Translation: It is ripe
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- ripe
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Wesamiessit ula tmato's.Translation: This tomato is too ripe.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: es·sit
Related entries for category "food"
- ajioqjemin : blackberry
- ajioqjeminaqsi : blackberry bush
- alawei : pea
- aloqoman : grape
- alu'saq : lean meat / lean tissue
- amalo'qoman : fruit
- amalo'qomanaqsi : fruit tree
- amjaqamat : spread on / smear
- amjaqamuatl : spreads something for him/her / smeers something for him/her
- amqwan : spoon
- amqwanji'j : spoon
- apita'taqan : baking powder / baking soda / rising agent / yeast / leavening
- apjelmultimgewei : grain of rice
- aptaqanet : starve
- atuomgomin : strawberry
- e's : clam
- egsitpu'gowei : breakfast / item pertaining to morning / event pertaining to morning
- egsitpu'gwatalmgewei : item for breakfast / food for breakfast
- egsitpugwatalg : eat breakfast
- ejgujg : squash / pumpkin
- ela'muet : ladle out / dish out the food
- elanqaiejit : stomach wall of a cow / tripe
- elm'joqteg : spread of food / setout (as table)
- elusgnawet : knead dough
- emegwatalg : eat disgusting food / eat in a disgusting manner / messy eater
- emtesgatalg : fussy eater / eat fussily / finicky eater
- enmapejit : carrot
- epistamit : using a piece of food dipped in milk, syrup, or broth and eating it / sop up (with bread)
- esg'patl : eat raw
- esg'tamit : eat raw food
- esg'tg : eat raw
- esg'tmm'gewei : cucumber / something to be eaten raw
- esge'g : raw / uncooked
- esmatl : feed
- essit : ripe
- etlapu'teg : brew
- etlatalg : eat
- etloqs'g : cook / bake
- etteg : ripe
- g's'talg : finished eating
- galgunawei : hard cookie / hardtack / biscuit
- gaqpesaw : smelt
- gastio'mi : molasses / syrup
- gastio’mio’q : molasses container / syrup container
- getma'tl : finish food / clean out of food / not leave any food
- getupatl : want to eat / want to taste
- getutg : want to eat / want to taste
- gewising : hungry
- gi'gassmatl : forcefeed / forcefully give food
- glitaw : strawberry / red raspberry (Nova Scotia and parts of New Brunswick) / berry
- glumg : wheat grain
- gmu'jmin : raspberry
- go'gomin : thornberry / hawthorn berry
- gulgwi'su'mi : lard / pork fat
- gulgwi'suei : pork
- gutapigwalatl : desalinate / desalt (by soaking in several changes of water)
- gutapigwatg : desalinate / desalt by soaking in several changes of water
- gweltanat : feast
- jigpatl : eat all / consume all
- jigt'g : eat all of / finish consuming
- jijjawignej : raisin
- laglem : cream
- lamuaw : yolk / egg yolk
- lapilas : flax seed
- lasiet : plate
- lasup : soup
- lasupe'ji'j : savory / summer savory
- lgetu : mushroom
- lgetue'get : gather mushrooms
- loqte'gniget : trap / set traps
- lusgnign : bannock / dough / biscuit
- ma'susi : fern / fiddlehead
- malatalg : eat little / eat poorly / eat inadequately
- malipqwanj : hazelnut
- malqomatl : eat
- malqutg : eat
- masgwe'siman : pin cherry
- matnugtesgewei : head cheese
- matu'patl : eat scraps / eat a bit of
- matu't'g : eat a bit of / eat leftovers of
- matuatalg : eat a little / snack / eat marginally
- matuesuei : porcupine meat
- megetg : eat plenty of / eat in abundance
- megetgl : eat plenty of / eat in abundance
- megwe'jit : beet
- mesa'toq : swallow / swallow slowly
- meseget : swallow quickly
- mespatl : tasted / tasted by eating / savored
- mest'g : taste / get a taste of
- metewatalg : makes a sound when eating
- mewisit : pick berries
- mewlia'gowei : dinner (noon meal) / lunch time meal / noon meal
