Translation: Steamboat
Part of Speech: noun inanimate
- steamboat
- steamship
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Pugtewu'lgw na apjiw pipugweg ta'n tujiw oqwa'q .Translation: A steamship always blows it's horn when it is coming in (to port).Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: buk·te·wuulkw
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- pugtewu'lgul -- steamboats -- (plural)
Related entries for category "boat"
- gisigu'lgw : old canoe or boat
- glpisun : anchor
- gwitn : canoe
- gwitna'q : go by canoe
- ji'matg : paddle / row
- ji'met : row / paddle
- jigalugg : paddle alone or singlehandedly / pole alone or singlehandedly
- lapugwan : three masted sailing ship
- nipaqteget : sails at night
- nipisugwit : canoes by night / paddles small boat at night
- oqwasa'toq : beach (canoe) / pull up on the shore
- paltaqan : gunwale (of boat) / trim (door, window, baseboard, crown molding)
- pemji'malatl : paddle along / row along
- pemji'matg : paddle along / row along
- pemji'met : paddle along / row along
- pepg'pa'q : shallow (vessel) / shallow draft (canoe, boat)
- pigaqan : Rib of a canoe and ship. / Rib of a basket.
- poqtamgwe'get : start off poling (in boat)
- poqtisugwit : start off by boat / begin or start paddling
- pugtewu'lgw : steamboat / steamship
- salpo'l : sailboat / ship
- salpolgu'j : small sailboat
- segi'gn : sail
- sewtaqa'taqan : barge / raft / trailer
- sno'pi : stern paddle / steering paddle / sculling oar
- tmigalaw : rib of ship
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar
- we'gwamgwe'get : pole (boat) to a certain spot
- we'gwiji'met : paddle or row until...
- wejgwigwitna'q : come by canoe
- wejgwina'taqamisugwit : paddle to shore
- wejgwisugwit : come paddling or rowing / come by water
- wejgwisugwit : come rowing or paddling toward
- welipot : rowboat
- witua'tijig : partners in boat (used in guiding)
Related entries for category "transportation"
- aqam : snowshoe
- asoqo'mutaqan : ferry / boat
- asoqomm'taqan : ferry / boat
- awti : road / trail
- awti'j : path / trail
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee
- egsitpu'gwewulgw : morning train, boat, etc. / morning vessel
- ejigla'latl : take away
- ejigla'toq : take away
- ejigliwsit : move away / change place of residence
- elatejimatl : drag toward / pull toward
- elatejitoq : drag over / drag toward / pull to
- elteja'latl : take by vehicle toward
- elteja'toq : take by vehicle toward
- ewjo'lajig : transport
- ewjo'toqol : transport
- ga's : train
- galiulg : sleigh
- gwitn : canoe
- gwitna'q : go by canoe
- iga'q : arrive
- iga't : arrive
- lapugwan : three masted sailing ship
- lasguaw : snowshoe
- maqigtulit : have a big boat
- mllawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore
- mnnawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore
- nutateji'putasit : passenger / person who takes a cab / passenger
- pangeji'j : pung / horse drawn winter sleigh on runners / sleigh
- pejo'laji : bring them / haul or deliver them
- pejo'toql : brings them / haul or deliver in bulk
- pemijajigisugwit : paddle along the shore
- pemiji'met : paddle along / row along
- petgnejig : arrive at destination
- poqjigwitna'q : start off by canoe / goes by canoe
- poqtamgwe'get : start off poling (in boat)
- poqtisugwit : start off by boat / begin or start paddling
- pugtewu'lgw : steamboat / steamship
- puljain : train
- puljainawti : railroad track
- qa'sgwit : gallop
- siawa'latl : keeps on going with / continue with
- sngatigna'taqan : raft (of logs)
- sngatigna'teget : work on boom / boom
- tepa'sit : get on / get aboard
- tepa'toq : put aboard / put it on something
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar
- ugtul : boat / vehicle / car
- ugtulit : has a vehicle / has a boat
- weiteja'latl : drive from / test·drive
- weiteja'toq : drive from / test·drive
- wejgwa'latl : bring or come with
- wejgwaqteget : come sailing toward
- wejgwigwitna'q : come by canoe