Translation: He/she clears a roadPart of Speech: verb animate intransitiveMeanings:- make road
- clear path
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Awtigetmnej tajigo'ti.Translation: Let us make a path towards health.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: aw路ti路getAlternate Grammatical Forms:- awtigei -- I make a road -- (first person singular animate)
- atigeieg -- We make a road -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- atig'tieg -- We make a road -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Translation: He/she charges a feePart of Speech: verb animate intransitiveMeanings:- charge fee
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Ms't goqwei awtigetas'g gjigang elien.Translation: There's a fee for everything when you go to the city.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: aw路ti路getAlternate Grammatical Forms:- awtigei -- I charge a fee -- (first person singular animate)
- atigeieg -- We charge a fee -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- atig'tieg -- We charge a fee -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "travel"
- ala'suinu : traveler
- alaqsing : fly around / flying
- apja'sit : gone for good / unable to return
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee
- ejigla'sit : go away
- ejigliwsit : move away / change place of residence
- ela'latl : take or bring toward / take to / bring to
- elaqsing : fly toward / flying to
- elasumteget : wade through the snow towards...
- elateja'sit : scoot over / go over quickly / walk over quickly / rush toward
- eli'pit : rush toward
- eliaq : goes
- eliet : goes
- elisugwit : paddle toward
- elqwanig : direction / heading / bearing
- elqwanit : direction / heading / bearing
- elteja'toq : take by vehicle toward
- eluggwalatl : follow to / follow toward
- eluggwatg : follow to / follow toward
- enm'gate'pit : trot onward or home / scoot onward or home / beat it home
- enmateja'latl : convey onward / drive home (in vehicle)
- enmiet : goes home / goes onward
- gasgawgtig : at roadside
- gegwi'pit : run slowly / goes slowly
- gesgijaqsing : fly over
- gesgma'latl : take by shortcut / bring by shortest route
- gesgma'sit : take shortcut
- gesgma'toq : take or bring by shortest route / take it on a shortcut
- gesgmteg : shortcut
- getu'nmiet : want to go home / intend to go home
- giwto'qa'sit : circle / turn around / go around
- gutana'sit : go to town / go to east end (of Listuguj) / go up mission (Listuguj)
- iga'q : arrive
- iga't : arrive
- lnuipi : native paddle
- maqamigewa'sit : go by land
- metuatqeg : hard going (through thicket)
- mgatawti : footpath
- na'ploqqatijig : go single file / follow one another in straight line
- naqs'tesg'g : makes the distance in a short time / travels quickly
- naqsipgising : arrive early / arrive ahead of time
- natawa'q : know how to swim
- nipa'sit : travel at night / take an overnight trip
- nipetesg'g : journey by night to destination / travel by night to destination
- nutatesg'g : have not reached destination
- oqwa'q : arrive / land / dock
- oqwa't : arrive / land / dock
- papga'latl : take down the coast
- papga'sit : goes down the coast / goes down river
- papga'toq : take down the coast / take down river
- pegising : arrive / get there
- pegittoq : is taking a long time to return / is taking a long time
- peigwaqatg : stay here and there / live all over
- pejila'sit : arrive unannounced or unexpectedly or by surprise
- pemgwi't'g : steer along
- petgnejig : arrive at destination
- pi'tawa'toq : take it up river / take up the coast
- poqtamga'latl : carry away or take along
- poqtamga'sit : set off on journey
- poqtamga'toq : carry away or take along
- pusig : depart (vessal) / embark
- pusit : depart / embark
- siawa'sit : keep on going / continue
- te'sipowa'q : go by a horse / travel by horse
- uggwatawti : footpath
- we'gwiji'met : paddle or row until...
- weiteja'latl : drive from / test路drive
- weiteja'toq : drive from / test路drive
- wejgwaqteget : come sailing toward
- wejgwatejimgwet : come riding on or in
- wejgwimaqamigewa'sit : Coming by land. / Coming over land.
