Translation: He/she oversleeps
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- oversleep
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Wasamgusi sepei.Translation: I overslept this morning.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: we·sam·ku·sit
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- wesamgusi -- I oversleep -- (first person singular animate)
- wesamgusieg -- We oversleep -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- wesamgusultieg -- We oversleep -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "sleep"
- atlasmit : relax / rest
- atlasmu'latl : rest / allow or give rest
- atlasmu'teget : take break / take rest
- etligtugunit : spend the night / pass the night
- etu'gwesmit : rest head on
- ewnasising : lie awkwardly / lie in uncomfortable looking manner
- ewsinpat : feign sleep / pretend to sleep
- gegapniet : rises before dawn
- gepsga'latl : put to sleep
- gepsgiet : drift off to sleep
- getgunit : spend the night / sleep over
- getugsiet : drowsy
- getugsit : sleepy
- gtuguno'guom : bedroom / dormatory / hotel, motel room
- igto'sit : yawn
- ilapsg'smu'gwet : curl up and go to sleep / reposition during sleep / lie down for a nap / lie down for a rest
- ilisma'sit : change position (while lying)
- melgwisgat : nightmare / frightened (from nightmare)
- metewoqsing : heard snoring
- milgusit : have all kinds of dreams
- najinpat : go get some sleep
- najitugwa'latl : going to wake up someone
- naqsinpat : sleep easily / sleep without trouble / go to sleep early / falls asleep quickly
- nepa'ji'jit : take nap
- nepa'latl : put to sleep
- nepasma'sit : goes to lay down to sleep
- nepat : sleep / asleep
- pegitapit : stay up late
- peigwaqatg : stay here and there / live all over
- pemto'gwet : drift off (to sleep) / pass out (from drinking) / drift along (on the water)
- pepgugsit : light sleeper / easily woken up / easy to wake up
- pewat : dream
- pewiatl : dream about
- pewitaqan : dream
- pewiteget : dream
- pewitoq : dream about
- pismuti : mattress
- toqosingig : sleep together / lay together
- tugtesguatl : awaken abruptly / wake suddenly (by sudden movement) / wake suddenly (by making loud noise)
- tugwa'latl : wake up
- tugweiwatl : causes disturbed sleep / awaken repeatedly so can't sleep well / wake up gently
- tugwiet : wake up / awaken
- tugwipnnatl : wake up by repetative action
- wapinpat : sleep with eyes open
- wapnapit : stay up all night / see break of dawn
- wapngusit : sleep until dawn
- we'gwanqe'get : sleep-walk / talk while asleep
- wesamgusit : oversleep