Translation: He/she is crazy
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- crazy
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Elue'wiet na newt poqjiewsitutg.Translation: He's/she's crazy once he/she starts showing off.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: e路lu路ee路wi路et
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- elue'wiei -- I am crazy -- (first person singular animate)
- elue'wieieg -- We go crazy -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- elue'wia'tieg -- We go crazy -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "cognition"
- angita'sit : think
- angita'suaqan : thought
- awana'qiet : incapable / not able to do
- awanta'sit : forget
- awanta'sualatl : forget about
- awanta'suatg : forget about
- elue'wiet : crazy
- etlite'tg : expect / suspect / think
- gaqigji'toq : know all about
- gaqigjijiatl : know all about
- gegina'masit : study / learn
- gegina'matimgewei : lesson / teaching material / book
- gegina'muatl : teach
- gegina'muet : teach
- gegnu'giljet : read correctly / read properly
- gegnu'tmasit : learns
- gegnu'tmuatl : teach / demonstrate
- gegnuimatl : advise / instruct / speak truthfully / speak frankly
- geiteget : intelligent / knowledgeable
- geitmg : it is known / known
- geitoq : know about / know / have knowledge of / aware of
- gejiatl : aware / know about / have knowledge of
- gepaqs'te'g : guess it correctly
- gina'masuti : education / lesson / knowledge / learning
- gina'matimg : time of acquiring learning
- gina'muo'guom : school
- gisite'lmatl : invent
- gisite'tg : invent
- ji'guteget : daydream
- maqana'latl : outwit / embarrass
- maqanat : outwitted / baffled by situation
- maqanimatl : verbally outwit / verbally embrass / verballly baffle
- megt'g : doubt / disbelieve
- megtuatl : doubt / disbelieve
- migwite'lmatl : remember / call to mind
- migwite'tg : remember / call to mind
- milita'sit : imagine many things / think about various things
- nata'ilsuteget : have good judgement / good advisor
- ne'tata'sit : wise / quick thinker
- ne'tata'suaqan : wisdom
- nenaq'ta'sit : thinks quickly / brain racing / anxious
- neng : know of / recognize
- nenuatl : know / recognize
- nest'g : understand
- nestu'et : become wiser / become knowledgeable [right and wrong] / mature / grow into maturity / regain consciousness
- nestu'et : become wiser / become knowledgeable [right and wrong] / mature / grow into maturity / regain consciousness
- nestu'tesing : come back to one's senses
- nestuapuguet : speak truthfully / speak wisely / speak intelligently
- nestue'g : wise / sensible / of sound mind
- nestuita'sit : recollect / recall / remember / become aware
- niganite'tg : plan ahead / predict
- nujigina'muo'guom : school
- pasatpat : thick路headed
- pusgiweniet : forgetful / absent路minded
- sangewi_angita'sit : think slowly
- sgu'l : school
- sgu'taqa'm : educated athlete / amateur
- sinu'et : back to senses (after drinking)
- sipita'sit : has a good memory / remembers far back
- sma'tewit : smart / alert
- telistaqanewa'sit : hears things that are not there / thinks one hears something
- telta'sit : think so
- telte'lmatl : think about as such
- telte'tg : think about as such
- wejigji'toq : come to know / know from
- wejuowita'sit : absent路minded
- weniet : forgetful