Translation: He/she is attractive
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- attractive
- good路looking
- handsome
- beautiful
- pretty
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Wigwasapewit na e'pit etlagnutmaioq.Translation: That woman you're talking with is very attractive.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: wi路gwa路sa路be路wit
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- wigwasapewi -- I am attractive -- (first person singular animate)
- wigwasapewieg -- We are attractive -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- wigwasapewultieg -- We are attractive -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "sight"
- alamatl : look around for
- alamugsit : search for / look for
- alamut : look for / search for
- alapa'sit : looks around / looks here and there / looks about
- alapiet : looks around / looks here and there / looks about
- alapimg : time spent looking about / time spent looking around
- alapit : look about / look around
- alapt'g : look around for
- alapteget : look about / look around
- algwiluatl : looking about for
- amasapit : far路sighted
- angamatl : look at / view
- angamsit : look at self / examine self
- angamsutiei : mirror / looking glass
- angapt'g : look at / view
- apsalqigwa'ji'jit : have tiny eyes / have small eyes
- apsgu'lapa'sit : turns head around to look / turn head around
- ejiglamugwiet : fade away
- elapa'sit : look in a direction / look toward
- elapetesing : glance at
- elapit : looking towards / looking at
- gesga'latl : make disappear
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider
- gesgamu'g : blurred / looks wide / appears wide
- gesgamugsit : blurred / looks wide
- gesgamugwa'latl : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve
- gesgamugwa's'g : dissolving / disappearing / vanishing
- gesgamugwa'sit : disappearing / dissolving / vanishing
- gesgamugwa'toq : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve
- gesgamugwiaq : fade away / fade out of sight
- gesgamugwiet : fade away / fade out of sight
- gesgatesg : disappear in flash / vanish
- gesgatesing : disappear in flash / vanish
- gesgmaplgigwa'latl : make someone see things that are not there / perform magic
- gesgmaplgigwa't : see things that are not there / see a mirage / see an optical illusion
- gesgmaplgigwa'teget : do magic tricks / produces illusions
- gesgmaplgigwa'toq : make someone see things that are not there / do magic
- gesiangamatl : stare
- gesiangapt'g : stare
- gigjapit : near路sighted
- gimamatl : peek at / spy on / look at surreptitiously
- gimapit : peek / look on secretly
- gimapt'g : peek at / spy on / look at secretly
- gipoqamatl : glance at / catch a glimpse
- gipoqapt'g : glance at / catch a glimpse
- gwilg : search
- gwiluasit : search
- gwiluatl : looks for / search for
- ilamatl : sight / look over / examine
- ilapt'g : look over / examine
- japigwet : wink / face covered in a substance
- laputi : spy glass / telescope
- laputi'l : binoculars
- malapit : see poorly / bad eyesight / failing vision
- matuapetesing : glance
- menjinoqamatl : look at up and down or from head to toe
- metesegiet : treeless mountain top
- metuamugsit : looks bad / looks terrible / looks awful
- milaplgigwa'teget : illusionist
- munsapit : look persistently
- musga'toq : show something
- musgi'pit : run out to an open area
- najine'iamatl : go to look in on / go to take a brief look / go to glimpse at
- napui'giget : take photographs / trace, draw or copy a picture
- ne'talqigwat : excellent eyesight / capable of seeing unnoticable or unobvious things
- negapigwa'latl : make blind (with light)
- neia'latl : shows it / bring into view
- neia's'g : appear / show up
- neia'sit : appear / show up
- neia'tuatl : shows...
