Translation: It is in the middle
Part of Speech: verb inanimate intransitive
- in middle
- between
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: E'pite'ji'j pemiet miawe'g awtigtug.Translation: The little girl is walking along the middle of the road.Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: mi·a·weeg
Related entries for category "position"
- a'sisteg : over / across
- alapegit : crawl about / crawl around / crawl on all fours
- amaspit : close by but out of immediate reach / not close enough / far apart
- amasteg : close by but out of immediate reach / not close enough / far apart
- amgwesewa'j : first one / oldest one
- atuasgwesing : lie on back
- e'tmapit : sit (set) forefront / be at forefront / located at forefront
- ejaqjepit : squat
- ejigla'go'jing : head turned away
- ejinpit : low
- ejinteg : low
- el'tqeg : coiled
- el'tqet : coiled
- elatpo'jing : lean head toward
- elgo'jing : face toward
- eligjo'gmuatl : bent over towards / turn buttocks toward
- eliguet : have grain / lean toward
- elmu'jing : bent towards something but away from speaker / bent away from / turned away from
- eloqosg : laid out (pipe)
- eloqosing : lying stretched out / lie prone
- eloqwa'latl : lay down
- eloqwa'toq : lay down
- elsma'latl : lay down
- elsma'sit : lie down
- elu'jing : bent(at waist) gaping toward / lean toward / crane toward
- enaqsit : laying on...
- enmejepit : sit facing the other direction / sit with back turned
- enmejepuguit : stand with back toward viewer / stand with back facing viewer
- enmejeteg : set facing the other direction
- enmigjepit : sits backwards / reversed
- enmigjesing : lie facing away / lie facing the other direction
- enmigjeteg : it sits backwards / reversed
- enmigjo'gwet : stooped over facing away / bent over with buttocks up
- ennmig : penetrate into / pierces into / embedded in
- ennmit : stick into / pierces into / embedded in
- enqanapit : beneath surface
- epa'latl : seat
- epa'sit : sit down
- epa'sualatl : sit on... / sit next to...
- epa'suatg : sit on
- epatgupuguig : standing in contact with / standing leaning against something
- epatgupuguit : standing in contact with / standing leaning against something
- epatgwa'latl : place against
- epatgwa'toq : place it against... / push it against... / lean it against...
- epatgwepit : leaning against / leaning up against
- epatgweteg : leaning against / leaning up against
- epatuepit : set against something
- epatueteg : set against something
- epit : sitting / seated / placed / located
- epitg : brood / sit on / hatch
- esp'pit : sit (or set) up high / high on drugs (slang)
- esp'puguig : stand tall / stand on higher plane
- esp'puguit : stand on higher plane / stand up high / hold high rank
- esp'puguit : stand on higher plane / stand up high / hold high rank
- esp'teg : sit (or set) high up
- etoqatesing : cornered and can't move / hit the wall
- ewt'pa'sitl : sits on / sit down atop
- ewt'pa'sualatl : sit on top of / sit atop
- ewt'pa'suatg : sit on top of / sit atop
- ewt'pasg'g : sit on
- ewt'pasguatl : sit on
- gaqamig : stand
- gaqamit : stand
- gawasg'pa'sit : turn around while seated
- gawasg'smtesing : turn over quickly while prone / turn over quickly in bed
- gawasgisma'sit : turn self over while in lying down / turn over in bed
- ge'goqpit : lie on top and across
- ge'goqteg : lie atop / lie on top
- ge'gupa'sit : get on top of
- ge'gupit : sit on top
- ge'gupuguit : stand on the top
- ge'gwa'toq : place on the top
- ge'gwising : lie on the top
- gejimoqpit : sits obstructing the way
