Translation: It falls from there
Part of Speech: verb inanimate intransitive
- fall from
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Goqwei wejinisiaq pata'wtigtug?Translation: What fell off the table?Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: we·ji·ni·si·ahk
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- wejinisiaql -- They fall from there -- (third person plural inanimate)
Related entries for category "fall"
- asoqomoqtesing : fall across
- atuasgweitesing : fall backwards
- ennmtesing : stick into (unassisted) / sticks into (when going along) / penetrates by falling / pierces / embeds itself
- ge'gutesg : land on top of / fall on top of
- gelgwisgetestoq : fracture / sprain
- gesitesing : get hurt badly (from a fall or an accident)
- getgugjetesg : falls prone face down
- getgujeitesing : fall face first
- gewaqs'g : fell by the wind / blown down by the wind
- gewaqsing : blown down by the wind / fell by the wind
- gewiaq : fall down from upright position / fall over from standing position / topple from standing position
- gewiet : falls over from upright position / topple from standing position
- gews'g : toppled by the wind / blown over by the wind / blown down / topple by cutting / fell (by cutting)
- gewte'g : knock down
- maltewtesg : bleed as a result of a fall
- maltewtesing : bleed as a result of a fall
- maltewtesmatl : cause to bleed by a fall
- maltewtestoq : causes to bleed by a fall
- mesaqaneita'tl : knock down / collaspes as a result of a punch
- mesqaniet : collapse
- nesigatesgmuatl : trip
- nisiaq : fall down
- nisiet : fall down
- niso'piet : swing down
- niss'g : drifting down / falling in air / blown down
- nissing : falling (from a higher place) / drifting down / descend
- paqaiatgweitesing : falls flat on a surface / slam into the ground or other surface
- paqasiet : fall into the water
- paqtuneitesing : fall flat on the face
- peji'taqamat : trip (over)
- pijiaq : fall in / drop in
- pijiet : fall in / drop in / go into debt
- pijipgwiaq : cave in / falls in in small pieces
- pijipgwiet : cave in / falls in in small pieces
- saqatuetesing : slip and fall
- sasqatesing : fall flat on belly / belly flop
- seioqiaq : cave in / collapse
- seioqiet : falls apart / cave in / collapse
- wejinisiaq : fall from
- wejinisiet : fall from