Translation: He/she beats into strips
Part of Speech: verb inanimate transitive
- beat (ash) into strips
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Elanqate'g ligpeta'w ugjit ligpenigenn.Translation: He/she beats white ash into strips for baskets.Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: e·lan·hka·deeg
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- elanqate'm -- I beat it into (ash)strips -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
- elanqate'meg -- We beat it into (ash)strips -- (first person plural exclusive animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
Related entries for category "basket"
- elanqate'g : beat (ash) into strips
- eligpete'get : make basket splints / pound ash
- elisqanapega'toq : cast on in knitting / cast off in knitting / weave base of basket
- eltaqsewet : cut strips(for basket making) / cut strips
- eltaqte'get : weave / wire a message to / call by phone
- ligpenign : basket
- ligpete'gnapi : ash strip (for weaving baskets) / splint (for basket making)
- lisgnuaqan : weaving / knitting
- loqwistaqan : (basket) hoop
- pigaqan : Rib of a canoe and ship. / Rib of a basket.
- wigpe'tlaqan : strip for making basket
- wisqoq : black ash / ash tree / brown ash / basket ash