Entries for category walk
- elaptoq : make tracks toward / leave footprints to🔉
- enml'ga't : walk onward / walk home🔉
- gimsgwet : walk quietly / tiptoe🔉
- ginateja'sit : strut on / proudly going🔉
- gisigu'lega't : walk like an old person🔉
- me'sipmiet : incapable of walking🔉
- peji'taqamat : trip (over)🔉
- pematpe'pit : run along with head abobbing🔉
- pemijajiga'sit : move along the shore / walk along shore🔉
- peml'ga't : walk along🔉
- pesoqtesgmat : trip / miss step / stumble🔉
- pesoqtesgmuatl : trip🔉
- petaptu'sit : comes with the aid of a cane🔉
- petasenmat : come walking with light or torch🔉
- petateja'sit : arrive walking with a strut🔉
- pisgwetesg'g : track inside (mud, snow, water)🔉
- siawa'sit : keep on going / continue🔉
- siwpmiet : tired of walking🔉
- uggwata'q : go by foot / travel by walking / walk🔉
- wejgwitu'gwe'pit : come scuttling with pounding feet🔉
- wejiqolomgwipmiet : return moving along with drooping head / return walking along with drooping head / come from somewhere with a drooped head / move along with drooping head because... / walking along with drooping head because...🔉
- wejiqolomgwipmiet : return moving along with drooping head / return walking along with drooping head / come from somewhere with a drooped head / move along with drooping head because... / walking along with drooping head because...🔉
- welpmiet : go or move about well / operates well🔉