Translation: He/she plays with him/her
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- plays with
- toy with
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ta'n tujiw ntue'm mila'sualg na tu'aqan e'w'g.Translation: When I play with my dog I use a ball.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: mi路laa路su路a路la路d锚l
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- mila'sualg -- I play with him/her -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
- mila'sualul -- I play with you -- (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
- mila'sualit -- He/she plays with me -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Related entries for category "play"
- awanmila'sit : plays poorly
- elaqalsewatl : play a gambling game for / play for (in cards and board games)
- elutuatl : impersonate / imitate
- ge'gutesing : land on top / jump on top
- getmete'gl : win all / break all / destroy all
- gise'g : have good time / have fun / fun to be with / enjoyable
- gise'g : have good time / have fun / fun to be with / enjoyable
- giso'qon : fun time / lots of fun! (interjection)
- maligeiwatl : play with / amuse
- maligo'tg : play with / amuse
- mattaqta'tl : pluck (as string) / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)
- mila'sit : play
- mila'sualatl : plays with / toy with
- mila'suaqan : toy
- mila'suatg : plays with / toy with
- nuja'q : swimmer
- papit : amuse self
- papitaqan : toy / item made for enjoyment
- papuaqan : amusement / fun time / celebration
- tu'at : play baseball / play ball
- wali'j : snowball
- wigji'jaqan : toy