- gejimoqteg : is obstructing the way
- gesgija'latl : place over / put over
- gigjiw : near / close by
- gigto'qopugua'sit : turn around while standing / turn about while in standing position
- gisgat'puguit : stand ready
- ila'latl : adjust / reset
- ila'toq : adjust / reset
- ilapsg'smu'gwet : curl up and go to sleep / reposition during sleep / lie down for a nap / lie down for a rest
- ilgopa'sit : change position while sitting
- ilisma'sit : change position (while lying)
- ilisqa'toq : put back in place (as joint) / limber / massage
- iljo'qwa'latl : put right side up / place in order / set straight / settle
- iljo'qwa'toq : put right side up / place in order / set straight / settle
- iloqwa'latl : reposition lengthwise / place or put in proper position lengthwise / straighten out lengthwise
- iloqwa'toq : reposition lengthwise / place or put in proper position lengthwise / straighten out lenghtwise
- ilpugua'sit : stand into position / change position while standing
- ilta'latl : shut / close
- ilta'toq : shut / close
- ilteget : shut quickly
- iltijieget : slam shut
- istu'pit : sit crooked
- istu'teg : set crooked
- istua'latl : set crooked / treat differently
- istua'toq : do or make crooked
- jajigoqpit : sit alongside
- jajigteg : alongside
- jenpit : sit quietly / sit calmly
- mawamg'pijig : piled together
- mawamg'tegl : piled together
- mawgma'toq : set up together (sheaves of wheat)
- mawpultijig : sit together
- menj'puguit : now standing from a lying position
- menja'sit : get up from lying position / rise from lying position
- mesatgwa'latl : place against
- mesatgwa'toq : place against
- mesatgwepit : placed against / leaning against / placed up against
- mesatgweteg : placed against / leaning against / placed up against
- mesatgwigsma'latl : push up against
- mesatgwisma'toq : lay up against
- mesqana'latl : lay down / put down
- mesqana'sit : go down to the ground or floor
- mesqana'toq : lay down / put down
- mesqanepit : crouching position / flat on the ground
- metaqasing : lay on bare surface
- metaqateg : on bare surface
- miawe'g : in middle / between
- na'ploqqatijig : go single file / follow one another in straight line
- naqamasa'latl : place where it can easily be found / find easy to handle
- naqamasa'toq : place or put where easily found / put in accessible place / easy to do / have facility with / find easy to handle / easily found
- naqamaspit : easily accessible / at hand / handy
- naqamasteg : easily accessible / at hand / handy
- nasuoqg'g : straddle
- nasuoqguatl : straddle
- nasuoqpa'sit : sit astraddle / get astride
- nasuoqpit : sit or set astride
- nasuoqpugua'sit : stand astraddle / stand astride
- nasuoqteg : set astride / sit astride
- natpa'sit : go to sit down
- nigana'sit : goes ahead
- niganpit : sit ahead
- nisapegit : crawl downward / crawl down / crawl on all fours
- nisnusit : lower oneself / hold oneself lower
- nisoqteg : point down (something of length)
- nispilatl : lower (by rope)
- nispilg : lower (by rope)
- nutgulpa'sit : kneel
- nutgulpit : kneeling
- oqolumgwa'sit : bow head
- panjasgiet : legs outspread while in lying position
- pantunepit : agape / open (container)
- pasg'g : sit or lie on
- pasguatl : have one's weight on
- patatuj : left-side
- pemapegit : crawl along
- pemiqama'sit : standing up
- pempa'sit : start to sit down
- pempugua'sit : start to get on feet / start to recover from bad times
- pitasg'pit : stick in / penetrate
- pitasg'teg : stick in / penetrate
- saqanqapit : lie on the floor or ground / sit on the floor or ground
