Translation: He/she studies at night.
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- studies at night
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Nipgina'masultijig tepjignmnew ugtllugowaqanmuow.Translation: They study at night to keep up with their work.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: ni路bi路kin路aa路mas路it
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- nipigina'masieg -- we study at night -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- nipgina'masultieg -- we study at night -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Document References:
Transcription: nipi-, etudier, d. n., ou ginamasi (pour les letters) Expanded: etudier, de nuit, ou nipiginamasi (pour les letters) Transliteration: study at night, or nipigina'masi (for the letters/for lettering) Source as entry: nipigina'masi, I study at night Normalized source as entry: nipigina'masit, he/she studies at night
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- a'tugwewatl : tell story to
- a'tugwewinu : storyteller
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- egiljet : read
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- gegina'muatl : teach
- gegnu'giljet : read correctly / read properly
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- gelulatl : speak to
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- lnui'sit : speak native language / speak aboriginal language / speak first nations language
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- nessutmasewatl : interpret / translate for
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- netawet : able to talk
- netawia'tugwet : know how to tell stories
- nipigina'masit : studies at night
- nnu'wi't'g : refer to something by its aboriginal name / refer to something in first nations language / say in native language
- nujinutmaqaniget : storyteller / tattletale / gossiper
- poqtewo'gwet : begin to speak
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- tli'suti : language
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