl : younger sister🔉
- uggwijewigtug : maternal side🔉
- uggwisit : have son🔉
- uggwisl : son🔉
- uggwitl : mother🔉
- ugjigi : scab🔉
- ugji'g'j : stump / tree stump🔉
- ugjignaml : younger brother🔉
- ugjigsu'g : family🔉
- ugjigunn : knee🔉
- ugjijaqamijl : spirit / soul / shadow🔉
- ugjijaqamiju'et : have shadow🔉
- ugjiljl : father-in-law🔉
- ugji'nmuml : husband🔉
- ugjipen : east🔉
- ugjipenugowa'j : easterner🔉
- ugjip'sg : root🔉
- ugjipulgewinu : epileptic🔉
- ugjit : for / because🔉
- ugji'taqann : neck🔉
- ugjoqolqote'gnm : palate🔉
- ugjugwi'jijl : mother-in-law🔉
- ugju'sn : wind / air🔉
- ugju'snei : fan / propeller🔉
- uglusgnignml : elbow🔉
- ugmlagejml : mammary / breast🔉
- ugpaqam : back🔉
- ugpaqama'latl : give support to / backup🔉
- ugpaqamg : behind / in rear of🔉
- Ugpi'ganjig : Eel River Bar🔉
- ugpitn : hand🔉
- ugpitni'sewet : sew (by hand)🔉
- ugpitnoqom : arm🔉
- ugplaqan : lap🔉
- ugplgoqoml : sweetheart / lover🔉
- ugpnn : lung🔉
- ugp'ssan : sleeve🔉
- ugpugugw : eye🔉
- ugpugugwa'latl : eye / watch closely🔉
- ugpugugwa'toq : eye / watch closely🔉
- ugpugugwe'l : eyeglasses / glasses🔉
- ugpusgun : breast / chest🔉
- ugpusgunei : bra / breast protector / chest protector (baseball)🔉
- ugqonn : heel🔉
- ugqosi'l : fingernail / toenail / hoof / claw🔉
- ugqotaqanigjipilaqan : scarf / necktie / neck wrapper🔉
- ugqotaqann : throat🔉
- ugsi : lip🔉
- ugsisgw : face🔉
- ugsisl : older brother🔉
- ugsisqon : nose🔉
- ugsitnei : stove pipe🔉
- ugsitun : voice / voice box (larynx) / language🔉
- ugsitunapi'l : vocal cords🔉
- ugsml : niece🔉
- ugsmuit : have horns🔉
- ugsmu'l : antler / horn🔉
- ugs'tqamu : earth / world🔉
- ugs'tqamua'latl : give birth / bear (child) / bring into the world🔉
- ugs'tqamuit : born / come into world🔉
- ugs'tuaqan : ear🔉
- ugsuateja'taqan : drawer🔉
- ugsuguni : tail🔉
- ugsugwisl : aunt🔉
- ugtapiml : bow🔉
- ugta'piml : net🔉
- ugtapsunig : useful🔉
- ugtapsunit : useful🔉
- ugtaptu'n : cane / crutch / walking stick🔉
- Ugtaqamgug : Newfoundland🔉
- ugtatqa'lam : artery🔉
- ugtejg : in back / behind / at the back / last🔉
- ugtejgewei : last one / last one🔉
- ugte'piteml : wife🔉
- ugtiit : have dog🔉
- ugtijin : thumb🔉
- ugti'l : dog🔉
- ugtinin : body🔉
- ugtinneg : body / self / person🔉
- ugtlal : shoulder blade🔉
- ugtlaminu : stomach🔉
- ugtlamugsisl : uncle🔉
- ugtlmaqan : shoulder🔉
- ugtluign : finger🔉
- ugtlu'sue'sgwul : daughter-in-law🔉
- ugtlu'sugul : son-in-law🔉
- ugto'jm : toe🔉
- ugtoqon : her dress🔉
- ugt'pl : brain🔉
- ugt'pun : seat / place🔉
- ugtue'ml : domesticated animal / livestock / pet🔉
- ugtugwape'gn : jaw🔉
- ugtugwejan : forehead🔉
- ugtul : boat / vehicle / car🔉
- ugtulit : has a vehicle / has a boat🔉
- ugtun : mouth🔉
- ugtunapi : rein🔉
- ugtuneil : bridles and bits🔉
- ugtuoml : pot (cooking vessel) / pan🔉
- ugtusl : daughter🔉
- ugtutem : clan / totem🔉
- ugtuttemit : have totem or benefactor🔉
- ugumejepit : tipped / crooked🔉
- ugumejeteg : tipped / crooked🔉
- ugumejig : lopsided / crooked🔉
- ugumejigit : lopsided / crooked🔉
- ugumijl : grandmother🔉
- ugumuljin : eight / eight (in counting)🔉
- ugumuljin_te'sisga'q : eighty / eighty (in counting)🔉
- u'j : fly🔉
- uja'law : mucus / snot / phlegm🔉
- uji'jl : grandchild🔉
- ujjewigtug : on his/her father's side / from his/her father's side / on paternal side🔉
- ujjewit : father🔉
- ujjit : have father🔉
- ujjl : father🔉
- ula : this / here🔉
- ulagu : yesterday🔉
- ulapatmuaqan : blessing / favor obtained (religious)🔉
- ulaqan : antler / antler rack / antler plate🔉
- ulaqane's : pan bullmoose🔉
- ulaqanml : plate / pan / dish🔉
- ula_tett : right here / this here🔉
- uligsi : intestine🔉
- ulisqi'l : wing🔉
- ulmaita'suaqan : sorrowful thought / sadness / sorrow🔉
- Ulnuelewi : Merry Christmas!🔉
- ulo'nug : this evening / tonight🔉
- ulta'suaqan, ul'ta'suaqan : happiness / gladness / pleasure🔉
- ulta'suti, ul'ta'suti : gladness🔉
- ulugsl : nephew🔉
- ulugul : gland🔉
- ulugun : thigh🔉
- ulugwe'get : have mumps / have swollen gland or tonsil🔉
- ulugwi : armpit / underarm🔉
- ulugwiet : have tonsillitis🔉
- umaltem : blood🔉
- umaqjigeweim : big toe🔉
- umaqtaml : brother in law (for male speaker) / sister in law (for female speaker)🔉
