Translation: It (tree) grows well
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- grow well
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Weligwet na miti'ji'j iga'taqalg'p.Translation: That little tree I planted is growing well.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: we·li·gwet
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- weligwejig -- They grow well -- (third person plural animate)
Related entries for category "grow"
- essit : ripe
- etteg : ripe
- gisigweng : full-grown / raise / rear
- maligweg : grow at a slow pace / weak growth / feeble growth
- maligwet : grow at a slow pace / stunted growth / undersized growth / feeble growth
- menigwet : grow off
- musigungete'get : weed / cultivate
- nigweg : grow
- nigweng : grow / raise
- nigwet : grow
- pijigweg : grow inward / ingrown
- pijigwet : grows inward / ingrown
- wasueg : flower / blossom / blossom / bloom / flower
- weligweg : grow well
- weligwet : grow well