Translation: They are fooling around with each other
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- involved in relationship
- having an affair
- fooling around with each other
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ala gi's sespeiatijig, pe'gw tetujimaljewe'juipnig.Translation: Those two are involved in a relationship even though they're so young.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: ses路pey路a路di路jik
Related entries for category "relationship"
- alsumatl : have control of / own
- e'pitewe'get : go to seek a woman
- geggunawet : godparent
- gesite'lmatl : think highly of / especially fond of / extremely fond of / proud
- igalatl : protect / defend / fight for / take side of / favor
- mawe'gig : live together / hang out together / gathered together
- oqotqomatl : tease (about member of opposite sex) / tease about a potential romantic partner
- sespeiatijig : involved in relationship / having an affair / fooling around with each other
- tepqatg : married
- tewitpaqatg : married out (off the community)
- tewmalie'wit : marry out / marry someone from outside of the community
- toqmimajijig : co路habit / live together
- toqwa'majig : stay or live together
- toqwe'gig : together / stay together
- ugjigsu'g : family
- weleiwatl : take good care of
- wetagutg : related through...
- wetagutijig : of common descent / related by common ancestor / have common ancestor
- wetapaqamit : orginate from / spring from
- wetapegsit : descend from