Translation: It is red and round
Part of Speech: verb inanimate intransitive
- red and round
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: We'gwimegwapsgeg aq gesnuguig ta'n na amu paqa'lip.Translation: It's really red, round and sore where the bee bit me.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: me路gwaps路kek
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- megwapsgegl -- They are red and round -- (third person plural inanimate)
Related entries for category "color"
- amjaqamu'g : colors smeared together / mix of colors
- amjaqamugsit : colors smeared together / mix of colors
- atnaqan_wi'gas'g : checkered
- atnaqan_wi'gasit : checkered / checked
- ess'g : dye
- essatl : dye
- essawiaqan : dye
- ewne'g : blue / foggy (Nova Scotia)
- ewniaq : turn blue / get foggy (Nova Scotia)
- gajjamu'g : of mixed colors / unpleasant (ugly) color
- gajjamugsit : (ugly) unpleasant color
- jijiwa'qiaq : rusty
- jijiwa'qiet : rusty
- laglemamu'g : cream colored
- laglemamugsit : cream colored
- maqtawamu'g : blackish / darkish
- maqtawamugsit : blackish / darkish
- maqtawe'g : black / black
- maqtawe'g : black / black
- maqtawi'tuat : have a black beard
- maqtawigjat : black路bottomed
- maqtawignegsit : dark complexioned / dark tanned
- maqtawoqsit : darkened from fire / dark tanned / charred
- maqtawoqteg : dark tanned / darkened by fire / charred
- megwa'latl : make red
- megwa'tat : put on a rouge
- megwa'toq : make red
- megwaltugwat : red haired / red head
- megwamu'g : reddish
- megwamugsit : reddish
- megwapsg'sit : red and round
- megwapsgeg : red and round
- megwatetesg : flash red
- megwatetesing : flash red
- megwe'g : red / red
- megwe'g : red / red
- megwe'saqa'sit : turn red / blush
- megwe'saqsit : ruddy complexion / red faced / red cheeked
- milamu'g : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many kinds of things / many sorts of things
- milamugsit : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many different kinds / many different sorts
- musqunamu'g : dark bluish
- musqunamugsit : dark bluish
- newtamu'g : one color / flush (in poker)
- piluamugwiaq : become dusk / change color
- piluamugwiet : change color
- sa'se'wamugwa'latl : change color
- sa'se'wamugwa'sit : changes appearance / transforms
- sa'se'wamugwa'toq : change color
- stoqonamu'g : fir color / dark green
- stoqonamugsit : fir路color / dark green
- t'ssawiaqan : dye
- talamu'g : what color? / what kind?
- usgunamu'g : color of liver (purple/brown)
- wap'staqapewit : look pale
- wap'staqe'g : pale
- wap'stoqonamu'g : pale green
- wap'stoqonamugsit : pale green
- wapa's'g : turn white
- wapa'sit : open eyes / turn white
- wapamu'g : whitish
- wapamugsit : whitish
- wape'g : white / white
- wape'ji'jg : white small inanimate
- wape'ji'jit : tiny white animate
- wape'jit : whitish one
- wapigat : white foot / white paw
- wapignegsit : light-complexioned
- wapoqsit : sun bleached / bleached / is whitened (from sun)
- wapoqteg : whitened (from sun) / bleached / sun bleached
- wata's'g : become cataract (of eye)
- watapteg : yellow / greyish / slate colored
- wate'g : cataract (of eye)
- welamugsit : look good / nice colour
- wisawe'g : ochre brown / brownish yellow / brownish orange
- wisawimgwe'g : orange (color)
Related entries for category "shape"
- gesgitlmaqanat : have broad shoulders
- gesgitlmaqasit : broad shouldered / broad路beamed
- gesgoqomaqasit : broad beamed
- gesimaqapsg'sit : very large and round
- gesimaqapsgeg : very large and round
- gesmigit : shapely / well路built / well路proportioned
- ginisgwe'g : pointed / have sharp point / pointed / have sharp point
- ginisgwig : pointed shape
- guljie'wei : cross
- istu'napui'g'g : take crooked picture
- istu'napui'gatl : take crooked picture
- istu'pit : sit crooked
- istu's'g : cut crookedly / cut unevenly
- istu'satl : cut crookedly / cut unevenly
- istu'teg : set crooked
- istuig : crooked / uneven / asymmetical
- istuigata't : have clubfoot / clubfooted
- istuigit : crooked / uneven / different / dishonest
- jijigwe'jit : narrow
- maqa'q : big and round (cylindrical) / big (in girth)
- maqapsg'sit : large and round / plump / bulbous / corpulent / rotund
- maqapsgeg : large and globular / large and round / plump / bulbous / rotund
- megwapsg'sit : red and round
- megwapsgeg : red and round
- menjapsg'sit : dome shaped / half round
- mimgusgawo'guomgeg : place of round houses
- nigoqji'juigatat : bow-legged
- nigtua's'g : branch off / form crotch / divide
- nigtua'sit : branch off / form crotch / divide
- nigtuigg : crotched / split
- nigtuigit : split shaped / forked shape
- pega'q : straight
- pegoqsit : straight
- pemimqapsg'sit : become large and round
- pemimqapsgeg : become large and round
- pepga'q'g : thin iron / thin axe / thin knife
- pijigiaq : curve inward
- pijigiet : curve in
- piptoqopsg'sit : round (globular)
- piptoqopsgeg : round (globular)
- piptoqwa'q : cylindrical thing / tubular thing
- piptugwagig : round (circular)
- piptugwagit : round (circular)
- pisgwigiaq : curve inward
- pisgwigiet : curve inward
- saqte'g : flat / flat
- sasqapsgeg : plateau / table rock
- sipnma'latl : make point (in knitting)
- sipnma'toq : make point (in knitting)
- sipnmi'get : join together (make point)
- tapuapsg'sijig : two (of something globular)
- tapuapsgegl : two (of something globular)
- tela'q : have such circumference
- telapsg'sit : so big and round or oval shaped
- telapsgeg : big and round or oval shaped
- teligg : shaped like / dressed as such
- teligit : shaped like / dressed as such
- teloqsit : have such circumference / size of circumference
- telpita'q : is such length
- telpitoqsit : is such height / is such length
- temgwe'g : headless / headless
- tetpaqig : straight in shape / straight
- tetpaqigit : straight in shape / straight
- tewalqiaq : bulge out / spill out, stick out, or protrude
- tewalqiet : bulge out / spill out, stick out, or protrude
- tewigiaq : curve outward
- tewigiet : curve outward
- toqopaqji'jg : short and string shaped / short (in length)
- toqopaqji'jit : short and string shaped / short (in length)
- toqopsg'ji'jit : short and round
- toqopsg'sit : short and round (globular)
- toqopsgeg : short and round (globular)
- toqopsgigatat : short路legged
- ugumejig : lopsided / crooked
- ugumejigit : lopsided / crooked
- waljigta'tl : hollow out (by striking with axe) / gouge
- waljigte'g : hollow out (by striking with axe) / gouge
- walqwiet : cave in
- wannoqsit : curved inward / concave
- waqjuig : crooked / bent
- waqjuiga'latl : bend / make crooked
- waqjuiga's'g : become crooked / droop
- waqjuiga'sit : bend / droop
- waqjuiga'toq : bend / make crooked
- waqjuigit : crooked / bent
- weligg : have nice shape
- weligit : have nice shape
- weljijigwe'jg : narrow enough
- weljijigwe'jit : narrow enough