Translation: It is airbourne from...
Part of Speech: verb inanimate intransitive
- airborne from...
- thrown from...
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ala Pie'leg na guntew wets'g.Translation: That rock flew from Peter's place.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: wet·sêk
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- wets'gl -- They are airbourne from... -- (third person plural inanimate)
Related entries for category "wind"
- a'petna's'g : whirlwind(-ing) / gusty
- ejipewe'g : easterly breeze
- gawasg'tniaq : change direction, of wind
- gewaqs'g : fell by the wind / blown down by the wind
- gewaqsing : blown down by the wind / fell by the wind
- gews'g : toppled by the wind / blown over by the wind / blown down / topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)
- naqasuiputualatl : blow out fire / extinguish by air
- naqasuiputuatg : blow out the fire / extinguish by air
- neweg : breezy / cool breeze
- news'g : draughty / breezy
- oqwatg : wind blows from the north
- tegs'g : westwind
- ugju'sn : wind / air
- ugju'snei : fan / propeller
- wejipeg : east wind
- wets'g : airborne from... / thrown from...
- wett'g : wind blowing from such direction / taste