Translation: He/she wanders about
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- wander
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Nti gesgatesingaq, alse'sa'sit na nige' na'tami.Translation: My dog is out of sight, he/she must be wandering somewhere close by.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: see·saa·sit
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- se'sa'si -- I wander about -- (first person singular animate)
- se'sa'tieg -- We wander about -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- se'sita'ieg -- We wander about -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "spread"
- alaqte'g : spread out (sail)
- alaqteg : spread out (sail)
- amjaqa'latl : smeer
- amjaqa'lsit : smeer something on self
- amjaqamat : spread on / smear
- amjaqamuatl : spreads something for him/her / smeers something for him/her
- amjaqatl : spread on / smear on
- amjaqq : spread on
- amjaqto'sit : dab self with perfume / sprinkle self with powder
- elaqpit : spread out (bed sheet)
- elaqteg : spread out (blanket)
- elega'latl : spread out
- elego'latl : lay out (rug) / spread out
- elego'toq : lay out / spread out
- eljaqatl : spread
- eljaqq : spread / smear
- mimsit : covered with grease and oil (as mechanic)
- neiamgleg : appear as or in blaze / fire becomes apparent
- pajjaqamat : spread-on thickly / exaggerate (slang) / overdo
- se'sa'latl : spread out
- se'sa's'g : spread
- se'sa'sit : wander
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread
- se'sigwalatl : spread around by hand / spread around with tool(rake)
- se'sigwatg : spread around by hand / spread around with tool(rake)
- sipelega'latl : spread out
- sipelega'toq : spread out
- weljaqatl : spread nicely or smoothly
- weljaqq : spread nicely or smoothly
- wesgijiama'latl : spread over / top coat / paint over
- wesgijiama'toq : spread over / top coat / paint over