Translation: His/her grandmother
Part of Speech: noun animate
- grandmother
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ula epit nugumijaq ugnapui'gignml.Translation: Here's a photograph of my grandmother.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: u路gu路mi路j锚l
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- nugumij -- my grandmother -- (1(3))
- nugumijinen -- our(x) grandmother -- (1x(3))
- ugumijual -- their grandmother -- (3p(4))
Related entries for category "kinship"
- elatijig : resemble one another
- gigjagumatl : closely related to
- giju' : mother / mom
- gneg_wetagutijig : distant relatives or relations
- gwi's : son / boy / little brother
- gwitji'j : son / sonny
- lu'sue'sgwewit : is a daughter路in路law
- lu'suesgwewa'sit : perform duties of prospective daughter路in路law / become a prospective daughter路in路law / become a daughter路in路law
- lu'sugwewa'sit : becomes a son路in路law
- mtesan : youngest child born in a family / youngest born / last born child
- nemijgami' : grampa / grandfather (term of respect for old man)
- nmi' : grandmother / granny / term of affection for grandmother
- nsugwi' : aunty!
- nugumi : granny! / grammie!
- pitu'nmijgamij : great路grandfather
- pitu'nugumij : great路grandmother
- pitu'nuji'j : great路grandchild
- ta'ta : daddy! (baby talk)
- tata't : father! / dad
- telagumatl : related to someone as such / thus related to someone / related to someone in this way
- telagutijig : related as such to each other / thus related to each other / related to each other in this way
- tepqatg : married
- tewitpaqatg : married out (off the community)
- tewmalie'wit : marry out / marry someone from outside of the community
- toqonasit : live common路law
- uggwe'ji'jl : younger sister
- uggwijewigtug : maternal side
- uggwisit : have son
- uggwisl : son
- uggwitl : mother
- ugji'nmuml : husband
- ugjignaml : younger brother
- ugjigsu'g : family
- ugjiljl : father-in-law
- ugjugwi'jijl : mother-in-law
- ugsisl : older brother
- ugsml : niece
- ugsugwisl : aunt
- ugte'piteml : wife
- ugtlamugsisl : uncle
- ugtlu'sue'sgwul : daughter-in-law
- ugtlu'sugul : son-in-law
- ugtusl : daughter
- ugtutem : clan / totem
- ugumijl : grandmother
- uji'jl : grandchild
- ujjewigtug : on his/her father's side / from his/her father's side / on paternal side
- ujjewit : father
- ujjit : have father
- ujjl : father
- ulugsl : nephew
- umaqtaml : brother in law (for male speaker) / sister in law (for female speaker)
- umijgamijl : grandfather
- umisit : have older sister
- umisl : older sister
- umtesann : last born
- ungi'gug : parents
- ungi'gul : parent / ancestor
- unjann : child
- wettaqia'tijig : share common descent
- wettaqiet : descendant of / related
- wigmaq : family / relative
- wijig'tijig : siblings / related as brothers and/or sisters
- wijigumatl : sibling to / have sibling, brother or sister
- wo'gumal : cousin / relative
- wo'gumatijig : related (as kin)