- saqanqateg : lie on the floor or ground / sit on the floor or ground
- sawepit : slouched over / hunched over / hung or drooped over
- saweteg : slouched over / hunched over / hung or drooped over / slack / sag / limp
- siptaqising : lying stretched out
- soqpit : close by / sit close to
- soqteg : close by / close to
- taqamoqisma'sit : lie down crossways or across
- taqamoqpit : positioned crosswise or athwart
- taqamoqteg : lie crosswise or athwart
- tepgispit : sits apart (from others)
- tepgisteg : set apart (from others) / seperate
- teppit : aboard / on or in vehicle
- tetgueg : be a hinderance / in way
- tetguet : be a hinderance / in way
- tetpaqapugua'latl : stands straight
- tetpaqapuguig : stands straight
- tetpaqpit : set straight
- tetpaqqama'latl : stand straight
- tetpaqqama'toq : stand straight
- tetpaqqamig : stand straight up
- tetpaqqamit : stand straight up
- tetpaqqopit : sit straight
- tetpaqteg : straight
- tewoqpit : stick out
- tewoqteg : stick out
- tewpugua'sit : step out or outside / step outside for fresh air
- tewpuguit : stand outside door / step outside for fresh air
- toqosingig : sleep together / lay together
- toqwanqapit : folded in two / bent over double
- ugt'pun : seat / place
- ugtejgewei : last one / last one
- ugumejepit : tipped / crooked
- ugumejeteg : tipped / crooked
- ugumejig : lopsided / crooked
- ugumejigit : lopsided / crooked
- upmejising : laying on side
- upmejisma'sit : lie down on side
- usgitug : at the top (surface) / on the surface
- waqju'pit : sit crooked
- waqju'teg : crooked / set crooked
- wejgu'jing : bend and face toward
- wejgupuguit : stand facing toward
- wejgwajepit : sit or set facing toward here
- wejgwajeteg : sit or set facing toward here
- wejgwapit : sit facing
- wejgwiqolomgopit : sit facing towards with head hanging down
- wejinisa'latl : bring down from
- welpit : well·placed / nice
- wesgitpit : be on top / sit or set on top
- wesgitteg : sit or set on top
Related entries for category "location"
- a'jela's'g : hinderance / in the way
- a'jela'sit : be a hinderance / hinderance / in the way
- a'jelising : lie in way
- a'jelpit : sit in way
- a'jelpuguig : stands in way
- a'jelpuguit : stand in way / hinderance
- a'jelteg : in the way / hinderance / in an odd place
- a'se'g : on the other side / in the next room
- a'sei : other room / other side
- a'sispit : sit over / sit across
- ala : that / there
- allugwet : work in different locations / work at odd jobs
- Almamgug : Memramcook
- alqatg : stay here and there
- amase'jijg : quite far / some distance
- amaseg : far
- anapiw : by the side / beside
- anapo : on one side / a side
- antaguejue'gati : New Carlisle
- apaqt : sea / off shore
- apaqtu'jg : inshore / short distance offshore
- aplugwet : return from work / back from work
- aqamoqwe'gati : white ash grove
- aqjigateg : shade
- aquoqomqeg : at bend / at turn
- aqupit : hidden and sitting
- aquteg : hidden / hidden area
- awti : road / trail
- awti'j : path / trail
- e'tmapuguit : stand at the forefront
- e'tmateg : is (set) at forefront / in front
- eig : present / be there / be there (sicknesses, days)
- eig : present / be there / be there (sicknesses, days)
- ejinpit : low
- ejinteg : low
- elangu'sit : go somewhere to peddle / go somewhere to sell
- Elsipugtug : Big Cove
- emittugwatg : visits it
- Enmigtaqamu'g : Nova Scotian mainland
- enmipgowe'g : along edge of cliff
- enqanapit : beneath surface
- enqanateg : beneath surface
- Epegwitg : Prince Edward Island / calm water
- epiga'latl : put on top of
- epune'g : below / downstairs
