Translation: DistributionPart of Speech: noun inanimateMeanings:- distribution
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Tepgiso'tu na aligal, tpi'tnewe'l na.Translation: Put those clothes aside they are for distribution.Recording: Recording by ewm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: 锚t路pii路d锚路ne路wey2.
Translation: WelfarePart of Speech: noun inanimateMeanings:- welfare
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Goqwei ugjit mu' ginu mesnmug wijei te's'g tpi'tnewei.Translation: Why don't we each get the same amount of welfare.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: 锚t路pii路d锚路ne路wey
Related entries for category "arrange"
- alamg'pit : scattered about
- alamg'teg : scattered about
- el'tqo'latl : coil (rope)
- elamgo'lajig : pile / play solitaire
- elamgo'toql : piles things / stacks things
- eloqwa'latl : lay down
- eloqwa'toq : lay down
- enaqet : spread spruce boughs
- esintesg'g : pack down / stamp down
- esintesguaji : pack down / stamp down
- ge'gupa'latl : put on top / place atop
- gegnua'latl : do correctly or properly
- gmu'j : stick / wood / piece of lumber / pile of lumber
- ilamgo'tasit : piles objects in organized fashion / piles wood
- ilanqa'latl : fold
- ilanqa'toq : fold
- ilanqo'tasit : folding / folding bedding / folding clothing
- mawamg'pijig : piled together
- mawamg'tegl : piled together
- mawamgo'toqol : pile or stack together
- nangwe'get : card (moose hair or wool) / pick through hair to remove (burdocks)
- nasgwa'tatijig : share evenly
- pepg'ja'toq : flatten / thin out
- pi'snalatl : pack (pipe) with tobacco
- pi'snsit : pack pipe
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread
- sina'toq : pack down (make more room) / compact it
- sintestoq : drinks it in one gulp / pack down or compact something inside a container
- tepgisa'latl : separate from / set aside
- tepo'tasit : load up / pile on / put in
- tpi'tnewei : distribution / welfare
Related entries for category "social"
- ajipjulatl : encourage
- ajipjutoq : encourage (lifestyle) / encourage (virtue) / encourage (behaviour)
- alo'tasit : hint / insult / throw
- amassit : silly / foolish
- amassuat : act foolish
- amatpesmat : act foolishly
- amiet : silly / foolish / becoming mentally ill
- amsala'latl : do something wrong to / do something incorrect to
- amsalapuguet : say something wrong / say something incorrect
- amsalimatl : insult / say something to irritate someone / mislead
- ango'tg : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise
- angua'latl : give additional amount / give extra
- angua'taqan : supplement / extra / something extra / a little extra
- apigsigtuatl : forgive / pardon / overlook offense
- emittugwalatl : keep company / visit
- emittugwatg : visits it
- emittugwet : visit
- espe'g : important / high in rank / important / high in rank
- gjiaplue'w : rascal
- glusgapewit : fib / tell lies / tell tall tales
- gtigiewinuj : drunkard
- gtigiewuti : drunkenness
- lnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- majiaqa'latl : scold
- maligmatl : mock / tease
- mawia'tijig : gather / swarm (as bees)
- mawiejig : gather together / congregate
- najimittugwet : going to visit
- nijipjulatl : encourage
- nimji'muatl : encourage / support / agree with
- nnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- nujigeluet : matchmaker
- salite'wit : collecting for charity
- tpi'tnewaqan : goods for sharing / goods for distribution / goods for relief / relief / welfare
- tpi'tnewaqan : goods for sharing / goods for distribution / goods for relief / relief / welfare
- tpi'tnewei : distribution / welfare
- wisqatesguatl : drops in on someone suddenly and unexpectedly / take by surprise