- migwije'maqan : table fork
- mijipjewei : food
- mijjit : eat
- mijjuaqan : meal
- miloqs'g : cook in different ways
- miloqsatl : cook in different ways
- miloqsawet : bake variety of pastry / make desserts / make sweets
- mima'gwa'taqan : used for greasing / greaser (for pan)
- mimei : oil / grease
- minijg : berry / fruit / nut
- minuoqsatl : recook
- mlagejg : milk
- mlageju'mi : butter
- mlagejua'tat : add milk (to tea, coffee or drink)
- mlagejuo'q : milk container / milk bottle / milk pitcher
- moqopa'q : wine
- msaqa'gw : crust of bread / bark
- musgwatg : lick
- nespatalg : eat while otherwise occupied
- netugulimg : provisioning (time)
- netugulit : get provisions / provide
- nipatalg : eat at night
- nipi'l : cabbage
- o'platalg : eat improperly
- p'tew : broth
- p'tewei : tea
- p'teweie'mat : have tea break / take tea
- pa'le'we'l : barley
- papawei : horse bean / broad bean / fava bean
- pasgoqsign : jam
- passoqsatl : thicken by boiling / thicken by cooking
- pejuei : codfish meat
- pematalg : eat on the go
- pesgwatalg : graze (as cow or horse)
- pestmat : starve
- pestmo'qon : starvation
- petaqan : pie
- petaqanji'j : tart / small pie
- pewaqs'te'get : thrash (of wheat, grain etc.)
- pgu : gum / pitch / fudge
- pguman : blueberry
- pgumanapu : blueberry juice
- pgumane'get : go to get(pick) blueberries
- pgwejijg : cinnamon
- piesgmin : corn
- piliman : new potato
- pilse'g : numb / unsalted / under-salted / unsalted / under-salted
- pipnaqan : bread
- pipnaqane'ji'j : caraway seed
- pipnaqsign : piece of bread / slice of bread
- pipnaqsignji'j : small piece of bread
- pisoqotalg : eat much / eat alot / has good appetite
- pistamit : sop up (e.g., gravy, molasses) with bread
- pistamun : dip / bread spread or sop (fat, molasses, etc.)
- pitlanji'j : string bean
- piwtign : peeling (of fruit or vegetable)
- poggwitewei : buckwheat pancakes
- poqwa'lamgewei : choke cherry
- psa'mun : brisket
- pse's's : onion
- puggwana'latl : smoke (fish, etc.)
- puggwana'tasit_nme'j : smoked fish
- puggwana'teget : smoke (food)
- puggwana'toq : smoke (fish, etc.)
- puggwanaw : smoked food (e.g. fish or meat)
- punatalg : stop eating
- pusgialigs'ta'gwet : frequently visits at meal-time for free meals
- qasgwatalg : eat a little at a time / snack
- s'gepn : wild potato / ground nut / Indian potato
- salawa'tat : add salt
- salawa'toq : put/sprinkle salt on
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- salawei : salt
- saqamu'guet : chew (gum)
- sasqale's : scallop
- seggw : sweet / sweet
- seggwewei : sweetener
- sewa'tat : sweeten his/her food / sweeten his/her drink
- sewl'g : sour / sour
- sewl'g : sour / sour
- sewlugowei : rhubarb
- sgmugualaw : spruce gum
- sigupaqte'gn : buttermilk
- sisla'gwa'taqan : fry bread / pancake (fried cake)
- sismo'qon : sugar / maple sugar
- sismo'qonima'q : tastes sweet / tastes like sugar / smells like sugar / sweet (Bear River)
- so'gwistaqan : yeast
- soqpatl : chew
- suitis : candy
- tap'tan : potato
- te'pisewa'tat : add pepper to one's food
- te'pisewei : pepper
- te'plma'sewei : cheese
- telpatl : eat or gnaw on in such a way
- telt'g : eat in such a way / gnaw on
- tewatalg : eat out / eat in restaurant
- tia'mu'mi : moose fat or tallow
- tia'muei : moose meat
- tuli'jeweie'l : rice
- usgun : liver
- wa'w : egg
- wape'jg : flour
- wapusuei : rabbit meat
- wasapeglaw : spruce gum
- wela'gowei : supper
- weloqotalg : eat supper / have supper
- welpistamit : have good lunch (on bread dipped with molasses, syrup, broth, milk etc.)
