Translation: He/she requests permission from parents to marry their child
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- request permission from parents to marry their child
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ngwis to'q natgeluluet ulo'nug.Translation: My son is going to request permission to marry their daughter tonight.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: ge·lu·lu·et
Related Entry: pejigluluet
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- geluluei -- I request permission from parents to marry their child -- (first person singular animate)
- gelulueieg -- We request permission from parents to marry their child -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- gelulua'tieg -- We request permission from parents to marry their child -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "request"
- elgomigtuatl : call out (for assistance)
- elpualatl : want there
- elpuatg : want there
- elulatl : give a task / ask to do something
- etamatl : ask for something of him/her / ask / request
- etawaqtmat : beg / ask for favor
- etawaqtmuatl : ask for a favor / beg for
- etawet : beg favor / request
- geluluet : request permission from parents to marry their child
- gelutg : request / ask for
- gulumatl : request / ask for
- natgimatl : send for / place an order
- natgiteget : place an order / send for
- natgitg : send for / place an order
- tla'sij : let him/her/it be!