Translation: He/she loads up
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- load up
- pile on
- put in
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Tepo'tasit utepaqang aq maja'sit.Translation: He/she loads up his/her car and leaves.Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: de·boo·da·sit
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- tepo'tasi -- I am loading up -- (first person singular animate)
- tepo'tasieg -- We are loading up -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- tepo'tasultieg -- We are loading up -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "aboard"
- petteppit : arrive as a passenger
- tepa'latl : put on board / put on top
- tepa'sit : get on / get aboard
- tepa'toq : put aboard / put it on something
- tepo'tas'g : loaded up / placed on top / put in
- tepo'tasit : load up / pile on / put in
- teppilatl : hoist aboard / haul or rope on board
- teppilg : hoist aboard / haul or rope aboard
- teppit : aboard / on or in vehicle
- tepteg : aboard / on or in vehicle / on something (table)
Related entries for category "arrange"
- alamg'pit : scattered about
- alamg'teg : scattered about
- el'tqo'latl : coil (rope)
- elamgo'lajig : pile / play solitaire
- elamgo'toql : piles things / stacks things
- eloqwa'latl : lay down
- eloqwa'toq : lay down
- enaqet : spread spruce boughs
- esintesg'g : pack down / stamp down
- esintesguaji : pack down / stamp down
- ge'gupa'latl : put on top / place atop
- gegnua'latl : do correctly or properly
- gmu'j : stick / wood / piece of lumber / pile of lumber
- ilamgo'tasit : piles objects in organized fashion / piles wood
- ilanqa'latl : fold
- ilanqa'toq : fold
- ilanqo'tasit : folding / folding bedding / folding clothing
- mawamg'pijig : piled together
- mawamg'tegl : piled together
- mawamgo'toqol : pile or stack together
- nangwe'get : card (moose hair or wool) / pick through hair to remove (burdocks)
- nasgwa'tatijig : share evenly
- pepg'ja'toq : flatten / thin out
- pi'snalatl : pack (pipe) with tobacco
- pi'snsit : pack pipe
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread
- sina'toq : pack down (make more room) / compact it
- sintestoq : drinks it in one gulp / pack down or compact something inside a container
- tepgisa'latl : separate from / set aside
- tepo'tasit : load up / pile on / put in
- tpi'tnewei : distribution / welfare