- weltamit : eat well / good·eating
- wenju's'gapun : turnip
- wenju'su'n : apple
- wenju'su'napu : apple juice / apple cider
- wenjua'p'tew : pea soup
- wesamatalg : overeat
- wesamla'muatl : overload (someone's) plate
- wesamoqs'g : overcook
- wesamoqsatl : overcook
- wesamoqteg : overcooked
- wetaqama'sit : eat (archaic) / snack
- wetpatl : taste
- wett'g : wind blowing from such direction / taste
- wi'gatignipgw : lettuce
- wi'n : marrow
- wigamig : lean (Nova Scotia)
- wigapu'g : taste good
- wigapugsit : taste good
- wigew : fat (animal) / lardon
- wigpatl : like taste of
- wigt'g : like taste of
- wigun : bean
- wilu : food / provisions
- winisqi : tripe
- wisqeg : bitter
- wiu'ji'j : small piece of meat
- wius : meat
Related entries for category "state"
- a'qatapit : half intoxicated / somewhat intoxicated
- amins'tue'g : somewhat rational / partly sane
- amjepit : tipsy
- amjimoqpit : stuck
- amjimoqteg : stuck
- amjimoqtesg : caught and stuck
- amjimoqtesing : caught and stuck
- amjimoqwa'latl : stuck inside of hole (pipe) / stuck and laying down
- amjimoqwa'sit : stuck / unable to move
- amjimoqwa'toq : cause to be stuck
- an'stawe'g : delicate / fragile
- an'stawpit : unsafe position
- an'stawteg : unsafe / unsafe position
- aptaqatg : stay permanently
- aptlamig : stuffy / suffocate
- aptlamsing : lose breath (in gale)
- aqatatpa't : half·witted
- awialusing : encircled with halo
- esge'g : raw / uncooked
- esgig : green / not dryed(firewood) / uncured
- esgit : green(of foliage) / uncured
- esgmoqon : slime
- esma'teg : neat and tidy
- espulqeg : deep hole
- essit : ripe
- etteg : ripe
- ewe'g'pit : loose
- ewe'g'teg : loose
- ewle'jg : poor / poor condition
- ewle'jit : unfortunate / needy / poor / poor condition
- ewle'juaqan : poverty / hard times
- ewnasgwatpetesing : dazed from a fall / confused from a head injury
- ewnasgwetesing : dizzy caused by a blow or fall / dazed caused by a blow or fall / confused caused by a blow or fall / dizzy caused by a lot of head movement
- ewnasgwiet : dizzy
- ewnasiaq : gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy / confused
- gaqama's'g : stand up / become erect
- gaqama'sit : stand up
- gaqamglet : finished burning
- gaqamig : stand
- gaqapiasit : dried up / finished drying up / finished drying out / thoroughly dry
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry
- gaqg'g : wear out (clothing article)
- gaqgmat : wear out clothes
- gaqguatl : wear out (clothing article)
- gegpewisg : dew / morning dew
- gejimoqteg : is obstructing the way
- gelgwisge'g : sprained / fractured
- geljit : frozen / freeze
- gelt'g : frozen
- gepe'g : blocked / plugged (of ear or nose)
- gepjoqpit : plugged / it is closed / blocked / shut
- gepsga'latl : put to sleep
- gepsgiet : drift off to sleep
- gesaqeg : steep
- gesaqet : steep
- gesaseg : shine / shines bright / bright
- gesaset : shine / shines bright / bright
- gesateg : bright
- gesigaq : slides fast
- gesigat : slides fast
- gesipgueg : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)
- gesp'g : dull / blunt / not sharp
- gesplatl : make dull / make blunt
- getemetesultijig : all killed
- getgiet : drunk
- getmenejig : extinct / totally wiped-out through death
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home
- gisgatteg : ready / prepared
- gispneg : tired
- gispnet : tired
- gitnmat : have difficulty / have hard time
- gitnmo'tg : give a hard time
