Entries for category sew
- apsi's'g : to make smaller by sewing / alter to smaller size by sewing🔉
- apsi'satl : reduce the size by sewing / alter to smaller size🔉
- eli's'g : sew🔉
- eli'satl : sew🔉
- eli'sewatl : sew for🔉
- eli'sewet : sew🔉
- gepjoqi's'g : sew up / seam / sew shut / sew closed🔉
- gepjoqi'satl : sew up / sew shut / sew closed🔉
- gisi's'g : sew🔉
- gisi'satl : sew🔉
- mesna'toq : mend / patch / repair🔉
- mesni's'g : patch / mend / sew🔉
- mesni'sas'g : patched / mended / sewn🔉
- mesni'sasit : patched / mended / sewn🔉
- mesni'satl : patch / mend / sew🔉
- pegwi's'g : patch🔉
- pegwi'satl : patch🔉
- pituega'toq : line (a garment)🔉
- poqwas'tiei : thimble🔉
- sa'pign : awl🔉
- sepusi's'g : sew closed gap of pointed article (as sock or mitt) / seam / darn🔉
- sepusi'satl : sew closed gap of pointed(animate) article / seam / darn🔉
- tetapui's'g : sew the right way or correctly🔉
- tetapui'satl : sew right way or correctly🔉
- ugpitni'sewet : sew (by hand)🔉