Translation: It strips or splits well
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- strip or split well
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Wisgoq mawuligpa't ta'n tujiw siggw.Translation: Brown ash splits well in the spring time.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: we·lik·paad
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- weligpa'jig -- they strip or split well -- (third person dual animate)
- weligpo'ltijig -- they strip or split well -- (third person plural animate)
Related entries for category "cut"
- amaligsawet : carve / whittle
- aps'sas'g : cut into small pieces / minced
- aps'satl : mince / cut into small pieces
- aps'sg : mince / cut into small pieces
- aps'sqate'get : chop kindling / split to make thinner
- aps'te'g : chop small
- ela'gipulatl : to cut with a saw
- ela'gittoq : cut with a saw
- eloqomgwalatl : trim to fit
- eloqomgwatoq : trim to fit
- eloqs'g : carve
- eloqsatl : carve
- eltaqsewet : cut strips(for basket making) / cut strips
- gews'g : toppled by the wind / blown over by the wind / blown down / topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)
- gewsatl : topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)
- istu's'g : cut crookedly / cut unevenly
- istu'satl : cut crookedly / cut unevenly
- ji'gata'tl : hew / dress / trim
- ji'gataw : dressed wood
- ji'gate'g : blaze / hew / dress / trim
- ji'gate'get : blaze / hew / dress / trim (wood)
- jils'g : nick (with knife) / nick by cutting
- jilsatl : nick with a knife
- jilsawet : mark with a knife / score with a knife
- maltews'g : cause to bleed by cutting
- maltewsatl : cause to bleed by cutting
- matu'te'muatl : trim hair
- memgoqte'g : make a clearing / deforest / clear cut
- memgoqte'get : make a clearing / deforest / clear cutting
- menina'latl : rip off / tear off (or out)
- menina'toq : rip off / rip out / tear off / tear out
- mens'g : cut off
- mensatl : cut off
- mesqolit : pierced (by nail or sliver)
- mils'g : whittle it / carve in different ways / cut in different ways
- milsatl : carve different ways / whittle / cut in many ways or directions
- musigta's'g : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- musigta'sit : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- musigte'get : cutting underbrush / clear brush or thicket by cutting
- nasgoqsatl : slice in half / cut in half
- nasgoqta'tl : split lengthwise (with heavy blow)
- nasgoqte'g : split lengthwise (by striking) / split in half (by striking)
- nasgoqte'get : splitting wood / splitting (by striking with a tool)
- nasgoqwa'toq : split (by hand) / divide (by hand)
- nasgwa’gittaqan : saw used to cut logs lengthwise / lengthwise cutting saw
- nasgwa'toq : halve / divide in half
- nasgwoqs'g : slice in half
- nipete'get : minces/grinds/chops by night
- nugjaqsatl : mince / cut to tiny bits
- nugs'g : mince / shred / cut into pieces
- nugsatl : cut to pieces / mince
- pans'g : cut open / operate on
- pansatl : cut open / operate on
- pejitms'g : cuts accidentally
- pejitmsatl : cut accidentally
- pelgo'qiget : debark
- pelgoqa'latl : peel by hand
- pelgoqa'toq : peel by hand
- pelgoqs'g : peel with knife
- pelgoqsatl : peel with knife
- pelgoqsewet : peel
- pelgoqta'tl : strip off with sharp tool
- pelgoqte'g : strip off with sharp tool
- pesgutua'tl : shave
- pesgutue'g : shave
- pesgutuo'sit : shave oneself
- pesigte'get : split wood
- pesipga'latl : sever, cut, split, or break off (thread, rope) with force / sever, cut, split, or break off (thread, rope) with tool
- pess'g : cut accidentally
- pessatl : cut accidentally
- pugwei : piece of / portion of
- sangewsawet : trim slowly / plow slowly
- sapalqata'tl : stab / pierce
- sapalqate'g : pierce or pierce through / stab or stab through / jab or jab through
- sapaqqata'tl : stab
- saps'g : cuts through it
- tela'gipulatl : saw
- tela'gittoq : saw in a certain manner
- tels'g : cut in such a way / cut this way
- telsatl : cut / cut in such a way
- telte'g : cut or chop / hits
- tema'gipulatl : saw down / cut by sawing
- tema'gitteget : saw
- tema'gittoq : saw down / cut by sawing
- temalua'latl : break off at tail or rear end
- temalua'toq : shorten / break off at tail or rear end / dock
- temapsg'satl : cut into segments or chunks
- temapsg'sg : cut into segments or chunks
- temastaqte'muet : cut hair / barber / hairdresser / barber / hairdresser
- temgwepatl : bite head off / bite top off
- temgwesatl : cut the head off / cut the top off
- temgwesg : cut the head off / cut the top off
- temgweta'tl : chop off the head / chop off the top
- temgwete'g : chop off the head / chop off the top
- tems'g : cut / slice / sever (by knife)
- temsatl : cut / slice / sever (by knife)
- temt'g : bite off / bite off a piece
- temta'tl : chop in two / chop off / cut off
- temte'g : chop in two / chop off
- temte'get : cut by hitting / cut by hitting with knife / cut wood
- tetapu's'g : slice or cut right way or correctly
- tetapu'satl : slice or cut right way or correctly
- tetpaqs'g : cut straight / slice straight
- tetpaqsatl : cut straight
- tlawo'qsatl : cut with knife
- tlawo'qta'tl : strikes with knife
- tlawo'qte'g : strike with knife
- tmoqta'we'get : cut logs / cut beams
- wa'qan : knife / blade
- wa'qanji'j : jacknife
- wa'qans'g : cut with knife / knife
- wa'qansatl : knife / cut with knife
- wannoqs'g : carve concave / curved inward
- wannoqsit : curved inward / concave
- weligpa'q : split well / strip off well
- weligpa't : strip or split well
- welto'gsit : cut well / felled well