Translation: Louse
Part of Speech: noun animate
- louse
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Tami wigit wa'gw?Translation: Where does a louse live?Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: waagw
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- wa'gug -- lice -- (plural)
- wa'gul -- a louse -- (fourth person)
Related entries for category "insect"
- amu : bee
- engejit : caterpillar
- glmuej : mosquito / boil / carbuncle
- gna'ji'j : nit / parasitic insect egg / young parasitic insect
- go'gwejij : spider / cancer
- go'gwejijua'pi : spider web
- gulpatgij : maggot
- ja'wa'lie'j : grasshopper (Listuguj)
- juji'ji'j : small insect / bug
- jujij : insect / crawling creature / bug
- lipsoqomgwewj : grasshopper
- mimiges : butterfly
- musoq : horse fly
- na'jipugtaq'nej : bat / nocturnal flying mammal
- piggw : flea
- piggwit : flea infested
- pis : flea
- pugteweie'j : cricket / black cricket
- pugto'guome'j : cricket
- sasqaiejit : crab louse
- sismo'qone'j : sugar ant / honey ant
- soqomgwewj : grasshopper / job hopper
- squ : leach
- sulieweie'j : daddy longlegs (spider)
- tap'tane'j : potato bug
- tepine's : bedbug
- u'j : fly
- wa'gw : louse
- wasoqowi'j : firefly
- wenaqje'wj : grasshopper (Nova Scotia)
- weti : worm
- wije's : fly (Nova Scotia)