- Esg'soqonig : Eskasoni
- Esgigewa'gi : Third Mi'gmaq district
- esiamgeg : Campbellton, New Brunswick
- eteg : be at / situated / placed / located
- etllugwet : working / work there / place of work
- etuiw : on both sides
- ewt'pa'sitl : sits on / sit down atop
- ewt'pa'sualatl : sit on top of / sit atop
- ewt'pa'suatg : sit on top of / sit atop
- ewt'pasguatl : sit on
- g'p'ta'q : up / above / overhead
- g'p'tai : ceiling / top
- Gaggnawa'gi : Caughnawaga
- Galla'ing : New Carlisle, QC
- gamso'q : Canso, NS
- Ganata : Canada
- gapsgu'j : little waterfall
- gapsguji'j : tiny waterfall
- gapsgw : waterfall
- gapsgwamgitg : rapid water / rapid water preceeding a waterfall
- gasgawgti : roadside
- gasgipnaqtug : on the shore
- ge'gupa'latl : put on top / place atop
- ge'gupn : hilltop
- ge'guteg : on the top
- ge'gwa'latl : place on the top
- ge'gwa's'g : moves onto the top
- Ge'gwapsgug : at the top of the falls / Pabineau
- ge'gwei : up above / upstairs
- gegiasqatug : on the edge of anything / edge of the woods
- Gepeg : Quebec
- gesga't : lost
- Gesgapegiaq : Gesgapegiaq, Quebec / Where the river widens
- Gespe'g : Seventh Mi'gmaq district / Gaspe
- Gespogwitg : First Mi'gmaq district / present day southern western Nova Scotia
- Gespugwitg : Annapolis Valley
- gigj'pa'sualatl : sit close to
- gigjiw : near / close by
- gisoqeg : hill top / atop hill
- giwset : come upon moose in their yard / come upon caribou in their yard
- giwto'qopia'tijig : sit in a circle
- giwto'qopultijig : sit around in a circle
- gjigan : city
- gjiganji'j : village / town
- gm'tginu : our territory / our country
- gmetug : beside / aside / on the side of
- gp'te'sn : south
- gsipo'qiwan : scratching place
- gsnugo'guom : hospital
- gujm : outside / outdoors
- gutan : town / village
- gutana'sit : go to town / go to east end (of Listuguj) / go up mission (Listuguj)
- gutang : town / east end (of Listuguj) / down the mission (Listuguj)
- gwe'gwiamgeg : Port Hood, N.S. / water embankment
- iga'latl : release / let go / place / put
- iga'q : arrive
- iga't : arrive
- iga'toq : place / put
- jajiga'sit : going along/beside the shore / going along/beside edge
- jajigoqpit : sit alongside
- jajigtug : along the edge / at the edge
- Jipugtu'jg : Bouctouche, New Brunswick
- Jipugtug : Halifax, NS
- lame'g : underneath / under / inside
- lampo'q : bottom of lake / bottom of river
- lamqamu'g : underground
- lamuguom : interior of the house
- Listuguj : Listuguj
- listugujewa'tuet : imitate Listuguj dialect / speak Listuguj dialect
- Listuguji'j : Miramichi River
- lnue'gati : aboriginal community / native village (reserve)
- Ls'tgug : Bear River
- majuggwalatl : keep in time with / follow
- majuggwatg : keep in time with / follow
- mala : at home / where I'm from
- masgwe'simanaqse'gati : pin cherry tree grove
- Matawe'g : Matapedia, QC / confluence of rivers
- mawpultijig : sit together
- me'su'tug : in full view / in full view
- megwaig : middle
- Metepna'qiaq : Red Bank
- metoqiaq : go down to / come down to / descend in elevation
- metuatqeg : hard going (through thicket)
- mgatawti : footpath
- mi'soqo : up to / as for as / until
- miawe'g : in middle / between
- ms't_tami : everywhere
- mtasoq : ledge / cliff / slate
- Mulian : Montreal
- na'tami : somewhere / someplace
- na'taqamtug : at the shore / at the riverbank
- Natuaqaneg : Eel Ground
- Nepisigwitg : Nepiseqwit river
- niganteg : located at the front
- nigantug : in front
- nnue'gati : aboriginal community / native village (reserve) / indigenous community