- giwto'qiet : spin / turns / get dizzy
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually
- guntewiet : turns into stone / becomes petrified
- ilta'latl : shut / close
- ilteget : shut quickly
- istue'g : different / not normal / strange / different / strange
- jenteg : quiet
- jigawepit : inactive / dull / quite
- jigaweteg : inactive / dull / boring / quiet
- jijjema'q : smell bad / stink
- jijjema't : smell bad / stink
- majo'qiaq : wobble
- majo'qiet : wobble
- mala'sit : not doing well (health) / progressing slowly
- male'g : lazy
- maltewig : bloody
- maltewit : bloody
- mawgamig : corpulent / fattest
- mawgamit : corpulent / fattest
- mejigamugsit : have dirty appearance / look dirty
- melga'latl : harden
- melgapegisg : tough and stringy
- melge'g : hard / hard
- melge'g : hard / hard
- melgiaqasit : muscular / tough
- melgigit : solidly built
- memge'g : uncultivated field / cleared fiekl
- menagwisg : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy
- menagwising : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy
- menaje'jit : frail / fragile / delicate
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff
- milesit : rich
- mimajig : alive
- mimajit : alive
- mimajuaqan : life / living
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy
- misissiaq : get raggedy
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water
- mjigei : dirt / garbage
- moqpeg : bloated / swollen
- moqpet : bloated / swollen
- musgasg'pit : protrude / stick out
- musgasg'teg : protrude / stick out
- musigapsg'sit : smooth and round
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear
- musigta's'g : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- musigta'sit : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half
- nenmue'g : damp / damp
- nenmue'g : damp / damp
- nepg : dead
- ngutei : same as / too / also / just like
- npuaqan : death
- npuinu : dead person / corpse
- nujgma't : melt / thaw
- oqoqiaq : mold / fungal growth on damp or decaying matter
- pa'ge'g : sober
- pajijipilei : newest / newer than new / newest one / newer than new
- pase'g : thick / thick
- pasgina'latl : tear or rip
- pasgina'toq : tear or rip
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn
- paspit : thick / dense / piled deep
- pasteg : thick / dense
- pegatnmat : neat / clean and tidy
- pegatteg : neat / clean and tidy
- pegeja'teget : neaten / clean
- pelsit : thick
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- sape'wig : holy / blessed
- sasqateg : flat
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread
- siguapatign : rinse (water)
- sipigpa'q : supple / flexible
- sipigpa't : supple / flexible
- sugulegaq : rotten
- sugulegat : rotten
- tegniaq : sweat
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed
- waju'et : full
- wantaqo'ti : peace
- wantaqteg : quiet
- welaqapit : slightly intoxicated / feel good (from drinking)
Related entries for category "grow"
- essit : ripe
- etteg : ripe
- gisigweng : full-grown / raise / rear
- maligweg : grow at a slow pace / weak growth / feeble growth
- maligwet : grow at a slow pace / stunted growth / undersized growth / feeble growth
- menigwet : grow off
- musigungete'get : weed / cultivate
- nigweg : grow
- nigweng : grow / raise
- nigwet : grow
- pijigweg : grow inward / ingrown
- pijigwet : grows inward / ingrown
- wasueg : flower / blossom / blossom / bloom / flower
- weligweg : grow well
- weligwet : grow well