Translation: He/she puts in drydock
Part of Speech: verb inanimate transitive
- put into drydock
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Oqtatqa'toq ugtul te's gesig.Translation: He/she puts his/her boat in drydock every winter.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: ohk·tat·hkaa·dohk
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- oqtatqa'tu -- I put it in drydock -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
- oqtatqa'tueg -- We put it in drydock -- (first person plural exclusive animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
Related entries for category "vehicle"
- enmateja'latl : convey onward / drive home (in vehicle)
- maqigtulit : have a big boat
- npuinu'ulgw : hearse / vehicle (boat) used to transport the deceased
- oqtatqa'toq : put into drydock
- pema'gwi'teget : steering
- pemgwi't'g : steer along
- pemiaq : move along / going by
- pnasu'lgw : ship / vessel
- slapn : low·bottomed wagon
- tepaqan : vehicle / sleigh / toboggan / sled
- ugtul : boat / vehicle / car
- ugtulit : has a vehicle / has a boat
- utepaqan : toboggan / car / wagon / sled