Translation: He/she rubs him with rubbing compound
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- rub with rubbing compound
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Unjanji'tl a'megenatl.Translation: He/she rubs rubbing compound on his/her child.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: aa·me·ge·na·dêl
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- a'megen'g -- I rub him with rubbing compound -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
- a'megenul -- I rub you with rubbing compound -- (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
- a'megenit -- He/she rubs me with rubbing compound -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Related entries for category "touch"
- a'megen'g : rub with rubbing compound / massage with rubbing compound
- a'megenatl : rub with rubbing compound
- a'megensuti : massaging oil / rubbing compound
- a'megenusit : rub on self
- amipulatl : rub
- amipusit : rub it on / rub against
- amiputoq : rub
- amjaqa'latl : smeer
- amjaqa'lsit : smeer something on self
- etlapensit : feeling one's body / massage one's self
- etlipulatl : rub / stroke / pet
- etliputoq : rub / stroke / pet
- ge'gulusgwa'latl : put arms around shoulder / hug
- getapja'latl : take with bare hands
- getapja'sit : take with bare hands
- getapja'toq : take with bare hands
- gi'gligjenatl : tickle
- gi'gligsig : ticklish
- gi'gligsit : ticklish
- maliapt'g : bother / handle / mess around with
- mima'latl : grease / anoint
- mima'toq : grease / anoint
- nantunewet : feel around blindly or in the dark / feel about blindly or in the dark
- nantung : feel around for blindly or in the dark
- nawn'g : fail to reach
- nawnatl : fail to reach / missed him/her/it
- pu'talqanatl : feel inside (with hand)
- pu'talqang : feel inside (with hand)
- sama'latl : touch
- sama'toq : touch
- samta'tl : tap / touch slightly
- samte'g : tap / touch slightly
- samtesg'g : graze / brush against
- samtesguatl : graze / brush against
- sespo'tg : bother it / tampering with / meddle in
- tepn'g : reach / able to reach
- tepnatl : reach / able to reach
- wejitepnatl : try to reach (with hand)
- wejitepng : try to reach (with hand)
- welnugsig : soft and smooth
- welnugsit : soft and smooth
- wesgo'tg : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia) / process of doing
- wesgweiwatl : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia)