Entries for category weight
- eguma'toq : anchor🔉
- egumig : anchored🔉
- egumit : anchored🔉
- engalatl : measure / weigh🔉
- gelg'g : hold down with body weight / hold closed with body weight🔉
- gelguatl : hold down with body weight🔉
- gesgugg : heavy🔉
- gesgulg : heavy🔉
- gesgunasit : carry(by hand) heavy load🔉
- gewg'g : force it (that is upright) down with one's weight🔉
- gewguatl : force ...(that is upright) down with one's weight🔉
- ne'naqa'toq : make burden light / make load light🔉
- ne'naqji'jg : light (in weight)🔉
- ne'naqji'jit : light (in weight)🔉
- ne'naqpega'toq : lightens it (ship) / reduce the load / reduce the weight🔉
- ngatign : pound (of weight)🔉
- pasguatl : have one's weight on🔉
- pegwang : able to lift the weight of / able to move it🔉
- teligsugg : weigh such an amount / so heavy🔉
- teligsugulg : weigh such amount🔉
- tetpaqatl : weigh🔉
- tetpaqign : scale🔉
- tetpaqq : weigh🔉
- we'tung : feel weight of🔉
- wesamgamit : too fat / obese🔉