- neiamatl : look in on briefly / check on briefly / call upon (for visit)
- neiamugwa'latl : cause to appear / make to appear
- neiamugwa'toq : make to appear / cause to appear
- neiapt'g : look at briefly / check on briefly
- neiapugua'sit : step into view / step out from behind somewhere in full view
- neiaseniget : appear shining (as sun) / shining through (the clouds) / come into view with a light source
- nemiatl : see
- nemiteget : see / have eyesight
- nemitoq : see
- nepapigwa't : blind
- nutapit : scout (around) / scout
- panawijqanawet : thoroughly search
- panuijgo'latl : examine in an inquisitive manner / invasive, prying investigation / study / dig through
- panuijgo'tasit : examine in an inquisitive manner / invasive, prying investigation / dig through
- pe'gwamatl : pleased to see again after a long time
- pe'gwamu'g : it is nice to see again after a long time
- pe'gwamugsit : it is nice to see again after a long time
- pe'gwapt'g : is pleased to see again after long time
- peigwapit : see all around
- pemapaqtesg : streak
- pemapaqtesing : streak
- petasit : blinded (by glare of light or sun)
- piltuamatl : see something strange about / look strange / look different
- piltuapt'g : see something strange in / look different to / look strange / look at differently
- pisgwapit : look in (from outside)
- plu'jaqamat : look in mirror (at self)
- plu'jaqamati : mirror
- pu'tapa'sit : peep through
- samamatl : get a glimpse of
- samapt'g : get a glimpse of
- saqsigwemgewei : torchlight
- sepigwa'sit : close eyes
- sepigwet : have eyes closed
- sipuasaptas'g : transparent as clear water
- telaplgigwa'sit : see mirage / see imaginary thing
- tewapit : look out (from inside)
- ugpugugwa'latl : eye / watch closely
- ugpugugwa'toq : eye / watch closely
- ugpugugwe'l : eyeglasses / glasses
- wapa'sit : open eyes / turn white
- we'gwamatl : watch until out of sight / follow (with eyes) until out of sight
- we'gwapt'g : watch until out of sight / follow (with eyes) until out of sight
- wejinmiatl : try to see
- wejinmitoq : try to see
- welamatl : attracted to appearance / like looks of
- welapt'g : attracted to / like the appearance
- welisapaptas'g : very transparent / easy to see through
- wigwasamu'g : look pretty / look attractive
- wigwasamugsit : look cute / look attractive / look pretty
- wigwasapewit : attractive / good路looking / handsome / beautiful / pretty
- wilogamatl : catch full view
- wilogapt'g : catch full view
- winapit : see poorly
- wisqaplgigwa't : snow blinded
Related entries for category "appearance"
- amalamatl : looks weak / appears inadequate
- amalapt'g : looks weak / appears inadequate
- asamaja'latl : do fancily / do elegantly
- asamaja'toq : do fancily / do elegantly
- asamaje'g : fancy / elegant / overly fussy
- asamatteg : fancy
- awialusing : encircled with halo
- ejiglamugwiet : fade away
- eluatl : resemble / bear family resemblance
- emegwamugsit : look filthy / dirty appearance
- esma'teg : neat and tidy
- esmatmugsit : attractive / pretty / lovely / nice
- ewlapewit : have a sad expression / look sad / look wan / look sickly
- ewle'juinu : poor person / forlorn person
- gesga'latl : make disappear
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider
- gesga'toq : make disappear / make wider
- gesgamu'g : blurred / looks wide / appears wide
- gesgamu'g : blurred / looks wide / appears wide
- gesgamugsit : blurred / looks wide
- gesgamugsit : blurred / looks wide
- gesgamugwa's'g : dissolving / disappearing / vanishing
- gesgamugwa'sit : disappearing / dissolving / vanishing
- gesgamugwa'toq : make vanish / make disappear / dissolve
- gesgatesing : disappear in flash / vanish
- gesite'wet : very attractive
- gesm'pisit : strangely dressed / well dressed / fancily dressed
- gesmapewit : strange looking / weird looking / unusual looking
- gesmigit : shapely / well路built / well路proportioned
- gesnugwiangamgusit : appear sickly
- gispnapewit : have a tired look
- iljoqte'g : revamp its (shape) / refurbish
- istu'napui'g'g : take crooked picture
- istu'napui'gatl : take crooked picture
- jajigamugsit : look healthy
- japigwet : wink / face covered in a substance
- jijiwa'qiaq : rusty
- jijiwa'qiet : rusty
- maqtawamu'g : blackish / darkish
- maqtawamugsit : blackish / darkish
- megwa'taqan : rouge / blushing powder
- mejigamugsit : have dirty appearance / look dirty
- mejigapewit : have dirty face
- mejiggumet : wear dirty clothes
- metesegiet : treeless mountain top
- metuamugsit : looks bad / looks terrible / looks awful
- milamu'g : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many kinds of things / many sorts of things
- milamugsit : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many different kinds / many different sorts
- nugwaltugo'sit : comb hair
- patalapit : cross路eyed (strabismus)
- pegaqamgiet : grimy / filthy
- pegoqsit : straight
- sa'se'wamugwa'sit : changes appearance / transforms
- sasqapit : flat
- sasqe'g : flat / flat
- sasqe'g : flat / flat
- se'saltugwepit : have messy hair
- teligg : shaped like / dressed as such
- teligit : shaped like / dressed as such
- welgutat : well路dressed
- welia'su'na'q : well路dressed
- weligwetutg : pleasant expression / wear smile
- welpisit : well路dressed
- welteg : nice / well done / well路placed
- wigwasamu'g : look pretty / look attractive
- wigwasamugsit : look cute / look attractive / look pretty
- wigwasapewit : attractive / good路looking / handsome / beautiful / pretty
- winapewit : unattractive / ugly
- winigg : ugly (in appearance, shape or dress)
- winigit : ugly (in appearance, shape or dress)
- winigwa'sit : scowl / make funny face / put on face
- winigwetuatl : make a face at / sticks tongue out at / scowl at / squint at
- winigwetutg : mean facial expression / frown / unplesant facial expression
- wise'g : scarred / scarred
- wisigat : scar-faced / scarred
- wisigwat : scar-faced / scarred