Translation: He/she is fearful
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- fearful
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Jipaluet na gtue'm.Translation: Your pet is fearful.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: ji·ba·lu·et
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- jipaluei -- I am fearful -- (first person singular animate)
- jipalueieg -- We are fearful -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- jipalua'tieg -- We are fearful -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Document References:
Transcription: tjipaloei, lâche Transliteration: jipaluei, coward Source as entry: jipaluei, I'm a coward Normalized source as entry: jipaluet, he/she is a coward
Related entries for category "fear"
- elsumugwat : flee toward
- jipalatl : fear / afraid of
- jipalgun : scary
- jipalsuti : fear
- jipaluejit : phobic / fearful person
- jipaluet : fearful
- jipaqa'latl : frighten
- jipaqa'sit : get scared
- jipaqatesing : startled / terrified / scared
- jipasit : afraid / scared
- jipatg : fear / afraid of
- jipguatl : make uneasy / make tense
- nesasit : fearful / unnerved / frightened / phobia of ghosts and supernatural phenomena
- nesawet : timid / easily frightened
- we'gwata'latl : frighten / scare
- we'gwata'sit : frightened / scared