Translation: He/she takes someone onward or home
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- take home
- take onward
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Nige' enma'latl ugjignaml.Translation: Now he/she is taking his/her younger brother home.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: en·maa·la·dêl
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- enma'l'g -- I take him/her home -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
- enma'lul -- I take you home -- (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
- enma'lit -- He/she takes me home -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Related entries for category "bring"
- apaja'toq : bring back / return to
- apnmisg'g : retrieve / return from getting it
- apnmisguatl : retrieve / return from getting
- ela'latl : take or bring toward / take to / bring to
- ela'toq : take toward / bring toward
- elatejimatl : drag toward / pull toward
- elatejitoq : drag over / drag toward / pull to
- elo'lajig : take in groups / move
- eltaqa'latl : laying something long along a path / wind toward / string to / extend to / drag toward / chase toward
- eltaqa'latl : laying something long along a path / wind toward / string to / extend to / drag toward / chase toward
- elteja'latl : take by vehicle toward
- elteja'toq : take by vehicle toward
- elugtulatl : carry on back / carry on shoulder(s) toward
- enma'latl : take home / take onward
- enma'toq : take onward / take home
- enmateja'latl : convey onward / drive home (in vehicle)
- enmateja'toq : driving onward / convey home (in vehicle)
- enmawlalatl : carry home / carry onward
- nemisg'g : get / fetch
- nemisguatl : get / fetch
- nespnatl : bring along / take along
- nespng : bring along / take along
- nutateji'pulatl : deliver
- papga'latl : take down the coast
- papga'toq : take down the coast / take down river
- pegisitoq : bring or arrive with
- pegisulatl : bring or arrive with
- petatejitoq : comes dragging it
- petawlalatl : comes carrying on back / comes lugging on back
- petawlatg : comes lugging on back / comes carrying on back
- petawlet : lug here (on back)
- petgitg : mail here / send here / dispatch here
- stoqone'get : search for fir trees
- weja'toq : obtain from / get or bring from / buys it
- wejgwa'toq : bring or come with