- umiggn : fishing gear / fishing rod🔉
- umijgamijl : grandfather🔉
- umisit : have older sister🔉
- umisl : older sister🔉
- umsigwang : eyelashes🔉
- umtesann : last born🔉
- um'tgi : territory / land / homeland🔉
- umugsnn : shoe🔉
- umusti : belly🔉
- u'n : fog🔉
- unaqapeml : disciple / follower / councillor / friend🔉
- ungi'gug : parents🔉
- ungi'gul, un'ki'kul : parent / ancestor🔉
- u'niaq : get foggy🔉
- u'nig : foggy🔉
- unjann, un'jann : child🔉
- unjaqajewa'teget : take it easy🔉
- unji, un'ji : head🔉
- Unma'gi : Fourth Mi'gmaq district / Cape Breton Island🔉
- un'sqe'l : wing🔉
- upmejising : laying on side🔉
- upmejisma'sit : lie down on side🔉
- upmepigaj : hip or side of body🔉
- usapun : hair of head / hair🔉
- usapunit : have hair (of head)🔉
- usaqan : shoulder blade🔉
- usgaqan : fishery / fishing industry🔉
- usgewinu : fisher🔉
- usgijipnew : host (communion)🔉
- usgitqamug : surface (of the earth) / above ground🔉
- usgun : liver🔉
- usgus : weasel🔉
- u't : this🔉
- utan : town / village🔉
- utapsun : clothing / essentials / belongings🔉
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar🔉
- utepaqan : toboggan / car / wagon / sled🔉
- utmaqann : pipe🔉
- utmi'gn : axe🔉
- utqotalatl : bury🔉
- utqotamg : burial / funeral🔉
- utqotaqan : grave🔉
- utqotaqane'gati : graveyard🔉
- utqotatg : bury🔉
- wa'gw : louse🔉
- waio'psgw : bead🔉
- wajua'latl : fill up (with non·liquid)🔉
- waju'aq : full (with non·liquid)🔉
- wajua'toq : fill up (with non·liquid)🔉
- wajuegnepit : full / fully stocked / full to capacity🔉
- waju'et : full🔉
- wajuigneteg : full / fully stocked / full to capacity🔉
- waju'pa'q : high tide🔉
- waju'pega'latl : fill up (with liquid) / soak🔉
- waju'pega'toq : fill up (with liquid) / soak🔉
- walgwe'g : low place / hollow place / dip in earth / hollow🔉
- walgwi'taqanat : nape (of neck)🔉
- wali'g : snowbank / snowdrift🔉
- wali'j : snowball🔉
- waljigta'tl : hollow out (by striking with axe) / gouge🔉
- waljigte'g : hollow out (by striking with axe) / gouge🔉
- walnoqsitat : have instep or arch🔉
- walqwan : rainbow🔉
- walqwiet : cave in🔉
- waltes : game / wooden plate used in dice game / Mi'gmaw game of chance🔉
- waltestaqan : waltes dice / round bones or dice used in dice game🔉
- waltestat : play waltes dice🔉
- waltesta'timg : playing Mi'gmaw game of chance / dice game playing🔉
- wanna'sit : go up mission🔉
- wanne'g : up mission / cove end in Listuguj / cove🔉
- wannoqs'g : carve concave / curved inward🔉
- wannoqsit : curved inward / concave🔉
- wantaqe'g : calm disposition / quiet🔉
- wantaqilugwet : work calmly / work quietly🔉
- wantaqo'ti : peace🔉
- wantaqpa'q : calm water🔉
- wantaqpegitg : flows calmly / still flowing water🔉
- wantaqpit : sits quietly / sit calmly🔉
- wantaqteg : quiet🔉
- wapaltugwat : white haired🔉
- wapamu'g : whitish🔉
- wapamugsit : whitish🔉
- wapa's'g : turn white🔉
- wapa'sit : open eyes / turn white🔉
- wape'g : white / white🔉
- wape'jg : flour🔉
- wape'jgo'q : flour container / flour cannister🔉
- wape'ji'jg : white small inanimate🔉
- wape'ji'jit : tiny white animate🔉
- wape'jit : whitish one🔉
- wapg : dawn / daylight🔉
- wapgwan : grey or white hair🔉
- wapgwat : have white hair🔉
- wapigat : white foot / white paw🔉
- wapigle'wj : male salmon🔉
- wapignegsit : light-complexioned🔉
- wapinpat : sleep with eyes open🔉
- wapit : awake / have eyes open🔉
- wapn : first light / daylight🔉
- wapnamugwiaq : dawning / daybreak🔉
- wapnapit : stay up all night / see break of dawn🔉
- wapngusit : sleep until dawn🔉
- wapnintoq : sing until dawn🔉
- wapntesing : dance until dawn🔉
- wapoq : striped maple / moosewood🔉
- wapoqsit : sun bleached / bleached / is whitened (from sun)🔉
- wapoqteg : whitened (from sun) / bleached / sun bleached🔉
- wapsgw : coal🔉
- wap'staqapewit : look pale🔉
- wap'staqe'g : pale🔉
- wap'stoqonamu'g : pale green🔉
- wap'stoqonamugsit : pale green🔉
- wapus : hare / rabbit🔉
- wapusuegn : rabbit skin🔉
- wapusuei : rabbit meat🔉
- waqaiew : pus🔉
- waqaiewiaq : filled with pus🔉
- waqaje'g : physically weak / not strong🔉
- waqalusan : fort🔉
- waqama'latl : clean🔉
- waqamalqutnat : clean mouth🔉
- waqamaluat : clean tail🔉
