Translation: Wake or vigil of the dead
Part of Speech: noun inanimate
- wake of the dead
- vigil for the dead/deceased
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Nipapultimg na epituj npuinu newtitpa'q.Translation: Nipapultimg is to spend overnight at a wake.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: ni路ba路bul路timk
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- nipapultimgl -- wakes of the dead, vigils for the dead/deceased -- (plural)
Document References:
Transcription: nipapoltimg teloitemeg (Jo. 250/287), veill茅e de morts; Transliteration: nipapultimg teluitemeg (Jo. 250/287), wake of the dead; Source as entry: nipapultimg, wake of the dead Source as entry: teluitemeg, we call it thus; we say Source as entry: nipapultitesnu, we will attend/sit wake together (N. S. in the garden/outdoors) be at the vigil Normalized source as entry: nipapultimg, wake of the dead, vigil for the dead/deceased
Related entries for category "ritual"
- a'sutmaqan : prayer / religion
- a'sutmat : pray
- alame's : mass
- alame'sguimgewei : mass book
- alame'sig : mass is in process
- alame'siget : say mass / celebrate mass
- alame'sigewatl : say mass for ...
- elapalatl : splash with holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless
- elapatoq : bless using holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless
- elui'tmasuti : oath / pledge
- etu'gutewei : scapular
- gale'mewumg : Lent
- gaqama'sualatl : witness (at wedding, in court) / maid of honour (at wedding) / best man (at wedding)
- geggunawet : godparent
- gmenie'wit : receive holy communion
- gmnie'wit : take holy communion
- guljiewta'sit : crucifix / crucified
- guljiewto'sit : cross oneself
- lapaltnewei : holy water
- lapatign : holy water sprinkler
- lesqe'gn : clothes trunk / coffin / casket
- lnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass
- lnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- malie'wit : marry
- malie'wuti : marriage
- najitgo'tg : to attend service / to attend church
- nepuitewei_alame's : funeral mass
- nesgawet : console / offer condolences / join in bereavement
- nipapultimg : wake of the dead / vigil for the dead/deceased
- nipia'sutmamg : midnight mass / Christmas
- nnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass
- nnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- nujo'teget : witness / serve at mass / sheperd (in the song Nujo'taqatioq) / witness (as in a wedding) / server at mass
- pa'qapugua'latl : hear confession
- pa'qapuguatg : confess
- pa'qapuguet : confess
- pa'qapuguo'ti : confession
- pa'tlia's : priest / clergy
- pa'tlia'si'sgw : nun
- pa'tliatji'j : brother (religious)
- Pa'tligs'te'wumg : Saint Patrick's Day
- patgulme'sigaqan : altar
- pema'teget : pallbearer
- pessmgewei : holy picture or medal or crucifix
- puntalatl : cast spell on / bewitch / hex
- puntat : cast spell / bewitch / hex
- puntatg : cast spell on / bewitch / hex
- puowin : shaman / sorcerer or sorceress
- Sape'wig_Gesp'teg : Holy Saturday
- Sape'wig_Ne'wowei : Holy Thursday
- sape'winu : saint
- Se'suguli : Jesus Christ
- Se'sus : Jesus
- Se'ta'n : Saint路Anne
- Se'tane'umg : Saint路Anne's Day
- signt'g : baptize / use first time
- signtuatl : baptize / use first time
- sulming : rosary
- sune'wimg : fasting / time of fasting / fast day
- sune'wit : fast
- sunming : rosary
- t'pgwan : gravel / soil / ashes from cremation
- T'pgwantimg : Ash Wednesday
- tego'tg : attends mass / aware of / in close touch with / pays attention to
- temigale'm : mid路lent
- utqotalatl : bury
- utqotamg : burial / funeral
- utqotaqan : grave
- utqotatg : bury
- wa'so'q : heaven / the heavens
- weja'teget : get spouse from there
- welapetmuet : obtain (religious) favor