Translation: He/she growls at him/her
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- growl at
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Nmu'j jigmugtuatl gajuewjl.Translation: The dog growls at the cat.Recording: Recording by ewm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: ji路g锚路muk路tu路a路d锚l
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- jigmugtuit -- He growls at me -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Related entries for category "animal"
- amalignoqji'j : small speckled tortoise / Blandings Turtle / mud turtle
- amaljugwej : raccoon
- amqoqjaji'j : small toad
- anguowei : fur
- anguoweie'gaqan : fur pelt
- apalqaqamej : chipmunk / ground squirrel
- apigji'j : mouse
- apigjilu : skunk
- apistanewj : marten
- apli'gmuj : hare / rabbit
- apugsign : lynx
- atu'tuej : squirrel
- atu'tuejui'sit : imitate the sounds of a squirrel
- e's : clam
- gajuewj : cat
- gajuewji'j : kitten
- gawi : porcupine quill
- gawiei : quill work / made of quills
- ge'tiap : full grown bull moose
- gesgusgwet : hunt bear
- gesipto'sit : scratch self (like an animal)
- gi'gwaju : badger
- gi'gwesu : muskrat
- gisigu'sgw : old female animal
- gisigu'sm : old animal
- giwnig : otter
- giwset : come upon moose in their yard / come upon caribou in their yard
- gopit : beaver
- gopitewe'get : trap beaver
- gopitewegn : beaver pelt / beaver fur
- gulgwi'ji'j : piglet / young pig
- gulgwi's : pig / hog / swine
- iap : bull moose, caribou, etc.
- igatne'suinu : racer
- igatne'we'sm : racer (animal) / race horse
- ijipanji'j : kitten beaver / kitten beaver of youngest litter
- jiagewj : mink
- jigmit : growl
- jigmugt'g : growl at
- jigmugtuatl : growl at
- jigni'get : root (as pig)
- jijgluewj : sheep
- jijgluewji'j : lamb
- jimpegenatl : wring out / milk (cow)
- jipijga'm : horned serpent
- lape'w : rooster
- latto'law : bull
- lentug : deer
- lgwetug : female animal / female mammal
- lmu'j : dog
- lmu'ji'j : puppy / pup / young dog
- lmu'ji'jmit : have pups
- lugwetug : female mammal
- matues : porcupine / furry brown caterpillar (Listuguj)
- matuesuei : porcupine meat
- mgumie'j : horseshoe
- mgumie'ja'q : wear horseshoes
- mgumie'jo'tlatl : shoe (horse) / fit with horseshoes
- mui'n : bear
- mui'ne'j : bear cub
- mui'newqamigsit : temperament of a bear
- mui'no'mi : bear grease / bear oil
- mujpej : mink
- mulumgwej : groundhog / woodchuck
- mutpun : animal bed
- napioq : male porcupine
- nessapoqwat : lap (up)
- netuagwe'set : hunts porcupine
- nguto'pj : loner / solitary one
- nmu'j : dog
- nmu'ji'j : pup / puppy / young dog
- nu'sesgw : female bear
- nutugwet : digs out of its den
- paqt'sm : wolf
- paqtesm : wolf
- pawnigwet : dress hides / tan hides
- penetgwit : calve
- pittalu : cougar / mountain lion / lion
- psa'mun : brisket
- psg'san : foreshoulder (of animal)
- psigweta'w : spleen / organ taken from pig to predict weather
- pugsigna'qewit : hairy (of animal) / hirsute
- puguna'w : fluffy or hairy animal
- pugwaja'latl : dress (animal) / prepare for use
- qalipu : caribou
- sasgatu : flying squirrel
- sasqatu : flying squirrel
- sgwe'w : female fowl
- sgweioq : female mammal
- sgwesmuj : female dog / bitch
- siga'lat : spawn / to produce or deposit (eggs) as fishes or frogs do
- siga'law : spawn / (eggs) deposited from fishes or frogs
- sigune'ji'j : spring路born animal
- siguniej : orphaned animal
- sqolj : frog
- taqtaloq : salamander
- te'plj : goat
- te'plji'j : young goat / kid
- te'pulj : goat
- te'sipow : horse
- te'sipowa'q : go by a horse / travel by horse
- te'sipowji'j : young horse / foal / portable work bench (in carpentry) / sawhorse
- tia'm : moose
- tia'mu'j : calf moose
- tia'mu'mi : moose fat or tallow
- tia'muapi : moose thong / moose leather strap / moose leather lash
- tia'muegn : moosehide
- tia'muei : moose meat
- tqoqwe'j : wild feral cat / overly large domestic cat
- tqoqwej : wild cat / bobcat
- ugsmuit : have horns
- ugtiit : have dog
- ulaqan : antler / antler rack / antler plate
- ulaqane's : pan bullmoose
- unpan : moose bed
- usgus : weasel
- wapus : hare / rabbit
- wapusuegn : rabbit skin
- waqamaluat : clean tail
- waqamimlagejmit : clean breasts / clean mammaries
- waqasit : wild / hyperactive / untamed
- waspu : seal
- wegilat : bark
- wenjitia'm : cow
- wenjitia'mu'j : calf / young cow
- wesmuit : have horns
- wettaqia'tijig : share common descent
