Translation: He/she has a temperament of a bear
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- temperament of a bear
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Njignam So'sep Nuel na maw mui'newqamigsit.Translation: My younger brother Joseph Noel has the temperament of the bear.Recording: Recording by ewm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: mu路ii路new路hka路mik路sit
Related entries for category "behaviour"
- alsumgusit : be obedient / is directed about / obey
- amjepit : tipsy
- e'pite'su'qamigsit : act like young (unmarried) woman
- e'pitewe'sm : womanizer / woman-chaser
- ejaqjematl : belittle / humiliate / shame
- ejoqjematl : interrupt (in conversation)
- elenqwe'set : rush over / scoot over / go toward on foot
- elist'g : disobey
- elistuatl : disobey
- elue'wipnnatl : incites to wickedness / causes to be wicked
- elue'wit : quick路tempered
- emego'teget : treat badly / abuse
- emego'tg : treat badly / abuse
- emegwatalg : eat disgusting food / eat in a disgusting manner / messy eater
- emegwe'g : act improperly / act disgustingly
- emegweiwatl : treat badly / abuse
- emtesgatalg : fussy eater / eat fussily / finicky eater
- emtesgit : conceited / arrogant / vain / snobbish
- emtesgite'lmatl : think superior over / being arrogant toward / place oneself above
- espe'g : important / high in rank / important / high in rank
- essu'tmuatl : blame
- ewnasa'sit : misconduct / misbehave / act foolish
- ewnasgwatpa'latl : confuse / drive crazy / make dizzy
- ewnasiet : confused / gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy
- ewnasimgnajig : pick up in a disorganized way / pick in a muddled manner / choose in a jumbled way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)
- ewnasimgnasit : gather or pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Bear River)
- ewnasimgngl : pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)
- ewsa'latl : threaten / shake / rough up
- ewsa'toq : pretend to hit / threaten to hit
- ewsimatl : joke / bluff / kid
- ewsitutg : show off
- gaqamu'tm'gewei : patience
- gaqiga'lsit : maximum effort / puts all of himself/herself in
- gegnu'qamigsit : act accordingly / behave appropriately / behave
- gegnua'teget : inform / do what is proper or correct
- gegnua'toq : do correctly or properly
- gegnue'g : respectful / live according to proper upbringing / certain time / special / certain thing
- gegwe'g : is a slowpoke / slow-moving / is a slowpoke / slow-moving
- gegwe'g : is a slowpoke / slow-moving / is a slowpoke / slow-moving
- geleiwatl : protect / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping
- gepmimi'walatl : humbly with respect thank / humbly with respect is grateful to
- gesaluet : love
- gesgelmatl : hold dearly / reluctant to part with
- gesgelt'g : hold dearly / reluctant to part with
- getanatl : hunt / track / chase / seek / spiteful
- getanqigalatl : stalk
- getanteget : hunter / gatherer / spiteful person
- getanuet : spiteful
- getgaqamigsit : ill路mannered
- getge'g : act indecent
- getgiet : drunk
- getlamite'lmatl : believes in / trusts in
- getlams'tg : believe / obey / follow, as in beliving in something
- getlams'tuatl : believe someone / listen to
- getuapsit : fend for oneself / help oneself
- getugtnumqwanet : want an alcoholic drink
- gi'gaja'sit : argue
- gi'gajeiwatl : aggravate / tease / do for spite
- gi'gajimatl : goad / dare / urge on / taunt / reply sarcastically or meanly / answer back
- gi'gassit : tease
- gi'gassuinu : teaser / jokester
- giaspiet : make habit of
- gime'g : secretive
- gimiet : sneak around
- giwaje'g : listless / dull
- glusgapewit : fib / tell lies / tell tall tales
- gmutnes : thief
- goqqaja'teget : do the right thing / do correctly
- gtigiewinuj : drunkard
- gtigiewuti : drunkenness
- igeggwet : fall sick / in heat (said of dog) / lose mind suddenly
- istue'g : different / not normal / strange / different / strange
- istuigit : crooked / uneven / different / dishonest
- jageju'patl : clean out (by eating) / mooch excessively (expression)
