Translation: Pipe(for smoking)
Part of Speech: noun animate
- pipe (for smoking)
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Metua's'g nugu' magasan ta'n tmaqang etlintuisgetasi'tij.Translation: These days it is difficult to find a store that sells pipes.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: dê·ma·hgan
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- tmaqang -- pipes -- (plural)
- tmaqann -- a pipe -- (fourth person)
Document References:
Transcription: Temagan, tŏmagan, pipe calumet (157,1), ang. { gonteosen V. gonteo { magtaogsen (s??) V. mag. Expanded: Tmaqan, tomaqan, “peace pipe” {guntewsn voir guntew { magtaogsen (s??) Voir. magtawgsit Transliteration: Tmaqan, tomaqan, “peace pipe” {guntewsn see guntew { magtaogsen (s??) see maqtawgsit Source as entry: tmaqan, pipe Normalized source as entry: tmaqan, pipe