- waqamapitat : clean teeth🔉
- waqamapsg'tiat : clean belly🔉
- waqamapsqonat : clean heels🔉
- waqama'taqan : cleanser / washing liquid🔉
- waqama'toq : clean🔉
- waqame'g : clean / clean🔉
- waqameimgewei : cleanliness (literally and figuratively)🔉
- waqamigan : clean house🔉
- waqamiganig : clean house / clean dwelling / clean building🔉
- waqamigsiat : clean nails🔉
- waqamilnuat : clean tongue🔉
- waqamimlagejmit : clean breasts / clean mammaries🔉
- waqamipsgunat : clean chest / clean breast🔉
- waqamiptnat : clean hand(s)🔉
- waqamisqonat : clean nose🔉
- waqamistaqanat : clean ears🔉
- waqamite'tg : consider clean🔉
- waqamitg : clean flowing water🔉
- waqamitnat : clean nostrils🔉
- waqamnmat : keeps a clean place / neat / tidy🔉
- Waqam'tgug : Bonaventure, Quebec / Waqamîtkuk, Nova Scotia🔉
- waqamugtugwejanit : clean forehead🔉
- wa'qan : knife / blade🔉
- wa'qanji'j : jacknife🔉
- wa'qansatl : knife / cut with knife🔉
- wa'qans'g : cut with knife / knife🔉
- waqantew : bone🔉
- waqantewatpat, waqan'tewatpat : head of bone🔉
- waqasit : wild / hyperactive / untamed🔉
- waqatasg : northern lights / aurora borealis🔉
- waqatign : bait🔉
- waqgaji'sit : weak speaker🔉
- wa'qi : flesh / skin / body🔉
- waqjuig : crooked / bent🔉
- waqjuiga'latl : bend / make crooked🔉
- waqjuiga's'g : become crooked / droop🔉
- waqjuiga'sit : bend / droop🔉
- waqjuiga'toq : bend / make crooked🔉
- waqjuigit : crooked / bent🔉
- waqju'pit : sit crooked🔉
- waqju'teg : crooked / set crooked🔉
- waqqaj : just barely / almost / with difficulty🔉
- waqtian : fish entrails / small fish entrails🔉
- wasapa'q : crystal·clear water🔉
- wasapeglaw : spruce gum🔉
- wasateg : bright / illuminated🔉
- wa'so'q : heaven / the heavens🔉
- wasoqeg : illuminated / bright (of hue)🔉
- wasoqon : light🔉
- wasoqonatl : illuminate / keep light on🔉
- wasoqonaweg : give off light / radiate🔉
- wasoqonawet : give off light / radiate🔉
- wasoqong : illuminate / keeps lit🔉
- wasoqonmaqan : candle / lamp / lantern🔉
- wasoqota'tl : polish / shine🔉
- wasoqote'g : polish / shine🔉
- wasoqotesg : lightning / sparkle🔉
- wasoqotesing : sparkle / flashing🔉
- wasoqowi'j : firefly🔉
- wasoqwa'latl : light up🔉
- wasoqwa'taqan : ring🔉
- wasoqwa'toq : light up🔉
- wasoqweg : lit / bright / shiny🔉
- waspu : seal🔉
- wastew : snow / fallen snow🔉
- wastewt'g : frosty / frost🔉
- wasueg : flower / blossom / blossom / bloom / flower🔉
- wasuega'tat : menstruate🔉
- wasuego'q : flower pot / vase🔉
- wasuet : blossom🔉
- watapteg : yellow / greyish / slate colored🔉
- wata's'g : become cataract (of eye)🔉
- wate'g : cataract (of eye)🔉
- wa'tugwaw : blood clot🔉
- wa'tugwawa's'g : clot🔉
- wa'w : egg🔉
- wa'we'j : egg person (deliverer)🔉
- wegaia'latl : anger someone🔉
- wegaig : angry🔉
- wegaiugt'g : angry with / mad at🔉
- wegaiugtuatl : angry with / mad at🔉
- weget : these🔉
- wegilalatl : bark at🔉
- wegilat : bark🔉
- wegla : these🔉
- weglams'g : gusty (of wind)🔉
- We'gopegitg : Truro, Nova Scotia🔉
- We'goqoma'q : Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia.🔉
- we'gow : until / all along / during🔉
- we'gwamatl : watch until out of sight / follow (with eyes) until out of sight🔉
- we'gwamgug : where waterway ends at falls🔉
- we'gwamgwe'get : pole (boat) to a certain spot🔉
- we'gwa'muatl : defeat in debate / best in argument or duel of words🔉
- we'gwanqe'get : sleep-walk / talk while asleep🔉
- we'gwapsgw : falls end🔉
- we'gwapt'g : watch until out of sight / follow (with eyes) until out of sight🔉
- we'gwa's'g : go as far as / reach destination🔉
- we'gwa'sit : reach destination / go as far as🔉
- we'gwata'latl : frighten / scare🔉
- we'gwata'sit : frightened / scared🔉
- we'gwiji'met : paddle or row until...🔉
- We'gwistoqonig : Eskasoni🔉
- weita'q : shrink🔉
- weita't : shrink🔉
- weiteja'latl : drive from / test·drive🔉
- weiteja'toq : drive from / test·drive🔉
- weja'latl : get or bring from🔉
- wejamoqsualatl : embrace / hug and squeeze🔉
- wejanguat : purchase from there🔉
- wejaqama'latl : boil🔉
- wejaqama'toq : boil🔉
- wejaqamiaq : boil🔉
- wejaqamiet : boil🔉
- weja'tegemg : from there on / from now on🔉
- weja'tegemgeg : from that time on🔉
- weja'teget : get spouse from there🔉
