Translation: He/she is occupiedPart of Speech: verb animate intransitiveMeanings:- occupied
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Ala sipu'ji'jg gopit wesgowa'sit.Translation: A bever is busy at that little stream.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: wes路ko路waa路sidAlternate Grammatical Forms:- wesgowa'si -- I am occupied -- (first person singular animate)
- wesgowa'tieg -- We are occupied -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- wesgowita'ieg -- We are occupied -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Translation: He/she dwells therePart of Speech: verb animate intransitiveMeanings:- dwell there
- occupy
- stay, live or situated at
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Ala gopit wesgowa'sip elti'gap, newt gisi'gaj na na'te'l usgowa'sitew.Translation: That beaver who was occupied building a lodge, once they're finished they will dwell there.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: wes路ko路waa路sidAlternate Grammatical Forms:- wesgowa'si -- I dwell there -- (first person singular animate)
- wesgowa'tieg -- We dwell there -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- wesgowita'ieg -- We dwell there -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "activity"
- ala'q : swim about
- alaqami'g : snowshoe
- alaqsutoq : fly something around
- alaqteget : sail about
- alasugwet : wade about
- alasumteget : walk through snow / wade through snow
- algopit : sit about
- ali'puluet : ride horseback
- aligjo'gwet : go about bent over / go about bent over with buttocks up / go about with buttocks stuck out
- amaligs'g : carve / wittle
- amaligsatl : carve / wittle
- amalisgnuet : crochet / fancy knitting
- amallugwalatl : decorate
- amallugwatg : decorate
- amalsawet : whittle / jig sawing
- amaltaqa'latl : decorate
- amaltaqa'toq : decorate
- amaltaqi's'g : embroider
- aqam : snowshoe
- elaqteget : sail to... / sail in a direction (north)
- ewe'gisga'latl : exercise / break in
- ge'gwisma'latl : lay on the top / lay on top of
- gejgapeta'tl : scratches quickly
- getmete'mat : finished off / wiped out
- giwto'qopilg : wrap around / hang around perimiter
- jajiga'q : swim along the shore / creep along in the water like a lobster
- jilaqami'g : make snowshoe tracks
- lasguaw : snowshoe
- me'ga's'g : overactive
- na'goqom : ice skate
- nipinigatne'get : night racing / night races
- paqasa'sit : goes in the water
- pemintoq : go along singing
- putugtesing : dance fast / shake violently
- tajiga'q : swim along the shore / creep along in the water like a lobster
- te'tipjiet : roll / tumble
- tegismit : swim
- tela'toq : do in such a way
- tewiet : go outside / exit
- welinqana'mat : has a good time drinking
- wesgowa's'g : taking place / place of activity
- wesgowa'sit : occupied / dwell there / occupy / stay, live or situated at
- wetme'g : busy
- wetmeiwatl : keep busy / use occasionally as needed / disturb
- wetmguet : in the way
- wettepna'tl : try to catch up with
- wettepne'g : try to catch up with
- winpasit : hustle / try hard
Related entries for category "household"
- a'papi : rope / fishing line
- a'papi'j : thread / twine / string
- a'su'n : blanket
- a'su'ngewatl : provide clothing / clothe / provide household goods
- amiuligana'q : live in a good house / live in a tolerable house
- amqwan : spoon
- amqwanji'j : spoon
- angamsutiei : mirror / looking glass
- aps'sqate'get : chop kindling / split to make thinner
- elqawet : hang clothing
- epsaqtejg : stove
- eptaqan : dish / plate
- eptaqano'guom : china cabinet / cupboard
- g'p'tai : ceiling / top
- ga'qan : door
- ga'qanei : entranceway / door
- ga'sign : kitchen towel / dish towel
- gapji'j : cup
- gasa'taqanei : cleaning cloth / dish cloth