- wejiet : come from there / return from
- wesg'g : goes via that path, road / travel along designated path
- wije'w'g : go with / accompany
- wije'watl : accompany / go with
- wije'wet : tag along / accompany
- wisqipgising : arrive suddenly
Related entries for category "transportation"
- aqam : snowshoe
- asoqo'mutaqan : ferry / boat
- asoqomm'taqan : ferry / boat
- awti : road / trail
- awti'j : path / trail
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee
- egsitpu'gwewulgw : morning train, boat, etc. / morning vessel
- ejigla'latl : take away
- ejigla'toq : take away
- ejigliwsit : move away / change place of residence
- elatejimatl : drag toward / pull toward
- elatejitoq : drag over / drag toward / pull to
- elteja'latl : take by vehicle toward
- elteja'toq : take by vehicle toward
- ewjo'lajig : transport
- ewjo'toqol : transport
- ga's : train
- galiulg : sleigh
- gwitn : canoe
- gwitna'q : go by canoe
- iga'q : arrive
- iga't : arrive
- lapugwan : three masted sailing ship
- lasguaw : snowshoe
- maqigtulit : have a big boat
- mllawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore
- mnnawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore
- nutateji'putasit : passenger / person who takes a cab / passenger
- pangeji'j : pung / horse drawn winter sleigh on runners / sleigh
- pejo'laji : bring them / haul or deliver them
- pejo'toql : brings them / haul or deliver in bulk
- pemijajigisugwit : paddle along the shore
- pemiji'met : paddle along / row along
- petgnejig : arrive at destination
- poqjigwitna'q : start off by canoe / goes by canoe
- poqtamgwe'get : start off poling (in boat)
- poqtisugwit : start off by boat / begin or start paddling
- pugtewu'lgw : steamboat / steamship
- puljain : train
- puljainawti : railroad track
- qa'sgwit : gallop
- siawa'latl : keeps on going with / continue with
- sngatigna'taqan : raft (of logs)
- sngatigna'teget : work on boom / boom
- tepa'sit : get on / get aboard
- tepa'toq : put aboard / put it on something
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar
- ugtul : boat / vehicle / car
- ugtulit : has a vehicle / has a boat
- weiteja'latl : drive from / test路drive
- weiteja'toq : drive from / test路drive
- wejgwa'latl : bring or come with
- wejgwaqteget : come sailing toward
- wejgwigwitna'q : come by canoe
Related entries for category "value"
- ajiglu'lg : better than
- ajiglu'sit : better than
- ajipugwenn'g : have much more than
- ajipugwennaji : have much more than
- ajiwinjig : worse
- ajiwinjit : worse
- alua'latl : find unsatisfactory
- alua'toq : find unsatisfactory
- aluamatl : find unsatisfactory in appearance / find unattractive
- aluapt'g : find the appearance unsatisfactory / find unattractive
- amiglu'lg : sort of good / somewhat good
- amiglu'sit : sort of good / so路so / somewhat precious
- amsala's'g : go wrong
- amsala'sit : do wrong / go wrong
- amsaliaq : go wrong
- anawtig : cheap in price / inexpensive
- anawtit : not paid much / cheap in price / inexpensive
- apangimatl : pay the cost
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost
- eltoq : make / build / earn
- ganie'wit : profit / gain / win / earn / gain weight
- gegnu'lugwet : work properly
- gegnu'telg : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately
- gegnu'teluatl : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately / shoot accurately / shoot in the right place
- gelo'tg : guard / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping
- gelu'lg : good / nice
- gelu'si'ji'jit : very small and somewhat good
- gelu'sit : good / nice
- gesatg : like / enjoys / love
- gesgelmatl : hold dearly / reluctant to part with
- gesgelt'g : hold dearly / reluctant to part with
- gi'wajiaq : honest / fact / true / so
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually
- gs'geltaqan : valued and protected / precious / someone held dear / something animate held dear / something held dear
- gs'geltaqan : valued and protected / precious / someone held dear / something animate held dear / something held dear
- gsite'taqan : someone cherished or valued / someone precious / something cherished or valued / something precious
- gsite'taqan : someone cherished or valued / someone precious / something cherished or valued / something precious
- gsnqo'qon : foolishness / silly / pointless
- gsnqo'weiei : foolish thing / useless object / worthless object
- jaqalte'g : earn quickly / gather quickly / chop quickly
- logowit : fortunate / lucky
- magasan : store
- magasana'sit : go to a store
- magasano'guom : store / store house
- maw_winjig : very bad
- maw_winjit : very bad / worse
- mawiglu'sit : very good
- mawiglulg : very good
- me'gusit : overcharges for labour / overcharges for service / charge a high price for labour
- mego'tig : expensive
- mego'tit : expensive
- menaqajewei : rightfully / by rights! (exclamation) / right or correct one / right or correct one
- metla'saigl : ten dollars
- milesit : rich
- mujgajewei : the best!
- natangu'sit : go peddling / go selling
- natanguat : go shopping
- nattelg : go to purchase / go to buy
- natteluatl : go to buy / go to purchase
- netuisgalatl : sell for money
- netuisget : sells / salesperson
- netuisgetoq : sell
- netuisgewatl : sell for
- netutmat : ask for money owed
- newtaig : one dollar / dollar bill / dollar coin
- nutawtugwet : short of (money)
- pajijiglulg : extremely good or nice / best
- pegwatelg : buy / purchase
- pegwateliget : purchase / buy
- pegwateluatl : buy / purchase
- pusgigsatg'p : used to like
- suliewei : money / silver
- sulieweie'galatl : exploit for money / over charge someone
- sulieweie'gatg : exploit for money / over charge / milk the job
- sumalgi : copper / penny
- talawtig : what is the cost?
- talawtit : what is the cost?
- tapuaigewei : two路dollar bill / toonie
- tapuaigl : two dollars
- telawtig : worth so much / cost
- telawtit : worth so much / cost
- temipia'st : fifty cents / half a dollar
- tepawtig : worth price
- tepawtit : worth price
- tetapu'teg : correct / proper
- tettuatl : owe
- tettuet : owe / in debt
- tlansu : twenty路five cents / quarter
- wejgwapesit : something that one has a right to
- welawtig : good or reasonable price
- welawtit : make good wages / good or reasonable price
- wellu'alatl : praise
- wellu'atg : praise
- wesama'muatl : overcharge
- wesamglu'lg : too good
- wisawsuliewei : gold