- weja'toq : obtain from / get or bring from / buys it🔉
- wejeiatijig : they are testing each other / they are challenging each other🔉
- wejgiemgewei : chicken pox / scabbiness🔉
- wejgiet : scabby🔉
- wejgu'aq : approach / come🔉
- wejgu'aqamit : due / have right to / owed / qualify for compensation🔉
- wejgu'et : approach / come🔉
- wejgu'jing : bend and face toward🔉
- wejgupuguit : stand facing toward🔉
- wejgutemit : come toward crying🔉
- wejgutugwi'g : come running🔉
- wejgwajepit : sit or set facing toward here🔉
- wejgwajeteg : sit or set facing toward here🔉
- wejgwa'latl : bring or come with🔉
- wejgwapaneta'q : clear up (of sky)🔉
- wejgwapa'q : incoming or rising tide🔉
- wejgwapesit : something that one has a right to🔉
- wejgwapit : sit facing🔉
- wejgwapniaq : daybreak🔉
- wejgwaqteget : come sailing toward🔉
- wejgwa'tegemg : in the past🔉
- wejgwa'tegemgeg : in the past until now🔉
- wejgwateja's'g : come in this direction / hurry this way🔉
- wejgwateja'sit : hurry this way / come in this direction🔉
- wejgwatejimgwet : come riding on or in🔉
- wejgwa'toq : bring or come with🔉
- wejgwatpo'jing : bent toward here (from head)🔉
- wejgwigwitna'q : come by canoe🔉
- wejgwina'taqamisugwit : paddle to shore🔉
- wejgwi'puluet : come on horseback🔉
- wejgwiqolomgopit : sit facing towards with head hanging down🔉
- wejgwisugwit : come rowing or paddling toward🔉
- wejgwitpa'q : approach or come nightfall🔉
- wejgwitu'gwe'pit : come scuttling with pounding feet🔉
- wejiaq : come from there🔉
- wejiatl : make from / make out of🔉
- we'jiatl : find / come upon🔉
- wejiet : come from there / return from🔉
- wejigji'toq : come to know / know from🔉
- wejignematl : challenge🔉
- wejigoqwa'latl : attempt to grab / grab from🔉
- wejigs'gutesg'g : try to catch on time🔉
- wejigsitesing : get injured from🔉
- wejigsugutesguatl : try to catch on time🔉
- wejigtalqa'latl : take out from / remove from underneath🔉
- wejigtalqa'toq : take out from / remove from underneath🔉
- wejilugweg : works from... / works because... / reason it works🔉
- wejilugwet : work because / reason for work / work from (location)🔉
- wejimsnatl : try to grasp / try to catch🔉
- wejimsng : try to grasp🔉
- wejinisa'latl : bring down from🔉
- wejinisiaq : fall from🔉
- wejinisiet : fall from🔉
- wejinmiatl : try to see🔉
- wejinmitoq : try to see🔉
- wejintijig : fight over (something inanimate) / fight over (something or someone animate)🔉
- wejipeg : east wind🔉
- wejipsematl : sniff🔉
- wejipsetamit : sniff🔉
- wejipsetg : sniff🔉
- wejipulgwa's'g : have cramp🔉
- wejipulgwet : have an epileptic fit🔉
- wejiqolomgwipmiet : return moving along with drooping head / return walking along with drooping head / come from somewhere with a drooped head / move along with drooping head because... / walking along with drooping head because...🔉
- we'jitaqan : foundling🔉
- wejitepnatl : try to reach (with hand)🔉
- wejitepng : try to reach (with hand)🔉
- wejitoq : make from / make out of🔉
- we'jitoq : find / come upon🔉
- we'ji'wet : give birth / bear child (said of woman when she bears child)🔉
- wejjelamit : sigh🔉
- wejo'tasit : trade or do business there🔉
- wejo'tg : attempt / try out / try / test🔉
- wejuaqatesg'g : approach🔉
- wejuaqatesguatl : approach🔉
- wejue'g : have close call🔉
- wejuow : close by🔉
- wejuowita'sit : absent·minded🔉
- weju's'g : windy🔉
- wela'gowei : supper🔉
- wela'gw : evening / dusk / night🔉
- wela'gwe'g : last night🔉
- wela'gwe'l : toward evening🔉
- wela'latl : to please / do well by🔉
- wela'lin : thank you / I do well by you🔉
- wela'luet : charitable / pleases🔉
- welamatl : attracted to appearance / like looks of🔉
- welapematl : benefit / is useful / obtain favor or something good from🔉
- welapetg : benefit / is useful to / obtain favor or something good from🔉
- welapetmuet : obtain (religious) favor🔉
- welapt'g : attracted to / like the appearance🔉
- wela'q : right size in girth🔉
- welaqapit : slightly intoxicated / feel good (from drinking)🔉
- welaseg : shine / brightness🔉
- welaset : shine / brightness🔉
- wela's'g : turn out well🔉
- wela'sit : relieved / feeling good (from being ill) / turn out well🔉