- wi'sis : animal / beast / mammal
- wi'sisji'j : little animal
- wisnuti : moose trail / deer trail
- wisse'j : animal nest
- wissei : nest
- wowgwis : fox
Related entries for category "hear"
- amig'pistaqanat : slightly deaf / somewhat hard of hearing
- ams'tg : hear vaguely / hear portion
- ams'tmat : hear about vaguely / hear about partly
- ams'tuatl : only partly hear / half hear
- epetoqsit : groan / make moans
- etlaqqisewet : hollering
- etltoqsit : make loud sound
- gegnua'tuatl : inform / notify
- gepistaqanat : deaf
- gepitnetoqsit : sounds nasal / sounds hoarse
- gesgust'g : overhear
- gesgustuatl : overhear
- gesigawewo'gwet : speak loudly / speak quickly / speak loudly and quickly
- gesigawitnet : snort / snore loudly
- gesigawta'q : make loud noise / make loud sound
- gesigawtewesigeg : make loud report (as cannon or gun)
- gesigawtewesiget : make loud report (as cannon or gun)
- gesigawtoqsit : make loud sound with voice
- gesigawweg : loud
- gesigawwet : talk loud / makes a loud noise with voice / shouts
- gesimt'g : cry hard / wail
- gesitewipnet : groan
- gesnugwetoqsit : sound sickly
- gimtemit : cry secretly / cry silently
- gintewoqsit : snore loudly
- gispnetoqsit : tired sounding voice
- jigistaqanat : listen attentively / eavesdrop
- jigmit : growl
- jigmugt'g : growl at
- jigmugtuatl : growl at
- jigs'tg : listen
- jigs'tuatl : listen to
- jijuejg : bell
- jijuejg'ji'j : small bell / sleigh bell
- listugujewa'tuet : imitate Listuguj dialect / speak Listuguj dialect
- mattaqa'toq : pull on to make sound (as bell)
- metetoqsit : make repeated sounds (like groaning, chirping or cawing) / cawing, quacking (Nova Scotia)
- metewa'sit : makes a sound from moving about
- metewa'toq : makes a sound in handling it
- metewaqs'g : make a fluttering sound / make a flapping sound
- metewaqsing : makes a fluttering sound / makes a flapping sound
- metewatalg : makes a sound when eating
- metewe'g : makes a sound by stirring or bustling about
- meteweng : heard talking
- metewenmit : heard laughing
- metewilua't : heard sounding off in anger / heard bellowing (as moose)
- metewintoq : heard singing
- metewjigmit : heard growling (as dog)
- metewo'gwet : heard talking
- metewoqsing : heard snoring
- metewtemit : heard crying
- migust'g : overhear
- migustuatl : overhear
- miltoqsit : makes different sounds with voice
- natlutmu'tijig : ducks lured ashore by duck calls
- ne'tistaqanat : extrememly good hearing
- nutg : hear
- nutmat : hear about / hear tell of
- nutuatl : hear
- pa'qastmat : easily pick up news and gossip
- pa'sg'teg : explode (moisture in log on fire)
- paqtaqawa'q : echoey
- pasg'teg : pop (as log on fire or as corn)
- pemiwigwa'smugwet : whistle along
- pemta'q : go by making noise
- pemtoqsit : prattle along / yelling by / gab by
- pipua'smugwet : blow a horn / whistle
- se'sgwet : holler / scream / shout
- sesgwalatl : holler / scream at
- sespe'g : noisy / noisy
- sespe'g : noisy / noisy
- sespematl : continuously bother or disturb by talking / nag
- sespena'q : noisy
- sespenoqsit : noisy / snore loudly
- sespenoqsit : noisy / snore loudly
- sespeta'q : continuous noise
- sespetoqsit : talk noisily / babble on / loud sound(s) made with the voice
- sespewo'gwet : blab on / chatter on
- sespilugweg : work noisily
- sespilugwet : work noisily
- sespumatl : often mentions someone who is away / often mentions someone who is absent
- sesputg : mention often / talk about alot / talk about frequently
- sigtewa'latl : tired of hearing him/her / tired of hearing repetition
- sisua'qate'gn : bell clapper
- sisua'qi'gn : chime / bell
- sisuaqata'q : chime
- siws'tuatl : tired of listening to someone / tired of listening to repetition / tired of hearing someone
- telgisutnat : sound (voice) in such manner
- telistaqanewa'sit : hears things that are not there / thinks one hears something
- tels'tg : hear thus / hear something like / hear sound that sounds like
- tels'tmat : hear tell / hear-say / hear news of something
- tels'tuatl : thinks hears someone / thinks hears someone say / hear sound like (him/her/it)
- telta'q : sound like / sound so
- teltoqsit : sound like / sound so
- teluet : says
- wegilalatl : bark at
- wegilat : bark
- wejjelamit : sigh
- wels'tg : like sound of
- wels'tuatl : like sound of singing / like sound of speaking
- welta'q : have good sound (music)
- weltoqsit : have good sound (music)