Translation: Count stick (in waltes game)
Part of Speech: noun inanimate
- count stick (in waltes game)
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Tegenn gitmaqann geggunmnn?Translation: Which count sticks do you have?Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: gi·dê·ma·hgan
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- gitmaqann -- count sticks -- (plural)
Related entries for category "game"
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- alje'maqanatgw : baseball bat
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- alje'muinu : baseball player
- apatte'mat : win back a loss
- apatto'sit : break even
- apigjilu'ta'tl : skunk (in a game like cribbage)
- atgnewatl : deals to him/her / distribute (playing) cards to
- atgnewet : deal
- atnamgewei : checker game
- atnaqan : checker
- atnaqanei : checker board
- atnat : play checkers
- awanmila'sit : plays poorly
- elamgo'lajig : pile / play solitaire
- elaqalsewatl : play a gambling game for / play for (in cards and board games)
- elege'wi'sgw : queen / queen in deck of cards
- elege'wit : king / king in deck of-cards
- elegetas'g : item to be raffled off / prize in game of chance
- elegetoq : raffle (off)
- gespu'tuatl : defeat (in game) / beat (in game)
- gespu'tuet : wins / win by overcoming
- getmete'gl : win all / break all / destroy all
- gitmaqan : count stick (in waltes game)
- glap : club (in cards)
- ila'sgugutimg : card playing time / card playing place
- ila'sgw : playing card
- jaqalta'tl : finish off fast (in boxing, game or cards)
- je'g : jack (in cards) / Jack (name)
- la'sgw : playing card
- lasgugutimg : card playing time / card playing place
- lasgugwaqan : card game
- lasgugwet : plays a card game
- logowit : fortunate / lucky
- menta'tl : beat or strike out(in a game) / knock off / remove by striking
- mgumie'jg : horseshoe game
- mistun : ace of spades
- na'naq : fives (in cards) / fives (in sizes) / fives (in pairs or more)
- newtui'gasit : have single mark / ace card
- nujipetqa'muet : referee / mediator / umpire
- o'pliwenaqto'sit : mistakenly raise the pot (poker) / skip wrong (Shubenacadie)
- pi'g : spade (in cards)
- pisgweto't : elected / hit into (net, goal or hole)
- pitto'tultimg : auction forty·five (card game)
- si'staq : pair or more of treys (in cards)
- ta'puaq : deuces
- ta'puowa'j : second one / deuce(playing cards)
- toqanqaja't : paired up (in stud poker)
- tu'aqan : ball
- tu'aqanatgw : baseball bat
- tu'at : play baseball / play ball
- uggamlamun : heart / heart (in cards)
- waltes : waltes game / wooden plate used in dice game / Mi'gmaw game of chance
- waltesta'timg : playing Mi'gmaw game of chance / dice game playing
- waltestaqan : waltes dice / round bones or dice used in dice game
- waltestat : play waltes dice
- welnat : have good hand (in a card game)
- wenaqpmaqan : lacrosse stick
- wenjujgwej : French woman / Queen of Spades in deck of cards
- wesua'teget : haul in pot (in poker game)