- welat : burp / belch🔉
- wela'toq : do properly🔉
- welawtig : good or reasonable price🔉
- welawtit : make good wages / good or reasonable price🔉
- wele'g : living well / fine / alive / healthy🔉
- welegisg : nice breeze🔉
- weleiwatl : take good care of🔉
- welg'g : good fit🔉
- welgiljet : read properly or well🔉
- welgina'muatl : teach well / teach what is proper🔉
- welgna'q : nicely dressed🔉
- welgnesit : well·dressed🔉
- welg'snet : well·shoed🔉
- welguatl : fit well / good fit🔉
- welgutat : well·dressed🔉
- welgwija'latl : uplift spirit / put in good·humor / make more confident🔉
- welgwijimatl : put in good humor / encouraging🔉
- welgwijing : in good·humor / good·spirits🔉
- weliaq : useful / good🔉
- welia'su'na'q : well·dressed🔉
- weliegsitpu'g : nice morning🔉
- weligg : have nice shape🔉
- weligisg'g : nice weather day🔉
- weligit : have nice shape🔉
- weligpa'q : split well / strip off well🔉
- weligpa't : strip or split well🔉
- weligsua'toq : take well / accept🔉
- weligweg : grow well🔉
- weligwet : grow well🔉
- weligwetutg : pleasant expression / wear smile🔉
- welima'q : smell good🔉
- welimasit : have a nice odor / smell good🔉
- welima't : smell good🔉
- welimateg : have a nice odor / smell good🔉
- welimatl : give good talking to / give good advice to / good rejoiner (come-back)🔉
- welinqana'mat : has a good time drinking🔉
- welipiasit : thoroughly dried / kiln·dried🔉
- welipiateg : thoroughly dry / kiln-dried🔉
- welipot : rowboat🔉
- weliptesgna'q : have nice shoes on / have nice boots on🔉
- welipug : nice winter🔉
- welipunsit : have nice winter🔉
- welisapaptas'g : very transparent / easy to see through🔉
- welitpa'q : nice evening or night🔉
- welitpa's'g : happen unexpectedly / happen pleasantly / fortunate happenstance🔉
- welitpa'sit : happen pleasantly / happen unexpectedly / fortunate happenstance🔉
- welitpima'q : have certain nice smell🔉
- welitpima't : have certain nice smell🔉
- weljaqajewa'teget : take it easy🔉
- weljaqatl : spread nicely or smoothly🔉
- weljaqq : spread nicely or smoothly🔉
- weljemajgewe'l : sweetgrass / lilacs🔉
- weljema'q : smell good🔉
- weljema't : smell good🔉
- weljepit : tipsy / feel good (from drinking)🔉
- weljesing : happy🔉
- weljijigwe'jg : narrow enough🔉
- weljijigwe'jit : narrow enough🔉
- wellu'alatl : praise🔉
- wellu'atg : praise🔉
- wellugweg : works well🔉
- wellugwet : do good work / works well / do well (in general) / succeed (in general)🔉
- welmaita'sit : sad / suffer (in thinking)🔉
- welmaje'g : suffer🔉
- welm'toq : kind·hearted🔉
- welnat : have good hand (in a card game)🔉
- welneweg : breezy / nice and cool (of air)🔉
- welnugsig : soft and smooth🔉
- welnugsit : soft and smooth🔉
- welo'gt'g : positive premonition / premonition🔉
- weloqotalg : eat supper / have supper🔉
- weloqsit : appropriate size in girth🔉
- welo'teget : feel well / doing well / treat others well / kind to others🔉
- welo'tg : take good care of🔉
- welpasteg : nice and thick🔉
- welpesug : good distance / far🔉
- welpisit : well·dressed🔉
- welpistamit : have good lunch (on bread dipped with molasses, syrup, broth,
milk etc.)🔉
- welpit : well·placed / nice🔉
- welpmiaq : operates well / go or move well🔉
- welpmiet : go or move about well / operates well🔉
- welp'satl, wel'pîsatl : warms up🔉
- welp'sg : warm up🔉
- welp'sit : nice and warm🔉
- welp'smat : have well·heated house🔉
- welp'teg, wel'pîtek : nice and warm🔉
- welqamigsit : good·natured / have good disposition or character🔉
- welqwanet : wear proper clothes (for season)🔉
- wels'tg : like sound of🔉
- wels'tuatl : like sound of singing / like sound of speaking🔉
- weltamit : eat well / good·eating🔉
- weltamultimg : Friday🔉
- welta'q : have good sound (music)🔉
- weltaqsit : good length (e.g. of rope)🔉
- welta'sit, wel'ta'sit : happy / glad🔉
- welta'sualatl, wel'ta'sualatl : happy for someone🔉
- welta'suatg, wel'ta'suatk : happy for🔉
- welta'tl : hit well / meet up with / catch🔉
- welteg : nice / well done / well·placed🔉
- welte'g : hit well / strike well / play well / earn well / make good money🔉
- welte'lmatl : approve of / thinks well of🔉
- weltesg : fits well🔉
- weltesg'g : meet up with (on foot) / meet or arrive on time🔉