- jaqale'g : quick / fast / fast / quick
- jaqale'g : quick / fast / fast / quick
- jawa'tat : chew tobacco / use snuff
- lgowaqana'latl : bother / trouble
- lgowaqana'toq : bother / trouble
- lugowaqana'teget : bothersome / nuisance
- lugowaqanit : bothersome / troublesome
- majiaqa'latl : scold
- maligmatl : mock / tease
- malja't : stagger slowly
- massaqa'sit : takes advantage of the situation
- massaqte'get : instigate / make/cause disruption
- me'ga'sit : overact / make a big fuss / over react
- me'ga'teget : overdo / do more than expected / show off
- me'ge'g : snobbish / stuck up / haughty / inconsiderate
- me'go'pj : snob / snobbish person / vain person / stuck up person
- mega'sualatl : make a big fuss over
- melg'pugua'sit : stands hard or strong / take a stand / unrelenting / insist
- menaqajewa'latl : do carefully and correctly
- menaqajewa'toq : do carefully and correctly
- menata't : cowardly / weak / weak willed
- metu'qamigsit : hard to get along with / have bad disposition
- metuite'tg : apprehensive / dread / anxious about
- mi'gmuessue'get : possessed by mi'gmuessu
- mi'walatl : thankful for / grateful / appreciate
- mi'watg : thankful for / grateful / appreciate
- migultiat : experience (by male) pregnancy symptoms of partner / become irritated (as first child) when mother carries her second child / sympathy pains (by male)
- mila'teget : mischievous / practical joker
- miligsnqwat : hard to please / fussy
- milsuteget : gives multipital instructions / undecided
- mntuit : devilish
- mtugunoqtnugwet : behave a certain way when a storm is approaching
- mui'newqamigsit : temperament of a bear
- munsa't : persistent
- munsaiwatl : persuade / persistent persuasion / coax
- munsapit : look persistently
- munsigsma'latl : pushes persistently
- munsigsma'toq : pushes persistently
- munsigsmeget : persistent in shoving / persistent in pushing
- munsisapa'latl : persevere to pull through / persevere to save
- munsisapa'toq : persevere to save / persevere to pull through
- munso'tg : persistent in doing
- musguaje'g : frustrated / upset
- musgwatamit : lick
- musgwatg : lick
- nalagit : energetic / swift / eager
- naqana'mat : drink alcoholic beverage
- naqatgelsit : self-conscious / shy
- naqsio'pla'toq : quickly do wrong
- naqsitetapua'toq : quickly do right / quickly do correctly
- nata'tawet : know how to beg
- natawinsgu'mat : know how to answer back
- ne'tapit : critical / faultfinding / nosey
- ne'tata'sit : wise / quick thinker
- ne'tma'sit : make center of attention
- nepaqt'g : stingy
- nepe'g : sensitive / temperamental / touchy / easily offended / easily agitated
- netage'g : bashful / shy
- netago'qona'latl : shame
- newtinqana'mat : drink alone (usually alcoholic beverage)
- newtugo'pj : loner
- ni'laje'g : friendly / outgoing
- ntaqo'qon : shame / disgrace
- nujimila'teget : prankster / joker / jester / joker / prankster / jester
- nutqwe'g : immature / undeveloped / minor
- o'pla'teget : do wrong / do incorrectly
- o'pla'toq : do wrong / do incorrectly
- o'plagnutmajig : have disagreement / have misunderstanding
- pa'qamajeiwatl : snooping / meddlesome to him/her / examine / inspect / investigate / study
- pa'qamajo'tg : snooping / meddlesome to it / examine / inspect / investigate / study
- pe'sgiget : fire / shoot
- pegatnmat : neat / clean and tidy
- pegittemit : cry long while
- penoqwite'lmatl : look down on / snub / discriminate against
- pepsite'lmatl : disrespect / rude / discourteous
- pepsitelget : disrespectful / rude
- petqwasit : deny
- piltua's'g : turn out differently / turn out unexpectedly
- piltua'sit : turn out differently / turn out unexpectedly
- pilu'assit : foolish / silly
- pisoqqoweiegsit : greedy
- poqtatpematl : begin to nag / begin to scold
- punajeiwatl : stop doing / let someone be
- punajo'tg : stop doing / leave alone
- pusgilugwet : usually works
- qwa'niej : phoney person
- sangewite'lmatl : trust
- sangewite'tg : trust
- saputaqatg : last or stay through / endure
