Translation: He/she/it is emptyPart of Speech: verb animate intransitiveMeanings:- empty
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Ula wasuego'q sigue'g.Translation: This flowerpot is empty.Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: si·gu·eeg2.
Translation: It is emptyPart of Speech: verb inanimate intransitiveMeanings:- empty
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Sigue'g ula, ap igtug gwiltes.Translation: This one is empty, I'll look for another one.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: si·gu·eegAlternate Grammatical Forms:- sigue'gl -- they are empty -- (third person plural inanimate)
Related entries for category "exhaust"
- gaqa'latl : complete / finish / terminate / end
- gaqa'teget : finished doing something / finish a task
- gaqa'toq : complete / finish / finish a task / terminate / end
- gaqiaq : comes to an end / finished / ended
- gaqiet : exhausted / come to an end / finished / ended
- gaqo'tg : exhaust supply / use up
- gaqta'tl : finish striking or beating
- gaqtaqaiaq : end of trail / end of something linear
- gaqtaqaiet : the end of (a rope or string) / end of something linear
- getmeta'tl : wipe out / finish off
- jigpatl : eat all / consume all
- jigpusit : spend until broke
- jigt'g : eat all of / finish consuming
- lpa_jigaw : all gone!
- na_ms't : that's all / the end
- naqani'get : bail / scoop out
- niwa's'g : become dry / get dry / all liquid empties out / evaporate
- niwa'sit : become dry / get dry / all liquid empties out / evaporate
- niwa'toq : dry out / empties/removes all liquid out
- si'n'g : bail water (from boat)
- si'niget : bails water (from boat)
- sigua'latl : empty out
- sigua'toq : empty out
- sigue'g : empty / empty
- sineget : gulps down the remaining beverage
- sintesmatl : empty a glass or bottle by drinking the remaining beverage / packs down or compacts something inside a container (barrel/basket) by pounding or dropping
- sintesmatl : empty a glass or bottle by drinking the remaining beverage / packs down or compacts something inside a container (barrel/basket) by pounding or dropping
- sintestoq : drinks it in one gulp / pack down or compact something inside a container