- gasigo's'ti : towel / bath towel / hand towel
- gasigo's'ti'j : face cloth / small towel
- glmuejuapsgw : piece of coal / coal
- gna'taqan : decoration
- go'lail : kerosene / coal oil
- gups'ji'j : cup (little, small)
- ji'gitlo'q : kettle / teakettle
- jijgluewjuapi : wool / yarn
- jijgluewjuapiei : woolen material / woolen material (as in socks)
- jijgluewjuapiei : woolen material / woolen material (as in socks)
- jinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander
- jitlo'mugwaqan : rocking chair / cradle
- jitnaqe'gnei : clothing iron / iron
- la'taqsun : bucket / pail / chamber pot
- lagga'p : cellar / basement / underground food storage
- laggol : cord of wood
- lamuguom : interior of the house
- lapai : tub
- lapol : bowl
- lapue'l : frying pan
- laqpilaqan : drape / wooden hoop support around inside of wigwam
- laqpisuti : apron
- laqsun : sheet
- lasiet : plate
- legepilaqan : window shade / blind / curtain
- lesqe'gn : clothes trunk / coffin / casket
- lgusuaqan : steps / ladder / stairs
- ligpenign : basket
- menjapsgeg : door knob
- menqawet : bring in the wash (laundry)
- mpo'qon : bed
- mpo'qonmit : has a bed
- msaqtaqt : floor
- mulinji'j : sewing machine
- mutputi : chair
- nanamiaqawei : rocking chair / swing
- nango'n : fine路tooth comb
- napui'g'g : take photograph / draw / trace
- napui'gatl : take photograph / draw / trace
- napui'gigemgewei : camera / tracing paper
- napui'gign : photograph / picture
- naqsun : bedsheet
- natanguat : go shopping
- newgtiganig : one-story house
- nipiapetesmat : cooks overnight for self
- npo'qon : bed
- nutoqto'guom : kitchen
- p'teweio'q : teapot
- pa'pnji'j : spool / bobbin
- pata'wti : table
- patawtiewegn : tablecloth
- peigwaqatg : stay here and there / live all over
- pejiwsit : move here to settle down
- piglewei : made of glass
- piglewji'j : lamp globe / oil lamp chimney
- pijimaqan : funnel
- pilegn : new cloth
- pisgwiwsit : move in
- pismuti : mattress
- pituega'taqan : lining
- pituega'toq : line (a garment)
- plu'jaqamati : mirror
- pugsugwei_epsaqtejg : wood stove
- pugto'guom : chimney
- pui'gn : broom
- pui'gnji'j : whisk broom / little broom
- punqatg : cease living there
- sa'slji'j : saucer
- sasqa'gwiji'jit : small pot (for cooking)
- sasqa'gwit : Flat bottom pot / Flat bottom cauldron
- sasqa'gwit : pot (for cooking)
- seiegn : dry goods / clothing material / cloth fabric
- seiegnji'j : piece of material / piece of fabric
- sinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander
- sipistaqano'suti : safety pin
- sisla'gwa'tegemgewei : frying pan
- sismo'qonapu : maple sap / sugar water (for babies) / maple syrup
- sismo'qono'q : sugar bowl
- so'gwistaqan : yeast
- suppin : pint dipper / cup
- suspanign : detergent / hand soap
- te'pineglewei : vinegar
- tetmns'gani'gan : four square-house
- tetmnsegani'gana'q : live in a square house
- tewiwsit : move out / vacate
- ti'g'tlo'q : teakettle
- tlawo'q : butcher knife / bread knife / hunting knife
- tm'tqe'gnn : scissors / pair of scissors
- tmlet : glass tumbler
- tmletji'j : glass tumbler
- tqa'la'j : wick
- tu'gwesmun : pillow / cushion
- tuop'ti : window
- ugsitnei : stove pipe
- ugsuateja'taqan : drawer
- ugtuoml : pot (cooking vessel) / pan
- ulaqanml : plate / pan / dish
- usgitaqaiei : cup made of bark
- wa'qan : knife / blade
- waio'psgw : bead
- wape'jgo'q : flour container / flour cannister
- wapsgw : coal
- waqamigan : clean house
- waqamiganig : clean house / clean dwelling / clean building
- weligana'q : lives in a good house
- weliguomgnmit : Has a good house.
- wesgowa'sit : occupied / dwell there / occupy / stay, live or situated at
- wi'g : house / dwelling / home
- wijgwe'tlaqan : birch bark dish or platter
- wow : pot (cooking vessel) / sauce pan