- weltesguatl : meet / meet up with (on foot)🔉
- weltesing : good fit🔉
- welte'teget : joyful🔉
- welte'tg : approve of🔉
- welto'gsit : cut well / felled well🔉
- weltoqsit : have good sound (music)🔉
- wen : who🔉
- wenagiet : accend🔉
- wenaqa'latl : pick up / lift up🔉
- wenaqa'sit : rise🔉
- wenaqa'toq : pick up / lift up🔉
- wenaqeget : throw up in air / flip🔉
- wenaqialatl : jump at🔉
- wenaqiaq : jump🔉
- wenaqiatg : jumps at🔉
- wenaqiatuatl : jumps at🔉
- wenaqiet : jump🔉
- wenaqja't : hop / skip🔉
- wenaqje'wj : grasshopper (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wenaqpilatl : hoist (by rope or cable)🔉
- wenaqpilg : hoist (by rope or cable)🔉
- wenaqpmaqan : lacrosse stick🔉
- wenaqtesgasit : spring up🔉
- wenaqtesguatl : flush out... / flush bird out of field / kick upward🔉
- wenaqto'sit : move up (in world) / help oneself up (in the world)🔉
- weniet : forgetful🔉
- wenji'guom, wen'ji'kuom : house🔉
- wenjitia'm, wen'jitia'm : cow🔉
- wenjitia'mu'j, wen'jitia'mu'j : calf / young cow🔉
- wenjua'p'tew, wen'jua'pîtew : pea soup🔉
- wenjui'sit, wen'jui'sit : speak French language🔉
- wenjujgwej, wen'jujkwej : French woman / Queen of Spades in deck of cards🔉
- wenju's'gapun, wen'ju'sugapun : turnip🔉
- wenju'su'n, wen'ju'su'n : apple🔉
- wenju'su'napu, wen'ju'su'napu : apple juice / apple cider🔉
- wenju'su'naqsi, wen'ju'su'naqsi : apple tree🔉
- wenmaje'g : suffer🔉
- wenuj : Frenchman / French person🔉
- wen_net : who's that? / who's this?🔉
- wen_tana : who is that? / who's this? / who is he/she?🔉
- wesama'muatl : overcharge🔉
- wesamatalg : overeat🔉
- wesamelg : too much / too much🔉
- wesamgamit : too fat / obese🔉
- wesamgi'g : too big🔉
- wesamgilg : too big🔉
- wesamglu'lg : too good🔉
- wesamgusit : oversleep🔉
- wesamiapje'jg : too small🔉
- wesamijijigwe'jg : too narrow🔉
- wesamisge'g : too wide🔉
- wesamitqwaqji'jit : too short🔉
- wesamla'muatl : overload (someone's) plate🔉
- wesammaqoqsit : too big (in girth) / too big and round (cylindrical)🔉
- wesamoqsatl : overcook🔉
- wesamoqs'g : overcook🔉
- wesamoqsit : overcooked🔉
- wesamoqteg : overcooked🔉
- wesawa'latl : put on to boil / put on to cook🔉
- wesawa'q : hang over or on edge🔉
- wesawa't : hang over or on edge🔉
- wesawa'toq : put on to boil / put on to cook🔉
- wesawei : point / projection🔉
- wesget : fish🔉
- wesgewe'g : laugh🔉
- wesgewigwetutg : grin🔉
- wesgewina'q : happy, joyful or pleasureable place🔉
- wesgewinoqsit : joyful / jolly🔉
- wesg'g : goes via that path, road / travel along designated path🔉
- wesgija's'g : goes on top of🔉
- wesgija'sit : goes on top of🔉
- wesgijiama'latl : spread over / top coat / paint over🔉
- wesgijiama'toq : spread over / top coat / paint over🔉
- wesgijinuit : bring to life / born🔉
- wesgit : vest🔉
- wesgita'q : wear vest🔉
- wesgitpega's'g : flow over🔉
- wesgitpega'sit : flow over🔉
- wesgitpegiaq : flows over🔉
- wesgitpegiet : flows on top / coating🔉
- wesgitpit : be on top / sit or set on top🔉
- wesgitqo'qweg : float🔉
- wesgitqo'qwet : float🔉
- wesgitteg : sit or set on top🔉
- wesgo'tas'g : worked on🔉
- wesgo'tg : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia) / process of doing🔉
- wesgowa's'g : taking place / place of activity🔉
- wesgowa'sit : occupied / dwell there / occupy / stay, live or situated at🔉
- wesgowigwa'sit : smile🔉
- wesgumatl : refer / talk about🔉
- wesgu'muet : talks back disrespectfully🔉
- wesgu'tg : talk about / talk business with (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wesgweiwatl : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wesigalatl : tell fortune of🔉
- wesiget : foretell / tell fortunes🔉
- wesmi'pulatl : flee with / run off with / kidnap🔉
- wesmi'putoq : run off with🔉
- wesmoqsuwalatl : embrace / hug / smooch🔉
- wesmugwat : runs away / flees / escape from there🔉
- wesmuit : have horns🔉
- weso'tg : conserves / preserve🔉
- wespaiwatl : disturb while asleep🔉
- wessmugt'g : run away from / escape from🔉
- wessmugtuatl : run away from / escape from🔉
- westawiatl : save / redeem🔉
- westawitoq : save / redeem🔉
- westawlet : gifted🔉
- westawu'lgw : Savior🔉
- wesua'latl : take hold of🔉
- wesua'q : sink in🔉
