Translation: He/she is warmly dressed
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- warmly dressed
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Gewjiap ulagu, gatu gisu'gm gisgug.Translation: I was cold yesterday, so I'm warmly dressed today.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: gis路uu路g锚k
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- gisu'gm -- I am warmly dressed -- (first person singular animate)
- gisu'gmeg -- We are warmly dressed -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- gisu'gmu'tieg -- We are warmly dressed -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "clothing"
- a'gwesn : hat
- a'su'ngewatl : provide clothing / clothe / provide household goods
- aligew : clothing / clothes / garments
- aqam : snowshoe
- atlai : shirt
- atlaia'q : wear a shirt
- atlaimit : have a shirt
- ejaqan'jetesgmat : wear out shoe(s) on one side
- emisqatesing : strip dance / stripped quickly
- etu'gutewei : scapular
- gaqg'g : wear out (clothing article)
- gaqgmat : wear out clothes
- gaqguatl : wear out (clothing article)
- gaqtesgmat : wear out footwear
- gawiei : quill work / made of quills
- gegna'sit : dress up
- gegnesit : dressed up
- gegno'tlatl : dress / cloth
- gesm'pisit : strangely dressed / well dressed / fancily dressed
- gispisun : belt
- gispisuna'q : wear belt
- gisu'g'g : warmly dressed
- gisu'pisit : dress warmly / dress for the cold
- gisu'piso'tlatl : dress up warmly
- ilpilatl : provide clothing for / dress up / get ready for shipping
- ilpilsit : get properly dressed / redresses
- la'jijjaqan : glove
- lame'gewei : slip
- lame'geweia'q : wear slip
- lamqwan : undershirt
- lamqwana'q : wear undershirt
- lapli'signei : satin or silk material / satin or silk fabric
- laqpa'taqan : shoelace
- lasguaw : snowshoe
- m'gegn : hide / leather / skin
- ma'gn : moccasin
- ma'gna'q : wear moccasins
- magot : dress
- magota'q : wear a dress
- mapos : pocket
- mejiggumet : wear dirty clothes
- menqawet : bring in the wash (laundry)
- metaqapit : underdressed for weather (torso area) / bare chested
- metgatat : barefooted
- metgwat : hatless / bareheaded
- metpit : not wear outerwear
- mg'sn : shoe
- mg'sna'q : wear shoes
- mg'snapi : shoelace / shoestring
- mpitnei : muff (hand warmer)
- musiga'sit : undress / remove clothing
- musigo'tlatl : undress / untrim
- musuei : handkerchief / kerchief
- na'jijjaqan : glove
- nasa'latl : put on / don
- nasg'g : wear
- nasguatl : wear
- oqonoqopiso'tlatl : place hood on
- pept'sgna'sit : put on shoes and socks
- pgegn : hide (of skin)
- pijjaqan : mitten
- pijjaqana'q : wear mittens
- pisoqos'ti : button
- pita'qawe'l : trousers / pants
- pita'qaweia'q : wear pants
- pitaqsa't : long skirt / long dress / long garment
- pitqonat : wear high heel shoes / high heel shoe
- pitu'gun : hooded cape / cape (garment)
- pituega'latl : line a garment(as coat)
- piwsign : scrap of cloth / scrap of paper
- sa'l : shawl
- sa'sewgna'sit : changing clothes
- sa'wes : rain hat
- sign : stocking / sock
- signa'q : wear socks
- sigsuti : ankle length sock
- toqwaqsa't : short skirt / short dress / short garment
- ugp'ssan : sleeve
- ugpusgunei : bra / breast protector / chest protector (baseball)
- ugqotaqanigjipilaqan : scarf / necktie / neck wrapper
- ugtoqon : her dress
- umugsnn : shoe
- utapsun : clothing / essentials / belongings
- welg'g : good fit
- welg'snet : well路shoed
- welgna'q : nicely dressed
- welgnesit : well路dressed
- welguatl : fit well / good fit
- welgutat : well路dressed
- welia'su'na'q : well路dressed
- weliptesgna'q : have nice shoes on / have nice boots on
- welpisit : well路dressed
- welqwanet : wear proper clothes (for season)
- wesgit : vest
- wesgita'q : wear vest
- wetnasa'latl : try on
- wetnasa'toq : try on
- wingutat : poorly shoed / badly clothed
Related entries for category "temperature"
- amip'sit : slightly warm / somewhat warm
- amip'teg : slightly warm / somewhat warm
- amitge'g : bit cold / somewhat cold
- amitgig : bit cold / somewhat cold
- amitgit : bit cold / somewhat cold
- apu'jenatl : warm up by using body
- apu'jeng : warm up by using body
- apu's'g : warm up
- apu'satl : warm up by applying heat / warm up by using body heat
- apua'latl : thaw / warm
- apua'toq : thaw / warm
- epoqeg : slightly warm
- eppa'q : warm liquid
- eppaqsijig : warm (as in milk) / luke warm
- eppaqsit : warm liquid
- eppeteg : lukewarm liquid / lukewarm water
- eps'g : heat / warm up
- epsatl : heat / warm up
- epseweg : radiates heat / give heat
- epsewet : radiate heat / give heat
- epsimgewei : fever
- epsimgeweia'sit : becomes feverish
- epsit : feeling of hot body temperature / hot
- epsmat : keep own space hot / maintain dwelling at a high temperature / have own place at high temperature
- epteg : hot / hot temperature
- geljit : frozen / freeze
- gelt'g : frozen
- gisu'g'g : warmly dressed
- gisu'paqsijig : lukewarm (of liquid)
- gisu'piso'tlatl : dress up warmly
- gisue'g : keeps one warm / warm (clothing)
- menawjit : sensitive to cold / cold-blooded
- menawjit : sensitive to cold / cold-blooded
- mgumi : ice / icecube
- mgumi'gn : icicle
- mgumi'gnig : icy (in patches)
- mgumi'gnit : icy (in patches)
- minu'p'satl : reheat
- minu'p'sg : reheat
- newapalatl : cool off with water
- newapatoq : cool off with water
- nunmip'sit : moderately warm
- nunmip'teg : moderately warm
- pasgoqt'g : crack or split (from excessive cold)
- pasgoqteg : burst (from excessive heat) / shatter (from excessive heat)
- pemisugwit : paddle along
- pemitge'g : get cold (of weather)
- pemitgiaq : get chilly
- pemitgiet : getting cold
- poqjineweg : start to get cool / start of cool draft or breeze
- saptaqsing : cold wind passing through fabric / cold wind passing through clothing
- saptaqt'g : wind goes through it / cold goes through it / freezes through
- sesupe'g : slippery / slippery (due to weather)
- tega'latl : cool off
- tega'toq : cool off
- tegig : cold
- tegigata't : have cold feet
- tegigisg'g : chilly day
- tegiptnat : have cold hands
- tegistoq : cool
- tegit : cold
- teglo'qiaq : chilly evening
- tupig : frosted (as tree branch)
- wejaqamiet : boil
- welneweg : breezy / nice and cool (of air)
- welp'satl : warms up
- welp'sg : warm up
- welp'sit : nice and warm
- welp'smat : have well路heated house
- welp'teg : nice and warm