Translation: He/she sends someone up
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- send up
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Toqju'gimatl aq telimatl najinpa.Translation: He/she sends someone up and tells him /her to go to sleep.Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: dohk·chuu·gi·ma·dêl
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- toqju'gimg -- I send someone up -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
- toqju'gimul -- I send you up -- (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
- toqju'gimit -- He/she sends me up -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Related entries for category "send"
- elgimatl : send someone / send over / send there
- elgitg : send forth / send over / send there
- elipqamu'latl : slide toward / roll toward
- elipqamu'toq : slide toward / roll toward
- elpilatl : to send by rope or cable
- elpilg : send toward by rope or cable or cord
- enmigimatl : send home
- enmigitg : send home
- esa'tl : send away / dismiss / banish / fire
- gi'gajinmigimatl : send home against their will / send home forcefully
- petgitg : mail here / send here / dispatch here
- pitgimatl : send in
- poqtigimatl : send off
- toqju'gimatl : send up
- toqju'gitg : send up