- wesuasgiaq : sink in🔉
- wesuasgiet : sink in / drawn into (pit or quicksand)🔉
- wesua't : sink in🔉
- wesua'teget : haul in pot (in poker game)🔉
- wesuatejimatl : pull and drag🔉
- wesuatejitoq : pull and drag🔉
- wesua'toq : take (hold of)🔉
- wesueget : pulls suddenly / jerk / grab🔉
- wesuejo'qwa'latl : undertake / tackle / take on🔉
- wesuejo'qwa'toq : undertake / tackle / take on🔉
- wesuelamit : inhale🔉
- wesuepilatl : pull in (by rope)🔉
- wesuepilg : pull in (by rope)🔉
- wesuisepilas'g : gathered and tied🔉
- wesuisepilasit : gathered and tied🔉
- wesuw'tqa'latl : pull / pull on something lineair(rope)🔉
- wesuw'tqanatl : pulling on🔉
- wesuw'tqang : pulling on🔉
- wesuw'tqa'toq : pull / stretch out / unwind🔉
- wetagutg : related through...🔉
- wetagutijig : of common descent / related by common ancestor / have common ancestor🔉
- wetajigwet : frown / scowl🔉
- wetapaqamit : orginate from / spring from🔉
- wetapegsit : descend from🔉
- wetapsunig : useful🔉
- wetapsunit : useful🔉
- wetapulatl : scold / punish🔉
- wetaqama'sit : eat (archaic) / snack🔉
- weti : worm🔉
- wetlamit : breathe from🔉
- wetmamgewei : material for smoking / pipe / tobacco🔉
- wetmat : smoke🔉
- wetme'g : busy🔉
- wetmeiwatl : keep busy / use occasionally as needed / disturb🔉
- wetmguet : in the way🔉
- wetmite'lmatl : have need for / have use for🔉
- wetmite'tg : have need for / have use for / care for🔉
- wetmo'taqan : useful object or tool🔉
- wetmo'teget : bothersome / prankster / busybody / prankster / botherer🔉
- wetmo'tg : disturb / use occasionally as needed🔉
- wetmuatl : give smoke (cigarette) to🔉
- wetnasa'latl : try on🔉
- wetnasa'toq : try on🔉
- wetnasteg : hooked or attached from🔉
- wetnatl : pull / haul🔉
- wetnng : pull / haul🔉
- wetpatl : taste🔉
- wetqane'g : mild (of weather)🔉
- wetqanigisg'g : mild day🔉
- wetqapalatl : soak / immerse in water🔉
- wetqapalsit : soak / immerse in water / bathe🔉
- wetqapatoq : soak / immerse in water🔉
- wetqolatl : forbid🔉
- wetqolsit : abstain🔉
- wets'g : airborne from... / thrown from...🔉
- wettaqia'tijig : share common descent🔉
- wettaqiet : descendant of / related🔉
- wettelg : buy or purchase from there🔉
- wetteliget : purchase from🔉
- wetteluatl : buy or purchase from there🔉
- wettemit : cry (Shubenacadie) / bleat (Shubenacadie)🔉
- wettemitl : cry about / cry over🔉
- wetteniaq : wind blowing from such direction🔉
- wettepna'tl : try to catch up with🔉
- wettepne'g : try to catch up with🔉
- wett'g : wind blowing from such direction / taste🔉
- we'tunatl : feel by hand / feel by touch / feel the weight🔉
- we'tung : feel weight of🔉
- wiaqiaqal : mixed🔉
- wiaqqatmu'tijig : variety of inhabits / different or unrelated people living together in one place🔉
- wiaqqiejig : mixed🔉
- wi'g : house / dwelling / home🔉
- wigamig : lean (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wigamit : lean (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wigapu'g : taste good🔉
- wigapugsit : taste good🔉
- wi'gatign : paper / book / letter / newspaper (etc.)🔉
- wi'gatignipgw : lettuce🔉
- wi'gatigno'guom : library🔉
- wigew : fat (animal) / lardon🔉
- wigewigu's : October🔉
- wigewit : fat🔉
- wi'gign : pen / pencil🔉
- wigit : reside or dwell there🔉
- wigji'jaqan : toy🔉
- wiglatmu'j : dwarf (Nova Scotia) / elf (Nova Scotia) / fairy (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wigmaq : family / relative🔉
- wigpatl : like taste of🔉
- wigpet : like to drink (alcoholic beverages)🔉
- wigpe'tlaqan : strip for making basket🔉
- wigpi : elm tree🔉
- wigplasit : smoked (as a salmon) / smoke residue (coated)🔉
- wigplateg : smoke residue (coated) / smoked🔉
- wigplatewma'q : smell smoky / smell of smoke🔉
- wigplatewma't : smell smokey / smell of smoke🔉
- wigt'g : like taste of🔉
- wi'guamatl : find amusing / laugh at🔉
- wi'guapt'g : find amusing / lauqh at🔉
- wiguaq : home🔉
- wi'gue'g : strange / weird / unkind / mean🔉
- wi'gu'lugweg : work strangely / work weirdly🔉
- wigumat : heavy smoker🔉
- wigumatl : call for / invite / send for🔉
- wigumgewigu's : September🔉
- wigumgusimgewei : invitation🔉
- wigun : bean🔉
- wigwasamu'g : look pretty / look attractive🔉
