Translation: So
Part of Speech: particle
- so
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Toqo, teliaq na?Translation: So, is that true?Recording: Recording by ewm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: do·hgo
Related entries for category "not classified"
- a't : that
- aij : lost for right word / pausing to think
- aitetapu : as it happens / just so happens / happenstance
- ala'_tett : way over there
- alt : some
- amuj : yes (in contradicting negative statement) / necessarily so / must be
- amujpa : must / have to / necessary
- app : again / repeat
- app_igtig : another
- aq : and
- assma : right at / exactly / just right
- awna : instead
- e'e : yes
- elg : too / also
- eta : so / thus / therefore / it is (thus) / indeed / truly / this way (affirmation) / like this (affirmation) / like that (affirmation) / like so (affirmation)
- etna : well! / well then! / okay then!
- etug : perhaps / should?
- etugjel : maybe / perhaps
- gatu : but / however / for instance / what about? / what if? / in spite of
- getletug : certainly / without doubt / absolutely
- getlewei : truly
- getloqo : that is right / for certain
- gi'gaj : still / in spite of / yet
- gi's : completed action / already happened
- gijga'jijg : little bit
- gimu'tug : somewhat / a bit / sort of / stealthfully
- gisna : or / or else
- glaman : so / therefore / thus
- i'nes : it seems / probably / it could be
- igtig : other / another / other thing
- igtig : other / another / other thing
- je_mu : not even / not quite
- jel : also / and
- jgi'n : Well! / Indeed!
- jiptug : perhaps / maybe / unless / hopefully
- lne's : it seems / probably / it could be
- lnim : besides / too / very / even
- lpa : really! (emphatic particle) / completely! / totally!
- lpa_mu : not even (takes negative verb form)
- ma'muniw : much / very
- meluijoqo : seriously! / honestly!
- ms't : all / every
- mu_nnim : not too much / not very good / not impressive
- muta : because
- na : that / so there / there / it is thus
- na_tmg : first / first of all / the beginning
- na'te'l : over there / there
- nat_goqwei : something
- ne'gaw : all the time / always / all along
- neget : those
- negla : those / that
- oqo : because / thus / so
- pisuiw : vainly, in vain / for no reason / for free / for nothing
- pjili'w : especially / partiularly / mostly / first and foremost
- ta'n_goqwei : something / what it is / that which / whatever
- ta'n_pa_tegen : any one / either one
- ta'n_te's : every time / each time
- taqatu : anyway / even so
- tlia' : even if
- to'q : expression in disbelief / it is said
- toqo : so
- toqojiw : and then
- toqqatua : in spite of
- u't : this
- ugjit : for / because
- ula : this / here
- weget : these
- wegla : these
- wijei : same / same