Entries for category push
- asoqomigsma'latl : push across🔉
- asoqomigsma'toq : push across🔉
- ejigligsma'latl : push away🔉
- ejigligsma'toq : push away🔉
- ejigligsmaqalatl : shove away🔉
- ejiglta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away🔉
- ejiglte'g : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away🔉
- eligwalatl : scoop it towards / push towards🔉
- eligwatg : push it toward / pry toward🔉
- elipqamu'latl : slide toward / roll toward🔉
- elipqamu'toq : slide toward / roll toward🔉
- eliputoq : rub toward / push toward / brush toward🔉
- eloqtesmatl : fell (tree) toward / push down toward🔉
- eloqtestoq : fell (pipe) towards / push down towards🔉
- epatgwigsma'latl : push him/her against something🔉
- epatgwigsma'toq : push it(sofa) against something🔉
- esetigsma'toq : push to the side🔉
- etegjigsma'latl : push backwards🔉
- etegjigsma'toq : push backwards🔉
- gesma'latl : push🔉
- gesma'toq : push🔉
- gesmaqalatl : shove🔉
- gesmaqtoq : shove🔉
- gesmeget : shove🔉
- gesmjiegetl : shoves🔉
- gesmoqja'latl : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)🔉
- gesmoqja'toq : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)🔉
- gesmoqjeget : give a quick push / give a quick shove🔉
- gesmtesg'g : move by bumping / shove🔉
- gesmtesguatl : move by bumping🔉
- gewta'tl : knock down🔉
- jing'ja'latl : pinch / squeeze🔉
- jing'ja'toq : pinch / squeeze🔉
- munsigsma'latl : pushes persistently🔉
- munsigsma'toq : pushes persistently🔉
- munsigsmeget : persistent in shoving / persistent in pushing🔉
- naqani'get : bail / scoop out🔉
- ne'gigsma'latl : push all along the way🔉
- ne'gigsma'toq : push all along the way🔉
- niganigsma'latl : push someone ahead🔉
- niganigsma'toq : push ahead🔉
- nisigsma'latl : push down🔉
- nisigsma'toq : push down🔉
- pajijigsma'latl : push too far / push too hard🔉
- pajijigsma'toq : pushes it too far / push too hard🔉
- pasgija'latl : flatten / squeeze / run over🔉
- pasgija'toq : squeeze / flatten / run over🔉
- pegwigwalatl : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pegwigwatg : able to budge / able to pry loose🔉
- pejigu'ta'tl : knock down unintentionally🔉
- pejigu'te'g : knock it down unintentionally🔉
- pejijing'ja'latl : squeeze unintentionally / squeeze accidently / pinch unintentionally / pinch accidently🔉
- pemamgwe'get : pole along🔉
- pijigsma'latl : push into🔉
- pijigsma'toq : push in🔉
- pijigwalatl : press into(container) / squeeze into(container)🔉
- taqamoqigsma'latl : push across🔉
- taqamoqigsma'toq : push across🔉
- tewigsma'latl : push out🔉
- tewigsma'toq : push out🔉