Translation: He/she/it flattens him/her/it
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- flattens him/her/it
- thins him/her/it down
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Tm'g pepg'ja'latl ugtpguml toqosi'p ma'munjew siptaqa'latl.Translation: First he/she/it flattens his/her/its gum then he/she/it stretches it a long way.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: bep·kê·jaa·la·dêl
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- pepgija'lg -- I flatten him/her/it -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
- pepgijalul -- I flatten you -- (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
- pepgija'lit -- he/she/it flattens me -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Document References:
Transcription: (pepgetjāto) tjaleg, applatir, amincir Expanded: (pepgetjāto) pepgetjaleg, aplatir, amincir Transliteration: (pepg'ja'tu) pepgeja'l'g, flatten/squash/crush, thin down/slim down