Entries for category light
- alasenmat : walk around with light / use a light🔉
- gesaseg : shine / shines bright / bright🔉
- gesaset : shine / shines bright / bright🔉
- gesasit : shining bright🔉
- gesateg : bright🔉
- gijitpa'qtug : in total darkness / in the dark🔉
- megwatetesg : flash red🔉
- megwatetesing : flash red🔉
- neiaseniget : appear shining (as sun) / shining through (the clouds) / come into view with a light source🔉
- paqtasit : shining bright🔉
- paqtateg : shining bright🔉
- pasg'sematl : light up (tobacco pipe) / light up a cigarette🔉
- pasg'setmat : light up (to smoke)🔉
- pasg'setmuatl : light up (cigarette or pipe) for🔉
- pegn'g : dark (without light)🔉
- petasenmat : come walking with light or torch🔉
- piglewji'j : lamp globe / oil lamp chimney🔉
- pitiasit : lit up / bright🔉
- pitiateg : all lit up / bright / all the lights are on🔉
- saqsigwemgewei : torchlight🔉
- saqsigwet : hunt with light (at night) / hunt with torchlight (at night) / fish with light or torchlight (at night)🔉
- wasateg : bright / illuminated🔉
- wasoqeg : illuminated / bright (of hue)🔉
- wasoqon : light🔉
- wasoqonatl : illuminate / keep light on🔉
- wasoqonaweg : give off light / radiate🔉
- wasoqonawet : give off light / radiate🔉
- wasoqong : illuminate / keeps lit🔉
- wasoqonmaqan : candle / lamp / lantern🔉
- wasoqotesing : sparkle / flashing🔉
- wasoqwa'latl : light up🔉
- wasoqwa'toq : light up🔉
- wasoqweg : lit / bright / shiny🔉
- welaseg : shine / brightness🔉
- welaset : shine / brightness🔉