Translation: Just barely
Part of Speech: unclassified part of speech
- just barely
- almost
- with difficulty
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Waqqajgis'pugua'sit nugu'.Translation: He/she is barely able to stand up anymore.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: wahk·hgaj
Related entries for category "degree"
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- gaqigji'toq : know all about
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- gesaqet : steep
- menaqa : properly
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- metue'g : difficult / hard to do
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- naqamasa'latl : place where it can easily be found / find easy to handle
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- naqamase'g : manageable / easy (to do) / at hand, handy
- naqamaspit : easily accessible / at hand / handy
- naqamasteg : easily accessible / at hand / handy
- pase'g : thick / thick
- paspit : thick / dense / piled deep
- pasteg : thick / dense
- pelsit : thick
- suel : almost
- waqqaj : just barely / almost / with difficulty