- sesgwe'g : lively / smart / active / hard worker / ambitious
- sespa'sit : restless / fidgety / squirm
- sespeiwatl : molest / bother with hands
- sespo'teget : molest / unfaithful in marriage / unfaithful with a married person / cheat (in love) / act the playboy/girl / cheater(in love) / playboy/girl
- sespo'teget : molest / unfaithful in marriage / unfaithful with a married person / cheat (in love) / act the playboy/girl / cheater(in love) / playboy/girl
- sespo'teget : molest / unfaithful in marriage / unfaithful with a married person / cheat (in love) / act the playboy/girl / cheater(in love) / playboy/girl
- siwa'latl : tiresome / frustrate / tired of
- siwa'teget : tiresome / boring / pest
- siwe'g : lonesome
- tagala'latl : anger / irritate / annoy
- taqale'g : grouchy
- tegtesgewet : kick / complain / object
- tegtesgewet : kick / complain / object
- tela'lsit : at fault (to self) / cause own misfortune
- tela'sit : behave or act in such manner
- tele'g : be in such a way / be that way / pregnant
- teleiwatl : treat so / treat as such
- telisqatuatl : obey
- telqamigsit : act thus / act in such manner
- tetapu'qamigsit : act accordingly / behave properly
- tetapua'teget : do what is right / do right way
- tetapua'toq : do right way / do correctly
- tetapuigsua'toq : take right or proper way
- tetujintage'g : so bashful / so shy
- unjaqajewa'teget : take it easy
- wantaqe'g : calm disposition / quiet
- wantaqpit : sits quietly / sit calmly
- wapnapit : stay up all night / see break of dawn
- wapnintoq : sing until dawn
- wapntesing : dance until dawn
- wejamoqsualatl : embrace / hug and squeeze
- wejguigaqawapuguet : come scolding / come reprimanding
- wejo'tg : attempt / try out / try / test
- wela'latl : to please / do well by
- wela'lin : thank you / I do well by you
- wela'luet : charitable / pleases
- weleiwatl : take good care of
- welgwija'latl : uplift spirit / put in good路humor / make more confident
- welgwijimatl : put in good humor / encouraging
- welgwijing : in good路humor / good路spirits
- weligsua'toq : take well / accept
- weligwetutg : pleasant expression / wear smile
- weljaqajewa'teget : take it easy
- weljepit : tipsy / feel good (from drinking)
- welm'toq : kind路hearted
- welo'teget : feel well / doing well / treat others well / kind to others
- welo'tg : take good care of
- welqamigsit : good路natured / have good disposition or character
- wesgewinoqsit : joyful / jolly
- wespaiwatl : disturb while asleep
- wetapulatl : scold / punish
- wetmguet : in the way
- wetmo'teget : bothersome / prankster / busybody / prankster / botherer
- wetqolatl : forbid
- wetqolsit : abstain
- wi'gue'g : strange / weird / unkind / mean
- wigpet : like to drink (alcoholic beverages)
- wigumat : heavy smoker
- wininuit : have mean disposition / grouchy
- winnmat : keeps a dirty place / unkempt / messy / sloppy
- winqamigsit : have bad character
- winsit : act bad or improperly
- wisguet : jealous / envious
- wisqilue'wit : quick路tempered
Related entries for category "animal"
- amalignoqji'j : small speckled tortoise / Blandings Turtle / mud turtle
- amaljugwej : raccoon
- amqoqjaji'j : small toad
- anguowei : fur
- anguoweie'gaqan : fur pelt
- apalqaqamej : chipmunk / ground squirrel
- apigji'j : mouse
- apigjilu : skunk
- apistanewj : marten
- apli'gmuj : hare / rabbit
- apugsign : lynx
- atu'tuej : squirrel
- atu'tuejui'sit : imitate the sounds of a squirrel
- e's : clam
- gajuewj : cat
- gajuewji'j : kitten
- gawi : porcupine quill
- gawiei : quill work / made of quills
- ge'tiap : full grown bull moose
- gesgusgwet : hunt bear
- gesipto'sit : scratch self (like an animal)
- gi'gwaju : badger
- gi'gwesu : muskrat
- gisigu'sgw : old female animal
- gisigu'sm : old animal
- giwnig : otter
- giwset : come upon moose in their yard / come upon caribou in their yard
- gopit : beaver
- gopitewe'get : trap beaver
- gopitewegn : beaver pelt / beaver fur
- gulgwi'ji'j : piglet / young pig
- gulgwi's : pig / hog / swine
- iap : bull moose, caribou, etc.
