Translation: He/she is going to visit
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- going to visit
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ntlamugsis pegising, najimittugwet.Translation: My uncle has arrived, he's here to visit.Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: na·ji·mit·tu·gwet
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- najimittugwei -- I am going to visit -- (first person singular animate)
- najimittugweieg -- We are going to visit -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- najimittugutieg -- We are going to visit -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Document References:
Transcription: natji mitogoei osgiltjig (Pi. Met.) Transliteration: najimittugwei ugsiljig (Pi. Met.) Source as entry: naji mitogoei Normalized source as entry: najimittugwei
Related entries for category "social"
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- amassuat : act foolish
- amatpesmat : act foolishly
- amiet : silly / foolish / becoming mentally ill
- amsala'latl : do something wrong to / do something incorrect to
- amsalapuguet : say something wrong / say something incorrect
- amsalimatl : insult / say something to irritate someone / mislead
- ango'tg : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise
- angua'latl : give additional amount / give extra
- angua'taqan : supplement / extra / something extra / a little extra
- apigsigtuatl : forgive / pardon / overlook offense
- emittugwalatl : keep company / visit
- emittugwatg : visits it
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- gtigiewuti : drunkenness
- lnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- majiaqa'latl : scold
- maligmatl : mock / tease
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- mawiejig : gather together / congregate
- najimittugwet : going to visit
- nijipjulatl : encourage
- nimji'muatl : encourage / support / agree with
- nnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- nujigeluet : matchmaker
- salite'wit : collecting for charity
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- tpi'tnewei : distribution / welfare
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