- Nnuei_Mnigu : Indian Island
- pa'qe'g : downhill
- paqtaqamigt : wilderness / deserted area
- paqtaqamigtug : wilderness / deserted area
- Paqtngeg : Afton
- pastung : United States
- pastungewa'gi : American territory / United States of America
- patatujg : on the left side
- pesg'teg : lead off to (path)
- pesga'latl : lead off the trail or road / take off trail or road
- pesga'sit : go off the trail or road / leave off the trail or road
- pesga'toq : lead off the trail or road / take off trail or road
- pesoqtesg'g : miss / fail to meet it / fail to come into contact with it
- pesoqtesguatl : miss / fail to meet / fail to come into contact with it(ball)
- petgitg : mail here / send here / dispatch here
- petgnejig : arrive at destination
- pi'tawa'toq : take it up river / take up the coast
- pi'tawe'g : he/she is up river / at up the coast
- pija'lut : jailed / put inside
- pijatpo'jing : head inside something
- piligana'gamigt : new campsite or development
- pisgwa'latl : bring inside / take inside / let in
- pisgwetesg'g : track inside (mud, snow, water)
- pisgwetesguatl : chase inside / kick into
- pisit : inside / inside container / incarcerated
- piteg : inside of it
- pitoqpit : sit or set underneath
- pitoqteg : burn underneath / set underneath / penetrate beneath
- pitui'w : in between
- pmetug : beside / aside / on the side of
- poqjiwsit : move or vacate a residence
- Potloteg : Chapel Island, Nova Scotia / Potloteg First Nation
- pugtewigtug : at the fire / in the fire
- qame'g : other side of river / other side / other side of valley or plain / Campbellton (in Listuguj) / New Richmond (in Gesgapegiag)
- qasgisipug : edge of river / edge of water
- qasgusia'qamigt : cedar grove / Tide Head, New Brunswick
- qaspem : lake edge / border of a lake
- qasqamgeg : Cascumpeg, Prince Edward Island / steep sandbank
- qasqisipug : on the shore
- qataig : half way / midway
- qomuti : harbour / haven
- S'gepne'gati : Second Mi'gmaq district / Shubenacadie
- se'g : elsewhere
- Se'ta'nji'j : Little Saint Anne / Fredericton
- setamg : in rear or stern (of boat)
- Sgno'p'tij : Burnt Church / a lookout (Rand)
- Sig'tonqeg : river basin at Dalhousie, New Brunswick
- Signigtewa'gi : Sixth Mi'gmaq district / southern New Brunswick
- sitm : shore / beach
- so'qiaq : go to higher ground or level / go up (in altitude) / go up to the woods (Listuguj)
- ta'n : when / where
- tajiga'sit : going along/beside the shore / going along/beside edge
- tet : here
- tp'te'sn : south
- tupsia'qami : alder grove
- uggwatawti : footpath
- ugpaqamg : behind / in rear of
- Ugpi'ganjig : Eel River Bar
- ugs'tqamu : earth / world
- ugt'pun : seat / place
- Ugtaqamgug : Newfoundland
- ugtejg : in back / behind / at the back / last
- ula_tett : right here / this here
- Unma'gi : Fourth Mi'gmaq district / Cape Breton Island
- utan : town / village
- utqotaqane'gati : graveyard
- wa'so'q : heaven / the heavens
- wanne'g : up mission / cove end in Listuguj / cove
- Waqam'tgug : Bonaventure, Quebec / Waqamîtkuk, Nova Scotia
- We'gopegitg : Truro, Nova Scotia
- We'goqoma'q : Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia.
- we'gwamgug : where waterway ends at falls
- we'gwapsgw : falls end
- We'gwistoqonig : Eskasoni
- wejilugwet : work because / reason for work / work from (location)
- wejinisa'latl : bring down from
- wejuow : close by
- wesgewina'q : happy, joyful or pleasureable place
- wi'gatigno'guom : library
- wigit : reside or dwell there
- wiguaq : home
- Winpegijuig : Bathurst, New Brunswick
- wisnuti : moose trail / deer trail