Translation: He/she is gifted
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- gifted
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Teluejig na ginap maw westawlet.Translation: It is said that a mythical hero is most gifted.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: wes·taw·let
Related entries for category "capability"
- awana'qiet : incapable / not able to do
- awane'g : awkward / inexperienced / incapable of doing / lacks ability
- awane'jit : awkward one / unskilled one
- awaneiwatl : awkward in handling / inexperienced in handling / incompetent in operating / incompetent in handling
- awangiljet : read poorly
- awaniwsget : fishes poorly / unskilled fisherman
- awanlugwet : unskilled worker / works poorly
- awanmila'sit : plays poorly
- awano'tg : operate poorly / handle poorly / handle awkwardly
- gisgajiet : have patience / measure up to / able
- nata'nmat : good at whatever they do / capable person / handy / handyman / jack of all trades
- natawa'qa'latl : skillful in handling / competent in doing
- natawa'qa'toq : skillful in handling / competent in doing
- natawe'g : self sufficient / know how to get by / know one's way around / worldly wise / clever
- wejignematl : challenge
- wejuowita'sit : absent·minded
- westawlet : gifted
- wettepne'g : try to catch up with