- igatne'suinu : racer
- igatne'we'sm : racer (animal) / race horse
- ijipanji'j : kitten beaver / kitten beaver of youngest litter
- jiagewj : mink
- jigmit : growl
- jigmugt'g : growl at
- jigmugtuatl : growl at
- jigni'get : root (as pig)
- jijgluewj : sheep
- jijgluewji'j : lamb
- jimpegenatl : wring out / milk (cow)
- jipijga'm : horned serpent
- lape'w : rooster
- latto'law : bull
- lentug : deer
- lgwetug : female animal / female mammal
- lmu'j : dog
- lmu'ji'j : puppy / pup / young dog
- lmu'ji'jmit : have pups
- lugwetug : female mammal
- matues : porcupine / furry brown caterpillar (Listuguj)
- matuesuei : porcupine meat
- mgumie'j : horseshoe
- mgumie'ja'q : wear horseshoes
- mgumie'jo'tlatl : shoe (horse) / fit with horseshoes
- mui'n : bear
- mui'ne'j : bear cub
- mui'newqamigsit : temperament of a bear
- mui'no'mi : bear grease / bear oil
- mujpej : mink
- mulumgwej : groundhog / woodchuck
- mutpun : animal bed
- napioq : male porcupine
- nessapoqwat : lap (up)
- netuagwe'set : hunts porcupine
- nguto'pj : loner / solitary one
- nmu'j : dog
- nmu'ji'j : pup / puppy / young dog
- nu'sesgw : female bear
- nutugwet : digs out of its den
- paqt'sm : wolf
- paqtesm : wolf
- pawnigwet : dress hides / tan hides
- penetgwit : calve
- pittalu : cougar / mountain lion / lion
- psa'mun : brisket
- psg'san : foreshoulder (of animal)
- psigweta'w : spleen / organ taken from pig to predict weather
- pugsigna'qewit : hairy (of animal) / hirsute
- puguna'w : fluffy or hairy animal
- pugwaja'latl : dress (animal) / prepare for use
- qalipu : caribou
- sasgatu : flying squirrel
- sasqatu : flying squirrel
- sgwe'w : female fowl
- sgweioq : female mammal
- sgwesmuj : female dog / bitch
- siga'lat : spawn / to produce or deposit (eggs) as fishes or frogs do
- siga'law : spawn / (eggs) deposited from fishes or frogs
- sigune'ji'j : spring路born animal
- siguniej : orphaned animal
- sqolj : frog
- taqtaloq : salamander
- te'plj : goat
- te'plji'j : young goat / kid
- te'pulj : goat
- te'sipow : horse
- te'sipowa'q : go by a horse / travel by horse
- te'sipowji'j : young horse / foal / portable work bench (in carpentry) / sawhorse
- tia'm : moose
- tia'mu'j : calf moose
- tia'mu'mi : moose fat or tallow
- tia'muapi : moose thong / moose leather strap / moose leather lash
- tia'muegn : moosehide
- tia'muei : moose meat
- tqoqwe'j : wild feral cat / overly large domestic cat
- tqoqwej : wild cat / bobcat
- ugsmuit : have horns
- ugtiit : have dog
- ulaqan : antler / antler rack / antler plate
- ulaqane's : pan bullmoose
- unpan : moose bed
- usgus : weasel
- wapus : hare / rabbit
- wapusuegn : rabbit skin
- waqamaluat : clean tail
- waqamimlagejmit : clean breasts / clean mammaries
- waqasit : wild / hyperactive / untamed
- waspu : seal
- wegilat : bark
- wenjitia'm : cow
- wenjitia'mu'j : calf / young cow
- wesmuit : have horns
- wettaqia'tijig : share common descent
- wi'sis : animal / beast / mammal
- wi'sisji'j : little animal
- wisnuti : moose trail / deer trail
- wisse'j : animal nest
- wissei : nest
- wowgwis : fox