Entries for category pull
- elatejimatl : drag toward / pull toward🔉
- elatejitoq : drag over / drag toward / pull to🔉
- mattaqa'toq : pull on to make sound (as bell)🔉
- mattaqta'tl : pluck (as string) / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)🔉
- mattaqte'g : pluck / tug (a string) / pull (a string) / jerk (a string)🔉
- natqapilatl : rope in from water / reel or rope to shore / reel in from water🔉
- natqapilg : rope in from water / reel in from water / remove from water by rope🔉
- nespatejimatl : drag along while occupied with something else🔉
- nespatejitoq : drag along while occupied with something else🔉
- nisega'latl : pull down🔉
- nujatejo'toqol : haul / twitch (in logging)🔉
- pegwigwalatl : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pegwigwatg : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pematejimatl : drag along🔉
- pematejitoq : drag along / pull (sled)🔉
- pempilg : tow along🔉
- poqtatejimatl : drag away🔉
- sewtaqa'latl : tow🔉
- sewtaqa'taqan : barge / raft / trailer🔉
- sewtaqa'toq : tow🔉
- siptaqa'latl : stretch🔉
- siptaqa'sit : stretches🔉
- siptaqa'toq : stretch🔉
- siptaqan'g : stretching / holding a steady tension🔉
- siptaqanatl : stretch / holding a steady tension🔉
- siptaqo'latl : stretch out🔉
- tewatejimatl : drag out🔉
- wenaqpilatl : hoist (by rope or cable)🔉
- wenaqpilg : hoist (by rope or cable)🔉
- wesuatejimatl : pull and drag🔉
- wesuatejitoq : pull and drag🔉
- wesueget : pulls suddenly / jerk / grab🔉
- wesuepilatl : pull in (by rope)🔉
- wesuepilg : pull in (by rope)🔉
- wesuisepilas'g : gathered and tied🔉
- wesuisepilasit : gathered and tied🔉
- wesuw'tqa'latl : pull / pull on something lineair(rope)🔉
- wesuw'tqa'toq : pull / stretch out / unwind🔉
- wesuw'tqanatl : pulling on🔉
- wesuw'tqang : pulling on🔉
- wetnatl : pull / haul🔉
- wetnng : pull / haul🔉