- wigwasamugsit : look cute / look attractive / look pretty🔉
- wigwasapewit : attractive / good·looking / handsome / beautiful / pretty🔉
- wigwa'smugwet : whistle🔉
- wigweliej : whip-poor-will🔉
- wigwiet : collapse from exhaustion / faint🔉
- wigwom : wigwam / dwelling / camp🔉
- wijei : same / same🔉
- wije's : fly (Nova Scotia)🔉
- wije'watl : accompany / go with🔉
- wije'wet : tag along / accompany🔉
- wije'w'g : go with / accompany🔉
- wijgwe'j : blister🔉
- wijgwe'jua's'g : blister🔉
- wijgwe'jua'sit : blister🔉
- wijgwe'tlaqan : birch bark dish or platter🔉
- wijig'tijig : siblings / related as brothers and/or sisters🔉
- wijigumatl : sibling to / have sibling, brother or sister🔉
- wijinuan : cheek🔉
- wijitgo'tg : stay with / join in🔉
- wijitgweiwatl : keep company / join🔉
- wili : navel / belly button / belly button stub🔉
- wiliapi : umbilical cord🔉
- wilogamatl : catch full view🔉
- wilogapt'g : catch full view🔉
- wilu : food / provisions🔉
- wi'n : marrow🔉
- winangiaq : wrinkled🔉
- winangiet : wrinkled🔉
- winapewit : unattractive / ugly🔉
- winapit : see poorly🔉
- wi'nei_waqantew : marrow bone🔉
- wingutat : poorly shoed / badly clothed🔉
- winigg : ugly (in appearance, shape or dress)🔉
- winigisg'g : bad weather day / day of bad weather🔉
- winigit : ugly (in appearance, shape or dress)🔉
- winigwa'sit : scowl / make funny face / put on face🔉
- winigwetuatl : make a face at / sticks tongue out at / scowl at / squint at🔉
- winigwetutg : mean facial expression / frown / unplesant facial expression🔉
- wininuit : have mean disposition / grouchy🔉
- winisqi : tripe🔉
- winjig : bad condition / spoiled🔉
- winjit : bad condition / unclean🔉
- winnmat : keeps a dirty place / unkempt / messy / sloppy🔉
- winnu : tongue🔉
- winpasit : hustle / try hard🔉
- Winpegijuig : Bathurst, New Brunswick🔉
- winpnet : have venereal disease🔉
- winqamigsit : have bad character🔉
- winsit : act bad or improperly🔉
- wipit : tooth🔉
- wipitmit : have teeth🔉
- wipitoqom : gums🔉
- wipsgunatl : have one of🔉
- wipsgung : have only one🔉
- wisawaltugwat : blonde haired / blonde headed🔉
- wisawe'g : ochre brown / brownish yellow / brownish orange🔉
- wisawgwesgl : golden thread🔉
- wisawimgwe'g : orange (color)🔉
- wisawinpisit : take a laxative, purgative, or aperient🔉
- wisawow : yellow jaundice🔉
- wisawsuliewei : gold🔉
- wise'g : scarred / scarred🔉
- wi'segesit : burn sensation / feel as if on fire🔉
- wi'segeteg : burn sensation / feel as if on fire🔉
- wisgaqan : gristle🔉
- wisgaqanig : cartilage / gristle🔉
- wisgipg : stove ashes / fire ash🔉
- wisgipgo'q : ash bin / ash container from woodstove🔉
- wisguet : jealous / envious🔉
- wisgu'patl : cook for🔉
- wisgwia'teget : play bagpipes / bagpiper🔉
- wisigat : scar-faced / scarred🔉
- wisigwat : scar-faced / scarred🔉
- wi'sis : animal / beast / mammal🔉
- wi'sisji'j : little animal🔉
- wisnaw : perch🔉
- wisnuti : moose trail / deer trail🔉
- wisqaplgigwa't : snow blinded🔉
- wisqasaw : pine cone🔉
- wisqatesguatl : drops in on someone suddenly and unexpectedly / take by surprise🔉
- wisqeg : bitter🔉
- wisqeget : throw quickly🔉
- wisqijiglsing : quickly flies away🔉
- wisqilue'wit : quick·tempered🔉
- wisqipgising : arrive suddenly🔉
- wisqi'pit : go full speed / dash off / sprint🔉
- wisqoq : black ash / ash tree / brown ash / basket ash🔉
- wissei : nest🔉
- wisse'j : animal nest🔉
- wissugwalatl : cooks him/her/it🔉
- wissugwat : cook (for oneself)🔉
- wissugwatg : cooks it🔉
- wissugwatiget : cook🔉
- wissuignematl : overpower / overcome / conquer🔉
- wissuignetg : overpower / overcome / conquer🔉
- wisun : name🔉
- wisungalatl : give a name / christen🔉
- wisungatg : call / give a name / christen🔉
- witapal : friend / buddy / male friend🔉
- witape'sgwal : female friend🔉
- witapji'jl : little friend🔉
- witn : nostril🔉
- witu : whisker🔉
- witua'tijig : partners in boat (used in guiding)🔉
- wituit : whiskered🔉
- wiu'ji'j : small piece of meat🔉
- wius : meat🔉
- wiuse'j : butcher / meat handler (cutter)🔉
- wo'gumal : cousin / relative🔉
- wo'gumatijig : related (as kin)🔉
- wo'gwin : backbone🔉
- wow : pot (cooking vessel) / sauce pan🔉
- wowgwis : fox🔉
- wowj : quicksand pit / pit🔉